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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mechanical cell properties in germ layer progenitor migration during zebrafish gastrulation / Mechanische Eigenschaften der Keimblatt-Vorläuferzellen während der Migration in der Zebrafisch-Gastrulation

Arboleda-Estudillo, Yoana 07 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Gastrulation leads to the formation of the embryonic germ layers, ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm, and is the first key morphogenetic process that occurs in development. Gastrulation provides a unique developmental assay system in which to study cellular movements and rearrangements in vivo. The different cell movements occurring during gastrulation take place in a highly coordinated spatial and temporal manner, indicating that they must be controlled by a complex interplay of morphogenetic and inductive events. Generally, cell movement constitutes a highly integrated program of different cellular behaviors including sensing, polarization, cytoskeletal reorganization, and changes in adhesion and cell shape. During migration, these different behaviors require a continuous regulation and feedback control to direct and coordinate them. In this work, we analyze the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the different types of cell behaviors during gastrulation in zebrafish. Specifically, we focus on the role of the adhesive and mechanical properties of germ layer progenitors in the regulation of gastrulation movements. In the first part of the project, we investigated the role of the adhesive and mechanical properties of the different germ layer progenitor cell types for germ layer separation and stratification. In the second part of this study, we applied the same methodology to determine the function of germ layer progenitor cell adhesion in collective cell migration. Tissue organization is thought to depend on the adhesive and mechanical properties of the constituent cells. However, it has been difficult to determine the precise contribution of these different properties due to the lack of tools to measure them. Here we use atomic force microscopy (AFM) to quantify the adhesive and mechanical properties of the different germ layer progenitor cell types. Applying this methodology, we demonstrate that mesoderm and endoderm progenitors are more adhesive than ectoderm cells and that E-cadherin is the main adhesion molecule regulating this differential adhesion. In contrast, ectoderm progenitors exhibit a higher actomyosin-dependent cell cortex tension than mesoderm and endoderm progenitors. Combining these data with tissue self-assembly in vitro and in vivo, we provide evidence that the combinatorial activities of cell adhesion and cell cortex tension direct germ layer separation and stratification. It has been hypothesized that the directionality of cell movement during collective migration results from a collective property. Using a single cell transplantation assay, we show that individual progenitor cells are capable of normal directed migration when moving as single cells, but require cell-cell adhesion to participate in coordinated and directed migration when moving collectively. These findings contribute to the understanding of the gastrulation process. Cell-cell adhesion is required for collective germ layer progenitor cell migration, and cell cortex tension is critical for germ layer separation and stratification. However, many questions still have to be solved. Future studies will have to explore the interaction between the adhesive and mechanical progenitor cell properties, as well as the role of these properties for cell protrusion formation, cell polarization, interaction with extracellular matrix, and their regulation by different signaling pathways.

Numerische Modellierung und quantitative Analyse der Mikrowellendetektierten Photoleitfähigkeit (MDP)

Hahn, Torsten 17 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die hochempfindliche Methode der „Microwave Detected Photoconductivity“ (MDP) wird eingesetzt, um technologisch relevante Halbleiterparameter wie die Ladungsträgerlebensdauer, Photoleitfähigkeit und Defektkonzentrationen über viele Größenordnungen der optischen Anregung hinweg zu untersuchen. Durch die Entwicklung und die Anwendung eines neuartigen Modellierungssystems für die Ladungsträgerdynamik in Halbleitern können wichtige Defektparameter quantitativ aus MDP Messungen in Abhängigkeit der Anregungsintensität bestimmt werden. Ein Verfahren zur Charakterisierung von Haftstellen (Konzentration, Energielage, Einfangsquerschnitt) bei konstanter Temperatur wird vorgestellt. Das technologisch relevante Verfahren des quantitativen Eisennachweises in p-dotiertem Silizium wird für die MDP Methode angepasst und entsprechende Messergebnisse mit DLTS Resultaten verglichen. Ein detaillierter Vergleich der gängigsten kontaktlosen Messverfahren QSSPC und MW-PCD mit der MDP zeigt, dass entgegen gängiger Annahmen die unterschiedlichen Anregungsbedingungen zu drastischen Unterschieden in den gemessenen Werten der Ladungsträgerlebensdauer führen. Dies wird sowohl durch theoretische Berechnungen als auch durch praktische Messergebnisse belegt.

Self-assembly and Structure Investigation of Recombinant S-layer Proteins Expressed in Yeast for Nanobiotechnological Applications

Korkmaz, Nuriye 24 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In numerous Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria as well as in Archaea SL proteins form the outermost layer of the cell envelope. SL (glyco)monomers self-assemble with oblique (p2), tetragonal (p4), or hexagonal (p3, p6) symmetries [12]. SL subunits interact with each other and with the underlying cell surface by relatively weak non-covalent forces such as hydrogen-bonds, ionic bonds, salt-bridges or hydrophobic interactions. This makes them easy to isolate by applying chaotropic agents like urea and guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl), chelating chemicals, or by changing the pH of the environment [10]. Upon dialysis in an ambient buffer monomers recrystallize into regular arrays that possess the forms of flat sheets, open ended cylinders, or spheres on solid substrates, at air-water intefaces and on lipid films, making them appealing for nanobiotechnological applications [3, 18]. The aim of this study was to investigate the structure, thermal stability, in vivo self-assembly process, recrystallization and metallization of three different recombinant SL proteins (SslA-eGFP, mSbsC-eGFP and S13240-eGFP) expressed in yeast S. cerevisiae BY4741 which could be further used in nanobiotechnological applications. In order to fulfill this aim, I investigated the in vivo expression of SL proteins (SslA, SbsC, S13240) tagged with eGFP (SL-eGFP) in the yeast S. cerevisiae BY4141. First, I characterized the heterologous expression of SL fusion constructs with growth and fluorescence measurements combined with Western blot analyses. Fluorescence microscopy investigations of overnight grown cultures showed that SslA-eGFP fusion protein was expressed as fluorescent patches, mSbsC-eGFP as tubular networks, and S13240-eGFP as hollow-like fibrillar network structures, while eGFP did not show any distinct structure Thermal stability of in vivo expressed SL-eGFP fusion proteins were investigated by fluorescence microscopy and immunodetection. In vivo self-assembly kinetics during mitosis and meiosis was the second main issue. In parallel, association of in vivo mSbsC-eGFP structures with the cellular components was of interest. A network of tubular structures in the cytosol of the transformed yeast cells that did not colocalize with microtubules or the actin cytoskeleton was observed. Time-resolved analysis of the formation of these structures during vegetative growth and sporulation was investigated by live fluorescence microscopy. While in meiosis ascospores seemed to receive assembled structures from the diploid cells, during mitosis surface layer structures were formed de novo in the buds. Surface layer assembly always started with the appearance of a dot-like structure in the cytoplasm, suggesting a single nucleation point. In order to get these in vivo SL assemblies stably outside the cells (in situ), cell distruption experiments were conducted. The tubular structures formed by the protein in vivo were retained upon bursting the cells by osmotic shock; however their average length was decreased. During dialysis, monomers obtained by treatment with chaotropic agents recrystallized again to form tube-like structures. This process was strictly dependent on calcium ions, with an optimal concentration of 10 mM. Further increase of the Ca2+ concentration resulted in multiple non-productive nucleation points. It was further shown that the lengths of the S-layer assemblies increased with time and could be controlled by pH. After 48 hours the average length at pH 9.0 was 4.13 µm compared to 2.69 µm at pH 5.5. Successful chemical deposition of platinum indicates the potential of recrystallized mSbsC-eGFP structures for nanobiotechnological applications. For example, such metalized protein nanotubes could be used in conductive nanocircuit technologies as nanowires.

Hairy switches and oscillators - reconstructing the zebrafish segmentation clock

Oswald, Annelie 26 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Formation of segments during vertebrate embryogenesis is regulated by a biological clock. Models and experimental data indicate that the core of this clock consists of a cell- autonomous single cell oscillator. This oscillator likely involves a genetic feedback loop of transcriptional repressors belonging to the hairy gene family. In zebrafish, three her genes, her1, hes6 and her7, have been identified as core oscillator components. The main purpose of this project was to study the molecular mechanism of the hairy gene negative feedback oscillator in single cells. To determine whether a single cell oscillator is part of the zebrafish segmentation clock, a cell dissociation protocol was established to track the expression of Her1 ex vivo. Upon dissociation, Her1 expression continued to oscillate for up to three cycles. The period of oscillations was significantly slower than that of the segmentation clock, but appears to speed up in the presence of serum. To test whether the hairy gene interactions are sufficient to generate oscillations in single cells, a protocol was established that uses synthetic biology principles to design, construct and characterize hairy gene networks in yeast. First a library of network parts, containing hairy genes, promoters and Her binding sites was generated and subsequently assembled into simple devices to test their functionality in yeast. The three core oscillator components, Her1, Hes6 and Her7, were characterized and optimized for expression in yeast. In the SWITCH-OFF assay, the Her1 protein, modified with a MigED yeast repressor domain, was found to function as a transcriptional repressor in yeast, while Hes6 with the same modification can not. The dissociation of segmentation clock cells provides the first direct evidence that single cell oscillators exist in zebrafish. In this system, oscillator dynamics can be studied without the interactions of higher level clock components. In parallel, establishing a yeast chassis for hairy gene networks provides a novel technique to directly test predicted oscillator mechanisms by constructing them ’bottom up’.

Entwicklung eines FISH-Referenzkaryotyps der Zuckerrübe (Beta vulgaris) für die Integration genetischer Kopplungskarten und die Analyse der chromosomalen Verteilung von repetitiven Sequenzen

Päsold, Susanne 13 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Verbindung von genetischen, physikalischen und zytologischen Daten ist entscheidend für die Genom- und Chromosomenanalyse. Obwohl Beta vulgaris (2n = 18) als wichtige Kulturpflanze und Untersuchungsobjekt der Grundlagenforschung eine intensiv analysierte Art darstellt, existiert bisher keine Verknüpfung zwischen Kopplungsgruppen (LG) und Chromosomen. B.-vulgaris-Chromosomen können zudem aufgrund fehlender morphologischer Unterscheidungsmerkmale bisher nicht einzeln identifiziert und klassifiziert werden. Somit sind zytogenetisch gewonnene Ergebnisse nicht ohne weiteres auf genetische Kopplungsgruppen und physikalische Karten übertragbar. Zytogenetische Methoden können zur Analyse struktureller Chromosomenveränderungen, zur Identifizierung und Lokalisierung von repetitiver DNA sowie zur Kartierung schwierig zu positionierender Marker verwendet werden. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher, ein FISH (Fluoreszenz-in-situ-Hybridisierung)-Verfahren zu etablieren, das die Kopplungsgruppen und Chromosomen der Zuckerrübe korreliert und die mikroskopische Identifizierung aller Chromosomenarme ermöglicht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein FISH-Referenzkaryotyp der Zuckerrübe entwickelt. Durch ein Sondenset aus 18 BACs (bacterial artificial chromosome) sind alle Chromosomenarme der Zuckerrübe identifizierbar und werden mit den nördlichen und südlichen Enden der genetischen Kopplungsgruppen verknüpft. Somit ist eine einheitliche Nummerierung von Kopplungsgruppen und Chromosomen möglich. Durch die gleichzeitige Hybridisierung von chromosomenspezifischen BACs und den Satelliten-DNA-Sonden pAv34 und pBV VI beziehungsweise pEV und pBV wurden die Verteilungsmuster der Sequenzfamilien auf den Chromosomen ermittelt. Die gleichzeitige Hybridisierung aller vier repetitiven Sonden ergab ein chromosomenspezifisches Muster aus subtelomerischen, interkalaren und zentromerischen Signalen. Damit ist die Identifizierung aller B.-vulgaris-Chromosomen in einem einzelnen FISH-Experiment möglich. Zudem wurden dadurch die Chromosomen mit hohem Anteil an tandemartig angeordneten repetitiven Sequenzen identifiziert und die Chromosomenregionen lokalisiert, welche die Sequenzassemblierung behindern können. Sowohl das entwickelte BAC-Set als auch der Sondenpool aus repetitiver DNA unterscheiden die somatischen Metaphasechromosomen erstmals unabhängig von trisomen Linien. Da mit Hilfe der Satelliten-DNA-Sonden alle Chromosomen gleichzeitig markiert werden können, waren die spezifischen physikalischen Längen ermittelbar. Sie wurden mit den genetischen Längen der Kopplungsgruppen in Verbindung gebracht und deckten eine kopplungs-gruppenspezifische Rekombinationshäufigkeit zwischen 0,73 und 1,14 Mb/cM auf. Durch Hybridisierung der BACs und subtelomerischer beziehungsweise telomerischer Sonden auf Pachytänchromosomen wurde der Abstand der BACs sowie der in ihnen enthaltenen genetischen Marker zum physikalischen Chromosomenende abgeschätzt. An fünf Chromo-somenenden wurde ein deutlicher Abstand zwischen den Signalen des BACs und der terminalen Sonden festgestellt. Die zugehörigen Kopplungsgruppen sind demnach erweiterbar. Zudem wurden drei BACs mit nicht detektierbarem Abstand zum Chromosomenende durch FISH an gestreckten Chromatinfasern näher untersucht. Einer der drei BACs wurde eindeutig in unmittelbarer Nähe des Telomers nachgewiesen. Für dieses Ende (Chr 2N) ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit gering, dass die Kopplungsgruppe durch zusätzliche Marker erweitert werden kann; sie wird darum als abgeschlossen angesehen. Für die Enden Chr 4S und Chr 9S war der Abstand zwischen BAC und terminaler Sonde zu groß, um ihn durch Fiber-FISH zu ermitteln. Für sie sind weitere distal zu positionierende Marker wahrscheinlich. Weiterhin wurden bioinformatische Analysen an der verfügbaren B.-vulgaris-Genomsequenz RefBeet 1.0 durchgeführt. Scaffolds, welche die genetischen terminalen Marker enthalten, wurden bioinformatisch identifiziert und auf ihren Gehalt subtelomerischer und telomerischer Sequenzen untersucht. Vorhandene terminale Sequenzen sind ein Nachweis für eine terminale Lokalisierung der in-silico-Chromosomenabschnitte. Für drei Scaffolds mit zuvor ungeklärter Lage wurde dadurch das in-silico-Chromosom ermittelt beziehungsweise die nördliche oder südliche Position auf dem Chromosom dargestellt. Durch die Lokalisierung dieser Bereiche innerhalb der Sequenz in Bezug zum genetischen Marker und unter Berücksichtigung der Ergebnisse der Pachytän-FISH wurde die Strangorientierung von 16 Scaffolds ermittelt. Auf 14 Scaffolds wurden die Abstände der Marker zu den terminalen Sequenzen bestimmt. Der Median betrug etwa 196 kb. Für alle Kopplungsgruppenenden außer dem Norden von LG 2 und LG 4 ist das Vorhandensein weiterer distaler genetischer Marker wahrscheinlich. Satelliten-DNA ist innerhalb einer Art meist homogen, kann jedoch chromosomenspezifische Varianten ausbilden. Auf dem BAC-Marker für Chr 2N wurde durch Southern-Hybridisierung die subtelomerische Sequenzfamilie pAv34 detektiert. Von dem betreffenden BAC wurde eine Subklonbank erstellt. Durch Southern-Hybridisierung wurde der pAv34-Gehalt der Subklone analysiert. Positive Klone wurden sequenziert. Dabei wurden vier verschiedene vollständige pAv34-2N-Monomere detektiert. Im Vergleich mit pAv34-Volllängenmotiven aus der RefBeet 1.0 und dem Datensatz der nicht assemblierten Sequenzen der RefBeet 0.2 bilden die pAv34-2N-Einheiten mit pAv34-Kopien, die verschiedenen in-silico-Chromosomen und Contigs zugeordnet sind, eine Subfamilie. Aus den Sequenzen der Subklone wurden zwei Subklon-Contigs gebildet, die im in-silico-Chromosomenabschnitt von Chr 2N (Bvchr2.un.sca001) positioniert wurden. Dadurch wurden Regionen bisher unbekannter Sequenz entschlüsselt. Abweichungen zwischen den assemblierten Daten und den Subklonsequenzen deuten auf Assemblierungsfehler der Genomsequenz in repetitiven Bereichen hin. Die in dieser Arbeit erzielten Ergebnisse ermöglichen erstmalig die eindeutige Identifizierung aller B.-vulgaris-Chromosomen unabhängig vom Zellzyklusstadium und im Einklang mit genetischen Informationen. Zytogenetische sind jetzt mit molekularen Daten integrierbar und können verwendet werden, um den chromosomenspezifischen Satelliten-DNA-Gehalt aufzudecken und mögliche chromosomenspezifische Subfamilien zu identifizieren. Sie erlauben, physikalische Abstände zwischen Markern zu ermitteln und die Abdeckung von Kopplungsgruppen im terminalen Bereich zu untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse tragen dazu bei, Marker und nicht zugeordnete Contigs und Scaffolds zu kartieren, Ursachen für Lücken aufzudecken und damit die Sequenzdaten des Zuckerrübengenoms zu einer fortlaufenden, hochqualitativen Sequenz zu assemblieren. Die zytogenetischen Daten bilden zudem die Basis für zukünftige Untersuchungen struktureller Umbauten von Chromosomen, die während der Genomevolution stattfanden. / The correlation of genetic, physical and cytological data is crucial for interdisciplinary genome and chromosome analyses. Beta vulgaris (2n = 18) is an important crop and an object of basic research. Although it is an intensely analysed species, its genetic linkage groups (LG) have not been assigned to chromosomes. Additionally, sugar beet chromosomes lack distinct morphological features and could therefore not be identified and classified individually. Consequently, results generated by cytogenetic methods can not be readily applied to genetic and physical maps. Cytogenetic approaches enable analysing structural chromosomal changes, identifying and localizing repetitive DNA, and mapping of markers which are difficult to place within linkage maps. Therefore, the main objective of this work has been the development of a FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) procedure that correlates LGs with chromosomes of sugar beet and that allows the microscopic identification of individual chromosome arms. In this work a FISH reference karyotype for sugar beet has been established. A set of 18 BACs (bacterial artificial chromosome) allows the unequivocal identification of each sugar beet chromosome and assigns them to the southern and northern ends of LGs. Hence, the chromosomes are numbered in accordance with the genetic map. The arm-specific BACs and the satellite DNA families pBV and pBV VI or pEV and pAv34 have been hybridized simultaneously to assign the distribution patterns of the highly abundant sequence families to chromosomes. Simultaneous hybridization of the four repetitive probes revealed a chromosome-specific pattern of subtelomeric, intercalary and centromeric signals. Thus, each of the sugar beet chromosomes can be identified in a single FISH experiment. Furthermore, chromosomes with a high content of repetitive DNA have been identified and chromosomal regions that may hinder the correct sequence assembly have been localized. The BAC set as well as the pooled satellite DNA probes discriminate the somatic chromosomes for the first time independently from trisomic lines. Since the chromosomes are differentially labelled with the satellite DNA probes their physical distances could be determined and correlated with genetic distances of the corresponding LGs. A LG-specific recombination frequency from 0.73 to 1.14 Mb/cM has been disclosed. BACs and subtelomeric or telomeric sequences have been hybridized simultaneously on pachytene chromosomes to estimate distances between BACs plus the markers they contain and the physical chromosome ends. Five BACs showed substantial distances to the physical chromosome ends; the corresponding LGs could thus be extended by additional markers. Furthermore, three BACs showing only minor distances to chromosome ends have been investigated in detail by fiber-FISH. One of these BACs was localized closely adjacent to the telomere. For this chromosome end (Chr 2N) it is unlikely that the LG could be extended distally by additional markers and is therefore considered to be closed. The BACs for the chromosome ends Chr 4S and Chr 9S have been too distant from the terminal probe to be bridged by fiber-FISH. For them it is likely that further markers can be placed distally. Furthermore, the B. vulgaris genomic sequence RefBeet 1.0 has been investigated. Scaffolds containing terminal genetic markers have been identified bioinformatically and analysed for the content of subtelomeric and telomeric sequences. The occurrence of terminal sequences confirms the terminal localization of in silico chromosome segments. Three scaffolds with an initially unknown position could thus be allocated to in silico chromosomes and to the northern or southern position on the chromosome. The strand orientation of 16 scaffolds has been determined based on the localization of terminal sequences in relation to the genetic marker considering the results of FISH on pachytene chromosomes. The distance between markers and terminal sequences has been determined for 14 scaffolds. The median is 196 kb. It is likely that further markers can be placed distally from all LG ends except for the north of LG 2 and LG 4. Satellite DNA is usually homogenous within one species; however, it can form chromosome-specific variants. Southern hybridization revealed that the BAC marker for Chr 2N contains the subtelomeric sequence family pAv34. The BAC has been subcloned and the pAv34 content of the subclones has been analysed by Southern hybridization. Positive clones have been sequenced. Thereby, four pAv34-2N monomeres have been detected. Compared to full-length pAv34 motives derived from the RefBeet 1.0 and from unassembled sequence data of the RefBeet 0.2 the pAv34-2N units form a subfamily together with pAv34 copies assigned to different in silico chromosomes and contigs. The subclone sequences have been assembled to two subclone contigs, which have been positioned within the in silico chromosome segment of Chr 2N (Bvchr2.un.sca001). Thereby, regions of unknown sequence have been decoded and probable misassemblies in repetitive regions within the RefBeet 1.0 have been disclosed. The results obtained in this work enable the identification of all sugar beet chromosomes independently from their stage of cell division and in accordance with genetic information. Cytogenetic data are integrated with molecular data and can be used for identifying the chromosome-specific distribution of repeats and chromosome-specific repeat variants. They enable determining physical distances between markers and investigating the terminal coverage of LGs. The results support the correct mapping of markers and unassigned contigs, uncover reasons for gaps within maps and sequence assemblies, and thus contribute to assembling data into a continuous high quality genome sequence of sugar beet. Moreover, the cytogenetic data represent the basis for future investigations of structural chromosomal changes that took place during evolution.

Phase formation and mechanical properties of metastable Cu-Zr-based alloys / Phasenbildung und mechanische Eigenschaften metastabiler Legierungen auf Cu-Zr-Basis

Pauly, Simon 10 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In the course of this PhD thesis metastable Cu50Zr50-xTix (0≤ x ≤ 10) and (Cu0.5Zr0.5)100-xAlx (5 ≤ x ≤ 8) alloys were prepared and characterised in terms of phase formation, thermal behaviour, crystallisation kinetics and most importantly in terms of mechanical properties. The addition of Al clearly enhances the glass-forming ability although it does not affect the phase formation. This means that the Cu-Zr-Al system follows the characteristics of the binary Cu-Zr phase diagram, at least for Al additions up to 8 at.%. Conversely, the presence of at least 6 at.% Ti changes the crystallisation sequence of Cu50Zr50-xTix metallic glasses and a metastable C15 CuZrTi Laves phase (Fd-3m) precipitates prior to the equilibrium phases, Cu10Zr7 and CuZr2. A structurally related phase, i.e. the “big cube” phase (Cu4(Zr,Ti)2O, Fd-3m), crystallises in a first step when a significant amount of oxygen, on the order of several thousands of mass-ppm (parts per million), is added. Both phases, the C15 Laves as well as the big cube phase, contain pronounced icosahedral coordination and their formation might be related to an icosahedral-like short-range order of the as-cast glass. However, when the metallic glasses obey the phase formation as established in the binary Cu-Zr phase diagram, the short-range order seems to more closely resemble the coordination of the high-temperature equilibrium phase, B2 CuZr. During the tensile deformation of (Cu0.5Zr0.5)100-xAlx bulk metallic glasses where B2 CuZr nanocrystals precipitate polymorphically in the bulk and some of them undergo twinning, which is due to the shape memory effect inherent in B2 CuZr. Qualitatively, this unique deformation process can be understood in the framework of the potential energy landscape (PEL) model. The shear stress, applied by mechanically loading the material, softens the shear modulus, thus biasing structural rearrangements towards the more stable, crystalline state. One major prerequisite in this process is believed to be a B2-like short-range order of the glass in the as-cast state, which could account for the polymorphic precipitation of the B2 nanocrystals at a comparatively small amount of shear. Diffraction experiments using high-energy X-rays suggest that there might be a correlation between the B2 phase and the glass structure on a length-scale less than 4 Å. Additional corroboration for this finding comes from the fact that the interatomic distances of a Cu50Zr47.5Ti2.5 metallic glass are reduced by cold-rolling. Instead of experiencing shear-induced dilation, the atoms become more closely packed, indicating that the metallic glass is driven towards the more densely packed state associated with the more stable, crystalline state. It is noteworthy, that two Cu-Zr intermetallic compounds were identified to be plastically deformable. Cubic B2 CuZr undergoes a deformation-induced martensitic phase transformation to monoclinic B19’and B33 structures, resulting in transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP effect). On the other hand, tetragonal CuZr2 can also be deformed in compression up to a strain of 15%, yet, exhibiting a dislocation-borne deformation mechanism. The shear-induced nanocrystallisation and twinning seem to be competitive phenomena regarding shear band generation and propagation, which is why very few shear offsets, due to shear banding, can be observed at the surface of the bulk metallic glasses tested in quasistatic tension. The average distance between the crystalline precipitates is on the order of the typical shear band thickness (10 - 50 nm) meaning that an efficient interaction between nanocrystals and shear bands becomes feasible. Macroscopically, these microscopic processes reflect as an appreciable plastic strain combined with work hardening. When the same CuZr-based BMGs are tested in tension at room temperature and at high strain rate (10-2 s-1) there seems to be a “strain rate sensitivity”, which could be related to a crossover of the experimental time-scale and the time-scale of the intrinsic deformation processes (nanocrystallisation, twinning, shear band generation and propagation). However, further work is required to investigate the reasons for the varying slope in the elastic regime. As B2 CuZr is the phase, that competes with vitrification, it precipitates in a glassy matrix if the cooling rate is not sufficient to freeze the structure of the liquid completely. The pronounced work hardening and the plasticity of the B2 phase, which are a result of the deformation-induced martensitic transformation, leave their footprints in the stress-strain curves of these bulk metallic glass matrix composites. The behaviour of the yield strength as a function of the crystalline volume fraction can be captured by the rule of mixtures at low crystalline volume fractions and by the load bearing model at high crystalline volume fractions. In between both of these regions there is a transition caused by percolation (impingement) of the B2 crystals. Furthermore, the fracture strain can be modelled as a function of the crystalline volume fraction by a three-microstructural-element body and the results imply that the interface between B2 crystals and glassy matrix determines the plastic strain of the composites. The combination of shape memory crystals and a glassy matrix leads to a material with a markedly high yield strength and an enhanced plastic strain. In the CuZr-based metastable alloys investigated, there is an intimate relationship between the microstructure and the mechanical properties. The insights gained here should prove useful regarding the optimisation of the mechanical properties of bulk metallic glasses and bulk metallic glass composites.

Umrisse eines normativen Autokratiebegriffs als systemtheoretische Skizze

Zerm, Pablo Michael 23 September 2019 (has links)
Die Arbeit macht sich auf die Suche nach den Umrissen eines normativ fundierten Autokratiebegriffs. Begründet ist dieses Unterfangen mit der Beobachtung eines immanenten demokratischen Imperativs in den aktuellen Herrschaftskonzeptionen und Regimetypologien. Als Denkraum dient Niklas Luhmanns Theorie-Architektur der soziologischen Systemtheorie. Die Annahme ist, dass sich mit einer solchen Perspektive der Blick auf die Grundelemente des politischen Systems öffnen, die dann zu einer funktionalen Vernunft-Quelle führen um Autokratie neu zu definieren. / Based on the observation of an immanent democratic imperative in contemporary regime typologies and concepts, this work is in search for contours of a normative definition of autocracy. Niklas Luhmann's theoretical foundations serves as epistemological means to explore functional sources of Vernunft and to overcome metaphysical or natural justifications of order. The assumption is that such a perspective exposes fundamental elements of political systems and their systemic functions for a reformulation of autocracy.


Hug, Marius 14 February 2020 (has links)
Der Gegenstand der vorliegenden Dissertationsschrift ist eine Geschichte des chemischen Elements Selen von der Vorgeschichte seiner Entdeckung um 1783 bis in die 1920er Jahren. Methodisch folgt die Arbeit Vorschlägen aus den Science and Technology Studies, nicht die menschlichen Akteure ins Zentrum zu stellen, sondern danach zu fragen, in welcher Weise auch Dinge als nicht-menschliche Wesen eine Differenz erzeugen, die ihre reine Objekthaftigkeit zu hinterfragen erlaubt und sie zu Akteuren der Geschichte macht. Ziel der Arbeit war eine Rekontextualisierung der historischen Voraussetzungen, die die unterschiedlichen Ereignisse im Leben des Selens erst möglich gemacht haben. Die Arbeit stützt sich auf eine sehr breite Quellenbasis. Der Untersuchungszeitraum erstreckt sich von ersten Publikationen im erweiterten Kontext der Vorgeschichte der Entdeckung des Selens im Jahr 1783, die Entdeckung der lichtsensitiven Eigenschaften W. Smith 1873 bis in die 1920er Jahre, als der Einsatz der Selenzelle in diversen Erfindungen rund um das Thema der Fernsteuerung und Automatisierung zu einem vorläufigen Ende kommt. Die hier als »Selen – Ein Biographem« vorgestellte Arbeit unternimmt einen Perspektivenwechsel: Das chemische Element Selen ist der Protagonist der Untersuchung. Die Arbeit trägt einen Teil zur medienhistorischen Aufarbeitung der Geschichte des Fernsehens bei, wobei der Fokus auf den Entwicklungen im Bereich der technischen Bildübertragung zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts liegt. Aber auch die Geschichte der Entdeckung des Selens sowie der Einsatz desselben im Kontext der Verlegung des transatlantischen Telegraphenkabels – um nur zwei weitere historische Knoten aufzurufen – müssen fortan in einem anderen Licht betrachtet werden. / The subject of this dissertation is a history of the chemical element selenium from the prehistory of the discovery of selenium around 1783 to the 1920s. Methodically, the work follows proposals from the Science and Technology Studies, not to focus on the human actors, but to ask in which way things as non-human beings also create a difference, which allows to question their pure objecthood and makes them actors of history. The aim of the work was to recontextualize the historical preconditions that made the different events in the life of the selenium possible in the first place. The work is based on a very broad source base. The period of investigation extends from the first publications in the expanded context of the prehistory of the discovery of selenium in 1783, the discovery of the light-sensitive properties of selenium by W. Smith in 1873 up to the 1920s, when the use of the selenium cell in various inventions around the topic of remote control and automation comes to a provisional end. The work presented here as »Selenium – A Biographeme« makes a change of perspective: The chemical element selenium is the protagonist of the investigation. The present work contributes its part to the media-historical analysis of the history of television. The focus is on developments in the field of technical image transmission at the beginning of the 20th century. But also the history of the discovery of selenium, as well as its use in the context of the laying of the transatlantic telegraph cable–to call up only two further historical nodes–must henceforth be viewed in a different light.

A live imaging paradigm for studying Drosophila development and evolution

Schmied, Christopher 30 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Proper metazoan development requires that genes are expressed in a spatiotemporally controlled manner, with tightly regulated levels. Altering the expression of genes that govern development leads mostly to aberrations. However, alterations can also be beneficial, leading to the formation of new phenotypes, which contributes to the astounding diversity of animal forms. In the past the expression of developmental genes has been studied mostly in fixed tissues, which is unable to visualize these highly dynamic processes. We combine genomic fosmid transgenes, expressing genes of interest close to endogenous conditions, with Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy (SPIM) to image the expression of genes live with high temporal resolution and at single cell level in the entire embryo. In an effort to expand the toolkit for studying Drosophila development we have characterized the global expression patterns of various developmentally important genes in the whole embryo. To process the large datasets generated by SPIM, we have developed an automated workflow for processing on a High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster. In a parallel project, we wanted to understand how spatiotemporally regulated gene expression patterns and levels lead to different morphologies across Drosophila species. To this end we have compared by SPIM the expression of transcription factors (TFs) encoded by Drosophila melanogaster fosmids to their orthologous Drosophila pseudoobscura counterparts by expressing both fosmids in D. melanogaster. Here, we present an analysis of divergence of expression of orthologous genes compared A) directly by expressing the fosmids, tagged with different fluorophore, in the same D. melanogaster embryo or B) indirectly by expressing the fosmids, tagged with the same fluorophore, in separate D. melanogaster embryos. Our workflow provides powerful methodology for the study of gene expression patterns and levels during development, such knowledge is a basis for understanding both their evolutionary relevance and developmental function.

Einsatz von Bacillus subtilis und Lactobacillus-Stämmen zur Entwicklung und Gestaltung technischer Vegetationssysteme für die Gleisbett-Naturierung

Dunya, Sadif 25 April 2005 (has links)
Das Ziel der Arbeit war die Entwicklung einer Begrünungsmethode für Gleisbette mit schneller Vegetationsentwicklung. Zur Begrünung wurden Sedumpflanzen verwendet, die durch den Einsatz von Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus und Nährsubstrat (allein und kombiniert) in verschiedenen Vegetationssystemen auf dem nährstoffarmen Standort Gleisbett etabliert werden sollten. Die Aktivität der inokulierten Mikroorganismen wurde indirekt über den Einfluss auf die Vegetationsleistung ermittelt. Der Einsatz von B. subtilis und Lactobacillus bewirkte eine signifikante Wachstumsförderung der oberirdischen Pflanzenteile. Die Anwendung von Nährsubstrat als Bodenhilfsmittel war ebenfalls für das Pflanzenwachstum besonders wirksam, sowohl allein appliziert als auch in Kombination mit den Bakterien. Darüber hinaus führte die Applikation der Bakterien und des Nährsubstrates zu einem reduzierten Trockenstress auf Geotextilmatten. Die Wahl des Substrates war entscheidend für die Wirksamkeit der Bakterieninokulation. Jedoch hatten höhere Versuchstemperaturen und pH-Werte ebenfalls eine positive Wirkung auf das Pflanzenwachstum. Diese Einflüsse waren in Kombination mit Ziegelbruchsubstrat wesentlich stärker als mit den anderen getesteten Substrattypen. Das Ziegelbruchsubstrat kombiniert mit einer Bakterien- und Nährsubstratbehandlung bewährte sich als günstiges, umweltschonendes Begrünungsverfahren von Gleisbettanlagen. / The aim of the present study was to develop and improve existing methods for the remediation of rail tracks using soil borne bacteria. Through the use of Bacillus subtilis and Lactobacillus ssp. alone and in combination with a nutrient solution three different growth substrates were tested. The substrates were brick chips, textile mats, and mineral wool mats. Brick chips were tested along railway tracks in Munich but all three substrates were tested along an artificial rail track on the experimental station at the Humboldt University-Berlin. Plants selected for remediation belong to the genus Sedum, which is relatively tolerant to dry conditions. The use of Bacillus subtilis and Lactobacillus in combination with a nutrient solution improved plant growth significantly. Plants inoculated with bacteria showed increased growth during the first three months but after four months there was no longer any significant difference between treatments. The addition of nutrient solution alone improved plant growth. Plant growth was significantly different on all three substrates, whereas brick chips were the best substrate. The results of this study indicate that the quality of the substrate is the most important factor for remediation and greening of rail tracks. Both bacteria tested had only a limited effect. High temperature and pH resulted in larger Sedum plants in the open field. Brick chips are a cheap substrate which can be used for rail track greening. The rapid growth of plants can be influenced by the application of an additional nutrient solution as well as inoculation with Lactobacillus and/or B. subtilis.

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