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Relating Relations: The Impact of Equivalence-Equivalence Training on Analogical ReasoningGarcia, Anna Rosio 04 November 2014 (has links)
A well-researched line showing equivalence performances in a wide variety of areas has been conducted in the field of Behavior Analysis (BA). One area demonstrates that relating relations is a behavioral account of analogical thinking. Relating relations may have implications for the development of analogical training given that analogical reasoning is seen as the foundation of intelligence yet research in this area is limited. A protocol by Stewart, Barnes-Holmes, and Weil (2009) was developed to train children in analogical reasoning using equivalence-equivalence relations. The purpose of this study was to evaluate an equivalence-equivalence training protocol based on Stewart et al. (2009) and test whether the protocol was effective in training equivalence-equivalence responding to 7 and 8-year-old children. A secondary purpose was to test whether training in equivalence-equivalence responding increased performances on analogical tests. All five participants were dismissed throughout the study. Participant 1 was dismissed during the pre-assessments and all other participants were dismissed during intervention. Because none of the participants passed the equivalence-equivalence training, increases in performance in analogical testes were not analyzed. Individual performance data from training are examined and analyzed to provide an account of the failures to pass the equivalence-equivalence protocol.
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Expert Video Modeling with Video Feedback to Enhance Gymnastics SkillsBoyer, Eva 27 March 2008 (has links)
In an effort to develop more efficient and practical interventions for athletic performance, some behavioral researchers have incorporated a variety of technological innovations. In sports research, only a few studies have examined the effects of video feedback on athletic skill development. The effects of combining expert video modeling with self video feedback as an adjunct to standard coaching techniques were analyzed in this study. Participants in this study were four 7-10 year old competitive gymnasts. During the intervention, each gymnast performed a specific gymnastics skill and then viewed a pre-recorded video segment showing an expert gymnast performing the same skill. The gymnast then viewed a video replay of her own performance of the skill. Next she saw a side by side slow motion with freeze frame comparison of her performance with that of the expert model. Lastly, in normal time, the gymnast viewed the expert video clip again, followed by her own performance of the skill. The effect of expert video modeling with self video feedback on gymnastics skill performance was evaluated in a multiple baseline across behaviors research design. The results showed that the gymnasts' skills increased in performance following exposure to video feedback.
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Approche stochastique bayésienne de la composition sémantique pour les modules de compréhension automatique de la parole dans les systèmes de dialogue homme-machineMeurs, Marie-Jean 10 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Les systèmes de dialogue homme-machine ont pour objectif de permettre un échange oral efficace et convivial entre un utilisateur humain et un ordinateur. Leurs domaines d'applications sont variés, depuis la gestion d'échanges commerciaux jusqu'au tutorat ou l'aide à la personne. Cependant, les capacités de communication de ces systèmes sont actuellement limités par leur aptitude à comprendre la parole spontanée. Nos travaux s'intéressent au module de compréhension de la parole et présentent une proposition entièrement basée sur des approches stochastiques, permettant l'élaboration d'une hypothèse sémantique complète. Notre démarche s'appuie sur une représentation hiérarchisée du sens d'une phrase à base de frames sémantiques. La première partie du travail a consisté en l'élaboration d'une base de connaissances sémantiques adaptée au domaine du corpus d'expérimentation MEDIA (information touristique et réservation d'hôtel). Nous avons eu recours au formalisme FrameNet pour assurer une généricité maximale à notre représentation sémantique. Le développement d'un système à base de règles et d'inférences logiques nous a ensuite permis d'annoter automatiquement le corpus. La seconde partie concerne l'étude du module de composition sémantique lui-même. En nous appuyant sur une première étape d'interprétation littérale produisant des unités conceptuelles de base (non reliées), nous proposons de générer des fragments sémantiques (sous-arbres) à l'aide de réseaux bayésiens dynamiques. Les fragments sémantiques générés fournissent une représentation sémantique partielle du message de l'utilisateur. Pour parvenir à la représentation sémantique globale complète, nous proposons et évaluons un algorithme de composition d'arbres décliné selon deux variantes. La première est basée sur une heuristique visant à construire un arbre de taille et de poids minimum. La seconde s'appuie sur une méthode de classification à base de séparateurs à vaste marge pour décider des opérations de composition à réaliser. Le module de compréhension construit au cours de ce travail peut être adapté au traitement de tout type de dialogue. Il repose sur une représentation sémantique riche et les modèles utilisés permettent de fournir des listes d'hypothèses sémantiques scorées. Les résultats obtenus sur les données expérimentales confirment la robustesse de l'approche proposée aux données incertaines et son aptitude à produire une représentation sémantique consistante
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Gambians don’t like maths? : A Minor Field study on how mathematics is taught in a primary school in the Gambia / Matematikundervisning i de yngre åldrarna i en skola Gambia – hur går den till?Borén, Jenny January 2010 (has links)
<p>In this text about the mathematics education in a primary school in the Gambia, I am researching what this mathematics education consists of and what surrounding factors might be affecting it. The pupils of the school in question speak several different languages. This language situation is one of the factors considered in the research. A connection between the real life led by the pupils and their mathematics education was a second factor. The third factor is financial resources or the lack thereof. I wanted to see if a lack of sufficient financial resources was visible in forming the education and the teaching of the pupils. The teaching of mathematics in the school seemed to be based on behaviourism, but could perhaps take benefit from the ethnomathematics perspective. Through observations, analyzing documents and an interview, I realized that the government had set ambitious objectives for the teachers to follow, but due to lack of economical resources, as far as my study found, these are not achieved. As ambitious objectives, which are not followed by sufficient funding is an issue not only applicable in Gambian schools and since Sweden is a growing multicultural society, I can use my knowledge from this study in my work in Swedish schools.</p> / MFS - Minor Field Studies
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An adaptive solution for power efficiency and QoS optimization in WLAN 802.11nGomony, Manil Dev January 2010 (has links)
<p>The wide spread use of IEEE Wireless LAN 802.11 in battery operated mobile devices introduced the need of power consumption optimization while meeting Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements of applications connected through the wireless network. The IEEE 802.11 standard specifies a baseline power saving mechanism, hereafter referred to as standard Power Save Mode (PSM), and the IEEE 802.11e standard specifies the Automatic Power Save Delivery (APSD) enhancement which provides support for real-time applications with QoS requirements. The latest amendment to the WLAN 802.11 standard is the IEEE 802.11n standard which enables the use of much higher data rates by including enhancements in the Physical and MAC Layer. In this thesis, different 802.11n MAC power saving and QoS optimization possibilities are analyzed comparing against existing power saving mechanisms.</p><p>Initially, the performance of the existing power saving mechanisms PSM and Unscheduled-APSD (UAPSD) are evaluated using the 802.11n process model in the OPNET simulator and the impact of frame aggregation feature introduced in the MAC layer of 802.11n was analyzed on these power saving mechanisms. From the performance analysis it can be concluded that the frame aggregation will be efficient under congested network conditions. When the network congestion level increases, the signaling load in UAPSD saturates the channel capacity and hence results in poor performance compared to PSM. Since PSM cannot guarantee the minimum QoS requirements for delay sensitive applications, a better mechanism for performance enhancement of UAPSD under dynamic network conditions is proposed.</p><p>The functionality and performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated under different network conditions and using different contention settings. From the performance results it can be concluded that, by using the proposed algorithm the congestion level in the network is reduced dynamically thereby providing a better power saving and QoS by utilizing the frame aggregation feature efficiently.</p>
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Energy Calibration of Different Modes of a pn-CCD-camera on board the X-Ray Observatory XMM-NewtonWinroth, Gustaf January 2007 (has links)
<p>The X-ray Multi-mirror Mission, XMM-Newton was launched by the European Space Agency, ESA, in 1999. XMM-Newton carries six cameras, including a silicon pn-junction Charge Coupled Device, or pn-CCD camera. This camera has six operating modes, spatially as well as time resolved. The main objective of this project is to refine the Burst mode energy correction in order to align the measured energy spectra observed in the Burst mode with the spectra taken in the Full Frame mode. An observation of the line-rich supernova remnant called Cassiopeia A is used to evaluate the line positions in each mode such that the energy correction function used for the alignment can be modified accordingly. The analysis further treats the application of the correction on a source with a continuous spectrum, the Crab nebula. Discussion shows how to reduce eventual residuals in the Crab spectrum by modifying the correction function while keeping the alignment of the Cas-A spectra. The final product is an update of the corresponding published calibration file.</p>
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Spädbarnsanalys : När samspelet mor - barn inte fungerarHübner, Ulrika January 2010 (has links)
<p>The aim of the study is to investigate the practice of psychoanalysis with infants, and its effect on mother and child. With psychoanalytical thoeries and contemporary research on infants interaction as a basis, five interwievs with psychoanalysts in practice has been done. Also taking part of a clinical meeting with nine psychoanalysts has been done. Two of the interwieved analysts where part of this meeting, therefor the total sum of twelve psychoanalysts who reports their thoughts about the process i infantanalysis. The study also includes three participating observations of infantanalysis. The collected material has been examined with the intention to understand the psychoanalysts own experiences as well as the eventual effect the analys could have on mother, child and sometimes the father. The psychoanalysts describes how the treatment really helps both mother an child, and the proof for this is the mothers way to change her way to interact with the baby. The result shows the analysts themselves believes the interaction mother – child is improving with help from analysis. The discussion debate however the eventual effect on mother – child can be established, how the analysis is practised and if the psychoanalysts way to treat children is anything anyone could practise.</p><p> </p> / <p>Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka psykoanalys med spädbarn och dess inverkan på mor-barn samspelet. Med utgångspunkt i psykoanalytiska teorier och nutida forskning om spädbarnets medfödda samspelskompetenser har fem intervjuer med praktiserande psykoanalytiker utförts. Utöver dessa fem intervjuer har medverkande på ett kliniskt möte med nio närvarande psykoanalytiker gjorts. Två av de intervjuade ingår i gruppen psykoanalytiker på det kliniska mötet; totalt redogörs tolv psykoanalytikers uppfattningar om processerna i spädbarnsanalys. I undersökningen ingår också tre deltagande observationer av spädbarnsanalys. Det insamlade materialet har granskats med intentionen att förstå både psykoanalytikernas egna upplevelser av spädbarnsanalysen, och den eventuella effekt analysen har på mor, barn och i vissa fall även fadern. Spädbarnsanalytikerna beskriver att behandlingen hjälper både mor och barn och beviset för det är att moderns beteende och förmåga att uttrycka sig förändras så att samspelet mor-barn fungerar bättre. Resultatet visar att spädbarnsanalytikerna själva anser sig se att samspelet mellan mor och barn stärks av analys. Diskussionen tar upp hur den eventuella effekten på mor - barn i analys kan påvisas, hur analysen praktiseras och om psykoanalytikerns sätt att bemöta spädbarn kan användas av alla som möter mor - barn par där samspelet inte fungerar.</p><p> </p>
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Development of rapid visual screening tool for seismic evaluation of wood-frame dwellingsLucksiri, Kraisorn 21 March 2012 (has links)
During the past several decades, earthquakes have caused extensive damage to
buildings, including wood-frame, single-family dwellings, in the United States. In
order to mitigate future losses, existing buildings in earthquake prone areas should be
evaluated for their seismic safety. This is also an important issue for buildings in
Oregon due to the Cascadia subduction zone along its west coast.
One seismically vulnerable element observed in wood-frame, single-family dwellings
is the shear walls. In general, assessment of shear wall seismic performance can be
accomplished by a building-specific engineering calculation. Extra effort is required if
the effects of plan irregularity are a concern. This project aims to facilitate seismic
evaluation of wood-frame dwellings by proposing a new engineering-based rapid
visual screening method to examine the expected performance level of the structure's
exterior shear walls to resist lateral forces from ground motions, including torsional
forces induced from plan irregularity.
In order to achieve the objective, SAPWood software was used to perform a series of
nonlinear time-history analyses for 480 representative models, covering different
combinations of shape parameters and shear wall opening-related parameters. The evolutionary parameter hysteresis model was used to represent the load-displacement
relationship of structural panel-sheathed shear walls and a ten parameter CUREE
hysteresis model for gypsum wallboard sheathed walls. The calculated maximum
lateral drifts were used as basic information for the development of the new method.
Through the development process, the significance of both plan configuration and
shear wall openings were emphasized as they affect the overall seismic performance
of a building through building mass, lateral stiffnesses, and eccentricities. Within the
study range, single-family dwellings with two stories, a larger percentage of openings,
and having a garage door were shown to be more vulnerable to seismic events. Plan
configuration and shear wall openings were important features especially in houses
located in high 1 (0.5g ≤ S[subscript a] < 1.0g) and high 2 (1.0g ≤ S[subscript a] < 1.5g) seismicity regions, as
they could potentially lead to severe damage. For low and moderate seismicity, the
performance ranges from satisfying the collapse prevention limit to the immediate
occupancy limit.
The developed piRVS (plan irregularity Rapid Visual Screening) takes into
consideration the shape of the floor plan, number of stories, base rectangular area,
percent cutoff, and openings from doors/windows and garage doors, and supports
evaluation at the immediate occupancy (IO), life safety (LS), and collapse prevention
(CP) performance levels. The piRVS provides relatively more conservative
assessment results than FEMA 154 and ASCE 31 Tier 1. Its prediction for the two
applicable Northridge earthquake damage samples is reasonable. This method will
help architects, engineers, building officials, and trained inspectors in examining the
expected seismic performance of shear walls, considering the effects of plan
irregularity in wood-frame, single-family dwellings / Graduation date: 2012
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"Walloped" by the weather? Deflections, diversions, and dubious representations of women in climate change discourseBrinker, Rachel K. 24 May 2012 (has links)
Research shows that women's lives are disproportionately impacted by the effects of climate change. While the topic of women is largely absent from climate discourse overall, the representations of women that occur reveal underlying structures of power rooted in imperialism and colonial dominance. This thesis presents an analysis of the ways in which the category "woman" is constructed in climate change discourse by utilizing data from the micro-blogging site Twitter.com in the 60 days surrounding the 17th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP17) in 2011. The findings of this research are that women are represented through imageries of violence and victimization, while simultaneously constructed as mythical heroines/warriors who will defend and save humanity from this global threat. Using transnational and postcolonial feminist theory, I critique these representations and examine the function and consequences of the narrow representations of women in climate change discourse. Based on the findings, this thesis suggests that a shift towards the discursive feminization of climate change could occur in the future, wherein the ways in which climate change is viewed and responded to may move from the current frame of governability, commodification, and securitization, to a frame that sees climate change as a "women's issue." Feminist intervention into climate change discourse is greatly lacking, and this thesis argues that feminist engagement with the problem of climate change is necessary for gender justice in our climate-altered world. / Graduation date: 2012
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Performance-based seismic design of light-frame shearwallsKim, Jun Hee 22 December 2003 (has links)
Performance-based design has gained interest in recent years among
structural designers and researchers. Performance-based design includes selection
of appropriate building sites, structural systems and configurations, as well as
analytical procedures used in the design process, to confirm that the structure has
adequate strength, stiffness and energy dissipation capacity to respond to the
design loads without exceeding permissible damage states. Although performance-based
seismic design has advanced for some materials and structural types, such as
steel and reinforced concrete buildings and bridges, its application to light-frame
structures remains largely unexplored.
The objective of this research was to explore the potential for the
application of performance-based engineering concepts to the design and
assessment of woodframe structures subject to earthquakes. Nonlinear dynamic
time-history analysis was used to predict the performance of shearwalls
considering a suite of scaled characteristic ordinary ground motions to represent
the seismic hazard. Sensitivity studies were performed to investigate the relative
effects of damping, sheathing properties, fastener type and spacing, panel layout,
and other properties on the performance of wood shearwalls. In addition, the
effects of uncertainty in ground motions and variability in sheathing-to-framing
connection hysteretic parameters were investigated. Issues such as the contribution
of nonstructural finish materials, different seismic hazard regions, and construction
quality also were investigated and modification factors to adjust peak displacement
distributions were developed. The peak displacement distributions were then used
to construct performance curves and design charts as a function of seismic weights
for two baseline walls. Finally, fragility curves were developed for the baseline
walls considering different nailing schedules, corresponding allowable seismic
weights, and various overstrength (R) factors. / Graduation date: 2004
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