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表演藝術活動觀賞行為與其價值觀及生活型態關係之研究林義郎, LIN, YI-LANG Unknown Date (has links)
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自我概念輿品牌選擇的關係胡傳孝, Hu, Zhuan-Xiao Unknown Date (has links)
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商店特徵與顧客行為之研究黃文宏, Huang, Wen-Hong Unknown Date (has links)
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歸因理論在補習班顧客行為上之研究劉原超, Liu, Yuan-Chao Unknown Date (has links)
理論依據:Weiner成就動機歸因理論及Kelly 推斷行為原因原則。
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軟體產業的顧客知識運用、產權與組織型式王盈勛, Wang, Ying-hsun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究對組織創新的三權假說於社群組織的運用,進行了初步的檢驗;此外,對於軟體產業該如何妥善運用顧客力量從事產品創新也提出了一些建議。 / Abstract
The emergence of the open source software in the 1990s has made a huge impact on the software industry. However, the overall research on the open source software often regards it as “software without property right,” or even sees it a “holy war” fighting for freedom by heightening the ideological conflicts between liberalism and capitalism.
The outcome of this research indicates that the initiation and development of the open source software serves as the effective response for the demanding software market of individualization and differentiation. The more the software product differentiates, the more the users’ knowledge has to be replied upon. The open source software community is a form of organization which entirely lives on the intellectual contribution of its customers.
The licensing of the open source software as a system of property right does not mean that it has no property right or it is against property right; rather, it is an invention of system which allows the efficient combination of the community software developers and the distribution of property right. The licensing of the open source software based on the intellectual property right permits the software developers making use of the open source independently, expanding the communal share of knowledge among community members, and eliminating the possibilities of individuals and commercial companies who try to speculate in it.
This study has made preliminary examinations on the application of the “hypothesis of the three powers” of the organizational innovation on communities and provides software industry with suggestions for how to make proper use of the power of customers.
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資料採礦為工具的策略性顧客關係管理-以開蘭聯合診所為例陳柏瑞, Chen, Po-Juei Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示較高獲利組與高醫療費用,高忠誠度,高就診次數,高藥費比率,高慢性病費用比率有關,以疾病別來看,集中在慢性疾病患者身上。顯然經營策略上的意涵是如何爭取慢性病人的高度滿意及信賴度,贏得高忠程度,患者願意將診所視做健康上的守門人(Gate Keeper),而從地區別分析中也發現一些,診所服務之涵蓋範圍,可以區分為距離效益、慢性病患者口碑效應與轉移效益。慢性病患者之分群可以分成黃金老主顧、會忘記看病的老主顧、快流失的老主顧、高穩定低忠誠度高獲利新客戶、不常來但還會來的一般客戶、已流失的舊客戶、已流失的中期客戶及流失已久的舊客戶,至於非慢性病患則不需太複雜的分群,本研究建議將非慢性病患者依健保卡卡序計算就醫忠誠度區分。慢性病患群流失的原因與無法提供完整治療,疾病症狀不明顯或與民眾對治療效益的看法改變有關(如更年期)有關。
本研究針對描述患者求醫行為過程所發展出對個人主要疾病診斷碼的歸戶處理、RFM相關指標方式、健保卡卡序計算忠誠度及邊際利潤的計算方式對於類似研究應該有其參考價值。至於本研究所提出的診所病患群分群架構,則有待進一步評估其達到CRM顧客最佳化的效果。 / At present, there are much of researches of Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) and data mining in Taiwan. There is little research in medical service. Our research tried to integrate the three domains knowledge, DBA, domain knowledge of medical service and data mining techniques. This is a case study type research. The CRM Strategy Planning for Outpatient in Kai-Nan Group Practice Clinic by Data Mining on National Health Insurance Dataset. This research included 9300 cases of Kai-Nan Clinic, with nearly 50,000 records of OPD records from Dec, 2000 to Jan, 2003. Our research questions include as followings:
1、How to segment the outpatient, which segment is the most profitable? Which segment is loosing? Why?
2、Which cross service is necessary for what kinds of patients? What kinds of services will be benefit for recruiting chronic patient? What is the reason for the diabetes patient will receive funds examination in this clinic? Are the patients of GYN/OBS will also to be patients of other specialty? Is it necessary to include other specialty in this clinic?
3. Where is the most profitable patient in nearby area?
Our study revealed that the most profitable patients is characterized by high medical cost, high loyalty to this clinic, high visit frequencies, high portion of medication fee and high portion of fee for chronic disease. Most of the profitable patients are suffered with chronic diseases. This implies that how to satisfy chronic patient with high satisfaction and earn their trust to be health gate keeper for this patient is very import issue for a clinic. From the results of area analysis for these chronic patients, we concluded the three effects for different areas, such as near-distant effect, public praise and addict effect for original doctors. The segments of chronic patients include golden regular customer、forgetful regular customer、loosing old customer、regular but lower loyalty profitable new customer、irregular general customer、loosed old customer、loosed past customer and loosed old customer. Regarding the segmentation of outpatients of acute illness, we recommended simplify classification according to loyalty that was calculated from the sequence of national health insurance card used in Taiwan. The chronic patients loosed in the clinic was due to lack of comprehensive treatment options, non obvious symptoms or the fears of treatment side effects announced from public media,such as hormone replacement therapy for post menopausal syndrome. We conclude that multidisciplinary team for comprehensive disease management is very important for clinics as our previous success experiences on diabetes patients. Our clinic should expand teams with out bond member according to the needs of our profiles of chronic patients. From association mining, periodic health examinations increase the base of chronic patients. It is strategic important to enhance the staffs and facility for handling periodic health examinations. Our research will also contribute to the following research issues , such as how to describe patients behaviors, how to extract the dominant diagnosis from patients health insurance records, modified RFM dimensions indexes、loyalty based on sequences of health insurance card in Taiwan and the model of calculation of marginal revenue for clinics. As regarding the efficacy of the patients’ segmentation model deserved further study.
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財產保險業從事「銀行保險」業務作業平台設立之研究趙茂良 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:銀行保險、直效行銷、作業平台、平衡計分卡、顧客關係管理、客戶服務中心 / Bancassurance business is booming and plays an important role on the Banks. Simultaneously, non-life insurers are trying to explore new sales channels under the fierce pricing competition. Therefore, it is naturally binding these two territories as a whole. Facing the tremendous challenges from the Banks, to establish an appropriate working platform for streamlining operations is indispensable for the Non-life insurers.
This paper at first examines the experience of managing Bancassurance business in USA, Europe and Japan and contributes to the success factors of it. Then, by analyzing it the current situations of the development of the Banks and the disadvantages of doing it on the Non-life insurance side, this paper wishes to conquer these difficulties and to construct an utmost appropriate working platform.
Finally, this paper shows out the conclusions and recommendations for the establishment of Bancassurance working platform. Wish it could be of assistance to those participants and could be applicable to other insurance territories.
Key words:
Bancassurance, Direct Marketing, Working Platform, The Balanced Scorecard, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Service Center
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顧客利潤影響因素之實地實證研究-以某個案銀行為例陳信克 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究研究結果顯示,顧客交叉銷售數、年數、獲利能力、成長趨勢、創新程度等皆會對顧客利潤產生影響。在短期內,僅交叉銷售會對顧客造成影響,然在中長期,除了交叉銷售數外,顧客之年數、獲利能力、成長趨勢、創新程度等皆會對顧客利潤產生影響,由此可知,在短期內,個案公司所採行之交叉銷售策略係增進顧客利潤最有效之方式,然就中長期而言,仍須考量顧客本身的屬性(如年數、規模、獲利能力、成長趨勢、創新程度)與本身銷售人員之特質,因此,就長期而言,選擇正確之顧客與培育適當的銷售人員亦為增加顧客利潤之關鍵因素。然在行業別方面,非高科技業顧客之模式並不顯著,顯示非高科技業顧客利潤影響因素可能仍受其他因素影響,值得後續研究進一步探討。 / With the development of related management technology, it’s easier for business to measure the customer profitability now. In addition, there’re more and more researchers indicate that in most company the profitability are concentrated on a few customers, which is according to the 80/20 rule. Accordingly, this research combines internal and external information from one bank in Taiwan to analyze the factors that affect the loan customer profitability in that bank. The purpose of this research is try to help business allocate marketing resources effectively, and try to provide for business as a reference to implement CRM.
In the respect of variables, at first this research tries to analyze the affection of customer trading style, customer attributes, sales person attributes to customer profitability, after that this research will try to analyze whether the affection factors are the same or not when customers are in different industry and have different transaction period.
Finally, this research has found that customer cross-selling number, year, profitability ability, growth rate, innovation degree and sales person have affection on customer profitability. In short-term period, only customer cross-selling number will affect the customer profitability, and in long-term period, in addition to customer cross-selling number, other variables like customer year, profitability ability, growth rate, innovation degree and sales person will also affect customer profitability. It indicates that in short-term period, the cross-selling strategy adopt by the research company is the best most effective way to increase customer profitability. But in long-term, selecting the right customer and training adequate sales employers are also very important factors to increase customer profitability. When taking industry into consideration, this research has found that the variables mentioned above also have affection on the customer profitability in high technology industry, but in non-high technology industry, the statistic model is not significant and could be discuss by further researches.
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顧客關係管理於國際專業展覽行銷策略之研究胡文華, Hu, W.H. Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字詞:顧客關係管理、國際展覽、行銷策略、網路展覽、實虛整合 / Participating in the international trade shows is one of the important methods of the international marketing. Export is the main trade in Taiwan. In the trade shows, the exhibitors not only invite their foreign customers but also want to look for the trade opportunities of the new foreign buyers whom are invited by the show organizers. With the trend of the globalization, the domestic suppliers participating in the trade shows are getting more and more. It seems that making the new marketing strategies is a promotion turning point.
Accompanying the new scientific and technological era, the traditional trade shows could not attract to the foreign buyers. They won’t show up for some unknown reasons, also the unpredictable competition and environment. The show organizers have to find out the additional value of the trade shows. It seems that planning virtual trade shows is the new way to develop. Combine the real and virtual trade shows. The benefit of the trade shows will be improved through the planned advertisement.
The purpose of this research is to find out the feasible marketing solution of organizing the international trade shows through the concept of CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Try to get the trade opportunity of the exhibitors. Recommend the proper suppliers to the foreign buyers. It’s the new model to combine of the real trade shows and the virtual trade shows. To get proved and make the efficiency of the international trade shows.
Key words: CRM, trade shows, virtual trade shows, marketing strategy
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市場導向新思維下之顧客價值創造-提案式經營之概念性模式建構林紜亘 Unknown Date (has links)
提案式經營的精髓在於新市場的開創,透過市場導向與創業導向文化相輔相成的運作之下,企業能有足夠的意願與能力去有效搭配新需求與新技術,進而開創一個新市場。能幫助廠商培養洞察新市場機會的眼光、看到未來的需求,並發展用以實現新市場機會所需的能力,因此能夠掌握到市場先機,能比競爭者更早一步進入新市場,獲得先進入者優勢。為了能在競爭激烈的環境下生存、掌握市場先機,台灣企業也應該實行提案式經營,以便能夠驅動市場並提昇在全球的競爭力,擺脫代工的命運、創造更高附加價值的產品。 / This study is an exploratory research. By reviewing literature and studying the two Japanese cases -JASCO and Origin, a conceptual framework of proposal-type management is constructed. Proposal-type management requires the alignment of market orientation and entrepreneurship orientation cultures, and must be supported by the top management. Under the coordination of the two cultures, the organization will have the abilities to discover the latent and unexpressed needs of the customers, and develop the necessary technologies, which can be used to meet the new needs, in good time. Therefore, the match of the cultures can catalyze the match of the new needs and the new technologies to generate a proposal, which can be further proposed to the customers. Because the proposal is based on thorough understanding the true needs and the desired value of the customers, it is affirmed to create superior customer value, achieve customer success, fulfill the highest customer satisfaction, and impress the customers. Through superior customer value creation, the firm will acquire the competitive advantages, including value creation, change, and leadership. Proposal-type management is a kind of market-driving organizational operation in nature, which inferred that it is a way of customer value creating under the new thinking of market orientation.
The core value of proposal-type management lies in creating a new market. Under the cultural coordination of market orientation and entrepreneurship orientation, the firm has the will and capacity to match the new needs and the new technologies precisely and then create a new market. It can make the firm develop the insight into new market opportunity and the necessary abilities to fulfill it. Consequently, the firm can seize the market opportunity and gain the first-entry advantage by entering the new market in advance of the competitors. In order to survive in the intensive competition and to seize the new market opportunity, the firms in Taiwan should implement proposal-type management, which is helpful to drive market and acquire the globally competitive capabilities. It could also help the firms in Taiwan get rid of the fate of OEM and create high value-added products.
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