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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳起新, Chen, Qi-Xin Unknown Date (has links)
第一章概論,敘述研究目的,理論架構、分析方法及研究過程。 第二章理論探討及定義之設定,根據有關企業形象文獻及理論。就軍福中民特殊之角 色及擔負的功能,所形成之特定目標市場設定有關變數。 第三章企業形象與消費行為之關係。 (1) 根據有關理論,研究消費者之寵顧頻率、購買廣度及金額與企業形象指數之關係 。 (2) 消費者心理滿足程度對企業形象之影響。 第四章各關係群體總和企業形象之測度及差異分析,測度管理當局、高指數消費群( 經常購買) 、低指數消費者( 很少購買者) 之總和形象指數( 重要性程度×滿意程度 ) 在各變項之差異分析。 第五章根據研究之結果, 針對顯著差異變項及消費者心理滿足層面提出軍福中心企業 形象之改進方案。


黃美雯, Huang, Mei-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解目前國中學生處理導師生衝突方式之現況,並分析不同學校規模、導師管教方式、導師生衝突頻率與導師生關係對國中學生處理導師生衝突方式的影響。 本研究以研究者自編之「國中學生處理導師生衝突方式問卷」為蒐集資料的工具,以分層隨機抽樣的方式,抽取台中縣市5所公立國民中學學生717名為調查的樣本,經統計分析後主要研究發現如下: 一、國中學生處理導師生衝突方式方面 國中學生處理導師生衝突的方式,依序是「不採取行動」、「協議溝通」、「報復」。 二、學校規模影響方面 (一)就讀大型學校的國中學生,明顯比小型學校學生易採用「不採取行動」之衝突處理方式。 (二)學校規模在「報復」與「協議溝通」之衝突處理方式上沒有顯著差異。 三、導師管教方式影響方面 (一)國中導師管教方式以「民主」居多、「專制冷漠」次之、「放任」最少。 (二)國中學生與專制冷漠管教方式的導師發生衝突時,較易使用不採取行動、報復之衝突處理方式。 (三)國中學生與民主管教方式的導師發生衝突,較不會使用報復之衝突處理方式,較易使用協議溝通之衝突處理方式。 (四)國中學生與放任管教方式的導師發生衝突,較易使用協議溝通之衝突處理方式。 四、導師生衝突頻率影響方面 (一)國中學生有導生衝突經驗者佔六成,導師生衝突頻率依次為「從來沒有」(37.6%)、「每年數次」(28.4%)、「每月數次」(16.2%)、「每週數次」(13.0%)、「每天數次」(4.9%)。 (二)導師生衝突頻率愈高的國中學生,明顯比導師生衝突頻率低的國中學生易使用不採取行動、報復之衝突處理方式。 五、導師生關係影響方面 (一)導師生關係欠佳的國中學生,明顯比導師生關係良好的國中學生易使用不採取行動之衝突處理方式。 (二)導師生關係良好的國中學生,明顯比導師生關係欠佳的國中學生易使用協議溝通之衝突處理方式。 根據上述結論,本研究提出下列建議: 一、給未來研究之建議 研究對象範圍可再擴大,研究方法可質量並重,亦可納入家庭管教方式、同儕關係,以及與其他教師關係等研究變項的討論。 二、給實務單位之建議 (一)給教育行政機關之建議 縮小學校規模,減低學生問題行為。 (二)給學校行政單位之建議 慎選導師,以服務年資較長的女性導師為優先人選,並且多舉辦輔導知能相關研習活動。 (三)給國中導師之建議 正視衝突,與學生共謀解決之道。鼓勵學生理性溝通,適當的情緒表達。並且運用民主方式管教學生,避免使用專制冷漠方式管教學生。最後即是導師應以身作則,善盡導師之責。


廖楷民, Liao, Kai-min Unknown Date (has links)
以機率或頻率方式呈現訊息對風險知覺評估的影響,過去的研究有不一致的結果,原因可能來自於判斷事件與受試者的自我相關程度不同,而引發捷思或系統性的訊息處理歷程。實驗一發現當事件的自我相關程度高,受試者會採用系統性的認知處理,而事件的自我相關程度低時,受試者會採用捷思性的認知處理。實驗二詢問受試者認為以機率或頻率方式呈現訊息何者較清楚明確,結果發現有77.5%的受試者認為以頻率方式呈現訊息較以機率方式呈現訊息清楚明確。實驗三操弄「事件自我相關程度」與「機率或頻率方式呈現訊息」,結果發現當事件為高自我相關時,機率或頻率方式呈現訊息在風險知覺的判斷上沒有差異;而當事件為低自我相關時,則頻率方式呈現訊息的「風險知覺」與「事件聯想負向詞數量」均大於機率方式呈現訊息。另外,當事件為低自我相關時,訊息明確度與事件聯想負向詞數量對風險知覺有顯著的預測力。以上的結果支持不同事件自我相關程度會引發捷思或系統性訊息處理,而頻率方式呈現訊息較機率方式呈現訊息清楚明確的原因,與Slovic等人(2000)提出頻率較具體,容易想像的推論符合,但不支持Gigerenzer和Edwards (2003)認為機率的參照類別不清楚的假設。此外,自我相關程度與可得性捷思為影響頻率或機率方式呈現訊息對風險知覺判斷結果不一致的重要變項。


張可珊 Unknown Date (has links)
依照「強制汽車責任保險法」之規定,費率的釐定應兼採從人及從車因素,旨在使保險費率能更臻公平完整。本研究利用卡方獨立性檢定,以國內某大型產物保險公司之承保與理賠資料為依據,分析可能影響強制汽車責任保險損失之是否發生、損失次數與損失幅度的分類因素。除了法定的從人及從車因素之外,本研究亦試圖由取得之保單資料上找出其他可能影響損失的因子,並比較新制實施前後,其影響損失之分類因素的改變,做為是否應採用此分類因素為核保篩選及費率釐定之參考。 研究結果發現: (一)年餘並非為其有顯著影響力之分類因素; (二)性別、婚姻狀況與車種宜列為影響損失的重要分類因素; (三)肇事記錄與廠型對損失之影響不顧著,並非為重要分類因素; (四)車齡與排氣量並非為重要分類因素; (五)是否投保任意責任險與損失有顯著相關; (六)新制實施後,影響損失的顯著因素中,從人因素多於從車因素。 關鍵字:強制汽車責任保險、從人從車因素、損失頻率、損失幅度 / According to the“The Law of Compulsory Auto Liability Insurance”, the ratemaking should take both human factors and vehicle factors into account. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the factors which affect the loss occurrence, loss frequency and loss severity of compulsory auto liability insurance. Besides these legal factors, this paper also tries to find out other influential factors and compare the outcomes before 1998 with that after 1998. The analysis of the changes on the relevant factors helps the government and insurers to make rating and underwriting decisions. The methodology of this study is chi-square test and the empirical findings are as follows: 1.Age is not a significant risk factor. 2.Gender, marriage status and vehicle category should be considered as significant risk factors. 3. Both driving record and category has less effect on loss and thus should not be treated as important risk factors. 4.Neither vehicle-age nor exhaust volume should be considered as significant risk factors. 5.The factor of purchasing voluntary auto third party liability insurance has an important impact on loss. 6.After the new law of compulsory auto liability insurance has been practiced, it shows that human factors are more significant than vehicle factors in affecting insurance claims. Keywords: compulsory auto liability insurance, human factors and vehicle factors, loss frequency, loss severity

家庭作業完成時間與頻率對學習成就的影響之研究-TIMSS 2003台灣數學科資料的階層線性模式分析 / The Effects of homework time and homework frequency on academic achievement: A hierarchical linear modeling analysis using the TIMSS 2003 mathematics data of Taiwan

洪川富, Hung, Chuan Fu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以TIMSS 2003台灣數學科資料為資料來源,使用階層線性模式為統計分析方式,探討國小四年級及國中二年級,學生數學家庭作業完成時間與教師指派數學家庭作業頻率,對於學生數學學習成就的影響。研究結果顯示:在國小四年級,學生數學家庭作業完成時間與學生數學學習成就為負相關;教師指派數學家庭作業頻率與學生數學學習成就之間為正相關,但並不顯著。在國中二年級,學生數學家庭作業完成時間與教師指派數學家庭作業頻率,對學生數學學習成就皆有正向的影響。在國小四年級中,學生數學家庭作業完成時間與教師指派數學家庭作業頻率的交互作用,對學生數學學習成就為負相關,但不顯著。在國中二年級中,學生數學家庭作業完成時間與教師指派數學家庭作業頻率的交互作用,對學生數學學習成就為正相關,但不顯著。 / The research was to explore the effects of mathematics homework time and mathematics homework frequency on mathematics achievement in the fourth and eighth grades, using TIMSS 2003 Taiwan mathematics data as the resources and Hierarchical Linear Modeling as the statistical analysis method. The results showed that in the fourth grades, mathematics homework time had a negative relationship with mathematics achievement while mathematics homework frequency had a positive, but non-significant, relationship with mathematics achievement. In the eighth grades, both mathematics homework time and mathematics homework frequency had positive effects on mathematics achievement. In the fourth grades, the interaction between mathematics homework time and mathematics homework frequency had negative, but non-significant, effects on mathematics achievement while in the eighth grades, the interaction between mathematics homework time and mathematics homework frequency had positive, but non-significant, effects on mathematics achievement.

台灣華語母音的聲學研究 / An acoustic study on Taiwan Mandarin vowels

張恆毅, Zhang, Heng Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文為以共振峰頻率資料來研究台灣華語母音音質之聲學研究。 本研究的受試者為六名生長在台灣台北市的男性華語母語使用者。本研究使用的測試字為70個包含所有韻母型態的單音節字。語音資料是利用KAY CSL 4100 (KAY Electronics)來錄製及分析。本研究所採用的資料為獨立發音且無聲母的測試字。 根據共振峰頻率資料本研究得到以下有關台灣華語母音音質的發現。首先研究的部分為音標所隱含的語音對比。在齒槽(alveolar)及後齒槽(post-alveolar)組的舌尖母音(apical vowels)間並沒有發現音質上的顯著差別,但統計及其它證據支持低母音裡的前後對比及中母音裡的半開(open-mid)及半閉(closed-mid)對比的存在。 其次,研究的結果也包括語音環境中的音段對於母音音質的影響。結果發現韻母中的元素,包含母音前介音、母音後介音、及韻尾鼻音,都對母音有不同的語音制約(conditioning)。另外,本研究發現順同化(progressive assimilation)比逆同化(regressive assimilation)對於低母音音質有較大的影響。 第三,本研究藉由與之前聲學研究的結果作比較來討論台灣母音音質的改變。結果發現硬顎及後硬顎組的舌尖母音間的音質差異隨著時間縮小終至於消失。此外,研究發現半閉母音及半開母音在母音高度及母音前後相對位置出現反轉。共振峰頻率的比較顯示這種反轉的原因為半閉母音[e]在音質上的改變。然而,我們需要進一步的研究才能對這些音質的改變有合理的解釋。 最後,本研究以共振峰頻率的形式描述及紀錄了當代台灣華語表層母音的音質。希望這些資料能對台灣華語母音的研究有所貢獻。 / This thesis is an acoustic study that investigates the vowel quality of Taiwan Mandarin vowels with formant frequency data. The subjects of this study included six male native Mandarin speakers born and raised in Taipei city, Taiwan. Testing items used in this study were 70 syllables that involve all combinations of segment in the syllable final. The speech data were recorded and analyzed with KAY CSL 4100 (KAY Electronics). The data discussed in this study were testing items produced in citation form without initial consonant. The vowel qualities of Taiwan Mandarin surface vowel were measured and analyzed. Several results concerning the vowel quality of Taiwan Mandarin surface vowel phones were reported based on the formant frequency data. Firstly, the distinction between vowel phones implied by their transcription was examined. The difference in vowel quality was not observed in the alveolar and post-alveolar groups of apical vowels, while the front-back distinction in low vowels and the open-mid and closed-mid distinction in mid vowels were found with statistic and other evidence. Secondly, the conditioning of segments in the neighboring environments on the vowel quality was investigated. It is found that elements in the syllable final, including pre-nuclear, post-nuclear glide and coda nasals, generally have different types of conditioning on the vowel. In addition, the progressive assimilation was found have greater influence on the vowel quality of low vowel phones than the regressive assimilation. Thirdly, the change in vowel quality was discussed through the comparison with results in previous acoustic studies. The difference in vowel backness between the alveolar and post-alveolar groups of apical vowels were found to be decreasing and eventually disappeared. Besides, the relative vowel height and backness of closed-mid and open-mid vowel were found to be in reverse compared with that in the literature. Comparison in formant frequencies showed that this reverse lay in the change of vowel quality in the close-mid [e]. However, further investigations were needed to offer reasonable explanations for the change. Finally, the vowel qualities of present Taiwan Mandarin surface vowel phones were described and recorded as the formant frequency data presented in this study. Hopefully, the data could contribute to the study of vowels in Taiwan Mandarin.

台灣高中生英文寫作中副詞子句之使用 / The use of English adverbial clauses in Taiwanese senior high school students’ writing

余佳玟, Yu, Jia Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討台灣高中生副詞子句的使用,並且探究台灣高中生在副詞子句使用上所產生的錯誤。此外,為更進一步了解台灣高中生對於副詞子句的認知,本研究亦檢視了目前國內高中生普遍所使用的英語教科書,以了解英語副詞子句的呈現方式以及內容的編排。本研究受試者為兩班高二學生,一共43位。研究工具為學生高二上學期三篇指定英文作文寫作。 研究結果顯示,副詞子句為一高中生作文中常出現之句型結構。受試者能夠使用不同語意種類的副詞子句來補充說明主要子句的訊息。在各式不同種類副詞子句當中,時間副詞子句出現頻率最高。限定副詞子句(finite adverbial clauses)使用的頻率遠多於非限定副詞子句(non-finite adverbial clauses)。限定副詞子句使用當中,時間副詞子句、因果副詞子句、條件副詞子句、目的副詞子句以及讓步副詞子句,依序為最常使用的副詞子句;非限定副詞子句使用當中,目的副詞子句以及時間副詞子句為使用頻率最高的副詞子句。 雖然副詞子句是基本句型,但經錯誤分析的結果顯示,學生對於副詞子句沒有完整的了解,仍有不正確的使用。整體而言,句子不完整( sentence fragment)以及使用錯誤(不恰當)副詞連接詞使用(illogical subordinate conjunction)為最常發生的錯誤。在限定副詞子句使用上,最常犯的錯誤為不完整句子、錯誤或不恰當的副詞連接詞使用、重複連接詞標記(double marking)以及無主語(null subject)。在非限定副詞子句使用上,不連結修飾語(dangling modifier)為最常出現之錯誤。這些錯誤很可能是因為中文以及英文之間的差異以及對副詞子句沒有充分的理解所導致。 而教科書當中對副詞子句的介紹,也可以解釋學生學習使用副詞子句所犯的錯誤及遭遇的問題。從檢視教科書以及教師手冊當中的句型以及寫作兩個單元發現,在句型呈現上,副詞子句的介紹以及呈現主要著重在單句句型結構以及語意相近的句型結構替換。副詞子句的篇章功能以及副詞連接詞的使用則較被忽略。句型練習中,也較少有情境式的真實語言呈現。在寫作單元上,副詞子句也多半侷限於其句型結構上,而忽略了其詳細語用以及篇章功能概念。綜合研究結果,本研究提出較完善的教學建議,以幫助教學工作者以及學習者對副詞子句在教學上及學習上有更進一步的了解。 / The purpose of the present study is to investigate how adverbial clauses are used in Taiwanese senior high school students’ written production and what kinds of difficulties students encounter in employing the structure. In addition, to understand how Taiwanese EFL learners construct their knowledge of adverbial clauses, senior high school students’ English textbooks and teachers’ manuals are also examined to find out the presentation of adverbial clauses. Forty-three senior high school students from two different classes in their second year participated in the research. Three assigned compositions in one semester were collected for data analysis. The result showed that adverbial clauses are commonly utilized to express various types of circumstantial meanings in the learners’ writing. Temporal adverbial clauses are of the most use among different kinds of adverbial clauses. Adverbial clauses are further categorized into two types: finite and non-finite adverbial clauses. The use of finite adverbial clauses is far more frequent than the use of non-finite adverbial clauses. This may attribute to the amount of exposure to the finite adverbial clauses and syntactic complexities of non-finite clauses. In finite clauses, temporal adverbial clauses are the most frequently used, followed by causal, conditional, purpose and concessive adverbial clauses respectively. In non-finite adverbial clauses, adverbial clauses of purpose are the most used, then clauses of time. To identify Taiwanese senior high school students’ difficulties in using adverbial clauses, an error analysis was conducted. It was found that adverbial clauses are problematic to the learners. Overall, sentence fragment and illogical subordinate conjunction are the two main error types. Most of the errors occur in finite clauses, including sentence fragment, illogical subordinate conjunction, double marking and null subject. In non-finite clauses, error type is exclusively dangling modifier. The reasons for the errors may be due to learners’ incomprehensive understanding toward the use of adverbial clauses and the differences between Chinese and English. In addition, learners’ textbooks were evaluated to see how adverbial clauses were generally introduced and presented. An examination of grammar (sentence patterns) and writing sections revealed that in grammar section, the emphasis is mainly on the introduction of various linguistic forms of adverbial clauses and syntactic structures that bear similar semantic meanings. Moreover, they are presented mostly in isolation without meaningful and contextual presentations. The functional aspect of adverbial clauses and the contextual presentation of subordinate conjunctions are quite neglected. Likewise, in writing section, the focus is mostly limited to the introduction of various types of adverbial clauses and subordinate conjunctions. Clearer explanations of the conjunctions and the functional role of adverbial clauses in writing are relatively overlooked. Concluding from the previous findings, it is suggested that more explicit and contextual presentations are needed to help learners to develop a more complete understanding of the use of adverbial clauses.

價格促銷深度與消費者購買行為 - 以量販店餅乾品類為例 / Price Promotion Impact on Consumer Behavior – A Study of Biscuit Category in Hypermarkets

陳惠玫, Chen, Ivy Hui Mei Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 隨著時代變遷,行銷手法愈來愈推陳出新,商品零售市場的競爭也愈來愈激烈,走進零售店會看到二件八折,第二件五折或是買一送一等降價促銷活動;剛開始做第二件五折的時候,業績瞬間成長,但是多做幾次之後,效益可能就開始往下降,因此可能開始加碼做買一送一,或是增加降價促銷的頻率,最後無法抽身,而陷入一個不得不做的僵局。所以,如何訂定適當的行銷策略,在價格促銷深度和頻率間取得平衡點,追求最大的效益,是製造商常常面臨的問題與決策。 本研究使用尼爾森量販店商品掃描資料,以餅乾銷售資料做為研究品類,探討價格促銷深度與頻率的相互關係,如何影響消費者購買趨勢。本研究根據迴歸線性模型,利用銷售資料先了解前期、節慶及競爭者等變數對該品類的影響,再分析不同的促銷折扣下的價格彈跳幅度,最後分別以二個月及三個月為單位搭配促銷的頻率,看前期有無促銷的時候,對最後一個月不同的價格促銷深度時的業績增加幅度影響。 最後以消費者預期下一次促銷時間與預期價格差異的行為理論,針對本研究結果做分析,提供行銷建議。

家庭作業與學習成就關係之研究—以TIMSS與TEPS臺灣學生為例 / The Relationship between Homework and Learning Achievements: An Example of Taiwan Students from TIMSS and TEPS

陳俊瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解家庭作業與學習成就的關係。為達研究目的,本研究以階層線性模式分析「國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查」2007年4年級學生資料;2007年8年級學生資料;以及2011年8年級學生資料,接著,本研究再以結構方程模式的長期追蹤交叉延宕模式,分析「臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」2001年、2003年及2005年追蹤樣本學生資料,本研究主要發現: 一、臺灣4年級學生的學生層次數學家庭作業時間對數學學習成就有顯著負向地影響效果;學生層次科學家庭作業時間對科學學習成就也有顯著負向地影響效果。 二、臺灣4年級學生的班級層次數學家庭作業頻率對數學學習成就沒有顯著地影響效果;班級層次科學家庭作業頻率對科學學習成就也沒有顯著地影響效果。 三、臺灣8年級學生的學生層次數學家庭作業時間對數學學習成就有顯著正向地影響效果;學生層次科學家庭作業時間對科學學習成就也有顯著正向地影響效果。 四、臺灣8年級學生的班級層次數學家庭作業頻率對數學學習成就有顯著正向地影響效果;班級層次科學家庭作業頻率對科學學習成就也有顯著正向地影響效果。 五、臺灣2001年7年級陸續追蹤至2005年11年級的學生,其家庭作業時間與學習成就有顯著正向地相互影響效果。 / This study aimed analyze the relationship between homework and learning achievements. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to analyze the 4th grade of elementary school students from Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2007, 8th grade of junior high school students from TIMSS 2007, and 8th grade of junior high school students from TIMSS 2011. Moreover, structural equation modeling with cross-lagged panel modeling was used to analyze the core panel sample data from Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS) in 2001, 2003, and 2005. The major findings were as follows: 1. Taiwan 4th grade of elementary school students’ student-level mathematic homework time could negative predict the mathematic learning achievements significantly, and student-level science homework time could also negative predict the science learning achievements significantly. 2. Taiwan 4th grade of elementary school students’ class-level mathematic homework frequency could not predict the mathematic learning achievements significantly, and class-level science homework frequency could also not predict the science learning achievements significantly. 3. Taiwan 8th grade of junior high school students’ student-level mathematic homework time could positive predict the mathematic learning achievements significantly, and student-level science homework time could also positive predict the science learning achievements significantly. 4. Taiwan 8th grade of junior high school students’ class-level mathematic homework frequency could positive predict the mathematic learning achievements significantly, and class-level science homework frequency could also positive predict the science learning achievements significantly. 5. Taiwan 7th grade of junior high school students to 11th grade of senior high school students’ homework time could positive predict the subsequent learning achievements significantly, and learning achievements could also positive predict the subsequent homework time significantly.

海陸腔客語母音的聲學研究 / An acoustic study of Hai-lu Hakka vowels

李晉瑋, Li, Chin Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本論文為以共振峰頻率資料來研究海陸腔客語母音音質之聲學研究。 語言學的文獻中,以共振峰頻率資料來研究世界上各種語言的母音的音質已經有相當豐富的文獻,在過去五十年來,前人在客語的語音及音韻系統上已經有豐富的研究成果。但以聲學資料來對海陸客語做描述的文獻相當缺乏。 本研究的受試者為居住在新竹縣新埔鎮,六位以海陸腔客家話為母語的人士,其中有三名男性及三名女性。本研究使用了32個測試字,包含了單元音、雙合元音及三合元音。語音資料是利用KAY CSL 4100 (KAY Electronics)來做分析。本研究測試字包含的音節結構有:CV, CVV, CVVC, CVC, 以及CVVV。測試字在實驗的過程中,被受試者單獨發音,或是放在句子中間。在實驗資料完成分析後,我們以Origin 6.0軟體繪出海陸腔客語母音的聲學空間圖。 根據供振峰研究資料,本研究得到以下有關海陸腔客語母音音質的表現。首先關於單元音,海陸腔客語共有六個單元音: [i], [e], [ɨ], [a], [o], 以及 [u]。其次,海陸腔客語共有十一個雙元音: [ie], [ia], [io], [iu], [eu], [ai], [au], [oi], [ui], [ue], 以及 [ua]。我們比較單元音及雙元音的聲學空間圖(vowel space)後,發現相同的母音在雙母音的環境下,由於受到鄰近母音發音位置的影響,在聲學空間上,比起在單母音的時候,變的更高低,或更前或後。第三,三母音[iai], [iau]和[uai]在聲譜圖上的表現,第一個母音[i]和[u]都比其後的兩個母音,長度來的相對的短一些,表現很像是滑音[j]和[w]。 最後,本研究以共振峰聲學頻率的形式描述及記錄了當代海陸腔客語母音的音質,前人的研究中,以楊時逢(1952)最能說明本研究所提供的聲學資料。希望這些資料能對海陸腔客語母音的研究有所貢獻。 / This thesis is an acoustic study that investigates the vowel quality of Hai-lu Hakka vowels with formant frequency data. The acoustic method has been widely applied to the study of vowel quality of languages worldwide. In the past 50 years, Hakka researchers have yielded rich results in phonological system and phonetic description of Hakka, but there are relatively fewer research focus on the acoustic properties and characteristics of vowel phones in Hai-lu Hakka. The subjects of this study included three male and three female native Hai-lu Hakka speakers. Testing items used in this study were 32 syllables that involve monophthongs, diphthongs, and triphthongs. The speech data were analyzed by using KAY CSL 4100 (KAY Electronics). The data discussed in this study were testing items produced in citation form and sentence form, including the following syllable structures: CV, CVC, CVV, CVVC, and CVVV. The vowel qualities of Hai-lu Hakka vowels were measured and analyzed, and the acoustic vowel space of Hai-lu Hakka is plotted by the software Origin 6.0. Several results concerning the vowel quality of Hai-lu Hakka vowels were reported based on the formant frequency data. Firstly, there are six monophthongs in the vowel system of Hailu Hakka: [i], [e], [ɨ], [a], [o], and [u]. Secondly, there are eleven diphthongs in the vowel system of Hai-lu Hakka : [ie], [ia], [io], [iu], [eu], [ai], [au], [oi], [ui], [ue], and [ua]. By comparing the relative position of the vowel in a diphthong and the corresponding vowel as in a monophthong, we found that the second vowel in a diphthong tend to be higher or lower, more fontal or back, and it is possibly due to the coarticulatory influence of the adjacent phones.the Thirdly, as shown in the spectrogram of the three tripthongs [iai], [iau] and [uai], the duration of [i] in [iai55], [i] in [tʰiau55] and [u] in [kuai55] are relatively shorter than the rest two vowels in the same syllable, as [ai] in [iai55], [au] in [tʰiau55] and [ai] in [kuai55]. In these CVVV syllables, [u] and [i] are similar to glides or so-called semi-vowels, or approximants [j] and [w] as shown in the spectrogram. Finally, the vowel system in Yang (1957) is more suitable for accounting for the data in this study. Hopefully, the vowel formant data presented in this study will contribute to the study of vowels in Hakka.

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