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Sustaining Patriarchy? : A Critical Discourse Analysis of Sustainable Urban DevelopmentWallace, Alexandra January 2020 (has links)
The United Nations (UN) has implemented a policy of gender mainstreaming in their agendas forboth sustainable development and urban development with the aim of improving gender equity in member statesthrough all of the organization’s work. However, many scholars have criticized the UN’s incorporation ofgender in these agendas for lacking systemic and coordinated policy schemes that are capable of ensuringgender equity. The majority of these analyses were performed shortly after the agendas’ introductions. In thisthesis, I return to these agendas a few years after their implementation to examine the discourses of gender inurban sustainability that they contain and consider whether these discourses are or are not reflected in thenational and local sustainable urban development agendas of one member state, Sweden, and its largest city,Stockholm. Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is used to identify such gendered discourses and determinewhether the ideologies they reflect are or are not contributing to the agendas’ stated aim to achieve genderequity. Findings show that there are both significant similarities and differences between discourses at all levels,with different degrees of both reinforcement of and opposition to status quo gender hierarchy at each level.Agendas at the national and local levels showed more evidence of anti-hierarchical ideology than theinternational level, suggesting that the gender equity work of member states need not be constrained by theshortcomings of the UN approach.
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Klarar kroppen av att jobba till pensionsåldern? : En kvalitativ studie som undersöker fysiskt belastande arbeten i Sverige med fokus på pension efter behovAtina Isho, Mariam January 2021 (has links)
In an era where life expectancy among the population is increasing, the retirement age in Sweden is growing proportionally according to the increase. A mix of good work motivation and the right conditions is required for employees to be able to continue working. This study will investigate physically burdened occupations and find the basic factors for work loyalty to the Swedish recommended retirement age (65 years). Six different semi-structured interviews were conducted on full-time employees working in a physically burdensome job. A qualitative approach was chosen as the purpose of the study is to describe in depth employees' experiences of a physically burdensome work. Previous research shows that physically strenuous professions are psychologically stimulated by well-being where colleagues in the workplace share a good relationship. Through the interviewees, the conclusions are that the sustainable work environment needs to be a pro motif for the body to physically cope. Sustainable work environment can be achieved through joint commitment, where the employer shall enable ergonomic approaches and the employee will be responsible for following these guidelines. It is later presented with the support of the SwAge model.
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Architecture for Positive Peace: The Role of Architecture in the Process of Peacebuilding within Conflict and Postwar ContextsSuleiman Akef, Venus 07 June 2019 (has links)
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Amphibia : Living on both sidesNielsen, Elvira January 2023 (has links)
Mariestad municipality participated in a global competition to become Volvo’s site for a new lithium-ion battery factory. The competition was between eleven different countries and three different locations in Sweden. Aer declaring Mariestad and the site Korstorp as winners, extensive surveys of the site were initiated during which they did a rare find of the protected species the great crested newt. However, Volvo is still planning on going through with building the factory the way they planned, which implies asphalting an area of 140-150 ha and constructing a box like factory of one or two floors. The newts are now under great threat and will have to be moved in order to make room for the factory. Building battery factories is something we strive for on a global scale, but what happens when global sustainability opposes local? In the example of the battery factory in Mariestad Agenda 2030’s sustainable development goals biodiversity and economic growth seem to be in opposition to each other and here it becomes clear that the value of humans and non-humans are different. How are we to remedy the unequal distribution of power and how can we turn the conflict zone in Korstorp into a zone of diplomacy? The convention of the rights of the child became Swedish law in 2020 and here it is relevant taking a look at article 12, which says; “All children have the right to express their opinions, adults shall listen and consider the children’s opinions”. The children are our future and they have to live with our choices. Building in a sustainable manner implies listening to who will be affected. The society’s measurement of success needs to be altered from economic growth to one which everybody has the right to be part of. To reach that place we have to practice at an early age to think and act in a democratic manner. If children feel as if they have been heard they could come to appreciate democratic processes in which they trust their ability to alter the society and feel obligated towards it. Furthermore, the unlimited imagination of children and the fact that they are not yet indoctrinated in the routines and customs of our society might bring the innovation needed to create a new kind of factory in symbiosis with the local environment.
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Exploring Saudi Teachers’ Goal Orientations: An Appeal for Mastery Goal Orientation as a Vision for a Better FutureAlrshed, Afnan Mohammed January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Attityder hos tillverkare av dentala material gentemot hållbarhetsarbete och deras implementering av de globala målen för hållbar utveckling / Attitudes of manufacturers of dental materials towards sustainability and their implementation of the sustainable development goalsTobiasson, Erik, Wass, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka attityder hos tillverkare av dentala material gentemot hållbarhetsarbete och implementering av mål för hållbar utveckling. Vår utgångspunkt i hållbarhetsarbete stammar från FN:s Agenda 2030, de globala målen för hållbar utveckling. Material och metod: Urvalsprocessen gav 8 företag av vilka 3 valdes ut att ingå i varsin semistrukturerad kvalitativ intervju. Resterande 5 företag tillfrågades att delta i en enkätundersökning och samtliga företags hemsidor inventerades utifrån de tre aspekterna ekonomisk, social och miljömässig hållbarhet samt informationens tillgänglighet. Resultat: Endast ett företag lät sig intervjuas. Svarsfrekvensen för enkäten var noll. Resultatet av hemsidegenomgången visar att 2 av företagen bedriver hållbarhetsarbete utifrån de tre aspekterna ekonomisk, social och miljömässig hållbarhet och att dessa 2 beaktar även vissa av de globala målen för hållbar utveckling, Agenda 2030. Slutsats: Majoriteten av de undersökta zirkoniaproducenterna har inte prioriterat att synliggöra sitt hållbarhetsarbete på sina hemsidor riktade till dentalbranschen och endast två av åtta företag bedriver synligt hållbarhetsarbete. Endast dessa företag visar att de beaktar de tre aspekterna av hållbarhet: ekonomisk, social och miljömässig. / Purpose: The aim of the study is to investigate the attitudes of manufacturers of dental materials towards sustainability and their implementation of sustainable development based on the UN’s global goals for sustainable development, Agenda 2030. Material and methods: The selection process resulted in 8 companies and 3 of them were selected to participate in a semi-structured qualitative interview. The remaining 5 companies were asked to participate in a survey. All companies’ websites were inventoried for the three aspects of sustainability (environmental, social and economic) as well as their searchability. Result: Only one company was interviewed. No one participated in the survey. The result of the website review says that 2 of the companies conduct work with sustainability and these 2 companies also consider some of the global goals for sustainable development, Agenda 2030. Conclusion: The majority of the zirconia producers in the study have not given priority to making their sustainability work visible on their websites aimed at the dental industry, and only two out of eight companies carry out visible sustainability work. Only these two companies show that they consider the three aspects of sustainability: economic, social and environmental.
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Implementing the 2030 Agenda in the municipal spatial planning process: Challenges and opportunities in a Swedish contextIaffa Nylén, Simon January 2018 (has links)
All the member states of the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda unanimously in September of 2015, with the aim of transforming our planet into a sustainable place by 2030. The Agenda includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), spanning over ecological, economic, and social sustainability, which are necessary for the transformation of the planet, and all member states should strive to achieve them. In the Agenda, it is stated several times that local authorities are important for achieving the goals and implementing them in society. The Government of Sweden has begun working on the implementation of the Agenda nationally, and believes, like the UN, that it is at the local level, implementation of the Agenda should take place. In this regard, municipalities play a central role, as their areas of activity span over many of the SDGs and are responsible for a sustainable development of land and water areas within its boundaries. The 2030 Agenda could, in this regard, strengthen the municipal spatial planning. This paper aims at investigating how municipalities implement the Agenda in their organization, how urban planners and plan architects address sustainability in their projects, and how the Agenda could support that. The results of this thesis show that the implementation of the Agenda in the examined municipalities is weak. Urban planners and plan architects have not received information or training on how to apply the Agenda to their work, and the SDGs are not usually used in projects. Several barriers are in the way of a smooth implementation, from lack of knowledge, conflict of interest, unspecific sustainability goals, to ambiguities in how to define sustainable development within the municipality. One way to overcome these barriers is to address the Agenda in the comprehensive plan of the municipality. On the other hand, the results show that there is a clear way of working with sustainability in large spatial planning project. By defining, early in the process, what sustainability means in the context of the project, setting ambitious goals and the general structure before involving developers in the process, the municipality could create a common understanding of what sustainable development means for the project, ensure that developers meet the sustainability requirements, and improve the conditions for a continued sustainable development of the project. Implementing the Agenda and SDGs early in this process, will assist the municipality to set relevant goals, and be a first step in concretizing the SDGs to tangible, local goals. / I september 2015 antogs Agenda 2030 unisont av FN:s medlemsländer med syfte att omvandla vår planet till en hållbar plats till år 2030. Den innehåller bland annat de 17 globala målen, inom ekologisk, ekonomisk och social hållbarhet, som är nödvändiga för att denna omvandling ska ske och som alla medlemsländer bör eftersträva. I Agendan står det flera gånger att lokala myndigheter är viktiga för att nå målen och för att implementera dem i samhället. Sveriges regering har börjat arbeta med implementeringen av Agenda 2030 nationellt och menar, likt FN, att det är på lokal nivå som genomförandet av Agendan bör ske. Kommunerna har i detta hänseende en central roll i implementeringsarbetet, då deras verksamhetsområden spänner över många av de globala målen, och är ansvariga för att utveckla mark-och vattenområden inom sitt område på ett hållbart sätt. Agendan skulle i detta hänseende kunna stärka den fysiska planeringen. Denna uppsats har därför som syfte att undersöka hur kommunerna implementerar Agendan i sin organisation, hur stadsplanerare och planarkitekter adresserar hållbarhet i sina projekt och hur Agendan kan stödja det arbetet. Resultaten visar att implementeringen av Agendan i de undersökta kommunerna är svag. Stadsplanerare och planarkitekter har inte fått någon utbildning eller träning för hur de ska applicera Agendan i sitt arbete och de globala målen används då inte vanligen inom projekt. Resultaten visar att flera barriärer är i vägen för en smidig implementering, från kunskapsbrist, intressekonflikter, ospecifika hållbarhetsmål, till otydligheter i hur man generellt definierar hållbar utveckling inom kommunen. Att ha ett tydligt kapitel om Agendan i kommunens översiktsplan är en lösning på dessa problem. Däremot visar resultaten att det finns ett tydligt sätt att jobba med hållbarhet inom stora stadsplaneringsprojekt. Genom att tidigt i processen definiera vad hållbarhet betyder, sätta ambitiösa mål och den generella strukturen på området innan markanvisning för byggaktörer, kan kommunen skapa en gemensam förståelse för vad hållbar utveckling betyder för projektet, se till att byggaktörerna lever upp till satta hållbarhetskrav och förbättra förutsättningarna för en fortsatt hållbar utveckling av projektet. Agendan och de globala målen kan i denna process med fördel implementeras i ett tidigt stadie, för att bistå kommunen med relevant målsättning och vara ett första steg i att konkretisera de globala målen till konkreta, lokala mål.
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Saudi Teachers' Perceptions of Their Profession under Neoliberal ReformsAl musaiteer, Suliman S. 04 August 2020 (has links)
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Krishanteringens påverkan på hållbarhetsarbetet med FN:s globala mål : En fallstudie av en offentlig organisationHansson, Linnéa, Edlund, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Sustainable development is a topic which is constantly increasing in relevance to reach a well-functioning society from economic, social and environmental aspects. The work for sustainable development can take shape in different ways, including by working towards the fulfillment of the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDG). The SDG’s consist of 17 goals with the intention to be fulfilled by the year 2030. The goals are designed in such a way that all actors in society should have the opportunity to contribute to their fulfillment, for example by integrating them into an organization's activities. However, the SDGs have recently encountered their biggest obstacle since they were established - the Covid-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic created chaotic situations characterized by uncertainty and insecurity, which has led to the work towards fulfilling the SDGs reversed direction and shows a negative development. Thus, it becomes important to investigate how an organization should be able to handle a crisis, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, without harming the work with the SDGs. Based on this, the purpose of the study is to examine the impact of crisis management and leadership on sustainability within a public organization. The aim of the study is to examine the achievement of the SDGs in a municipality. This purpose is answered with the help of a case study at Karlstad municipality. The study is based on two methods, which are interviews and documentary research. Four semi-structured interviews were conducted with employees within Karlstad municipality who work with crisis management, environmental issues and operational management. As a complement to the conducted interviews, the municipality's annual report, strategic plan, guidelines for crisis management, follow-up of the work during the pandemic and a signed climate contract have been reviewed. These data, together with the interviews and with theories such as crisis management, crisis management’s three different phases and leadership, conclusions could be drawn. This study thus states that crisis management without connection to the SDGs risks leading to deprioritization of these in a crisis situation. Here, continuity management becomes an important aspect that can be developed to ensure positive development of the work with the SDGs. Furthermore, the importance of leadership within an organization is highlighted as the responsibility falls on the leaders when it comes to leading the work of the business forward.
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