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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Gary schools. Epilogue [The Gary schools, a general account]

January 1970 (has links)
by Abraham Flexner and Frank P. Bachman. Introduced and annotated by Adeline and Murray Levine. / The two books included were originally published in 1916 and 1918 respectively. / Includes bibliographies.

Estudo da evoluçao do Ensino Secundário no Brasil e no Estado do Paraná com enfase na disciplina de Matemática

Martins, Maria Antonieta Meneghini January 1984 (has links)
Orientador: Zélia Milléo Pavao / Falta página 172. / Dissertaçao (mestrado) -Universidade Federal do Paraná. Curso de Pós-Graduaçao em Educaçao / Resumo: O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi o de estudar a evolução do ensino secundário (da 5ª série do lº Grau, à 3ª série do 2º Grau) brasileiro, com ênfase na disciplina de Matemática. Os conteúdos ministrados pelos professores desta disciplina nesses graus de ensino sofreram modificações ao longo do tempo. Nenhum auxílio mais significativo do que aquele oriundo da História poderia ser encontrado para oferecer um pano de fundo, que permitisse a discussão sobre a permanência e sobre a exclusão de determinados conteúdos programáticos desenvolvidos no ensino da Matemática. No desenvolvimento histórico da pesquisa procurou-se apresentar as influências que caracterizaram as mais importantes reformas do ensino secundário e suas repercussões nos programas de Matemática. O presente trabalho focalizou a evolução e a transformação de dois estabelecimentos de ensino - Colégio D. Pedro II e o Liceu de Curitiba que representaram, por várias décadas, modelos de instrução no Brasil e no Paraná, respectivamente. Elaborou-se um quadro ilustrativo, justapondo-se conteúdos programáticos que expressam a evolução da Matemática no ensino secundário com o propósito de conduzir a uma sistematização através do tempo, da qual poderão resultar análises mais profundas, conforme a intenção do leitor, no sentido de identificar aspectos dos conteúdos que permaneceram até nossos dias. Observou-se também, que a influência da Universidade na elaboração dos programas mínimos dos cursos de primeiro e segundo graus é importante, visto ser ela a responsável pela formação dos professores que atuam nesses graus de ensino. Pretende-se que este trabalho seja, ainda, uma fonte de reflexão, para a melhoria do ensino de lº e 2º graus da disciplina de Matemática, na escola brasileira. / Abstract: L'objectif de cette recherche a été celui d'étudier l'évolution de l'enseignement sécondaire (de la 5ème du ler Degré à la 3ème du 2ème Degré) brésilien, plus spécifiquement la discipline des Mathématiques. Les contenus développés par les professeurs de cette discipline dans ces degrés d'enseignement ont souffert des modifications avec le passage du temps. Rien que l'histoire ne peut expliquer la raison pour laquelle ils sont encore enseignés jusqu'à maintenant. Dans le développement historique de cette recherche on a cherché de présenter les influences principales qui ont caracterisé les plus importantes reformes de l'enseignement sécondaire et leur épanouissement dans les programmes des Mathématiques. Cette étude a été realisêe à l'intérieur de deux établissements: Colégio Pedro II, à Rio de Janeiro et du Lycée, à Curitiba qui ont répresenté le modèle de l'enseignement sécondaire du Brésil et de l'état du Paraná. On présente un tableau illustratif avec une apposition de contenus qui expressent l'evolution des programmes des Mathématiques de l'enseignement sécondaire, avec l'intention de remettre le lecteur à analyser le motif de la consacration historique de certains contenus enseignés dans cette discipline. On a observé que l'influence de l'Universitê dans l'élaboration des programmes fondamentaux des classes du permier et du deuxième degré est necéssaire et importante pourvu qu'elle est responsabele de la formation des professeurs qui travaillent dans ces degrés d'enseignment. On prétend que ce travail soit encore une source de réfléxion dans la contribution et dans l'amélioration de l'enseignement du 1er et 2ème Degrés, dans la discipline des Mathématiques dans l'école brésilienne.

Self-concept and self-esteem in developmental dyslexia : implications for teaching and learning

Humphrey, Neil January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Nahrhafte Momente schaffen - Sinnbildgestützte Interviews (SigI) im Fallverstehen bei Lernbeeinträchtigungen unter Berücksichtigung entwicklungspädagogischer Aspekte im Können, Wissen und Wollen / Creating nourishing moments - symbol-based interviews (SigI) in case understanding in the case of learning disabilities, taking into account developmental pedagogical aspects of ability, knowledge and willingness

Daum, Stefanie January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
In den letzten Jahren stieg die Anzahl an förderbedürftigen Schülern sowie an Schülern mit einer Migrations- bzw. Fluchtgeschichte an der Berufsschule. Damit entsteht eine neue Schülerklientel, die von einer hohen Schülerheterogenität und Lernstanddifferenz geprägt ist. Vermehrt sind auch eine sprachliche Armut sowie Lernbeeinträchtigungen zu beobachten. Die Arbeit mit Sinnbildern im diagnostischen Prozess bei Lernbeeinträchtigungen ist ein kleiner Baustein auf dem Weg dorthin, dass Lernen und damit auch ein Sich-Weiterentwickeln gelingen kann. Dabei präsentiert sich das lösungs- sowie entwicklungsorientierte Verfahren als eine in Beziehung zueinander stehenden Einheit aus Lernbeeinträchtigung, potenzielle Lösung und nahrhaften Boden. Lernbeeinträchtigung: Der Trias liegt die Annahme zugrunde, dass der Lernprozess des Schülers gestoppt ist. Wenngleich der Schüler spürt, dass da etwas ist, das ihm beim Lernen im Weg steht, so ist er jedoch nicht in der Lage das Gespürte zu verbalisieren. Nahrhafter Boden: Mit Hilfe eines von Sinnbildern gestützten Interviews soll es gelingen, die vagen Vermutungen der Schüler hinsichtlich ihrer Lernbeeinträchtigung zu versprachlichen. Dabei spielt die von den Bildern ausgehende Resonanz eine entscheidende Rolle. Durch sie können dem Schüler eigene implizite Denk- und Handlungsmuster gedanklich zugänglich gemacht und versprachlicht werden. Potenzielle Lösung: Die im Rahmen des Sinnbildgestützten Interviews in Erfahrung gebrachten Informationen ermöglichen im besten Fall eine Sicht darauf, was dem Schüler in seinem gestoppten Lernprozess im Weg steht. Dabei geht es nicht darum eine kausale Ursache zu finden, sondern eine prozessorientierte sowie lösungsorientierte Sichtweise einzunehmen. Die Versprachlichung der vagen Vermutungen ermöglicht ein Arbeiten mit dem Wissen in der realen Welt. Im Falle von Gelingen, kann der Interviewführende die durch das Sinnbildgestützte Interview in Erfahrung gebrachten Lernbeeinträchtigungen innerhalb der drei Lerndimensionen im Können, Wissen und Wollen (Ellinger/Hechler 2021) verorten, um eine individuelle -auf die Lernbeeinträchtigung zugeschnittene- Lernhilfe zu generieren. / In recent years, the number of students with special educational needs and students with a history of migration or flight has increased at vocational schools. This has created a new clientele of pupils that is characterized by a high degree of heterogeneity and learning differences. Increasingly, linguistic poverty and learning disabilities can also be observed. Working with symbols in the diagnostic process for learning disabilities is a small building block on the way to ensuring that learning and thus also further development can succeed. The solution- and development-oriented process presents itself as an interrelated unit of learning impairment, potential solution and nourishing ground. Learning impairment: The triad is based on the assumption that the student's learning process is halted. Although the student senses that something is getting in the way of their learning, they are unable to verbalize what they sense. Nourishing ground: With the help of an interview supported by symbols, it should be possible to verbalize the pupil's vague assumptions about their learning impairment. The resonance emanating from the images plays a decisive role here. Through them, the pupil's own implicit patterns of thought and action can be made mentally accessible and verbalized. Potential solution: In the best-case scenario, the information obtained during the symbol-based interview provides a view of what is standing in the way of the student's learning process. The aim is not to find a causal cause, but to adopt a process-oriented and solution-oriented perspective. The verbalization of the vague assumptions makes it possible to work with the knowledge in the real world. In the case of success, the interviewer can locate the learning impairments brought to light by the symbol-based interview within the three learning dimensions of ability, knowledge and willingness (Ellinger/Hechler 2021) in order to generate individual learning support tailored to the learning impairment.

Exploring students' and teachers' perceptions of roles in English language classrooms in Hong Kong

Aldred, Deborah Elizabeth January 2002 (has links)
The difference between roles prescribed by teaching methodology and roles that classroom participants are or are not willing to adopt is sometimes cited as one reason for the problems in the implementation of new teaching policy. Personal experience, consistent with such an argument, formed part of the rationale for this research into students’ and teachers’ perceptions of roles in language classrooms in Hong Kong. This thesis presents a pathway for exploring perceptions of roles of students and teachers through the development and use of a conceptual framework. This conceptual framework highlighted the need to explore the concepts of perceptions and roles, and the factors influencing roles. Exploration of these indicated that the research should include an analysis of the research context and two empirical studies. These studies focused on attitudes, beliefs and cultural dimensions and data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. The findings identified differences between the perceptions of roles expressed by students and teachers. Comparison was also made with reports from teachers and stereotypical images portrayed in the literature. While findings and differences may in part be associated with the social and economic changes in Hong Kong, they also provide insights that potentially offer greater understanding about the role relationship between students and teachers. These insights include possible implications of these findings for teaching approaches, curriculum and materials design, educational change and teacher education. The findings illustrate that students’ and teachers’ beliefs need to be investigated more deeply to ensure that further information is gained that can be applied to the teaching and learning process.

Inklusive Lehrerbildung für Sonderpädagogen und Regelschullehrkräfte im Primarbereich in Bayern und Korea / Inclusive teacher training in elementary education for special and general education teachers in Bavaria und Korea

Nam, Suk January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die Entwicklung der Lehrerausbildung ist auf dem Hintergrund ihrer historischen Rahmen-bedingungen zu betrachten. Diese entstehen aus der komplexen Kombination kultureller, politischer, schulischer und ökonomischer Faktoren. Diese sich beständig wandelnden Ein-flussfaktoren auf Bildung und Erziehung erfordern die Entwicklung neuer theoretischer und praktischer Konzepte für die Lehrerausbildung. Aus dem daraus entstehenden Wissen und den Handlungsmaxim der Pädagogik ergeben sich neue Strukturen und Curricula für die Lehrerbildung. Im Zentrum einer Lehrerausbildung, die auf Schulentwicklung eingeht bzw. sie begleitet, steht die Mobilität, verstanden als Adaption der wissenschaftlichen Erkennt-nisse an einen voranschreitenden gesellschaftlichen Wandel und Erprobung dieses Wissens in Bildungseinrichtungen. Elementar für die Ausbildung zum Lehrer ist nach Blömke (vgl. 2002, 67) der Erwerb des pädagogisch-praktischen Habitus, der ausschließlich an die schuli-sche Praxis gekoppelt ist. Das theoretische Wissen stellt die Grundlage einer guten Reflexi-on der Praxis und der Schulentwicklung dar und steht somit am Anfang des Weges zu päda-gogischer Professionalität. Für die Pädagogik als Wissenschaft, aber auch in deren Praxis, kommt der universitären Lehrerausbildung damit eine Schlüsselrolle zu. Sie ermöglicht den Erwerb wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse und die Anbahnung berufsbezogener professioneller Kompetenzen (vgl. ebd., 68). Mittlerweile stehen sich jedoch aus diversen Modernisierungs-prozessen entstandene Konstrukte fachlichen Wissens und praktischen Handelns teils dia-metral gegenüber. Dies ergibt sich aus der unterschiedlichen Bewertung und Berücksichti-gung pädagogischer Antagonismen, wie Organisation und selbstständiger Interaktion, Frei-heit und Zwang, Distanz und Nähe sowie Differenzierung und Einheit. Um als Berufsanfän-ger möglichst souverän mit diesen umgehen zu können, lässt sich Lehrerausbildung als „Vorbereitung auf Unsicherheit“ umschreiben (vgl. Helsper 1996, 31). ... / Since the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities the subject of Inclusion is on the agenda of educational and scientific debate globally. With the signing of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, it is assumed that the relationship of special and inclusive schools will change towards an inclusive school system in the contrachting states. This stirs up the question of whether the existing training facilities are able to install curricula that are apte to the inclusive education system and to create a suitable structures of academic education for enabling prospective students, both general and special needs teachers, to act professionally on inclusive schooling. This question ist examined by a comparison of the German Federal State Bavaria and South Korea, illuminating their models, as well as their implementation of national and international recommendations and decisions regarding inclusive education. Those will be examined especially by viewing implementation in university teacher training and their contribution to the implementation of inclusive education processes. Finally, the imulse and prospects that can be extracted from this comparison are presented. Further, suggestions for positiv changes in inclusive schooling are made.

Proposta de um modelo de assistência sócio educativa para os centros correcionais públicos do Brasil: uma forma de abordar a problemática dos meninos e meninas de rua ou em situação de risco

Valderrama Gerbasi, Adalberto R. 25 June 2003 (has links)
Presenta una amplia exposición sobre el panorama socioeconómico brasileño, observa y analiza el funcionamiento de catorce instituciones públicas o privadas de asistencia social para niños y niñas de la calle o en situación de riesgo en la busca de informaciones para el desarrollo de pesquisa. Para la colecta de los datos utiliza entrevistas semiestructuradas, englobando una población de 35 personas y profesionales de diferentes sectores de la sociedad brasileña. Apunta como principal resultado el delineamento de un modelo socioeducativo para el menor desamparado. Concluye que la calidad de asistencia que ofrecen la mayoría de las instituciones públicas para recuperar y reintegrar el menor que se encuentra bajo los cuidados del Estado, es insuficiente. Se verifica también que las instituciones privadas privilegian más el aspecto social que el aspecto educativo. / Apresenta uma ampla exposição sobre o panorama socioeconômico brasileiro, observa e analisa o funcionamento de quatorze instituições públicas ou privadas de assistência social para meninos e meninas de rua ou em situação de risco na busca de informações para o desenvolvimento de pesquisa. Para a coleta dos dados utiliza entrevistas semi-estruturadas, abrangendo uma população de 35 pessoas e profissionais de diferentes setores da sociedade brasileira. Aponta como principal resultado o delineamento de um modelo sócio educativo para o menor desamparado, fundamentado principalmente na "Pedagogia Anton Makarenko". Conclui que a qualidade de assistência que oferecem a maioria das instituições públicas para recuperar e reintegrar o menor que se encontra sob os cuidados do Estado, é insuficiente e de baixa qualidade. Verifica-se também que as instituições privadas privilegiam mais o aspecto social que o aspecto educativo. / It presents a large exposition about the social and economic Brazilian panorama. It notes and analyses the performance of fourteen public or private institutions of social work for boys and girls who lives on the streets or are tight spot, searching information in order to develop a research. For collecting the data, it uses semi-organized interviews, covering a population of thirty-five people and professionals from different fields of Brazilian society. It points out as the main result the draft of a social educative model to the advantage of the abandoned underage, mainly well-founded in "Anton Makarenko Pedagogy" . It infers that the quality of the assistance offered by the most public institutions to recuperate and reintegrate the underage who is guarded by the State, is insufficient and low-trait. It can also be noticed that the private institutions privilege more the social aspect than the educational aspect.

La Descentralización Educativa en México: la gestión escolar en centros en el estado mexicano de Nuevo León

Esquivel Reyna, Librado 07 July 2004 (has links)
El presente trabajo analiza el proceso de descentralización que experimenta el sistema educativo mexicano en épocas recientes, el estudio toma en cuenta la perspectiva de los agentes implicados, hecho que condiciona el proceso del trabajo. El estudio se basa en tres ejes básicos, el teórico, el análisis del Acuerdo Nacional para la modernización de la Educación. Y la percepción que los docentes, directores y supervisores tienen sobre la descentralización y gestión de las escuelas. El primer eje establece una revisión a las experiencias de algunos países sobre la descentralización de sus sistemas educativos, así como las estrategias seguidas por México para concretar su descentralización en 1992. El segundo eje permite establecer las pautas y consecuencias que la nueva política tiene en la educación; el tercero y último eje ofrece información sobre la realidad percibida por los profesionales de la educación que, en definitiva, han implementado el Acuerdo Nacional. Asimismo se destaca la percepción que los docentes tienen de la descentralización como un espacio que debe de producir procesos de cambio en las estrategias de la forma en que se enseña y se aprende, en la reestructuración interna de la escuela y la apertura a la colaboración de otros agentes sociales, aspectos que han de tenerse en cuenta en la mejora de la gestión escolar. / This work analyses the process of decentralization that the Mexican educational system is showing lately. The research takes into account the view of the concerned agents and this fact conditions the work process. This work is based on three essential cores: the theoretic core, the analysis of The National Agreement for the Modernization of Education and the notion that teaching staff, principals and supervisors have about decentralization and management at schools. The first core reviews the experiences of some countries about the decentralization of their educational systems and also the strategies that Mexico has followed to specify its decentralization in 1992. The second core permits the establishment of the new policy norms and consequences for education; the third and last core offers information about the realities that are perceived by education professionals who, in the last analysis, have implemented the National Agreement. This research also emphasizes the teachers notion about decentralization as a space that is bound to produce processes of change in the strategies of teaching and learning methods, in the school internal reappraisal and other social agents opening to collaboration, which are aspects that we must take into account to improve the schooling management.

La cultura organitzacional en els Centres Educatius de Primària

Armengol Asparó, Carme 18 October 1999 (has links)
No description available.

La institución educativa española desde la postguerra hasta la transición. Iglesia y tecnología

Roig López, Olga 19 June 2002 (has links)
Con el título de "La institución educativa española desde la postguerra hasta la transición. Iglesia y tecnología" esta tesis doctoral investiga los objetivos que sigue la educación, el papel desempeñado por la tecnología de ese periodo y el enlace entre entorno socioeconómico y escuela.Para ello se analiza la evolución acaecida en España por el sistema educativo desde los años inmediatamente posteriores de la Guerra Civil hasta llegar a la transición política española. De alguna forma a lo largo de la investigación se trata de responder a una pregunta que no se hace explícita al principio del trabajo pero que se intenta contestar a lo largo de él, y que es la existencia de continuidad -si bien se quiere mostrar una discontinuidad- de algunos de los elementos de la Ley General de Educación de 1970 así como de algunas de las instituciones franquistas más influyentes en el ámbito de la educación.La tesis está dividida en seis capítulos que abarcan:El contexto socio-económico y político durante el régimen franquista y el postfranquismo, la evolución de la institución educativa, pasando del nacional catolicismo inicial a ser un claro exponente de la tecnocracia con el desarrollo de unas "prácticas científicas" como la psicología y la pedagogia que dan un significado nuevo a la educación, o con la difusión del medio televisivo y la instrucción de las audiencias en las técnicas modeladoras de la atención visual , o con la creación de capital humano que responda a las nuevas necesidades del desarrollo económico español.A continuación se investiga la fuerte influencia de la Iglesia desde entidades como la ACNP (Asociación Católica Nacional de Propagandistas), la FERE (Federación Española de Religiosos de la Enseñanza) y el Opus Dei. Así como los grupos reducidos que desde dentro de la Iglesia se muestran críticos al comportamiento de las altas instancias de ésta.En el capítulo tercero se muestra el desarrollo de la Ley General de Educación de 1970 y las directrices que la guían y los elementos característicos que la definen. Una ley de educación que nacida en pleno franquismo nos ha dejado en herencia toda una serie de principios como la gratuidad y obligatoriedad de la educación que comporta una elevada subvención de la escuela privada y privada religiosa, o la potenciación de la idea de la igualdad de oportunidades que conlleva una individualización del fracaso escolar y social.En el penúltimo capítulo se analizan un conjunto de discursos alternativos al sistema educativo que aparecen paralelos a la elaboración de la L.G.E. de 1970. En este capítulo quinto de la tesis se explican de forma breve algunos de estos discursos, como por ejemplo: el movimiento desinstitucionalizador, el Movimento di Cooperazione Educativa Italiano, el ideario educativo anarquista, o el Movimiento de Reforma "Rosa Sensat".La última parte del trabajo se centra en algunas de las leyes -generales y de educación- desarrolladas durante la transición española, y las modificaciones y los elementos que persisten y caracterizan al sistema educativo español.En sus conclusiones la tesis ha permitido establecer que: El sistema educativo español ha tenido como objetivo el de disciplinar individuos en el sentido dado por Foucault (1976) de crearlos y de clasificarlos. Una clasificación que atiende a un concepto de normalidad establecido por el nuevo modelo social basado en la competitividad y, que comporta fracaso escolar y segregación del sujeto educativo.Otra revelación importante de la tesis es que en el sistema educativo español se halla una sobreestimación de la tecnología que responde a la ideología tecnocrática del régimen franquista, en detrimento de una formación más humana, más social, más de replanteamiento de los contenidos. La institución educativa española del periodo democrático ha persistido , en una parte muy importante, en los principios de la tecnocracia franquista relegando progresivamente a un segundo lugar irrelevante las ciencias sociales y humanas. / With the title "The Spanish Educative Institution from the post-war period to the transition. Church and technology" this doctoral thesis investigates the objectives that follow the education, the role played by the technology of that period and the connection between socio-economic surroundings and school.The evolution happened in Spain by the educative system has been analysed since the immediately later years of the Civil War until the Spanish political transition. In some way throughout the investigation one is to respond to a question that does not become explicit at the beginning of the work but that it is tried to answer throughout it, and that is the continuity existence -nevertheless is wanted to show a discontinuity- of some of the elements of the General Law of Education (1970), as well as about some of the more influential pro-Franco institutions in the scope of the education.The thesis is divided in six chapters that include:The socio-economic and political context during the pro-Franco regime and the post-Francoism, the evolution of the educative institution, happening of the initial national Catholicism to become a clear exponent of the technocracy with the development of "scientific practices"(1) like the psychology and education that gives a new meaning to the education, or with the diffusion of televising means and the instruction of the hearings in the modeladoras techniques of the visual attention(2), or with the creation of capital human that responds to the new necessities of the Spanish economic development.Next, the strong influence of the Church is investigated from organisations like ACNP (National Catholic Association of Propagandist), FERE (Spanish Federation of Monks of Education) and Opus Dei. As well as the reduced groups that from inside the Church are critical with the behaviour of its high instances.Chapter third shows the development of the General Law of Education (1970), guidelines that guide it, and characteristic elements that define it. A law of education been born in the heat of Francoism that it has left us in inheritance all a series of principles like the free and obligatory of the education that tolerates a high subvention from religious and private school, or the involution of the idea of the equality of opportunities that entails a individual of the scholastic and social failure.Chapter fifth analyses a set of alternative speeches to the educative system that appear parallel to the elaboration of the L.G.E. (1970). In this chapter of the thesis some of these speeches are explained in a brief form, for example: the desinstitucionalizador movement, the Italian Movement Educative Cooperazione, the educative ideario anarchist, or the Movement of the Reformation "Rosa Sensat".The last part of the work is centred in some laws -generals and about education- developed during the Spanish transition, and modifications and elements that persist and characterise to the Spanish educative system.In its conclusions the thesis has allowed to establish that:The Spanish educative system has had as objective to discipline individuals in the sense given by Foucault (1976) to create them and to classify them. A classification that takes care of a concept of normality established by the new social model based on the competitiveness and, that tolerates scholastic failure and segregation of the educative subject.Another important revelation of the thesis is that in the Spanish educative system is an overestimation of the technology that responds to the technocratic ideology of the pro-Franco regime, in damage of one more human formation, more social, more of reframing of the contents. The Spanish educative institution of the democratic period has persisted, in a very important part, the principles of the pro-Franco technocracy progressively relegating to a second irrelevant place social and human sciences.

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