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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Corporate Governance, Information Intermediation, and Earnings Management

Lehmann, Nico 24 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

En studie om Covid-19:s påverkan på svenska aktiebolags användning av Accrual-Based Earnings Management / A study about the impact of Covid-19 on Swedish joint-stock companies' use of Accrual-Based Earnings Management

Ekelund, Wilma, Eriksson, Hedda January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under 2020 drabbades hela världen av Covid-19, vilket påverkade världsekonomin negativt och satte företag i ekonomiska svårigheter. För att få bukt på dessa ekonomiska problem beslutades det i Sverige att företag skulle få möjlighet att söka korttidsstöd. Kortidsstödet skulle användas till att betala lönekostnader för anställdas minskade arbetstider. Korttidsstödet kom dock med vissa krav och om dessa inte uppfylldes behövde stödet betalas tillbaka, vilket benämns som återkrav. Eftersom Covid-19 innebar ekonomiska svårigheter för många företag, borde detta enligt tidigare forskning möjligen gett dem incitament att använda sig av Earnings Management (EM). EM är ett sätt att dölja sin sanna ekonomiska situation och innebär att chefer medvetet manipulerar företagets finansiella rapporter för att påverka resultat eller för att vilseleda intressenter. Accrual-Based Earnings Management (AEM), en typ av EM, innebär att resultatet manipuleras genom användandet av diskretionära periodiseringar (DP). Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att förklara hur faktorer relaterade till Covid-19 påverkar användningen av Accrual-Based Earnings Management inom svenska aktiebolag efter Covid-19. Metod: Studien har en deduktiv ansats där hypoteser har härletts och processen för datainsamlingen har styrts utifrån den existerande teorin. Ett elektiskt angreppsätt med flera teorier har valts då studien har ett empiriskt fokus. För att förklara användningen av AEM vid en tidpunkt valdes en tvärsnittsdesign, där det empiriska materialet består av sekundärdata.  Resultat: Det finns inget signifikant samband mellan korttidsstöd och resultathöjande alternativt resultatsänkande AEM. Det finns inte heller något signifikant samband mellan återkrav och resultathöjande AEM.  Bidrag: Studien bidrar till komplettande forskning inom ett redan väletablerat ämne men under en annan tidsperiod och med andra faktorer. / Background: During 2020 the world was affected by Covid-19, which negatively impacted the world economy and put companies in financial difficulties. In order to overcome these financial problems, it was decided in Sweden that companies would be given the opportunity to apply for short-term support. The short-term support would be used to pay salary costs for employees' reduced working hours. However, the short-term support came with certain requirements and had to be paid back if these requirements were not fulfilled, which is referred to as “repayment”. Since Covid-19 meant financial difficulties for many companies, according to previous research, this should possibly incentivize them to use Earnings Management (EM). EM is a way to hide one's true financial situation and involves managers deliberately manipulating the company's financial reports to influence results or to mislead stakeholders. Accrual-Based Earnings Management (AEM), a type of EM, implies that the result is manipulated through the use of discretionary accruals. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explain how factors related to Covid-19 affect the use of Accrual-Based Earnings Management within Swedish joint-stock companies after Covid-19.  Method: The study has a deductive approach where hypotheses have been derived and the process of data collection has been controlled based on the already existing theory. An eclectic approach with several theories has been chosen as the study has an empirical focus. To explain the use of AEM at one point, a cross-sectional design was chosen, where the empirical material consists of secondary data. Result: There is no significant relationship between short-term support and earnings-increasing or earnings-decreasing AEM. There is also no significant relationship between repayment and earnings-increasing AEM. Contribution: The study contributes to complementary research in an already well-established topic, but in a different time period and with different factors.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Earnings Management : Two sides of the relationship

Appelqvist Östman, Vanja, Sharp, Olivia January 2022 (has links)
Sustainability is becoming a more important topic, not just in terms of the environment but also through social and governmental aspects. There are different views on what responsibility firms should take and what their incentives might be. Companies get more pressure from society to perform activities related to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and not just focus on maximizing wealth for their shareholders. Thus, creates incentives to manipulate their earnings, either by managing their accruals (AEM) or by performing real activity earnings management (REM), to please all parties. On the other hand, firms who already manipulate their earnings have motives to increase their participation in CSR activities as a cover to hide their performance of Earnings Management (EM). There are plenty of previous studies investigating the relationships between CSR and EM, but with contradicting results. Some have tested a one-way relationship while others have evaluated a bi-directional relationship. This thesis has provided evidence that there exists a relationship between CSR and EM, where AEM (REM) has a negative (positive) effect on CSR while CSR has a negative (positive) effect on AEM (REM). Also, there is a significant difference between their effects in both directions of the relationship. Thereby, the proposed research question is answered: ‘’What are the relationships between Corporate Social Responsibility and Earnings Management?’’. Firms who are highly engaged in CSR care about all of their stakeholders and they are ethical, therefore they manipulate their accruals less. But they can also have increased agency issues and therefore they perform more real activity earnings management. From the other perspective, firms who engage in accrual-based earnings management are likely to have an overconfident CEO who wants to send out the right signals but does not feel the need to hide their actions behind CSR activities. Moreover, the managers that execute real activity earnings management might feel the need to not get detected and therefore they hide their manipulations behind CSR activities. These findings are both aligned and contradicting several theories depending on what direction of the relationship one is looking at. However, the legitimacy theory has been found to have a large impact in both directions of the relationship, all companies feel the urge to either be legitimate, or appear as it. This is a quantitative cross-sectional study including 5.026 observations from European companies. The authors are aligned with the positivist paradigm and the study takes a deductive approach. The statistically significant results from OLS regression with fixed effects are backed up and compared to theories and previous studies within the area.

Intangible assets and earnings management : An analysis in an EU context

Björkmo, Simon, Eriksson, Magnus January 2023 (has links)
The topic of intangible assets in relation to earnings management has been a debated subject for a long time. Different aspects of intangible assets have been thoroughly examined in relationship to earnings management by scholars over the years whether it’s about goodwill from business acquisition, recognition of intangible assets, timely impairments and so on. The authors found from their literature review that there was a knowledge gap when it came to intangible assets as most studies have focused on one part of the intangible assets and that has usually been goodwill. The theoretical framework consists of different theories which are explained and discussed in how they can relate to and give incentives for engaging with earnings management. This can range from opportunistic managers trying to reach bonus goals to pressure from within the company or from other stakeholders to an intent to reach the market expectations for the company. The purpose for this thesis is to examine the relationship if a larger proportion of intangible assets increases the risk for earnings management. In order to do this the authors will use an economical model to measure accruals earnings management. The connection between intangible assets and earnings management is a well threaded area where most results point towards a positive correlation. However, as far as the authors of this study can see no research has been done in a larger geographical context. This thesis aims to fill the gap of a larger geographical area. This has been done by examining publicly listed firms in the European Union. The European Union was chosen since it was a good opportunity to check this relationship over a larger geographical area and it is also suitable since it is mandatory that all publicly listed firms within the European Union region use the same accounting standard (IFRS) which makes it possible to do comparisons. This research has found evidence for a negative correlation between intangible assets and earnings management, this result is contrary to most other studies and therefore shines a light on a possible bias on the earlier research in this area. It could possibly be an indication of income minimizing and/or income smoothing when viewed through the lens of agency theory since managers viewed from that want to reach a desired result to trigger larger bonuses and promotions for him/herself. Aggressive depreciations of intangible assets and goodwill could be done to reach expected results and trigger higher bonuses. When it comes to the shareholder theory there is a possibility that this thesis does not capture it fully since the goal for the shareholder theory is to maximize the net present value and the closest proxy for that in this thesis is ROA which was shown to have a positive correlation to earnings management but not on a significant level. Positive accounting theory gives weight to the agency theory when it comes to our findings since it states that managers act in their own self-interest and choose accounting methods that allow them to reach those goals. This is a quantitative cross-sectional study consisting of 6373 observations that has been collected over a five-year period (2016-2020) from a financial database (ORBIS). The data has been tested with a standard linear regression analysis and shows significant results.

會計師懲戒與實質盈餘管理 / CPA sanction and real earnings management

鄭卉霞 Unknown Date (has links)
由於會計資訊與企業存有緊密之關聯性,再加上企業外部的報表使用者屬於相對資訊弱勢者,企業之管理當局因此存有許多不同動機及機會進行盈餘管理。會計師受託查核公司財務報表並對報表表示意見,在健全資本市場的任務中擔任極為重要的角色,社會大眾對會計師之職責賦予相當大的期待。但繼美國安隆案後,各國財務報導相關弊案連續爆發卻使會計師的專業遭受嚴重質疑,因此,弊案爆發或會計師受主管機關懲處後,先前被懲處會計師所簽證之其他受查公司,不論有無類似弊病,都會被人以放大鏡來觀察。然而,究竟會計師對於實質盈餘管理之抑制效果是否得以發揮?會計師懲戒制度實施結果是否合乎立法初衷而得以督促提升報表之盈餘品質?則尚無一致結論,亦為本研究欲探討的議題。 / Grahem et al.(2005),Roychowdhury(2006)及Cohen et al.(2008)等文獻均認為沙氏法頒布後,公司管理階層用以操縱盈餘之行為,從過去進行應計項目盈餘管理,改為偵察度較困難、法律上可非難性較低之實質盈餘管理。本研究即參考Roychowdhury之研究,以異常裁決性費用、異常生產成本、異常營運活動現金流量之絕對值捕捉實質盈餘管理程度,依據欲探討之問題設定兩大研究假說,以獨立樣本觀察懲戒會計師事件發生前後期實質盈餘管理之變化,探討懲戒會計師制度對於實質盈餘管理之影響。研究結果發現,以異常裁決性費用與異常生產成本衡量實質盈餘管理之程度時,受懲戒會計師之客戶在經查核後之財務報表中,報導實質盈餘管理之程度更為嚴重;以異常營運活動現金流量為實質盈餘管理之代理變數,則因受干擾影響而無法在各假說下得出顯著之結果。 / 因會計師之查核關卡對於實質盈餘管理之抑制效果有限,目前企業報表中所報導數據之解讀,有賴報表使用者多予比較各科目前、後期波動,考量各數值之間之關連性,並推敲公司可能使用之盈餘管理行為以及相關企業風險。懲戒制度之目的在於避免專業人士怠忽其職、違規行事而侵害大眾利益,其不僅處分已違法之會計師,對於其他會計師亦有警惕之意味,因此實有其存在之必要,本研究結果建議主管機關參考相關研究,制訂更為完善的制度以增進大眾利益,符合社會期待。 / Since accounting information is instrumental to many decisions that a company and its stakeholders make, management has plenty of motives to manage earnings reported on the financial statements. The users will probably as a result misinterpret the data, and thus, sustain direct or indirect losses. Accountants are asked to express their opinions toward the financial reports, and have played an important role in the capital market. Investors rely on what accountants assure in their audit to make decisions. However, after the Enron scandal broke out, so many frauds erupted that accountants’ professionalism and assurance quality were being questioned. Sanctions may be due to the profession’s self-regulation system or based on judgment of the regulators. Nevertheless, does the CPA sanction system actually restrain the real earnings management behavior of auditee companies? Can the system really enhance the earnings quality of client accounting information? The answers to these questions are unknown, and they are the subject of this study. / Managers have altered their application to manage earnings from accruals to real activities since the issuance of Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Based upon the research model developed by Roychowdhury (2006), this study uses abnormal discretionary expenses, abnormal production, and abnormal operating cash flow as proxies for earnings management. I classify samples into two periods, i.e., before and after changing accountants to analyze whether the sanction has affected the application of real earnings management. The results do not support that the auditor sanction system in Taiwan is effective in reducing the real earnings management behavior of auditee firms. / In short, one purpose of CPA sanction is to enforce professional conduct on all members of the profession. It not only punishes the accountants that break laws, but also alerts other fellow auditors. Therefore, the sanction system is necessary. The regulators should refer to research findings and examine the effect of the sanction system on real earnings management. In the mean time, it is advisable that statements users put more emphasis on analyzing and comparing the fluctuations of the figures and ratios between periods. After all, reading carefully through financial statements and numbers is the ultimate way to stop real earnings management.

The Impact of Financial Analysts on Earnings Management : Empirical evidence from Swedish listed companies

Roth, Tim, Morgan, Nicholas January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Earnings Management during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Sweden

Ljubisavljević, Anastasija, Jakobsson, Catarina January 2022 (has links)
The financial difficulties following the Covid-19 pandemic have been many. Typically in situations of financial distress, firms are incentivized to utilize earnings management techniques to alter the picture of their financial situation, due to market-based pressure. However, studies have shown that in times of crisis, institutional and macroeconomic factors may be more influential as increased scrutiny and an acceptance of abnormal results may make it less attractive to engage in such practices. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the use of earnings management with a sample of 942 firms, amounting to 5 652 firm-year observations between the years of 2015-2020. The results show a statistically significant increased amount of income-decreasing accrual-based earnings management, indicating the use of “big bath” accounting. This suggests that managers were incentivized to utilize earnings management techniques in an attempt to present boosted earnings to the market in future periods, by exploiting the pandemic and reporting worse than necessary numbers. However, the study does not find any significant changes in the use of real earnings management, which could be due to managerial limitations in making operational decisions during severe financial distress.

Cooking the Books : En analys av resultatmanipulering vid svenska börsintroduktioner / Cooking the Books : An analysis of earnings management among Swedish IPOs

Bergman Enarsson, Rasmus, Larsson, Isak January 2024 (has links)
Titel: Cooking the Books: En analys av resultatmanipulering vid svenska börsintroduktioner. Nivå: Examensarbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi. Författare: Rasmus Bergman Enarsson & Isak Larsson. Handledare: Jan Svanberg. Datum: 2024-05-28. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att analysera om resultatmanipulering förekommer i samband med börsnoteringar på den svenska aktiemarknaden. Metod: Denna studie har tillämpat en kvantitativ strategi för att analysera förekomsten av resultatmanipulering vid börsnoteringar. Finansiella data samlades in från Retriever för företag noterade på First North, NGM Equity, Spotlight och Nasdaq STHLM under perioden 2018–2022. Analysen gjordes i IBM SPSS Statistics. Resultat och slutsats: Vår studie finner signifikanta bevis för att företag manipulerar sina resultat uppåt under perioden före, under och efter en börsnotering. Examensarbetets bidrag: Det finns lite till ingen forskning om sambandet mellan börsnoteringar och förekomsten av resultatmanipulation på den svenska aktiemarknaden. Denna studie bidrar med värdefulla insikter för marknadens olika intressenter, i syfte av att minska de risker och felaktiga värderingar som kan uppstå vid börsnoteringar. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Framtida forskning kan utöka tidsramen och inkludera fler variabler. Marknadens reaktioner på resultatmanipulation kan dessutom utforskas. Den kassaflödesbaserade resultatmanipulationen kan också beaktas. Till sist vore det även intressant att tillämpa Dechows et al. (2012) metodik i andra kontexter, som under covid-19-pandemin. Nyckelord: Redovisning; Redovisningsval; Periodiseringar; Periodiseringsbaserad resultatmanipulering; Resultatmanipulering; Börsintroduktioner. / Title: Cooking the Books: An analysis of earnings management among Swedish IPOs.  Level: Degree project at first level (bachelor’s degree) in the subject Business Administration.  Authors: Rasmus Bergman Enarsson & Isak Larsson.  Supervisor: Jan Svanberg.  Date: 2024-05-28.  Aim: The purpose of this study is to analyze whether earnings management occurs in context with IPOs on the Swedish stock market.  Method: This study has applied a quantitative strategy to investigate earnings management in the context of Swedish IPOs. Financial data from 2018–2022 were collected from the database Retriever for companies listed on First North, NGM Equity, Spotlight, and Nasdaq STHLM. The analysis was conducted with IBM SPSS Statistics.  Results and conclusions: This study provides evidence that firms inflate their earnings during the period before, during, and after an IPO.  Contribution of the thesis: There is little to no research on the relationship between IPOs and the practice of earnings management in the Swedish stock market. This study provides valuable insights for the various market stakeholders, aiming to reduce the risks and inaccurate valuations that can arise during IPOs.  Suggestions for future research: Future research can extend the analysis timeframe and include more variables. Additionally, market reactions to earnings management can be explored. Real activities management can also be considered. Finally, it would be interesting to apply the methodology of Dechow et al. (2012) in other contexts, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Key words: Accounting; Accounting choices; Accruals; Accrual-based earnings management; Earnings management; Initial public offerings.

內部控制與盈餘管理之關聯: 以中國證券市場為例 / The Relationship Between Internal Control and Earnings Management: An Empirical Study of Listed Corporations in China

王曉涵, Wang, Hsiao Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討中國上市公司內部控制品質與盈餘管理是否有關聯。在本研究中分別使用兩種盈餘管理方式進行實證,結果顯示內部控制品質和盈餘管理程度呈顯著負相關,意即內部控制品質越好,越能抑制公司管理者進行盈餘管理。精確來說,良好的內部控制品質可以抑制管理者利用裁決性應計數美化財務報表,意即好的內部控制可以減少應基礎盈餘管理;在實質盈餘管理方面,本研究發現良好的內部控制品質可以減緩管理者透過過度生產向上盈餘管理,降低管理階層增加裁決性費用已達到預期盈餘目標以及抑制公司透過操控銷貨以影響盈餘之情況,意即好的內部控制能有效減少管理者進行實質盈餘管理。整體而言,本研究結果發現好的內部控制,能有效減少管理者進行應計基礎及實質盈餘管理。 / The objective of this thesis is to investigate whether there is a relationship between internal control and earnings management. In this thesis, I use two types of earnings management: accrual-based and real activities earnings management and I find that there is a significantly negative relationship between quality of internal control and earnings management. Specifically, my results show that high-quality internal control inhibits managers from earnings management through discretionary accruals, implying that high-quality internal control could lower the level of accruals-based earnings management. Moreover, I document that high-quality internal control could reduce upwards real earnings management through increase production, decrease influence through decreasing manipulation discretionary expenses and lessen level of abnormal cash flow. Collectively, I find that high-quality internal control can lower the level of real and accrual-based earnings management behaviors.

Earnings Management genom Oförklarliga Periodiseringar : En studie om resultatmanipulation i svenska företag vid nyemission / Earnings Management through Discretionary Accruals : A study about Earnings Management in Swedish corporations when issuing Seasoned Equity Offerings

Kindberg, Mikaela, Nimer, Nadine January 2018 (has links)
I tidigare studier har det framkommit att amerikanska företag manipulerar sina finansiella räkenskaper inför en nyemission med hjälp av Earnings Management genom oförklarliga periodiseringar. Detta görs i syfte att reflektera en bättre bild av företagets finansiella ställning gentemot hur det i verkligheten ser ut. Företeelsen tillämpas med avsikt att erhålla ett större finansiellt riskkapital då företaget utfärdar nyemission. Denna studie undersöker om svenska företag agerar likt amerikanska företag vid en nyemission och därför är syftet i studien att undersöka om svenska företag tillämpar Earnings Management genom oförklarliga periodiseringar vid perioden då de utfärdar nyemission. Svenska företag har varit av intresse i följande studie då svenska företag verkar under ett annorlunda redovisnings- och skattesystem än amerikanska företag gör, varpå vi vill testa om teorin Earnings Management genom oförklarliga periodiseringar är tillämpbar på även svenska företag, trots de skillnader som föreligger mellan ländernas lagsystem. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av en kvantitativ metod som vi presenterat med hjälp av en deskriptiv statistisk analys. De resultat som framkommit i studien är att även svenska, såväl som amerikanska, företag tillämpar Earnings Management genom oförklarliga periodiseringar vid de kvartal då ska utfärda nyemission, trots de olikheter i redovisnings- och skattesystem som råder länderna emellan. Förutom detta visar studien på att svenska företag även tillämpar en extrem form av Earnings Management samt att olika branscher tillämpar Earnings Management genom oförklarliga periodiseringar i olika grad då de ska utfärda nyemission. De resultat som framkommer i följande studie visar att det är av stor betydelse att investerare har en medvetenhet om att Earnings Management genom oförklarliga periodiseringar förekommer när svenska företag ska utfärda nyemission. Detta är av vikt då tidigare studier har påvisat att många investerare som förvärvat aktier i företagen som tillämpat Earnings Management genom oförklarliga periodiseringar har känt en besvikelse samt upplevt att de blivit missledda av företagens publicerade finansiella rapporter efter nyemissionen. Besvikelsen grundar sig i att det rapporterade resultatet vanligtvis kraftigt sjunker kvartalen efter nyemission då företagen tillämpat Earnings management genom oförklarliga periodiseringar. / In previous studies, it has been found that US companies manipulate their financial statements before issuing Seasoned Equity Offerings (SEO) using Accrual-based Earnings Management. This is done by the company in order to reflect a better financial position compared to their true underlying financial performance. Accrual-based Earnings Management is applied with the intention of obtaining larger financial capital when issuing SEOs. This study examines whether Swedish companies, consistent with US companies, apply the phenomenon in a similar way while issuing SEOs and the purpose of our study is therefore to investigate whether Swedish companies apply Accrual-based Earnings Management in the period they issue SEOs. Swedish companies have been of interest in the following study, as Swedish companies operate under a different accounting and tax law compared to that of American companies. As a result, we want to test the theory of Accrual-based Earnings Management to see if it is applicable to Swedish companies, despite the differences in tax law that exists between the countries. The study has been conducted using a quantitative methodology which has been presented through a descriptive statistical analysis. Our results imply that Swedish- as well as American companies, apply Accrual-based Earnings Management in the period they issue SEOs. This is found despite differences in accounting and tax law between the two countries. In addition to this, the study also shows that Swedish companies apply an extreme form of Accrual-based Earnings Management, and that it exist industrial differences in the level of Accrual-based Earnings Management that is applied when issuing SEOs. The results found in the following study show that it is of the utmost importance that investors have an awareness regarding Accrual-based Earnings Management and that it occurs when Swedish companies issue a SEO. This is important as previous studies have shown that many investors who acquired shares in the companies who applied Accrual-based Earnings Management when issuing SEOs, have felt disappointed and have found that they have been misled by the companies published financial reports following the SEO. The disappointment is based on the fact that as companies apply Accrual-based Earnings Management, the companies reported earnings usually fall in the period after issuing a SEO.

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