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科技環境變遷對電信業者經營影響之研究-以中華電信為例張家綸, Chang, Chia-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的主要是探討科技環境變遷對電信產經營之影響,而研究對象則選定在台灣電信市場中極具代表性的中華電信公司。本文採用個案研究方法(Case Study),屬於探索性研究(Exploratory)。先針對電信產業做相關分析,探討科技環境變遷對電信產經營之影響,之後以此分析結果,再針對中華電信做相關探討,以獲得驗證。 / In order to compete with the worldwide open telecommunication industry market, the Executive Yuan had planned the step to open our telecommunication market from 1987. And then open out the fixed network service and all kind of telecommunication business for public to deal in the end of 1999. Because the entirely open for the market, the competition in telecommunication market become more and more vehemently than ever. In order to fit the market and against all kind of challenge, the telecommunication service providers have to change and adjust their management policy and strategy. The main purpose for this research is to investigate the influence of the technology environment fluxing to running the telecommunication industry business. And the target to study is locate on ChungHua Telecommunication Inc, which stand a important position in Taiwan telecommunication market.
The Thesis uses the case study method to do this research, and it's an exploratory one. It first analyzing the telecommunication industry, and investigating the influence of the technology environment fluxing to running the telecommunication industry business. Then we do study and analyze into the ChungHwa Telecommunication Inc.according to this result we just got, and confirm it.
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電信產業購併策略之研究 / The Research for Mergers and Acquisitions Strategy in Telecommunications Industry李春南, Lee, C. N. Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究提出以平衡計分卡結合五個構面的動態價值因子,作為評估企業競爭力分析的基礎;並依據Michael Porter、Milford B. Green與Arthur Andersen所提出的"”Competitive Strategy”、”The Merger Framework”與”eMerger & Acquisition”為基本架構,嘗試建立適用於電信產業規劃購併策略之參考模型,將企業放進「電信產業環境」中考慮,以協助業者在制定經營策略、提昇產業競爭力與規劃價值導向管理系統之參考,因為無論企業採取何種購併的方式,皆須具有經營策略及購併準則,唯有認清自身與環境的互動關係,方能有效且正確地因應未來的發展與衝擊。 / Since the late 1800s, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have become a driving force in both corporate growth and changing competitive environments. As the trend of internationalization and globalization, to merge other company becomes a competitive mode of planning business strategy. Facing the era of new economy, the competition of telecommunications industry is changing abruptly owing to the market deregulation and technology progress, and the phenomenon of mergers and acquisitions on telecommunications industry have increased with time. As mergers and acquisitions of an existing company typically speed up the entry process as well as the easiest way to diversify. It also takes a potential competitor out of the market.
Due to the telecommunications liberalization in the past years, the structure of telecommunications industry has been modified. It forced many companies have to compete with other big companies worldwide. In order to survive in this intensive market and ensure the competitive advantage, the effect of "big is beautiful” involved strategic making in a lot of company. Even someone suggests that it is not the only good solution to expand the scale of business by merging other company but maybe an effective way to relocate resources efficiently.
This research mainly uses three different methods, which are literature analysis, cases study and interview with experts to figure out the development trend and beneficial analysis of telecommunications industry after liberalization in Taiwan. We would like find out the motivation and background both acquiring company and target company by finding the planning story in merging a target company through the analysis of cases study.
Finally, the research provides the basic structure combined the Balanced Scored Card with five-dimensional value system for the purpose of evaluating the corporate competition. Especially, the research develops a reference model of how to plan the mergers and acquisitions strategy in telecommunications industry modified to “the competitive strategy” for Michael Porter, “the merger framework” for Milford B. Green and “eMerger & Acquisition” for Arthur Andersen. In addition, this research imitates Porter’s points of the issue of “putting the company into the industrial environment” to consider. It will be useful for proprietors to organize the business strategy and to work out the value management system. As we know, only does the company understand the interactive relationship with circumstance. It can be effective and correct to cope with the development and impact on the market in the future.
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電信產業自由化後行銷策略之探討許宏祥 Unknown Date (has links)
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企業採用創新技術之關鍵評估因素研究-以WAP應用為例張洪瑞 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究根據個案訪談結果,提出創新技術採用決策架構。此架構中,企業內部因素以組織面之組織結構化程度與企業營業規模,以及策略面之競爭策略、競爭態勢與高階主管的技術認知程度最具關鍵性。產業環境方面,競爭程度及與供應商之互動對決策之評估具有關鍵性。市場因素以網路規模及產品範圍,技術特性則以相容性及複雜性具關鍵性。根據本研究之發現與結論,建議相關業者應儘量以內容形成差異化,以提高顧客之轉換成本進而創造鎖住效果,並且將創新技術採用由功能性思考提升至策略性思考,另外,由於技術快速變化,企業在採用評估上應採取預應式的評估方式,尤其在電信產業,掌握新技術資訊,並且預先在策略上與組織上加以規劃調整,更是企業續存的必要條件。在學術貢獻上,本研究突顯出對於穩定之技術及演進中之技術,在採用決策上評估重點之差異,並且建構了關於演進中之技術如通訊技術的採用決策架構,此架構強調關鍵因素之影響,同時也呈現關鍵因素之動態性。 / This study examines the adoption of innovative technology, such as WAP (Wireless Application Protocol), which allows users of mobile phones to access Internet. The purpose of this study is to identify the determinants contributing to the adoption of innovative technology.
Unlike previous studies that focused on mature technology: for instance, information systems, manufacturing automation systems, or CAD/CAM, this study highlights fast changing technology-telecommunication. Based on the technological innovation literatures, this study proposes a model with four dimensions, such as corporate inner factors including organization and strategy, industrial environment, market factors, and characteristics of technology. Case studies were conducted in 3 operators, I bank, and 2 WAP solution providers. The results of this study show that organizational factors (organization structure and size), strategic factors (competitive strategy, competitive posture, and level of technological knowledge of CEO), industrial environment (competitive magnitude and vendors' initiative), market factors (the scale of networks and product scopes), and characteristics of technology (compatibility and complexity) are the most important determinants in the decision of adopting new technology. Besi es that, the study also finds a new contextual variable, government policy, which will influence the decision of adopting new technology in a corporate.
This research provides a decision model of WAP adoption in which company will use it as a platform to provide value-added service like providing customized information, mobile banking services, or online brokerage services. Since the Internet and the mobile telephony have both been growing so fast, many companies need to develop some applications to create their competitive advantage with new technology. This model will assist managers to evaluate if they really need to adopt innovative technology and how it will enhance performance of the company.
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國家、制度變遷與自主創新的挑戰:以中國TD-SCDMA標準的產業化發展為例蔡青蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
回顧中國在改革開放後,採取「以市場換技術」進口外國技術與資本來快速推動經濟成長。但以移動手機和設備產業來看,外資維持以密集研發投入和技術能力主宰大陸國內市場,本國企業仰賴進口技術的情況不見改善。而在面臨經濟從「中國製造」轉型到「中國創新」的壓力下,中國政府於2006年正式提出中長期計畫,將中國自訂的3G 通信標準TD-SCDMA劃入高科技發展藍圖,企圖透過標準產業政策來提高本土廠商「自主創新」的能力,以達到發展民族工業的目標。
本文的研究問題是中國政府如何讓技術落後的本土製造業者,藉由TD-SCDMA標準來進行產業化與技術追趕。對照與借用東亞後進國家促進業發展的相關理論,本文探討中國「國家和企業」之政治關係與搭配制度的轉變,如何影響到產業發展結果,也比對中國廠商後進追趕的結果與國家作用,和東亞「發展型國家」的差異。本文主要發現為: 2006年後,TD-SCDMA產業發展結果有顯著性的改善,這和中國政府進行的政治整合和制度創新有關。
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我國電信業者行動加值服務的新產品開發之研究-以行動音樂服務為例 / A Study on New Product Development of Mobile Services of Tele-operators: Mobile Music王鈴惠 Unknown Date (has links)
透過深度訪談電信業者,並配合相關次級資料蒐集與整理,進行彙整及分析之後,本研究獲得以下之主要結論:1.就策略性資源而言,電信業者掌握行動音樂服務之通路。2.電信業者建構之策略性資源與原有資源具有相關性。3.就新產品發展策略而言,行動音樂發展重點仍在於「強化現有行動用戶忠誠度」。4.電信業者委外動機與型態會影響其新產品發展。 / From 1G, 2G to 3G, the technology of telecommunication developed rapidly. The voice communication service gradually evolved towards the data transmission and the multimedia application and the mobile content services become much more important and diversified than before. Accordingly, tele-operators develop content products actively. However, the development of these products involves with many kinds of knowledge, such as fine art, music, programming, etc. Thus, we would expect that the enterprises have to utilize external resources to develop products timely.
Because many cell phones provide functions of digital music and ring tones can show forth users’ characteristics, therefore, the mobile music becomes one of the most popular service product. However, most of the past studies focused on strategy rather than new product development. Thus, we focus on the new product development of mobile value-added services in the research. The study aims to investigate the questions: 1. What are the strategic resources for developing mobile value-added services? 2. What is the value network to develop mobile value-added services? 3. What is the mechanism of utilizing external resources in the process of new product development? 4. What are the new product strategy and process of developing mobile value-added services? The study takes mobile music as an example to explore how tele-operators can accumulate enterprise resources and better utilize external resources for developing value-added services.
This study applies the deep interview method of qualitative research and secondary data analysis to study tele-operators in Taiwan. The preliminary research findings include: 1.The major marketing purpose of tele-operators’ developing mobile music is to reinforce the loyalty of existing customers. 2. What tele-operators dominate in the mobile music business is the channel. 3. The new strategic resources which the tele-operators build in the mobile music business is highly related to those existed before. 4. What motivates tele-operators to outsource will affect their ways of new product development.
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未來我國第三代行動通訊服務市場之成形條件與關鍵成功因素吳士豪, Wu, Shih-Hao Unknown Date (has links)
而市場成形條件與關鍵成功因素之間的關聯,則以兩者之關聯圖表做解釋。又未來的第三代行動通訊服務中,行動顧客關係管理(Mobile CRM)所扮演的角色將格外重要,這部份必須與行動整合平台間有著緊密的關聯,以行動顧客關係管理為基礎,結合未來WAP之PUSH機制的成熟,將更能夠達到主動行銷的概念,又利用行動終端設備屬於個人化產品的特性,將能夠讓一對一行銷的概念在未來第三代行動通訊中實現,再輔以本論文所提之市場關鍵成功因素,未來我國第三代行動通訊服務市場的發展將是值得期待的。
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