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Lien bidirectionnel entre des caractéristiques personnelles des parents et leurs pratiques parentales dans un contexte d’interventionSimard, Myriam 04 1900 (has links)
Les parents d’enfants aux prises avec un trouble déficitaire de l’attention avec ou sans hyperactivité (TDA/H) sont à risque de dépression. Ces parents rapportent aussi des relations familiales plus problématiques, des expériences plus stressantes, un sentiment d’auto-efficacité plus faible à l’égard de leur rôle parental et des pratiques parentales plus coercitives ou inadéquates en comparaison aux parents d’enfants sans ce diagnostic. Plusieurs recherches ont relevé que les parents d’enfants ayant un TDA/H qui ont participé à un programme d’entraînement aux habiletés parentales (PEHP) rapportent une amélioration générale des difficultés énumérées précédemment. Le changement d’attitude et de pratiques parentales est souvent relié à une diminution des symptômes du TDA/H chez les enfants. L’intervention peut donc contribuer à améliorer la condition du parent et par le fait même celle de son enfant. Toutefois, le TDA/H est un trouble chronique qui peut affecter certaines caractéristiques personnelles du parent pouvant interférer avec la capacité de ce dernier à bénéficier d’une intervention. Peu d’études s’attardent aux caractéristiques du parent pouvant affecter l’efficacité de l’intervention. Le but de la présente étude est d’étudier le lien bidirectionnel entre certaines caractéristiques personnelles (dépression, stress, sentiment d’auto-efficacité) et les pratiques parentales dans un contexte d’intervention qui s’adresse aux parents d’enfants ayant un TDA/H. Les résultats démontrent que le sentiment d’auto-efficacité initial du parent est prédicteur d’une discipline inconstante, et ce, indépendamment de la condition expérimentale. De plus, les pratiques positives initiales sont prédicteurs d’un sentiment d’auto-efficacité élevé au post-test et ce, indépendamment de la condition expérimentale. / When compared to parents of non-diagnosed children, parents of children with ADHD face a higher risk of experiencing parenting stress, depression, and family functioning problems. They also report lower levels of parental self-efficacy, and use more coercive or inadequate parental practices. Some evidence suggests that parental abilities training programs can help offset some of the risks associated with raising a child with ADHD. Changes in attitudes and parental practices are also associated with reductions in child ADHD symptoms. Parent training interventions therefore represent promising strategies for improving both parent and child outcomes. Nevertheless, the personal characteristics of parents can intervene with their ability to benefit from parental training. Few studies have examined how parental characteristics can influence program efficacy. The objective of the present study is to examine the bidirectional link between parental characteristics (depression, stress, self-efficacy) and parental practices within the context of a parent training program. Baseline parent self-efficacy predicted use of inconsistent discipline regardless of whether parents had followed the training program. Furthermore, baseline positive parental practices predicted parent self-efficacy, regardless of experimental condition.
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Knowledge transfer intervention theory : a model grounded in the strategies used by intermediate agents in the context of educationAwad, Nathalie C. 07 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse se base sur les principes de la théorisation ancrée (Strauss & Corbin, 1998) afin de répondre au manque de documentation concernant les stratégies adoptées par des « agents intermédiaires » pour promouvoir l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche auprès des intervenants en éducation. Le terme « agent intermédiaire » réfère aux personnes qui sont positionnées à l’interface entre les producteurs et les utilisateurs des connaissances scientifiques et qui encouragent et soutiennent les intervenants scolaires dans l’application des connaissances scientifiques dans leur pratique. L’étude s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un projet du ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport du Québec visant à améliorer la réussite scolaire des élèves du secondaire provenant de milieux défavorisés. Des agents intermédiaires de différents niveaux du système éducatif ayant obtenu le mandat de transférer des connaissances issues de la recherche auprès des intervenants scolaires dans les écoles visées par le projet ont été sollicités pour participer à l’étude. Une stratégie d’échantillonnage de type « boule-de-neige » (Biernacki & Waldorf, 1981; Patton, 1990) a été employée afin d’identifier les personnes reconnues par leurs pairs pour la qualité du soutien offert aux intervenants scolaires quant à l’utilisation de la recherche dans leur pratique. Seize entrevues semi-structurées ont été réalisées. L’analyse des données permet de proposer un modèle d’intervention en transfert de connaissances composé de 32 stratégies d’influence, regroupées en 6 composantes d’intervention, soit : relationnelle, cognitive, politique, facilitatrice, évaluative, de même que de soutien et de suivi continu. Les résultats suggèrent que les stratégies d’ordre relationnelle, cognitive et politique sont interdépendantes et permettent d’établir un climat favorable dans lequel les agents peuvent exercer une plus grande influence sur l’appropriation du processus de l’utilisation des connaissances des intervenants scolaire. Ils montrent en outre que la composante de soutien et de suivi continu est importante pour maintenir les changements quant à l’utilisation de la recherche dans la pratique chez les intervenants scolaires. Les implications théoriques qui découlent du modèle, ainsi que les explications des mécanismes impliqués dans les différentes composantes, sont mises en perspective tant avec la documentation scientifique en transfert de connaissances dans les secteurs de la santé et de l’éducation, qu’avec les travaux provenant de disciplines connexes (notamment la psychologie). Enfin, des pistes d’action pour la pratique sont proposées. / The present thesis was based on Grounded Theory (Strauss & Corbin, 1998) principles in order to address the lack of documented strategies implemented by “intermediate agents” to promote school practitioners’ use of research-based evidence. The term “intermediate agent” refers to the individuals who are positioned at the interface between scientific knowledge producers and users, and who encourage and support users’ uptake of research-based evidence in their practice. The study is part of the Quebec Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sports’ project aimed at improving success rates of secondary school students in underprivileged areas. Those solicited to participate in the study were intermediate agents from different levels of the educational system who had obtained the mandate to transfer research-based evidence to practitioners in schools targeted by the project. Snowball sampling (Biernacki & Waldorf, 1981; Patton, 1990) was used to identify individuals who were recognized by their peers for the quality of the support they offered to school practitioners in applying research. Sixteen semi-structured interviews were conducted. Analysis of the data yielded an intervention model coined Knowledge Transfer Intervention Theory, composed of 32 strategies of influence that were categorized into 6 intervention components: Relational, Cognitive, Political, Facilitative, Evaluative, as well as Continuous Support and Follow-up. The findings suggest that strategies embedded in the Relational, Cognitive, and Political components are interdependent and aim to establish a favourable climate, allowing agents to exercise a greater influence towards potential users’ ownership of the knowledge utilization process. Moreover, the Continuous Support and Follow-up component is key to sustaining changes in school practitioners’ use of research. Theoretical implications linked to the model, along with underlying explanations of the mechanisms involved in the different components are compared with the literature in knowledge transfer in the sectors of both health and education. Reports from related disciplines (notably in psychology) are also exposed. Finally, recommendations for practice are proposed.
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Differentiation and intimate partner violenceLikcani, Adriatik January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Family Studies and Human Services / Sandra Stith / Farrell Webb / This study explored the impact of differentiation of self on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). First, the study determined if differentiation of self in a relationship added to the variance accounted for by the known risk factors including relational satisfaction, marital conflict, romantic jealousy, depression, anxiety, and attitude about violence towards women. Second, it examined the moderating effect of gender on the relationship between differentiation of self and IPV. Results indicated that differentiation of self in a relationship is a predictor of perpetration of intimate partner violence in relationships even after controlling for other known risk factors. Results also indicated that gender did not moderate the relationship between differentiation of self and perpetration of violence.
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Chinese Enough For Ya? Disrupting and Transforming Notions of Chineseness through Chinesenough TattoosChan, Karen Bic Kwun 31 August 2012 (has links)
Using interpretive methods of social inquiry, this thesis explores the socio-political significance of body tattoos made of Chinese-like text, which have recently become popular Western phenomena. It theorizes how contemporary Western tattooing complicates bodily and social boundaries, providing context to interrogate ideas of authenticity. Coining the term "Chinesenough" (from “Chinese” and “enough”), I describe how many such tattoos do not reflect in Chinese what many wearers and viewers assume they do. I contrast how Chinesenough tattoos (re)produce whiteness to the multiple and contradictory Chinesenesses that are also (re)produced. Reading Chinesenough flash art on tattoo studio walls as objects constituting social space, I consider the social meaning of their English subtitles and manner of organization. I theorize the body’s absence from Chinesenough flash art while articulating my body’s sense experience of encountering the same. Finally, I produce and theorize five illustrations that carnivalize Chinesenough iconography to disrupt and transform the phenomenon.
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Chinese Enough For Ya? Disrupting and Transforming Notions of Chineseness through Chinesenough TattoosChan, Karen Bic Kwun 31 August 2012 (has links)
Using interpretive methods of social inquiry, this thesis explores the socio-political significance of body tattoos made of Chinese-like text, which have recently become popular Western phenomena. It theorizes how contemporary Western tattooing complicates bodily and social boundaries, providing context to interrogate ideas of authenticity. Coining the term "Chinesenough" (from “Chinese” and “enough”), I describe how many such tattoos do not reflect in Chinese what many wearers and viewers assume they do. I contrast how Chinesenough tattoos (re)produce whiteness to the multiple and contradictory Chinesenesses that are also (re)produced. Reading Chinesenough flash art on tattoo studio walls as objects constituting social space, I consider the social meaning of their English subtitles and manner of organization. I theorize the body’s absence from Chinesenough flash art while articulating my body’s sense experience of encountering the same. Finally, I produce and theorize five illustrations that carnivalize Chinesenough iconography to disrupt and transform the phenomenon.
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Researching Class Consciousness: The Transgression of a Radical Educator Across Three ContinentsThomson, Marion Arthur 31 August 2011 (has links)
This study addresses the topic of class consciousness and the radical educator. Using the theory of revolutionary critical pedagogy and Marxist humanism I examine the impact of formative experience and class consciousness on my own radical praxis across three continents.
The methodology of auto/biography is used to interrogate my own life history. I excavate my own formative experience in Scotland, Canada and my radical praxis as a human rights educator in Ghana West Africa. The study is particularly interested in the possibility of a radical educator transgressing across race, whiteness and gender while working in Ghana, West Africa.
Chapter One begins by discussing the theory of revolutionary critical pedagogy, Marxist
humanism and theories of the self. Chapter Two assesses the methodology of auto/biography,research methods and an introduction to formative experience. Chapter Three, Four and Five contain excavation sites from Scotland, Canada and Ghana with accompanying analysis. Chapter
Six concludes with a summary of research findings.
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Researching Class Consciousness: The Transgression of a Radical Educator Across Three ContinentsThomson, Marion Arthur 31 August 2011 (has links)
This study addresses the topic of class consciousness and the radical educator. Using the theory of revolutionary critical pedagogy and Marxist humanism I examine the impact of formative experience and class consciousness on my own radical praxis across three continents.
The methodology of auto/biography is used to interrogate my own life history. I excavate my own formative experience in Scotland, Canada and my radical praxis as a human rights educator in Ghana West Africa. The study is particularly interested in the possibility of a radical educator transgressing across race, whiteness and gender while working in Ghana, West Africa.
Chapter One begins by discussing the theory of revolutionary critical pedagogy, Marxist
humanism and theories of the self. Chapter Two assesses the methodology of auto/biography,research methods and an introduction to formative experience. Chapter Three, Four and Five contain excavation sites from Scotland, Canada and Ghana with accompanying analysis. Chapter
Six concludes with a summary of research findings.
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Redirection: Using Career Development Theory to Interpret the Volunteer Activities of RetireesCook, Suzanne L. 30 August 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine formal volunteering among retirees in order to explore whether their volunteer experiences represent an extension of their career in the paid workforce or whether their volunteer activities represent a completely new direction, and how this influences their career self-concept, as interpreted through Donald Super’s life-span, life-space theory of career development. This study employed a developmental mixed-method design. In Phase 1, qualitative interviews were conducted with 12 participants to better understand retirees’ volunteer experiences. Phase 1 informed the design of an instrument for the Phase 2 survey which examined the issues among a larger sample of 214 retirees. The Phase 2 results supported the Phase 1 findings and indicated that many retirees sought an extension of career in volunteer activities in that they used similar skills and knowledge. Study participants also displayed a desire for lifelong learning.
Retirees relinquished their paid-work career, took on the retiree and volunteer roles, and integrated these roles within their career self-concept to create a new sense of self. These results indicated that the retirees had entered a new stage of life, qualitatively different from ‘retirement’. To better reflect the experiences of these retirees, it was proposed that Donald Super’s life-span, life-space theory of career development be extended to include Redirection. This theorizing is consistent with the finding that retirees both wanted to and are able to integrate previous paid work elements as well as seek out lifelong learning opportunities within their volunteer activities. This study demonstrates that the volunteer role in the lives of retirees can lead to personal renewal and reshaping of the career self-concept, or what is labeled as the stage of Redirection. This study also has implications for volunteer management, retirement planning and social policy, and may be of interest to volunteer managers, nonprofit organizations, career counsellors, financial planners, retirement planning consultants, life coaches and policy planners.
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Ironic Acceptance – Present in Academia Discarded as Oriental: The Case of Iranian Female Graduate Student in Canadian AcademiaHojati, Zahra 30 August 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to examine the experiences of first-generation, highly educated Iranian women who came to Canada to pursue further education in a ‘just’, ‘safe’, and ‘peaceful’ place. The research has revealed that these women who were fleeing from an ‘oppressive’ and ‘unjust’ Iranian regime face new challenges and different forms of oppression in Canada. This dissertation examines some of the challenges that these women face at their place of work and/or at graduate school.
The research findings are based on narratives of eleven Iranian women who participated in in-depth interviews in the summer of 2008. These women, whose ages range from 26 to 55 and are of diverse marital status, all hold an academic degree from Iran. They were also all enrolled in different graduate schools and diverse disciplines in Ontario universities at the time of the interviews. The research findings indicate that their presence in Canada became more controversial after the September 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade centers in New York.
Historically, the social images imposed on Middle Eastern women derive from the Orientalism that arose following the colonization of the Middle East by Western imperialists. The perpetuation of such images after the 9/11 attack has created a harsh environment for the participants in this research. After 9/11 most immigrants from the Middle East were assumed to be Muslim and Arab, which many North Americans came to equate with being a terrorist.
In order to analyze the participants’ voices and experiences, I have adopted a multi-critical theoretical perspective that includes Orientalism, anti-colonialism and integrative anti-racist feminist perspectives, so as to be equipped with the tools necessary to investigate and expose the roots of racism, oppression and discrimination of these marginalized voices. The findings of this research fall under six interrelated themes: adaptation, stereotyping, discrimination, being silenced, strategy of resistance, and belonging to Canadian society/ graduate school. One of the important results of this research is that, regardless of the suffering and pain that the participants feel in Canadian graduate school and society, they prefer to stay in Canada because of the socio-political climate in Iran.
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Language, Power, and Race: A Comparative Approach to the Sociopolitics of EnglishJaimungal, Cristina S. 26 November 2013 (has links)
This thesis highlights the sociopolitics of English as a dominant/colonial language by focusing on the linkage between language, power, and race. Grounded in critical language theory, comparative education theory, and anti-racism research methodology, this research examines the inextricable relationship between language, power, and race. With this in mind, this thesis argues that language, specifically English, is not a neutral tool of communication but a highly contentious issue that is deeply embedded in sociopolitical ideologies and practices. The contexts of Japan and Trinidad and Tobago are used to illustrate how colonialism continues to impact English language policy, practice, and perceptions. In sum, this research aims to bridge the gap between critical language theory, comparative education theory, and anti-racism studies in a way that (1) highlights the complexity of language politics, (2) explores ideological assumptions inherent in the discourse of the "native" language, and (3) underscores the overlooked ubiquity of race.
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