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The Economics of Sin: Rational Choice or No Choice at all?Cameron, Samuel January 2002 (has links)
No / The Economics of Sin examines the definition and evolution of sin from the perspective of rational choice economics, yet is conscious of the limitations of such an approach. The author argues that because engaging in activities deemed to be sinful is an act of choice, it can therefore be subject to the logic of choice in the economic model.
The book considers the formation of religions, including the new age revival of `wicca¿, as regulators of the quasi-market in sins, and goes on to appraise the role of specific sins such as lying, envy, jealousy, greed, lust, sloth, and waste in individual markets and in macroeconomic activity. Empirical evidence on issues such as cannibalism, capital punishment, addiction, adultery and prostitution is also explored. Samuel Cameron concludes that a large percentage of economic activity is intimately connected with forms of sin which are in some circumstances highly beneficial to the functioning of markets, particularly in the presence of market failure.
This innovative, interdisciplinary study of the institution of sin will be of enormous interest to a wide-ranging readership, including researchers and teachers of economics, sociology and theology. It will also be of importance for anthropologists and philosophers.
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Förmågan att spegla känslor, avslöja lögner och gradera säkerhet : finns det ett samband dem emellan?Alm, Annelie January 2011 (has links)
Underlättar kongruens mellan sinnestillstånd och påstående (vad gäller dess värdeladdning) vid bedömning av ett påståendes sanningshalt? Denna fråga uppkom via studier av embodiment och lögner, forskning från de båda områdena påvisar nämligen att olika ”kroppsliga signaler” kan hjälpa oss att avslöja om andra människor ljuger. Frågan har undersökts via en faktoriell design med repeterade mätningar där deltagarna försattes i olika sinnestillstånd varpå de utsattes för olika stimuli och fick göra olika bedömningar. Resultatet visade att kongruenta betingelser varken underlättar eller påskyndar vid bedömning av ett påståendes sanningshalt, däremot erhölls ett signifikant resultat som indikerade att kongruenta betingelser ökar människans konfidensnivå (högre grad av säkerhet vad gäller att en korrekt bedömning gjorts) vid bedömning av falska påståenden.
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Housing sexuality: domestic space and the development of female sexuality in the fiction of Angela Carter and Jeanette WintersonCantrell, Samantha E. 29 August 2005 (has links)
A repeated theme in the fiction of Angela Carter and Jeanette Winterson is the use of domestic space as a tool for defining socially acceptable versions of female sexuality. Four novels that crystallize this theme are the focus of this
dissertation: Winterson??s Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit (1985) and Art and Lies (1994) and Carter??s The Magic Toyshop (1967) and Nights at the Circus (1984). Each chapter examines both authors?? treatments of a specific room in the
house. Chapter II, "Parlor Games: Spatial Literacy in Formal Rooms," discusses how rooms used for formal occasions project a desirable public image of a family. More insidiously, however, the rooms protect the sexual order of the household, which often privileges male sexuality. Using the term spatial literacy to describe how characters interpret rooms, the chapter argues that characters with a high spatial literacy can detect not only the overt messages of these
formal rooms, but also what underlies those messages. Chapter III, "Making Meals, Breaking Deals: Mothers, Daughters, and Kitchens," discusses the kitchen as the site of the production of domestic comfort. An analysis of who
has primary responsibility for the production of comfort and whose comfort is privileged often reveals the power hierarchy of a given household. The chapter also examines the kitchen as a volatile space that can erupt with violence and the expression of repressed emotions and repressed sexuality. Finally, the kitchen is analyzed as a space of intimacy between mothers and daughters. Chapter IV, "Bedtime Stories: Assaulting Sexuality in the Bedroom," argues that the privacy of the adolescent bedroom is often disrupted by the surveillance of family members trying to control the sexual identity of the room??s occupant. The chapter also examines how social prescriptions encourage women to tolerate the interruption of their privacy. Each of the protagonists from these four novels has
opportunities to learn about subverting the discursive constructions of domestic space, and several characters enact that subversion. This ability for subversion suggests the possibility for agency, a possibility that postmodernist thought often rejects, but one that Carter and Winterson allow.
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Modificacions de les Propietats Fisicoquímiques de les "Lies" de Segona Fermentació durant la Criança del CavaGallardo Chacón, Joan Josep 15 July 2010 (has links)
Els caves són vins escumosos que es distingeixen per la seva criança particular en contacte amb els llevats de la segona fermentació per un període no inferior a 9 mesos. Com més es perllonga la criança, se suposa una millor qualitat del vi. Així, la categoria “Gran Reserva” implica com a mínim 30 mesos d’envelliment en rima. Tanmateix, encara no s'han esclarit els mecanismes que involucren l’autòlisi amb la qualitat organolèptica dels vins escumosos.
En aquest treball s’ha proposat identificar possibles mecanismes que expliquin la relació entre la criança del vi escumós en contacte amb les lies i el temps d’envelliment. Per fer-ho, s'han avaluat els canvis a les propietats fisicoquímiques de les lies atenent a les seves modificacions ultraestructurals al llarg de la criança i s'ha estudiat la capacitat de les lies per retenir compostos volàtils que participen en l’aroma del vi, així com la seva possible intervenció en la protecció del vi enfront de l’oxidació.
Les propietats fisicoquímiques de les lies estudiades han estat: hidrofobicitat, capacitat electródonador i electró-receptor i potencial “Xi”; les quals varien amb el període de criança del cava. A més, aquests canvis s'han relacionat amb les modificacions morfològiques de les cèl•lules.
Així, les lies de segona fermentació pateixen profunds canvis a la seva ultraestructura al llarg de la rima, els quals impliquen a tots els orgànuls cel•lulars. Es desestructura profundament el citoplasma i desapareixen els orgànuls. La membrana plasmàtica es trenca, augmenta l’espai periplasmàtic i la paret perd progressivament la part amorfa de la seva estructura, relacionada amb el glucà, i exposa la capa fribril•lar interna, relacionada amb les mannoproteïnes. A més, sembla que el vi on es duu a terme la segona fermentació no influeix en la cinètica de degradació del llevat.
Pel que fa a la hidrofobicitat de les cèl•lules de llevats, disminueix amb el temps de rima, i aquesta propietat està relacionada amb el seu caràcter electró-donador i amb l’increment de potencial “Xi” i del caràcter electró-receptor. La davallada de la capacitat per flocular de les lies de segona fermentació sembla ésser deguda a les proteïnes de superfície i estar correlacionada amb la pèrdua de la hidrofobicitat.
Finalment, les lies en contacte amb el vi retenen compostos volàtils que participen a l’aroma del cava. La desestructuració de la paret cel•lular modificarà els compostos volàtils retinguts així com aquells que es remouran durant el procés de degollament del cava. D'altra banda la superfície de les cèl•lules també ha mostrat tenir una capacitat antioxidant similar a la de fruites i vegetals, després d’ésser analitzades mitjançant els mètodes de FRAP i DPPH. Aquesta capacitat es redueix amb el temps de rima. Els polifenols retinguts semblen ésser els majors contribuïdors al poder reductor de les lies, seguits dels tiols i, finalment, dels mannans i glucans. / Aging on lees after second fermentation is a fundamental stage in the production of some high quality sparkling wines by the traditional method, and it results in an increase in product richness and roundness. During this ageing, lees interact with the wine and undergo important modifications to their structure, due to the self-degradation process known as autolysis.
Cell wall biochemical components confer physicochemical surface properties that enable yeasts and lees to interact among them and with other compounds. These interactions are mainly referred to lees sorptive properties toward organic compounds, to the protective effect of lees toward wine oxidation, and to their flocculation capacity.
Yeast lees have shown the capacity to interact with wine organic compounds such as volatiles and polyphenols. The sorption capacity of yeast surface seems to be related to both chemical properties of the sorbed substances and cell surface characteristics. These sorptive phenomena are thought to influence the chemical composition of wines during their ageing on lees.
The phenomena related with the antioxidant properties of yeast cells is other feature with relevance in wine technology. Lees’ antioxidant properties could be attributed to three main mechanisms: The action of enzymes and biomolecules released during autolysis, the effects of membrane lipids and by means of elements in cell wall (constitutional or retained during aging).
Finally, Flocculation capacity is especially important in the production of sparkling wine by the méthode champenoise, in which the yeast cells can only be removed from the bottle by being settled. The flocculation seems to be related with the presence of flocculins (surface proteins), calcium and mannose. Moreover, the behaviour of cells seems strongly conditioned by their cell surface physicochemical properties. The changes in lees wall structure caused by the autolytic process during sparkling wine ageing could induce relevant modifications in the cell surface structure and physicochemical characteristics and thus in the above mentioned lees properties.
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Ações afirmativas na FACED/UFRGS : um estudo a partir dos alunos que acessam o LIESPretto, Flavio Luiz January 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação trata das Ações Afirmativas na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). A pesquisa foi embasada na modalidade de pesquisa qualitativa que através da observação participante possibilitou a coleta de dados contidos em nove entrevistas de alunos cotistas do curso de Pedagogia da Faculdade de Educação que acessam o Laboratório de Informática do Ensino superior – LIES. A história desses alunos nos cursos da UFRGS e, portanto, em Pedagogia se inicia no concurso vestibular de 2008, quando começa a vigorar o sistema de reserva de vagas – Programa de Ações Afirmativas - aprovado pelo CONSUN em 29/06/2007. É um estudo de caso que pretende compreender como acontece o acesso e a permanência desse aluno, principalmente no Curso de Pedagogia da Faculdade de Educação da UFRGS. Também busca-se entender o papel do LIES/FACED, enquanto facilitador da democratização do acesso ao conhecimento. O embasamento teórico constitui-se de autores como Brandão (2006), Streck (2012), Orlandi (2012), Santos (2008) e Freire (1981). Os discursos dos sujeitos da pesquisa foram analisados tendo como inspiração a ecologia de saberes de Boaventura de S. Santos e os ensinamentos de Paulo Freire. Nas análises o que ficou destacado é que as histórias desses alunos sempre foram marcadas pela vontade de vencer, ultrapassar os limites impostos pela condição social tanto em suas vidas em comunidade quanto no meio acadêmico, que agora faz parte de suas realidades. Por outro lado, os dados conseguidos nos depoimentos nos levam a constatar que os programas de assistência estudantil ainda não são suficientes para atender as necessidades da maioria dos entrevistados. Concluiu-se que ainda persiste a necessidade de refletir sobre o acesso, a permanência, a formação e a conclusão da educação superior, não só para os alunos cotistas, mas para todos os alunos do curso de pedagogia e, também como o LIES/FACED poderá ser um facilitador nessa empreitada ao democratizar o acesso ao conhecimento. Desse modo, a implantação do Programa de Ações Afirmativas na UFRGS ainda se constitui em uma conquista social parcial, pois há limites tanto no acesso, quanto na acolhida mais inclusiva dos alunos cotistas. / The following dissertation deals about affirmative actions at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).The research was based on the particular type of qualitative research that, through participant observation, enabled the collection of data contained in nine interviews with quota students from the Pedagogy Course of the Faculty of Education (FACED) that access the Higher education's Computer Lab - LIES. The history of these students in the faculty began in the college entrance exam of 2008, when it started to rule the system that reserve vacancies - Program of affirmative action's - approved by the CONSUN in 29/06/2007. It is a case study that aims to understand how occur the access and the permanence of this student, especially in the Pedagogy Course from the Faculty of Education of UFRGS. It also seek to understand the role of LIES/FACED, as a facilitator of the democratization of access to knowledge. The theoretical basis consists of authors like Brandão (2006), Streck (2012), Orlandi (2012), Santos (2008), Freire (19821). The speeches of the research subjects were analyzed taking as inspiration the ecology of knowledge from Boaventura de S. Santos and the teachings of Paulo Freire. In the analysis, what was most noticed is that the stories of these students have always been marked by the will to win, to overcome the limits imposed by their social status in both their lives in community and academic, which is now part of their reality? On the other hand the data obtained in the interviews lead us to see that the student assistance programs are not yet sufficient to meet the needs of most respondents. It was concluded that there is still a need to reflect on access, retention, and completion of higher education, not only for quota students, but for all students of pedagogy and also as LIES / FACED can be an enabler in this endeavor to democratize access to knowledge. Thus, the implementation of the Affirmative Action Program at UFRGS still constitutes a partial social achievement as there are limits both in access and in more inclusive welcome of quota students.
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Ações afirmativas na FACED/UFRGS : um estudo a partir dos alunos que acessam o LIESPretto, Flavio Luiz January 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação trata das Ações Afirmativas na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). A pesquisa foi embasada na modalidade de pesquisa qualitativa que através da observação participante possibilitou a coleta de dados contidos em nove entrevistas de alunos cotistas do curso de Pedagogia da Faculdade de Educação que acessam o Laboratório de Informática do Ensino superior – LIES. A história desses alunos nos cursos da UFRGS e, portanto, em Pedagogia se inicia no concurso vestibular de 2008, quando começa a vigorar o sistema de reserva de vagas – Programa de Ações Afirmativas - aprovado pelo CONSUN em 29/06/2007. É um estudo de caso que pretende compreender como acontece o acesso e a permanência desse aluno, principalmente no Curso de Pedagogia da Faculdade de Educação da UFRGS. Também busca-se entender o papel do LIES/FACED, enquanto facilitador da democratização do acesso ao conhecimento. O embasamento teórico constitui-se de autores como Brandão (2006), Streck (2012), Orlandi (2012), Santos (2008) e Freire (1981). Os discursos dos sujeitos da pesquisa foram analisados tendo como inspiração a ecologia de saberes de Boaventura de S. Santos e os ensinamentos de Paulo Freire. Nas análises o que ficou destacado é que as histórias desses alunos sempre foram marcadas pela vontade de vencer, ultrapassar os limites impostos pela condição social tanto em suas vidas em comunidade quanto no meio acadêmico, que agora faz parte de suas realidades. Por outro lado, os dados conseguidos nos depoimentos nos levam a constatar que os programas de assistência estudantil ainda não são suficientes para atender as necessidades da maioria dos entrevistados. Concluiu-se que ainda persiste a necessidade de refletir sobre o acesso, a permanência, a formação e a conclusão da educação superior, não só para os alunos cotistas, mas para todos os alunos do curso de pedagogia e, também como o LIES/FACED poderá ser um facilitador nessa empreitada ao democratizar o acesso ao conhecimento. Desse modo, a implantação do Programa de Ações Afirmativas na UFRGS ainda se constitui em uma conquista social parcial, pois há limites tanto no acesso, quanto na acolhida mais inclusiva dos alunos cotistas. / The following dissertation deals about affirmative actions at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).The research was based on the particular type of qualitative research that, through participant observation, enabled the collection of data contained in nine interviews with quota students from the Pedagogy Course of the Faculty of Education (FACED) that access the Higher education's Computer Lab - LIES. The history of these students in the faculty began in the college entrance exam of 2008, when it started to rule the system that reserve vacancies - Program of affirmative action's - approved by the CONSUN in 29/06/2007. It is a case study that aims to understand how occur the access and the permanence of this student, especially in the Pedagogy Course from the Faculty of Education of UFRGS. It also seek to understand the role of LIES/FACED, as a facilitator of the democratization of access to knowledge. The theoretical basis consists of authors like Brandão (2006), Streck (2012), Orlandi (2012), Santos (2008), Freire (19821). The speeches of the research subjects were analyzed taking as inspiration the ecology of knowledge from Boaventura de S. Santos and the teachings of Paulo Freire. In the analysis, what was most noticed is that the stories of these students have always been marked by the will to win, to overcome the limits imposed by their social status in both their lives in community and academic, which is now part of their reality? On the other hand the data obtained in the interviews lead us to see that the student assistance programs are not yet sufficient to meet the needs of most respondents. It was concluded that there is still a need to reflect on access, retention, and completion of higher education, not only for quota students, but for all students of pedagogy and also as LIES / FACED can be an enabler in this endeavor to democratize access to knowledge. Thus, the implementation of the Affirmative Action Program at UFRGS still constitutes a partial social achievement as there are limits both in access and in more inclusive welcome of quota students.
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Ações afirmativas na FACED/UFRGS : um estudo a partir dos alunos que acessam o LIESPretto, Flavio Luiz January 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação trata das Ações Afirmativas na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). A pesquisa foi embasada na modalidade de pesquisa qualitativa que através da observação participante possibilitou a coleta de dados contidos em nove entrevistas de alunos cotistas do curso de Pedagogia da Faculdade de Educação que acessam o Laboratório de Informática do Ensino superior – LIES. A história desses alunos nos cursos da UFRGS e, portanto, em Pedagogia se inicia no concurso vestibular de 2008, quando começa a vigorar o sistema de reserva de vagas – Programa de Ações Afirmativas - aprovado pelo CONSUN em 29/06/2007. É um estudo de caso que pretende compreender como acontece o acesso e a permanência desse aluno, principalmente no Curso de Pedagogia da Faculdade de Educação da UFRGS. Também busca-se entender o papel do LIES/FACED, enquanto facilitador da democratização do acesso ao conhecimento. O embasamento teórico constitui-se de autores como Brandão (2006), Streck (2012), Orlandi (2012), Santos (2008) e Freire (1981). Os discursos dos sujeitos da pesquisa foram analisados tendo como inspiração a ecologia de saberes de Boaventura de S. Santos e os ensinamentos de Paulo Freire. Nas análises o que ficou destacado é que as histórias desses alunos sempre foram marcadas pela vontade de vencer, ultrapassar os limites impostos pela condição social tanto em suas vidas em comunidade quanto no meio acadêmico, que agora faz parte de suas realidades. Por outro lado, os dados conseguidos nos depoimentos nos levam a constatar que os programas de assistência estudantil ainda não são suficientes para atender as necessidades da maioria dos entrevistados. Concluiu-se que ainda persiste a necessidade de refletir sobre o acesso, a permanência, a formação e a conclusão da educação superior, não só para os alunos cotistas, mas para todos os alunos do curso de pedagogia e, também como o LIES/FACED poderá ser um facilitador nessa empreitada ao democratizar o acesso ao conhecimento. Desse modo, a implantação do Programa de Ações Afirmativas na UFRGS ainda se constitui em uma conquista social parcial, pois há limites tanto no acesso, quanto na acolhida mais inclusiva dos alunos cotistas. / The following dissertation deals about affirmative actions at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).The research was based on the particular type of qualitative research that, through participant observation, enabled the collection of data contained in nine interviews with quota students from the Pedagogy Course of the Faculty of Education (FACED) that access the Higher education's Computer Lab - LIES. The history of these students in the faculty began in the college entrance exam of 2008, when it started to rule the system that reserve vacancies - Program of affirmative action's - approved by the CONSUN in 29/06/2007. It is a case study that aims to understand how occur the access and the permanence of this student, especially in the Pedagogy Course from the Faculty of Education of UFRGS. It also seek to understand the role of LIES/FACED, as a facilitator of the democratization of access to knowledge. The theoretical basis consists of authors like Brandão (2006), Streck (2012), Orlandi (2012), Santos (2008), Freire (19821). The speeches of the research subjects were analyzed taking as inspiration the ecology of knowledge from Boaventura de S. Santos and the teachings of Paulo Freire. In the analysis, what was most noticed is that the stories of these students have always been marked by the will to win, to overcome the limits imposed by their social status in both their lives in community and academic, which is now part of their reality? On the other hand the data obtained in the interviews lead us to see that the student assistance programs are not yet sufficient to meet the needs of most respondents. It was concluded that there is still a need to reflect on access, retention, and completion of higher education, not only for quota students, but for all students of pedagogy and also as LIES / FACED can be an enabler in this endeavor to democratize access to knowledge. Thus, the implementation of the Affirmative Action Program at UFRGS still constitutes a partial social achievement as there are limits both in access and in more inclusive welcome of quota students.
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Poder, violência e mentira à luz do pensamento político de Hannah Arendt / Hannah Arendt´s political thinking on the concepts of power, violence and lieMion Neto, Octacilio 20 September 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-09-20 / This paper objective is to demonstrate the influence of the Hannah Arendt s German political-theoretical thinking around power and on the set of human and social relation that take place relative to political affairs to which we are intrinsically connected. These sets are based on the philosophical, violence and falsehood template generating disastrous consequences to the republic, since the author suffered the distressing experience of totalitarianism and went through rough times thinking of the idea of political domination, what matured her thoughts, making her have a second look at the political notions as conflict, and of political as consensus. Going through the thoughts of authors appraised by her, such as Nicolau Maquiavel, Thomas Hobbes, Karl Marx and Immanuel Kant, thus being important knowledge source for the political thoughts as edification, and in this since establishing a new tradition that brings in power dissimilar from violence. Also being the spokesperson in her time in view of the fact that connects it to the existence and creation of thoughts and ideas on the theme, particularly due to her private, historical experience. Arendt turns her biography into a synopsis on political affairs through writings of philosophical coinages, political philosophy and writings that reached the understanding on ethics that give us the idea that political affairs can be considered as right and communication / O objetivo do presente trabalho foi demonstrar a influência do pensamento da político-teórica alemã Hannah Arendt sobre os meandros do poder e sobre os conjuntos de relações humanas e sociais que se dão com relação à política, e aos quais estamos intrinsecamente ligados, e que se baseiam nas matrizes filosóficas da violência e da mentira, gerando conseqüências desastrosas para a República, uma vez que a autora passou pela experiência assombrosa do totalitarismo e sofreu agruras com a idéia de dominação política, o que amadureceu seu pensamento, fazendo com que acabasse vislumbrando de maneira diferenciada as noções de política como conflito, e de política como consenso, passando pelo pensamento de autores que ela abordou como Nicolau Maquiavel, Thomas Hobbes, Karl Marx e Immanuel Kant, sendo, portanto, importante fonte de conhecimento para o ideário da política como construção, inaugurando uma nova tradição que apresenta o poder como diferente da violência, sendo ainda, porta-voz do seu tempo, uma vez que faz uma conexão entre a existência e a criação de pensamentos e idéias acerca do tema, especialmente em virtude da sua experiência histórica particular. Arendt faz da sua bibliografia um compêndio sobre política, através de obras de cunho filosófico, obras sobre filosofia política e obras que alcançam o entendimento sobre ética, que nos dão a idéia de que a política pode ser considerada como direito e comunicação
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La notion de la faute et le degré de culpabilité dansPhèdre. : Une étude comparative de la faute dans les différentspersonnages de Phèdre dans : Euripide, Sénèque et JeanRacine. / The notion of fault and the degree of culpability in Phaedra : A comparative study of fault in the different characters of Phaedrain: Euripides, Seneca and RacineKaze, Joselyne January 2015 (has links)
L’objectif majeur de ce mémoire est d’étudier la notion de la faute et le degré deculpabilité dans les tragédies inspirées du personnage de Phèdre. Nous allonsanalyser la notion de la faute et ses conséquences dans trois différentes tragédies àsavoir Hippolyte d’Euripide, Phèdre de Sénèque et celle du même titre de JeanRacine. Nous allons faire une étude comparative entre les trois versions enmontrant les ressemblances et les différences dans le traitement de la faute. Enfin,on va voir comment la faute commise volontairement pousse une personne à secondamner elle-même. / The main aim of this thesis is to study the concept of fault and the degree ofculpability in the tragedies inspired of the character Phaedra. We will analyze theconcept of fault and its consequences in the three tragedies namely Hippolytus ofEuripides, Phaedra of Seneca and of the same title by Jean Racine. We will makea comparative study of the three versions by showing the similarities anddifferences in the treatment of the fault. Finally, we will see how the faultcommitted intentionally pushes a person to condemn himself.
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Is Telling the Truth a New Index for Deception? : An Electrophysiological ApproachKoukoura, Angeliki January 2017 (has links)
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