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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Měření geometrie a kinematiky zavěšení s využitím optických scannerů Tritop a Atos / Wheel Alignment and Kinematic Characteristics Measurement with Use of Optical Scanners Tritop and Atos

Dvořák, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused to possibility utilizing of optical scanners TRITOP and ATOS for set up geometry of wheels. In background research are described the most important parameters of wheel suspension and devices for measuring these parameters. Practical part is concerned with progression of measurement, results and with determination coordinates of kinematic points. These points are made 3D model of forward and backward suspension wheels. This model helps to make kinematic characteristics and its progression due to attitude of wheel. In last part is described possibility to utilizing of optical scanner ATOS to common measurement of geometry wheels.

Media frames of artificial intelligence : A comparative study between USA and China

Wartiainen, Michelle January 2020 (has links)
This thesis studies the frequency in which certain views regarding artificial intelligence appear in American and Chinese newspapers. Given the general lack of studies focusing on media frames in the world’s two leading AI superpowers, this thesis contributes to the research on how AI is covered, and how it might relate to the international context. By examining survey data and previous literature, key frames are identified which can be assumed to affect the public’s perception of artificial intelligence. The analytical tool was used in a small-scale quantitative content analysis of 96 newspaper articles. If brief, the results show that the most frequent views of artificial intelligence is expressed in geopolitical, economic, and cultural terms. American newspapers have a higher mention of frames relating to ethics, discrimination and accountability. Furthermore, the results indicate that AI industry products are not as commonly mentioned as previous research have shown. Few articles mentioned artificial intelligence from a dystopian or utopian standpoint. The findings suggest that the reporting about artificial intelligence is not as focused on the AI technologies, but rather how AI as an adopted concept will be a tool, used for national strategies, and hence relevant to include when conducting future studies on artificial intelligence in media.

Kampaň pro zákaz "bojových robotů": vyhlídky regulace autonomních zbraňových systémů / Campaign to stop 'killer robots': prospects of a preemptive ban on autonomous weapons systems

Rosendorf, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
This thesis addresses the issue of autonomous weapons systems and their potential preventive prohibition with regard to current international discussions at multilateral forums such as the Human Rights Council, First Committee of the General Assembly, and Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons at UN. The aim of this thesis is to provide an extensive empirical account of the substance of those discussions and their most likely outcome, estimating state preferences with use of content analysis and the likely outcome with median voter prediction. From a theoretical standpoint, the thesis draws from defensive realism and contributions of arms control, arms trade as well as institutionalist literature from which it draws the concept of legalization. From a methodological standpoint, the thesis relies on quantitative methods, in particular, content analysis for collection of data and median voter theorem for prediction of the likely outcome. In addition, the thesis uses the method of regression analysis to examine states' activity at the aforementioned fora. In conclusion, the thesis finds that the most likely outcome of discussions on autonomous weapons systems is a moderate-obligation form of hybrid regulation, which includes solutions such as framework convention and moratorium. Further finding of...

Vojenské intervence v občanských válkách: role přímých zahraničních investic a intervencí v zastoupení na motivaci intervenovat / Military interventions in civil wars: the role of foreign direct investments and proxy interventions in the motivation to intervene

Klosek, Kamil Christoph January 2019 (has links)
The current international system with its emphasis on state sovereignty was designed to restrain interference in domestic affairs by other states. However, this notion has been repeatedly challenged throughout the past 70 years by states intervening with military instruments in internal armed conflicts. Possible motives that led states to jeopardize the lives of their soldiers and convinced them to bear the costs of interventions have engendered a rich debate in the studies of International Relations and Peace and Conflict Studies. In this dissertation, two arguments based on the logic of the realist theory of international relations are brought forward to augment our understanding of factors contributing to military interventionism. First, it is shown that economic linkages between states transcend the debate on trade and include the effects of foreign direct investment on their willingness to intervene by force. Corporate investment is shown to significantly raise the willingness of states to intervene when existing FDI is endangered by the dynamics unfolding during internal armed conflicts. Second, great powers are apt to harness other states to alter the conflict dynamics in civil wars. Applying the principal-agent framework in combination with the logic of arms trade allows identifying unequal...

Extracting information about arms deals from news articles / Extrahering av information om vapenaffärer från nyhetsartiklar

Hernqvist, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) maintains the most comprehensive publicly available database on international arms deals. Updating this database requires humans to sift through large amounts of news articles, only some of which contain information relevant to the database. To save time, it would be useful to automate a part of this process. In this thesis project we apply ALBERT, a state of the art Pre-trained Language Model for Natural Language Processing (NLP), to the task of determining if a text contains information about arms transfers and extracting that information. In order to train and evaluate the model we also introduce a new dataset of 600 news articles, where information about arms deals is annotated with lables such as Weapon, Buyer, Seller, etc. We achieve an F1-score of 0.81 on the task of determining if an arms deal is present in a text, and an F1-score of 0.77 on determining if a given part of a text has a specific arms deal-related attribute. This is probably not enough to entirely automate SIPRI’s process, but it demonstrates that the approach is feasible. While this paper focuses specifically on arms deals, the methods used can be generalized to extracting other kinds of information. / Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) tillhandahåller den största allmänt tillgängliga databasen med internationella vapenaffärer. För att hålla databasen uppdaterad måste människor sålla igenom stora mängder nyhetsartiklar, varav endast några innehåller information som är relevant för databasen. För att spara tid vore det bra att kunna automatisera en del av den processen. I det här examensarbetet använder vi ALBERT, en maskininlärningsmodell för behandling av naturliga språk (NLP), för att avgöra om en text innehåller information om vapenaffärer och för att extrahera den informationen. För att träna modellen skapar vi också ett dataset med 600 nyhetsartiklar, där information om vapenaffärer finns annoterad med attribut som Vapen, Köpare, Säljare, etc. Vi fick en F1-score på 0.81 på problemet att avgöra om en vapenaffär finns i en text, och en F1-score på 0.77 på problemet att avgöra om en given del av en text har ett specifikt vapenaffärsrelaterat attribut. Resultaten är förmodligen inte bra nog för att helt kunna automatisera SIPRIs process, men de demonstrerar att metoden är lovande. Det här examensarbetet fokuserar specifikt på vapenaffärer, men metoderna kan förmodligen generaliseras för att extrahera andra sorters information.

Värdering av minor för mekaniserad strid / Assessment of landmines in mechanized battle

Bengtsson, Fred January 2021 (has links)
Stridsvagnsminans utveckling i helhet har under de senaste 20 åren mer eller mindre stått still. I försvarsberedningens slutrapport Värnkraft beskrivs fördröjande fältarbeten med minor som ett av de prioriterade områdena för Försvarsmaktens ingenjörförband. Med denna prioritering finns ett syfte att undersöka hur vidare minor fortsatt kommer att påverka den mekaniserade striden i framtiden.  För att studera minors påverkan på den mekaniserade striden har den här studien använt Totalförsvarets forskningsinstituts simuleringsverktyg Suss-mek. Minvapnet finns sedan tidigare inte implementerat i programmet. Därför undersöks också vilka nyckelegenskaper som bör ingå i simulering med minor i strid.  Resultatet visar att effekten av framtidens minor på den mekaniserade striden kommer i grunden vara densamma som idag. Däremot kommer teknologin för framtidens minor göra att minan i sig kommer att bli effektivare med högre sannolikhet att nedkämpa motståndaren. Studien kommer också fram till flera relevanta nyckelegenskaper, till exempel front, djup, densitet och fasta beteenden vid sammanstötminering. Det är egenskaper som måste tas hänsyn till vid modellering av minor i ett simuleringsverktyg. / The development of the antitank mine has more or less stood still for the past 20 years. In the Defense Committee's final report Värnkraft, counter-mobility operations with landmines is described as one of the priority areas for the Swedish Armed Forces' combat engineer units. With this priority, there is a purpose to investigate how mines will continue to affect the mechanized battle in the future.  To study the impact of antitank mines on the mechanized battle, this study has used the Swedish Defense Research Agency's simulation tool Suss-mek. The mine weapon has not previously been implemented in the program. Therefore, it is also investigated which key characteristics that should be included in simulation with mines in battle.  The results show that the impact of future antitank- mines in mechanized battle will basically be the same as today. On the other hand, the technology of the future mines will make the mine itself more efficient with a higher probability to kill. The study also shows several relevant key characteristics for example: front, depth, density and fixed behaviours during entering minefield. They are characteristics that must be considered when modelling mines in a simulation tool.

Den misstänktes rätt till insyn i förundersökningen - Equality of Arms in preliminary investigations within the scope of European Convention on Human Rights. / The suspect's right to transparency in the preliminary investigation - Equality of Arms in preliminary investigations within the scope of European Convention on Human Rights.

Jonsson Bäcklund, Christoffer January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Eukaryotic Initiation Factor 2-associated glycoprotein P67 inhibits the tumorigenicity of Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma (ARMS) and involves its differentiation and migration

Liu, He 31 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Ventilation av inomhusskjutbanor / Ventilation of indoor shooting ranges

Bergman, Eric, Gahne, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Skytte med eldhandvapen skapar buller, utsläpp av farliga ämnen och risk för att avlossade projektiler missar sina mål och istället hamnar utanför skjutbanan. Att förlägga skjutbanor inomhus löser vissa av dessa problem. Samtidigt kan risken för att utsättas för farliga ämnen öka för dem som brukar skjutbanan. En nyckelfaktor för att omhänderta dessa farliga ämnen och därmed skapa en god arbetsmiljö på inomhusskjutbanan är att ventilationen fungerar på rätt sätt. Syftet med detta arbete är främst att utvärdera hur ventilationen på inomhusskjutbanor bör utformas för att ventilera bort de hälsofarliga ämnen som uppstår. Arbetet har särskilt fokuserat på blyföroreningar men resultatet är generaliserbart även för många andra föroreningar som är aktuella. Arbetet är en del av Fortifikationsverkets pågående projekt om framtidens inomhusskjutbanor. Gränssättande för ventilationen är att arbetsmiljön på en inomhusskjutbana måste uppfylla relevanta arbetsmiljökrav. Utöver frågan om ventilation belyses även andra aspekter som är av vikt för att säkra en god arbetsmiljö. Arbetet har baserats på en forskningsöversikt där material från 1975 och fram till idag har studerats. Sökningarna har skett både strukturerat och riktat. Den strukturerade sökningen har skett i Web of Science och Scopus. Arbetet har identifierat de normer som används internationellt och som också har legat till grund för många av de skjutbanor som uppförts i Sverige. Vidare har arbetet identifierat den ursprungliga rapport som merparten av den tillgängliga litteraturen baserats på. I denna ursprungliga rapport har vi även identifierat viktiga frågetecken angående vilka grundförutsättningar som denna rapport baserats på. Resultatet av forskningsöversikten är att skjutbanor bör projekteras med laminärt flöde (“kolvströmning”) från skyttarna och mot kulfånget. Ventilationen bör projekteras med ett flöde på mellan 0,25 och 0,4 m/s. Ett bra verktyg under projekteringen är CFD-simuleringar. Med dessa kan olika tekniska lösningar utvärderas och för befintliga skjutbanor kan även orsak till eventuella problem undersökas. CFD-simuleringsresultaten bör i görligaste mån verifieras mot uppmätta värden. Vidare är både städning och personlig hygien viktiga faktorer för att arbetsmiljön på en inomhusskjutbana skall vara god. Ytskikt som är lätta att städa skall väljas och förutsättningar för att hantera både tvätt av arbetskläder och personlig hygien skall finnas. Dessa resultat knyts ihop under diskussionskapitlet där två grundläggande scenarier formuleras, ett för en nybyggnation och ett för en ombyggnad av en befintlig inomhusskjutbana. / The use of firearms creates noise pollution, release of toxic elements and a risk that the projectiles miss the targets and end up outside of the firing range. One of the solutions to these issues is to erect walls and a roof around the range, and thus create an indoor firing range. This might however increase the range users’ exposure to toxic elements related to the discharge of firearms. To mitigate this the indoor firing range needs a properly designed and well-functioning ventilation system. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how ventilation systems for indoor firing ranges should be designed in order to remove the toxic elements released when shooting. The study is primarily focused on lead pollution, but the results can also be generalised for a multitude of other relevant pollutants. The study is part of the Swedish Fortifications Agency (Fortifikationsverket) project regarding the design of future indoor firing ranges. The design parameters for ventilation systems at indoor firing ranges are regulated by the occupational safety and health regulations. In the final part of the study the authors also address other important aspects to create a safe working environment at indoor firing ranges. This study is conducted as a research review where literature from 1975 up until today has been studied. Search terms based on permutations of “shooting”, “firing”, “range”, “ventilation” and “firearm” have been used in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The resulting list, after being culled for duplicates and “false positives”, contained approximately 70 articles. Reviewing these articles let us identify the design parameters used both internationally and nationally in Sweden. We also identified the original report that most of the internationally available literature is based upon. In this Bachelor of Science thesis, we also raise some questions related to the original report and the prerequisites it was based upon. The result of the research survey is that the ventilation for indoor firing ranges should be designed for laminar flow (piston flow) in the direction from the shooters towards the bullet trap. The air flow should be between 0,25 and 0,4 m/s (50 to 75 feet per minute). A good tool when designing the range ventilation is CFD simulations. CFD simulations allow for early phase evaluation of different design solutions. Similar simulations can also be used when problem solving problems on already existing ranges, if any. Furthermore, both cleaning and personal hygiene are crucial components to achieve a safe working environment at indoor firing ranges. To facilitate cleaning the range should have surface materials that are non-porous and easy to clean. Washing facilities for work clothes and personal hygiene should be present. These results are addressed as part of the discussion chapter in the Bachelor of Science thesis where two basic scenarios are formulated, one for building a new indoor firing range, and one for redesigning an existing indoor firing range.

Nobilitace a nobilitační politika v habsburské monarchii za vlády Leopolda I. / Nobilitation Documents and Politics in the Habsburg Monarchy during the Reign of Leopold I

Hrdličková, Markéta January 2022 (has links)
Markéta Hrdličková, Ennoblement and it's process in Czech lands during the reign of emperor Leopold I., based on acts of Bohemian Court Chancellery Abstract This thesis is based on the research of files of Bohemian Court Chancellery during the reign of emperor Leopold I. (1657-1705). It resolves about the emperor Leopold and the events and affairs of his time, and those which preceded it and had a significant influence on the reasonings mentioned in the files and acts of ennoblement. It also contains chapters about nobility of the Lands of the Bohemian Crown, the process of ennoblements and its files. Addendum contains a list of ennoblement acts in alphabetical order regarding both persons and families.

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