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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nota editorial

Kaulicke, Peter 10 April 2018 (has links)
EditorialThe text doesn't have an abstract / El texto no presenta resumen

La etnia guayacundo en la sierra piurana

Espinoza Soriano, Waldemar 10 April 2018 (has links)
The "Guayacundo" Ethnos in the Highland of PiuraThe Guayacundo were an atuncuracazgo, or macroethnia, during the Late Intermediate Period and Late Horizon. Their location corresponds to the space occupied by the counties of Ayabaca and Huancabamba, in Piura. Their culture was greatly influenced by peoples from the forest, such as the Paltas, Caluas and Malacatos, located to the north and the northeast. Guayacundo was a chiefdom of sedentary towns, dedicated to agriculture and diverse crafts, organized in a politically structured space with permanent contact with both the coast and the tropical forest. The Guayacundo were conquered by Tupac Yupanqui who, among other things, founded the urban establishment of Caxas, in the lands of Coyayca. The guayacundos became part of the Tahuantinsuyo in capacity of loyal servants of the Inca, who trusted them with positions of responsibility in the service of the state. / Los guayacundo formaron un atuncuracazgo o macroetnia durante el Periodo Intermedio Tardío y el Horizonte Tardío. Su ubicación corresponde al espacio actualmente ocupado por las provincias de Ayabaca y Huancabamba, en el departamento de Piura. Su cultura tuvo una gran influencia selvática, al igual que los paltas, caluas y malacatos, localizados al norte y al noreste. Guayacundo fue un señorío de pueblos sedentarios, dedicados a la agricultura y a diversas artesanías, organizados en un espacio políticamente estructurado y con permanente contacto con costa y selva. Fueron conquistados por Túpac Yupanqui, quien, entre otras cosas, fundó el asentamiento urbano de Caxas, en las tierras de Coyayca. Los guayacundos pasaron a formar parte del Tahuantinsuyo en calidad de leales servidores de los incas, los que les confiaron cargos de responsabilidad a favor del Estado.

From The Mountain To The Sea: Exchange Between The South-Central Highlands And The South Coast During The Early Horizon Period / De la montaña al mar: intercambio entre la sierra centro-sur y la costa sur durante el Horizonte Temprano

Young, Michelle 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article reviews the evidence of the exchange of obsidian and cinnabar, highly coveted resources that traveled in prehistoric Peru from the south-central highlands to the Paracas culture area. The evidence for exchange of these materials is compared with evidence of cultural exchange between the coast and the south-central highlands, focusing on ceramic materials uncovered from excavations at the archaeological site Atalla, located in the region of Huancavelica, Peru. The article argues that the south-central highlands were integral to the obsidian and cinnabar exchange networks of the south coast. In particular, the site of Atalla, a regional ceremonial center connected to the Early Horizon interaction networks, was connected economically to the south coast and participated in the regional interaction sphere of the south-central highlands, but also maintained very strong cultural connections with the center of Chavín de Huántar. It is also suggested that the nature of the interactions between the Paracas society and those of the south-central highlands varied depending on the region; the interaction between Paracas and Atalla seems to have concentrated mainly on economic and non-cultural exchange, whereas sites such as Campanayuq Rumi from the Ayacucho region demonstrate evidence of Paracas cultural influence. Some possible mechanisms which might explain the observed variability in exchange patterns are explored. / Este artículo examina la evidencia sobre el intercambio de obsidiana y cinabrio, recursos altamente codiciados que viajaron en la prehistoria del Perú, desde la sierra centro-sur a la zona de la sociedad Paracas. La evidencia del intercambiode estos materiales se compara con evidencia de intercambio cultural entre la costa sur y la sierra centro-sur, material cerámico descubierto de excavaciones en el sitio arqueológico Atalla, ubicado en la región de Huancavelica, Perú. El artículo sostiene que la sierra centro-sur era parte integral de las redes de intercambio de obsidiana y cinabrio de la costa sur. En particular, el sitio de Atalla, un centro ceremonial regional conectado a las redes de interacción del Horizonte Temprano, estaba conectado económicamente con la costa sur y participaba en la esfera de interacción regional de la sierra centro-sur, pero mantuvo conexiones culturales muy fuertes con el centro de Chavín de Huántar También se sugiere que la naturaleza de las interacciones entre la sociedad de Paracas y las de la sierra centro-sur varió según la región; la interacción entre Paracas y Atalla parece concentrarse principalmente en el intercambio económico y no cultural, mientras que sitios como Campanayuq Rumi, de la región de Ayacucho, demuestran evidencia de la influencia cultural de Paracas.Se exploran algunos posibles mecanismos que podrían explicar la variabilidad observada en los patrones de intercambio.

Robust and stochastic MPC of uncertain-parameter systems

Fleming, James January 2016 (has links)
Constraint handling is difficult in model predictive control (MPC) of linear differential inclusions (LDIs) and linear parameter varying (LPV) systems. The designer is faced with a choice of using conservative bounds that may give poor performance, or accurate ones that require heavy online computation. This thesis presents a framework to achieve a more flexible trade-off between these two extremes by using a state tube, a sequence of parametrised polyhedra that is guaranteed to contain the future state. To define controllers using a tube, one must ensure that the polyhedra are a sub-set of the region defined by constraints. Necessary and sufficient conditions for these subset relations follow from duality theory, and it is possible to apply these conditions to constrain predicted system states and inputs with only a little conservatism. This leads to a general method of MPC design for uncertain-parameter systems. The resulting controllers have strong theoretical properties, can be implemented using standard algorithms and outperform existing techniques. Crucially, the online optimisation used in the controller is a convex problem with a number of constraints and variables that increases only linearly with the length of the prediction horizon. This holds true for both LDI and LPV systems. For the latter it is possible to optimise over a class of gain-scheduled control policies to improve performance, with a similar linear increase in problem size. The framework extends to stochastic LDIs with chance constraints, for which there are efficient suboptimal methods using online sampling. Sample approximations of chance constraint-admissible sets are generally not positively invariant, which motivates the novel concept of ‘sample-admissible' sets with this property to ensure recursive feasibility when using sampling methods. The thesis concludes by introducing a simple, convex alternative to chance-constrained MPC that applies a robust bound to the time average of constraint violations in closed-loop.

Contextual information aided target tracking and path planning for autonomous ground vehicles

Ding, Runxiao January 2016 (has links)
Recently, autonomous vehicles have received worldwide attentions from academic research, automotive industry and the general public. In order to achieve a higher level of automation, one of the most fundamental requirements of autonomous vehicles is the capability to respond to internal and external changes in a safe, timely and appropriate manner. Situational awareness and decision making are two crucial enabling technologies for safe operation of autonomous vehicles. This thesis presents a solution for improving the automation level of autonomous vehicles in both situational awareness and decision making aspects by utilising additional domain knowledge such as constraints and influence on a moving object caused by environment and interaction between different moving objects. This includes two specific sub-systems, model based target tracking in environmental perception module and motion planning in path planning module. In the first part, a rigorous Bayesian framework is developed for pooling road constraint information and sensor measurement data of a ground vehicle to provide better situational awareness. Consequently, a new multiple targets tracking (MTT) strategy is proposed for solving target tracking problems with nonlinear dynamic systems and additional state constraints. Besides road constraint information, a vehicle movement is generally affected by its surrounding environment known as interaction information. A novel dynamic modelling approach is then proposed by considering the interaction information as virtual force which is constructed by involving the target state, desired dynamics and interaction information. The proposed modelling approach is then accommodated in the proposed MTT strategy for incorporating different types of domain knowledge in a comprehensive manner. In the second part, a new path planning strategy for autonomous vehicles operating in partially known dynamic environment is suggested. The proposed MTT technique is utilized to provide accurate on-board tracking information with associated level of uncertainty. Based on the tracking information, a path planning strategy is developed to generate collision free paths by not only predicting the future states of the moving objects but also taking into account the propagation of the associated estimation uncertainty within a given horizon. To cope with a dynamic and uncertain road environment, the strategy is implemented in a receding horizon fashion.

Construindo histórias de leitura : a leitura dialógica enquanto elemento de articulação no interior de uma "biblioteca vivida" /

Ferreira, Eliane Aparecida Galvão Ribeiro. January 2009 (has links)
Possui anexo em volume separado / Orientador: João Luís Cardoso Tápias Ceccantini / Banca: Odil José de Oliveira Filho / Banca: Raquel Lazzari Leite Barbosa / Banca: Juliana Silvia Loyola / Banca: José Batista de Sales / Resumo: O trabalho é resultado de uma pesquisa, desenvolvida durante três anos, direcionada para o ensino de literatura e para a formação do leitor no âmbito escolar. Como objetivo geral, buscouse refletir sobre como se forma o leitor e como vão se articulando escolhas e preferências por determinados autores e determinadas obras. A partir do desenvolvimento dessa pesquisa, pôde-se realizar um levantamento do repertório de obras lidas, no período de 1998 a 2000, por alunos de 5ª, 6ª e 7ª séries, em três modalidades de leitura - opcional, proposta pela professora, e opcional entre uma série de obra(s) de autor(es) indicado(s) pela professora -, bem como diagnosticar quais são as consideradas por eles como atraentes. Entre as consideradas mais atraentes, analisou-se nesta tese a obra Harry Potter e a pedra filosofal, de J. K. Rowling, que obteve o maior índice de aceitação entre as obras pertencentes à modalidade de leitura proposta pela professora. A análise, pautada pela estética da recepção, objetivou detectar o horizonte de expectativa dos alunos, por meio da recepção da obra. Concomitante às obras eleitas pelos alunos, desenvolveu-se um trabalho embasado nos princípios construtivistas, voltado para a leitura de textos diversos de diferentes autores, com o objetivo de lhes possibilitar a ampliação de seu horizonte de expectativa. Para tanto, trabalhou-se com o conceito de leitor estético, privilegiando, como metodologia de leitura, o ato de ler como exercício de comparações artísticas e culturais que o texto carrega. / Abstract: This work is the result of an investigation, developed for three years, targeted to the literature teaching and to train the reader in the school environment. As a general objective, with this work was searched to reflect on how the reader is trained and the choices and preferences are articulated by certain authors and certain works. From the development of this research, it was able to realize a survey of the repertoire of works read from 1998 to 2000 by students in the 5th, 6th and 7th grades, as well as diagnosing which works are attractively regarded by them. Among those considered the most attractive, it was examined in this thesis the work Harry Potter and the philosopher's Stone by J. K. Rowling, elected in the modality: reading proposed by the teacher. The analysis, based on the aesthetic reception, aimed to detect the horizon of the students' expectation, by means of the work reception. Concomitant to the works selected by the students, it was developed a work based on the constructivist principles towards reading of several texts by different authors in order to make them to broaden their horizon of expectation. For that, it was used the aesthetic reader concept, privileging, as the reading methodology, the reading act as an exercise of artistic and cultural comparisons which the text brings in itself. / Doutor

Razões, sentimentos e projetos profissionais: experiência dos vestibulandosas (Vitória, ES, 2009 - 2010) / Reasons, feelings and professional projects: experiences of high school students (Vitória,ES, year 2009-2010)

Luciane Infantini da Rosa Almeida 27 July 2010 (has links)
Dar nitidez aos sentimentos e razões que emergem das experiências dos vestibulandos de Vitória-ES, entre 2009-2010, e que os movem em direção a seus projetos profissionais é objetivo deste trabalho. A noção de projeto aqui utilizada (VELHO, 1999) afasta-se da clássica compreensão liberal do ser humano, autônomo, livre e único, responsável por seus sucessos e fracassos, subjacente a estudos sobre escolha profissional. A ideia proposta é que campo de experiências dos sujeitos marca seus projetos profissionais, mas que suas condutas deliberadas, não necessariamente racionais, expõem certas expectativas de vida, quaisquer que sejam as posições sociais desses sujeitos. Para o exame dessas expectativas, esses sujeitos foram vistos em suas relações sociais - nas interseções de classes, gênero, de cor da pele, de gerações, etc. Reconheceu-se, ainda, que razões e sentimentos (WILLIAMS, 1969), também forjam projetos profissionais de sujeitos sob diversas condições sociais e apesar delas. Por considerar que esses projetos portam manifestações humanas, nem sempre perceptíveis e tantas vezes encobertas, a metáfora do rizoma (DELEUZE; GUATTARI, 2004), foi de utilidade metodológica. Alguns indícios (GINZBURG, 2007), sugeriram caminhos de pesquisa e alguns dos significados aos sujeitos para que esses projetos pudessem ser detectados. A perspectiva da longa duração histórica e dos tempos múltiplos presidiu o exame de trajetórias selecionadas de um conjunto de sujeitos pesquisados entre os anos 2009-2010, o que favoreceu a percepção de continuidades históricas, mas também a ocorrência de mudanças de certas tendências sociais. Dois cursos de pré-vestibular, um público e um privado, em Vitória, ES, nessa conjuntura, mostraram um pouco da pluralidade de expectativas de diferentes jovens - pobres, de classes média e alta, homens e mulheres, brancos, negros e pardos, mais novos e mais velhos em relação ao ensino superior presente em seus projetos profissionais. Razões e sentimentos que os movem e que se movem, nem sempre examinados em estudos sobre a matéria, foram expostos. Contribuições de Elias (1990), de R. Williams (1969), de Bourdieu (2003, 2009), de E. P. Thompson (2002), de Löwy (1990), entre outros, apoiaram evidências de que as relações indivíduo e sociedade, sempre plurais e complexas, expressam apenas partes de seus sentidos civilizadores. Para reduzir incertezas, recorreu-se a dados macrossociais e microssociais (REVEL, 1998). Entrevistas com tais jovens e coordenadores de seus cursos, observações advindas de dinâmica de grupo e, também, exame de publicações oficiais, de periódicos de divulgação de matéria sobre vestibular, entre 2009-2010, situaram um trato de escalas analíticas de difícil exercício. Para além das relações de classes, gênero, cor da pele, geração etc., pode-se concluir que esses sujeitos, por razões e sentimentos variados, com seus projetos profissionais, tanto se deslocam de suas posições sociais de origem como as mantêm, mas todos, em suas novas experiências e de diferentes modos, também se preparam para atuar sobre os sentidos civilizadores de seu tempo. / Provide clarity to the feelings and reasons that emerge from the experiences of the students in Vitória-ES, between 2009-2010, and what move them toward their professional projects is the goal of this work. The notion of design used here (Velho, 1999) differs from the classical liberal understanding of human being, autonomous, free and unique, responsible for their successes and failures, underlie to studies on "career choice". The proposed idea is that the field experiences of the subjects mark their professional projects, but their deliberate conduct, not necessarily rational, expose certain life expectations, whatever is the social position of these individuals. To test these expectations, these subjects were seen in their social relations on the intersections of class, gender, ethnicity, generations, etc. It was recognized also that the reasons and feelings (WILLIAMS, 1969) also forge professional projects of subjects under different social conditions and in spite of them. Considering that these projects carry human manifestations not always visible, often covered, the metaphor of "rhizome" (DELEUZE; GUATTARI, 2004) was useful as methodology. Evidences (GINZBURG, 2007) suggested research paths and some of the meanings attributed by those subject to these projects could be detected. The prospect of long-term historical and multiple times chaired the examination of trajectories of a selected group of subjects studied between the years 2009-2010, which favored the perception of historical continuities, but also the occurrence of certain changes in social trends. Two pre-university courses, one public and one private, in Vitória, ES, at this juncture, showed a bit of a plurality of different expectations of young people - poor, middle and upper classes, men and women, whites, blacks and browns, younger and older in relation to high school - present in their professional projects. Reasons and feelings that move them and that move is not always considered in studies on the subject, were exposed. Contributions of Elias (1990), Williams (1969), Bourdieu (2003, 2009), E. P. Thompson (2002), Löwy (1990), among others, supported evidences that the relation between individual and society, always plural and complex, express only parts of their civilizing senses. To reduce uncertainties, it was used macro and micro data (Revel, 1998). Interviews with these teenagers and advisers, observations from group dynamics and also examination of official publications, periodicals to disseminate material on vestibular, between 2009-2010, were located a tract of analytical scales difficult to exercise. Apart from relations of class, gender, skin color, generation, etc., is possible to conclude that these subjects, for reasons and various feelings, with their professional projects, move are not from their social origin, but all of them, in their new experiences and different ways, also prepare themselves to act on the senses civilizing of his time.

Vertikály krajiny / Vertical motives of landscape

HORYNOVÁ, Alžběta January 2010 (has links)
This final work is practically oriented. It consists of painting series of eight landscapes with vertical themes. These are large format oil paintings. In the theoretical part I deal with the current perception of the relationship between man and land, which is based on the current concepts of landscape-painting. The examples of contemporary Czech landscape show some topics that have appeared in the last forty years. For example it is a landscape as a specific interface and abstract paintings, a landscape inside us, a landscape of our civilization. The thesis also discusses vertical motif, which marks the space between the two main elements of the landscape ? the sky and land, which is a fundamental area of human existence.

Monumental Architecture of Late Intermediate Period Cuzco: Continuities of Ritual Reciprocity and Statecraft between the Middle and Late Horizons / Arquitectura monumental en el Cuzco del Periodo Intermedio Tardío: evidencias de continuidades en la reciprocidad ritual y el manejo administrativo entre los horizontes Medio y Tardío

McEwan, Gordon, Gibaja, Arminda, Chatfield, Melissa 10 April 2018 (has links)
The culture history of the valley of Cuzco prior to the rise of the Incas is being revealed by twelve years of fieldwork at the site of Chokepukio. Located in the Lucre Basin at the eastern end of the valley, Chokepukio contains the only surviving monumental architecture of Late Intermediate Period Cuzco. Excavations in a series of large niched structures on the site reveals that they functioned as feasting halls. Quantities of polychrome ceramic serving and feasting vessels and high quality sumptuary goods reveal that elite individuals were involved in the rituals and feasts carried out there. The presence of elaborate water works and human burials in the halls seems to suggest that they functioned as lineage halls for feasting ancestors. The plan of the architecture and overall structure of the site together with radiocarbon dating suggests that a complex polity was centered at Chokepukio for three to four centuries between the fall of the Wari Empire and the rise of the Incas. This polity provided an essential continuity of statecraft and preserved infrastructure. The Incas’ meteoric rise was surely due to their genesis in a more politically complex environment than previously believed. / El proceso de la historia cultural del valle del Cuzco antes del ascenso de los incas está saliendo a la luz gracias a 12 años de trabajo de campo en el sitio de Chokepukio. Ubicado en la cuenca de Lucre, en el extremo este del valle, Chokepukio contiene la única arquitectura monumental superviviente del Periodo Intermedio Tardío en el Cuzco. Las excavaciones en una serie de grandes estructuras con nichos revelan que estas funcionaron como galpones destinados para rituales y fiestas. La presencia de cantidades de vasijas polícromas de servicio y ceremoniales, así como de bienes suntuarios de alta calidad demuestran que individuos de elite se vieron involucrados en diversos actos rituales y festines realizados en ese lugar. De la misma manera, la presencia de obras hidráulicas elaboradas y entierros humanos en los muros parecen sugerir que estos tuvieron la función de edificios propios de linajes para rendir culto a sus ancestros. El plano de planta de la arquitectura y la estructura general, así como los fechados radiocarbónicos aluden a que una entidad política compleja tuvo su sede en Chokepukio durante tres o cuatro siglos entre la caída del imperio wari y el ascenso de los incas. Esta entidad política proporciona un caso de continuidad esencial en el manejo administrativo y una infraestructura preservada. El ascenso meteórico de los incas se debió, con seguridad, a que su génesis se dio en un ambiente políticamente más complejo de lo que se había creído antes.

Broadening Our Horizons: Towards an Interdisciplinary Prehistory of the Andes / Ampliando nuestros horizontes: hacia una prehistoria interdisciplinaria de los Andes

Beresford-Jones, David, Heggarty, Paul 10 April 2018 (has links)
This chapter sets out a new proposal for a coherent interdisciplinary prehistory of the Andes, based firstly on a long overdue reexamination of the relationships between the various regional ‘dialects’ within the Quechua language family; and secondly on the search for a far more satisfactory correlation with the archaeological record.Our founding principle is that language expansions do not ‘just happen’. Rather, they happen only for those very same reasons of socio-cultural change that archaeology seeks to describe through its own, independent data. Here is the true link between our disciplines, so we discard outdated, facile equations of ‘language equals culture equals genes’, in favour of the real correlation: that language families necessarily reflect past expansive processes, whose traces should also be clear in the material culture record. This principle is one that we can make use of to identify and assess correspondences between archaeological and linguistic patterns, on three levels: chronology, geography, and above all, causation. Or in other words: when, where and why did particular language expansions occur?In the Andes, in principle this entails that we should look to the Horizons, not the Intermediate Periods, as offering the most natural explanations for the major Quechua and Aymara dispersals. With the Incas too late to account for the time-depth of either family, the most plausible candidate for the first major expansion of Quechua turns out in our view to be the Wari Middle Horizon, with the Chavín Early Horizon more tentatively suggested as behind the earlier spread of the Aymara family. This effectively both upturns the traditional Torero hypothesis, and bears clear implications for the long debate in archaeology as to the nature, duration and extent of ‘Horizons’. / Este artículo propone una nueva visión de la prehistoria andina, que busca tejer un conjunto mas coherente entre las varias disciplinas que intentan entender el pasado precolombino. Se fundamenta, en primer lugar, en una reexaminación, pendiente ya desde décadas, de la clasificación tradicional de las relaciones entre los diversos "dialectos" regionales al interior de la familia lingüística quechua; y, en segundo lugar, en la búsqueda de una correlación mucho más satisfactoria con el registro arqueológico.El nuevo enfoque que aquí proponemos se enraíza en el principio fundamental que si algunas lenguas mayores han logrado dispersarse de manera espectacular, esto no pudo haber ocurrido sin ningún motivo. Más bien, tales expansiones lingüísticas se deben a las mismas razones —es decir, los mismos cambios socioculturales— que la arqueología también busca describir por medio de sus propios datos independientes. Allí radica el auténtico vínculo entre nuestras disciplinas, de manera que podemos descartar las ecuaciones simplistas y obsoletas del estilo "lengua=cultura=genes", en favor de la correlación verdadera: las familias de lenguas reflejan procesos expansivos pasados, cuyos indicios deberían quedar claros también en el registro de la cultura material. Este principio se aprovecha para identificar y evaluar las correspondencias entre los patrones arqueológicos y lingüísticos, y así en tres niveles: la cronología, la geografía y, sobre todo, la causalidad. En otras palabras: ¿cuando, dónde y porqué se difundieron determinadas lenguas?En los Andes esto implica que en principio debemos ver a los horizontes, y no a los periodos intermedios, como los que ofrecen las explicaciones más naturales para las dispersiones mayores del quechua y el aimara. Ya que el Imperio incaico remonta a una época demasiado tardía las explicaciones de la profundidad temporal de cada familia, es más bien el Horizonte Medio Wari el que se vuelve el candidato más verosímil para haber vehiculizado la primera gran expansión del quechua, según nuestro parecer. Asimismo, aunque de manera más tentativa, se sugiere que el Horizonte Temprano Chavín pudo haber impulsado la dispersión más temprana de la familia aimara. Esto, en efecto, trastoca la hipótesis tradicional de Torero, además de conllevar claras implicancias para el largo debate arqueológico acerca de la naturaleza, duración y extensión de los "horizontes".

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