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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

可動態調整的電子病歷存取控管機制 / A Dynamically Configurable Access Control Mechanism for Electronic Medical Records

許原瑞, Hsu,Yuan Jui Unknown Date (has links)
在醫療系統中,存取控管是電子病歷安全防護的核心。針對這樣的議題,我們實驗室已經有設計出一種安全的架構,利用最新的程式開發技術,剖面導向程式設計為基礎,設計出一種宣告式電子病歷安全控管的方法。這樣的設計讓安全管理者可以有系統化的控制整個系統的安全存取。但是這樣的架構下,安全規則的變動必須經過好幾道複雜的手續,造成使用上彈性不足。 本研究針對這樣的架構提出幾種改進的方式,使安全規則更動更具有彈性。主要分為兩方面,第一,針對安全規則的變數,設計可以彈性更動的方式,不需要為了更動變數而重複整個安全控管規則產生流程。第二,利用動態載入的功能,提出可以由外部Java程式寫好安全控管規則,在執行時候將該規則載入來判斷,如此對於複雜的安全控管規則也有修改的彈性。希望藉由這樣彈性的設計使我們設計的安全控管架構更能符合實際使用的需求。 / Maintaining proper access control to Electronic Medical Records (EMR) is essential to protecting patients’ privacy. However, the fine-grained and dynamic nature of access control rules for EMR has imposed great challenges on the healthcare information system developers. This thesis presents a dynamically configurable access control mechanism for Web-based EMR systems.It is an enhancement of a previous work in which static aspects are employed to enforce fine-grained access control for EMR. Specifically, we provide two additional kinds of dynamic adjustment mechanism to enhance the static access control aspects, namely dynamic parameters and dynamic constraints. If the scope of dynamic changes is small, dynamic parameters can realize the required changes. Otherwise, dynamic constraints can be used to support replacement of the access control enforcing code while allowing the EMR application running as usual. Consequently, system administrators have a fine range of choices with different trade-offs between flexibility and performance, namely fully static aspects, parameterized aspects using dynamic parameters and fully dynamic aspects using dynamic constraints. We have built a Web-based EMR prototype implementation using AspectJ to demonstrate our approach.

適用於IEEE 802.11e網路下提供服務品質效能的改進 / Improving QoS Performance of EDCA in IEEE 802.11e Wireless Networks

洪立韋, Hung, Li-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
隨著行動通訊日漸普及,愈來愈多使用者希望能夠在任何時間、任何地點,不受限制地使用他們所需的服務。但是由於IEEE 802.11通訊協定的限制,導致使用者無法獲得適當的服務品質保障,特別是使用者在享受即時性的服務,例如:網路電話、視訊會議、線上即時影音等。雖然在2001年IEEE提出802.11e草案,提供具有服務品質的無線通訊協定,但是在服務品質的效能方面表現並非完美,特別是在隨時變化的真實網路中。我們提出一個隨時根據網路狀況動態調整系統參數且容易實作並相容於IEEE 802.11e網路下的新機制。根據實驗模擬結果中,我們可以看到我們所提出的方法提供比EDCA更好的服務品質,就語音方面的延遲而言,我們減少約80%,就視訊方面的延遲,我們改善約25%,而輸出量方面約增加45%的效能,並且提高系統約6% - 40%最大的容納數。而我們也導入了允入控管,根據事先模擬的結果及設定的系統參數門檻,達到允入控管的目地,確保系統所提供的服務品質能夠滿足使用者的需求。 / Wireless LANs (WLANs) based on the IEEE 802.11 family have recently become popular for allowing high data rates at relatively low cost. However, due to the limitation of 802.11 DCF, they are not suitable for real-time service and do not support service differentiation. To expand providing applications with quality of service (QoS) requirements in WLANs, the IEEE 802.11E Task Group was formed to enhance the current 802.11 medium access control (MAC) protocol. In real networks, the network condition is dynamic. The 802.11e cannot reach high performance of QoS. Besides, design of efficient MAC protocols with both high-throughput and low-jitter performance is the major focus in distributed contention-based MAC protocol research. In view of this, we propose a new and applicable approach, called Dynamic-EDCA (D-EDCA), adjusts the parameters of system based on the network condition. The result of simulation shows that in comparison with EDCA, our proposed algorithm improves total throughput more than 45%, and the maximum of connection more than 40%. It also reduces voice delay about 80%, and video delay about 25%. Thus, the proposed D-EDCA utilizes bandwidth more efficiently and improves performance for service differentiation.


李忠賢, LI,ZHONG-XIAN Unknown Date (has links)
本文以Blanchard " Output,the stock Market and Interst Rates " 和 Dornbusc- h " Expectations and Exchanqe Rate Dynamics " 為監本。探討貨幣政策對股價和 匯率的影響及股價和匯率的交互影響。以前與此有關之文獻皆采取完全預期,本文之 一主要特色為采用Muth之理性預期。 本文共分為四章:第一章,對過去的文獻加以回顧并對本文作一簡介;第二章,建立 一包括財貨市場、貨幣市場和股票市場之封閉經濟模型。探討在理性預期下 ,Blanc- hard Model與在完全預期下有何不同?并探討貨幣政策對股票的影響和分析結構參數 對股價跳躍幅度和變異數之影響。第三章,將第二章的模型擴充為一小型開放模型, 與 Dornbusch模型不同之處為本文假設資本不完全移動。并且探討股價和匯率之交互 影響。第四章,對本文作一結論。


詹修儀, ZHAN, XIU-YI Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論 第二章 模型之設立 第一節 一般資產模型之設立(流動性偏好) 第二節 可貸資金模型 第三章 平衡預算下之特性 第一節 短期均衡 第二節 動態及安定性之探討 第三節 長期均衡 第四章 貨幣及財政政策 第一節 貨幣數量增加效果 第二節 公開市場操作效果 第三節 以稅收融通的政府支出效果 第五章 結論


林郁棻 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,投資理財已經成為全民運動,昔日的定存族早已不復見,投資人在進行資產配置時,除了希望能有固定的保障本金及配息之外,更希望能在市場走勢看好時同時享有增值的利益,而投資組合保險便能滿足這些投資人的需求,部分的投資者及基金經理人,也開始運用投資組合保險進行資產配置。 為了更進一步瞭解投資組合保險策略實際上的運作及其特性,本研究利用蒙地卡羅模擬法,針對不同市場(多頭、空頭、盤整)以及資產間相關係數不同下(高度正相關、低度正相關),模擬多支股票所形成的投資組合,探討「複製性賣權策略(SPO)」、「固定比例投資組合保險策略(CPPI)」、「時間不變性投資組合保險策略(TIPP)」、「固定比例策略(CM)」、「買入持有策略(BH)」在不同市場走勢下相對的績效,並找出在不同市場下最適合各種策略的調整法則。此外,針對CPPI與TIPP策略提出動態調整風險參數m值的概念(MCPPI、MTIPP策略),試著改進此兩種策略在傳統上風險參數固定不動的缺點。在實證部分,除了驗證MCPPI與MTIPP的績效是否真的較佳,並檢驗蒙地卡羅模擬中模擬適合不同策略的調整方式的結果是否正確。 經由模擬可發現:多頭時期,SPO與CPPI策略以每日調整為佳,TIPP及CM策略以5%落差調整為佳,而且SPO策略的平均報酬最高;盤整時期,SPO、CPPI、TIPP策略以5%落差調整較好,CM策略以1%落差調整較好,期末報酬以TIPP策略為佳;空頭時期,SPO與TIPP策略以每日調整為佳,CPPI策略以1%落差調整較好,CM策略以5%落差調整較佳,期末報酬也以TIPP策略為優。經由實證可以證明,不論市場走勢為何,MCPPI、MTIPP策略的績效均比傳統的CPPI、TIPP來的好,顯示動態調整風險參數確實能增加投資組合的績效;此外,若能正確預測市場走勢,並依照蒙地卡羅模擬的結果選擇正確的調整法則,將能有效的提升投資組合保險策略的績效。 / In order to find out the characteristic and operation of portfolio insurance strategies, this study makes an extensive Monte Carlo simulation comparison of five portfolio insurance strategies (Synthetic put option (SPO), Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance (CPPI), Time-Invariant Portfolio Protection (TIPP), Constant Mix (CM), Buy and Hold (BH) ) . For each strategy, some measures (average return, standard deviation, protection error and opportunity cost) are calculated to compare its performance. Besides, these strategies are compared in different market situations (bull, bear, no-trend markets) and with different asset correlation (highly correlated, low correlated), taking into account transaction costs and the price limit. The Monte Carlo simulations show the optimal rebalancing discipline of different portfolio insurance strategies in different markets; moreover, via the simulation process, we can find out a dominant role of TIPP strategies in bear and no-trend markets and a preference for SPO strategies in bull markets. These results are independent of the asset correlation. In historical simulations, we bring out an extended method for CPPI and TIPP strategies, called MCPPI and MTIPP strategies, which increase the risk multiplier (m) when market price goes up and decrease the risk multiplier when market price goes down. Comparing the portfolio insurance strategies mentioned above (SPO, CPPI, TIPP, CM, BH, MCPPI, MTIPP) ,we can find out that MCPPI and MTIPP strategies can dominate CPPI and TIPP strategies in all market ; besides, if we can use the optimal rebalance discipline correctly, it will effectively enhance the performance of portfolio insurance strategies. Although in historical and Monte Carlo simulations, we can’t conclude any strategy which is dominant in all market situations, but we can summarize that SPO strategy can dominate other strategies in bull market, and MTIPP and TIPP strategies can dominate other strategies in bear and no-trend market.


張偉智, Chang ,Wei-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
金融機構在承做住宅抵押貸款時,面臨兩種風險,分別是提前清償及違約。這兩種借款人風險行為對金融機構的資產管理產生相當大的影響,尤其在不動產證券化的推動上,都是評價證券價格的關鍵因子,因此,討論借款者提前還款與違約行為,是近年不動產證券化領域中重大議題。 借款人決定提前清償及違約與否,除了與借款人特性之外尚有房屋特性與財務選擇上的特性,且有許多影響因子並非維持在貸款起始的狀態,而是會在貸款存續期間內隨著時間遷移有所改變,因此,本文在進一步研究影響借款人行為時,處理時間相依變數,利用動態調整過後的變數來分析借款人提前清償及違約風險行為,觀察借款人特徵、房屋型態及貸款條件等變數與借款人風險行為的關係並進行證券價格MBS的評價。 實證結果顯示,借款人特徵部分並不會影響提前清償但會影響違約風險。且借款者在財務選擇上面,會有落後反映的現象,亦即隨著時間的經過,借款者才會選擇有利於自己的財務決策,且雖然本國貸款為浮動利率貸款,但是影響借款者最深的仍然是利率相關因素,且觀察到借款者對於財務上面的好處比壞處有更敏感的現象,顯示出借款者比較趨近於風險愛好者。 在MBS評價上發現,影響價格的最重要因素在於放款的品質,因此,要真正落實抵押住宅證券化的實行,關鍵在於金融機構必須篩選優良放款進行證券化,才能吸引投資人,增加住宅抵押貸款證券化發行的可行性。

貸款成數、加碼利率與房價的動態調整 / Loan-to-value ratio, mark-up rate and housing price dynamics

彭思瑾, Peng, Ssu Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文將Poterba(1984)所建構的房屋市場模型由部分均衡擴展為一般均衡,引入貸款成數及加碼利率做宣示效果分析。探討民眾在未預料到和預料到的兩種情況下,貸款成數及加碼利率變動對房價和房屋存量的影響,可得到結論如下: 一、當貸款成數降低時,不論房量變動的正負效果相對大小如何,均會使長期的房屋價格下跌和房屋存量減少。 二、當加碼利率提高時,在加碼利率變動的正效果大於負效果的情況下,長期的房屋存量和房屋價格均上升;反之,當加碼利率變動的正效果小於負效果,長期的房屋存量和房屋價格均會減少。 三、政府可利用降低貸款成數達到抑制房價的政策目標;但若要以提高加碼利率達成抑制房價的目標,則要視加碼利率的正負效果相對大小而定。 四、政策宣告會改變民眾的預期,促使房價於政策宣告後立即跳動,並在政策執行前就已對房屋存量和房價做出反應。在宣告降低貸款成數的瞬間,房價會有跳躍性減少的情況;但在宣告提高加碼利率的瞬間,房價則視加碼利率變動的正負效果相對大小,有跳躍性上升或下降的情況。 / This thesis extends the housing market model pioneered by Poterba(1984) from a partial equilibrium analysis to a general equilibrium analysis. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how the anticipated and unanticipated policies of the loan-to-value ratio and the mark-up rate govern the transitional dynamics of housing prices and the housing stock. There are two main findings emerge from the analysis. First, a reduction in the loan-to-value ratio leads to a decline in both of housing prices and the housing stock, regardless of whether the increased loan-to value ratio is beneficial or harmful to the return on housing. Second, in response to a rise in the mark-up rate, whether the steady-state housing prices and the housing stock go up or go down depends on the mark-up rate effect. Both housing prices and the housing stock go up if the increased mark-up rate contributes a positive effect on the return of holding houses. By contrast, the steady-state housing prices and the housing stock go down if the increased mark-up rate causes a negative effect on the return on housing holdings.


金元宇 Unknown Date (has links)
由於固定比例投資組合保險策略(CPPI)能依據投資者本身的風險偏好來選定參數,並透過簡單的公式動態調整風險性資產及保留性資產的部位,以達到投資組合保險的目的,因此成為常用的投資組合保險策略之一。然而在固定乘數的選定中,僅考慮投資人的效用函數而並未考慮市場變化情況,因此投資組合的報酬往往未必為最適化之結果。   本研究以台灣股市為例,旨在討論透過技術分析指標來動態調整乘數,對固定比例投資組合保險策略之影響。實證方面以1992~2003年間台股指數作為研究標的,配合固定時點調整法及相對強弱指標來調整投資組合中風險性資產及保留性資產之投資比例。並討論動態調整與固定乘數在要保誤差、平均報酬、報酬變異、偏態、交易成本及不同市況下績效表現。

貨幣政策與信用管道:資本不完全移動之動態分析 / Monetary Policy and the Credit Channel: A Dynamic Open Economy Model with Imperfect Capital Mobility

王書盛, Wang, Shu-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
無 / This study investigates the monetary effects under the floating exchange rates and imperfect capital mobility by extending the model of Bernanke and Blinder (1988) into a small open economy. It is shown that with credit channel of monetary transmission explicitly considered, the effect of monetary policy on output may be augmented or lessen in our model depending on whether the exchange rate depreciates or appreciates. In addition, the exchange rate puzzle found in the empirical studies can be explained in our theoretical model. The dynamic adjustment patterns of the output and the exchange rate after an increase in money supply are further examined. Under the case of relative high capital mobility, when the real output gradually adjusts toward a higher level, the exchange rate may overshoot, undershoot, or even counter-shoot during the dynamic adjustment process. This provides another one explanation for the volatility of exchange rates under floating rates. Therefore, as financial markets become more internationalized, the conduct of monetary policy turns more complicated in an open economy.

穩定性與多重性-以二部門體系動態調整方式為例 / Stability and indeterminacy --the dynamic adjustment of two-sector economy

連科雄, Lian, Ke-Shaw Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文試圖藉由比較一個產業生產技術為固定規模報酬的經濟體系,如何因外部因素的影響而改變其動態調整方式。在此考慮的外部因素有資本移動的開放與否、生產要素的外部性、及政府對要素報酬的課稅。考慮各種因素後,所得出的結論為在生產函數為Cobb-Douglas型式且產業生產技術為固定規模報酬的情況下: 1.多重均衡路徑在資本帳封閉時期唯有效用函數為特例時才能使其出現,但在資本自由移動時期對於所有的效用函數型態皆會成立。 2.其他條件保持不變之下,單獨存在生產要素外部性或是對要素所得課稅皆可使體系存在多重均衡路徑。 3.其他條件保持不變之下,若生產要素外部性與要素所得稅皆同時存在時,可使體系存在唯一的穩定馬鞍路徑。

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