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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ecos de uma tradição : a ideia de decadência na obra Epitoma Rei Militaris, de Flavius Vegetius Renatus

Giacomoni, Marcello Paniz January 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho “Ecos de uma tradição: a ideia de decadência na obra Epitoma Rei Militaris, de Flavius Vegetius Renatus” analisa os escritos desse autor romano dos séculos IV-V d.C., cujo tratado pretendia servir como base para uma reforma no exército imperial. Procuro compreender o funcionamento da ideia de decadência em sua obra, partindo da noção de formação discursiva, desenvolvida por Michel Foucault. A partir dessa problemática, os enunciados, objetos, estratégias e conceitos que compõem e constroem o discurso da decadência são descritos. Na medida em que são analisados os autores fontes de Vegetius, os enunciados são ligados a uma tradição decadentista. O objetivo final desta pesquisa é analisar o diálogo entre esta tradição e o uso dos enunciados na obra em questão. / This work entitled “Echoes of a tradition: the idea of decadence in the work Epitoma Rei Militaris, of Flavius Vegetius Renatus” examines the writings of the said roman author of the fourth-fifth century A.D., whose treaty was intended to serve as the basis for a reform of the imperial army. I try to understand the operation of the idea of decadence in his work, based on the notion of discursive formation, developed by Michel Foucault. Based on this problematic, the statements, objects, strategies and concepts that compose and construct the discourse of decline are described. Throughout the analyzes of Vegetius and its sources the statements are linked to a decadent tradition. This research’s goal is to exam the dialogue between this tradition and the use of statements in the book in question.

Da institucionalização do monacato a monaquização do episcopado na Provença de João Cassiano e dos Ierinianos (seculos IV eV) / From the institutionalization of the monasticism to the monasticism to the making of the "monachization" of the bishopric in John Cassian and the Ierinian's Provence (fourth and fifth centuries)

Pinheiro, Rossana Alves Baptista 15 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Neri de Barros Almeida / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T10:01:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pinheiro_RossanaAlvesBaptista_D.pdf: 1054509 bytes, checksum: 0fd86f9093f984f59f58a10117fb9b74 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Résumé: Le travail intitulé "De l'institutionnalisation du monachisme à la "monachisation" de l'épiscopat en Provence de Jean Cassien et des lériniens (IVe-Ve siècle)" traite d'une dês caractéristiques du christianisme de Gaule: l'émergence des moines-évêques. Cette recherche est une réflexion au sujet des motifs pouvant être à l'origine du rôle de premier plan qu'eurent les monastères au Ve siècle. Ces derniers deviennent de véritables "pipiniéres" d'èvêques par excellence, et cela tout au long de cette période de trouble. Dês lors, nous avons tenté de déterminer quelle place occupaient les moines dans la structure ecclésiastique provençale, quel rôle jouaient-ils dans l'articulation des liens politicosociaux gaulois de même que pour la construction d'une autorité. C'est-à-dire, une notion fondamentale pour l'exercice du pouvoir sur les biens et sur les hommes par les évêques, consolidée au VIe siècle. De manière à développer cette recherche, nous sommes-nous appuyée sur une documentation de nature diverse, majoritairement originaire de la région de Provence, dans le Sud-Est de la Gaule. Les documents présentés ici furent originairement produits entre 390 et 470 ap. J.-C., période considérée comme l' "âge d'or" de l'Abbaye de Lérins et durant laquelle sont issus les plus grands évêques de toute La Gaule. Aussi, nous sommes-nous davantage concentrée sur la perspective du monachisme présentée et divulguée par l'un des principaux théoriciens du monachisme gaulois: Jean Cassien. Ainsi, ce travail peut-il prétendre avoir respecté le processus d'institutionnalisation du monachisme provençal, tel que Jean Cassien l'entendrait et tel qu'il fut développé au sein de l'abbatiale de Lérins. Un tel processus ne pourrait-être autrement vu comme une étape fondamentale et déterminante dans la consolidation de la fonction épiscopale / Resumo: O trabalho intitulado "Da institucionalização do monacato à 'monaquização' do episcopado na Provença de João Cassiano e dos lerinianos (séculos IV e V)" trata de uma das características do cristianismo da Gália: a emergência dos monges-bispos. Esta pesquisa foi norteada pela reflexão sobre os motivos que fizeram dos mosteiros os "viveiros de bispos" por excelência ao longo do conturbado século V. Com isso, procurou-se determinar o lugar ocupado pelos monges na estrutura eclesiástica provençal e o papel que desempenharam para a articulação dos vínculos político-sociais gauleses, bem como para a construção de uma noção de autoridade fundamental para o exercício do poder sobre bens e sobre homens por parte dos bispos, consolidado no século VI. Para desenvolver a pesquisa, contamos com uma documentação de natureza diversa, oriunda, em sua maioria, da região da Provença, no Sudeste da Gália. Os documentos aqui apresentados foram produzidos, fundamentalmente, entre 390 e 470 d.C, período este considerado a "era de ouro" da abadia de Lérins, de onde saíram os bispos mais importantes da Gália. Também nos concentramos na perspectiva de monaquismo apresentada e divulgada por um dos principais teóricos do monaquismo gaulês, João Cassiano. Assim, o trabalho diz respeito ao processo de institucionalização do monacato provençal, tal qual formulado por João Cassiano e realizado na abadia de Lérins. Tal processo é visto como a etapa fundamental e determinante para a consolidação da função episcopal / Abstract: The work entitled "From the institutionalization of the monasticism to the making of the "monachization" of the bishopric in John Cassian and the lerinians's Provence (fourth and fifth centuries)" portrays one of the features of Gaul's Christianity: the emerging of the monk-bishops. This research was directed by reflecting over the causes which turned the monasteries to "bishops' yards" of its highest degree during the unsettled fifth century. Hereupon it was sought to determine the position held by the monks in the Provençal clericalist structure and the role interpreted by them in the enunciating of the socialpolitical ties of the Gauls, as well as the formation of a notion concerning the fundamental authority to exercise power over lands and men from the bishop's part, which was consolidated in the sixth century. In order to develop this research, we relied on a varied source of documents, arising from, in its majority, from the Provence area, in the south of Gaul. The documents used here were ultimately produced in the period between 390 and 470 A.D., which was considered the "golden era" of the Lerins abbey, which was also the origin of the most important bishops of Gaul. In this research attention is also paid to the monkhood perspective presented and uncovered by one of the main theorists of the Gaulish monkhood, John Cassian. Therefore, this work concerns the process of institutionalization of the Provence monastic life, which was laid down by John Cassian and accomplished at Lerins abbey. Such process is seen as a fundamental and determining stage for the strengthening of the Episcopal role / Doutorado / Historia Cultural / Doutor em História

Telepresence and remote communication through virtual reality

Rydenfors, Gabriella January 2017 (has links)
This Master Thesis concerns a telepresence implementation which utilizes state-of-the-art virtual reality combined with live 360 degree video. Navigation interfaces for telepresence with virtual reality headsets were developed and evaluated through a user study. An evaluation of telepresence as a communication media was performed, comparing it to video communication. The result showed that telepresence was a better communication media than video communication.

Finanzierungslücken aus Investitionsbeträgen in sächsischen Pflegeeinrichtungen

Günther, Thomas, Schill, Oliver 08 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Die gegenwärtige Regelung der SächsPfleinrVO für gesondert berechenbare Aufwendungen nach § 82 Abs. 3 SGB XI für Investitionen und Instandhaltungsaufwendungen in Pflegeeinrichtungen enthält einige grundlegende Problembereiche, die einer ökonomischen Logik systematisch widersprechen. Gegenstand des Gutachtens ist die Darstellung der verschiedenen Problembereiche der SächsPfleinrVO und möglicher Lösungsmöglichkeiten. Die Problembereiche können dabei in vier Bereiche zusammengefasst werden: 1. Systematische Problematiken der SächsPfleinrVO 2011/13 2. Verbraucherschutzprobleme der Neuregelung 3. Ausgelöster Verwaltungsaufwand durch die neue SächsPfleinrVO 2011/13 4. Probleme in der operativen Umsetzung der SächsPfleinrVO 2011/13 Dem Erkenntnisinteresse des Auftraggebers folgend liegt der Analyseschwerpunkt bei Problemen, die insbesondere aus Pflegeeinrichtungen resultieren, die vollstationäre Dauerpflegeplätze anbieten. Nach der Darstellung der rechtlichen Grundlagen und der Datengrundlage des Gutachtens, werden diese vier Problembereiche anhand von Beispielen erläutert und mögliche Problemlösungen vorgeschlagen. Mit einer Zusammenfassung und Schlussfolgerungen wird ein Fazit gezogen.

L'impact et les facteurs-clés de succès du coaching professionnel: une analyse longitudinale auprès de cadres / Impact and key success factors in executive coaching: a longitudinal experimental study on managers

Van Hove, Lucy 08 April 2014 (has links)
Le recours au coaching comme outil de développement des cadres a augmenté de manière exponentielle au cours de cette dernière décennie. Cependant, les études empiriques sur l’impact du coaching professionnel et les mécanismes à l’œuvre dans celui-ci restent rares.<p>Notre recherche vise à répondre à ce manque en étudiant (a) l’impact d’une intervention de coaching professionnel sur les compétences managériales, l’intelligence émotionnelle, le bien-être et l’atteinte des objectifs, (b) les facteurs qui jouent un rôle dans le succès de l’intervention et les mécanismes par lesquels le coaching produit du changement chez les individus.<p>Pour étudier ces questions, une étude longitudinale a été menée sur 50 cadres à haut-potentiel d’une grande entreprise de télécommunications. Les cadres étaient répartis aléatoirement entre le groupe expérimental (25 participants) et le groupe contrôle (25 participants). L’ensemble des participants a passé une évaluation à 360° de leurs compétences managériales, ainsi que différents questionnaires d’intelligence émotionnelle, de personnalité et de bien-être. Suite à ces évaluations, les 25 participants du groupe expérimental ont reçu 7 sessions de coaching étalées sur un an. L’année suivante, les 50 participants ont repassé les mêmes tests. Des entretiens semi-directifs ont ensuite été menés avec les participants du groupe expérimental afin de recueillir leurs auto-évaluations et perceptions des facteurs qui ont joué un rôle déterminant dans leur évolution. Toutes les sessions de coaching ont été données par le même coach, l’auteur de l’étude, afin de stabiliser et de contrôler la méthodologie de coaching adoptée avec les différents participants.<p>Les analyses statistiques sur les données quantitatives indiquent un impact positif et significatif du coaching sur les compétences managériales et l’atteinte des objectifs de développement. L’impact sur l’intelligence émotionnelle et le bien-être dépend lui des dimensions spécifiques considérées. Les analyses qualitatives des entretiens rétrospectifs menés avec les coachés mettent en évidence les différents facteurs vécus comme clés par ceux-ci, ainsi que les mécanismes par lesquels ces facteurs impactent le succès de l’intervention de coaching.<p>Les implications théoriques et pratiques de ces résultats sont discutées, notamment en termes de compréhension des mécanismes de changement à l’œuvre dans le coaching et d’amélioration des dispositifs de coaching et de formation professionnelle des coachs.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Understanding and Challenging Stigmatization of People with Pedophilia

Jahnke, Sara 15 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
For decades, researchers have documented how stereotyping and unfair treatment affect the lives of people with stigmatized characteristics. Pedophilic sexual interests, however, have received remarkably little academic attention. This research gap should be closed for two important reasons. First of all, people with pedophilia have a particularly high risk of experiencing negative stigma-related consequences as, arguably, one of the most feared and despised groups in Germany and many other Western countries. Secondly, vulnerability factors that are hypothesized to contribute to a higher risk of sexually abusive behavior towards children (e.g., low self-esteem, emotion regulation problems, and reduced motivation to seek mental health services) are likely to be enhanced by stigma-related stress. That means that stigmatization of people with pedophilia might not only have a negative effect on members of this group but may also compromise child sexual abuse prevention. This thesis aims at laying the much-needed groundwork for the scientific study of stigma against people with pedophilia by (1) conducting a systematic and comprehensive review of the literature on stigma against people with pedophilia, (2) assessing the prevalence and strength of public stigma against people with pedophilia compared to other despised groups, (3) developing and testing a theoretical framework for the study of stigma-related stress and associated problems among people with pedophilia, and (4) creating and evaluating an anti-stigma intervention program. (1) Our literature review documented a lack of research on this issue as well as the need for theoretical concepts and methodological designs conceptualized specifically for this field of study. (2) A scale to assess public stigma against people with pedophilia was designed and used to survey a sample of German pedestrians and US American workers from the Internet marketplace MTurk. A parallel set of items was employed to measure public stigma against other groups (people who abuse alcohol, sexual sadists, and people with antisocial tendencies). Results of these surveys documented people with pedophilia to be massively disadvantaged by stereotyping beliefs, negative affective reactions, and social distance, even compared to the three other stigmatized groups. (3) To reach the third sub-goal, the author of this thesis formulated the “Framework for the Effects of Stigma-related Stress among People with Pedophilia”. It contains a set of assumptions highlighting the relationship between the stigma-related stress and the risk of child sex offending, which is assumed to be mediated by impairments in emotional and social areas of functioning, as well as cognitive distortions, and the person’s motivation to seek mental health services. The model was tested in an online sample of men with a sexual interest in children. Overall, results provided preliminary evidence for the hypotheses previously laid out. (4) Finally, these ideas were put to practical use in the development of an anti-stigma program for psychotherapists in training that was experimentally validated online. Findings indicated that a number of stigma-related beliefs, affects, and behavioral intentions can be changed at a cost-effective level. Motivation to treat help-seeking patients with pedophilia, however, could not be increased within the sample. In summary, this thesis shows that stigma against pedophilia is a serious and widespread problem, and offers concrete propositions to promote a more realistic and empathetic view of this group. By approaching the emotionally charged concept of pedophilia from a stigma perspective, the research presented in this thesis challenges the way in which not only people from the general public, but also scientists and health care professionals think about pedophilia, and corroborates the importance of stigma reduction within the wider context of child sexual abuse prevention.

Looking back and forth: examining communication processes in a marketing research organisation

Watt, Candice L 17 July 2007 (has links)
Communication has been identified as an essential part of a successfully perpetuating system. In conjunction with systemic feedback processes, communication, by its very nature, plays an integral role in the way that the system operates and continues to survive. General systems theory sees communication and feedback as being understood within the context in which they appear as well as in the context of the larger system. This dissertation provides an examination of communication process within the system of a marketing research organisation. Particular attention was given to the departments within the organisation that oversee the research process as a whole. Since the organisation relies heavily on processes, systems and communication to effectively and successfully manage a research project, these aspects were examined from a systems theory perspective in order to identify areas of concern and to provide appropriate recommendations for improvement. The research design was qualitative, and data were collected by means of fourteen in-depth interviews conducted with relevant role players representing management and team members from three areas of expertise. Additional depth to the data was provided through triangulation, using conferences and observation of meetings as additional information sources. Through concept mapping and thematic analysis of the transcripts and other data, four main, interrelated themes relating to communication within the organisation emerged. These are (1) lack of vision, referring to a general and specific lack of a sense of a common goal; (2) inefficient communication processes that cause a gap between top management and other employees regarding decision making, and a lack of feedback and follow-through on expectations; (3) lack of team cohesion, creating a sense of isolation between teams, uncertainty about expectations, and a vagueness regarding roles and responsibilities; and lastly (4) skills and resource limitation, indicating a lack of training and supervision, and a lack of adherence to procedures. In order to improve communication and feedback processes, it is recommended that the organisation clearly communicates goals and objectives to employees; formalises project planning procedures; instates regular meetings that include all staff; implements sufficient and effective supervision and training; and applies a multirater evaluation and appraisal programme. / Dissertation (MA (Research Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Psychology / unrestricted

Three Essays on Risk Sharing

Baumgartner, Simon 30 November 2020 (has links)
Diese kumulative Dissertation untersucht in drei Kapiteln den Effekt von Risiko auf Firmenentscheidungen und die Fähigkeit von Firmen, Risiken mit ihren Stakeholdern zu teilen. Die betrachteten Firmen sind Skihotels in österreichischen Skigebieten. Das erste Kapitel ist eine umfassende Studie zur Risikoteilung zwischen Skihotels und ihren Stakeholdern. Es gibt zwei hauptsächliche Ergebnisse. Erstens wird gezeigt, dass Unternehmer Wetterrisiko mit ihren Arbeitnehmern teilen, selbst aber kein Wetterrisiko tragen. Dieses Ergebnis ist in Widerspruch zur Vorstellung des Unternehmers als Risikoträger. Das zweite Ergebnis ist, dass Firmen Wetterrisiko mit ihrer Hausbank teilen. Das zweite Kapitel untersucht anhand von Banken in österreichischen Skigebieten die Rolle des Interbankenmarkt. Die Banken in Skigebieten sind Liquiditätsschocks ausgesetzt, die durch touristisch bedingte Nachfrageschocks erzeugt werden. Der Effekt dieser Schocks auf die Kredittätigkeit ist Gegenstand dieser Studie. Das Ergebnis der Studie ist, dass Banken mehr Kapital auf dem Interbankenmarkt beschaffen, wenn sie ihren Kunden in der Realwirtschaft in Folge eines Nachfrageschocks Liquidität gewähren müssen. Das dritte Kapitel untersucht, wie die Beschäftigung von kleinen Firmen auf Risiko in der Arbeitsproduktivität reagiert. Ein Ergebnis ist, dass das abhängig ist von der Kapitalisierung des lokalen Bankenmarktes. Es wird gezeigt, dass eine Zunahme in transitiven Arbeitsproduktivitätsrisiko die Bereitschaft der Firmen verringert Arbeitnehmer einzustellen. Dieser Effekt ist umso stärker, je schlechter lokale Banken kapitalisiert sind. Es scheint, als würde ein Mangel an Kapital in Bankensektor die Fähigkeit von Skihotels mindern, Arbeitsproduktivität einzugehen. / This thesis contains three chapters that empirically study the impact of risk on firm level decisions and firms’ ability to share risks with their stakeholders. The firms that are studied in all three papers are hotels in Austrian ski resorts. The first chapter provides a comprehensive study of the risk sharing between Austrian ski hotels and their stakeholders. We obtain two main results. The first main finding is that the entrepreneurs share snow-induced sales risk with their workers, while the dividend payments to the entrepreneurs are not affected by these exogenous shocks to firms’ sales. This finding opposes the view of the entrepreneur as a risk taker. We find that hotels insure their workers against weather-induced sales shocks only if the shocks are highly temporary during the winter-season. The second main result is that entrepreneurs share exogenous sales risk with their house-banks. The second chapter empirically analyzes interbank lending using a sample of banks in Austrian ski resorts. The banks are subject to liquidity shocks due to weather-induced demand shocks in ski tourism. We analyze the effect of these shocks on interbank lending and borrowing. In our analysis, we use snow in ski resorts as an instrumental variable for the possibly endogenous demand shocks. The analysis reveals that banks reduce their net lending to other banks at times when they need to provide liquidity to their non-bank customers. The third chapter empirically studies how small-firm employment respond to labor productivity risk. We show that this depends on the equity capital of local banks. We find that an increase in the risk of transitory productivity shocks reduces firms’ willingness to commit to employing workers. This effect is stronger if local banks have less equity capital. It appears that a lack of bank equity reduces firms’ capacity to take labor productivity risk.

Developing an emulator for 360° video : intended for algorithm development

Lindskog, Eric January 2020 (has links)
Streaming 360° video has become more commonplace with content delivery services such as YouTube having support for it. By its nature, 360° video requires more bandwidth as only a fraction of the image is actually in view, while the user is expecting the same "in view" quality as with a regular video. Several studies and lots of work have been done to mitigate this higher demand for bandwidth. One solution is advanced algorithms that take in to account the direction that the user is looking when fetching the video from the server; e.g., by fetching content that is not in the user’s view at a lower quality or by not fetching this data at all. Developing these algorithms is a timely process, especially in the later stages where tweaking one parameter might require the video to be re-encoded, and therefore taking up time that could otherwise be spent on getting results and continued iteration on the algorithm. The viewer should also be considered as the best experience might not correlate with the mathematically best solution calculated by the algorithm. This thesis presents a modular emulator that allows for easy implementation of fetching algorithms that make use of state-of-the-art techniques. It intends to reduce the time it takes to iterate over an algorithm through removing the need to set up a server and encode the video in all of the wanted quality levels when a parameter change would require it. It also makes it easy to include the viewer in the process so that the subjective performance is taken into consideration. The emulator is evaluated through the implementation and evaluation of two algorithms, one serving as a baseline to the second one, which is based on an algorithm developed by another group of researchers. These algorithms are tested on two different types of 360° videos, under four different network conditions and with two values for the maximum buffer size. The results from the evaluation of the two algorithms suggest that the emulator functions as intended from a technical point of view, and as such fulfills its purpose. There is, however, future work that would further prove the emulators performance in regards to replicating real scenarios and a few examples are suggested.

Design and Simulation of a Slotless Aircored PM Synchronous Generator

Hasnain, Bakhtiyar Asef, Hodzic, Ademir January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is a study on an unconventional slow speed direct drive permanent magnet (PM) generator. Unlike a standard permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) which has the copper coils wound around iron teeth, the work in this thesis will present a generator where the copper coils are directly mounted on the stator which eliminates the slots and teeth in the generator. By having a slotless design it is possible to eliminate cogging torque, iron losses in teeth and achieve a lightweight design. These characteristics can prove useful when developing generators for an application such as wind turbines, or more specifically vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) in remote areas where weight and serviceability is of concern. This thesis consists of two main parts where the main focus was on the design and simulation of slotless generators. The second part of the thesis was to investigate an available slotless axial flux machine. For the simulations, three different models were created in 2D using CAD software. Two of the models were double-rotor slotless generators and one was a single rotor variant. The electromagnetic properties of these models were analysed using FEMM and COMSOL. The results showed that the double rotor variant with the smaller magnets were more favourable considering the price of magnets and no iron core losses. The experimental results of the axial flux machine gave insight into the construction of commercially available axial slotless generators which could be used to further analyse these types of machines.

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