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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à l’histoire de la presse cinématographique française. Étude comparée de la genèse et de l’évolution de douze revues de cinéma entre 1908 et 1940 / A contribution to the history of the French film press. A comparative study of the genesis and evolution of twelve film magazines between 1908 and 1940

Champomier, Emmanuelle 01 February 2018 (has links)
Source majeure de l’histoire du cinéma, la presse cinématographique française des premiers temps reste pourtant encore un vaste continent à explorer. À partir d’un corpus composé de douze revues couvrant la période de 1908 à 1940, cette recherche entreprend d’étudier les facteurs à la fois techniques, économiques et sociaux de la naissance et de l’évolution de la presse cinématographique française sur trois décennies. Envisagée en tant qu’entreprise de presse, dans sa dimension collective, chaque revue fait l’objet d’une étude méthodique de son identité, de ses spécificités, ainsi que des différentes mutations, administratives, techniques, économiques, formelles et éditoriales, subies. L’ambition première de cette thèse est de proposer une histoire autant de la presse que des journalistes. Elle aspire ainsi à définir la profession de journaliste et de critique de cinéma, telle qu’elle est perçue à l’époque par la corporation du cinéma ainsi que les journalistes et critiques eux-mêmes. La définition de cette fonction se fait également à travers la création de groupements professionnels, dont cette recherche espère avoir éclairé l’histoire et les péripéties qui la jalonnent. Le dessein poursuivi par ailleurs est de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance des hommes, journalistes et critiques, encore méconnus pour la plupart mais qui ont pourtant été des figures marquantes de leur époque, qui ont participé à la création de la presse spécialisée et à l’élaboration d’une pensée et d’une critique cinématographiques dans les années 1900-1930. / A major source for history of cinema, the early French film press however still remains a vast, unexplored continent. With a body of research composed of twelve film magazines spanning over the 1908-1940 period, this thesis aims to study the technical, economical and social factors involved in the birth and evolution of the French film press over three decades. Contemplated as a press organization, in its collective dimension, each film magazine is subject to a methodical study of its identity, specifications and various mutations – administrative, technical, economical, formal and editorial – incurred. The main ambition of this thesis is to propose a history of press as well as of journalists. The study thus aims to define the profession of journalist and film critic, as it is perceived in this period by the film corporation and the journalists and critics themselves. This fonction also defines itself through the creation of professional associations, the history and adventures of which this research hopes it has illuminated. The pursued purpose is also to contribute in a better knowledge of the men, journalists and critics, remaining mainly unrecognized to this day despite being major figures of their time, who participated in the creation of the specialized press and the formulation of a critical thought about cinema, in the 1900s-1930s.

Space within : Frederick Kiesler and the architecture of an idea / Frederick Kiesler and the architecture of an idea

McGuire, Laura 05 August 2015 (has links)
From 1922-1942, the Austrian-American architect and designer Frederick Jacob Kiesler (1890-1965) designed architecture based on the idea that it must complement the physiological and psychological processes of the human body. In order to reconcile the technological changes wrought by industrialized production with the need for structures that promoted human health, he developed an inspired model for interactive design. His formative experiences in Europe working with De Stijl and the G-Group, along with his exposure to Central European examples of architecture, art, and science set the agenda for his later works. Yet he never stopped experimenting with new concepts that would bolster his essential philosophy of body-generated space. After he immigrated to the United States in 1926, Kiesler’s pursued his ideas about physiological and psychological architecture within a new cultural milieu and a network of encouraging personal connections. He forged relationships with a sympathetic community of émigré industrial designers and architects who promoted his efforts to integrate modern technology with new design idioms. During his first fifteen years in New York City, Kiesler looked to contemporary science as a way to advance a model of flexible architectural design. He also worked at the cutting edge of industrial design research and was an early protagonist of human factors engineering methods. His body-centered methodology stood in opposition to aesthetic and reductive approaches toward modernism and functionalism. Instead of designing according to a priori determinations of what was functional and what was not, Kiesler’s functionalism was based on an iterative design practice that would reveal progressively more useful and universally applicable forms. / text

Hospodářská politika USA a Německa v letech 1933 - 1939 / Economic Policy in the USA and Germany 1933–1939

Johnson, Zdenka January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation provides an analysis, evaluation, and comparison of selected areas of economic policy in the United States of America and Germany from 1933 to 1939 within the context of the 1920s, the Great Depression, and the Second World War. Based on a thorough analysis of the determined objectives, tools, the intended and unintended impacts of their fiscal policies, monetary policies, and foreign-trade policies, the dissertation thesis aims to verify the basic hypothesis that the United States and German economic policies were largely similar as responding to similar issues that both advanced economies had to face. During the verification process, the author relies mainly on the genuine processing and analysis of original statistical sources. In the individual chapters of the dissertation both identical, and also different features in selected types of economic policies are presented. On the basis of a comparison of the main economic-policies trends, despite some differences in the partial characteristics of chosen economic policy types, it can be concluded that economic policies of the central governments of Germany and the United States of America were similar in surprisingly many respects.

Spökflygarnas dagordning : En textanalys av ledarsidor som beskriver misstänkta flygkränkningar i Norrland under 1930-talet.

Berglund, Anders January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to find out how editorials in various Swedish newspapers interpreted the ghost flights. The study shows how the phenomenon was interpreted based on defense and security policy. Through text analysis 44 editorial articles from the period 1934-1938 were investigated which showed that the most editorials interpreted ghost flying as military flights. The agenda of swedish liberal and moderate newspapers was to interpret military aviation as a reason for establishing an independent air force and in giving the military greater authority to make security decisions for the country. The Social Democratic agenda in editorials was to downplay loud defense interests. And the communist editorial agenda was more ideologically expressed in countering imperialist and warlike interests. Local Norrland newspapers were more likely to express hopes for greater military efforts for Norrland's sake and the development over time shows that it was the newspaper Norrskensflamman and Aftonbladet, political and ideological antagonists, that were the ones who kept the debate about the ghost flights alive until the outbreak of the Second World War. / <p>Godkänt datum 2020-06-05</p>


Hall, Austin Carter 02 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Heinrich Mann et l'exil en France 1933 - 1940

Lagleize, Maxime 09 March 2023 (has links)
Wegen der Machtübernahme der Nationalsozialisten in Deutschland vertrieben, emigrierte Heinrich Mann am 21. Februar 1933, im Alter von fast 62 Jahren, nach Frankreich. Wie konnte Heinrich Mann die Kontinuität seines intellektuellen Engagements vereinbaren mit der Lage des Exils und inwiefern wurde sein Engagement durch diese Situation neu definiert? Heinrich Mann verstand sehr schnell, dass er die Ziele seines Engagements neu anpassen musste, um es in fremden Land fortsetzen zu können; dies tat er seit den ersten Monaten des Exils, die er in Frankreich verbrachte, durch die von ihm veröffentlichten Essays. Die Stadt Nizza, in der er sich niederließ, ist der Ort des Schriftstellers, Paris bleibt der Ort des intellektuellen Engagements. Die Historiographie dieser Zeit hat oft nur eine gewisse Naivität der Figur und ihre Instrumentalisierung durch die Kommunistische Partei bewahrt, was relativiert werden muss. Der während der Emigration entstandene Roman Heinrichs IV. gehört bis heute zu den größten Texten der deutschen Exilgemeinde. / Chassé par l'arrivée au pouvoir des nazis en Allemagne, Heinrich Mann a presque soixante-deux ans lorsqu'il émigre en France, le 21 février 1933. Comment Heinrich Mann a-t-il pu concilier la continuité de son engagement intellectuel avec la situation même de l'exil et dans quelle mesure son engagement fut-il redéfini par cette situation? Heinrich Mann a compris très vite qu'il lui fallait réadapter les objectifs de son engagement pour pouvoir le poursuivre en terre étrangère ; c'est ce qu'il fit dès les premiers mois passés en France, par les essais qu'il publia. La ville de Nice, où il s'établit, est le lieu de l'écrivain, Paris reste le lieu de l'engagement intellectuel. L'historiographie sur cette époque n'a souvent retenu du personnage qu'une certaine naïveté, et son instrumentalisation par le parti communiste, point qui mérite d'être relativisé. Le roman d'Henri IV, écrit pendant l’émigration, reste l'un des plus grands textes produits par la communauté allemande en exil. / After the Nazis had come to power in Germany, Heinrich Mann at the age of almost sixty-two years old had to go into exile to France on February 21th, 1933. How could he adapt his intellectual commitment to the new status of exile and to what extend was his commitment in France redetermined by the life in exile? Heinrich Mann understood quickly that he had to readjust the objectives of his commitment in order to continue in exile. He implemented it already in the first months he spent in France in the essays and texts he published. The city of Nice was the place where he lived and wrote, Paris remained the place for the intellectual commitment. The historiography of this period has often imputed to him a kind of naivety of character and the exploitation by the German communist party, but this point has to be relativised. Young Henry of Navarre, written during his stay in France is one of the most beautiful texts produced by the German community in exile.

The ‘Weimar Experience’ in British Interwar Writing

Wünnenberg, Barbara 01 July 2022 (has links)
Die Dissertation behandelt die Texte britischer Schriftsteller_innen, die in der Zeit der Weimarer Republik nach Deutschland kamen und über ihre Erfahrungen mit Deutschland und den Deutschen schrieben. Sie umfasst sowohl Texte, die in den Jahren 1919-1933 entstanden sind, als auch Texte, die sich rückblickend mit Erfahrungen in der Weimarer Republik befassen und in den Jahren zwischen dem Ende der Weimarer Republik und dem Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkriegs (1933-1939) entstanden sind. Die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit den Texten britischer Schriftsteller_innen über die Weimarer Republik hat sich bisher weitgehend auf die Werke von Christopher Isherwood und seinen Freunden W. H. Auden und Stephen Spender beschränkt. Durch die Fokussierung auf die Erfahrungen dieser Autoren legt die bisherige Forschung zu britischen Schriftsteller_innen in der Weimarer Republik einen starken Schwerpunkt auf die Erfahrungen junger homosexueller Männer in Berlin in den letzten Jahren der Weimarer Republik und vernachlässigt andere Aspekte der Erfahrungen dieser Schriftsteller sowie die Perspektiven der zahlreichen anderen schreibenden Brit_innen, die die Weimarer Republik besuchten und aufgrund ihrer Herkunft, ihres Alters und ihrer Beweggründe für ihren Aufenthalt sehr unterschiedliche Erfahrungen machten. Die Studie zeigt erstmals eine breit angelegte Untersuchung der unterschiedlichen Perspektiven, die sowohl die biografischen Erfahrungen der Schriftsteller analysiert als auch den Prozess der Fiktionalisierung dieser Erfahrungen in verschiedenen Phasen der Zwischen- und Nachkriegszeit erklärt. Die eingehende Analyse der verschiedenen literarischen Versionen der "Weimarer Erfahrung" durch britische Schriftsteller zeigt, wie diese Erfahrung in Fiktion umgewandelt wurde, wie die persönliche Auseinandersetzung mit Deutschland retrospektive Erzählungen verkompliziert und wie diese Komplikationen in fiktionalen Texten ausgetragen werden. Die Arbeit ist in drei chronologische Kapitel unterteilt, die sich jeweils mit einer Phase der Weimarer Republik befassen und eine Reihe von fiktionalen und nicht-fiktionalen Texten einbeziehen. / The dissertation analyses the texts of British writers who visited Germany during the years of the Weimar Republic and wrote about their experiences with Germany and the Germans. It includes texts that were written during the years 1919-1933 as well as texts that deal retrospectively with experiences in the Weimar Republic and were written in the years between the end of the Weimar Republic and the outbreak of the Second World War (1933-1939). Scholarly engagement with the writings of British writers on the Weimar Republic has so far been very much limited to the texts of Christopher Isherwood and his friends W. H. Auden and Stephen Spender. By focusing predominantly on the experiences of these authors, the existing research on British writers in the Weimar Republic places a strong emphasis on the experiences of young homosexual men in Berlin in the final years of the Weimar Republic and neglects other aspects of these writers' experiences as well as the perspectives of the numerous other British writers who visited the Weimar Republic and had very different experiences due to their background, age and motivations for their stay. For the first time, this study undertakes a wide-ranging investigation of diverse perspectives, which both analyses the biographical experiences of the writers and explains the fictionalisation process of these experiences in different phases of the interwar and post-war period. The in-depth analysis of the diverse literary versions of the 'Weimar experience' by British writers shows how this experience was transformed into fiction, how personal engagement with Germany complicates retrospective narratives, and how these complications are played out in fictional texts. The work is divided into three chronological chapters, each dealing with a phase of the Weimar Republic and drawing on a range of fictional and non-fictional texts.

Stadt – Frau – Amerika / zum Modernisierungsdiskurs im deutschen und tschechischen Feuilleton von 1918 bis 1938

Mongu, Blanka 08 November 2012 (has links)
Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist es, feuilletonistische Entwürfe von „Amerika“ in der Zeit von 1918 bis 1938 zu analysieren. Der Amerika-Diskurs in der deutschen Presse diente mir dabei als Folie für eine weitere Untersuchung im Kontext der Ersten Tschechoslowakischen Republik. Der Hauptbeitrag der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt daher in einer gänzlich neuen Perspektive auf die Perzeption der USA sowie im Vergleich dieser tschechoslowakischen Sicht mit der deutschen. In den 1920er- und 1930er-Jahren vermochte insbesondere das Feuilleton als modernes urbanes Genre die aktuellen zeitgenössischen Diskurse einerseits aufzunehmen, andererseits mitzugestalten. Deshalb diente es mir als Quelle. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Modernisierung als komplexes Phänomen untersucht, das alle Bereiche des Alltags erfasste. Anhand ausgewählter Themenbereiche – Amerika, Stadt, Frau – wurde herausgearbeitet, wie sich die Zeitgenossen mit diesem Prozess auseinandersetzten. Da die Modernisierung mit Amerikanisierung gleichgesetzt wurde, ist der so genannte Amerikanisierungsdiskurs zentraler Bestandteil der Untersuchung. Amerika diente sowohl in der Weimarer Republik wie in der ČSR als Projektionsfläche für Wunschvorstellungen sowie für Probleme im Umgang mit der Modernisierung. Das Zentrum der Moderne war der urbane Raum. Daher konzentriert sich meine Arbeit auf die Großstädte Berlin und Prag. Als deren Bezugsgröße diente New York. Analysiert wurden die Selbst- und im Falle Berlins auch die Fremddarstellungen der Metropolen im Hinblick auf ihre voranschreitende Urbanisierung. Der gesellschaftliche Wandel manifestierte sich in den 1920er-Jahren am deutlichsten an der gesellschaftlichen Aufwertung der Frau; sie profitierte am meisten vom Prozess der Modernisierung. Die Weiblichkeitskonstruktionen widerspiegeln daher wichtige Aspekte der Auseinandersetzung mit der Modernisierung / Amerikanisierung. / The goal of this research is the analysis of perceptions about the American model of modernity in the period between 1918 and 1938. The debate about America in Germany serves as the template for its examination in the context of the first Czechoslovak Republic, which will present an entirely new perspective. The main contribution of this thesis is the removal of the one-sided approach to German perceptions of America by means of comparison and perspective from Czechoslovakia. In the ‘20s and ‘30s played in particular the feuilleton a crucial role in creating popular perceptions of society. As a modern urban genre it enabled both the depiction and the formation of contemporary discourse. The subject of this thesis is a study of modernization, a complex phenomenon that has touched upon all aspects of everyday life. The analysis of selected topics – the USA, the city, and the woman – shows how people responded to this process. Due to the fact that modernization became equated with Americanization, a discourse about the latter is central to this analysis. Both in the German Weimar Republic as well as in Czechoslovakia America was used as a backdrop for projecting; both the visions and challenges that occurred while dealing with modernization. The center of modernism was the urban environment. This fact has led the focus of this examination to the cities of Prague and Berlin, with the reference point for both being New York. This thesis analyzes the way these cities presented themselves from the point of view of urbanization – in the case of Berlin it also includes perception of the city by outsiders. In the ‘20s social change was predominantly manifest in the empowerment of women and it was also women who profited most from modernization of the social sphere. The evolution of the notion of femininity is thus reflected in important aspects of this confrontation with modernization / Americanization.

“The Best Possible Time for War?” The USS Panay and American Far Eastern Policy During the Roosevelt Presidency

Schnurr, Jeremy 13 December 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines American Far Eastern policy from the beginning of the Franklin Roosevelt presidency through the early months of 1938. This study is chiefly concerned with the attack by Japanese aircraft on the USS Panay and its effect on the course of U.S. foreign policy. Particular attention is paid to the Anglo-American dialogue which occurred throughout the Far Eastern Crisis. Prior to the end of 1938, the U.S. administration’s position in Asia was dictated both by policies inherited from preceding administrations and by the extreme isolationism of the American people. This foundation effectively inhibited any cooperation with foreign powers. Relying on a reactive policy in the Far East, Washington remained aloof from entanglement as the President sought a plan which would permit U.S. involvement without inviting isolationist wrath. This paper traces an evolution in American Far Eastern policy, highlighting the Panay incident as a distinctly identifiable turning point whereby isolationism gave way to internationalism.

“The Best Possible Time for War?” The USS Panay and American Far Eastern Policy During the Roosevelt Presidency

Schnurr, Jeremy 13 December 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines American Far Eastern policy from the beginning of the Franklin Roosevelt presidency through the early months of 1938. This study is chiefly concerned with the attack by Japanese aircraft on the USS Panay and its effect on the course of U.S. foreign policy. Particular attention is paid to the Anglo-American dialogue which occurred throughout the Far Eastern Crisis. Prior to the end of 1938, the U.S. administration’s position in Asia was dictated both by policies inherited from preceding administrations and by the extreme isolationism of the American people. This foundation effectively inhibited any cooperation with foreign powers. Relying on a reactive policy in the Far East, Washington remained aloof from entanglement as the President sought a plan which would permit U.S. involvement without inviting isolationist wrath. This paper traces an evolution in American Far Eastern policy, highlighting the Panay incident as a distinctly identifiable turning point whereby isolationism gave way to internationalism.

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