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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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銀行顧客關係管理員制度:從策略規劃與組織績效考核層面探討 / A study conducted on the bank account officer’s system from the planning of strategy and the examining of operation performance

黃炳華 Unknown Date (has links)
個案銀行力行顧客關係管理員制度(CRM)背景,爰因客戶資料分析經驗顯示與現有的顧客做生意,成本只有開發新顧客的1/5至1/8;80/20 法則,告訴我們企業80% 的利潤來自 20% 的顧客。且因個案銀行深知銀行競爭激烈,有形的產品價格競爭不具差異性,企金客戶經理AO能替客戶創造無形價值的服務能力,便成為決戰未來的能力,惟有用對方法,深化與客戶互動的品質,創造感動的服務,就能維持長久競爭優勢。 該銀行採「全功能分行」模式,並對企金AO採雙軌矩陣式管理之組織改造,行政管理隸屬分行經理,業務目標績效發展隸屬總行企金部並行制,歷經逐年個案銀行經營績效亮麗表現實證,的確是一個行得通的商業模式。並不斷加強企金AO交叉銷售能力(CROSS-SELLING),成果顯示,改造後組織績效已等同金控集團彼此整合之共同行銷效能。因此近5年以非金控組織架構下仍堅持走自己的路,奮力圖強,業績仍然表現亮麗。同時也採行扁平化組織,進行作業中心制、區域中心、到事業部的組織改造在保留原分行風貌、雙軌制下,實施KPI目標設定、職位職等新制、績效管理與發展,並通過現金增資提供員工參股,屬於調合式的變革管理。 因成立作業中心後,除了可減少人為疏失及人謀不臧的風險外,亦可經由專業化的人員作業而將風險有效控管,並且更進一步的將徵授信作業流程E化。近期更致力建置良好的客戶信用評等系統且與並和風險訂價系統及績效評核系統整合。此等運作因此,可避免營運陷入惡性競爭,提升風險控管能力,亦有別於過去的放款作業形態不完全依賴業務人員的人為判斷。對於不同風險等級的授信對象,給予不同的利率,儘可能做到質價並重。

提升客戶服務客服中心管理策略之探討--以A壽險公司為例 / A study on improve customer service call center management strategy –life assurance as A case

何湘茵, Ho, Hsiang Yin Unknown Date (has links)
21世紀是服務的年代,在企業追求成長,人人重視服務的同時,企業也紛紛轉型為客戶導向型的組織,客戶服務中心也成為企業轉型的引導中心。客戶服務中心是企業的聯繫中心、互動中心、管理中心,所以,當客戶服務中心在企業中地位日益重要的情況下,客服中心如何運用管理策略來提升客服中心的服務品質也日顯重要。客戶服務中心以客戶為主,為顧客提供正確及可靠的產品相關資訊,並展現良好的服務給予顧客,以獲得較佳的經營績效。 本研究以A壽險公司為例,透過實際訪談及觀察,探討客服中心的運作管理模式,在組織中的定位,專業客服人員的教育訓練,以及目標管理績效指標評估等。了解客戶服務的重要關鍵以及提供服務的能力,另外服務系統相關的部門對客服中心支援程度也是影響服務品質關聯性的要因。 在個案探訪後發現,客服中心的營運與策略定位有絕大的關聯性,要有熱忱的客服中心專業人才,對客戶服務的認知深入與領導才能的管理者,加上適當的組織授權與資訊整合的幫助,乃是成功客服的必備條件。服務品質管理方面,須訂定適當的關鍵衡量標準,現場管理程序,質量監控規範,以及完善的服務作業流程。根據業務發展需要及環境改變狀況,持續不斷的改進。 關鍵詞:客服中心、管理策略、 服務品質、顧客滿意度、目標管理 / The 21 century is an age of services. Enterprises pursues growth and people demand services. At the same time, enterprises transform themselves into customer-oriented entities in succession. Customer service center leads enterprise transformation. Customer service center is centers of communication, interaction, and management in the enterprise. When the customer service center is gaining significance, therefore, how to utilize management strategies to improve the customer service quality becomes increasingly important. Customer service center focuses on customers. It provides customers with correct and reliable product related information and good services in order to improve the operational performance. This study uses company A as an example. With field research and observation, this study analyzes the operational and managerial patterns of the customer service center, the position in an organization, the trainings of professional customer service personnel, and the evaluation of objective management and performance management. This study shows how the customer service center understands the key factors of customer services and the ability to provide services. In addition, the supports from other service related departments are also key factors of customer service quality. The discovery of the case study shows that the operation of the customer service center and enterprise strategic positioning are closely related. Enthusiastic customer service professionals, deeply understanding of customer services and leadership, and appropriate organizational empowerment and information technology integration are essential requirements of a successful customer service center. In the aspect of customer service quality management, proper evaluation standards, line management procedures, quality control standards, and complete customer service workflow are required. Continuous improvements are applied in accordance with the needs of operation development and the changes in the environmental status quo. Keywords:Customer Service Center, Management Strategies, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Objective Management.

最小成本下,規格及X-bar-S管制圖之設計 / The design of specification and X-bar-S charts with minimal cost

沈依潔, Shen, I Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
最小成本下,規格及X-bar-S管制圖之設計 / The design of economic statistical control charts and specification are both crucial research areas in industry. Furthermore, the determination of consumer and producer specifications is important to producer. In this study, we consider eight cost models including the consumer loss function and/or the producer loss function with the economic statistical X-bar and S charts or Shewhart-type economic X-bar and S charts. To determine the design parameters of the X-bar and S charts and consumer tolerance and/or producer tolerance, we using the Genetic Algorithm to minimizing expected cost per unit time. In the comparison of examples and sensitivity analyses, we found that the optimal design parameters of the Shewhart-type economic X-bar and S charts are similar to those of economic statistical X-bar and S control charts, and the expected cost per unit time may lower than the actual cost per unit time when the cost model only considering consumer loss or producer loss. When considering both consumer and producer tolerances in the cost model, the design parameters of the economic X-bar and S charts are not sensitive to the cost models. If the producer tolerance is smaller than the consumer tolerance, and the producer loss is smaller than the consumer loss, the optimal producer tolerance should be small.


許慶璋, Hsu, Ching Chang Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊科技與生產技術大幅進步,以及全球化及自由化下瞬息多變的競爭環境,經營者除了關注企業內部的議題外,亦需了解全球經濟發展趨勢與產業脈動,在競爭者與客戶回應之前,提出有效對策因應,如此才能在激烈的競爭中存續與發展,維持競爭力及提升經營績效。因此,現今企業勝出的核心關鍵不再單純依賴規模與效率,而是如何發揮創意,找出新的競爭定位,並藉助資訊快速運算及不斷增強的商業智慧功能來改善企業本身的經營條件,甚或尋求新的商業模式。 個案公司是一家電子零組件製造與銷售公司,主要產銷連接器、軟性排線及線材組件。和大多數公司一樣,個案公司目前正面臨全球化競爭帶來的挑戰。處於原物料及人力成本持續上漲的壓力,以及面對客戶少量多樣客製化的產品需求與愈趨繁複的出貨要求下,個案公司之產品毛利愈來愈低。為解決這些經營上的問題,個案公司期待運用ERP資訊系統客製「商品計價作業」來反映成本上漲對產品報價的變動,並藉此快速且適度反應到對客戶的報價上,以期提升經營彈性,因應市場變化。 本研究從個案公司為了因應市場變化而建置資訊系統,以期快速且正確的反映產品報價的需求出發,首先針對個案公司,應用企業流程資訊有機體(Process-Wide Information Organism, PWIO)分析模式,重現及檢視個案公司銷售流程,並結合時間導向的作業基礎成本制求算出客戶最終毛利,據此重分類客戶屬性,並提出對應之銷售策略及對資訊系統需求之反思與建議。 關鍵字:企業流程資訊分析模式、顧客利潤分析、時間導向作業基礎成本制度 / Information technology and manufacturing techniques are greatly improved by days. The globalization and liberalization make industrial competition fierce and ever-changing. Under such circumstances, the company managements can not only focus on internal topics but should observe the global economic development trend and also the commercial and industrial variety. They should put forward solution strategies to deal with the responses of competitors and requests of customers. Only then can they keep competition power and enhance the operation profit to continue sustainable operation and development in the sharp competition. Therefore the key success factor today is not to depend on operation scale and efficiency only but to bring creativeness into full play to find the competition advantage of the company. In addition, they should improve management conditions by means of rapid information operation and ever-growing business intelligent features or to create new business model. A case company is a component manufacturing and sales company. Its main products are connectors, flexible flat cable and wire harness. Facing the severe global competition as the others, the company is challenged by margin issue due to increasing cost of raw material and labor, customized products requests with high-mix/ low-volume. To conquer this business issue, the case company plans to utilize ERP to build up the “Product Pricing Program” to re engineer the pricing methodology by reflecting the increased cost in the quotations to customers. The pricing process can enhance the operation efficiency to respond to the variety market changes. To deal with the market changes, the case study is aimed to establish effective information system for the purpose of responding rapidly and precisely to pricing decision. The research reviews and inspects the sales flow of the case company by Process-Wide Information Organism (PWIO). It also combines the time-oriented activity base costing (ABC) to forecast the final gross profit of customers. Based on this, the case company could re-categorize the customer segmentation and put forward related sales strategy and enhancement on the demand of information system. Key words: Process-Wide Information Organism (PWIO); Customer profitability analysis; Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing

資料採礦於乘用汽車產業之顧客關係管理研究 / A Study of Data Mining on Automobile Industry’s Customer Relationship Management

陳竑廷 Unknown Date (has links)
國父 孫中山先生曾說:『民生的需要,從前經濟學家都說是衣、食、住三種。照我的研究,應該有四種:於衣、食、住之外,還有一種就是行。』,在各種交通工具中,最普及的就是汽車。汽車由貴族地位的象徵,發展至福特汽車公司一家獨大,最後演變為各大汽車品牌的競爭。更因消費者意識的改變,購買汽車時考慮的不再僅是量產速度、購買價格。在現今生產技術成熟,沒有一家汽車公司具壓倒性優勢的情況下,品牌的因素將會是消費者進行購買決策時一個重要的指標。 本研究欲透過國內六大汽車品牌之顧客關係資料,利用資料採礦模型,瞭解品牌形象、廣告印象及人口統計變數與購買意願之關係,進一步探討各汽車品牌之消費者忠誠度、客群分布與品牌差異,期能在汽車品牌公司百家爭鳴情況下,分析出消費者於不同汽車品牌之品牌知覺,提供汽車品牌之購買意願模型與後續研究參考。

我國榮民安養養護機制運作之研究-平衡計分卡觀點 / The Research of Operative Mechanism of Care andDisplacement of Veterans in Taiwan , R.O.C. :The Viewpoint from Balanced Scorecard

張伯英 Unknown Date (has links)
榮家安養養護的對象-就養榮民,為年老生活無依著的退伍軍人,他們的青壯時期大都是在戰爭、顚沛的生活中度過,因此大部分的老榮民個性均較為孤僻,不易與人相處,養護的機制需求與一般的養護照顧有所不同。 為能深入瞭解榮民安養、養護機制運作的情形,本研究以平衡計分卡觀點,運用四個構面-財務構面、顧客構面、內部流程構面、學習與成長構面分別透過實地、長期的觀察與對榮家負責人、主管幹部及服務人員作深度訪談的方式,探討榮家養護機制的運作,並藉以瞭解及分析榮家在養護機制上應如何改進,才能符合年老榮民的養護需求,而在面臨社會環境變遷,榮家要如何使養護的資源能充分的使用,以及要如何擴大榮家的服務對象,並提升養護服務品質。 本研究藉由平衡計分卡四個構面的理論架構,探討我國榮民安養、養護機制運作情形,以作為提升養護服務品質及設施(備)、制度改進之參考,期能達成提供榮民有完善的安養、養護機制與頤養天年環境的使命。本研究發現: (一)財務構面:受訪者一致認為榮家應減少非必要之行政支出、加強財務稽查及內部控管機制,將有限預算完全運用在就養榮民的照護工作上。 (二)顧客構面:改善榮家的生活設施及環境、提升服務人員的服務品質、增加文康休閒活動、加強醫療照護,以提高年老榮民至榮家就養的意願。 (三)內部流程構面:建立一套標準的服務作業流程,加強服務人員及內部管理,對提升服務品質至為重要。 (四)學習與成長構面:為提升醫療照護品質,受訪者均認為應加強服務人員的基本醫療照護能力,及專業醫療人員的在職專業訓練教育,並增加醫護人員,以落實養護照顧。 關鍵字:榮民、榮家、平衡計分卡、財務構面、顧客構面、內部流程構面、學習與成長構面 / The subjects for veterans-home to take care of are veterans who are aged ex-servicemen and live helplessly. They spent their days in war and turbulent environments, therefore, most of them have eccentric and unsociable characters, hard to live with others. The requirements for veterans-home are different to other organizations. In order to get a better understanding for the mechanism of veterans-home, this study makes use of the four perspectives from balanced scorecard viewpoint which are financial, customer, internal processes and learning and growth. Through on-the-spot, long-term observation and interviews with the veterans-home personnel to discuss its operation mechanism and provide some suggestions for veterans-home to meet the requirements of aged ex-servicemen. And how does veterans-home make the best use of its resources, broaden its service subjects and promote its service quality while facing the social environment change. This study takes the four perspectives of balanced scorecard as its theory frame to research the settlement of veterans and the operation of settlement mechanism in our country, to offer some suggestions for the references of improving service quality and create a better living environment for the veterans. From this study we find that: 1. Financial perspective: interviewers believe that veterans-home should cut down its unnecessary administration expenses and enhance its financial audit mechanism, in order that the limited budget can be spent on the veterans. 2. Customer perspective: improve living facility and environment of veterans-home, promote the service quality of personnel, increase leisure activities and enhance medical treatment to raise veterans’ desires to live in the veterans-home. 3. Internal processes perspective: establish a standard operation procedure for service, enhance personnel and internal management. 4. Learning and growth perspective: in order to upgrade the medical treatment quality, all the interviewers believe that the basic medical treatment ability for service personnel should be enhanced, as well as the professional training for medical treatment personnel. Key Words : veterans, veterans-home, balanced scorecard, financial perspective, customer perspective, internal processes perspective, learning and growth perspective

品牌合作活動為基礎的顧客參與服務平台:以搜尋引擎優化之觀點 / Brand Alliance-Based Campaign in Customer Engagement Site: A Search Engine Optimizing Perspective

楊維正, Wei-Cheng Yang Unknown Date (has links)
在這個新媒體服務竄起的時代,許多中小型商家卻難以充分利用新媒體在顧客生命週期(customer life cycle)管理的過程中提升顧客參與行為。而在所有新媒體當中,搜尋引擎又被認為是獲取和發展新顧客最有效的方式之一。因此本研究在搜尋引擎的基礎上提出了一個藉由合作營銷活動最大化顧客參與的新架構。 我們利用在顧客參與平台上建構反向鏈結以及長尾關鍵字服務來實現我們的架構。通過針對中小型商家和顧客的控制實驗,我們驗證了該架構的可用性和效果。我們發現兩種服務對於增進網路能見度以及搜尋精準度都有明顯的提升。而高網路能見度及高搜尋精準度可以幫助中小型商家提升顧客參與行為,不論是在顧客參與平台或是其官方網站。因此本研究認為中小型商家可以利用顧客參與平台上的服務來建立合作營銷活動,以促進顧客參與行為。在這個過程中,不僅有利於顧客對於品牌態度的建立也有助於其轉變為中小型商家忠實顧客的可能性。 / Facing the fast-changing trend of service economy upon new media, most small and medium enterprises (SMEs) don’t have the capability to utilize new media to stimulate customer engagement behavior (CEB) through customer life cycle (acquisition, development, and retention). In all the new media, search engine is the most helpful way on acquiring and developing new customers, thus we propose a new framework based on search engine to maximizing the CEB through brand alliance-based campaign (which is a popular marketing strategy for SMEs to acquire new customers). According to our framework, the study implements two search engine services including inlink building service and long tail keyword service on engagement site. With conducting controlled experiments toward SMEs and customers, we testify our system by SMEs and the effects of services toward the customers. We find that inlink building service and long tail keyword service increase both on high search targetability and web visibility for customers. With high web visibility and search targeatbiliy, CEB can be stimulated on engagement site and also target sites of SMEs. Thus we conclude that SMEs can use brand alliance-based campaign with our services as a trigger to stimulate CEB. With increment on engagement behavior, customer’s brand attitudes then increase and in the end become loyal customers to the SMEs.

最大化顧客參與行為於推薦平台: 以品牌合作角度塑造達人知識 / Maximizing Customer Engagement Behavior through Recommender System: Framing Maven Knowledge with Brand Alliance Perspective

巫承安, Wu, Cheng An Unknown Date (has links)
在這個充滿繁多新媒體時代,使用者面臨到眾多資料和快速變動的環境,使用者在媒體的使用行為和選擇上更加依賴各種推薦平台的建議。除此之外,隨著社群媒體的興起,許多的推薦平台整合了社群的人們關係來提供更準確的建議和選擇。雖然推薦系統在影響使用者的使用行為有顯著的效果,然而企業和品牌卻鮮少去關注或了解如何增加顧客參與行為在整合社群媒體的推薦平台上。顧客參與行為並不只有傳統的交易行為,而是包含了所有直接和間接影響企業品牌的行為,像是使用者回饋、口碑傳播等。而且,現今尚未有清楚明確的定義哪些關鍵因素,會影響顧客參與行為在社群化推薦推薦系統,來藉此獲得顧客關注,形成正向生態系統。 本研究中,我們根據達人在社群化推薦平台中具有重要的影響力的觀點,以促進重塑達人知識來改變原有達人的行為和態度,藉此影響所有一般使用者在社群化推薦平台的顧客參與行為。我們提出新的架構和系統來幫助中小型商家在推薦平台上影響更多的推薦達人,獲得更多的顧客參與。我們建立商家參與後台來幫助中小型商家可以洞悉達人的行為,我們也建立了重新塑造資訊的系統,提供達人所需要的訊息文章,藉此來改變達人的知識和行為。此研究發現,達人的行為會受到娛樂型、知識型和激勵型的文章訊息影響行為,一般使用者也會受到達人行為影響。此外我們藉由品牌合作角度來幫助得到更多的顧客參與行為,我們發現中小型商家可以在社群化推薦平台獲得顧客參與且建立一個正向機制循環。 / With the highly dynamic trend of service economy, the firms are increasingly to co-create value with brand alliance to advance their competition advantage. On the other hand, with the massive information on the new media, the referrals provided by recommender systems in combination with social media have significantly impact on customer behavior. In light of these trends, the markers and firms should aim to increase the customer engagement behavior (CEB) which goes beyond the traditional transactions including purchase and non-purchase behavior on social recommenders. In this research, we focus on the role of mavens who are powerful influencers on the social recommender. We propose a new conceptual framework for facilitating to impact the maven’s knowledge and behavior and increase the CEB on the social recommender for Small/Middle Enterprise (SME). We establish the SME support engagement site for increasing the CEB on social recommender and framing knowledge context to influence maven for achieving the insight of the maven’s behavior. As the result of research, we discover that maven engagement behavior would be influenced by the entertainment, information and incentive types in context from the brand alliance perspective and the non-maven are willing to be affected by maven behavior. Moreover, with this discovery, the SME can increase the customer engagement behavior on the social recommender

以狩野品質模型探討排隊資訊透明化、服務品質和顧客滿意度的關係 / Application of Kano model to the relationships of queueing information provision, service quality, and customer satisfaction

聶齊佑 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著現代人越來越忙碌的生活步調,排隊帶來的負面情緒影響也越來越大;對於企業而言,必須面對因為在消費的過程中等待,而造成顧客對於服務評價降低的現象。當許多研究致力於提出應對排隊問題的可行方案時,時代的推進帶來了行動裝置與網路的普及化,也因此出現了透過應用程式推播排隊資訊,藉此舒緩顧客負面情緒的解決方案。本研究串聯排隊心理、知覺管理…等不同的研究議題,在不同的消費情境中,透過狩野模型(Kano model)探索排隊資訊具備的服務品質,以及透過SERVQUAL的概念建構研究模型,驗證排隊資訊的整體服務品質與顧客滿意度之間的關係。研究結果發現排隊資訊具備的服務品質,多數歸類於魅力品質 (Attractive quality) 要素,一維品質(One-dimensional quality)要素則為其次,其中服務品質大多維持著一致性,但消費情境會對於特定幾項服務品質的帶來影響。研究模型亦驗證了排隊資的整體服務品質和顧客滿意度有正向關係。 / The aim of this paper is to discuss the impact of queue information provisions. As we observe the latest application of revealing queue information via mobile device to deal with the queuing management problem, this research intends to provide a new viewpoint of queuing information crossing different research issues. We develop research framework from four facets: (1) perception management, (2) queuing research, (3) Kano model, and (4) SERVQUAL. The research is divided into three parts. First, via Kano model we find the service quality of queuing information and categorize the service qualities into 6 categories. Second, we examine the relationships between the overall service quality of queuing information provision and customer satisfaction. Third, we are also concerned the impact of consume situation, so the hypothesis will be tested in the different simulated situation in experiment. According to the result, we discover that most queuing information provisions’ service qualities are attractive quality dimension and One-dimensional quality. Besides, the hypothesis of queuing information provisions’ service quality is accepted, which also proves the results which we find in the first part of this research by Kano model. Finally, this research examines the effect of consume situations on the queuing information, and we also have further discussion about the exception situation.

真誠領導與主動顧客服務績效:以專注覺察與情緒勞務為中介變數 / Authentic Leadership and Proactive Customer Service Performance : Mediating Variables of Mindfulness and Emotional Labor

胡家榕, Chia-Jung Hu January 1900 (has links)
目錄 謝誌----------------I 摘要----------------III ABSTRACT--------------IV 目錄---------------- V 表目錄---------------VII 圖目錄---------------VIII 第壹章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機------- 1 第二節 研究問題---------- 5 第三節 研究目的---------- 5 第四節 研究流程---------- 6 第貳章 文獻探討 第一節 真誠領導---------- 7 第二節 專注覺察---------- 13 第三節 情緒勞務---------- 18 第四節 主動顧客服務績效------ 24 第五節 各變項間之關係及假設推論-- 27 第六節 研究理論模式圖-------32 第参章 研究方法 第一節 研究母體與抽樣對象----- 34 第二節 研究工具---------- 35 第三節 資料分析方法--------38 第肆章 研究分析與討論 第一節 樣本結構之敘述性統計分析-- 41 第二節 信度與效度分析------- 43 第三節 相關分析---------- 51 第四節 整體結構方程模式分析---- 52 第伍章 結論與建議 第一節 結論------------ 65 第二節 管理實務建議-------- 70 第三節 研究限制與後續研究之建議-- 72 參考文獻 中文部分--------------75 英文部分--------------76 附錄一:研究問卷---------- 83

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