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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

” It is with great curiosity the world is watching Sweden take lead in the race to save our climate” : A content analysis – the representation of climate and the environment in relation to Agenda 2030 in the Swedish government online communication / ” It is with great curiosity the world is watching Sweden take lead in the race to save our climate” : A content analysis – the representation of climate and the environment in relation to Agenda 2030 in the Swedish government online communication

Andersson, Joanna January 2022 (has links)
2022 is election year in Sweden and at the same time we are approaching year 2030 fast. Because of that, it is of interest to analyze how the Swedish government is communicating Agenda 2030 and the SDGs, with a special focus on climate and the environment, on their official Instagram account and website. This thesis performed with a qualitative content analysis aims to analyze and compare the representation of these subjects with the help of the theoretical framework of critical theory and its critical political economy of media and communication. This allows for a critical analysis of how communication is presented on the different platforms and if the main focuses differ between them. Statistics from Internetstiftelsen (2022) shows how Instagram is the main social platform used by first-time voters and therefore it is of importance to analyze the communication posted there. At the same time the Instagram posts refers to the website in some cases, hence, it is important to analyze the communication published there as well to be able to make an accurate comparison between the platforms.  The collected material consists of articles and Instagram posts that has been coded, thematized and analyzed with the help of software analyze tool. It resulted in an accurate visualization of how large percentage of the coded themes was present in the chosen material. Analyzing the material opened a discussion on how the communication does differ on the two platforms. The communication done on Instagram has a strong focus on what Sweden has done with regards to Agenda 2030 and the SDGs, what they are doing and how well they are performing. Nevertheless, it rarely discusses what Agenda 2030 is, how the SDGs are constructed or what it takes to achieve them. This information can however be found on the website, a platform which is visited less often than Instagram by first-time voters. To increase political interest and knowledge amongst the younger generation, changes in the communication must be done. Otherwise, we might see ourselves in a situation where the interest in making crucial changes decreases and thereby jeopardizes our chances of achieving Agenda 2030.

Teknik, engelska och hållbar utveckling : En kvalitativ studie hur hållbar utveckling framträder i ämnena teknik och engelska i läroplanen

Disebäck, Magnus, Alkhaldi, Almina January 2022 (has links)
Currently the Education for sustainable development practices obtain a critical spot in Swedish education, owing to its prominent position in international educational policy. This qualitative analysis, based on the Pragmatism Theory, aims in the first place to investigate in what way Agenda 2030 relate to the Swedish curriculum, and how it has changed between Lgr 11 and Lgr 22. This is assessed by analyzing parts of Lgr 11 and Lgr 22 with a focus on the subjects technology and English. The results show no conspicuous connection between the Agenda 2030 and the Swedish curriculum as well as this connection has not changed between Lgr 11 and Lgr 22. We conclude the paper by discussing that it is difficult to cover the three dimensions of sustainable development (the economic, the social and the environmental.) with only one subject. Therefore, Education for sustainable development requires correlated cooperation between teachers of different subjects in order to develop and enhance the student's knowledge of sustainable development. / I detta arbete har vi identifierat vad hållbar utveckling innebär för undervisning igrundskolan där vi har använt Agenda 2030 som underlag för definition av hållbarutveckling. Med hjälp av definitionen av hållbar utveckling har vi genomfört en kvalitativanalys av Lgr 11 och Lgr 22. I analysen har det framkommit att läraren behöver skapa ettöppet klimat som leder till värderingsdialoger om hur vi kan få till ett hållbart samhälleutan att skuldbelägga. Dock så är diskursen i utbildningsmaterialet åt det motsatta hållet.Det är svårt att som enskild lärare lyckas skapa en skuldfri och mångsidig diskurs för attge eleverna förutsättningar att själva kunna ta ställning och utvecklas. Alla lärare behöverbidra med sina kunskaper och verka för ett öppet klimat, för att eleven skall lyckas.I vår slutsats framgår det svårt att enbart använda sig av ett ämne för att täcka de tredimensionerna (den ekonomiska, den sociala och den miljömässiga,) som omfattas avhållbar utveckling enligt Agenda 2030. I denna analys framgår det tydligt att socialaperspektivet och det miljömässiga perspektivet kan omfattas i hållbar utvecklingen enligtLgr 22, men det kräver ämnesöverskridande utbildning. Dock visar forskningen på att detekonomiska perspektivet inte ryms i läroplanen.

Global Education: Assets and Challenges for Global Competency in Catholic Schools

Winkler Nguyen, Beate 01 January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Global education for global competency in Catholic schools of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles is neither defined nor aligned as a priority for its 21st-century learners. Various schools within the Department of Catholic Schools address global competency through world languages, dual-language immersion, activities, or programs, but no specific global education focus permeates the entire district. The relevance of global competency for nearly 80,000 students from Early Childhood (EC) programs/PreK–12th grade (high school) Catholic schools in Los Angeles is not just a curricular necessity or spiritual aspiration, it is, at its core, a question of social justice, particularly for students of color and first-generation immigrants who live mostly in underserved communities. This study analyzes whether PreK–12th-grade Catholic schools of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles have unique assets, as well as what challenges the district would face if it were to adapt a more formalized approach to global education. The study researches whether diverse community cultural wealth, demographics, mission, innovation, and Catholic social teachings align or hinder the development of a global education curriculum that addresses the universally adopted United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030. The study investigates urgency, opportunity, scalability, and sustainability for this social justice priority. This inquiry also attempts to answer why a globally connected organization, such as the Roman Catholic Church in Los Angeles and its school system, is not virtually connected in its own worldwide network in order to promote global competency for its 21st-century learners.

Socioekonomiska dimensioner avhållbar utveckling : En kvalitativ dokumentstudie av Agenda 2030

Alring, Mahisha January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Agenda 2030 är ett ramverk för hållbar utveckling. Däremot saknas en tydlig koppling hur den integreras utifrån ett socioekonomiskt perspektiv. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att identifiera samt analysera integrationen av socioekonomi i Agenda 2030 genom att kartlägga hur socioekonomisk status framhävs och behandlas i dokumentet. Metod: En kvalitativ metod tillämpades i denna studie i form av en dokumentstudie. FN:s originaldokument för Agenda 2030 Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, var den enda källan studien utgick ifrån. En abduktiv ansats tillämpades i arbetet. Analysen styrdes utifrån ett socioekonomiskt ramverk och tre förutbestämda huvudkategorier; Inkomst, Utbildning och Yrke. Efter noggrann granskning av dokumentet, analyserades delmålen genom socioekonomisk status med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och en abduktiv ansats som styrde analysprocessen. Resultat: Analysen utgick från att granska alla 17 målområden, där relevanta delmål analyserades för att finna socioekonomiska mönster. Analysen resulterade i 24 underkategorier styrda av de förutbestämda huvudkategorier; Inkomst, Utbildning och Yrke. Slutsats: Studien bekräftar den centrala betydelsen av socioekonomiska dimensioner utifrån; inkomst, utbildning och yrke för att uppnå en hållbar och inkluderande utveckling enligt Agenda 2030. Genom att detaljerat analysera integrationen av dessa faktorer i de Globala målen, understryker studien hur dessa dimensioner inte bara reflekterar utan också stärker hållbarhetsagendans övergripande mål. Resultatet framhäver den ömsesidiga påverkan mellan inkomst, utbildning och yrke, vilket indikerar en positiv spiral där förbättringar inom en dimension leder till framsteg inom de andra, och därigenom bidrar till ökad socioekonomisk status och hållbar utveckling. / <p>Betyg i Ladok 240613.</p>

Gender as Subject of Aid : A Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis of Beneficiary Representations by the Swedish Red Cross on Instagram

Väpnare, Maja January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to explore how the Swedish Red Cross’s work for gender equality in light of Agenda 2030 is reflected in representations of beneficiaries in Instagram communication. It also aims to understand how representations of beneficiaries are produced and reproduced concerning gender, stereotypes, and power relations. The research questions that are used to reach the aim are ‘How is Agenda 2030 focusing on gender present in the representations of beneficiaries in the Swedish Red Cross’s communication on Instagram?’, and ‘How do representations of beneficiaries contribute to stereotyping, feminization, and de-masculinization of the MajorityWorld?’. Based on a qualitative interpretative approach and multimodal critical discourse analysis, visual and textual content in posts from the national Instagram account of the Swedish Red Cross have been collected and analyzed through the theoretical framework of representation theory and postcolonial theory. The findings show that the most prominent beneficiary groups represented in terms of gender are women and children, which aligns with stereotypical and colonial narratives that infantilize and feminize the Majority World. This study further shows that the commitment to the global goals of gender equality and the Swedish national identity as a gender equality promoter is insufficient to deconstruct colonial discourses in INGO communication.

Volontärturism - En väg till utveckling eller undergång? : En kvallitativ studie om hur svenska volontärresebyråers projekt anknyter till Agenda 2030 / Volunteer Tourism - A Road to Development or Despair? : A qualitative study on how projects from Swedish volunteer travel agencies relate to the Sustainable Development Goals

Olsson, Erika, Holm, Jennifer January 2019 (has links)
De globala hållbarhetsmålen, antagna år 2015, ska verka för en global satsning för ökad social, ekonomisk, och miljömässig hållbarhet. I styrdokument publicerade 2018 från FN uppmanas berörda parter på olika nivåer att inkorporera mer ideellt engagemang i form av volontärarbete. Detta för att kunna etablera en lokal förankring som ska underlätta genomdrivandet av de 17 målen, med tillhörande 169 delmål. En typ av volontärarbete som vuxit fram de senaste 20 åren är så kallade volontärresor, där ofta unga västerlänningar åker för att hjälpa till i projekt i utvecklingsländer, i kombination med nöjesresor. I denna studie undersöks hur projekt som erbjuds av svenska volontärresebyråer kan relateras till de globala hållbarhetsmålen, samt hur olika publikationer från FN om volontärarbete och hållbar turism kan förstås utifrån kommersiell volontärturism. Här har fyra svenska volontärresebyråers projektbeskrivningar synats och jämförts med delmålen för Agenda 2030. Metoden som använts är en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av projektbeskrivningar från volontärresebyråernas hemsidor. Rättighetsperspektivet (Human Rights Based Approach) har använts vid analysen för att se på vilket sätt projektbeskrivningarna kan ses vara rättighetsbaserade. Resultaten visar på att volontärturism främst berör hållbarhetsmål för utbildning och biologisk mångfald, genom engelskundervisning och vård av djur och natur. I de projekt som finns kan kvalitén på de insatser som görs ofta inte garanteras, och en medvetenhet kring hållbarhetsmålen tycks heller inte finnas. Engagemanget kan därför ses adressera effekterna av strukturella problem, men inte verka för en lösning av de grundläggande orsakerna till problemen. En förbättring som föreslås för att volontärturism ska kunna bidra till en väg till utveckling är att öka kopplingen i projekten till Agenda 2030 genom kunskapsspridning. / The sustainable development goals, published in 2015, were created as a global effort to increase sustainable social, economic and environmental development. In documents published in 2018 from the UN, relevant actors are encouraged to incorporate more voluntary work on different levels of society, in order to establish a local anchoring for the 17 goals with its’ 169 sub-targets. One kind of non-profit work that has gained popularity in the last 20 years are the so-called volunteer travels, where tourists, often young Westerners, travel in order to help out in developing countries, in combination with leisure activities. In this study, descriptions of projects that are offered by Swedish volunteer- travel agencies have been examined as to how they relate to the Sustainable Development Goals, along with how different publications from the UN on how volunteerism and sustainable tourism can be understood in regard to commercial volunteer tourism. Here, four Swedish volunteer tourist agencies have been examined and compared to the sub-targets for the Sustainable Development Goals, also known as Agenda 2030. The method used is a qualitative content analysis of the project descriptions found on the web pages of the volunteer tourist agencies. The Human Rights Based Approach has been used to analyse the data in order to investigate in what way the project descriptions can be seen as rights based. The result shows that volunteer tourism primarily is related to development goals concerning education and biological diversity, through English classes and care of animals and nature. The established projects that are available often cannot guarantee the quality of the efforts being made and do not seem to incorporate an awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals. The activity can therefore be seen as addressing the effects of structural problems, rather than a solution of the underlying causes of the problems. A possible improvement that is suggested for volunteer tourism to contribute more to a road to development, is to more emphasize the connection between projects in volunteer tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals, mainly through knowledge sharing.

The Price of Uranium : an Econometric Analysis and Scenario Simulations

Kroén, Johannes January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze: (a) the determinants of the global price of uranium; and (b) how this price could be affected by different nuclear power generation scenarios for 2030. To do this a multivariable regression analysis will be used. Within the model, the price of uranium is the dependent variable and the independent variables are generated nuclear power electricity representing demand (GWh), price of coal as a substitute to generated nuclear power electricity, and the price of oil representing uranium production costs. The empirical results show that generated nuclear electricity and the oil price, to be statistically significant at the 5 percent level. The coal price was not however a statistically significant. The scenarios for 2030 are three possible nuclear power generation demand cases; high, medium and low demand. The results for the high demand generated a price of 255 US$/kg and the medium demand 72US$/kg.

Hållbarhetsarbete inom svensk besöksnäring : En kvalitativ studie om hur svenska turistdestinationer på landsbygden arbetar mot hållbar utveckling i relation till Agenda 2030 / Sustainability work within the swedish tourism industry

Hübsch, Elina, Martinez Martinez, Paula January 2019 (has links)
Allt fler har börjat kritisera det vardagsliv som vi i utvecklade länder lever, där hög konsumtion, flygresor och annan markant klimatpåverkan blivit vardag (Claesson, 2018). 2018 var året som Sverige upplevde värmerekord med följder som både torka och bränder. Sommarens extrema väder har bidragit till att klimatet fått mer fokus i samhällsdebatten, och både privatpersoners och företags påverkan på klimatet har blivit föremål för diskussion (Frid, 2018). Diskussionen har även blivit aktuell inom besöksnäringen. Turistsektorn lyfter fram dess påverkan på miljön och det är en av de största utmaningar som beslutsfattare inom besöksnäringen står inför idag, både regionalt, nationellt och internationellt (Tillväxtverket, 2019). Syftet med studien har således varit att undersöka hur svensk besöksnäring på landsbygden arbetar med en hållbar utveckling ställt i relation till Agenda 2030. Hur arbetar den svenska besöksnäringen idag med hållbarhet och hur verkar den i en av vår tids mest komplexa omställningar? För att besvara detta genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex personer som är verksamma i sex olika populära turistdestinationer på den svenska landsbygden. Dessa turistdestinationer ligger till grund för studiens empiriska material. Resultatet visade att det är ett begränsat antal anläggningar som aktivt arbetar med hållbar utveckling inkorporerat i verksamheten, även om allt fler har börjat arbeta mer aktivt med hållbarhet. Studien bidrar till en djupare förståelse kring den svenska besöksnäringens arbete med hållbarhetsfrågor, samt hur det skiljer sig utifrån verksamheternas geografiska läge. Studien bidrar också med ett kunskapsunderlag för hur den svenska besöksnäringen kan utvecklas för en mer hållbar framtid.

Democratic global environmental governance: An oxymoron or a matter of ideals? : A study of the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development / Demokratisk global miljöstyrning: En oxymoron eller en fråga om ideal? : En studie av Förenta Nationernas Agenda 2030 för hållbar utveckling

Lindén Glad, Ema, Nersing, Joakim January 2019 (has links)
Today, one of the most compelling issues facing students of environmental politics is global environmental governance’s democratic legitimacy. Critics of multilateral and transnational sustainable development negotiations and implementations perceive these as democratically deficient, due to non-state actors deciding over nation-state politics. Multilateralism is then seen as a governance structure which sacrifices state sovereignty, which is the pillar of modern democratic theory together with the concept of national demos. Yet, other theorists consider global environmental governance and multilateralism to foster democratization beyond the concept of the nation-state – something which by them is understood as necessary in a world with ever-increasing supranational environmental and developmental issues. Since 1992, the United Nations has implemented stakeholder models, meaning multi-stakeholder partnership and civil society involvement in sustainable development negotiations, as a way of raising democratic legitimacy and accountability. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals is the culmination of these efforts and the globally guiding document on the subject. The Agenda is a result of the broadest deliberation strategy ever employed by the UN. Via typological content analysis and viewing the Agenda through our theoretical framework, we understand that the UN applying stakeholder models does not necessarily mean evoking stakeholder democracy. Furthermore, democracy is largely construed as a tool for sustainable development and less as an end per se, even if the two are sometimes communicated as equal objectives. All in all, whether one interprets sustainable development negotiations as democratically legitimate or deficient depends on one’s view of democracy beyond the nation- state, as either a possible and necessary notion or a directly undemocratic one. / Idag är global miljöstyrnings demokratiska legitimitet ett av de mest åtråvärda forskningsproblemen inom miljöpolitiska studier. Kritiker av multilaterala och transnationella förhandlingar rörande hållbar utveckling och implementering uppfattar dessa som demokratiskt bristfälliga, då icke-statliga aktörer bestämmer över nationalstaters politik. Multilateralism ses då som en styrelseskicksstruktur som offrar nationalstaters suveränitet, vilket tillsammans med konceptet nationellt demos är kärnan i modern demokratisk teori. Dock anser andra teoretiker att global miljöstyrning och multilateralism kan befrämja demokratisering bortom nationalstater - något som av dessa anses som nödvändigt i en värld med ständig ökning av överstatliga miljö- och utvecklingsproblem. Sedan 1992 har Förenta Nationerna verkställt intressentmodeller, alltså multi- intressentpartnerskap och civilsamhällsinvolvering i hållbar utvecklings-förhandlingar, som ett sätt att höja demokratisk legitimitet och ansvarsskyldighet. Agenda 2030 och dess 17 globala mål för hållbar utveckling är kulmineringen av dessa satsningar, och det globalt ledande dokumentet gällande ämnet. Agendan och dess grundarbete är resultatet av den till dagsdatum största och mest omfattande överläggningsstrategi som FN någonsin använt sig av. Via typologisk innehållsanalys, och granskning av Agendan genom vårt teoretiska ramverk, så tolkar vi att FN:s genomförande av intressentmodeller inte nödvändigtvis innebär en frammaning av ett uteslutande intressentdemokratiskt ideal. I tillägg så kommuniceras demokrati mestadels som ett verktyg för hållbar utveckling, även om dessa två koncept delvis beskrivs som likvärdi ga mål. Huruvida förhandlingar kring hållbar utveckling uppfattas som demokratiskt legitima eller bristfälliga beror på tolkarens syn på demokrati utanför nationalstaten, som antingen en möjlig och nödvändig uppfattning, eller som en direkt odemokratisk sådan.

Empresas eODS: priorizando as ações sustentáveis de maior retorno econômico, social e ambiental para a humanidade / Businesses and SDGs: prioritizing the sustainable actions of greater economic, social and environmental return for humanity

Saad, Pedro Fernandes 13 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-11-09T10:23:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Pedro Fernandes Saad.pdf: 3567757 bytes, checksum: a541132c7b6c355a8ad4c3842debd248 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-09T10:23:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pedro Fernandes Saad.pdf: 3567757 bytes, checksum: a541132c7b6c355a8ad4c3842debd248 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-09-13 / Comprising 8 goals and 21 associated targets, the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which were in forcesincethe beginning of the millennium until2015, have produced good results. Although this success was not entirely due to the MDGs,but also to a number of other global favorable circumstances, such as China's accelerated growth in the period, significant reductions were observed in global indices such as extreme poverty, hunger, out-of-school children and child mortality. The 2030 Agenda, which has succeeded the MDGs since 2016, is composed of 17 Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) and 169 associated targets, representing a much greater ambition to be achieved in an equalperiod of 15 years. According to the United Nations DevelopmentProgram (UNDP), it is estimated that US$ 5-7 trillion will be needed to meet the SDGs, with a deficit of US$ 2.5 trillion in developing countries, an order of greatness above the assistance they receive from developed countries, in the order of billions. It is a consensus that this difference can only be covered through partnerships involving the UN, governments, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and the private sector (companies and investors). This idea is advocatedby both market experts and the UN itself. Since the creation of the United Nations Global Compact in 2000, UNhas discussed partnerships every two years in the General Assemblies and has dedicated SDG17 to specifically deal with the partnerships to achieve the other SDGs. In order to stimulate the active participation of companies in SDGs, incorporating sustainability into their value chains, the Global Compact has been active on several fronts, including the provision of Blueprint for Business Leadership in the SDGs (BBL), a guide that presents suggestions for possible actions and guidelines on how to implement them. However, these actions are presented qualitatively, without any kind of expected cost/benefit parameter that can help companies and investors in decision making. This is a matterthat the Copenhagen Consensus Center (CCC) addresses in the Post-2015 Consensus, suggesting the prioritization of SDGtargets based on a return perdollar invested ratio, although the return,in this case,is the benefit to people, the planetand prosperity. The objective of this work is to propose a method to assist companies in decision making regarding thechoice of sustainable actions to be carried out in partnership with governments, NGOs and the UN itself, as recommended by SDG17, taking into account the cost/benefit ratio in terms of return (for mankind) per dollar invested. For this, the actions listed by the CCC in the Post-2015 Consensusare taken as basis and, for those that can be executed by companies, the model proposed in the BBL by the Global Compact is applied. The aim is to enhance the impact of sustainable actions carried out by companies and to help the UN and its specialized agencies, programs and funds to select and prioritize the most impactful partnerships, thereby contributing to achieving the intended targets by 2030 / Compostos por oito objetivos e 21 metas associadas, os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio (ODM) da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), que vigoraram do início do milênio até 2015, produziram bons resultados. Ainda que este sucesso não tenha sido integralmente devido aos ODM, mas também a uma série de outras conjunturas globais favoráveis, como o crescimento acelerado da China no período, foram observadas significativas reduções em índices globais como extrema pobreza, fome, crianças fora da escola e mortalidade infantil. A Agenda 2030, que sucedeu os ODM a partir de 2016, é composta por 17 Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) e 169 metas associadas, representando uma ambição muito maior para ser atingida em igual prazo de 15 anos. De acordo com o Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (PNUD), estima-se que serão necessários de US$ 5 a 7 trilhões para atingir os ODS, sendo que nos países em desenvolvimento há um déficit de US$ 2.5 trilhões. Trata-se deuma ordem de grandeza acima da assistência que eles recebem dos países desenvolvidos, na casa de bilhões. É consenso que esta diferença só pode ser coberta por meio de parcerias que envolvam a ONU, governos, Organizações Não-Governamentais (ONGs) e o setor privado (empresas e investidores). Esta ideia é defendida tanto por especialistas do mercado, como pela própria ONU, que desde a criação do Pacto Global das Nações Unidas, em 2000, discute o tema das parcerias a cada dois anos nas Assembleias Gerais, além de ter dedicado o ODS 17 para tratar especificamente das parcerias para o atingimento dos demais Objetivos. Para estimular a participação ativa das empresas nos ODS, incorporando a sustentabilidade em suas cadeias de valor, oPacto Global tem atuado em diversas frentes, dentre elas a disponibilização do Blueprint for Business Leadership on the SDGs(BBL), um guia que apresenta sugestões de possíveis ações e orientações de como implementá-las. Entretanto, essas ações são apresentadas qualitativamente, sem nenhum tipo de parâmetro de relação custo/benefícioesperada que possa auxiliar as empresas e investidores na tomada de decisão. Esta é uma questão que o Copenhagen Consensus Center (CCC) endereça no Post-2015 Consensus, sugerindo a priorização das metas dos ODS com base em umarelação de retorno por dólarinvestido, embora o retorno, neste caso, seja o benefício para as pessoas, o planeta e a prosperidade. O trabalho tem por objetivo propor um método para auxiliar as empresas na tomada de decisão em relação à escolha de ações sustentáveis a serem realizadas em parceria com governos, ONGs e a própria ONU, conforme preconiza o ODS 17, levando em consideração o fator custo/benefício em termos de retorno (para a humanidade) por dólar investido. Para isto, tomam-se por base as ações listadas pelo CCC no Post-2015 Consensuse, para aquelas que podem ser executadas por empresas, aplica-se o modelo proposto no BBL pelo Pacto Global. Pretende-se, desta forma, potencializar o impacto das ações sustentáveis executadas pelas empresas e ajudar a ONU e suas agênciasespecializadas,programas e fundos a selecionareme priorizaremas parcerias de maior impacto, contribuindo, desta forma, para o atingimento das metas pretendidas até 2030

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