Spelling suggestions: "subject:"affiliations"" "subject:"affiliation’s""
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Feridas até o coração, erguem-se negras guerreiras. Resiliência em mulheres negras: transmissão psíquica e pertencimentos / Hurt to the heart, raise themselves black women warriors. Resilience in black women: psychological transmission and affiliationsClélia Rosane dos Santos Prestes 01 July 2013 (has links)
A pesquisa teve por objetivo analisar processos de resiliência em mulheres negras, considerando as influências de conteúdos oriundos de transmissão psíquica (familiares negras, descendentes, ascendentes, ancestrais), de simbolismos associados a mulheres negras, e de significados decorrentes do pertencimento a manifestações negras (culturais, políticas, intelectuais, religiosas). Como metodologia, entrevistas (com estratégia de cenas) com quatro mulheres negras de diferentes gerações na mesma família; os dados passaram por análise de conteúdo, com colaboração das entrevistadas. Considerou-se a demanda e interesse por potenciais para a saúde, abordando o problema com enfoque em pontos de resolução e fortalecimento, focalizando prevenção, superações, amadurecimentos, potenciais, e extrapolando o foco exclusivo ou maior em mazelas e impactos negativos. Foi escolhida uma postura de ampliação do panorama considerado na análise do fenômeno, conjugando os contextos individual, social e histórico do problema. Tais posturas estão em consonância com as teorias adotadas, passando pela psicanálise, psicanálise social, psicanálise dos vínculos, psicologia social, psicologia afrocentrada, entre outras, incluindo os recortes racial e de gênero e a abordagem psicossocial. A dissertação tem início pela introdução, com justificativas, enquadramento político e epistemológico, e apresentação da pesquisadora e dos capítulos. O segundo capítulo expõe o problema de pesquisa, apresentando os objetivos geral e específicos. O terceiro trata de mulheres negras, com perfil (histórico, contexto atual e saúde da população negra na primeira parte, e de mulheres negras na segunda) e psicologia e relações raciais (em geral e com recorte de gênero). No quarto, resiliência, subdividido em definições e discussão crítica. No quinto, resiliência em mulheres negras e suas influências, incluindo os itens transmissão psíquica, simbolismos associados a mulheres negras, significados decorrentes do pertencimento a manifestações negras, resiliência em negros(as) e resiliência em mulheres negras. No sexto capítulo, metodologia: colaboradoras, instrumentos, procedimentos, cuidados éticos e análise dos dados. O sétimo é de resultados e discussões, com categorias de análise. A primeira, Feridas até o coração, reúne experiências de adversidades e exposição a vulnerabilidades, discutindo efeitos prejudiciais dessas configurações, que vão desde comprometimentos orgânicos, passando pelos psicossociais e chegando às relações familiares e afetivas. Desde as ancestrais trata da herança relacionada a outras mulheres negras, seja por transmissão psíquica ou advinda de simbolismos. A terceira categoria, Nas tradições, expõe e analisa relatos relacionados ao pertencimento a manifestações negras, sendo possível identificar coerências ou discrepâncias em relação ao aporte teórico sobre enraizamento e pertencimentos, e discutir a influência desses aspectos sobre o processo de resiliência, por meio de reconciliação com sua origem, conscientização de sua história, ressignificação de sua autoimagem, reorientação para a resistência e potencialização da resiliência. A quarta categoria, Erguem-se guerreiras, ilustra e analisa os enfrentamentos e superações. A quinta categoria, Da resistência à resiliência, investiga a influência dos aspectos anteriores sobre a potencialização da resiliência, discutindo como resistência pode promover resiliência, por que meios, a que custo, com que efeito. Cumpridos os objetivos propostos, o oitavo e último capítulo traz lições aprendidas e recomendações. Posteriormente, são informadas as referências e anexados os termos de aceitação livre e esclarecida, o questionário de classificação social e o roteiro da entrevista / It was the objective of this research to analyze the processes of resilience in black women, taking into consideration the influences in content deriving from psychological transmission (black female relatives, descendants, ascendants, ancestors), from the symbolisms associated with black women, and from the meaning deriving from affiliation in black expressions (cultural, political, intellectual, religious). The methodology for the research included interviewing (with strategy with scenes) with four black women from different generations in the same family. The data collected went through content analysis, with the collaboration of the interviewees. The research also took into consideration the interest and demand for potential for health, approaching the problem focused on the points of resolutions and strengthening. It gives emphasis to the prevention, overcoming, personal growth and potentials. This research also goes beyond the main or only concern on adversities and on causing a negative impression impacts. It was chosen a posture at a widening of the view considered in the analysis of the phenomenon, combining individual, social and historical contexts of the problem. Such attitude is tuned to the followed theories, going through psychoanalysis, social psychoanalysis, psychoanalysis of family bonds, social psychology, afro-centered psychology, among others, including race and genre specially and the psychosocial approach. The dissertation begins with the introduction, together with justifications, of the political and epistemological framework and the description to the researcher and the other chapters. Chapter two approaches the problem of the research, its general and specific objectives. The third chapter refers to black women, with a profile (historical, present context and the health of the black population in the first item, and about black women on the second) and psychology and race relations (from a general view and with a race profile). In chapter four, resilience is divided into definitions and a critical discussion. Chapter five, resilience in black women and its influences, including the items psychological transmission, symbolisms associated with black women, meanings resulting from affiliation to a black expression, resilience in black population and resilience in black women. In chapter six, the methodology: collaborators, tools, procedures, ethical care and data analysis. The seventh chapter is dedicated to the results and discussions, with categories for the analysis. In the first category, \"Hurts to the heart\", experiences of facing adversities and exposure to vulnerabilities are put together, discussing the ill effects of those situations that go from organic compromising, through psychosocial up to familiar and affective relations. \"From the ancestors\" covers the heritage passed on by black women, by psychological transmission and resulting from the symbolism. The third category, \"On traditions\", shows and analyzes stories related to affiliation to the black expressions, where it is possible to identify points of coherence or discrepancy in relation to the theoretical aspects regarding the idea of putting down roots and affiliations, and discussing its influence on boosting the process of resilience, through the reconciliation with their origins, getting more awareness of their history, giving a new meaning to their self image, re-orientation for the resistance and potentialization of the resilience. The fourth category Raise themselves black women warriors illustrates and analyzes the clash and overcoming. The fifth category, \"From resistance to resilience\", studies the influence of the aspects above on the potentialization of resilience. It questions about how resistance can encourage resilience, means, costs and effects. Once the proposed goals be achieved, the eight and last chapter brings about lessons learnt and recommendations. Then, the references and the annexed terms of acceptance free and elucidated are presented, as well as the questionnaire for social classification and the list of questions for the interviews
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Les vacances au bled de descendants d'immigrés algériens : Trajectoires, pratiques, appartenance / Holidays in the country of origin for french of algerian descent : Trajectories, practices, affiliationsBidet, Jennifer 09 December 2013 (has links)
Depuis au moins trente ans, les descendants de l’immigration maghrébine sont, en France, l’objet d’interrogations scientifiques et politiques. De la mesure des degrés et rythmes d’intégration à l’identification de pratiques discriminatoires, la sociologie des descendants d’immigrés s’est concentrée sur l’étude des modes de vie et des trajectoires des membres de cette population vue depuis le pays de résidence, également pays de naissance. Pour compléter ces perspectives, ce travail propose d’étudier les liens matériels entretenus avec le pays d’origine des parents à travers une pratique apparemment mineure : les séjours de vacances passées au « bled », dans le pays de naissance de leurs parents – en l’occurrence l’Algérie. Ce travail interroge les enjeux d’appartenances qu’impliquent ces séjours vacanciers en les rapportant aux trajectoires et aux caractéristiques sociales des personnes rencontrées (classe sociale, sexe, âge et génération, situation familiale). Les appartenances ne sont pas appréhendées ici uniquement à travers des pratiques symboliques (comme la pratique de la langue du pays d’origine ou la religion des parents) ou par le biais de déclarations, mais à travers la description et l’analyse de pratiques matérielles mises en œuvre à l’occasion de ces séjours de vacances. Il apparaît alors que ces pratiques sont révélatrices de modes variés de relation aux « origines », entre pratiques mémorielles d’inscription dans une lignée familiale et/ou une histoire nationale, et entretien au présent de sociabilités familiales ou amicales à travers des pratiques de loisir partagées.La recherche s’appuie principalement sur une enquête qualitative menée à la fois en France (dans la région lyonnaise) et en Algérie (particulièrement dans la région de Sétif, première région d’émigration représentée à Lyon), réunissant des entretiens ethnographiques et des observations in situ des pratiques et des relations de vacances. Elle propose de combiner une ethnographie des pratiques présentes avec une perspective longitudinale sur l’évolution de ces pratiques, appréhendée du point de vue des individus et de leur famille, et du point de vue de l’Etat algérien. / For at least thirty years now, descendants of North African immigration in France have been at the centre of scientific and political debates. Defining degrees and rhythms of integration or identifying forms of discrimination, sociological analysis of the descendants of migrants has generally analysed life practices and social trajectories from the perspective of the country of birth and residence. This work proposes an alternative perspective by describing and analysing the material links that are maintained with the country of parental origin through an apparently minor phenomenon: holidays trips to the country of birth of their parents – in this case, Algeria.This thesis explores questions of affiliation and feelings of belonging that are raised in these trips, taking into account the various social backgrounds and trajectories (social class, sex, age and generation, family status) of the descendants who participated. Affiliations are not merely questioned through declarations or symbolical links to the country of origins (such as language or religion), but also through the description and analysis of material practices around holidays trips in Algeria. This analysis of practices reveals different ways of maintaining relations with the country of origin, between roots tourism, consisting of finding one’s place in family or national history, and leisure tourism, in which affiliations are based on current social relationships with family and/or friends.This research is based mainly on qualitative methods (interviews and observations) implemented both in France (around the city of Lyon) and Algeria (specifically in the area of Setif, the main region of origin for Algerian families in Lyon). The description and analysis of present-day practices is completed by a longitudinal perspective on the evolutions of these holidays practices. These evolutions are analysed both from the point of view of the descendants and their families, and the point of view of the source state of emigration, Algeria.
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"Entre ici et là-bas, je vous dessine mon chez moi" : exploration qualitative des productions des enfants en psychothérapie transculturelle / "Tra qui e laggiù, vi disegno il mio mondo" : esplorazione qualitativa delle produzioni infantili in psicoterapia transculturale / "Between here and there, I draw you my own world" : qualitative exploration of children's productions in transcultural psychotherapyRizzi, Alice Titia 03 November 2014 (has links)
Le dessin représente le moyen d'expression privilégié pour un enfant, notamment lorsqu'il est amené à s'exprimer devant à un groupe d'adultes et, de surcroît, lorsqu'il porte en lui plusieurs cultures, comme les enfants de migrants. La recherche qui fait l'objet de cette thèse s'appuie sur une revue de la littérature concernant l'approche psychologique du dessin d'enfant et l'approche transculturelle de l'enfant de migrants. Elle a une perspective complémentariste afin d'enrichir leur pluralité théorique, méthodologique et clinique. Notre recherche se centre sur le matériel créé par les enfants, les dessins produits au sein des consultations transculturelles du Professeur Marie Rose Moro, dispositif de psychothérapie familiale et groupale, des Hôpitaux Cochin (Maison de Solenn - Paris) et Avicenne (Bobigny). La population de notre recherche est constituée de soixante-trois dessins produits par cinq enfants durant les séances transculturelles. Nous avons analysé les productions graphiques et narratives des enfants en lien avec les interactions au sein du groupe. Le processus de co-construction, qui est au coeur du dispositif transculturel, émerge des interactions entre le signe et la parole, entre l'ici et l'ailleurs, entre le monde des enfants et le monde des adultes. Les résultats de nos analyses mettent en évidence l'aspect dialogique du dessin. La production graphique soutient le processus d'élaboration psychique et culturelle de l'enfant, véritable objet médiateur entre les langues, les langages, les cultures et les interactions. Le dessin tient donc une place centrale, non seulement signe de la créativité des enfants mais aussi d'une production narrative et transculturelle partagée et partageable. Notre discussion s'axe sur trois dimensions complémentaires. Premièrement, nous théorisons une lecture transculturelle du dessin d'enfant de migrants ainsi qu'une méthode originale d'analyse qui se structure sur un double axe : les contenus et les valences du dessin. Deuxièmement, nous affinons la compréhension des mécanismes de construction identitaire et de métissage spécifiques aux enfants de migrants à partir de leurs dessins, desquels nous dégageons plusieurs propositions conceptuelles : les mécanismes de clivage dans le dessin, l'objet culturel transitionnel dessiné, la narrativité transculturelle (le voyage symbolisé et l'histoire dessinée), la créativité figurée et l'affiliation culturelle précoce. Troisièmement, nous enrichissons le cadre thérapeutique élaboré en clinique transculturelle en définissant la place du cothérapeute auxiliaire dans une perspective complémentariste à la fois psychanalytique et anthropologique. En effet, l'analyse des mouvements transféro/contre-transférentiels autour du dessin met en évidence l'intérêt pour l'enfant de bénéficier d'une relation privilégiée au sein du groupe afin d'accompagner ses productions graphiques. Notre recherche témoigne des bénéfices tirés par le clinicien - dans la perspective de la rencontre de l'autre - de l'élaboration de la culture (Devereux), de l'altérité (Moro) et de l'enfant en soi, et ce afin de pouvoir accueillir les productions des enfants ''d'ici et de là-bas'' et de les accompagner dans l'élaboration d'un ''chez soi'' créatif et métissé. / Drawing is the preferred means of expression for children in particular when they are asked to express themselves in front of a group of adults, and moreover when it comes to children having multicultural backgrounds such as immigrant children. This thesis's research is based on a review of the available literature regarding the psychological approach of child's drawing as well as the transcultural approach of immigrant children. This complementary perspective aims to enrich their theoretical, methodological and clinical plurality. The research is focused on the material created by the children, the drawings imagined and produced during the transcultural consultations of Professor M.R. Moro, groupal psychotherapy for family, at Cochin Hospital (Maison de Solenn, Paris) and Avicenne Hospital (Bobigny). The research sample consists of sixty-three drawings produced by five children during the transcultural sessions. These drawings along with the narrative productions of the children have been analyzed in relation to the interactions within the group. The process of co-construction, which is at the heart of the transcultural approach, emerges from the interactions between sign and word, between cultures from here and from there, as well as between the children's world and the adult's one. The results of the analysis highlight the dialogical aspect of drawing. The graphical production supports the process of psychic and cultural elaboration of the child, therefore considered as the essential aspect of mediation between the speakings, the languages, the cultures and the interactions. Drawing thus holds a significant place: it is the sign of children's creativity, but also of the narrative and transcultural production experienced and shared. Our discussion is focused on three complementary dimensions. Firstly, we theorize a transcultural reading of the drawings of immigrant children as well as an innovative two-axis analysis method: the contents and the valences of a drawing. Then, we refine the comprehension of the mechanisms of identity-building and interbreeding specific to immigrant children thanks to their drawings. Based on these, several abstract propositions are highlighted: the mechanisms of splitting in the drawing, the transitional cultural object drawn, the transcultural narrativity (the symbolized journey and the history drawn), the figurative creativity and the precocious cultural affiliation. Finally, we enhance the transcultural therapeutic setting by defining the place of the auxiliary co-therapist in a complementary perspective, both psychoanalytic and anthropologic. In fact, the analysis of the dynamics of transfer/countertransference around the drawing enlightens the interest for the child to benefit from a privileged relationship within the group in order to accompany its graphic productions. This research aims to highlight the benefits and advantages taken by the clinician -in the perspective of other one' meeting -in the elaboration of the culture (Devereux), of the otherness (Moro) and of the child in itself, and after all to welcome the productions of the children « from here and there » and to accompany them in the elaboration of a « own world » creative and crossbreed. / Il disegno rappresenta il mezzo espressivo privilegiato per un bambino, soprattutto quando è tenuto a esprimersi in un gruppo d'adulti e, ancor più, quando viene da altrove e porta in sé differenti culture. La ricerca che è al centro di questa tesi di dottorato in psicologia, poggia le sue basi sulla letteratura esistente riguardo sia l'approccio psicologico del disegno infantile sia l'approccio transculturale dei bambini delle famiglie migranti. L'obbiettivo del nostro lavoro è di associare questi due approcci in una prospettiva complementarista per arricchirne la pluralità metodologica, clinica e teorica. La nostra ricerca si fonda sul materiale creato dai bambini, in particolar modo i disegni prodotti durante le consultazioni transculturali della Professoressa Marie Rose Moro, dispositivo di psicoterapia familiale e gruppale, degli ospedali Cochin (Casa degli Adolescenti -Maison de Solenn- di Parigi) et Avicenne (Bobigny - Parigi). La popolazione della ricerca è costituita da sessantatré disegni prodotti da cinque bambini durante gli incontri transculturali. Abbiamo analizzato le produzioni grafiche e narrative dei bambini in relazione alle interazioni gruppali. Il processo di co-costruzione, strumento principe del dispositivo transculturale, emerge dalle interazioni tra segno e parola, tra qui e altrove, tra mondo infantile e mondo adulto. I risultati delle nostre analisi evidenziano l'aspetto dialogico del disegno, che è, in effetti, fondamentale al processo d'elaborazione psichica e culturale del bambino poiché funge da oggetto mediatore tra le lingue, i linguaggi, le culture e le interazioni. Il disegno assume quindi un ruolo centrale; non solo è segno della creatività dei bambini ma anche della produzione narrativa e transculturale condivisa e condivisibile. La nostra discussione concerne tre dimensioni complementari. Innanzitutto, teorizziamo una lettura transculturale del disegno del bambino di famiglia migrante e un metodo originale d'analisi che prende la forma di una tabella a doppia entrata: le valenze del disegno da un lato, e i contenuti dall'altro. In secondo luogo, affiniamo la comprensione dei meccanismi propri alla costruzione identitaria e al métissage specifici dei bambini di migranti partendo dai loro disegni per declinare diverse proposte concettuali: i meccanismi di scissione visibili nei disegni, l'oggetto culturale transizionale disegnato, la narratività culturale (il viaggio simbolizzato e la storia disegnata), la creatività figurata e l'affiliazione culturale precoce. Per finire, arricchiamo il setting transculturale definendo il ruolo del coterapeuta ausiliario in una prospettiva complementarista tanto psicoanalitica che antropologica. Effettivamente, l'analisi dei movimenti transferenziali e contro-transferenziali rispetto al disegno evidenzia la necessità per il bambino di poter beneficiare di una relazione privilegiata che accompagni le produzioni grafiche nel gruppo terapeutico. La nostra ricerca mostra i benefici, utili ad ogni terapeuta nell'incontro con l'altro, sollevati dall'elaborazione della cultura (Devereux), dell'alterità (Moro) così come del bambino in sé, per poter accogliere le produzioni dei bambini "di qui e di laggiù" e per accompagnarli nell'elaborazione d'un ''sé'' meticcio e creativo.
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Clinical Supervisors’ Experiences Addressing Age And Generational Cohort Affiliations With Counseling SuperviseesGolden, Susan Nicole 30 April 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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La naissance du Foyer ?<br />Conditions matérielles des entrées dans les carrières parentales et de l'accueil du premier enfant en France à la fin du XXe siècleOrain, Renaud 18 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Comment s'articulent les conditions matérielles des entrées dans les carrières maternelles et paternelles en France dans la dernière décennie du XXe siècle ? La maternité institue une assignation première des mères à la prise en charge quotidienne des jeunes enfants, qui en assure, à la fois, l'efficace et la continuité avec leur insertion professionnelle antérieure, qu'elle soit problématique ou triomphante. Ce processus fait de la maternité le modèle des parentalités, et rend les paternités contingentes à la stabilité du couple, et aux ressources que peuvent faire valoir les hommes pour garantir la viabilité économique du foyer dans l'hypothèse de l'arrivée d'un premier enfant. Ainsi, pères et mères attendent massivement une stabilisation de leur situation d'emploi avant l'arrivée du premier enfant, mais deux mère sur cinq connaissent ensuite une interruption plus ou moins durable de leur emploi, tandis que les jeunes pères restent stables. Or, ce résultat statistique correspond en partie à un phénomène de sélection sociale des hommes ayant les statuts les mieux assurés, qui accèdent à des paternités socialement légitimes, et d'invisibilité des pères ayant eu les positions les plus vulnérables : en contrepartie, une mère sur dix habite sans le père de son premier enfant avant 3 ans. L'ethnographie fait à l'inverse apparaître des hommes pour qui la paternité a été marquée par une certaine prise de risque, et qui en tirent ex post une légitimité supplémentaire sur la scène domestique. L'étude de ces dynamiques permet ainsi de dévoiler à quel point les conditions matérielles de l'accueil du premier enfant au sein du foyer sont fondatrices des responsabilités parentales ex ante.
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