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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

2030 Agenda – Implementation of climate-related Sustainable Development Goals in Norway and Germany by using the example of sustainable transportation / Agenda 2030 – Implementering av de klimatrelaterade Globala målen i Norge och Tyskland,exemplifierat genom hållbara transporter

Dietrich, Ina January 2022 (has links)
Since the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda and introduced its 17 Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, governments all over the world are working on implementing the framework into national, regional and local levels of administration to reach its targets. Climate-related challenges, including the reduction of CO2 emissions, are often met by using climate mitigation tools such as electric vehicles in sustainable transport matters. Due to this international endeavor, comparisons between partaking member states demonstrate achievements and failures of regulations and contribute to a better understanding and learning from other’s experience. In this thesis, the situation in Norway and Germany is analyzed by addressing the differences and similarities in both countries in establishing battery-driven cars on the markets. The political and socio-economic factors, including the associated variables political structure and policies, the energy and car market, the efforts in developing a sufficient infrastructure with charging stations, the consumers’ behavior and the share of renewable energy sources in the overall electricity production, are described. The framework of policy transfer as well as the comparative analysis assist to conceive the link between political structures and policies in both countries and the outcomes of their political decision-making processes. The analysis shows immense disparities in the implementation of electric vehicles due to the countries’ histories and developments of climate-related policies. Furthermore, the transition of transport not only depends on political stakeholders and advocacy groups but also on the willingness of the citizenry to adopt the new technology.

Familjecentralernas jämställdhetsarbete för ett hållbart samhälle : En studie av familjecentralers jämställdhetsarbete utifrån ett professionsperspektiv / The family centers' work on gender equality for a sustainable society : A study of family centers' work on gender equality from a professional perspective

Aytav, Esra Nihan January 2021 (has links)
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 and consists of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Sustainable development was adopted in 2003 as an overall objective of Swedish government policy. This study focuses more closely on gender-equal parenting as an aspect of social sustainability. According to the Swedish government’s national policy on gender equality, the work of family centers must be characterized by a gender equality perspective as a step towards creating social sustainability. However, several studies show that female dominance in family centers, together with traditional norms linked to parenthood, entails a challenge related to the pursuit of equal parenthood. For example, fathers tend to feel excluded and not welcome in the center. Hence, this study especially aims to find out how family centers and their professionals work to create conditions for including fathers in their activities and thereby stimulate equal parenting. The study used a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews with a total of six interviewees at two family centers. The result shows that the personnel at the family centers are working for social sustainability diligently, in this case, gender-equal parenting. Still, the execution of the work varies between professionals and family centers. Therefore, it is safe to say that a national effort is needed to create greater equality in family centers' approach to gender-equal parenting.

För alla skolbarns säkerhet : En studie vid Nya Westerlundska gymnasiet i Enköpings kommun

Hell, Sanna, Åkermark, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
All children should be safe when walking to or from school as well as around the school area.When there is a constructions site near the school or in close connection to the schoolyard therecan be significant problems with safety. This bachelor thesis is written to makesure that children feel safe and comfortable around the school premises regardless of anew school building being built or renovations of an old one is taking place. This thesis is being written for Enköpings municipality but is applicable to all municipalities in Sweden. This work proceeds from the construction of Nya Westerlundska gymnasiet which isan upper secondary school that is being planned and build during the time of this study. The 2030 Agenda that contains goals from the United Nations(UN) amongst Quality Education is being discussed together with goals from the EuropeanUnion, Sweden and Enköping. It is important that the education keep the same quality even if there is a construction site in the area, hence why the question about childrens safty around construction sites is important. The work has partly been executed by comparing administrative regulations from previously built schools in the municipality to see what the requirements have been before concerning children’s safety. People that have been working with similar projects and with Westerlundska was interviewed.Thenceforth the interviews were compared with the administrative regulations and recommendations for future projects where made. The conclusion where that Enköpings municipality have made many good safety measurements regarding construction projects around schoolchildren. In the future the municipality can make similar requirements andjust adding a few for specifics. The municipality will not be hindered by Swedish law to do so. It also became clear that cooperation and direct communication between the school, the construction site and the municipality is of the utmost importance. / Alla barn och ungdomar ska vara trygga och bekväma i sina skolmiljöer och när de tar sig till och från skolan. När det sker en omfattande tillbyggnad eller ombyggnation vid skolan kan det uppstå problem med trygghet och säkerhet. Det här examensarbetet har gjorts för att komma fram till hur kommun och byggföretag borde gå tillväga och samarbeta för att behålla samma trygga skolmiljö även under byggnationen. Examensarbetet är utfört i samarbete med Enköpings kommun men det som tas upp är applicerbart på alla kommuner runt om i Sverige. Arbetet utgår ifrån byggnationen av Nya Westerlundska gymnasiet som är en skola vars byggnation planeras under tiden som arbetet skrivs. Att det finns globala och nationella hållbarhetsmål som behöver försökas nås, däribland god utbildning för alla, tas upp i detta arbete. Det är viktigt att utbildningen håller samma nivå även när det händer saker omkring skolområdet, därför är frågan om barns säkerhet vid byggnationer viktig. I arbetet jämförs administrativa föreskrifter från tidigare byggda skolor i Enköpings kommun för att se vilka skolor som har specificerade krav som gynnar skolbarns säkerhet vid byggnationen. Personer som på olika sätt har med skolbyggnationer att göra i Enköpings kommun har intervjuats för att få olika perspektiv i arbetet. Därefter jämfördes personernas intervju med de administrativa förskrifterna för att få fram vad som tidigare gjorts bra och vad som rekommenderas att göras vid framtida byggprojekt. Slutsatsen för arbetet är att Enköpings kommun har gjort många bra säkerhetsåtgärder inför byggprojekt runt skolbarn i kommunen. Det går att säkerställa säkerheten även i fortsättningen genom att lägga in krav i de administrativa föreskrifterna och att det inte hindras av Lagen om offentlig upphandling (LOU). Det blev också tydligt i och med rapporten att samverkan mellan skolverksamhet, beställare och entreprenör under entreprenadtiden är av högsta vikt.

Gewässerlandschaft im mitteldeutschen Raum: Das Tourismuswirtschaftliche Gesamtkonzept im Überblick

01 October 2019 (has links)
Die mitteldeutsche Gewässerlandschaft mit ihren zahlreichen Flüssen und Seen unterliegt einer langjährigen Entwicklung. In einem aktiven Gestaltungsprozess wurden und werden mit hohem investiven Aufwand Erholungs- und Freizeitlandschaften geschaffen, deren Entwicklung erst am Anfang steht. Zur Ergänzung der wassertouristischen Infrastruktur wurden in den vergangenen Jahren landseitig attraktive Anziehungspunkte geschaffen. Neue Rad- und Wanderwege verbinden die UNESCO-Welterbestätten, die Stätten der Industriekultur, die Gewässerlandschaft im Leipziger Neuseenland und das Saale-Unstrut-Triasland samt den Städten Halle (Saale) und Leipzig. Bezogen auf die einzelnen Gewässer verlief die bisherige Entwicklung sehr heterogen; Untersuchungen lagen nur für Teilregionen oder Einzelgewässer vor.

The implementation of Agenda 2030 at municipal level : A qualitative study about officials’ experiences of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals

Talavera, Jhonny January 2020 (has links)
Background: Agenda 2030 is newly launched, thus little research has been conducted about the implementation at the municipal level. To increase the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) feasibility requires understanding which elements can facilitate the policy implementation process with the goal of healthy and sustainable societies. Aim: The aim of the study is to investigate the officials’ experiences of implementing the Agenda 2030 at the municipal level. Methods: A qualitative method with an inductive approach was used to address the study aim. A purposive sampling of participants was conducted, and a semi-structured interview was used as the data collection method. In total, ten informants from ten different municipalities participated. A manifest content analysis was conducted to analyze the collected data. Result: The implementation strategies that were used for mobilizing the community to achieve the Agenda 2030 could be divided into internal and external strategies. The internal strategies focused on knowledge enhancing activities and the integration of the SDGs into municipal existing steering documents. The external strategies focused on establishing partnerships and involving the local citizen in the community development. Conclusion: The experiences of the officials indicated that health promotion approaches, and the guiding principles can be valuable tools for municipalities to facilitate the policy implementation process related to Agenda 2030.

What is the Problem of Sustainability? : A Review of the municipality of Malmö’s Environmental Programme 2019-2020

Hyltén-Cavallius, Gorm January 2020 (has links)
In 2015 every member of the United Nations accepted Agenda 2030, a guideline for sustainable development with the aim of keeping the temperature from rising above two degrees Celsius. However, it’s still not clear what it seeks to sustain, and the logic behind the concept remains elusive. This thesis aims to examine the meaning behind environmental sustainability by investigating how Agenda 2030 is interpreted by urban planners in Malmö, through analysing the problematisations made in the environmental programme for environmental sustainability in Malmö. The analysis relies on the idea that a policy is created in order to solve a problem. By examining what is seen as a problem the underlying logic of the policies will be discerned. By examining the problematisations of the environmental programme of the municipality of Malmö between 2019-2020 the research will elucidate what environmental sustainability means in the context of Malmö, Sweden. The research showed that the municipality wishes to make optimal use of environmental sustainability as a tool for social, economic and environmental development through changed behaviour of businesses, staff at Malmö Stad, and its citizens. The municipality’s environmental programme implies that unsustainability stems from lack of knowledge, which causes people to make unsustainable choices. Environmental sustainability, as presented, by the municipality of Malmö’s policy document to be about optimising and increasing the environment’s beneficial effects for humans.

Global goals in a local context: Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals - A case study

Engström, Jonatan, Salvi, Usva January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to explore a local organization’s adoption of global sustainability policy, in terms of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Agenda is a response to global sustainability challenges which require action by international cooperation and actors on all levels. For such a policy to fulfill its purpose, means of implementation must be ensured. This study aims to answer both why and how a small organization located in Malmö, Sweden, has adopted the Sustainable Development Goals, and what it implies for its operations. More specifically, the focus is on the perceptions of people involved in the selected case organization. These perceptions have been captured by interviews. In addition to the interviews, the case data also consists of a document that directs parts of the organization’s operations. Furthermore, to connect the global and local levels, the case data is supplemented with the 2030 Agenda. By conducting a thematic analysis, our main findings indicate that the SDGs are adoptable to a local organization, but that their main function seems to be to frame and legitimize already existing activities in a context of sustainable development.

The (In)Coherence of Canadian Education Policy Regimes with the United Nations' Refugee Education Strategy

Schutte, Valerie Rose 21 December 2020 (has links)
This thesis by article contains three chapters. The first chapter provides an overview of recent developments in global refugee education policy to situate Refugee Education 2030, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ current international refugee education strategy, within global policy initiatives. It then reviews the literature on refugee education policy that informed the development of a methodology of vertical policy coherence analysis with Refugee Education 2030 to answer the research questions of the thesis. Finally, it addresses my researcher positionality and journey leading to the thesis. The second chapter contains the manuscript for an article. The purpose of the article is to analyze the vertical coherence of Canadian policy regimes towards the primary and secondary education of refugee children and youth with Refugee Education 2030. The article presents a theoretical framework for policy coherence analysis that combines policy coherence theory, policy attributes theory, and policy behaviour theory, as well as a tri-phasic methodology for vertical policy coherence analysis with an international framework designed to be adapted to different contexts to guide the development of country-specific education policies. The theoretical framework and methodology are applied to determine the categories of needs underpinning Enabling Activities of a Strategic Objective of Refugee Education 2030, to assess these needs as presented by refugee children and youth in Canada, and to analyze the coherence of Canadian education policy responses to these needs with Refugee Education 2030. The findings indicate that there are five categories of needs inherent in the Enabling Activities of the selected Strategic Objective, specifically access to education, accelerated education, language education, mental health and psychosocial support, and special education; that all of these categories of needs are present in refugee claimant and/or refugee children and youth in all of Canada’s educational jurisdictions; and that there are significant gaps in policy responses to these needs. Taken together, the findings permitted a discussion on priorities for the revision and development of refugee education policy across Canadian jurisdictions to ensure greater coherence with Refugee Education 2030. The third chapter summarizes the findings of the contextualized analysis of the vertical coherence of Canadian refugee education policy regimes with Refugee Education 2030. Additional findings that could not be incorporated in the article due to the manuscript submission guidelines Schutte iv of the intended journal of publication are then presented and discussed. The thesis concludes with reflections on my research journey.

Systems Approach: Concept Proposal to Develop Saudi Arabia Low-Complexity-Defense-Spare-Parts Manufacturing Industries, Utilizing Technology Transfer and Business Incubator

Fallatah, Basem Abdullrahman January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Sociotekniska utmaningar och möjligheter med att implementera elektroniska patientjournaler i Bosnien & Hercegovina / Socio-technical challenges and possibilities with implementing electronic patient medical records in Bosnia & Herzegovina

Andersson, Emma January 2023 (has links)
The implementation of E-health innovations varies between countries. An E-health innovation that has had a big impact on healthcare is the electronic patient medical record. Electronic patient medical records contribute to better communication between caregivers and to a better operation by providing caregivers the right information at the right time. The European Commission writes that digital solutions in healthcare can improve the overall health for European citizens. E-health innovations and the access to Electronic Patient Medical Records differs in Europe. While some countries have fully developed Electronic Patient Medical Records, some have not even started. Bosnia & Herzegovina is striving for EU-membership and is yet under implementation of Electronic patient medical records. The aim of this study is to improve the understanding of what socio-technical challenges and opportunities Bosnia and Herzegovina is facing when implementing electronic patient medical records. The method used to answer the research question is a qualitative method using a purposeful sampling by interviewing healthcare professionals in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Six semi-structured interviews were carried out with the help of a translator. The data was analyzed using an inductive content analysis enabling to distinguish challenges and possibilities with the implementation of electronic patient medical records at the hospital in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The result of the study indicates that Bosnia & Herzegovina are facing challenges such as lack of IT-skills, troubles with accessing the electronic patient medical records during power outs or system crashes and the system not fully supporting the way the doctors want to document. The opportunities listed are a better ability to provide patients with quality care, a greater access to information and the possibility to further implement E-health innovations.

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