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正值隨機變數動差理論之探討林春龍, Lin, Chun-Long Unknown Date (has links)
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隨機利率下選擇權定價與避險吳庭斌 Unknown Date (has links)
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考量保險業加入國外投資之最適組合 / Incorporating Foreign Equities in Optimal Portfolio Selection for Insurers and Investors with Significant Background Risks洪莉娟, Li-Chuan Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討面臨顯著背景風險(諸如核保等風險)金融機構之投資策略,考量加入國外投資風險下,該金融機構如何決定最適動態資產配置策略,為充分反映市場風險、匯率風險及核保風險,本研究以隨機方程式描述資產價值及核保經驗之變動,並以假想之人壽保險公司作為討論對象,預估未來現金流量並建構公司財務資訊相關之隨機模型,給定最低資本限制下,於指定投資期限內達到全期淨值(盈餘)最佳效用值為目標。本文依照給定之背景風險建構隨機控制模型,利用動態規劃法求出最適資產配置。結果顯示最適投資組合將由三項要素組成:1.極小化盈餘變化之變異數之部位;2.類似於短期投資組合策略之避險部位;以及3.用以規避背景風險之避險部位。因為模型複雜性之限制,以逼近馬可夫理論之數值方法計算最適投資策略。 / This paper analyzes the optimal asset allocation for insurers and investors who are required to cope with significant background risks due to underwriting uncertainties and interest rate risks among a set of stochastic investment opportunities. In order to hedge properly the country risks due to local volatile financial market, the foreign investment opportunities are included in the optimal portfolio decision. In this study, detailed formulation using the projected cash flows of a hypothetical life insurance company and its related stochastic phenomena are constructed. The insurers are assumed to maximize the expected discounted utility of their surplus over the investment horizon under the minimal capital requirement. Our problem is formulated as a stochastic control framework. According to the optimal solution, the optimal portfolio can be characterized by three components: a hedging component minimizing the variance of the change in surplus, a hedging component familiar to myopic portfolio rule, and a risk hedging component against the background risks. Since the explicit solutions cannot be achieved due to model complexity, the Markov chain approximation methods are employed to obtain the optimal control solutions in our numerical illustration.
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隨機利率下,跨通貨投資組合選擇權之定價與避險策略 / Pricing and Hedging Cross-Currency Portfolio Option with Stochastic Interest Rates王祥安, Wang , Hsiang-An Unknown Date (has links)
在WTO成立,各國國際化程度日益提高的同時,企業與個人進行跨國投資的情形也愈來愈普遍,跨國投資除了要考慮標的資產之報酬與波動性之外,尚須考量匯率變動所產生之風險與不確定性。當某一國外資產具有正向預期報酬率的同時,實現後的報酬率卻又不一定為正,正是因為匯率波動所產生的影響。又,傳統財務理論告訴我們,藉由增加投資組合中所有非完全正相關的資產個數可以有效的降低投資組合的非系統風險,因此投資人在進行投資時往往採用建構投資組合的方式取代持有少數資產的型態。然而,在建構跨通貨避險投資組合時,若是對於投資組合中的各項資產與外幣分別進行避險(分別利用衍生性商品避險),往往是費時、費力又不具有效率。因此,對於整個投資組合進行避險反而是一個比較好的方法,當投資組合價值發生變動時,可以即時對於各項資產部位與外幣分別做調整,遠較於對個別資產進行避險來的方便、快速且有效。 / In most cases, investment is made of building a portfolio rather than single asset. Therefore, it is necessary to develop techniques of valuing portfolio derivatives. Moreover, we consider a cross-currency portfolio that account for currency and interest rate risk. As interest rate is stochastic, we use Heath-Jarrow Morton (HJM) Approach to describe its dynamics. Applying Vorst (1992); Geman, Karoui and Rochet(1995), we derive the approximated close-form of the cross-currency portfolio option.
In HJM Approach, it is difficult to acquire hedge ratios of options. We apply another method to build a hedging portfolio. Then, we perform numerical simulations to test its hedging efficiency and sensitivity with respect to different variables.
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國防經濟的成長與福利分析—隨機內生成長模型的應用李政德, Lee, Cheng-Te Unknown Date (has links)
第一篇文章為「國防支出、隨機成長與福利」,本文主要係延伸Barro (1990)、Turnovsky (1999) 與Gong and Zou (2003) 所提政府支出具生產力的概念,建構一個隨機的內生性成長模型,探討國防支出對於長期經濟成長率與福利水準的影響。我們發現國防支出與長期經濟成長率的關係是非線性的,並且得到使得長期經濟成長率最大時的最適國防支出比例。此外,我們也證明國防支出會透過兩種管道影響福利水準:第一種管道為國家安全效果,第二種管道為經濟成長效果。最後,本文首先提出國防支出波動程度對長期經濟成長率以及福利水準的衝擊會受到生產與國防支出干擾項的共變數以及代表性個人的風險偏好程度所影響。
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研究Ferguson-Dirichlet過程和條件分配族相容性之新工具 / New tools for studying the Ferguson-Dirichlet process and compatibility of a family of conditionals郭錕霖, Kuo,Kun Lin Unknown Date (has links)
透過相容性的相關理論,我們提出完整且清楚地統合性貝氏反演公式理論,並建構可應用於一般測度空間的廣義貝氏反演公式。此外,我們使用廣義貝氏反演公式提供一個配適機率密度函數的演算法,此演算法沒有疊代演算法(如Gibbs取樣法)的收斂問題。 / The univariate c-characteristic function has been shown to be important in cases that are hard to manage using the traditional characteristic function. In this thesis, we first give its inversion formulas. We then use them to obtain (1) the probability density functions (PDFs) of a linear combination of the components of a Dirichlet random vector; (2) the PDFs of random functionals of a Ferguson-Dirichlet process with some interesting parameter measures; (3) a Lebesgue integral expression of any random functional
of the Ferguson-Dirichlet process.
New properties of the multivariate c-characteristic function with a spherical distribution are given in this thesis. With them, we show that the random mean of a Ferguson-Dirichlet process over a spherical surface in n dimensions has a spherical distribution on the n-dimensional ball. Moreover, we derive its exact PDF. Furthermore, we generalize this result to any ellipsoidal surface in n-space.
We also study the issue of compatibility for specified conditional distributions. This issue is important in probability theory and Bayesian computations. Several necessary and sufficient conditions for the compatibility are provided. We also address the problem of uniqueness of the associated joint distribution when the given conditionals are compatible. In addition, we provide a method to obtain all possible joint distributions that have the given compatible conditionals. Algorithms for checking the compatibility and the uniqueness, and for constructing all associated densities are also given.
Through the related compatibility theorems, we provide a fully and cleanly unified theory of inverse Bayes formula (IBF) and construct a generalized IBF (GIBF) that is applicable in the more general measurable space. In addition, using the GIBF, we provide a marginal density fitting algorithm, which avoids the problems of convergence in iterative algorithm such as the Gibbs sampler.
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供應鏈的評價:實質選擇權分析法 / Evaluation of a supply chain:a real pptions approach王偉弘, Wang, Wei Hong Unknown Date (has links)
,我們會先介紹研究動機、目的與文獻探討,接著架構模型,據以求出於最適決策下供應鏈或公司價值的封閉解後,以比較靜態分析法分析各參數對供應鏈或公司價值的影響。第四章為總結。 / 第一篇文章為對在隨機成本下供應鏈的評價。該模型是以單一供應商、單一零售商與多個消費者組成之垂直整合的二階段序列式動態供應鏈為架構,假設市場的現貨價格為動態過程,供應商和零售商每單位商品的成本為隨現貨價格變動的隨機成本。在此模型中,供應鏈的經營者以銷售量為決策,聯合利潤最大化為目標。此外,存貨設定在零售商的一方,而零售商所持有的存貨可視為擁有一個無窮期的美式買權,當存貨出清時,如同執行一個美式買權一般,以促使利潤的實現。接著我們利用比較靜態分析法就無風險利率和現貨價格報酬率的波動度對於最適決策下所求得的供應鏈價值之影響進行分析後,得到供應鏈價值會隨著無風險利率的上升而增加,亦會隨著現貨價格報酬率波動度的提高而增加。此結論和Cortazar and Schwartz(1993)以兩階段製造產品為運作模式之公司價值就無風險利率和現貨價格報酬率的波動度進行比較靜態分析後所得到的結果一致。 / 第二篇文章為對在隨機匯率下兩階段生產之公司進行評價。此文考慮Cortazar and Schwartz(1993)的模型,在產品之製造為兩階段式生產的條件下,納入隨機匯率,用實質選擇權分析法,評價以外銷專案為標的之公司價值。我們針對模型中的參數:本國的無風險利率、以外幣計價之現貨價格報酬率波動度及匯率波動度的變化對公司價值的影響進行分析後,而得到這些參數與公司價值呈現正相關的結果。此外,因動態現貨價格與隨機匯率的相關性
,我們亦分析現貨價格和匯率的相關係數對公司價值之影響後,得到兩者正相關程度越大或是負相關程度越小時,公司價值就越大,從而體認到僅從匯率走勢的升值或貶值來判斷外銷專案價值有利與否是不夠詳盡的,還要考慮現貨價格和匯率交互影響的程度,決策者才能做出有利於外銷專案更好的決定。 / 最後,我們將此兩篇文章歸納出一些重要的結論後,接著針對本論文研究主題的未來發展方向,提出一些觀點和建議,以作一個總結。 / This text uses a real options approach to price the value of the supply chain or the company. It contains two articles
. Chapter 1 is the introduction; Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 are
the main text.In these chapters, we introduce the study motive and literature review, the model, the closed form of the supply chain or the company in the optimal operating policy, and then use comparative statics method to analyze the effect of some parameters that risk-free interest rate, volatility of the spot price, volatility of the exchange rate etc. Finally, we give a summary. / The first article is in Chapter 2. It is to price the optimal value of the two echelon sequential dynamic supply chain which is composed of one supplier, one retailer and many consumers. In this model, we assume that the spot price
of goods is a dynamic process, the costs of the per unit goods of supplier and retailer are up to the change of the spot price, the sales volume is the decision strategy, and their aim is to maximize joint profits. In this supply chain, the value of the stocks for retailer can be regarded as a perpetual American call option. Finally, we will use comparative static to examine the effect of the volatility of the spot price and risk free rate for the optimal value of the supply chain, and we obtain the same results as Cortazar and Schwartz’s (1993) optimal value of two-stage companies. / The second article is in Chapter 3. Based on the extended the Cortazar and Schwartz (1993) model, we use the Real Options Approach to price the closed form of the value of the two-stage production for a company under stochastic exchange rate. With regard to the parameters in the model: domestic risk-free interest rate, the volatility of the foreign spot price, and the volatility of the exchange rate,
we find that the domestic risk-free interest rate, volatility of the foreign spot price, and the volatility of exchange rate have positive correlated with the optimal value of the company. Moreover, due to the correlated relation between the dynamic foreign spot price and the stochastic exchange rate, we analyze the change of the coefficient of correlation between the foreign spot price and the exchange rate, and obtained the more large optimal value of the company when they are more large positive correlated or negative correlated. In other word, we need to consider the influence between the foreign spot rate and the exchange rate at the same time, and then the manager can make the optimal decision about the exporting project. / Finally, we summed up some important conclusions of Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, and then proposed some views and suggestions for the study the theme and the developing direction in the future.
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亞洲生技醫藥產業之生產力與效率分析 / The Productivity and Efficiency Analysis of Biotech Pharmaceutical Industry in Asia蕭雅茹 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用Battese and Coelli (1995)隨機成本邊界法,針對2002-2007年間,日本、南韓、中國、印度與台灣等五個國家,共61家生技醫藥廠商進行實證分析,研究結果如下:(1)研發密集度增加使成本效率降低,五個國家裡,日本最具成本效率。(2)產業平均成本效率值為0.855,且有逐年惡化的趨勢。(3)整體產業平均處於遞增規模報酬階段。(4)整體而言,總要素生產力(TFP)的提升主要是因為規模成分的貢獻,其次為技術的進步,而技術效率變動率對TFP成長率為負影響。(5)各國間雖然TFP變動率不存在顯著性差異,但在規模成分、技術變動率與技術效率變動率等方面存在著顯著的差異。 / Many countries regard biotechnology as a key industry for the future development. Governments often implement a variety of policies to help it grow rapidly. The biotech pharmaceutical industry is the main momentum for the growth of the global biotech industry. The objective of this paper is to measure the productivity and efficiency of the industry among Asian countries, and investigates the sources of the performance changes, and then hope to give some insight into the enhancement of the industry’s productivity.
To pursue our goal, we adopt Battese and Coelli’s (1995) stochastic frontier approach to assess 61 biotech pharmaceutical firms during 2002-2007. The main empirical results can be summarized as follows: (1) The R&D intensity is negatively related to cost efficiency; in five countries, Japan has the highest cost efficiency. (2) On average, the cost efficiency is about 0.86, and has become worsen year after year. (3)Most of time, the industry is characterized with the increasing returns to scale. (4) The growth of total factor productivity (TFP) is mainly attributed to the scale efficiency change, and technical progress accounts for a minor source. However, technical efficiency deteriorates over time. (5) Among countries, the TFP growth rates have no significant differences, but the components show apparent differences.
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影響台灣民眾離婚態度變遷之研究:年齡-時期-世代的分析鄭郁芳 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣上市櫃證券商經營效率與生產力變動之分析-隨機距離函數之應用 / Operational efficiency and productivity change of listed securities firms in Taiwan-an application of stochastic distance functions張佩茹, Chang, Pei Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用一階段隨機邊界分析法(Battese and Coelli, 1995)衡量2004 年第一季至2008 年第三季台灣上市櫃證券商的技術效率,並將Orea(2002)提出的產出導向一般化Malmquist生產力指數改寫成投入導向模式,用來分析台灣上市櫃證券商的生產力變動情形。實證結果顯示,小型券商之經營效率平均而言比大型券商之經營效率高,而大部分的證券商都呈現規模報酬遞增的技術狀態,可見台灣上市櫃證券商整體而言規模不夠大,必須設法再擴大至適當的規模方可發揮規模經濟效果。另外,較多的股本雖然理論上具備較強的競爭優勢,但可能沒有適當的決策支持,造成資源浪費反而降低經營效率;股價指數愈高,在相同的投入之下有較多的產出表現且較有能力調整規模至規模報酬較佳的狀況,因而提高經營效率。 / This paper adopts one-stage stochastic frontier analysis (Battese and Coelli, 1995) to measure technical efficiency of listed securities firms in Taiwan from the first quarter of 2004 to the third quarter of 2008. In addition, inspired by the Orea (2002) output orientated productivity model, this paper derives an input orientated generalized Malmquist productivity index to analyze the productivity change of the firms. The empirical results reveal that smaller securities firms are more efficient than larger securities firms in average. The majority of securities firms are operating with increasing returns to scale, indicating that the scale of listed securities firms in Taiwan are generally not large enough, so firms need to enlarge their scale in order to get the effect of economies of scale. Although more capital stocks possess stronger competitive advantage theoretically, without proper strategy to support the firms may waste resources and result in operational inefficiency. Operational efficiency is positively correlated with stock index.
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