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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"En kommentar kan sitta kvar hela livet" : - en kvalitativ studie om ungdomars uppfattningar om kränkningar på internet.

Kalland Lindström, Kirsti January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att få en ökad kunskap om 15-åringars uppfattningar om kränkningar och trakassering på internet och vad de menar kan ha en motverkande effekt på att problemet uppstår. Datainsamling blev genomförd genom fyra fokusgruppintervjuer med 15-åringar från en skola i Sydsverige. Grounded theory användes för analys av intervjuerna. Resultaten teoretiserades ut i från ett genusperspektiv. Resultaten visade att Internet är en given del av ungdomarnas vardag och att kränkningar är vanliga. Både sändaren och mottagaren av en kommentar måste uppfatta den som illa menad för att det skulle vara en kränkning. Det pågår en normaliseringsprocess i synen på kränkningar på Internet och det identifierades ett grupptryck. Traditionella könsroller och stereotypa uppfattningar i synen på kvinnor och män lever vidare på internet. Tjejer utsätts i högre grad än pojkar för kränkningar rörande deras utseende. Strategier mot kränkningar på Internet måste föras på olika nivåer, dock identifierades föräldrar som nyckelpersoner. Studiens resultat ger betydelsefull kunskap om ungdomars uppfattningar av kränkningar på Internet men konkluderar med att ytterligare forskning är nödvändigt för att förstå hur kränkningar på Internet påverkar ungdomar. / The aim of the study was to gain knowledge about fifteen-year-olds’ opinion of violations and harassment on the Internet and what preventive measures can be taken to avoid such occurrences. Data was collected from interviews with four focus groups comprising of fifteen-year-olds from a school in southern Sweden. Grounded Theory was used for analyzing the interviews. The results were treated from a gender perspective. The results showed that Internet was a part of everyday life of the participants and that violations were common. Both the sender and receiver had to perceive the comments as harmful to consider it a violation. Perception of violations on the Internet, as identified by peer pressure, was undergoing a process of normalization. Traditional gender roles and stereotypical ideas of women and men still exist on the Internet. Girls were more exposed to violations aimed at their appearance. Preventive strategies against violations on the Internet must be undertaken at different levels, but parents were identified as key persons. The result of the study gave important information of the youths perception of violations on the Internet but conclude that further studies are necessary to understand how violations on the Internet affect the youth.

Du er ikke alene” : Samtalegrupper som helsefremmende tiltak for skilsmissebarn. En Grounded Theory studie. / You are not alone.” : Peer groups as health promotive measures for children of divorced parents. A Grounded Theory study

Egge, Hilde January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrunn Samtalegrupper for skilsmissebarn har vist seg å ha en positiv effekt ved at deltagerne får økt selvfølelse, blir lettere og gladere, viser bedre trivsel og får en mer positiv opplevelse av familien.   Hensikt Å kartlegge hva som hjelper og hvorfor det hjelper å delta i samtalegruppe for elever som har opplevd samlivsbrudd.   Metode 28 elever, 14-16 år, fra tre ulike steder i Norge er blitt intervjuet i syv fokusgrupper. Grounded Theory er blitt brukt i analysen av materialet.   Resultat Fellesskapet med andre skilsmissebarn har en helsefremmende effekt ved at elevene får noen å identifisere seg med, de opplever åpenhet rundt det de har erfart, og de uttrykker gjensidig støtte til hverandre. Dette gir økt trygghet og selvtillit, økt styring over eget liv, økt forståelse av skilsmissen og foreldre/steforeldre samt evne til å se de positive sidene ved skilsmissen.   Konklusjon Studien viser at samtalegrupper for skilsmissebarn kan være et viktig tiltak i  folkehelsearbeidet / Background Peer groups for children of divorced parents have been shown to have a positive effect. Participants experience increased self-esteem, become happier, and report better well-being and a more positive family experience.   Aim This study aimed to identify and increase understanding of the positive consequences of participating in peer groups for children of divorced parents.   Method Twenty-eight pupils, 14–16 years of age, from three various communities in Norway participated in seven focus group discussions. Grounded Theory was applied in the analysis.   Results Peer groups create a sense of community that provides health promotive effects for children experiencing divorce. Group members who share similar experiences gain a feeling of openness and support, providing increased confidence and self-confidence as well as better influence and control over their own lives. Peer groups also increase understanding of divorce, parents/step-parents, and ability to see the positive aspects of divorce.   Conclusion This study shows that peer groups for children of divorced parents may provide an important public health measure. / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-25-6</p>

Eldres opplevelse av eget hjelpebehov / The elderly experience of their own needs of help

Arnesen, Audhild January 2005 (has links)
Utviklingstrekkene framover med en stadig økning av antall eldre, gjør utfordringene for pleie-og omsorgstjenestene store med hensyn til å utforme tjenester som samsvarer med brukerenes behov og ressurser. Hensikten med studien er å beskrive og analysere de eldres opplevelse av eget hjelpebehov Det kvalitative forskningsintervju er valgt som datainnsamlingsmetode, og analysert ut fra metoden grounded theory. Ni hjemmeboende eldre, som var avhengig av hjelp flere ganger i døgnet av pleie-og omsorgstjenesten i kommunen, ble intervjuet. ”En brukerrettet tjeneste” ble definert som overordnet kjernekategori. Videre framkom tre kategorier som var relatert til kjernekategorien; eldres ressurser og behov, hjelpernes møte med de eldre, og ytre rammer for tjenesten. Konklusjon: Hovedfunnet i studien peker på at de eldre opplever hjelpen de får som lite individuelt tilpasset, uforutsigbar og lite fleksibel. Tross dette, har de eldre vilje og ressurser til å mestresituasjonen, og de ønsker å bo hjemme. Resultatet av denne undersøkelsen kan muligens føre til at tjenestene ser nødvendigheten av en grundigere kartlegging av de eldres ressurser og mestringsevne før hjelpetiltak settes inn, og dermed rette fokus mer mot tiltak som tar hensyn til eldres opplevelse og forebygger ytterligere funksjonssvikt. / Demografic development points to a significant increase in elderly people, creating challenges in how health care services are shaped in correspondence with user needs and resources. The aim of this study was to describe and analyse, how elderly people, experienced their own need for help. Qualitative research interviews were chosen as a method of collecting the material for this survey. Grounded theory was used for analysis of the gathered information. The interviews were based on the experience of nine elderly people living at home by themselves. All nine selected interviewees were dependent upon regularly daily help from the communal health care and home help services. “A user related service” was defined as a superior core category. Three categories were related to the core category: Resources and needs among the elderly people, the encounter with the “helper” and outer boundaries of the service provided. Conclusion: The major results of this study points to the lack of individual response, flexibility and predictability of the help provided. Despite of this the elderly seem to cope with their situation, and preferred to live in their own homes as long as possible.The results may lead to a closer look on the necessity of a more thorough survey related to the elderly population and their coping needs, before help and care services are provided. The focus has to be aimed on health assesment to prevent dysfunctional services from developing even further. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-110-5</p>

Ambivalent men naturlig del av våra liv : Kvalitativ studie om ungdomars inställning till Internets roll i främjandet av hälsa och välbefinnande. / Ambivalent but an essential part of our lives : A qualitative study of young peoples views onthe role of the Internet in promoting health and well-being

Gunnarsdóttir, Hrafnhildur January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund: Dagens ungdomar utgör den första generation som växer upp med den nya digitala tekniken och den kan ses som integrerad del av deras liv. Studier har visat att ungdomar uppskattar tillgång till hälsoinformation via Internet som annars kan kännas pinsamt att fråga efter personligen. De uppskattar även möjligheter att möta och utveckla relationer med andra människor via Internet. Ungdomar ställs inför olika utmaningar i övergången från barndom till vuxen ålder och psykiska och psykosociala problem ökar bland åldersgruppen i Sverige liksom i andra europeiska länder. För att utveckla Internet som en möjlig källa till hälsoinformation och socialtstöd är det viktigt att få information om ungdomars egna synpunkter och önskemål. Syftet med studien är att fördjupa kunskapen om ungdomars inställning till Internets roll i främjandet av hälsa och välbefinnande. Metod: Fokusgruppdiskussioner genomfördes i sex grupper om totalt 26 ungdomar, 16-20 år och datamaterialet analyserades enligt modifierad grounded theory. Resultaten av studien visar att ungdomar är ambivalenta i sin inställning till Internets roll i främjandet av hälsa och välbefinnande. De beskriver en positiv syn och erfarenhet av internet, men är samtidigt väl medvetna om de negativa aspekterna och gör ansträngningar för att hitta strategier för att minimera dem. Resultaten belyser att trots denna ambivalens, betraktar ungdomar Internet som en naturlig del av sina liv, en viktig källa till hälsoinformation och socialt stöd, vilket leder till kärnkategori Ambivalent, men en naturlig del av våra liv. Konklusion: Insatser bör fokusera på att minimera de negativa aspekterna av Internet för att öka ungdomars tillgång till socialt stöd och hälsoinformation av hög kvalité. / Background: Adolescents and young people of the 21st century represent the first generation togrow up with the new digital technology and view it as an integrated part of their lives. Previousstudies show that young people value the potential of the Internet for acquiring information thatotherwise might be difficult to obtain. They also recognize the potential of the Internet for meetingand developing relationships with other people. Young people face diverse challenges during theirtransition from childhood to adulthood and need to have easy access to health information and socialsupport. Developing the potential of the Internet as a source of health information and social supportrequires increased information about young people's own views and preferences. The aim of thestudy was to deepen the knowledge about young people’s views on the role of the Internet inpromoting health and wellbeing. Method: Focusgroupdiscussions were conducted and included 26youths between 16 and 20 years of age, divided into six groups. Collected data was analyzed usingmodified grounded theory. The results show ambivalence among young people regarding the role ofthe Internet in promoting health and well-being. Although young people report a positive view of theInternet and their experience with it, they were very aware of its negative aspects and tried to findstrategies to minimize those aspects. Despite this ambivalence, the young people in this studyconsidered the Internet as an essential part of their lives and a natural source of health informationand social interaction. Conclusions: Efforts should be made to minimize the negative aspects of theInternet in order offer young people access to health information and social support in ways that suitsthem. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-80-1</p>

Oplevelse af sammenhæng hos bærere af Meticillin Resistente Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) : Et kvalitativt studie. / Meticillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus (MRSA)colonizationand sense of coherence of carriers : A qualitative study

Løvendahl Sørensen, Alice January 2012 (has links)
Baggrund: At være bærer af MRSA er en udfordring for et stigende antal borgere. For den enkelte indebærer det at være bærer at skulle leve med en viden om, at man kan smitte og fremkalde infektion hos den nærmeste familie eller andre, man kommer i tæt berøring med. For samfundet indebærer forekomsten af et reservoir af resistente bakterier en risiko for spredning fra det omgivende samfund ind på sygehusene med efterfølgende problemer ved behandling af akutte og alvorligt syge patienter. Formål: At opnå en dybere forståelse af, hvilken betydning det har for bærernes oplevelse af sammenhæng og dermed for sundheden for den enkelte, at være bærer af MRSA ieget hjem. Metode: Et kvalitativt studie med åbne interview af 12 bærere og 4 pårørende med anvendelse af Grounded Theory som analysemetode. Resultater: Borgerne oplever det at være bærer af MRSA som en uklar og forvirrende tilstand mellem sundhed og sygdom. Undersøgelsen identificerer kernekategorien ”Mangelfuld information”, som udløser følelser som forvirring og utryghed, meningsløshed, stress og vrede. Dette resulterer i manglende compliance, bekymringer for fremtiden og stigmatisering. Øget stress påvirker oplevelsen af sammenhæng hos bærerne og deres nærmeste i negativ retning. Særligt tyngede er bærere og pårørende, som arbejder indenfor omsorgs-og plejeområdet. Konklusion: Arbejdet afdækker mangler i primærsektorens håndtering af opgaven, specielt vedrørende korrekt information til MRSA-bærerne og deres nærmeste, som i nogle tilfælde kan påvirke bærernes oplevelse af sammenhæng og egen sundhed i negativ retning. Stigmatisering og grov diskrimination af MRSA-bærere kan være et resultat af manglende viden i MRSA-bærernes netværk og lokalområde. / Background: More and more citizens are carrying MRSA. Consequently, they mustcope with the knowledge of being a potential health risk for their families and close relations. For society,the carrierembodiesa reservoir and a risk of spreading resistant bacteriafrom the community into hospitals, resulting in problems with the treatment of patients in intensive and acute care wards. Purpose: This qualitative study aimed to deepenknowledge of the impactof MRSAon the Sense of Coherenceand Healthfor carriers living at home. Method: Thisqualitative study used Grounded Theory to analyze interviews with twelve carriers and four relatives. Results: The carriers describedthe experience of colonization with MRSA as a strange,unclear,and confusing state between sickness and wellness. The studyidentifiesacore category(i.e., “Inadequate information”)that causes emotional reactions among carriers and family members, including anxiety, insecurity, confusion, inadequate compliance, worries aboutthe future,and stigmatization. Increased stress negatively influences carriers’ and family members’sense of coherence. This was especially true infemale carriers and relatives who work in health and social carebecause they risk becominga health risk to their patients or clients. Conclusion: Thisstudy reveals inadequacy in the Primary Health Care System regarding the quality of information provided to MRSA-carriers and their relatives. Such inadequacynegatively affects carriers’Sense of Coherenceand health. Lack of knowledge in the network and local area can stigmatize MRSA carriers, making them susceptible tosevere bullying / <p>978-91-86739-51-5</p>

Kreftpasienters behov for og opplevelse av informasjon ved strålebehandling / Information during radiation therapy : what cancer patients need and how they process information during radiation therapy

Abrahamsson, Mariette January 2011 (has links)
Hensikt: Hensikten med studien er å få innsikt i kreftpasienters behov for og opplevelse av informasjon i forbindelse med strålebehandling og hvordan de bruker informasjon i sin nye livssituasjon. Metode: Det ble gjort en kvalitativ intervjuundersøkelse med ti kreftpasienter som skulle gjennomgå strålebehandling. Intervjuene ble gjennomført i forkant av strålebehandlingen, med unntak av to tilfeller der samtalen ble gjennomført henholdsvis etter at strålebehandlingen begynte og etter at CT undersøkelsen var tatt. Dataanalysen ble utført med Grounded theory metode. Resultater: Kjernekategorien som sprang ut av data var det er det lille som teller. Kategoriene som kom frem var informasjonssynergi, følelse av usikkerhet og mestring. Seks underkategorier inngikk i de tre kategoriene. Følelser og uvitenhet inngikk i følelse av usikkerhet. Informasjonsønsker og informasjonsmåter inngikk i kategorien informasjonssynergi. Forståelse og trygghet inngikk i kategorien mestring. Konklusjon: Kjernekategorien det er det lille som teller sammenfatter viktigheten av å gi hver enkelt pasient svar på akkurat det han eller hun lurer på. Informasjonssynergi, følelse av usikkerhet og mestring er grunnsøyler for at pasientene er optimalt rustet til å gjennomgå strålebehandling. Dette vil stille større krav til helsevesenet med hensyn til å kommunisere med pasienter på forskjellige måter, både med dialog og visuelt i form av film og skriftlig informasjon. / Aim: This study aimed to increase understanding the information needs of cancer patients before and during radiation therapy. We also explored how cancer patients adapt such information to their new life situations. Method: Among 10 participants in our qualitative interview survey, eight individuals were interviewed before radiation therapy commenced, one was interviewed during treatment and one was interviewed following CT examination. We used grounded theory to analyse our data.Results: Our study identified one core category: small things matter. Other categories included information synergy (desire for information and manner of delivery), vulnerability (emotions and lack of knowledge), and coping skills (comprehension and security). Conclusions: This study identified the importance of answering patients´ questions. Providing accurate information, minimizing vulnerability, and enhancing coping skills all play an important role in optimizing patient preparation for radiation therapy. However, the process of developing a variety of communication methods (e.g., improved patient dialogue, printed information, and video presentations) will increase demands on the healthcare system. / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-13-3</p>

Seeking empowerment : asylum-seeking refugees from Afghanistan in Sweden

Bergman, Jonny January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to contribute to the understanding of how asylum-seeking refugees manage their lives in the situation they are in, a situation in which they are dependent and have to wait for decisions on whether or not they will get to stay in the country in which they have made their application for asylum.  The elaboration upon these questions and the purpose of the study is approached through a field study of asylum-seeking refugees from Afghanistan in Sweden. The thesis presents a background of international migration, refugee migration, refugee migration from Afghanistan and the reception of asylum seekers and refugees in the EU and Sweden, which tells us both that asylum seekers and refugees are not welcome in the countries of the ‘North’, where policies of containment and repatriation are the most common features of treating the refugee ‘problem’ and that the long period of waiting and uncertainty creates a situation of passivity and ill-health among the asylum seekers. Employing grounded theory methodology in different forms based in data from fieldwork, including participant observations and informal conversations, the study applies a constructionist grounded theory approach in the analyses of the situation and the management thereof. Steered by this constructionist grounded theory approach, strengthened by a situational analysis, the thesis presents a situational frame pointing to the situation for the asylum-seeking refugees as temporal and dependent on Swedish national discourse, racism and paternalism. With this background and frame and generated by data from the field study, the thesis goes on to present the situation as disempowering. The disempowering processes are illustrated through looking at dependence and inhospitality, and are characterised by the asylum-seeking refugees’ oscillation between feelings of hope and despair. It becomes, however, also evident that the asylum-seeking refugees take action and that they are supported by latent empowering processes. The actions taken are categorised as actions of empowering in opposition to the processes presented as disempowering. The actions of empowering are connected to keeping oneself occupied, searching for and maintaining social contacts and in the asylum-seeking refugees’ representations of themselves. From the presentation of the situation as disempowering and the actions taken by the asylum-seeking refugees in response to this situation as actions of empowering, a process characterised as seeking empowerment is presented. In this process empowerment is discussed as the establishment of power to resist. During the discussion of the concept of seeking empowerment it is shown how the asylum-seeking refugees in this study, through their actions of empowering, try to resist the disempowering situation. By seeking to establish power to resist, they are seeking empowerment.

Early childhood education and care : parent conceptions of ECEC services and choice of services

Noble, Karen January 2005 (has links)
This study details a phenomenographic and grounded theory investigation aimed at generating new knowledge of an under-researched area, namely that of parental choice of early childhood education and care services. Given the complexity and range of choice of early childhood services, and the diversity of family situations, research eliciting parent conceptions of their choices of early childhood services is both necessary and timely. Findings from this study may be used to inform early childhood professionals by expanding their awareness of the variation that exists in the way that parents conceptualise early childhood services and make choices for young children. This study addresses both the dilemmas of individual parents in conceptualising and choosing services for their children and the implications of their individual decisions in aggregate. Single in-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 23 parents from the local area of Boyne Island, Central Queensland, Australia. The sample of parents comprised mothers only, although mothers and fathers were invited initially to join the study. The parents were drawn from the four local early childhood education and care (ECEC) services that operate in this area. In the first stage of the analysis, a phenomenographic framework was used to develop an outcome space to describe the eight parent conceptions of ECEC services. These categories describe the way parents see ECEC services as: Demographically convenient, Safe, secure and hygienic, Providing a routine, Caring and nurturing, Having trained and qualified staff, Valuing parents and keeping them informed, Preparing for further learning, Providing socialisation. These eight categories of description are understood and distinguished in terms of three dimensions, those being physical, personnel and personal. The physical dimension refers to the location and availability of services catering to the needs of the family. The personnel dimension refers to how ECEC services are judged according to the personnel who work within that environment. The personal dimension refers to how the ECEC service is judged according to how the individual children and their family are catered for and responded to within the environment. In the second stage of analysis, an orthodox grounded theory approach was used to explore how parents understood their choice of ECEC services for their young children. This later analysis found that parent choice is influenced by: Relationship with child; Influence of significant others; Understandings of childhood; Maximising the child's potential. The grounded theory that developed as a result of this stage of analysis was that parents make complex and pragmatic choices within social contexts. An understanding of the relationships between parent conceptions and the influences that they consider when choosing ECEC services was used to develop a model. This model demonstrates the complexities of choice of service juxtaposed with parent conceptions of ECEC services. Tensions for parents and their choice of service arose when their conceptions of ECEC services were compromised. Therefore, central to the model presented is the understanding that the ECEC services were located within a specific societal context and as such, any one, or combination of, the dimensions of conceptions of service, impact upon choice.

Distributing team leadership : a grounded theory study of how followers exercise leadership

Robertson, Grant January 2009 (has links)
The complex social phenomenon of leadership has been of interest for thousands of years and the subject of formal scientific research for over a century. The individual (sole) leader has been the focus of majority of the studies and leader-follower dyads have featured prominently in the identification of leader behaviours The paradigm has shifted, from the early quantitative approach to the most recent 'new leadership' perspectives which include theories such as transformational, charismatic and visionary leadership. Non-leaders (labelled followers and sometimes subordinates) have received little research attention despite being in the majority in teams. This study examined the research question, 'How do followers exercise leadership?' Approaching the question using grounded theory research methodology, leadership behaviours were studied in 48 seven- to nine-person teams of Year 11 male students attending an outdoor leadership program in one of two consecutive years in South Africa. The qualitative research was based on (1) data collected and analysed from observations in the field, including an extensive video record; (2) semi-structured interviews with course participants and staff; and (3) in-course leadership review documents. This research extends the existing theory of distributed leadership by defining and clarifying particular processes and skills of how followers in this study exercised leadership. Influence is central to leadership and also the core category in this study. In the context of the substantive field, theoretical propositions generated by the research include that team members are generally concerned about contributing and belonging and, when leading, focus on initiating or taking charge of influencing. Instead of being limited to a single leader, the leading role is distributed amongst team members, though not necessarily in equal proportion. In all teams, more than one member exercised leadership, and in most teams every member exercised some leadership behaviour during the four day program. Depending on context, followers exercised leadership by employing one or more of eight influencing behaviours and switching from following to leading roles. Communicating and listening emerged as core leadership behaviours, vital to team processes and most frequently used. Coordinating and motivating were identified as key influencing behaviours, regularly used and important to team processes. Risking, anchoring, mediating and channelling were categorised as situational influencing behaviours, used less frequently, based on context. This research articulates the mechanism whereby team members switch between leading, following and sometimes nominal member roles. Insights are provided of how individuals in a team may, for a period of time, occupy a leading role and then, at other times, occupy a following role. Occupying these roles is not related to formal assignment of roles. This study not only shows that followers play a greater role in leadership than existing literature on research indicates, but it also defines eight influencing behaviours used to exercise leadership. The study has important implications which can help managers and leaders in formal roles maximise the contributions of their followers. This study can also contribute to the design of leadership training and help build more effective teams and organisations.

Ungewissheit als zentrale Erfahrung / Eine qualitative Studie zum Krankheitserleben von Menschen mit chronisch-entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen / Uncertainty as a main experience / A qualitative study about illness experiences of people with inflammatory bowel disease

Palant, Alexander 04 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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