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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proces jako divadlo - Proces s Miladou Horákovou a jeho literární a divadelní podoby / Trial as a Theatre - Milada Horáková Trial and its Literary and Theatre Adaptations

Konvalinková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the theatricality of Milada Horáková and company trial and its theatrical reflections. In this thesis, the political trial is regarded as an ideological fiction on the grounds of the ritual and theatrical character. The dramas, which are inspired with this trial, are interpreted in the following chapters. First of them, it deals with Pařeniště by E. F. Burian in the context of the socialist realism, which was put on the stage in a short time after this trial. It paid attention to re-putting on the stage in 2008 as well. The last part of this thesis deals with contemporary productions, which are inspired with this trial (Horáková, Gottwald by Karel Steigerwald and opera Tomorrow will... by Aleš Březina and Jiří Nekvasil), which depict absurdity and bizzare atmosphere of this trial.

Longitudinal adaptation of vastus lateralis muscle in response to eccentric exercise

Sharifnezhad, Ali 03 March 2014 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Studie wurde daher den Einfluss exzentrischen Trainings, mit unterschiedlicher Reizmagnitude, Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit und Muskellänge bei Reizapplikation, auf die Adaptation des M. vastus lateralis (VL) untersucht. Die 31 Studienteilnehmer wurden randomisiert in zwei Trainings- und eine Kontrollgruppe aufgeteilt. Die Trainingsgruppen führten 30 Trainingseinheiten mit exzentrischem Training der Knieextensoren an einem Isokineten durch. Gruppe 1 (n=10) trainierte ein Bein mit 65% der maximalen willkürlichen isometrischen Kontraktion (MVC) und das andere Bein mit 100% MVC, bei einer Winkelgeschwindigkeit von 90°/s und einem Kniewinkel von 25°-100°. Gruppe 2 (n=10) trainierte beide Beine mit 100% MVC, ein Bein aber mit einer Winkelgeschwindigkeit von 90°/s in einem Kniewinkel von 25°-65° und das andere Bein mit 240°/s und 25°-100°. In der Pre- und Postmessung wurde die VL Muskelfaserlänge mittels Ultraschall bestimmt und die Moment-Winkel- und Leistungs-Winkelgeschwindigkeitsrelation mit einem Dynamometer erfasst. Die Ergebnisse zeigen nur für Bein mit 240°/s eine signifikante (p / The present study investigated the effects of magnitude, velocity and muscle length at which the eccentric stimulus is applied on the longitudinal adaptation of the vastus lateralis muscle (VL). The 31 participants were randomly assigned into two experimental groups to perform 30 sessions of eccentric training for the knee extensors (3 times/week) and one control group. The first experimental group (n=10) exercised one leg at 65% of maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVC) and the second leg at 100% MVC at 90°/s from 25° to 100° knee angle on an isokinetic device (Biodex 3). The second experimental group (n=10) exercised one leg at 100% MVC at 90°/s from 25° to 65° knee angle and the other leg at 100% MVC at an angular velocity of 240°/s from 25° to 100° knee angle. In pre and post measurements the fascicle length of the VL was examined by ultrasonography and the moment-angle and power-angular velocity relationship of the knee extensors with a dynamometer. The results showed an increase (p

Implicit vs. explicit processes of motivation and affect regulation in unconsciously and consciously critical situations in sports

Wegner, Mirko 14 May 2012 (has links)
Duale Prozessmodelle unterscheiden implizite und explizite Formen der Informations-verarbeitung (Strack & Deutsch, 2004). Implizite Verarbeitung erfolgt schnell und un-bewusst und basiert auf affektiv-assoziativen Netzwerken. Explizite Verarbeitung geschieht überlegt und langsam und beinhaltet bewusste, kognitive Entscheidungsprozesse. In dualen Prozessmodellen der Motivation sagen implizite Motive langfristiges Verhalten und explizite Motive bewusste Entscheidungen vorher (McClelland, et al., 1989). Hoher positiver Affekt sowie geringer negativer Affekt aktivieren implizite kognitive Systeme während eine entgegen gesetzte Ausprägung explizite Informationsverarbeitung bahnt (J. Kuhl, 2000a). Drei Feldstudien untersuchen die diskriminante Validität impliziter vs. expliziter motivationaler Prozesse für das Verhalten in unbewussten vs. bewussten kritischen Situatio-nen im Hochleistungssport. In Studie 1 und 2 wird bei Tennis- (N = 60) und Basketballspielern (N = 56) die Fähigkeit erhoben, positiven und negativen Affekt zu regulieren (ACS-90; J. Kuhl, 1994). In Studie 3 (N = 86) werden zusätzlich implizite (OMT; J. Kuhl & Scheffer, 1999) und explizite Motive (PRF; D. N. Jackson, 1999) sowie die Fähigkeit zur bewussten Selbstregulation (VCQ; J. Kuhl & Fuhrmann, 1998) gemessen. In Studie 1 sagen explizite Formen der Verarbeitung (niedrige positive Affektregulation) die Tennisleistung in objektiv kritischen (wie Tie Breaks) aber nicht in bewusst kritischen Situationen vorher. In Studie 2 führt implizite Verarbeitung (hohe negative Af-fektregulation) zu besseren Basketballleistungen in objektiv kritischen Spielen. In Studie 3 unterstützt explizite Verarbeitung Leistungen in bewusst kritischen Situationen im Rückschlagsport. In unbewusst kritischen Situationen erzielen dagegen Sportler mit ausgeprägten impliziten Motiven bessere Ergebnisse. Die Befunde werden hinsichtlich der Sportartenspezifik, dem Grad der Bewusstheit sowie Persönlichkeitsunterschiede diskutiert. / Dual-process models distinguish implicit and explicit ways of information processing (Strack & Deutsch, 2004). Implicit processes are based on associative affective networks and operate fast and unconsciously. Explicit processing is a cognitive, usually slow, deliberate, and conscious way of decision-making. Dual-process models of motivation propose that implicit motives predict long-term behavior and explicit motives predict deliberate decisions (McClelland, Koestner, & Weinberger, 1989). Up-regulation of positive affect and down-regulation of negative affect activate implicit cognitive systems while regulation in the opposite direction triggers explicit information processing (J. Kuhl, 2000a). Within three field studies it is investigated whether implicit vs. explicit motivational processes are of discriminant validity for professional athletic behavior in unconsciously vs. consciously critical situations. In study one and two, tennis (N = 60) and basketball professionals’ (N = 56) abilities to regulate positive and negative affect (ACS-90; J. Kuhl, 1994) are assessed. In study three (N = 86) the additional measures of implicit (OMT; J. Kuhl & Scheffer, 1999) and explicit motives (PRF; D. N. Jackson, 1999) as well as conscious self-regulation (VCQ; J. Kuhl & Fuhrmann, 1998) are used. Study one proposes that explicit processing supports performance in objective critical situations (tie breaks) in tennis. However, in consciously critical situations no advantage for explicitly processing athletes could be found. In study two implicitly processing basketball players perform better in objectively critical games. In the final study racquet sportsmen who process explicitly perform better in consciously critical situations. In contrast, in unconsciously critical situations athletes with high implicit motives gain better results. Findings are discussed from the perspective of task specificity, degree of awareness, and individual differences.

A multi-dimensional approach for early identification of increased risk of falling in early-onset Parkinson`s disease patients

Catalá, Maria Moreno 24 October 2016 (has links)
Gleichgewichtsstörungen und Stürze gehören zu den wichtigsten Symptomen der Parkinson Krankheit (PD). Bei jungen PD-Patienten werden diese Probleme durch Nebenwirkungen der Medikation zusätzlich verstärkt. Aufgrund des noch sehr limitierten Verständnisses der zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen, die zum erhöhten Sturzrisiko bei jungen PD-Patienten beitragen, mangelt es derzeit an alternativen und effektiven bewegungsbasierten Therapien, um diese Sturzgefahr zu verringern. Diese Arbeit zielt darauf ab, solche Mechanismen zu identifizieren und eine effektive Methode zur Früherkennung des Sturzrisikos bei jungen PD-Patienten zu entwickeln. Es wurde der Beitrag der zentralen und peripheren neuromuskulären sowie sensomotorischen Fähigkeiten, dynamischen Stabilitätskontrolle und Anpassungsfähigkeit der Fortbewegung auf die Sturzrate junger PD-Patienten mittels eines Vergleichs zwischen gesunden Probanden und jungen PD-Patienten mit und ohne Sturzerfahrung (Fallers vs. Non-Fallers) untersucht. Der Vergleich zeigte, dass die PD-Fallers zentral begründete Defizite in der Muskelkraft ihrer Beinstrecker aufwiesen sowie eine verringerte Abfangleistung nach simulierten Vorwärtsstürzen. Die Parameter „Muskelkraft“ und „Annäherung an die vordere Stabilitätsgrenze“ identifizieren gemeinsam 90% der Fälle junger PD-Faller. PD-Patienten zeigten auch eine uneingeschränkte prädiktive Anpassungsfähigkeit auf Gangstörungen, aber ein weniger stabiles Gangmuster und weniger effektive reaktive Antworten auf wiederholte Gangstörungen im Vergleich zu Kontrollpersonen. Diese Arbeit stellt relevante Informationen dar, die für die Entwicklung von alternativen nicht-medikamentösen Therapien zur Reduzierung des Sturzrisikos bei jungen PD-Patienten nützlich sind. Darüber hinaus wurde eine akkurate Methode zur Früherkennung von jungen PD-Patienten mit einem erhöhen Sturzrisiko erarbeitet. Diese Patienten könnten von Training der Beinstrecker und der dynamischen Stabilität profitieren. / Postural instability and falls are some of the main symptoms associated with the Parkinson`s disease (PD). In early-onset patients (diagnosed before the age of 51) these problems are worsened by medication-related side-effects. There is a lack of effective exercise-based training interventions to reduce the risk of falling due to our limited understanding of the underlying mechanisms contributing to falls in early-onset PD. The present thesis aims to identify those mechanisms responsible for falls and to develop a sensitive method of assessment for the early discrimination of patients at risk of falling in early-onset PD. We investigated the contribution of central and peripheral neuromuscular and sensory-motor capacities, dynamic stability control and locomotor adaptability to the increased risk of falling in young PD patients by means of comparing healthy controls and early-onset PD fallers and non-fallers. The comparison revealed that PD fallers have central originated deficits in leg extensors` muscle strength - evidenced by increased antagonistic moments and activation deficit of the agonists - and a reduced increase of the base of support in response to simulated forward falls, both resulting in decreased recovery performance. The factors “muscle strength” and “approach to the anterior limit of stability” together could correctly classify 90% of the PD fallers. In addition, while young PD patients showed unaltered predictive adaptability to gait perturbations, they exhibited less stable gait patterns and less effective reactive responses to repeated gait perturbations compared to controls. This thesis provides relevant information for the development of alternative non-medication based therapies aiming to reduce falls in early-onset PD and an accurate assessment tool for the early identification of young patients at a high risk of falling. These patients may benefit from leg-extensors'' strengthening and dynamic stability training.

Untersuchung auf Aggressionswerte unter Berücksichtigung soziologischer und sportpädagogischer Aspekte in Kampfstilen mit Trefferwirkung

Hoffmann, Holger 07 February 2007 (has links)
In der hier vorliegenden Studie wurde ein bisher noch nicht beachteter Teil der Sportwissenschaften untersucht. Nach einer umfassenden Literaturrecherche und qualitativen Interviews wurden im Zeitraum von 2005 bis 2006 von über 500 Kampfstilschülern - und Trainern Aggressionswerte sowie sportpädagogisch und -soziologisch relevante Fakten erhoben. Hierbei wurden bewusst solche Personen befragt, die Stile mit überdurchschnittlich hartem Trefferkontakt trainieren. Neben Muay Thai, Freefight und Eskrima unter anderem Krav Maga Maar, Kyushinkai Karate und Grappling. Neben der Schaffung eines umfassenden Grundlagenmaterials zu Themen wie Herkunft, Alter, Bildung, und persönlichen Interessen werden Trainingsgewohnheiten ausgewertet und Beziehungen zu folgenden Faktoren hergestellt: Spontane Aggression, Reaktive Aggression, Summenaggression, Aggressionshemmung, Erregbarkeit und Offenheit. Zur Erfassung der genannten Faktoren wurde der FAF-Test verwendet. Neben einer überdurchschnittlichen Bildung, und im allgemeinen sehr geringen Aggressionswerten konnten auch Tendenzen festgestellt werden, nachdem einige Schüler ihr erlernten Techniken für gezielte Aggressionen außerhalb des Trainings nutzen. Weitere unerwartete Ergebnisse fanden sich unter anderem in den unterschiedlichen Einschätzungen von Trainern und ihren Schülern im Bezug auf deren pädagogischen Einfluss jenseits des Techniktrainings. / The aim of this study is to investigate a field of physical education which has been ignored up to now. After a literature review and a qualitative interview analyses more than 500 martial arts coaches and students have been asked from 2005 to 2006 to collect aggressiveness values and different sports pedagogy and -sociologic relevant data .The study was targeted at "hard -style" martial arts such as Muay Thai, Freefight, Escrima, Krav Maga Maar, Kyushinkai Karate and Grappling. One of the aims was to collect substructal data such as social background, age, education and hobbies. The training data was evaluated and related to the following factors using the FAF Test: Spontaneous Aggression, Reactive Aggression, Aggressionsum, Aggression Escapement, Impulsiveness and Openness. Beside an above-average education and in general low aggressiveness factors the results of the study were a tendency towards the utilisation of martial arts techniques for violent behaviour outside the dojo. Further results include different ratings in the effectiveness of the pedagogical impact of teacher on their students.

Prediction of reservoir properties of the N-sand, vermilion block 50, Gulf of Mexico, from multivariate seismic attributes

Jaradat, Rasheed Abdelkareem 29 August 2005 (has links)
The quantitative estimation of reservoir properties directly from seismic data is a major goal of reservoir characterization. Integrated reservoir characterization makes use of different varieties of well and seismic data to construct detailed spatial estimates of petrophysical and fluid reservoir properties. The advantage of data integration is the generation of consistent and accurate reservoir models that can be used for reservoir optimization, management and development. This is particularly valuable in mature field settings where hydrocarbons are known to exist but their exact location, pay, lateral variations and other properties are poorly defined. Recent approaches of reservoir characterization make use of individual seismic attributes to estimate inter-well reservoir properties. However, these attributes share a considerable amount of information among them and can lead to spurious correlations. An alternative approach is to evaluate reservoir properties using multiple seismic attributes. This study reports the results of an investigation of the use of multivariate seismic attributes to predict lateral reservoir properties of gross thickness, net thickness, gross effective porosity, net-to-gross ratio and net reservoir porosity thickness product. This approach uses principal component analysis and principal factor analysis to transform eighteen relatively correlated original seismic attributes into a set of mutually orthogonal or independent PC??s and PF??s which are designated as multivariate seismic attributes. Data from the N-sand interval of Vermilion Block 50 field, Gulf of Mexico, was used in this study. Multivariate analyses produced eighteen PC??s and three PF??s grid maps. A collocated cokriging geostaistical technique was used to estimate the spatial distribution of reservoir properties of eighteen wells penetrating the N-sand interval. Reservoir property maps generated by using multivariate seismic attributes yield highly accurate predictions of reservoir properties when compared to predictions produced with original individual seismic attributes. To the contrary of the original seismic attribute results, predicted reservoir properties of the multivariate seismic attributes honor the lateral geological heterogeneities imbedded within seismic data and strongly maintain the proposed geological model of the N-sand interval. Results suggest that multivariate seismic attribute technique can be used to predict various reservoir properties and can be applied to a wide variety of geological and geophysical settings.

Prediction of reservoir properties of the N-sand, vermilion block 50, Gulf of Mexico, from multivariate seismic attributes

Jaradat, Rasheed Abdelkareem 29 August 2005 (has links)
The quantitative estimation of reservoir properties directly from seismic data is a major goal of reservoir characterization. Integrated reservoir characterization makes use of different varieties of well and seismic data to construct detailed spatial estimates of petrophysical and fluid reservoir properties. The advantage of data integration is the generation of consistent and accurate reservoir models that can be used for reservoir optimization, management and development. This is particularly valuable in mature field settings where hydrocarbons are known to exist but their exact location, pay, lateral variations and other properties are poorly defined. Recent approaches of reservoir characterization make use of individual seismic attributes to estimate inter-well reservoir properties. However, these attributes share a considerable amount of information among them and can lead to spurious correlations. An alternative approach is to evaluate reservoir properties using multiple seismic attributes. This study reports the results of an investigation of the use of multivariate seismic attributes to predict lateral reservoir properties of gross thickness, net thickness, gross effective porosity, net-to-gross ratio and net reservoir porosity thickness product. This approach uses principal component analysis and principal factor analysis to transform eighteen relatively correlated original seismic attributes into a set of mutually orthogonal or independent PC??s and PF??s which are designated as multivariate seismic attributes. Data from the N-sand interval of Vermilion Block 50 field, Gulf of Mexico, was used in this study. Multivariate analyses produced eighteen PC??s and three PF??s grid maps. A collocated cokriging geostaistical technique was used to estimate the spatial distribution of reservoir properties of eighteen wells penetrating the N-sand interval. Reservoir property maps generated by using multivariate seismic attributes yield highly accurate predictions of reservoir properties when compared to predictions produced with original individual seismic attributes. To the contrary of the original seismic attribute results, predicted reservoir properties of the multivariate seismic attributes honor the lateral geological heterogeneities imbedded within seismic data and strongly maintain the proposed geological model of the N-sand interval. Results suggest that multivariate seismic attribute technique can be used to predict various reservoir properties and can be applied to a wide variety of geological and geophysical settings.

FLK50-Score zur Vorhersage des Lungenkrebsrisikos bis-50jähriger Probanden. Eine methodische Arbeit auf Basis einer Familienstudie / FLK50-SCORE TO PREDICT THE LUNG CANCER RISK IN PROBANDS UP TO 50 YEARS IN AGE. A METHODOLOGICAL PAPER BASED ON A FAMILY STUDY

Gerlach, Gundula 08 February 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Elkvalitetsmätning på en av Trafikverkets signalanläggningar inom ERTMS : En undersökning av elkvalitet

Poppe, Sebastian January 2018 (has links)
The thesis work was carried out within the Swedish Transport Agency's ERTMSproject to assist in deciding on the power supply of the facilities along the railways related to the project. This work applies to areas such as the implementation of the new rectifier, the Rectiverter, and power supply design with focus on redundancy and the overall electricity quality. The work was carried out by processing data from one week's power quality measurement at one of the signal plants where there was an installed Rectiverter. The results were set against current standards and causes of events discussed. The work indicates that the tested facility where power quality was measured meets the applicable standards. However, measures can be made to increase the efficiency of the facility, concerning both redundancy and direct power losses. This refers to the choice of power supply at facilities around the country and the conversion of AC to DC before the UPS and DC to AC-voltage after UPS to the Rectiverter. In chapter one terminology and abbreviations are listed. Chapter two contains an introduction to the report where background, purpose and objectives are formulated. Theory of power quality concepts, data processing, prevailing standards and information about the facilities of the Swedish Transport Administration can be found under chapter three. In chapter four, the methodology used for the power quality measurement and how it was carried out is presented. This includes the collection of sources, used equipment, practical set-up and used method for analysis. In chapter five, the results from the measurement are presented, which are then discussed further in the discussion (chapter six). The report is then summarized with conclusions and suggestions for further work in chapters seven and eight.

Křídla v okovech. Politické procesy 50. let a vězeňská poezie Václava Renče a Jana Zahradníčka / Wings in chains. Political processes of the fifties and the prison poetry of Václav Renč and Jan Zahradníček

Bailey, Vendula January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the political trials of 1950s in Czechoslovakia. It describes specific cases of poets Václav Renč and Jan Zahradníček who were accused of espionage and high treason. The group of accused were based on unfounded evidence, treated as part of an international organization called Green International. Relating with the political trials and imprisonment these thesis focuses on analyzing the prison poetry of these two catholic authors.

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