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呂明訓 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路科技的發展,網路垃圾郵件的總量亦隨之快速成長,成為全球網路使用者的共同夢魘。目前大多數的國家均有以立法方式作為管制依據。然而,就憲法人權保障的觀點而言,相關立法是否能合於憲法原理原則的檢視?是否已逾越其界線?仍有待進一步商榷。 是以,本文分別從「比較法論」以及「人權保障論」二大部分出發。一方面藉著比較觀察各國立法,並作為我國立法參考借鏡;另一方面則從憲法的觀點,特別是基本權利的保障出發,分別從商業言論自由的觀點、秘密通訊自由的觀點與隱私權的觀點探討。就商業言論自由的觀點而言,將首先探究商業言論自由的意涵與憲法上的發展比較,再分別就美國法制與我國法制探討相關濫發商業電子郵件法制是否對於發信者的商業言論自由形成過度的限制。就秘密通訊自由的觀點而言,除了將說明秘密通訊自由在通訊服務自由化的時代,在憲法上具有的時代意義之外,亦將討論濫發商業電子郵件法制當中可能涉及干涉人民秘密通訊自由的制度與通訊服務提供業者攔截阻擋商業電子郵件的手法對秘密通訊自由的影響,另並試就我國立法參考最多的日本法制進行比較與分析。就隱私權的觀點而言,除了說明隱私權在憲法上的意義外,將討論重心置於在濫發商業電子郵件的行為對於收信者隱私權侵害的態樣,是否已能藉由現行的法制找到保障依據,另外則是討論我國濫發商業電子郵件法制對於隱私權的保障是否充分;最後則是嘗試就論者提出的商業電子郵件法制規範對於發信者的「網路匿名」侵害的見解,進行評論。 最後則提出結論,說明研究發現以及對我國規範之建議與未來展望。

電子郵件使用對知識工作者時間控制感之影響:以三階段混合方法探討 / The impact of e-mail usage on knowledge workers’ perceived control of time: a three phases mixed methods approach

林勝為, Lin, Sheng Wei Unknown Date (has links)
在網際網路普及率高居不下的時代裡,知識工作者平日使用網路之時間比例已有逐年升高的趨勢。在這種潮流下,工作場域中知識工作者花費於網路訊息傳播的時間,佔用工作時間之比率驚人,尤以電子郵件為甚。對於使用電子郵件所產生的問題,使用者似乎感到能力不足,而且在面對超載的資訊流通量時,更覺得難以應付。因為個人不佳的電子郵件使用習慣所引發的問題,都會直接或間接衝擊到時間資源的運用以及增加時間的壓力。因此,瞭解如何有效處理電子郵件,對於知識工作者的生產力非常重要。 本研究採用Creswell所提出之三階段混合方法探討研究議題。首先,第一階段採用質性之焦點群體訪談法,瞭解知識工作者典型的電子郵件使用行為。第二階段以大樣本的調查研究,探討知識工作者的人格主動性如何經由電子郵件管理行為影響其電子郵件使用時間控制感及工作時間控制感,並以社會認知理論及目標設定理論之整合觀點探討。第三階段以實地實驗的方式,在實際組織場域中進行員工電子郵件管理教育訓練,以觀察是否能產生訓練遷移之效果,亦即提升受訓者之電子郵件自我效能、電子郵件時間管理行為及電子郵件使用時間控制感。 第一階段焦點群體訪談的重要結論包括:1)使用者被電子郵件支配著,但他們往往毫無知覺;2)日常工作使用上,電子郵件的弱點卻變成其強項;3)具有資訊系統背景的使用者,不必然會使用電子郵件工具的複雜功能;4)電子郵件被認為是平面媒體,而非即時互動媒體;5)電子郵件在工作場合,已經大幅度地取代面對面溝通;6)電子郵件使用者習慣性地使用副本轉寄功能,但並非出於真正的需要;7)使用者並不常將工作或個人電子郵件分開處理;8)使用者非常珍惜學習電子郵件功能的機會,但機會並非輕鬆即能獲得。有關以上相關結論及看法間之對照情況也在本文中提及。另外,本階段也歸納出有效率使用電子郵件之方法,並據以發展下一階段調查研究法之問卷。 第二階段經由251位知識工作者之分析結果顯示,人格主動性透過電子郵件時間管理行為及電子郵件自我效能,可以推測電子郵件使用時間控制感及工作時間控制感。此外,電子郵件自我效能較高者,其電子郵件時間管理行為的評量分數也較高。 第三階段實地實驗共涵蓋280位受測者,其中實驗組有175位,控制組有105位。ANCOVA分析之結果顯示,相較於控制組,實驗組之受測者經過教育訓練後展現較高的電子郵件自我效能及較佳的電子郵件時間控制感,但是受測者於訓練後並未投入更多心力於電子郵件時間管理行為。此外,接受此電子郵件訓練課程一個月後,平均每一位受訓者節省約17%之電子郵件使用時間。 / At the high widespread rate of the Internet era, the time spent on the Internet among knowledge workers has gradually increased. Because of this trend, these people have spent an alarming proportion of their work time on message communications tools, such as emails. Problems arising from e-mail management make users helpless particularly when they have to deal with information overload. Problems caused by inefficient e-mail use would directly/ indirectly affect the time resource, inevitably increasing time pressure to the workers. Therefore, it is essential for knowledge workers to understand how to use e-mail efficiently to heighten their productivity. This study adopted Creswell’s three-phases mixed methods to investigate our research issues. First, this study investigates the e-mail usage behavior of knowledge workers through an in-depth literature review and a focus group discussion. Then, a sample survey method, along with a social cognitive theory and a goal setting theory, was adopted to investigate how personality affects perceived control of time in the context of e-mail handling. The third phase includes a quasi-experimental field study carried out in an organizational setting to examine the effects of an e-mail management training program on e-mail self-efficacy, e-mail-specific time management behavior, and time control over e-mail use. The important findings in phase one include : 1) people are ruled by e-mail, but they think otherwise; 2) in daily usage, many weaknesses of e-mail are turned into strengths; 3) an information system background does not necessarily lead to sophistication in using e-mail tools; 4) e-mail is regarded as a print medium rather than an interactive medium; 5) e-mail to a large extent replaces face-to-face communication in the workplace; 6) e-mail users use the carbon copy and forwarding features habitually and not out of necessity; 7) users do not usually handle work-related and personal e-mail messages separately; and 8) users seek opportunities to learn about e-mail functionality out of convenience, but these are not attained with ease. A contrast between these findings and conventional wisdom concludes this study. In addition, we also conclude efficient e-mail usage approaches in this phase and develop the questionnaire for the next stage. Based on data collected from 251 knowledge workers in second phase, the results show that personality predicts perceived control of time in e-mail handling and work through both e-mail-specific time management behavior and e-mail self-efficacy. In addition, higher e-mail self-efficacy leads to improved e-mail-specific time management behavior. The field experiment in third phase includes 280 subjects, with 175 subjects in the experimental group, and 105 subjects in the control group, the ANCOVA results show that, after the training, the subjects exhibited greater e-mail self-efficacy and better time control over e-mail use but not paid more attention to e-mail-specific time management behavior According to the study reported here, this employee training program leads to a perceived time saving of about 17%.

病毒行銷原理之初探性研究 / The Explorative Research of Viral Marketing Theorems

彭銘欽, Perng, Ming-Chin Unknown Date (has links)
病毒行銷這個議題雖然主要是行銷理論的探究,但其原理卻是根據較基本的學門整合並配合擴散的現象建立的,因此這些本研究的結果不僅可以供網路行銷者的使用以外,也可以提供文化擴散、廣告行為、語文演變、甚至典範移轉的擴散行為研究之參考。 注射器與載體部份的實驗結果,操縱組與控制組效果差不多,甚至可說更差,但寄主組與進化組的效果則都有9倍以上的效果,可見選擇寄主十分重要,而注射器與載體則要配合寄主的設計才能有效果的發揮。這部份的結論與第四章最後一節的假設相同,因此該節的搭配原則設計方式可信度相當高。 因此綜合本研究的證據,回顧本研究在第二章所類比而得的,病毒行銷的架構假設,如下圖: 其中在如何使寄主消費與製造方面,確實可以類比為病毒在寄主體內的自我複製行為,而傳播則類比為衍生子行為、進化類比為突變子行為。病毒本體除了基因是預設的產品、服務等行銷目的以外,本研究也認為選定目標寄主可以提高病毒行銷的效果,因為以病毒來說,在一個全是可感染寄主的群體中與一個有多種寄主的群體中,當然是在前者的感染效率會較佳。而蛋白質外殼類比為載體相當正確,雖然單一效果不明顯,但其不可或缺性可以在進化部份的實驗以及個案研究中獲得證實。注射器在病毒生態中也是一個不明顯的角色,類比到病毒行銷中也是一個單一設計效果不明顯的部件,而其結構組成跟載體相同則也在某種程度上反應了載體與注射器是一體的兩面,一個專司防禦一個專司攻擊。 回顧一開始本研究所設定的病毒行銷暫時性的操作型定義,「所謂的病毒行銷是可以由行銷者依據行銷目的的不同,而為該目的設計出的一套專屬的、能夠經由自我擴散的方式以完成該特定行銷目的的完整線上行銷策略。」經由到現在的推理結果可以發現該定義可以擴展如下: 所謂的病毒行銷,是可以由行銷者依據不同的行銷目的(基因),根據不同的顧客族群(寄主)特性來選擇與設計的,為完成該特定目的的、專屬的、能夠經由特定管道(注射器)自我擴散的、擁有特定形式(載體)的一套線上行銷策略。 整理本研究重點如下: 1.任何公司都可以採用病毒行銷,用本研究的語言為,基因可以為任何產品、品牌、甚至策略目標。 2.當選擇的行銷目的確定了以後,目標顧客也同時被確定。行銷者的工作是尋找出來並設定為目標。換句話說,基因與目標寄主是成對的。 3.適當選擇或設計行銷目的的表現形式可以提高行銷效果。換句話說,經由適當設計過的載體可以提高病毒行銷的效果。  4.要影響顧客的行為,必然要先能引起顧客的動機,而引起顧客動機的資訊也要能包含在病毒行銷之中。  5.每一次的病毒行銷應該都是一套完整的行銷策略,唯有適切操作本研究所談及的四個部件才能發揮完全的功效。  6.本研究所討論的病毒行銷與直銷、傳播研究所謂的二級傳播理論之差異如下表所示: ┌────┬─────────────┬────┬──────┐ │    │病毒行銷        │直銷 │二級傳播   │ ├────┼─────────────┼────┼──────┤ │傳播者 │包括顧客與傳播的中心點  │顧客  │傳播的中心點│ ├────┼─────────────┼────┼──────┤ │績效評估│經設計過後可以被估算   │可以 │不行 │ ├────┼─────────────┼────┼──────┤ │應用範圍│本研究中暫時限制為虛擬世界│實體世界│不限     │ └────┴─────────────┴────┴──────┘ / Viral marketing was first to be mentioned in the article of the fast company web site in december, 1996. In this article, the auther give virus marketing the defination of “a marketing method which spreads itself automatically”, and people who see this article adopted it, too. Although this defination is clear, many people treat viral marketing as another name of ”e-mail marketing”. e-mail marketing means using the e-mail system as a tool of marketing. For the characteristics of e-mail are convenient, cheap, public and “people spread it volunteerly”, most early examples of viral marketing use e-mail as their tool to spread. That’s the main reason the two concepts was confused. Objectives This research tries to reach three main objects: ● Give viral marketing an academic definition ,which means the marketing manager could repeat the approach to get similar result. ● Find the components of viral marketing so that the characters could be descripted ,and the main parts that should be operated could be assured. ● Try to find the relation between the viral marketing locus and the environment where it is happening. Research Structure According to biology theorem, virus’ life cycle was discovered almost completely. That’s the main reason for the research taking virus’ life cycle as a reference of reseach structure. To avoid of lacking any component which is important and to define the main category, the adapting is neccesary and decisive. After observing about 500 cases for 3 months, components of viral marketing was formed gradually. Under the strict analogy logic molted from the concept of “analogism”, the main components that should be operated was figured out. They are Injector, Carrier, Host, and Evolution. Injector and Carrier are both inside the “virus” which was made by the marketing manager or virus designer. Host is another name of customer. Evolution is an component which only bring obvious effects when the environment element was taked into consideration. Redraw the components’ relation as follows: In this model, there are four action which are not mentioned above. Produce explains where the virus from, Infecting refers to the reason that a virus could influnce host’s behavior, Consuming is the action to complete the full cycle. Spreading and evoluting was co-variating actions that were discussed in the evolution chapter. Case Choice For the different purposes in this research, the types of cases choosed were diversing and the amount was large. Most effort was taked in observing the e-mail everyday. Tracing each email, counting their spread period, and analyzing the success or fail key factors. To analogize the virus’ life cycle, the meanings of components in the real world are required. For this purpose, Hotmail, ICQ, and Ctrl-Mail were chosed as the real world cases of viral marketing. Hotmail and ICQ were both selected as sucessful examples of viral marketing extensively. Ctrl-Mail was chosed for their high technology background and technology-oriented company strategy so that viral marketing will not be misunderstanded as another IT method nor marketing concept but a mixture of concept and method. Research Methodology The first part of this research was based on the ground theory. To build the open category, about 200 cases was studied to defined the main category of viral marketing, and 3 primary cases was analyzied to analogize the structure of the research, using the research methodology of “Right Analogy”. Right Analogy is constructed on the same logic of anlogism, which requires 2 similar objects shall the same but one critical difference, and then the characteristics is analogied possible. Under the logic, the primary category can be constructed, and the theory can be extracted from the cases we observed. Conclusions 1. The definition of viral marketing can be described as follows:“ Viral marketing is an online strategy which is in an particular formation, can spread itself through the paticular chnnels and if marketing managers, designers, or any one who need it can design it personally to reach a particular object.” 2. Virus’ gene can be any product, brand, service, and even a strategy object. 3. When the marketing object was chosen, the target customer was assured at the same time. In another words, gene and host in viral marketing are coupled. 4. Proper represet formation can induce higher marketing effect, that is, a proper designed carrier is better. 5. The differences between viral marketing, direct selling, and second-level communication were showed as follows: ┌──────┬────────────┬───────┬─────────┐ │    │Viral marketing │Direct selling│second-level │ │    │ │ │communication │ ├──────┼────────────┼───────┼─────────┤ │communicator│Customer and the center │Customer │the center of │ │    │of the communication │ │the communication │ ├──────┼────────────┼───────┼─────────┤ │Achievement │Can be estimated after │yes │no │ │estimation │being designed │ │ │ ├──────┼────────────┼───────┼─────────┤ │Applied │Virtual world limited │Real world │No limited │ │situation │in this research │ │ │ └──────┴────────────┴───────┴─────────┘


蔡欣惠, Tsai, Hsin-huei Unknown Date (has links)
當您看到此份研究計畫書時,五分鐘內可能您的e-mail郵箱已湧進二十封垃圾郵件(通稱SPAM)。據Ferris Research指出,社會花費在圍堵垃圾郵件的成本開銷上一年高達一百億美元。而根據聯合國國際電信聯盟(International Telecommunication Union,ITU)統計, Spam每年更浪費全球各國250億美元。這個驚人的數據傳達出一個訊息:對多數人而言-聽到「You've Got Mail!」,已經不再是令人愉悅的聲音了。Spamhaus的調查報告顯示 ,台灣及HINET一直是垃圾郵件主要輸出來源,過去AOL曾封鎖由HINET 寄送的郵件,一度造成台灣HINET使用者相當大的困擾。隨著數位匯流(Digital Convergence)時代的來臨,除了Email Spam外,電話行銷、Mobile Spam、SMS簡訊SPAM及VoIP都是數位匯流時代下垃圾郵件客攻掠的戰場,而我國行政院所草擬之「濫發商業電子郵件管理條例」草案明文只規範垃圾「郵件」問題,而未及其它垃圾訊息,法律若未對此議題及早規範,可能草案還沒出立法院大門就已經被時代淘汰。 因此,本文欲針對數位時代下可能興起之垃圾訊息型態作全面性的檢討,以建構一更為完善的垃圾訊息法制已未雨綢繆。本文之研究方法如下: 第一,針對美國之垃圾訊息法制的內容與立法背景,進行比較法研究。台灣的濫發商業電子郵件管制條例草案,內容主要係參考美國法,但在若干立法例仍有所不同,例如於是否需要標示主旨欄(Subject Line Labeling)則有不同選擇。對此,筆者曾於在律師雜誌發表對美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)研究報告反對強制行銷業者寄送廣告信必需標示主旨欄的不同意見,且建議台灣的「濫發商業電子郵件管制條例」草案做相反規定 。此外,在處罰對象及門檻之設計亦大相逕庭,例如沒有刑罰規定。而在於規制主體上,我國草案的內容明文只限於垃圾『郵件』之規範,對於日益惡化的的新型態未經邀約的商業訊息,像是透過無線傳輸設備或是行動設備所接收的未經邀約之商業訊息等,草案並無法可管。因此,本文並將針對垃圾電子郵件以外的其它新興垃圾訊息法制進行說明與分析,以供未來立法及執法的參考。 再者,本文將藉由國內外的實務案例研究了解法律實際操作情況。因為台灣法律目尚前無法處理垃圾郵件這個新興法律問題,導致檢察官無法可用,之後通過草案亦可能會面臨到法律不足的問題,因此實有必要針對實際案例操作深入了解。 第三,本文擬就我國之「濫發商業電子郵件管理條例草案」內容進行通盤檢討,提出更符合數位匯流時代之法制架構,以更有效防堵垃圾訊息。美國史丹佛教授Dr. Dan Boneh在「the Difficulties of Tracing Spam Email」 一文中提及垃圾郵件客技術日新月異,防不勝防。可預見SPAM這個議題將隨著科技演進而日益嚴重。隨著數位匯流(Digital Convergence)時代的來臨,除了垃圾郵件外,電話行銷、行動簡訊(Mobile Spam)、簡短訊息服務SMS 及網路語音(Voice over Internet Protocal)、多媒體圖片訊息(MMS)都是數位匯流時代下垃圾郵件客攻掠的戰場,實有必要針對此些新興類型之Spam進行防範。 / Within the five minutes it takes for you to read this essay, your e-mail box may have already received 20 spam mails. Ferris Research has pointed out that the costs incurred to society in blocking spam has reached US$10 billion per year. And according to International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the annual global cost of spam is US$2.5 billion. These startling figures convey a bit of information: for most people, the message “You’ve got mail!” is no longer welcome.. Based on a survey conducted by Spamhaus, Taiwan is a leading source of spam messages. AOL once blocked all e-mail messages coming from Hinet, which at one blow caused huge difficulties for Taiwanese Internet users. With the coming of the Digital Convergence era, besides e-mail spam, new forms are emerging such as mobile spam, telemarketing calls, SMS messaging spam, and VoIP spam. The Digital Convergence era will provide all kinds of opportunities for spammers to attack. However, Taiwan’s draft Anti-UCE Act addresses only e-mail spam. If the law does not address the broader issue early on, it may be outmoded even before it is passed. The US remains the main source of reference for Taiwan in the area of technology law. Long ago, before the US enacted the “Can-Spam Act,” there was “Shiksaa.” I would like to do in-depth research on American cyber and technology law so I can develop a suitable legal solution to Taiwan’s very serious UCE problem, to reduce the losses to society and to business productivity that are caused by spam, to eliminate Taiwan’s bad reputation for being a main spam exporter, and to spur e-commerce development. My research project would be as follows. 1. To examine the inner traits of various SPAM regulation and do interdisciplinary research 2. Deploy case-based and comparative law study to gather practical material 3. Combine the research results from technology and law to contribute to the ultimate resolution of SPAM.

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