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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Podzemní život a literatura: Undergroundová kultura ve Finsku na přelomu 60. a 70. let 20.století / Life and literature under the ground: Underground culture in Finland in the late 60s and the early 70s

Dejdarová, Linda January 2012 (has links)
Name of the author: Linda Dejdarová School: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts Institute of Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies Nám. Jana Palacha 2, 116 38 Prague 1 Program: Finnish philology Title: Life and Literature under the Ground: Underground culture in Finland in the late 60s and the early 70s Consultant: Mgr. Jan Dlask, Ph.D. Number of pages: 131 (117 + 14 pages of Attachments) Number of attachments: 4 Year: 2012 Key words: Finnish underground, alternative culture, underground literature, underground comics, anarchism, avant-garde, beat-generation, beatniks, hippies, yippies This Master's thesis aims to chart the Finnish underground culture and the ways it was expressed. The time period covered is mainly the late 60s and the early 70s, which was the period of the most significant underground activity. First I deal with the reasons behind the birth of underground culture in general and with its impact on the birth of Finnish underground. This Master's thesis deals with the Finnish underground-culture from the cultural and sociological point of view. I introduce its most important personalities and their work as well as some important cultural events and other sociological links. In this Master's thesis underground-culture is perceived as a complex of many forms of art including...

Recursive Loops

Makkos, Joseph 22 May 2006 (has links)
No description available.


FREDERICO SPADA SILVA 23 August 2019 (has links)
[pt] A tese Viagens modernistas: Europa e Brasil sob a ótica de António de Alcântara Machado, Blaise Cendrars e Oswald de Andrade parte da leitura comparada de três obras literárias publicadas durante a década de 1920, Pathé-Baby (1926), de António de Alcântara Machado; Pau Brasil (1925), de Oswald de Andrade; e Feuilles de route (primeiramente dividida em três partes editadas entre 1924 e 1928, Le Formose, São Paulo e Inédites, e reunidas pelo autor em 1944), de Blaise Cendrars (escritor suíço de expressão francófona). Tendo por premissa três eixos temáticos que aproximam tais obras – a saber, as vanguardas históricas, a viagem e o olhar do autor-viajante –, a tese aponta como a literatura de viagem e o olhar sobre o outro se modificaram com o advento das vanguardas e se estrutura, assim, a partir de três questões principais suscitadas pela leitura do corpus literário. Primeiramente, investiga em que medida os referidos textos contribuem para a solidificação do projeto modernista brasileiro, ao trazer para a cena de vanguarda, eminentemente urbana, a poesia e a crônica de viagem. Em seguida, elucida as maneiras pelas quais se trava o diálogo entre a modernidade europeia presenciada por Alcântara Machado – e trazida a nós também por Blaise Cendrars – e o passado colonial brasileiro que Oswald desvela em seu ritual antropofágico de construção da vanguarda artística brasileira. Por fim, analisa em que medida se pode considerar Pau Brasil e Feuilles de route obras espelhadas, simétricas, em que a paisagem e a história do Brasil guiam o olhar e a pena de ambos os poetas, permitindo lê-las como obras contínuas, como uma espécie de guia poético de uma viagem que, zarpando da Europa, adentra o Brasil e a ela retorna. Além disso, uma vez que tal leitura é feita à luz tanto de teorias sobre literatura de viagem como dos estudos culturais, também se discutem outros aspectos como discursos de identidade e alteridade, cosmopolitismo, experiência urbana, e intermidialidade. / [en] Modernist Journeys: Europe and Brazil from the Perspective of António de Alcântara Machado, Blaise Cendrars and Oswald de Andrade is a thesis that starts from the comparative reading of three literary works published during the 1920s, Pathé-Baby (1926) by António de Alcântara Machado; Pau Brasil (1925), by Oswald de Andrade; and Feuilles de route (first divided in three parts, edited between 1924 and 1928, Le Formose,São Paulo and Inédites, and later collected by the author in 1944), by Blaise Cendrars (Swiss writer of French-speaking expression). Having as its premise three thematic axes that approximate such works – namely, the historical vanguards, the journey and the traveling author s point of view –, the thesis points out how the travel literature and the look on the other have changed with the advent of the vanguards and is thus structured on the basis of three main questions raised by the reading of the literary corpus. Firstly, it investigates to what extent these texts contribute to the solidification of the Brazilian modernist project, by bringing poetry and travel chronicles to the vanguard scene, eminently urban. It then elucidates the ways in which the dialogue between the European modernity witnessed by Alcântara Machado – and brought to us by Blaise Cendrars – and the Brazilian colonial past that Oswald reveals in his anthropophagic ritual of building the Brazilian artistic vanguard, is elucidated. Finally, it analyzes the extent to which one can consider Pau Brasil and Feuilles de route mirrored, symmetrical works, in which the landscape and the history of Brazil guide the eyes and the pen of both poets, allowing them to read them as continuous works, as a kind of poetic guide of a journey that, starting from Europe, enters Brazil and returns to it. Moreover, since such a reading is made in light of both theories on travel literature and cultural studies, other aspects such as discourses of identity and otherness, cosmopolitanism, urban experience, and intermediality are also discussed. / [fr] La thèse Voyages modernistes : l Europe et le Brésil dans la perspective de António de Alcântara Machado, Blaise Cendrars et Oswald de Andrade part de la lecture comparative de trois oeuvres littéraires publiées au cours des années 1920, Pathé-Baby (1926), de António de Alcântara Machado ; Pau Brasil (1925), de Oswald de Andrade ; et de Feuilles de route (au début divisée en trois parties éditées entre 1924 et 1928, Le Formose, São Paulo et Inédites, et réunies par l auteur en 1944), de Blaise Cendrars. À partir de trois thèmes principaux qui amènent ces oeuvres – à savoir, les avant-gardes historiques, le voyage et le regard de l auteur-voyageur –, la thèse démontre comment la littérature de voyage et le regard de l autre ont changé avec l arrivée des avant-gardes et se construit, ainsi, à partir de trois questions principales soulevées par la lecture du corpus littéraire. Tout d abord, cette thèse examine dans quelle mesure ces textes contribuent à la solidification du projet moderniste brésilien, en portant la poésie et la chronique de voyage à la scène de l avant-garde, éminemment urbaine. Ensuite, elle élucide les façons par lesquelles se donne le dialogue entre la modernité européenne témoignée par Machado – et aussi apportée à nous par Blaise Cendrars – et le passé colonial brésilien, lequel Oswald révèle dans son rituel cannibale de construction de l avant-garde artistique brésilienne. Enfin, elle analyse dans quelle mesure Pau Brasil et Feuilles de route peuvent être considérés des oeuvres en miroir, symétriques, où le paysage et l histoire du Brésil guident le regard et l écriture de ces poètes, ce qui permet de les lire comme des oeuvres continues, une sorte de guide poétique de voyage qui part de l Europe vers le Brésil et à elle retourne. En outre, une telle lecture étant faite à la lumière des deux théories sur la littérature de voyage et les études culturelles, d autres aspects tels que les discours d identité et d altérité, le cosmopolitisme, l expérience urbaine et l intermédialité sont également discutés.

Frijazz äntrar scenen : Något nytt som skapar debatt och dess plats i den svenska jazzdiskursen / Free jazz enters the scene : Something new that generated debate and its place in the Swedish jazz narrative

Jansson, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
When a new type of jazz, later often referred to as free jazz, entered the Swedish jazz scene at the time when the 1950s became the 1960s, an intense debate occurred within the Swedish jazz community. A debate between those in favor of the new style, its expressions and the direction in which jazz was moving towards in general, versus those who disliked this new development, thought that it was too extreme and was not in line with the traditions of jazz. This essay will bring this debate to light and analyze different aspects of it, with a similar controversy in mind which took place at the time of the arrival of bebop, approximately fifteen years earlier. The primary aim is to integrate free jazz into the Swedish jazz narrative, something that has been neglected in earlier research. Through discourse analysis, contemporary thoughts and values are brought to the surface. In part to better understand how and why these different opinions came to be, but above all, if they were part of other contemporary discussions, strives and struggles within the Swedish jazz community. The findings point towards the fact that free jazz played an important role in both the contemporary Swedish jazz discourse and the development of jazz at large. Free jazz expanded the spectrum of expression within the genre and helped jazz in general to reach a status of high culture, a strive that had existed for a long time.

Um crítico em mutação: Frederico Morais e a arte brasileira em três momentos (1966-1973; 1974-1984; 1985-2012) / -

Oliva, Fernando Augusto 04 August 2017 (has links)
O interesse desta tese reside na persistência da questão da \"arte brasileira\" na crítica de Frederico Morais (Belo Horizonte, 1936) em três períodos distintos de sua produção, os quais nomeio, de acordo com o comportamento de seu discurso: \"Contestação\" (1966-1973), \"Dúvidas\" (1974-1984) e \"Conciliação\" (1985-2012). Parte-se do fato de que a formulação de um debate em torno da definição do que seria uma \"arte brasileira\" surgiu ainda no século XIX - embora já tivesse se delineado em termos literários no século anterior - e foi se transformando com o passar do tempo, mantendo-se vivo, porque ainda em discussão, durante o século seguinte. Nesse contexto, procurou-se identificar, na produção de Frederico Morais, a sobrevivência da questão do nacional e, ainda, mostrar de que maneira ele se utiliza de uma prática constante de revisão da história - por meio de textos publicados na imprensa, mas também manuais, cronologias e \"enciclopédias\" - para manter essa discussão em pauta. No Capítulo 1 (\"Contestação\") analiso o primeiro período de sua crítica de arte, caracterizado pela adoção de um discurso assertivo e militante, em defesa de uma \"arte brasileira\" como um espaço privilegiado para a experimentação e a resistência. Nessa época, ele apoia incondicionalmente a \"vanguarda brasileira\", movimento que, segundo o autor, estaria sediado no Rio de Janeiro, expandindose a partir da antiga capital para o restante do país. No Capítulo 2 (\"Dúvidas\") trato de sua fase de transição, em que se revela certo desencanto com a situação da vanguarda no Brasil. No Capítulo 3 (\"Conciliação\") abordo o segundo período do crítico, quando se consolida o processo em que Frederico Morais abdica da defesa do \"novo\" enquanto principal saída para a \"arte brasileira\", passando a revisar tanto suas posições como parte significativa da história da arte brasileira. Nesse percurso, seus vai adotando posturas mais conciliatórias, menos intransigentes para o que entende como possibilidades de uma produção artística de caráter brasileiro. Esta tese procurou demonstrar que é possível encontrar ecos do desejo por uma arte nacional em críticas, ensaios e artigos que atravessam as três fases do percurso de Morais. Buscou ainda apontar as contradições e fragilidades que surgiram entre duas posturas distintas do crítico em relação à produção artística do período no país: uma, a escolha pelo que seria \"genuinamente nacional\", aproximando-se de algo que singularizasse a arte produzida no Brasil em relação àquela que se apresentava assertivamente como internacional; outra, colocandose contra o risco do isolamento, do atraso e do descompasso em relação ao mundo, adotava a opção por se deixar levar pelas correntes artísticas que vinham dos Estados Unidos e Europa. / The interest of this thesis lies in the persistence of the question of Brazilian art in the criticism produced by Frederico Morais (Belo Horizonte, 1936) in three distinct periods of his production, which I have named, according to the behavior of his discourse, as \"Contestation\" (1966-1973), \"Doubts\" (1974-1984) and \"Conciliation\" (1985-2012). The starting point resides in the debate formulated around the definition of what Brazilian art is, which emerged in the nineteenth century -- although it had already been delineated in literary terms in the previous century --, a debate that changed over time, kept alive in discussion throughout the following century. In this context, the thesis aims to identify the survival of this question of the national in Morais\' production. It also proposes to show -- through texts published in the press, but also in chronologies, manuals and \"encyclopedias\" -- how he makes constant use of historical revision to keep the discussion relative to Brazilian art on the agenda of public debate. In Chapter 1, I analyze his first period, characterized by the assertive and militant discourse adopted in defense of Brazilian art as a privileged space for experimentation, resistance and, above all, for the avant-garde. In his view, this movement was based in Rio de Janeiro, expanding from the former capital to the rest of the country. In Chapter 2, I deal with his transitional period, which reveals a certain disenchantment with the situation of the avant-garde in Brazilian art. In Chapter 3, I address the critic\'s second period, which consolidates the process in which Morais abdicates the defense of the \"new\" as the principal \"way ahead\" for Brazilian art, and comes to revise not only his positions, but a significant part of the history of the Brazilian art as well. Over the course of time, Morais gradually adopts positions that are less intransigent and more conciliatory regarding what he understands as possibilities for an artistic production with Brazilian character. This thesis has attempted to demonstrate the possibility of finding echoes of this desire for a national art in criticism, essays and articles that intersect the three phases in the trajectory of Frederico Morais. It has also sought to indicate the contradictions and fragilities that emerged between two distinct stances adopted by the critic in relation to the period\'s artistic production: the option for what could be considered \"genuinely national\", making advances in the direction of something that would singularize it in relation to an art that presents itself assertively as international; or the option to counter the danger of isolation, backwardness and being out-of-step with the world, by choosing to be carried along by the artistic currents imported from the United States and Europe.

Z Andalusie do New Yorku: Evoluce Lorcovy poezie / From Andalusia to New York: The evolution of Lorca's poetry

Gozonová, Renata January 2012 (has links)
In my thesis, I focus on the evolution of the Spanish poet Federico García Lorca's poetry, from his stay in Andalusia to the period he passed in New York. At first, we present avant-garde literary movements of that age. In detail we focus on the Generation 27, whose Lorca was member, and on the poetry the poets cultivated. In Lorca, firstly, we take a look at his life, his personality and then we divide his production into two periods: Andalusia - we take look at his lecture about "cante jondo" and at two books, Poem of cante jondo and Gipsy romances. New York - we approximate to Lorca's stay in New York and the country, and how the environment was reflected in his book of poems Poet in New York. In conclusion we summarize both periods of his production.

The role of the "flâneur" in Jack Kerouac's novel On the Road

Domingues, Maria Izabel Velazquez January 2004 (has links)
Trata-se de uma leitura crítica do romance On the Road, do escritor norte-americano Jack Kerouac, cujas vida e obra representam a insatisfação social e a manifestação artística de uma geração de poetas e novelistas denominada, nas décadas de 50 e 60, The Beat Generation ou The Beatniks. Esta leitura consiste em uma investigação para estabelecer relações entre a tríade autor-narrador-protagonista na narrativa proposta. Como apoio teórico temos o olhar do filósofo alemão Walter Benjamin. O enfoque escolhido contempla as reflexões de Benjamin sobre autoria, experiência e modernidade; mas, sobretudo, privilegia a sua concepção do flâneur; uma vez que o objetivo do trabalho é mostrar o movimento e o papel exercido pelo mesmo, tanto no corpus literário como na vida do autor Beatnik. Para tanto, esta dissertação está dividida em três partes. A primeira apresenta um breve histórico da situação dos Estados Unidos no pós-guerra, a fim de contextualizar e discutir a criação do movimento Beat como vanguarda artística daquela época. A segunda parte introduz o pensamento de Walter Benjamin acerca do flâneur. Destaca, também, fatos e momentos relevantes de sua vida e obra. Apresenta, ainda, o ponto de vista de Sérgio Rouanet sobre a obra do filósofo. O terceiro momento analisa o romance On the Road em conexão com os movimentos do flâneur e no âmbito da tradição de Literatura de Viagem, dando relevância às questões de autoria. Deste modo, na conclusão, espera-se legitimar o papel do flâneur no espaço narrativo e, também, histórico-social daquela geração. / This is a critical reading of On the Road, a novel by the North American writer Jack Kerouac, whose life and work represent the social dissatisfaction and the artistic manifestation of a generation of poets and novelists denominated, in the decades of 50 and 60, The Beat Generation, or The Beatniks. The work consists of an investigation to establish relationships among the triad author-narrator-protagonist in the proposed narrative. Supported by the theory of Walter Benjamin, the chosen theme contemplates the reflections of Benjamin about authorship, experience and modernity; but, above all, it privileges his conception of the flâneur; once the objective of the work is to show his movement and role in the literary corpus, as well as in the life of the Beatnik author. This thesis is divided in three parts. The first presents a brief historical comment on the situation of the United States in the postwar period, in order to contextualize and discuss the creation of the Beat Movement as an avantgardist manifestation. The second part introduces Kerouac and Benjamin, highlighting facts and important moments of their lives and work through the movements of the flâneur. The third moment analyzes On the Road in connection with Walter Benjamin's thoughts and in the extent of the tradition of Travel Literature, emphasizing the relevance of authorship. In the conclusion, I expect to legitimate the role of the flâneur in the narrative and socio-historical scope of that generation.

Eine alltägliche Tätigkeit : performing the everyday in the avant-garde theatre scene of late nineteenth-century Berlin

Schor, Ruth January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation situates late nineteenth-century Berlin's reception of naturalist drama in contemporary discourse about European modernism, which to date has disregarded the significant impact of this cultural environment. Examining the Berlin avant-garde's demand for "truth" and "authenticity," this study highlights its legacy of promoting more honest and dynamic forms of human interaction. Sketching the historical background, Chapter 1 demonstrates how the reception of Henrik Ibsen in Berlin fuelled creative strategies for a more honest approach to theatre. From literary matinees to more egalitarian ways of directing theatre, this moment in cultural history significantly shaped people's understanding of theatre as a tool for social criticism and as a means of creating a sense of intimacy. Two important figures are highlighted here: literary critic and theatre director Otto Brahm, central to the promotion of naturalism, and his more prominent protégé Max Reinhardt, who developed Brahm's legacy. Situating these developments in a theoretical framework, Chapter 2 draws on the concept of "the everyday" as set out by Toril Moi, Stanley Cavell, and Ludwig Wittgenstein to link the role of the ordinary on stage to the avant-garde's search for authenticity and truthfulness. Through this framework, Ibsen's social dramas from A Doll's House to Hedda Gabler (Chapter 3) can be seen perfectly to exemplify this shift in perspective from the 1880s through the 1890s, revealing the complexity of truthfulness in communications. Tracing these themes in other dramatic works, innovative readings of Arthur Schnitzler's Liebelei (Chapter 4) and Rainer Maria Rilke's Das tägliche Leben (Chapter 5) shed new light on these two fin-de-siècle authors. By highlighting these authors' previously unrecognised connections with Berlin's avant-garde theatre scene and their dramatic exploration of interpersonal connection, this study shows both how theatre functioned as a tool to examine human relationships and to what extent twentieth-century literature was grounded in this way of thinking.

Естетика новинарске путописне репортаже у међуратној српској књижевности / Estetika novinarske putopisne reportaže u međuratnoj srpskoj književnosti / The aesthetics of journalistic travelogue reportage among the two world wars in Serbian literature

Duvnjak Radić Žaklina 28 September 2018 (has links)
<p>Докторска дисертација Естетика новинарске путописне репортаже у међуратној српској књижевности интерпретативним и компаративним методама утврђује постојање естетских интенција у овом жанру, на примеру текстова које су писали водећи писци српске авангарде Милош Црњански, Растко Петровић, Станислав Винавер, као и Раде Драинац и неки други традиционални писци попут Драгише Васића, Станислава Кракова и Григорија Божовића. Наспрам документарно-фактографског (репортажног) нивоа значења путописних репортажа, открива се дубљи, фикционални и поетско-конотативни слој, који их повезује са књижевним системом. Анализом идејних, поетичких, структурално-формалистичких и језичко-стилских карактеристика репрезентативних текстова овог жанра утврђују се поступци естетизације који их уводе у књижевни систем &ndash; изражена субјективност, литерарност и интертекстуалност. Рад указује на значај овог поджанра путописа у авангардном процесу раслојавања жанрова, као и његов допринос ширењу књижевног поља у новом комуникационом и рецепционом пољу у експанзији &ndash; дневним новинама. Анализира се интертекстуални, интермедијални и интеркултурални дијалог ове врсте текстова. Резултати рада могу се применити у историографским, социолошким и компаративним истраживањима међуратне епохе у српској књижевности, као и у журналистичком истраживању жанра репортаже.</p> / <p>Doktorska disertacija Estetika novinarske putopisne reportaže u međuratnoj srpskoj književnosti interpretativnim i komparativnim metodama utvrđuje postojanje estetskih intencija u ovom žanru, na primeru tekstova koje su pisali vodeći pisci srpske avangarde Miloš Crnjanski, Rastko Petrović, Stanislav Vinaver, kao i Rade Drainac i neki drugi tradicionalni pisci poput Dragiše Vasića, Stanislava Krakova i Grigorija Božovića. Naspram dokumentarno-faktografskog (reportažnog) nivoa značenja putopisnih reportaža, otkriva se dublji, fikcionalni i poetsko-konotativni sloj, koji ih povezuje sa književnim sistemom. Analizom idejnih, poetičkih, strukturalno-formalističkih i jezičko-stilskih karakteristika reprezentativnih tekstova ovog žanra utvrđuju se postupci estetizacije koji ih uvode u književni sistem &ndash; izražena subjektivnost, literarnost i intertekstualnost. Rad ukazuje na značaj ovog podžanra putopisa u avangardnom procesu raslojavanja žanrova, kao i njegov doprinos širenju književnog polja u novom komunikacionom i recepcionom polju u ekspanziji &ndash; dnevnim novinama. Analizira se intertekstualni, intermedijalni i interkulturalni dijalog ove vrste tekstova. Rezultati rada mogu se primeniti u istoriografskim, sociološkim i komparativnim istraživanjima međuratne epohe u srpskoj književnosti, kao i u žurnalističkom istraživanju žanra reportaže.</p> / <p><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings></xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:TrackMoves/> <w:TrackFormatting/> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid> <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent> <w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText> <w:DoNotPromoteQF/> <w:LidThemeOther>SR-LATN-RS</w:LidThemeOther> <w:LidThemeAsian>X-NONE</w:LidThemeAsian> <w:LidThemeComplexScript>X-NONE</w:LidThemeComplexScript> <w:Compatibility> <w:BreakWrappedTables/> <w:SnapToGridInCell/> <w:WrapTextWithPunct/> <w:UseAsianBreakRules/> <w:DontGrowAutofit/> <w:SplitPgBreakAndParaMark/> <w:EnableOpenTypeKerning/> 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journalistic travelogue report</i></span><i style="mso-bidi-font-style:normal"><span lang="SR-LATN-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-LATN-RS">age</span></i><i style="mso-bidi-font-style:normal"><span lang="SR-LATN-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-CYRL-RS"> </span></i><i style="mso-bidi-font-style:normal"><span lang="SR-LATN-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-LATN-RS">among the two world wars</span></i><i style="mso-bidi-font-style:normal"><span lang="SR-LATN-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-CYRL-RS"> </span></i><i style="mso-bidi-font-style:normal"><span lang="SR-LATN-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-LATN-RS">in </span></i><i style="mso-bidi-font-style:normal"><span lang="SR-CYRL-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-CYRL-RS">Serbian literature</span></i><i style="mso-bidi-font-style:normal"><span lang="SR-LATN-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-LATN-RS">,</span></i><span lang="SR-CYRL-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-CYRL-RS"> by interpretative and comparative methods determines the existence of aesthetic intentions in th</span><span lang="SR-LATN-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-LATN-RS">is</span><span lang="SR-CYRL-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-CYRL-RS"> genre, on the example of texts written by the leading writers of the Serbian avant</span><span lang="SR-LATN-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-LATN-RS">-</span><span lang="SR-CYRL-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-CYRL-RS">garde Milo&scaron; Crnjanski, Rastko Petrović, Stanislav Vinaver, as well as </span><span lang="SR-LATN-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-LATN-RS">Rade Drainac</span><span lang="SR-CYRL-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-CYRL-RS"> and some other traditional writers like</span><span lang="SR-CYRL-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-LATN-RS"> </span><span lang="SR-CYRL-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-CYRL-RS">Dragi&scaron;a Vasić, Stanislav Krakow and Grigorije Božović. Contrary to the documentary-factual (reporting) level of meaning of travelogue report</span><span lang="SR-LATN-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-LATN-RS">ages</span><span lang="SR-CYRL-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-CYRL-RS">, a deeper, fictional and poetic-con</span><span lang="SR-LATN-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-LATN-RS">n</span><span lang="SR-CYRL-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-CYRL-RS">ot</span><span lang="SR-LATN-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-LATN-RS">ative</span><span lang="SR-CYRL-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-CYRL-RS"> layer is revealed, which links them with the literary system. The analysis of conceptual, poetic, structural-formalistic and linguisti</span><span lang="SR-LATN-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-LATN-RS">cally</span><span lang="SR-CYRL-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-CYRL-RS">-stylistic characteristics of the representative texts of this genre determines the methods of aesthetization that introduce them into the literary system - expressed subjectivity, literary and intertextuality. The dissertation points to the significance of this sub-genre of the travelogue in the avant-garde process of stratifying the genres, as well as its contribution to the spreading of the literary field in the new communication and reception field in the expansion - the daily newspapers. Intertextual, intermedial and intercultural dialogue of this type of texts is analyzed. The results of the </span><span lang="SR-LATN-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-LATN-RS">work</span><span lang="SR-CYRL-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-CYRL-RS"> can be applied in historical, sociological and comparative research of the </span><span lang="SR-LATN-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-LATN-RS">among the two world wars</span><span lang="SR-CYRL-RS" style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;color:black;mso-ansi-language:SR-CYRL-RS"> epoch in Serbian literature, as well as in the journalistic research of the genre of the reportage.</span></p>

Joan Brotat y los avatares de la figuración primitivista en la segunda vanguardia en Cataluña

Mitrani, Alex 14 December 2012 (has links)
Joan Brotat (Barcelona, 1920-1990) fue un artista destacado en el proceso de recuperación de la modernidad pictórica durante los años de la postguerra española, aunque luego cayó progresivamente en el olvido. Esta tesis estudia y establece su trayectoria profesional vinculada a su biografía personal (contexto familiar y social), a los factores inducidos por el sistema artístico local y en relación con en el contexto nacional e internacional (fortuna crítica, evolución artística y comercial). Brotat fue uno de los máximos exponentes de una tendencia que podríamos denominar como figuración primitivista. Definimos aquí las características de esta tendencia, su lugar frente a otras opciones de vanguardia de la época como la abstracción y apuntamos sus variantes y principales representantes. Abordamos también las razones de su declive a partir del análisis de la carrera profesional de Brotat. Descubrimos, gracias al estudio de su archivo familiar, la participación de Brotat en la guerra civil como parte de la Quinta del biberón republicana, hecho que escondió toda su vida y cuyo trauma influyó de toda evidencia en su obra. El análisis iconográfico y evolutivo del ingenuismo nos muestra una dimensión trágica y existencial. Así, su etapa expresionista, singular síntesis entre ingenuismo e informalismo, parece responder a una genuina necesidad psicológica. La comparación de su obra artística son sus proyectos profesionales en el campo de la ilustración infantil nos permiten hacer la diferencia entre naif el ingenuismo, que tanto preocupó a la crítica de la época. Un aspecto fundamental es el descubrimiento de una etapa abstracta a finales de los años cuarenta que contradice la jerarquía evolucionista que explica la figuración esquemática como un paso previo a la abstracción. El primitivismo ingenuista fue una opción consciente y deliberada. En su período de madurez, la obra de Brotat muestra una tendencia al amaneramiento y entra en decadencia, que se puede describir por la perdida de refinamiento y el estancamiento de los argumentos críticos que la apoyaron. La relación con los marchantes (Maurice Bonnefoy y Agustín Rodríguez Sahagún particularmente) se revela ambivalente en sus resultados. Lo mismo sucede con el aprovechamiento de la política artística franquista, dirigida por Luis González Robles. El primitivismo figurativo catalán de postguerra es una combinación coherente (aunque intuitiva y sin programa militante) de medievalismo e ingenuismo. El ingenuismo de vanguardia de postguerra tiene dos manifestaciones, a veces coincidentes y otras divergentes: la radical y la nostálgica. El primitivismo se apoyó en un discurso crítico específico y ocupó un lugar, móvil, en el debate artístico. Estudiamos las diversas fuentes de este primitivismo y constatamos la influencia fundamental de Joan Miró. De entre los referentes internacionales destaca Massimo Campigli. Asimismo, se encuentran paralelos y vínculos con artistas españoles como Rafael Zabaleta, Benjamín Palencia y el núcleo valenciano con Manuel Gil y Salvador Faus. Un caso especialmente interesante es el de Manolo Millares, quien tuvo una relación significativa con Cataluña en esos años. Entre los artistas catalanes, el primitivismo tuvo gran protagonismo y adoptó diversas formas. De Sucre o Joan Ponç representan la vertiente más radical y atormentada, Albert Ràfols Casamada o Joan Vilacasas la opción más ingenua y afrancesada. Se observa una clara tendencia a la politización (Francesc Todó, Josep Guinovart, Estampa Popular). La opción lírica o poética, representada especialmente por Brotat, fue dejada progresivamente de lado. A menudo teñido de nostalgia y religiosidad, coincidente con cierta moda franciscanista, el discurso teórico al respecto del primitivismo fue ambivalente y pasó de la modernidad al conservadurismo. La constatación de una corriente primitivista, de la cual Brotat sería la figura paradigmática en su éxito y su fracaso, obliga a repensar el canon del arte catalán de postguerra. El primitivismo no fue un estadio inmaduro de la modernidad en el camino hacia la abstracción sino que responde al contexto histórico particular de la España de postguerra con soluciones originales. / Joan Brotat (Barcelona, 1920-1990) was a prominente artist in the process of recovery of pictorial modernity in Spain after the Civil War, but then his work gradually fell into oblivion. This thesis studies his professional career, in relation to his personal biography (family and social context), the local art system, and the national and international context (critical fortune, artistic and commercial development). The thesis proposes that Brotat was in fact a paradigmatic figure of a primitivist tendency. Primitivism was not an immature stage of modernity on the way toward abstraction, but responded to the particular historical context of Postwar Spain with original solutions. The success and then failure of Brotat and Primitivism invites to reconsider the canon of Postwar Catalan art. Untill his death, Brotat did hide his involvement in the Civil War, a trauma that marked his work and existence. The iconographic analysis and the evolution of his modern naif style shows a tragic and existential undertones. A key aspect is the discovery of an abstract stage in the late forties contradicting the evolutionary hierarchy that explains schematic figuration as a step toward abstraction. On the contrary, naive primitivism was a conscious and deliberate option. Postwar Catalan Figurative Primitivism was a coherent mix of medievalism and naiveté(although without a declarated program). The naiveté of postwar art has two aspects : the radical and nostalgic, which sometimes appear together and sometimes separately. Among Catalan artists, primitivism had great prominence and took various forms. De Sucre or Joan Ponç represent the more radical and tormented side, Albert Rafols Casamada or Joan Vilacasas the most naive and influenced by French modernism. There is, later, a clear trend towards politization (Francesc Todó Josep Guinovart, Estampa Popular). We studied the various sources of this primitivism and found the fundamental influence of Joan Miró and Massimo Campigli. Likewise, there are links to Spanish artists such as Rafael Zabaleta, Benjamín Palencia, the valencians Manuel Gil and Salvador Faus or Manuel Millares. Often tinged with nostalgia and religiosity, in sinthony with a Franciscan fashion, the theoretical discourse about primitivism was ambivalent and evolved from modernity to conservatism.

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