Spelling suggestions: "subject:"afghanistan."" "subject:"afghanistans.""
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Användandet av fältarbetsförmågan : En jämförelse av fältarbetsförmågan i Sverige och i AfghanistanFloberg, Jacob January 2010 (has links)
Denna uppsats skrivs som examensarbete under sista terminen på officersprogrammet på Försvarshögskolan. Uppsatsens syfte har varit att undersöka om det finns någon skillnad i hur fältarbetsförmågan används i en nationell insats i Sverige och i en internationell insats i Afghanistan och om det finns några slutsatser att dra om eventuell skillnad. Genomgående i uppsatsen har de fyra inriktningarna; fältarbeten för rörlighet, fördröjandefältarbeten, fältarbeten för överlevnad och övriga fältarbeten används för att förklara fältarbetsförmågan. De resultat som visade sig efter jämförelsen var att det finns ett litet behov av broresurser och fördröjande fältarbeten i Afghanistan jämfört med Sverige. De dragna slutsatserna är att fältarbetsförmågans storlek i Afghanistan är beroende av den totala insatsens storlek. Men ett ökatbidrag från ingenjörsförbanden är möjlig genom att förändra utbildningen och hur ingenjörsförbanden kan komma att användas. / This essay is written as thesis during the last term of the officer program at the National Defense College. The purpose of this essay was to investigate whether there is any difference how the engineer ability are used in a national operation in Sweden and an international operation in Afghanistan, and if there are any conclusions to draw about the difference. Throughout this essay has the four classification engineering for movability, delaying engineering, engineering for survival and other engineering been used to explain the engineering ability? The results showed after the comparison was that there is little need for the ability to lay bridges and delaying engineering in Afghanistan compared with Sweden. The conclusions drawn are that the engineer forces size in Afghanistan is dependent on the overall scale of the operation. But a increased contribution from engineer forces is possible by changing the training and how the engineer forces may be used
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Barnen som flyr ensamma är de mest utsatta : En kvalitativ studie av fyra ensamkommande afghanska flyktingbarns upplevelse av integrationsprpcessen i SverigeAbdullah, Arya January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelse för hur fyra ensamkommande flyktingbarn upplever det nya samhället, samt det som görs för att underlätta deras integrering i Sverige. Att lämna sitt hemland och vara på flykt för en bättre framtid är ett beslut som varje ensamkommande flyktingbarn har tvingats möta, och lämna sin komfort zon. Denna forskning utvärderar effekterna av påtvingad invandring och de copingmekanismer som fyra ensamkommande barn använde när de påbörjar sin resa till frihet och en fristad i Sverige. Dessutom så undersöker denna uppsats det mottagandelandet Sverige, och tillgången till resurser för att underlätta deras integration i det svenska samhället, både på kommunal och nationell nivå. Fokus i denna uppsats är delvis på de svårigheter dessa ungdomar genomgår i hemlandet och den kulturchock och det tryck att anpassa sig som de möter i det nya landet. En kvalitativ forskningsmetod används i denna uppsats, som undersöker subtila nyanser av bilden på ensamkommande flyktingbarn. I denna uppsats används semi-strukturerade intervjuer för att samla in kvalitativa data, vilket gör att de svarande får tid och utrymme att dela sina känslor. Fokus i intervjun bestäms av forskaren då det finns områden som bedöms behöva en djupgående undersökning. Berättelserna analyseras med hjälp av kristeori och teorier om invandrings- och flyktingprocesser som en ämnesteori, och vi skiljer på två olika faktorer, 1. Resan bestående av dramatiska konsekvenser, såsom trauma, frustration, förföljelse, och sist men inte minst ”separationsångest". 2. Stress till följd av den nya kulturen och trycket för snabb anpassning och förändring. / The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of how four unaccompanied refugees experience their new society and what is being done to facilitate their integration in Sweden. To leave and escape a homeland to try to find a better future is a decision that every unaccompanied minor refugee has been forced to face, leaving his/her comfort zone. This research evaluates the impact of forced migration and the coping mechanisms that four unaccompanied minors use as they embark on their journey to freedom and a safe haven in Sweden. Additionally, this essay examines the host country Sweden, and its availability of resources to better facilitate the integration of migrants to Swedish society both at the municipal and national level. The focus of this essay is partly on the difficulties these youngsters undergo in their home country and the culture shock and pressure to adapt they face when living in their new country. Furthermore, by choosing qualitative research method for this essay, we examine subtle nuances of the image of unaccompanied refugee children, both as a concept and as a denominator that creates an identity crisis for them. In this essay semi-structured interviews are utilized to collect qualitative data, allowing respondents the time and scope to examine and share their sentiments. The researcher who directs the conversation to areas deemed to require closer in depth exploration decides the focus of the interview. Analyzing stories using the crisis theory and theories about immigration and refugee processes we distinguish two distinct denominators, 1. A journey with dramatic consequences, such as trauma, frustration, persecution, and, last but not least, ‘separation anxiety’. 2. Stress arising from the new culture and pressure for quick adaptation and change.
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Soft Power und Militär : eine Untersuchung zum Afghanistan-Einsatz der BundeswehrKersten, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Soft Power ist zu einem einflussreichen Konzept avanciert – in der Politikwissenschaft, aber auch in der Politik selbst. Dabei bleibt es sowohl theoretisch als auch praktisch umstritten. In der Praxis wird das Konzept instrumentalisiert, um außenpolitisches Handeln von militärischem und wirtschaftlichem Druck positiv abzugrenzen. Unklar ist, wie Soft Power in militärischen Kontexten, in denen Hard Power im Vordergrund steht, funktionieren kann. Anhand des Afghanistan-Einsatzes der Bundeswehr wird dieses Verhältnis analysiert und eine eigene Definition von Soft Power entwickelt. / Soft power has become an important concept – both in politics and in political science. It is discussed highly controversial. In political practice, the concept is exploited to give foreign policy action a more positive connotation as opposed to military and economic pressure. It is unclear how soft power can be used in military contexts, which are dominated by hard power. At the moment, however, when soft power and hard power of the military meet in military operations, the question arises to what extent the soft power-concept works in a military context. How this ratio appears, is investigated in this paper on the example of the Afghanistan mission of the Bundeswehr. In addition, the author develops his own comprehensive definition of soft power.
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Waqf in central Asia : four hundred years in the history of a Muslim shrine, 1480-1889 /McChesney, Robert D. January 1991 (has links)
Univ., Diss. (rev.)--Princeton, 1973.
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Legitimitet inom ett COIN-perspektiv / Legitimacy in a COIN perspectiveAndersson, Björn January 2009 (has links)
Uppsatsens problemställning utgår från en eventuell brist i utbildning eller kunskap om gällande doktriner för svenska förband i utlandstjänst. Uppsatsen har ansatsen att visa på en ögonblicksbild av hur ett svenskt förband tolkar begreppet legitimitet och hur det arbetar med att stödja detta i genomförandet av verksamheten. Jämförande underlag och även analysverktyg utgår från ett brett urval inom forskning om upprorsbekämpning och även amerikanska doktriner samt reglementen. Uppsatsen utgår från att begreppet legitimitet har stor betydelse för teorier kring upprorsbekämpning och även för den använda amerikanska doktrinen. Begreppet legitimitet har definierats med hjälp av tre frågeställningar, Legitimitet för vem, Vem ska uppfatta vad som legitimt? samt Vem genererar legitimiteten åt vad? Resultatet visar på att det svenska förbandet i det undersökta exemplet har en bred syn på begreppet legitimitet och kopplar det till såväl sig själva som statsmakten i värdlandet och detta både mot befolkningen i hemlandet och också i operationsområdet. Skillnaderna mot vad som i uppsatsen redovisas som COIN teori eller amerikansk doktrin är små. En viktig del är dock att uppsatsen visar på att det svenska förbandets huvudsakliga definition av legitimitet inom ett COIN-perspektiv är stärkandet av landets säkerhetsorganisationers legitimitet kontra den egna befolkningen. Detta skulle skilja sig mot ovan redovisad teori och doktrin. / The essay presentation of a problem proceed from a possible lack of training or knowledge about valid doctrines for Swedish units conducting service abroad. The essay have the goal to give a snapshoot picture of how a Swedish unit interpret the concept of legitimacy and how the unit works with different aspects to support this. Relating material and also the tool for conducting the analysis are gathered from a wide selection of science in counterinsurgency and also American doctrines. The paper assumes that the concept of legitimacy is important in theories surrounding counterinsurgency and also for the used American doctrine. The concept of legitimacy has been defined by three issues, Legitimacy for whom, Who will perceive what is legitimate? and Who generates legitimacy for what? The result shows that the Swedish unit in the examined example has a width of vision of the concept of legitimacy and linking it to both themselves as the state of the host country and that both the population in both the home and area of operation. The differences of what is in the paper are reported as COIN theory or the American doctrine is small. An important part is that the paper shows that the Swedish's unit primary definition of legitimacy in a COIN perspective, are the strengthening of the country's security organizations legitimacy versus its own population. This would differ from the above reported theory and doctrine.
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L'intervention soviétique en Afghanistan et l'Islam en URSSUslubas, Fevzi January 1989 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences sociales, politiques et économiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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The Good, The Bad, The Guilty : A character analysis of Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner / Den Goda, Den Onda, Den skyldige : En karaktärsanalys av Khaled Hosseinis The Kite RunnerSjödén, Madelene January 2020 (has links)
In Khaled Hosseini's novel The Kite Runner (2003) the reader follows the narrator and protagonist Amir’s as he embarks on his journey towards redemption. Amir’s need for redemption is based on the tragic childhood event where Amir’s friend and servant Hassan were assaulted by their nemesis Assef as Amir can, but fails to intervene. This event is central to the plot. The story is told through Amir's memories and contains details about his relationship to the people close to him as well as his nemesis. I will argue that Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner can be interpreted through a character analysis based on the names Hosseini chose for three of his characters and how they correlate to the portrayal of the characters, their personalities and how they mirror the actors in the Afghani civil war. / I Khaled Hosseinis roman The Kite Runner (2003) följer läsaren berättaren och huvudpersonen Amir på hans resan genom livet. Den tragiska händelsen där Amirs vän och tjänare Hassan blev våldtagen av deras plågoande Assef är en central del av handlingen. Handlingen skildras genom Amirs minnen och innehåller detaljer om hans relationer till de personer som står honom nära såväl som detaljer om hans fiende. Jag argumenterar för att Khaled Hosseinis The Kite Runner kan tolkas genom en karaktärsanalys som baseras på de namn som Hosseini valt till sina karaktärer och hur de står i relation till porträtteringen av karaktärerna och deras personligheter samt hur de speglar aktörerna i det afghanska inbördeskriget.
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Cloud Computing Adoption in Afghanistan: A Quantitative Study Based on the Technology Acceptance ModelNassif, George T. 01 January 2019 (has links)
Cloud computing emerged as an alternative to traditional in-house data centers that businesses can leverage to increase the operation agility and employees' productivity. IT solution architects are tasked with presenting to IT managers some analysis reflecting cloud computing adoption critical barriers and challenges. This quantitative correlational study established an enhanced technology acceptance model (TAM) with four external variables: perceived security (PeS), perceived privacy (PeP), perceived connectedness (PeN), and perceived complexity (PeC) as antecedents of perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEoU) in a cloud computing context. Data collected from 125 participants, who responded to the invitation through an online survey focusing on Afghanistan's main cities Kabul, Mazar, and Herat. The analysis showed that PEoU was a predictor of the behavioral intention of cloud computing adoption, which is consistent with the TAM; PEoU with an R2 = .15 had a stronger influence than PU with an R2 = .023 on cloud computing behavior intention of adoption and use. PeN, PeS, and PeP significantly influenced the behavioral intentions of IT architects to adopt and use the technology. This study showed that PeC was not a significant barrier to cloud computing adoption in Afghanistan. By adopting cloud services, employees can have access to various tools that can help increase business productivity and contribute to improving the work environment. Cloud services, as an alternative solution to home data centers, can help businesses reduce power consumption and consecutively decrease in carbon dioxide emissions due to less power demand.
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Zahraniční politika USA a sovětská invaze Afghánistánu / The U. S. Foreign Policy and the Soviet Invasion of AfghanistanKřížek, Filip January 2019 (has links)
The subject of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan is widely known and has the public attention. Still it is not processed enough by the historians. The end of the 1980's, as a period of withrdraw of the Soviet soldiers, draws more attention. Even the person of Jimmy Carter does not draw that much attention as the personality of his successor Ronald Reagan. The author will concentrate on the steps that were taken consequently after the Soviet incursion by the leading policy makers of the USA headed by president Carter. The author will analyse the indirect American involvement in the conflict and its influence on the relations of the superpowers and the condiotions in the administrative of the president of the USA. The author will also make an effort to show the continuity with the previous foreign policy of USA, Afghanistan and Soviet Union.
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Tillämpningen av samtida rysk vilseledning : ett integrerat understödPlöen, Carl January 2019 (has links)
Russian application of deception in warfare has an extensive history. A lot of previous research has explored both its application and development through different historical conflicts. However, the 2014 Russian annexation of Crimea has raised a debate that challenges the classic application of Russian deception methods. Nevertheless, many researchers claim that Russia continues to use traditional methods of warfare and deception, albeit adapted to a modern context. This thesis explores these claims by a concrete comparison of the application of Russian deception methods during the annexation of Crimea with a successful historical Russian deception operation, the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. This is done by a comparative case study, which breaks down both cases with theoretical support from Barton Whaley's theory of deception. The study validates claims that traditional Russian deception methods are being applied in a contemporary context. What has changed, however, is how the different types of deception mutually support one another and are utilized to achieve synergy effects.
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