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Att berätta det tunga för de unga : En kvalitativ empirisk studie som undersöker hur en barnbok som kommunicerar komplexa frågor lämpligt kan utformas med hjälp av en kreativ designprocess. / To tell the heavy to the young : A qualitative empirical study exploring how a children's book communicating complex issues can be appropriately designed using a creative design process.Ekengren, Elin January 2024 (has links)
This study examines how complex issues can be appropriately communicated to children aged 3-6 years through the empirical research of five illustrators. Based on the empirical findings, three proposals for spreads that convey complex issues in the form of the global sustainability goals in Agenda 2030 are created. The study also investigates which creative design process is most suitable to apply in the design. This is examined by comparing two predetermined models that frame the design process in relation to the illustrators' experiences and approaches. Based on the findings, an appropriate approach is applied to the study. The study concluded that framing the creative design process within predetermined frameworks does not appear to be beneficial. All illustrators use individual approaches tailored to personal preferences and past experiences. Regarding the communication of complex issues to children, all illustrators agreed that these are topics that can and should be communicated to children. An appropriate approach in communication was to achieve a balance between the simple and the complex. It also proved important to prioritize children's positive reading experiences and to ensure that the communication is characterized by hope for the future. Based on these results, the study has created its own proposals for materials that communicate the global sustainability goals in Agenda 2030.
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[pt] Uma questão fundamental na implementação da Agenda 2030 em nível nacional refere-se à análise das interrelações entre os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) e como suas respectivas metas interagem entre si. Diretamente ligadas a essa análise, surge outra questão de ordem metodológica, qual seja: como a integração de métodos multicritério de tomada de decisão, análise estrutural e teoria de redes poderá contribuir para que um país possa melhor definir que metas globais deverão ser incluídas na sua Agenda 2030, considerando-se aspectos críticos de seus contextos socioeconômico e político. Buscando responder essa questão, a presente dissertação tem por objetivo propor um modelo conceitual sistêmico para priorizar metas globais associadas aos ODS que irão compor a Agenda 2030 de um país, integrando-se métodos multicritério de apoio à decisão, análise estrutural e teoria de redes. A pesquisa pode ser considerada descritiva, metodológica e aplicada. Com base nos resultados da revisão bibliográfica e da análise documental de seus temas centrais e visando preencher as lacunas identificadas na literatura, desenvolveu-se um modelo conceitual sistêmico para priorizar as metas globais a serem incluídas na Agenda 2030 de um país. A aplicabilidade do modelo foi demonstrada mediante um experimento preliminar no contexto da Agenda 2030 brasileira. Acredita-se que o modelo conceitual resultante desta pesquisa possa ser replicado em outros contextos nacionais, particularmente em países que estão para definir as metas que integrarão suas respectivas Agendas para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável. / [en] A fundamental question in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda at the national level is how the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their respective targets interact with each other. Directly linked to this concern, a methodological question arises – how can the integration of multicriteria decision making methods, structural analysis, and network theory contribute to a country to better define which global targets should be included in its 2030 Agenda, considering critical issues of its socio-economic and political contexts. With an attempt to answer this question, the dissertation aims to propose a systemic conceptual model to prioritize SDG s targets for a country s 2030 Agenda, by integrating multicriteria decision methods, structural analysis, and network theory. The research can be considered descriptive, methodological and applied. Based on the results of the bibliographic review and documentary analysis of its central themes, and seeking to fill the gaps identified in the specialized literature, a systemic conceptual model was developed for prioritizing global targets that should be included in a country s 2030 Agenda, considering critical issues of its socio-economic and political contexts. The model s applicability was demonstrated through a preliminary experiment concerning the definition of the Brazilian 2030 Agenda. It is believed that the conceptual model resulting from this research can be replicated in other national contexts, particularly in countries where the It is believed that the conceptual model resulting from this research can be replicated in other national contexts, particularly in those countries that are going to prioritize the targets that will integrate their respective Agendas for Sustainable Development.
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Hållbarhetskravens påverkan på små och medelstora företag : En studie om hur dagens hållbarhetskrav påverkar små och medelstora företag inom belysnings tillverkningsbranschen i SverigeOlander, Amanda, Olsson, Filip January 2024 (has links)
In the public and political spheres, sustainability and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) have become an even more essential topic of conversation, as expressed through consumer behavior but also through more demands from policy makers. Changing consumption patterns and increasing sustainability requirements are in turn forcing businesses to adapt, something the vast majority of companies have also adopted in one way or another to demonstrate to their customers that they are sustainable. It is now more important than ever to integrate sustainability into their business and act according to a Circular Business Model (CBM). The UN Global Goals, Goal 9: Sustainable Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (Agenda 2030, Goal 9), the Ecodesign Directive, the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS Directive) and CSRD, are some requirements that act as tools to promote the circular economy and become particularly relevant for the lighting manufacturing industry which is the focus of the study. Meeting all sustainability requirements may be a greater challenge for Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that do not have the same resources as larger companies, the study therefore examines how small and medium-sized enterprises are affected by the sustainability requirements, as they constitute 99.9% of all companies in Sweden. Through qualitative methods, the study examines how rules, laws and values in society linked to sustainability affect SMEs. The study aims to identify through qualitative interviews and surveys what obstacles and challenges SMEs experience with today's sustainability requirements. Through an analysis supported by legitimacy theory and stakeholder theory, the study focuses on business development linked to sustainability. It also provides tools for policy makers to, for example, provide financial resources or offer tax breaks to give SMEs more opportunities and fewer obstacles to be ecologically sustainable. The report also highlights opportunities that may be important for SMEs to be aware of during their transition to a CBM. / I de allmänna och politiska rummen har hållbarhet och Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) blivit ett än mer väsentligt samtalsämne. vilket uttrycks genom konsumenternas beteende men även genom fler krav från beslutsfattare. Förändrade konsumtionsmönster och allt fler hållbarhetskrav leder i sin tur till att företagen blir tvungna att anpassa sig, något de allra flesta företag också har anammat på ett eller annat sätt för att visa för sina kunder att de är hållbara. Det är nu viktigare än någonsin att integrera hållbarhet i sin verksamhet och agera efter en Circular Business Model (CBM). FNs globala mål, Mål 9: Hållbar industri, innovationer och infrastruktur (Agenda 2030, mål 9), Ekodesigndirektivet, Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS-direktivet) och Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, CSRD-rapportering, är några krav som agerar verktyg för att främja cirkulär ekonomi och blir särskilt relevanta för belysnings tillverkningsbranschen som är studiens fokus. Att möta alla hållbarhetskrav kan tänkas vara en större utmaning för Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) som inte har samma resurser som större företag, studien undersöker därför att hur små och medelstora företag påverkas av hållbarhetskraven, då de utgör 99.9% av alla företag i Sverige. Genom kvalitativa metoder undersöks hur regler, lagar och värderingar i samhället kopplat till hållbarhet påverkar SMEs. Studien syftar till att genom kvalitativa intervjuer och enkäter identifiera vilka hinder och utmaningar SMEs upplever med dagens hållbarhetskrav. Genom en analys med stöd av legitimitetsteorin och intressentteorin fokuserar studien på affärsutveckling kopplat till hållbarhet. Den ger också verktyg till makthavare för att exempelvis kunna tillföra ekonomiska medel eller erbjuda skattelättnader för att ge SMEs fler möjligheter och färre hinder att vara ekologiskt hållbara. Rapporten belyser även möjligheter som kan vara viktiga för SMEs kännedom under deras övergång till en CBM.
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Att sätta och implementera hållbarhetsmål. : En jämförelsestudie av hållbarhetsarbetet i stadsbyggnadsprojekten Norra Djurgårdsstaden och Stora Sköndal / Adopting and implementing sustainable development policies : A comparative study of the sustainability policies in the city development projects of Stockholm Royal Seaport and Stora SköndalBIrkehammar, Mattias January 2024 (has links)
Hållbar stadsbyggnad är ett ideal som syftar på att ta hänsyn till ekologiska och sociala såväl som ekonomiska aspekter så att utveckling av dagens samhälle inte skall inkräkta framtida generationers rätt till ett gott liv. Rent praktiskt måste stadsplanerare formulera om idealet till konkreta mål och åtgärder anpassade till lokala förutsättningar och tillgängliga medel. I Stockholm pågår två stadsbyggnadsprojekt med höga hållbarhetsambitioner; Norra Djurgårdsstaden (NDS) och Stora Sköndal (SSK), båda har som en del av hållbarhetsarbetet antagit s.k. hållbarhetsmål och krav kopplade till olika styrdokument och processer för att uppnå dessa ambitioner. Målet för arbetet var att genom att kvantitativt och kvalitativt jämföra projektens egna mål, krav och även andra relaterade aspekter av hållbarhetsarbetet samt tillgängliga resultat avgöra vad som är jämförbart, vilket projekt som har högst ambitioner ochprestera bäst samt finna punkter där projekten eventuellt kan förbättras. Noterbara slutsatser är att projektens ekologiska mål överlag liknar varandra och är kvantitativt jämförbara, medans de sociala målen inte är det dels som en följd av skiljda koncept för social hållbarhet och dels på grund av olika organisationer och processer. Förslagen på förbättringar gäller dels specifika höjningar av enskilda mål/krav och mer generella råd att öka antalet standardiserade och mätbara mål och krav. Trots att NDS har något högre ambitioner tyder jämförelsen av de tillgängliga sammanställda resultaten på att Stora Sköndal verkar prestera bättre än Norra Djurgårdsstaden för vissa särskilda målområden som energianvändning och grönytor / Sustainable city planning is an ideal aiming at consideration to ecological and social as well as economic aspects so that development of today’s society won’t interfere with future generations’right to a decent life. In practical terms city planners have to reformulate the ideal to concrete targets and actions adapted to local conditions and available means. In Stockholm there are two ongoing city development projects with high sustainability ambitions; Stockholm Royal Seaport (Norra Djurgårdsstaden, NDS) and Stora Sköndal (SSK), both have as part of the sustainability work adopted so called sustainability goals and requirements tied to governing documents and processes to achieve these ambitions. The goal for this examination paper was to quantitatively and qualitatively compare the projects own goals, requirements and some other aspects of the sustainability efforts alongside with available results to ascertain what comparable elements there are, what project seems to have the higher ambitions and perform the best, and find aspects where the projects may improve. Notable conclusions are that the projects’ ecological goals overall are similar and comparable, while the social one’s aren’t as a consequence of both differing concepts of social sustainability and different organizations and processes. The improvement proposals address raising specific goals/targets as well as more general advice to expand the number standardized and measureable goals and requirements. Despite NDS having somewhat higher ambitions the first comparison of available results suggest that SSK manage to accomplish better results than NDS in key areas such as energy use and green spaces.
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Coherence between National and International Environmental Policies – the case of SwedenStrindevall, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Policy coherence is receiving increasing attention due to the interconnectedness, urgency and global character of the challenges that humanity faces today. Policy coherence provides an effective approach to tackle the complex macrochallenges of today since it entails achieving policies from different levels and sectors striving towards the same objectives in a supportive and reinforcing manner, producing an effective and long-lasting response to the challenges. Considering the broad, ambitious and universal Agenda 2030, policy coherence is of greater importance than ever before. This study investigates the policy coherence between Agenda 2030 and the national level looking into the case of Sweden with focus on the environmental dimension of sustainable development by evaluating the coherence between the environmental SDGs and Sweden’s national environmental quality objectives. Coherence between the two policy levels is evaluated using a qualitative data analysis by comparing official policy documents from respective policy agenda and applying the OECD’s (2016) Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development framework to Sweden. The conclusion indicates that the policy agendas fit together in a reasonable way but has the potential to be more coherent. Urgency is seldom addressed, but rather challenges are pointed out as critical and taking action is noted as significant. Both of the policy agendas address the interconnectedness of the challenges, the SDGs in a vague manner pointing out ‘links’ and the national environmental quality objectives in a more detailed manner pointing out more specific examples. The global character of the challenges is addressed in both of the policy agendas, more so in the SDGs than the national environmental quality targets. Incoherence is at times difficult to point out due to the vague terms used in Agenda 2030 compared to Sweden’s national policy. However, the vagueness of Agenda 2030 seems to serve a function whereas the country specific goals go into further detail according to the context. Despite the difficulty, results show that a broader perspective would benefit both policy agendas in addressing the global challenges coherently, since it consequently implies that the concept of policy coherence is applied at a larger scale.
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Framing Sustainability : A Qualitative Study of the Translation of the 2030 AgendaWallén, Camilla, Kardell, Kristina January 2018 (has links)
Following the increase of transnational organisations, global governance today is mainly relying on voluntary standards. One standard is the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This motivates a need to understand how such an idea unfolds within organisations and what impact global CSR standards have, leading to the research question: How are CSR standards deriving from global ideas translated into organisations and influencing sustainability activities? Based on a literature review of Scandinavian institutionalism, soft rules and standards, CSR, traveling of ideas, translation, identity and image, decoupling and aspirational talk, five assumptions were formulated as to what implications the standard might have. These are examined qualitatively through multiple case studies in the Swedish food industry using semi-structured interviews and examining CSR reports. The analysis find partial support for all assumptions. Main findings include the use of the 2030 Agenda mainly as a communication tool, constituting a common sustainability language and a platform for collaborations. The standard is thus interpreted as being symbolically translated. This open up possibilities for future research regarding the translation of standards and the implications of an facilitated way of framing sustainability work, adding the concept of symbolic translation to translation theory.
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Towards the development of a "green" worldview, and criteria to assess the "green-ness" of a text : Namibia Vision 2030 as exampleHarper, Sally Anne 22 December 2008 (has links)
This study assumes, rather than debates, that there is an increasingly global environmental crisis – global warming, loss of ozone layer, biodiversity loss, deforestation and desertification, natural resource depletion, toxic pollution - brought about by western nations’ abuse of the natural environment during nineteenth century industrialization, continuing through the twentieth century, and, many would argue, into the new millennium as well. Greens have been warning of the dangers of human-induced climate change since the 1960s. And yet, their analysis of the reasons for the wide and global range of ecological problems currently being experienced, of which climate change is only one, is not widely known. And even less so, are their solutions to the ecological crisis. This thesis, “Towards the development of a "green" worldview, and criteria to assess the "green-ness" of a text: Namibia Vision 2030 as example”, poses two research questions, and undertakes three tasks. The first question asks: “What does ‘seeing green’ as worldview mean?” “Green” emerges as not only pro-environmental attitudes and behaviours, but a fundamental challenge to western-cultural views on Self, and on the Self/Other relationship, including our human-nature relationship. It represents a total worldview, with its own legitimating narratives, epistemology, ontology, ethics, and viewpoints on real-world political issues as well. The green worldview differs sharply in its ultimate premises from mainstream sustainable development. On the green view, only the radical changes in Self, the Self/Other relationship, and society’s structures, which a green worldview demands, will be sufficient to avert the impending ecological crisis. A green worldview, while containing considerable diversity, is still sufficiently coherent and consistent that it can be reduced to a set of criteria and indicators for “seeing green”. This was the study’s second task. The study’s third task co-incides with its second research question: “How green is Namibia Vision 2030s worldview?” Namibia Vision 2030 is Namibia’s premier policy text designed to guide Namibia through a generation of sustainable development. Using the green criteria and indicators developed during the study, it is argued that particularly as far as this text’s ultimate premises on the human/nature relationship are concerned, its worldview is best described as pale green fading into grey. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Psychology / unrestricted
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The World Social Forum under Criticism : A literature study of its roleVargas, Victoria January 2020 (has links)
Global social injustice and inequalities remain deeply embedded in our globalized world, often explained as a consequence of the current economic structures and institutions. Therefore, there has been an increase in arenas that attracts mobilization of the global civil society to oppose the neoliberal economic globalization and combat social injustices and inequalities. The World Social Forum (WSF) is an example of an arena that emerged with these purposes. However, research shows that there are criticism regarding the character and function of the WSF. This literature study examines the reasons behind the criticism and compares them with the WSF’s charter of principles to see if the WSF is living up to its ideals. It also analyzes if the WSF’s principles are reflected in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. This is done through a content analysis and within the framework of social justice and transnational public sphere. The study concludes that the WSF does not live up to its ideals because of a lack in organizational structure, exclusive and elitist character, and also the inequalities and inequities that are reinforced within the WSF. Moreover, the study shows that the WSF’s principles can be found among the 17 SDGs in the 2030 Agenda which can indicate that the WSF has had an indirect role in influencing global development policies.
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Determinants for the acceptance and use of mobile health applications: Diabetic patients in the Western Cape, South AfricaPetersen, Fazlyn January 2019 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The increased pervasiveness of information communication and technology and increasing internet access creates anticipation for how contemporary technologies can address critical developmental problems. Non-communicable diseases are the leading cause of death globally, even though more than 40% of the deaths are premature and avoidable. Diabetes is such a disease that causes 80% of non-communicable disease deaths in low and middle-income countries. Diabetes is also the leading cause of death in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Diabetes thus constitutes a challenge to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 3 that focuses on health and well-being for all people, at all ages. The potential of technology, such as the use of m-health applications, is recognised as a means to advance the Sustainable Development Goals through supporting health systems in all countries.
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Systematisk uppföljning av Social hållbarhet utifrån Agenda 2030 – En studie i Gävleborgs länKumi, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning I september 2015 beslutade världens länder att en plan för att uppnå hållbarhet skulle antas. Denna plan döptes till Agenda 2030 och består av 17 mål och 169 delmål som ska uppnås till år 2030. Denna uppsats som du håller i din hand undersöker hur kommunerna i Gävleborgs län arbetar med implementeringen av Agendan samt hur uppföljningsprocessen går till hos respektive kommun. Uppsatsen tar även upp Länsstyrelsen Gävleborgs roll i det hela då de har fått i uppdrag av regeringen att implementera Agenda 2030 i Gävleborgs län. Uppsatsen tar upp de stöd Länsstyrelsen erbjuder till kommunerna runt om i länet för att Agendans mål kan uppnås av kommunerna, men den tar även upp vilket stöd kommunerna efterfrågar av Länsstyrelsen Gävleborg. Uppsatsen ger även en översikt över hur det går för kommunerna i länet och vilken fas de ligger i just nu. Studien lyfter även vikten av att följa upp under arbetets gång vilket kunde ses var en av svagheterna i arbetet med Agenda 21 och milleniemålen, där rutinen om uppföljning inte fanns. Detta är en kvalitativ empirisk studie med semi-strukturerade frågor. I studien intervjuades fem personer som representerade sex av länets 10 kommuner. Därefter användes en tematisk analys för att sortera ut svaren som besvarar studiens syfte.
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