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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王貴川 Unknown Date (has links)
近代國家之支出日趨龐大,而能使用之資源卻極為有限,如何使有限之資源作最效率化之使用,乃是執政者夙夜以求之鵠的,設計計劃預算制度即是解決此問題之產物。 設計計劃預算制度,英文原名為Planning-Programming-Budgeting System,簡稱PPBS。其主要精神係綜合設計、計劃、預算三個程序為1整體之制度;先確立政府各機關所應履行之目標,並運用系統分析法,以求在達成該目標之不同方案中加以抉擇,而後運用長期規劃精神編制預算。 本文共分五章。第一章,總論,綜述設計計劃預算制度之淵源與意義,以及系統分析應用之情形。第二章,全章專論系統分析運用之五個程序。第三章,計劃結構和多年計劃與財務方案,剖析資源需求及估計產出成果。第四章,設計計劃預算制度之實行,敘述預算之配合,及制度推行時,管理機構之系統和電子計算機之應用。第五章,結論,係綜合全文,及整個制度未來之發展趨向。


劉永憲 Unknown Date (has links)
財務行政中最重要的一環,厥為國家總預算。預算為國家施政之籃圖,用以顯示國家施政重點,並具體表現施政方針。不僅為民主國家議會控制政府財務的基本方法;抑亦為促進經濟發展與社會進步的主要工具。至於財務行政的其他部門,如會計制度,為預算執行的紀錄;審計制度,為預算執行的監查;而決算制度,則為預算執行的結果,均須以預算為根據,否則,即失所憑依。 本文研究範圍,僅就我國財務行政中,國家預算制度及其實施問題,擇要加以研討,對審計問題亦就其有關聯處稍予論列。 預算為財政政策的具體表現,而財政政策則以財政理論為基礎,故在本文第一章首先敘述一九三○年代前後財政政論之差異,以及由此而導致之財政政策的改變;第二章敘述經濟先進國家預算制度之發展階段,及我國預算制度之沿革,並檢討我國預算法歷次修正之要點;第三章就預算之編製、審議及執行諸問題,參酌一般理論,依據有關法令,並徵引學者專家意見,檢討我國預算制度之實施問題。間亦略陳拙見,聊作芻蕘之獻;第四章敘述近年來國內外各方面對預算改革問題之建議,說明新預算制度之理論基礎及其採行問題;第五章敘述有關學者對我國現行財務行政制度全監配合的檢討與批評,就其要點一一列述,藉以探明問題之癥結,指陳革新之途徑。


周良 Unknown Date (has links)
在現今全球競爭激烈的環境中,商品的供給需求型態,已由供給面轉為需求面,成為顧客導向的新經濟社會。是以傳統的預算制度對現今的經濟環境而言,顯然是無法滿足企業在策略運用上所需的資訊,更會導致錯誤的決策及競爭機會的喪失。 為發揮管理會計的功能,我們實有必要引進國外新的管理觀念和技術,並.依國內企業的現況和需求做出適度性地調整與改良,來提昇國內企業的競爭能力。由於金融業原先所擁有的競爭優勢逐漸消失,使得金融業也就更注重成本資源的管理控制。因此,產能的擴充管理、資源的妥善分配、以及如何充分利用資源,必須以預算制度為基礎,透過作業制成本制度的觀念,產生管理人員真正需要的成本資訊,以便對企業的作業進行持績改進,進而取得競爭優勢。 國外學者對作業制預算制度的研究已進行多時,卻多偏向理論方面的探討,加上國內這方面的研究甚少,樣本量不足以進行多家企業問的實證分析,故本研究擬採用個案研究的方式,瞭解本國金融個案公司建立作業制預算制度的情形,並對欲研究的問題進行更深入的探討。 本研究的目的,除了對以作業制成本制度為基礎的預算制度在規畫、設計及運用方面做歸納陳述之外,並以國內一金融公司為研究對象,以個案研究的方式詳細說明此項預算制度對公司的效益及影響,可提供給相同產業之其他公司,或其他產業在考慮採行此新技術時之參考。


高明裕 Unknown Date (has links)
我國國立大學預算制度,從過去公務預算時期政府「全額補助」,到目前校務基金預算制度下政府「部分負擔」,歷經極大的變革。什麼樣的壓力導致這樣的變革?變革的結果如何?本研究嘗試利用制度經濟學財產權和交易成本的分析架構,分析台灣國立大學從公務預算制度到校務基金預算制度,制度變革的過程及其成果。 首先,經由探究政府遷台之後,高等教育法規的重要沿革及教育政策的演進,建構出形塑整個高等教育發展的正式和非正式規則:從正式規則觀之,面臨外在環境的壓力,高等教育法規不斷地修正或制定;從非正式規則觀之,「經濟性的再製功能」與「意識型態方面的再製功能」,長久以來主導整個高等教育政策的演進。 對於整個外部環境脈絡有所瞭解之後,本研究進一步從「財產權」及「交易成本」的觀點切入。從財產權三要素(排他、可移轉、憲法的保證)觀之,公務預算制度下國立大學的經費特性均不符合,校務基金預算制度下則明顯較為契合,過去對於公務預算制度下經費使用的質疑,由此可得到新的詮釋觀點。從「交易成本」的角度觀之,本研究比較國立大學預算制度變革前後,國立大學運作成本(包括監督和管理成本)及制度變革成本(主要為設立成本及利益團體互動成本),發現採行校務基金預算制度之下,甚為可觀的交易成本在進行績效評估時,相當程度地被忽略了,這樣的忽視會造成在評估新制度的績效時的過度高估。 透過國立大學「財源結構」及「相關教育品質」的統計分析,證實在校務基金實施之後,國立大學的財源結構確實產生了顯著的改變,「多元、彈性、自主」的目標有所達成。然而這樣的成果付出怎樣的代價?相關的教育品質並不全然正面回應,也就是說,目標的達成很可能是以品質的犧牲為代價,本研究認為,這樣的後果相當程度是忽視交易成本所致。 本研究從制度經濟學的分析架構,檢視我國國立大學預算制度變革的過程及成果,雖然在分析中未能賦予交易成本一個「真正的數值」,藉由突顯交易成本的具體存在,彰顯在評估制度變革的成果時,交易成本扮演的重要性,以及忽視交易成本可能造成過度樂觀的後果。


陳妍伶, CHEN, YAN-LING Unknown Date (has links)
1.主題說明─預算制度,是最常用的規劃及控制工具之一。經由預算的編製、執行 ,以及事後的差異分析,預算制度除了基本的規劃、控制功能外,還具有績效評估、 協調、激勵等重要功能。然而,在設計預算制度時,若不考慮其行為面的影響,不但 不能發揮預算應有的功能,尚可能造成員工對預算的抗拒,產生反功能作用。 本研究主題,即在探討預算制度的行為面特徵,與預算的激勵效果、員工對預算的態 度,以及部門的績效等三者之間,是否有顯著的關係。同時試圖分析企業的組織特性 ,與預算制度的行為面特徵之間,是否相關。 2.研究架構─本研究包括三組變項: 第一組變項為組織特徵,包括規模與分權化程度。 第二組變項為預算制度的行為面特微,包括參與、預算目標的明確度、回餽、預算目 標的困難度、上司的目標引導行為、上司對達成預算的重視程度、預算與報酬之關連 等七個變項。 第三組變項為依變項,包括預算的激勵效果、員工對預算的態度、部門的預算績效、 部門的工作績效等四個變項。 本文依此架構,分析組織特徵與預算行為面特徵之間的關係,以及預算行為面特徵與 依變項之間的關係。 3.結果─研究結果顯示,組織特徵與預算制度的行為面特徵之間,並無顯著的關係 ,而預算制度的行為面特徵與依變項之間,則呈現顯著的相關。


王詠心, WANG, YONG-XIN Unknown Date (has links)
台灣企業以中小型居多,在企業規模由小擴大之轉型期,遭遇最大困難即管理制度之 建立。而預算制度扮演了規劃、控制、激勵、協調、教育等五功能,是一管理完善企 業必備之制度。因此擬就對在台外資企業之研究,了解外資企業預算制度之全貌、驗 證預算相關理論,提出預算制度之權變模式供國內企業參考。本文一冊共分六章:第 一章緒論,敘述研究目的與方法,並簡介預算制度。第二章預算的規劃,敘述預算與 長期規劃之關係、參與方式、編製與修正類型。第三章預算的組織,敘述預算制度的 組織設計與協調方式。第四章預算的控制,敘述預算虛估之控制、績效回饋、評估與 激勵。第五章預算的權變模式,敘述不同情境下預算制度之差異。第六章結論與建議 。


吳瑛, WU, YING Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


詹修儀, ZHAN, XIU-YI Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論 第二章 模型之設立 第一節 一般資產模型之設立(流動性偏好) 第二節 可貸資金模型 第三章 平衡預算下之特性 第一節 短期均衡 第二節 動態及安定性之探討 第三節 長期均衡 第四章 貨幣及財政政策 第一節 貨幣數量增加效果 第二節 公開市場操作效果 第三節 以稅收融通的政府支出效果 第五章 結論

我國中央政府預算程序與財政紀律之研究 / A Study on the Relationship Between Budget Process and Fiscal Discipline in Central Government

張育珍, Chang Yu-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
我國中央政府在1980年代以前,財政政策向採取穩健保守的策略,財政收支結果大體能維持均衡,80會計年度以後,由於經濟發展、政治開放及社會型態的轉變,為推動重大國家基礎建設及各種社會福利措施,使政府實質收支結果多為短絀,且政府債務比率亦呈上升趨勢,為因應償債高峰期及達成財政平衡目標,政府開始進行一連串的制度改革。 財政紀律係根基於一國的政治制度,使國家財政或預算政策,須在某些限制下,經由特定且透明的程序而形成,其目的在穩定國家財政,避免政府過度支出及稅基流失,造成財政短絀。預算程序既為形成國家預算的制度與規則,必然存在一定的財政紀律效果,以約束政府收入、支出及舉債的規劃。 本研究經由文獻探討、比較分析及實證研究結果,發現我國中央政府預算籌劃擬編、審議及執行過程,確具一定程度的財政紀律,其中,以擬編階段有較佳的財政紀律效果;雖然在執行階段藉由辦理追加(減)及特別預算,有減弱財政紀律之虞,但實證結果並不顯著;此外,我國中央政府的非營業特種基金數量,隨著財政紀律約束效力的提升,確有增加設置的趨勢,因此,可以合理懷疑非營業特種基金極有可能已成為規避財政紀律的工具;另當遭逢組織調整及政黨輪替等二項事件時,預算程序的財政紀律約束效果有相當程度的減弱,致使政府支出在當時有增加的趨勢;同時也發現,因政府各部門的業務屬性、政策或政治特性不同,預算程序對其也有不同的財政紀律效果。 此外,本研究也發現,我國中央政府在擬編預算階段即使經過二次的改革,仍無法完全擺脫政治因素,如選舉因素及執政者的政策偏好等之影響,顯示作業流程的變革僅為提升財政紀律的手段之一,要進一步提升財政紀律,似乎需要更強而有力的作法,但現階段期待藉由立法或修法程序來進一步強化財政紀律,實非易事,所以我國若要持續提高預算程序的財政紀律效力,應可參考德國的經驗,朝提高預算透明度的方向著手。 / The fiscal policy of the central government always took a more steady but conservative approach before 1980, which also created a generally fiscal balance. After fiscal year 1980, due to economic development, political reforms and an inner transformation of the society, the government has been promoting several important national infrastructures and social welfare policies, the real income and expenditure has incurred deficits, and the public debt ratio increased. The government then began a series of institutional reforms to meet the peak periods of paying off debts and reach the goal of fiscal balance. Fiscal discipline is based on a nation’s political system, which demands specific and transparent procedures under some kinds of limitations for the national financial or budget policies to consolidate national finance and avoid over-expenditure and a loss of tax-basis in the government. Since the budget procedure contribute a lot to the formation of national budget system and regulations, there must exist certain fiscal disciplines to control and manage the income, expenditure and debts of the government. The thesis finds the government stage, parliamentary stage and implementation stage of the central government do exist certain degree of fiscal discipline through literature review, comparative analyses and empirical research. The government stage, specifically, has better fiscal discipline among the three. Although there may exist some possible risks of curtailing fiscal discipline at the implementation state through supplementary budget, the empirical research does not show the significance. Besides, the installation of the number of the special funds of the central government does have a tendency of increase. Therefore, we have reasons to doubt the special funds have been used as tools to avoid fiscal discipline by the central government. The binding effect of the fiscal discipline in the budgetary process is curtailed especially when there is some institutional adjustment or a party change in the central government, and the government expenditure is thus caused to increase. The thesis also finds the budgetary process has different fiscal disciplines due to the differences by the division of labor, policies and political characteristics of each section of the government. The thesis also finds the central government cannot get rid of political interference such as elections and preferences of those in power at the government stage albeit through two fiscal reforms. It shows that a reform in the task flow only serve as just one of the measures to enhance fiscal discipline. It requires more powerful and effective measures to further enhance fiscal discipline. However, it’s not an easy job at present time to expect the enhancement of fiscal discipline through legislative procedures or amendment of laws. The government may look to the experience of Germany to enhance the transparency of budget if it seeks an enhancement of the effectiveness of the fiscal discipline in the budgetary process.


廖婉汝 Unknown Date (has links)
我國政府預算採基金制,所有收入支出都透過基金處理,而基金依預算法規定又分為普通基金和特種基金兩類,前者為一般用途,後者為特殊用途。依預算法第四條的定義,特種基金依性質又分為營業基金、債務基金、信託基金、作業基金、特別收入基金、資本計畫基金六種,一般定義將營業基金及信託基金以外的四類基金統稱為「非營業基金」。非營業特種基金在設置之初都有其目的與必要性,但因種種原因,逐漸產生了基金設置浮濫、疊床架屋、功能不彰、作業效能欠佳、破壞財政統收統支之運作體制、影響國庫財務靈活調度等批評。 預算審議是立法權和行政權互動的結果,有時行政權對預算還具有更高的主導力,而政府總預算裡被視為管理效率最低、使用最混亂、淪為政府隱藏預算工具,同時資訊最不透明、最難以窺見財務全貌的就是非營業特種基金預算。由於非營業特種基金審議具有不同於一般預算的特殊性,本文即計劃透過對特種基金發展及編列過程、立法院預算審議程序及盲點的研究,了解立法院對特種基金監督機制的全貌,進而完成下列研究目的: (一)從分權監督、預算原理、政府財務管理、基金制度的發展與演變等,了解存在於政府預算編列與監督之間的總體問題。 (二)從特種基金的設置理論、特種基金與總預算的關係、政府對特種基金的需求與運用等,檢視特種基金運作的問題。 (三)研究非營業特種基金設置浮濫、疊床架屋、管理困難、規模不當、經營效率不彰、淪為隱藏預算之所、不符成本效益原則等的原因出在哪理?能否透過監督機制的強化而予以妥善解決? (四)透過預算審議過程的解構,分析立法院特種基金監督機制的困境與難題,從而提出研究建議。   研究結果發現,就被監督者的行政部門而言,或出於有意的逃避監督,常發生財務資訊提供不足、或不提供財務以外的經營與績效資訊以供立法院審議的現象;有時則是出於無心的如使用過於專業複雜、過於本位的會計語言來編列特種基金預算的情況,無論何者,都已對監督構成了障礙。就身為主要監督單位的立法院而言,一方面要面對千方百計保障完整行政權的行政單位,一方面也受到自我能力不足、權力不完備的制約。就能力而言,立法委員少有會計專業能力,在責司龐雜、利益團體壓力遠大於專業預算審查使命、審查時間有限、調查權不完備等限制情況下,立法院對非營業特種基金的監督成果尚不能令人滿意。 為了改善立法院在監督品質低落,除了加強立法院預算中心之功能、增加國會專業助理、政黨內培育資深專業人才外,在預算審議流程之制度設計上應從取消多餘而無實益的審議程序、強化立法院在監督預算執行過程中的參與權。管理法規的層級應該提升為立法層次,透過特種基金管理法制化以制衡行政部門,同時應建立特種基金績效評估制度、立法促使財務資訊揭露透明化、適時修訂特種基金管理辦法及預算編列,如此才能真正落實特種基金監督與管理。 / The budget of Taiwan’s government uses a fund system, where all incomes and expenditures must be processed through funds. The Budget Act distinguishes two categories of funds, general funds for general purpose use and special funds for special purpose use. According to Article 4 of the Budget Act, special funds are further divided into six categories: enterprise funds, debt service funds, trust funds, operation funds, special revenue funds, and capital revenue funds. With the exception of enterprise funds and trust funds, all other funds a generally defined as non-profit funds. There are always specific goals and necessities at the origin of the creation of non-profit special funds. However, due to various reasons, these funds have been criticized for extravagant expenditures, unclear functions, and ineffectiveness, as well as for disrupting the income and expenditure mechanism of finances and having a negative influence on the financial management of the National Treasury. Budget approval results from the interaction between the legislative and executive powers, where the executive power sometimes yields greater influence. The budget for non-profit special funds is often criticized as yielding the lowest results, being badly use, being the government as a secret budget tool, and lacking transparency. Because the approval process of non-profit special funds is different from regular budgets, this paper will examine how special funds are created and what is the process for the approval of budget by the Legislative Yuan, as well as identify possible blind spots in order to gain a complete picture of the Legislative Yuan’s supervision mechanism for special funds. This research will achieve the following goals: 1. From the perspective of control through the separation of powers, budget principles, government financial management, and the evolution of the fund system, understand the problems that exist between the government’s budget planning and budget control mechanisms. 2. By examining the theory of special funds, the relationship between special funds and the general budget, as well as the need and use by the government of special funds, identify the problems inherent to the use of special funds. 3. Inquire into the causes behind the problems inherent to non-profit special funds, such as wasteful use, management difficulties, inappropriate size, lack of efficiency, insufficient transparency and poor cost-efficiency, and explore the possibility of improving the situation by strengthening supervision mechanisms. 4. Explore the structure of the budget approval process to analyze the difficulties faced by the Legislative Yuan in supervising special funds and provide recommendations.   This research found that the executive departments either deliberately avoid supervision by not providing sufficient financial information, or do not provide the Legislative Yuan with other information relevant to the administration and use of special funds. Sometimes, the involuntary use of too much accounting jargon by budget makers hampers the ability of legislators to understand and supervise budgets. No matter which circumstance, this creates many hurdles for supervision. As the most important supervising department, the Legislative Yuan must on one hand face numerous executive departments all intent in protecting their executive powers, and on the other hand must deal with restrictions such as limited capacity and limited powers. In terms of capacity, few legislators have professional accounting skills, they must also deal with limitations such as pressure from interest groups, limited time for budget review, and incomplete powers for investigation. As such, the result of supervision by legislators of non-profit special funds leaves to be desired. In order to improve the quality of supervision by the Legislative Yuan, apart from strengthening the central role of the Legislative Yuan in budgeting, increasing the number of professional staff, and cultivating professional staff within political parties, it is also necessary to reduce unnecessary procedures in the budget approval process, as well as strengthen the participative power of the Legislative Yuan in supervising the budget during its execution. The management of special funds should be regulated by law (and not by executive orders as is the present case) in order to balance the power of executive departments, and at the same time establish a system to evaluate the performance of special funds. The law will encourage greater financial transparency and allow the modification of the management process of special funds as well as the planning of budgets. This will facilitate the implementation of the supervision and management of special funds.

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