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我國專門圖書館館員工作焦慮之研究 / A study on the job anxiety of special librarians in Taiwan林妙樺 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採取的研究方法主要為問卷調查法,首先蒐集國內外相關文獻,進行整理及分析,並探討專門圖書館館員工作焦慮之構面,以擬訂調查問卷。在問卷量表的設計上主要是依據國內外有關使用者及諮商工作之焦慮量表為基礎,再進一步發展設計本研究之焦慮量表,量表內容共分為五點,依序為「不會」、「幾乎不會」、「有時會」、「常常會」、「幾乎都會」等,以區分館員在焦慮感受之不同程度。本研究為分析各類型專門圖書館之間館員工作焦慮的差異,因專門圖書館各類型圖書館中,有許多皆屬相同之母機構,使得同一類型的館員工作焦慮較為相似,故採取配額抽樣法(quota sampling),針對專門圖書館之九大類型進行抽樣調查,而不以普查方式進行調查。為求每一館別抽中之機率相等,故以圖書館館別為母群,依九大類型分別在母群中所佔比例採隨機抽樣方式,採母群的三分之一比例為樣本數,此外並從各類型中隨機挑選一館之館員進行問卷前測,依據前測之意見修正問卷,再全面發放。
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組織變革對公共圖書館館員工作滿足之影響--以台灣省基隆市、新竹市、台中市、嘉義市、台南市公共圖書館館員為研究對象 / The Influence on the Public Librarians' Sense of Job Satisfaction by Organization Change--A Study on the Public Librarians Working in Keelung, Hsien-Ju, Taichung, Cha-Yi, Tainan Cities畢秀芬, Bee, Grace Unknown Date (has links)
一、 研究對象可擴及所轄之分館、區圖書館館員為研究範圍,差異性將完整呈現。
二、 行政院推動社福機關行政法人化,對公共圖書館成立宗旨有無衝突、對館員心理衝擊、讀者權益增損、甚或對「弱勢優先」(Affirmation action)之影響等面向,建議後續研究可觀察研究。
三、 E化政府與地方公共圖書館連結:對於與民眾最接近和方便使用的地方--公共圖書館,其硬體設備和指導能力能否成為自動化無線網站的提供者;建議後續研究可觀察研究。 / Public departments are set up by part of the rights given up by the people, in order for the government to seek and create benefits for its citizens. When it comes to cultural heritage and propagation of knowledge, public libraries were established at all levels of administrative systems, so there are places available to the people to encourage reading, and form their habit of lifetime learning, thus to uplift the nation’s competitiveness.
A famous remark from The Book of Changes: “Change, is the only thing constant”. Cultural growth is cyclic, in order to survive, organization has to pay attention constantly to its reformation. According to Leavitt, organization reformation is classified into 3 types: organizational reformation, personnel reformation, and technical reformation, these 3 are interrelated, but the essential is whether personnel, employees are willing to stay to strive with the organization, job satisfaction is fundamental. This is the motive of this study.
Except Tainan Municipal Library, all the public libraries in different counties and cities of Taiwan Province were combined and became library section since the Cultural Center has established and built in the 80th. (1) Thus 2 levels were downgraded on their administrative systems, so they have to strive for budget and administrative resources with all sections of the Center. (2) 90th is the era for the Bureau of Culture, this was also the time that faced with technical reformation: including the pressure such in the using and teaching of computer, advanced information network took shape of electronic database, as the same time, to strengthen the comprehension of foreign languages. (3) In personnel reformation, the role that the librarians played has changed from a Manager to a Servant, the working concept is differed, at the same time, its organizational culture is being reshaped; Librarians did not receive the attention and appropriate trainings they deserved.
Studies show that, there would be throes or chaos during the processes of reformation, the organization shall experience different resistances and thrusts in different phases of reformation, whether the reformation would succeed or not, employees are its essential factor. As time goes by, the public librarians’ current working situation, their job satisfaction, future demand are the subjects of the study, and study shows:
I. Librarians facing the changes in the levels of administrative positions resulted form organizational reformation: librarians deemed this cannot be changed by the non-local public servants, therefore, no significant dissatisfaction is shown toward this matter. However, some public librarians that municipal libraries can be established, so that the operation, levels of job function and administrative positions of public libraries can be commensurate.
There is dissatisfaction with the wages; job satisfaction cannot be met in terms of the ranking of duties, but not those librarians that actual serve the readers, they are satisfied with their wages; this is its difference.
When there is job vacancy with higher ranking of duties available, most probably the librarians would leave their jobs. The encouraging factors of public libraries to their librarians are insufficient, this serves as a warning signal.
II. Librarians pay much attention to the technical reformation, as further studies influence job satisfaction. Operation and marketing of libraries, computer skills and foreign languages are the subjects planned for training and further studies, these subjects covered both professional and intellectual knowledge. Librarians with strong recognition of self-learning, they expected to participate in the researches and studies held by the counseling and guidance system.
As times keep on changing and transforming, “pressure” has become a common disease of civilization, librarians have proposed courses concerning spiritual growth, pressure relief, and emotional management, which are quite different from the training demands in the past.
III. Librarians expect themselves to serve readers with more enthusiasm, this calls on to pay more attention on the management concept of “customer-orientation” in the personnel reformation, to combine with the resources of the communities, schools or the studios for literatures and histories, so that these resources can be reused and shared. To win the attentions from the administrative system (the superior) with one’s job performance. There would be higher job satisfaction as one’s performance receives reward and appreciation.
The following issues have found from this study, which required further discussion:
I. Librarians shall build up their professional images and authoritativeness, counseling and guidance system has to pay more attention on the related trainings.
II. Librarians shall keep on expressing their opinions, so as to reduce the “Matthews Effect” in digital information.
III. It’s the time to solicit readers through internet, public librarians need to extend outwardly, to involve in the training of volunteers for the communities, and more active marketing strategies would be required, in order to promote services (all kinds of information).
IV. New missions and objectives of services shall be added to cope with the demand of the era, as well as the pressure of succession and heritage:
(I) The pressure to collect documentations, and digitalization, training of information personnel is needed.
(II) The guidance and suggestions proposed to the subordinate public libraries are not binding; further probing is required for the guiding system established.
(III) More pressure concerning the rules and regulations for purchasing, how to build up the concept of “New knowledge arrive the library instantly is of the same important as the administrative procedures”, this requires recognition and assistance from the administrative department.
V. The pressure of “Customer-oriented service”, librarians should take training courses related to “The right ways to communicate with customers”, and be capable to relieve their pressures.
VI. Librarians should be both professional and enthusiastic, and keen to the society.
Based on the aforementioned findings and discussion, follow-up study suggest that:
I. The object of study can be expanded to include jurisdictional and regional librarians, thus their differences shall be revealed perfectly.
II. “Administrative corporation” moved by the Executive Yuen for social welfare institutions, the following aspects should be further observed and studied in the follow-up study: whether is policy is conflict with the purpose in establishing public libraries, the mental distress it caused to the librarians, increase/lessen of readers’ rights and benefits, an even its effect to the “Affirmation action”
III. Connection of E-government and local public libraries: a place nearest and most convenient for the public – public libraries, are their hardware facilities and instructing capability enable them to become the supplier of automatic wireless network? This requires further observations and studies in the follow-up study.
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台灣高科技產業圖書館員參與知識管理團隊之研究劉欣蓓, Liu, Hsin-Pei Unknown Date (has links)
最後建議:一、高科技產業應延攬資訊內容領域人才加入知識管理團隊;二、館員應提昇相關技能,並積極爭取參與企業知識管理之機會;三、高科技產業應整合資料中心與其他相關單位為知識管理中心;四、圖書資訊學界應規劃切合業界需求之知識管理課程。 / Knowledge economy is the trend of most developed countries. With the coming of knowledge economy, the Knowledge Management (KM) becomes the key factor to improve the competitiveness of industry, especially for high-tech industry in Taiwan. Due to this, the KM brings a lot of challenges and opportunities to those professional corporate librarians who work in high- tech industry. To meet the challenge of KM, the competency owned by corporate librarian is very important.
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the qualifications of KM team members, the participation and role-play of professional corporate librarians within KM team, and the necessary competency of corporate librarians. The result of this study can be the reference framework for the high-tech companies preparing for the organization of KM. In addition, it could also give suggestions for curriculum development for the schools of Library and Information Science.
This thesis employed a depth interview approach associated with questionnaire investigation. The people interviewed include all ranks of KM team, including the KM team leader or related role, corporate librarian, management consult companies, and KM software companies. They were requested to fill out the questionnaire forms about the competencies for KM as well. According to these questionnaire forms, the quantity measurement can give an indication of the importance of the competencies for corporate librarian participating in KM team.
The findings of this thesis are the followings: (1) The ideal KM team of high-tech companies should be a multi-area combination; (2) The recruitment of corporate librarian in KM team can be beneficial; (3) The key factors influencing the participation of corporate librarian in high-tech KM team are (i) the hierarchical level in the organization, (ii) the sympathy of KM leader in library and information science, (iii) business sense of corporate librarian, (iv) the comprehension of corporate librarian in domain knowledge, (v) the personality and attitude of corporate librarian; (4) Corporate librarian can play the roles not only in knowledge classification, but also in other domains; (5) The most important competency of corporate librarian in high-tech industry KM team are thinking and attitude skills, follows by library and information science skill, communication skill, strategy and business skills, management skill, business law/patent skills, and information technology skill.
The Suggestions include: (1) High-tech companies should recruit information content domain experts in KM team. (2) Corporate librarian should build up more critical competencies in order to get into the kernel of KM. (3) High-tech companies are encouraged to integrate corporate library with the other departments to establish a KM center. (4) Schools of library and information science should design new curriculum to satisfy the need of KM in Taiwan high-tech industry.
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從圖書館價值探討我國圖書館員基本專業能力劉濟慈 Unknown Date (has links)
數位時代網際網路盛行,受到民眾喜愛但也改變了對圖書館的使用習慣,OCLC 在2005年《圖書館與資訊資源看法》(Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources)的報告中,調查讀者的資訊尋求行為和習慣,發現讀者使用網路搜尋引擎的頻率和滿意度等各方面評價遠高於圖書館資源。此調查結果帶給圖書館事業一大衝擊,反思是否讀者並不瞭解圖書館的價值?圖書館能提供什麼資源與服務?以及圖書館員的能力可提供什麼協助?
本論文研究結果產出我國圖書館價值共12項、圖書館員角色11項、圖書館員基本專業能力共8大範圍55項指標、數位時代圖書館新業務功能14項。研究建議包括提供中華民國圖書館學會作為圖書館價值與館員專業能力宣示文件之參考、提供國內圖書資訊學系所訂定學生專業能力之參考、提供圖書館任用新進館員與評鑑現有館員標準參考、對中華民國圖書館學會館員教育訓練之建議、提供我國圖書資訊學教育規劃之參考、提供我國圖書館人力資源規劃的指南、提供我國圖書館員繼續教育課程規劃之參考。 / Internet became more and more popular in the digital age, but it also changed the habits of library use by people. In 2005, there was a report from OCLC, “Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources”, which investigated users’ information-seeking behavior and habits ,and found that the frequency and satisfaction in using the Internet search engine by users was much higher than library resources. The result of this investigation made a great impact on the librarianship to reflect that maybe users don’t really understand the values of libraries, and what resources and services can libraries provide, and the competencies of librarians can offer any assistance?
This study aims to explore the core values, purpose, functions and objectives of libraries, and then extends to research the roles and the core competencies of librarians. This study used two research methods ,which were focus groups and questionnaire survey. There were two main references to focus group, the first one was “Core Values of Librarianship” from ALA in 2004, and the second one was “Core Competencies of Librarianship ” from ALA in 2008. After three interviews with focus groups, drew up “Draft Statement of Library Values and Core Competencies in Taiwan”. And then the draft was confirmed by questionnaire survey.
The research findings are as follows:(1)summed up twelve library values; (2) summed up eleven roles of librarians; (3)summed up a list of core competencies of librarians in Taiwan including eight categories and fifty-five indicators; (4) summed up fourteen new functions of libraries in digital ages. Based on the final results of this research, several suggestions are as follows: (1)to provide a reference document as “The Declaration of Library Values and Core Competencies of Librarians” for Library Association of the Republic of China(Taiwan); (2)to provide a reference document for the college department of Library and Information Science to draw up core competencies of students;(3) to provide a reference standard for libraries to evaluate new librarians and existing librarians;(4) to provide some suggestions of education and training courses for Library Association of the Republic of China(Taiwan);(5)to provide a reference plan of education and training for the college department of Library and Information Science;(6)to provide indicators to human resources plan for libraries;(7)to provide reference plans of continuing education courses for librarians.
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我國大學圖書館館員在職訓練模式之研究 / A study of the staff-training model in Taiwan's university libraries.黃坤隆, Hwang, Kuen Lung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係普查我國台灣地區五十所大學圖書館,以五十位館長為研究對象。採用自編的「我國大學圖書館館員在職訓練模式之研究」調查問卷為研究工具。並以FREQUENCY PERCENT分析大學圖書館現況,以CHI-SQUARE考驗本研究之各項假設驗證。
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圖書館館員輔以知識建構工具 在知識建構教學之研究 / The study of knowledge creation based on knowledge construction tools with support of librarians郭于嫙, Kuo, Yu Shiun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為了解圖書館員支援參與知識建構學習活動,是否真的能提升學生的知識建構學習成效與產生有效知識行為轉變,採取準實驗研究法,以知識建構理論為基礎的Knowledge Forum為學習平台,透過教材提供、教師與助教指導和館員協助不同學習階段進行知識建構學習,並以繪製概念圖為知識建構學習成效評量依據,驗證學生的知識成長與學習成效是否有顯著提升。在資料分析層面透過Knowledge Forum平台討論內容、學生三次概念圖作業成績與知識架構演進歷程、學生與館員互動的內容紀錄、期末報告與問卷等資料進行分析,以量化、知識結構和質性分析的方式,將概念圖進行矩陣處理後,利用UCINET社會網絡分析工具進行概念圖結構與知識組成的分析。
實驗結果可證明圖書館員參與知識建構學習確實有助於學生在知識結構層次的提昇及對於資料應用能力的增強。同時也從研究結果看出利用概念圖輔助學生進行知識建構學習,確實有助於學生知識建構歷程的記錄與成長,共計四點發現: 一、圖書館館員參與知識建構學習活動可促進學生更有效的共同知識建構行為的發生;二、圖書館館員參與知識建置學習活動能促進學生累積資訊素養技能與知識背景;三、圖書館館員參與知識建構學習活動促進學生概念圖的結構與命題內容轉變;四、以概念圖輔助學習能有效記錄學生的知識建構歷程與結構層次的轉變。
未來若能將此種圖書館館員支援參與知識建構學習的有效模式應用於其他學科的教學,將更能顯現出圖書館在教學過程中的重要性,且利於與教師和學生的合作經驗。 / As the increasing popularity of Internet, personal computers, and the evolution of information communication technology (ICTs), students' learning styles has also gradually changed for a variety of needs for knowledge and learning.
Knowledge building, as an important concept, describes what a learning community needs to accomplish in order to create knowledge. It also refers to the process of creating new cognitive artifacts based on the common goals, group member discussions, and synthesis of ideas within community. Nevertheless, during the learning process of Knowledge building, there are some problems raised while guiding students to keep their in-depth discussion. In this study, we attempt to find out effective methodologies based on the assistance of library support, to promote learners’ participation, learning achievement and information literacy skills.
First, this study introduces a way in which librarians participate in students’ learning process as tutor. Second, the research was conducted by quasi-experiment design; by which an on-line Knowledge Forum for students’ knowledge building learning environment is lunched. Discussion, learning activities and learning materials are delivered through Knowledge Forum. Researchers ask students choose one of four topics (Digital divide, Group dynamic, Attitudes and behavior change, Online persona) to discuss on Knowledge Forum. Students were asked to adopt concept mapping to construct their mind-map and knowledge flow in class. In addition, their learning performance was evaluated based on the process of knowledge mapping (3 times), the content of discussions, tasks, reports and grades. Their works of concept map were analyzed by UCINET, visualizing students’ mind changing, how they organized their knowledge, and to identify the positive effects on students’ performance. Moreover, the study also adopts various data gathering methodologies, such as questionnaires as well as the interaction records between librarians and students for overall understanding the Knowledge construction process.
The results showed that librarians’ involvement in learning activities do help students’ improvement in knowledge constructing level, keeping their reflective process in-depth. The data also showed that students using concept maps in the knowledge building learning process as a sound way to assist their tasks accomplishment.
This research suggests, in the future, there could be more successful collaboration, such as Knowledge building, among librarians, students, and teachers in different types of educational scenarios. Both educators and students will not only understand the importance of the Knowledge construction for better learning performance but also aware librarians as well as their service as an indispensable role in better education setting.
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我國圖書館數位典藏館員專業能力之研究 / Study on Digital Archives Librarian’s Competencies in Taiwan黃思穎, Huang, Ssu Ying Unknown Date (has links)
針對所獲得之結論,本研究提出下列幾點建議:(1)本研究建構之數位典藏館員專業能力清單建議應用在圖書館數位典藏工作能力參考與教育訓練;(2)數位典藏館員加強資訊與數位技術領域方面能力的基礎知識;(3)數位典藏館員遭遇經費與人力困難,希望圖書館能有不同管道獲取經費;(4)數位典藏工作相關教育單位應經常定期開設數位典藏相關教育課程。 / The topic of this study is to examine Digital Archives Librarian’s Competencies in Taiwan. The main purposes of the study are as follows: (1) To investigate the meaning, function of Digital Archives and Digital Archives Program; (2) to examine the role, scope of work and competence of Digital Archives Librarian; (3) Construct Digital Archives Librarians’ elements of proficiency competence, including: scope of work, range of capacity and capability indicators.
The conclusion of this study is summarized as follows: (1) Digital Archives is the entities preserves valuable information, and is maintained through the technology of digitalization to provide services and applications. Its’ ranging from the aspects of technology, content, services and the community, the main purpose is to ensure the availability, persistence, and intelligent integration of all digital data, which has cultural the value of reservation, academic research, education and learning, and reservation value-added applications. (2) Digital Archives featuring to collection, value-added applications and teaching are accepted by the most of the respondents archiving. (3) The majority of respondents are still archiving Digital Archives. (4) The roles of the Digital Archives Librarian as reservation, culture preserver and information service provider are agreed by most of the respondents promoter. (5)Preserver and part of the work of Digital Archives to commission contracted sustainability staff, hire project assistants and students part-timers and other ways to attain carry on. (6) Digital Archives Librarian’s opinions amended digital Archives librarian’s list of 10 fields of professional competence of the proposed capacity of 39 indicators. (7) Digital Archives Librarian does not respect the areas of capacity divided much changes, capacity indicators for metadata-based cataloging capabilities, communication skills, understanding of digital Archives theoretical foundation, with legal knowledge, for collection of product themes should have the capacity to understand, with a heritage preservation foundation knowledge of the most recognized.(8) Capacity index digital Archives librarians vary according to their type. (9) Most Digital Archives Librarian’s difficulty came from the funds, manpower and authorization. (10) Digital Archives Librarian’s educational needs of the most recognized are education and training for the periodic training, and through workshops, seminars, forums culture, heritage and experience.
Four conclusions are made after studying all the data: (1) Listing Digital Archives Librarian’s capabilities advice can be applied to the library’s digital Archives’ work and as work reference with education and training. (2)Digital Archives Librarian strengthen basic information and knowledge in the field of digital technical capabilities. (3) Digital Archives Librarian encounter difficulties in funding and manpower, hoping to have a different library to obtain funding for the pipeline. (4) Digital Archives’ related educational institutions should regularly open Digital Archives related educational programs.
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図書館の倫理的価値「知る自由」の歴史的展開福井, 佑介 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(教育学) / 甲第18736号 / 教博第174号 / 新制||教||153(附属図書館) / 31687 / 京都大学大学院教育学研究科教育科学専攻 / (主査)教授 川崎 良孝, 准教授 佐藤 卓己, 准教授 服部 憲児, 教授 塩見 昇(大阪教育大学) / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Education) / Kyoto University / DGAM
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伝統的ナレッジ・プロフェッショナルの変革につながる知識の獲得と活用 : 大学図書館員のソーシャル・ネットワーキングに着目して / デントウテキ ナレッジ・プロフェッショナル ノ ヘンカク ニ ツナガル チシキ ノ カクトク ト カツヨウ : ダイガク トショカンイン ノ ソーシャル・ネットワーキング ニ チャクモク シテ / 伝統的ナレッジプロフェッショナルの変革につながる知識の獲得と活用 : 大学図書館員のソーシャルネットワーキングに着目して天野 絵里子, Eriko Amano 21 March 2015 (has links)
博士(技術経営) / Doctor of Philosophy in Technology and Innovative Management / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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筑波大学附属図書館研究開発室ITSUMURA, Hiroshi, 逸村, 裕 31 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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