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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entrées/Sorties dans les système d'exploitation

Finet, Luc 30 June 1973 (has links) (PDF)

XCP : un environnement graphique conversationnel pour l'examen des structures d'un système , application à CP-67

Nguyen, Thanh Thi 06 June 1973 (has links) (PDF)

A study of the relationships between personality as indicated by the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and leadership strengths and weaknesses as identified by Skillscope

Cunnyngham, Hal F. 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to improve the quality of information used in leadership assessment and development programs. The study determined the relationships between personality type, as indicated by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), and leadership strengths and developmental needs as measured by Skillscope. The study also determined the relationships between personality type and congruence between self-awareness of strengths and developmental needs and ratings by knowledgeable observers. The discriminate analysis of the Skillscope leadership feedback instrument compared with the selected personality types revealed that personal management was a strength for both ISTJs and ESTJs. The decision-making skill was a strength for ISTJs, and power/influence was determined to be a strength for ESTJs. The high energy/results oriented skill was determined to be a developmental need for ISTJs. There was agreement between ENTJs and other raters as they both saw interpersonal relationships as a strength for that type. INTJs underrated themselves in interpersonal relationships, and ISTJs underrated themselves in decision-making. Further study is recommended to expand the general body of knowledge of leadership development research. Of particular concern are methods to identify and explore developmental needs of leaders and how those needs can be addressed in training programs. Three hundred sixty degree feedback instruments should be further analyzed in an effort to explain the differences between raters. Of concern is the high percentage of ISTJ types, which reveals a need to expand research to include significant numbers of other personality types. Consideration should be given to studies that identify the unique contributions of gender to leadership skills and development, and the impact culture has on leadership in organizations. Although statistically significant research is difficult to obtain in the behavioral sciences, the effort is worthwhile as it provides information that allows leadership development decisions to be made based on dependable data.

Convergence of Self and Other Ratings of Personality: a Structural Equation Analysis

McElhenie, Michael K. (Michael Keith) 05 1900 (has links)
Recently, multi-source feedback has been a popular way of providing performance-related feedback to individuals in many organizations. Many who use multi-source feedback consider Rating Convergence, others seeing target individuals as they see themselves, to be a positive outcome of this process. However, the variables that account for Rating Convergence are not known. This study investigated whether the personality factor Extroversion and Behavioral Consistency, acting as a moderator variable, could account for Self-other Rating Convergence, particularly the Convergence between self and peer Ratings. The sample consisted of 235 mid-level managers from a variety of industries who were participants in individual career development workshops. Using structural equation modeling, the results indicated that a model consisting of a single Extroversion factor could account for the convergence of self-peer ratings. This finding calls into question the significance of Rating Convergence when using multi-source rating instruments that provide feedback on trait characteristics since it may be heavily influenced by a single personality factor rather than observers' comprehensive understanding of the ratee's performance.

Modelling the Xbox 360 Kinect for visual servo control applications

Chung, Yin-Han January 2016 (has links)
A research report submitted to the faculty of Engineering and the built environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering. Johannesburg, August 2016 / There has been much interest in using the Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect cameras for visual servo control applications. It is a relatively cheap device with expected shortcomings. This work contributes to the practical considerations of using the Kinect for visual servo control applications. A comprehensive characterisation of the Kinect is synthesised from existing literature and results from a nonlinear calibration procedure. The Kinect reduces computational overhead on image processing stages, such as pose estimation or depth estimation. It is limited by its 0.8m to 3.5m practical depth range and quadratic depth resolution of 1.8mm to 35mm, respectively. Since the Kinect uses an infra-red (IR) projector, a class one laser, it should not be used outdoors, due to IR saturation, and objects belonging to classes of non- IR-friendly surfaces should be avoided, due to IR refraction, absorption, or specular reflection. Problems of task stability due to invalid depth measurements in Kinect depth maps and practical depth range limitations can be reduced by using depth map preprocessing and activating classical visual servoing techniques when Kinect-based approaches are near task failure. / MT2017

Le traitement institutionnel de la délinquance des jeunes filles mineures en France : une différenciation de genre ? / How institutions deal with teenage girls’ criminality in France : gender differentiation ?

Iritie, Naye Dominique 07 January 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse se situe dans un cadre théorique à la croisée de la sociologie du contrôle social de la délinquance juvénile et de celle du genre. Elle a pour objectif d’identifier les réponses des institutions publiques apportées à la délinquance des filles mineures. La méthode de recherche a consisté en une enquête de terrain dans l’agglomération de Grenoble, notamment à l’hôtel de police, au palais de justice, à l’unité éducative de milieu ouvert (UEMO) Nord et à l’établissement de placement éducatif et d’insertion (EPEI) de Corenc de la Protection judiciaire de la jeunesse (PJJ) de l’Isère. Nous avons effectué des observations et conduit des entretiens auprès de divers professionnels du système pénal des mineurs (policiers, éducateurs et juge des enfants). Nos résultats montrent la surprotection des filles ; en effet, elles sont présélectionnées comme « mineures en danger » par la justice civile et, dans le circuit pénal, elles sont maintenues en situation de placement. Les résultats font également état de l’existence de représentations de genre de la délinquance des filles circulant dans le milieu pénal des mineurs. Leurs délits, leurs personnalités et également les modalités de leur prise en charge sont lus au prisme du genre. En définitive, la trame de la sélection pénale des filles mineures apparait genrée et renforce les figures judiciaires de la fille fragile à protéger et du garçon dangereux à « recadrer ». / The theoretical framework of this dissertation is at the crossroads of the sociology of juvenile delinquency, social control and gender. Its aim is to identify public institutions’ responses to the delinquency of minor girls. The research method consisted in a field study in the urban area of Grenoble, including police station, courthouse, educative and judiciary services (UEMO Nord and EPEI Corenc of PJJ). Observations and interviews have been made with various professionals within the juvenile criminal justice system (police officers, youth workers and juvenile court judges). Results show an overprotection process of girls. Indeed, they are selected upstream as "minors at risk" by the civil justice (child protection proceedings) and, in the criminal system, they are maintained in institutional homes. Gender-based representations stem out of our investigations, spreading throughout the juvenile criminal justice system. Hence the general background of the criminal selection of juvenile girls appears as "gendered" and reinforces the figures of fragile girls to be protected and dangerous boys requiring correctional action.

以360度回饋探討影響主管人員行為改變意圖相關因素之實證研究 / The study of using 360-degree feedback to explore the factors affecting behavior change intention of managers

徐崇文, Hsu, Chung-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的主要是透過360度回饋的方式,進一步探討影響主管人員行為改變意圖的相關因素,這些因素包括評量正確性知覺、360度回饋滿意度、自我效能、組織支持、組織限制以及自他評一致性等。 本研究樣本為國內某建築業之主管,其中初階主管15人,中階主管42人,高階主管4人,共計61位主管。研究結果發現,評量正確性知覺、360度回饋滿意度、自我效能以及組織支持等變項與行為改變意圖之間均具有顯著正相關,然而組織限制與行為改變意圖之間則不具有顯著的負相關。變異數分析的結果顯示,不同自他評一致性程度的受試,其在評量正確性知覺上確實有顯著差異存在,然而在行為改變意圖上卻並未有顯著差異。事後比較進一步發現,「低估」組以及「一致低」組的受試在評量正確性知覺上顯著高於「高估」組,然而「一致高」組的受試在評量正確性知覺上則並未顯著高於「低估」組與「一致低」組。此外,逐步迴歸分析研究結果顯示,在評量正確性知覺、360度回饋滿意度、自我效能、組織支持以及組織限制等變項之中,以360度回饋滿意度對於行為改變意圖的變異解釋量為最高(30%)。 本研究並進一步指出研究之限制,以及建議後續研究者可以針對影響員工對於360度回饋的態度、個人行為改變決策歷程、友誼效應、訓練效果、電腦化、以及組織文化分析等議題進行更深入的探討;此外,對於有意推行360度回饋系統之企業組織,本研究亦提供多項實務上的建議。

Expérimentation de stratégies itératives chaotiques sur des problèmes de point fixe à grand nombre de variables

Mahjoub, Zaher 26 May 1977 (has links) (PDF)

Root Morphological and Physiological Bases to Understand Genotypic Control of Mineral Acquisition in Rice Grains

Chittoori, Ratnaprabha 1982- 14 March 2013 (has links)
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) supports half of the human population. However, predominant rice consumption leads to malnutrition due to mineral deficiencies. The research goal was to support identification of genes responsible for the uptake/accumulation of potassium (K), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn) and molybdenum (Mo), thus promoting the breeding for rice with high grain concentrations of these elements. Prior studies identified rice genotypes with high grain-K, -Fe, -Zn or -Mo concentrations that were hypothesized to be due to differences in root traits. The research objective was to identify root traits associated with these elements. These traits could be bases for identifying genes. The first study determined if these genotypes showed similar accumulation patterns in leaves as in grains, which would hint at influences of the roots and enable identifying distinct root traits and possible genes in vegetative growth stages. The second study determined if root traits of high grain-Mo genotypes displayed an acid-tolerance mechanism as these genotypes originated from Malaysia where acidic soils strongly adsorb Mo making it unavailable for plants. The third study identified root trait differences of high grain-K, -Fe, -Zn and -Mo genotypes in hydroponics media, while the fourth determined root trait differences in these genotypes in sand-culture media including a 1-Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA) seed treatment for perturbation. The first study identified several high grain-Mo genotypes with similar Mo accumulation patterns in V4 to V6 stage-leaves as in grains, suggestive of a root influence. The second study established that gross morphological and physiological root traits of a high grain-Mo genotype were not part of an acid-tolerance mechanism. Neither the third nor fourth study identified root traits related to shoot K, Fe, Zn or Mo concentration, however positive associations of seedling vigor traits with several beneficial elements, including K, and negative associations with numerous toxic elements were established. Lack of correlation with root traits suggests other mechanisms (e.g. active uptake transporters) instead control the observed grain accumulation differences. Based on the fourth study, either direct effects of NAA on element uptake/transfer or indirect effects on soil pH and redox potential altered tissue Fe and Zn levels.

A HASP monitor for IBM systems under OS and HASP

Owens, Kathryn J. 03 June 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes the design, development, implementation, and output results of a software monitor program which measures job turnaround time on an IBM 360 system under OS/MFT and HASP. This program is designed to be used in conjunction with other monitors and accounting data to measure the performance of the System/360. In this thesis, relevant RASP logic is summarized, followed by design specifications of the monitor, solutions to design problems, and a full description of the monitor's program logic. Actual results obtained by the monitor are included.Ball State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306

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