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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Jag sa nej. Hur säger man ett nej så att det blir mer nej?" : En kvalitativ studie om hur Aftonbladet och Expressen skildrade gruppvåldtäkten i Tensta.

Westergård, Westesson, Johanna, Kristin January 2013 (has links)
Titel: ”Jag sa nej. Hur säger man ett nej så att det blir mer nej?”   Författare: Kristin Westesson och Johanna Westergård   Kurs, termin och år: C-uppsats, HT 2013   Antal ord i uppsatsen: 16 785   Problemformulering och syfte: En av de våldtäkter som kvällstidningarna bevakade 2013 var en gruppvåldtäkt på en 15-årig flicka i Tensta. Den fick stor uppmärksamhet i kvällspressen efter att de misstänkta, sex jämnåriga pojkarna, friades i hovrätten. Krönikörer, debattörer och ledarskribenter vaknade till liv och recenserade det domslut många tyckte var felaktigt. Politiker engagerade sig, folk skrev på protestlistor och det var nakenprotester utanför Svea Hovrätt. Det här fallet har alltså berört många i Sverige. Hur skildrade Sveriges största kvällstidningar, Aftonbladet och Expressen, händelsen? Tog de någons parti? Vem var offer och vem var egentligen gärningsman? Tenstafallet väckte många frågor och ligger till grund för den här fallstudien. Brottsjournalistik upptar en stor del av kvällstidningarna, samtidigt som forskning om medier och brott är knapphändig utifrån ett genusperspektiv. Att studera hur media skriver om brott, inte minst om våldtäkter, är viktigt då människans verklighetsuppfattning i allt högre grad formas av massmedier. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka hur offret/flickan och gärningsmännen/pojkarna framställdes i Tenstafallet i Aftonbladet och Expressen, samt om gestaltningarna stämmer överens med de myter som finns i forskningen kring gärningsmän och offer.   Metod och material: Fallstudien baserades på en kvalitativ textanalys där samtliga texter i de båda tidningarna om våldtäkten – nyhetsartiklar, ledare, debattartiklar, kolumner och krönikor – analyserades.   Huvudresultat: Resultaten av denna studie visar att varken offret eller gärningsmännen beskrevs särskilt ingående, samt att rapportering om våldtäkter förändrats. Offret får ingen skuld i det inträffade och gärningsmännens skuld pendlar från att vara framstående i början av fallet till att vara mindre i slutet. De frias dock aldrig helt av media trots att de friats av hovrätten. I slutet av medierapporteringen är det hovrätten och hela samhället som är skurken. Hovrätten, som har gjort en felaktig bedömning och inte ställer sig på flickans sida, och samhället som har dåliga lagar och inte förmår hjälpa pojkar som kan göra sådana här saker. Att kritiskt granska och lyfta fram varför hovrätten har gjort den här bedömningen görs inte i många artiklar.   Nyckelord: Journalistik, våldtäkt, offer, gärningsman, Aftonbladet, Expressen, genus, brott, kvällstidning, kriminologi.

Bloggare: personliga, populära och användbara

Segerberg, Petra January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur de populära unga bloggskrivarna Kenza, Kissie och Blondinbella ramats in i Aftonbladet och DN (under 2012) och vilka tolkningar av fenomenet läsaren därmed inspirerades till. De teoretiska perspektiv uppsatsen utgår från är konstruktionismen och inramningsteori, framförallt med utgångspunkt från Van Gorp och van der Goots studier. Andra teorier och perspektiv som legat till grund för arbetet handlar om det postmoderna samhället, postfeministisk mediekultur, populärkultur och ungdomskultur. Inramningsteorin ligger till grund för den metod som använts. Analysarbetet har bestått i att identifiera och dekonstruera inramningarna, de s.k. rampaketen, varefter ramarna namngivits och resultatet sammanfattats och utvecklats i en matris där rampaketens ”funktion” redovisas, d.v.s. vilka problemdefinitioner, orsaksförklaringar och problemlösningar som inramningarna har kapacitet att gynna. De fem inramningar som identifierats i texterna är ”Blondinbellahögerns framgångskult”, ”Den odrägliga (Blondinbella-generationen)”,”Entreprenörer, stekare, överklass, mediekändis”, ”De onaturliga (Kissie-)klonerna”, och ”Den naturliga, nakna kvinnokroppen”. Studien kom fram till att de tolkningar som ramarna leder till inte i första hand handlade om bloggkultur eller ungdomskultur utan rör sig inom andra områden. Bloggskrivarna framställdes framförallt som ”typer” med tillhörande attityder och deras roll i texterna handlade inte sällan om att personifiera ämnen eller händelser. De fem ramarna delar vissa manifesta element och ofta förekommer flera ramar i samma text, så tolkningens roll för resultatet är inte obetydlig.

Psykisk ohälsa: En normal frisk reaktion på andan som råder? : En kvalitativ studie med socialkonstruktionistisk ansats av Aftonbladets förmedling av psykisk ohälsa

Sundström, Matilda, Carlzon, Maria January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how the portrayed images of mental ill-health has been constructed and re-constructed in the online publications of the tabloid Aftonbladet, in the year of 2004 and 2014. The study also examined similarities and differences in the portrayed images of mental ill-health published by the writers, recurred as metaphors. The study also aimed to increase awareness and understanding about how conveyed images in news media about mental ill-health can influence people. The study is grounded in a social constructionist approach and the collected data was analyzed with impression management, the looking glass self and performativity. The result indicated similarities concerning that Sweden’s mental ill- health increases, and a taboo about the mental ill-health. Differences in the result indicated distinction in modality between the years, i.e. with how much certainty the portrayed images were published. The result showed a more alarming situation concerning mental ill-health 2014 than 2004. In the empiric of 2014 the conveyed image appeared slightly more bound to person and the stressed environment of the contemporary individual was portrayed as the cause of the increase of mental ill- health. Recurring, images of certain exposed groups were portrayed as victims of the mental ill-health. The social worker has an important task revealing how the prevailing conceptions about mental ill-health in society affects the social work as well as the client. / <p>Andra författaren Maria Carlzon heter numera Maria Fransson.</p>

Mellan plastic fantastic och samhällsreflektion : En kvalitativ analys av Barbie-filmen 2023 / Between Plastic Fantastic and Social Reflection. : A qualitative analysis of the Barbie movie 2023

Forsberg, Alma, Berg, Ella January 2024 (has links)
This study analyzes how the film Barbie from 2023 portrays different gender roles and power relations between men and women. The purpose of the study is to investigate how traditional gender norms and power relations are confirmed and questioned in the film. The film is about how Barbie lives in a fictional society that is a matriarchy. In the film, stereotypical Barbie and Ken encounter the patriarchy, which is then introduced into their world, leading to a rebellion between the men and the women. The theoretical framework consists of feminist film theory and framing theory. Analysis and results will be linked to the concepts: gender, patriarchy, stereotypes and previous research. The study's methodological approach consists of a qualitative thematic analysis where themes are made visible and analyzed in order to examine the film's message and portrayals of power relations and gender roles on a deeper level. The representation of gender and gender roles is analyzed based on the stylistic figure of irony. The results of the study indicate that the male and female characters maintain and challenge the stereotypical elements of men and women. The film portrays power relations by including scenes where traditional gender roles are turned upside down. With an ironic contrast, the expectations and behavioral patterns that exist in society are reinforced. Because the study has analyzed more deeply beyond the clear ironic and feminist elements, we have been able to highlight a problem with how gender roles and power relations are represented and how they reflect society. It becomes clear how the film reflects society's norms but also shows an awareness of gender roles and equality by problematizing these using, among other things, irony and a critical tone.

Eko eller ego? : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om hur mycket hudvårdsföretag använder strategier för att kommunicera sitt hållbarhetsarbete på Instagram / Eco or ego?

Halléni, Natalie, Jönsson, Emmie January 2024 (has links)
Sustainability and climate change are current topics in today's society. Companies must work more environmentally friendly and sustainably to meet society's demands. The strategies also require transparency throughout the entire process, from production to consumption. The companies' green sustainability responsibilities have often been shown to be incorrect or non-existent. This study aims to investigate how much skincare companies use strategies to portray green activities on Instagram. The study examines four skincare companies: The Body Shop, Rituals, Weleda, and Lumene. By analyzing their Instagram posts, the study highlights the frequency of strategies used to communicate green sustainable activities. Considering society's demands for environmental promotion and transparency, the study contributes to understanding how much skincare companies communicate their green responsibilities. The study is based on the theories of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and framing theory and was conducted through a quantitative content analysis of Instagram posts. The results showed that the companies portrayed other claims and messages to a greater extent than CSR and green activities. Furthermore, the results do not show any significant difference between the companies in terms of the use of strategies for green marketing communication.

“She’s everything, he’s just Ken” : En kvalitativ analys av skönhetsideal och kroppsbild i Barbie / "She's everything, he's just Ken"  : A qualitative analysis of beauty ideals and body image in Barbie

Thelin, Beatrice, Abrahamsson, Siri January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to analyze and understand how the film Barbie (Gerwig, 2023) influences young people's perceptions of beauty ideals and body image. Through the analysis of body observation and beauty in the film Barbie, this research seeks to highlight how beauty ideals are portrayed in the film by young individuals. The purpose is also to identify and analyze if there is a perceived impact on self-esteem and identify any differences between genders. Using semi-structured interviews and analysis framed within sociocultural and gender theories, this research endeavors to comprehend young people's perceptions of the film Barbie. The age for participants in the study was determined to be 18-25 years and included both men and women, the number of participants was set at 10 individuals, five women and five men. The result showed that it is evident among the participants that the film portrays and questions traditional beauty ideals and gender roles in an exaggerated and satirical manner and that the film Barbie reflects societal beauty ideals and gender roles. Participants perceive that the beauty ideal in the film Barbie reflects both traditional and exaggerated beauty ideals for both men and women. Barbie and Ken represent the traditional beauty ideal - Barbie is described as slim and well-made-up with a symmetrical face, and Ken is perceived as well-toned and muscular. While some of the male participants do not feel directly affected by the beauty ideals portrayed in the film, the female participants demonstrate a negative impact on their self-esteem. It is also interesting to note that one of the male participants experienced a negative impact on his self-esteem and felt pressure to emulate the beauty ideals depicted in the film. In conclusion, there is a difference between genders regarding the film's impact on self-esteem, with women tending to be more negatively affected than men. However, the general impact does not seem to differ significantly between genders.

Sporten som maskulint territorium : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om hur kvällstidnigen Aftonbladet representerar manliga jämfört med kvinnliga elitidrottare i deras sportbilaga 2023 / Sport as a masculine territory : A quantitative content analysis about how the evening newspaper Aftonbladet represents male compared to female elite athletes in their sports supplement during 2023

Siklund, Emilia, Strindhag, Lisa January 2024 (has links)
This study examines how the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet reports and portrays female elite athletes compared to male elite athletes in their sport supplement during 2023. In order to achieve the purpose of the studie, Aftonbladet ́s reporting during 2023 is examined through a quantitative content analysis. Based on framing theory and agenda setting theory, this study examined and discussed if Aftonbladet has an equal representation of male- and female elite athletes and whether there are stereotypical representations of the sexes in their reporting. Previous research states that female athletes are underrepresented in the media ́s sports coverage and are portrayed based on gender-specific stereotypes and norms. The result of this study shows that female elite athletes are underrepresented in Aftonbladet ́s sport supplement, which contributes to preserving traditional gender stereotypes and reinforcing traditional gender roles. The result also showed that Aftonbladet mediates representations based on traditional gender differences.

"Jag mår bra, allt är perfekt" : En kritisk diskursanalys i hur Aftonbladet framställde en terrormisstänkt man

Björkman, Milly, Ståhl, Mi January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet portrayed a man who was a suspect of preparation of terrorist crimes, in articles published between 19th of November 2015 and the 23rd of Januari 2016. The aim was to get a deeper understanding of the portraiture of the person in question, and to point out existing discourses in the analysed material with the help of critical discourse analysis as explained by Norman Fairclough and his theories about identities, social representation and relations. Theories about social representation and postcolonialism were used as a springboard for the analysis. In the study we found two distinct discourses. The discourse for the period prior the man’s release was clearly influenced by denuniation and alienation, and the one found for the period after the man’s release were welcoming. Conclusions drawn from the study are that Aftonbladet portrays the man in a stereotypical manner, as well as legitimizes their own power of influence.

Terrorist eller psykiskt sjuk? : En kvalitativ gestaltningsanalys kring framställningen av ett terrorbrott och ett hatbrott / Terrorist or Mentally Ill? : A Qualitative Framing Analysis on the Representation of a Terrorist Crime and a Hate Crime

Ågren, Jessica, Koppel Eriksson, Mathilda January 2016 (has links)
Den här studien fokuserar på mediers framställning av fenomenet terrorism i nyhetsinnehållet i pressen. Mer specifikt undersöks nyhetsrapporteringen i Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladet från de tre följande dagarna efter självmordsbombningen i Stockholm 2010, som rubriceras som terrorbrott, och skolattacken i Trollhättan 2015, som rubriceras som hatbrott. Båda brott är dock enligt definitionen som finns i svensk lag terrorism. Syftet med studien är att se vad som framhävs och vad som hamnar i bakgrunden när det kommer till terrorism för att på så vis skaffa en bredare kunskap och förståelse för hur fenomenet terrorism framställs i media. För att komma åt detta används gestaltning som både teori och metod. Studiens teoretiska ramverk består också av representation då detta förklarar hur mediers presentationer formar medborgarnas bilder av olika företeelser. I analysen har tio av de elva fokuspunkter som J. W. Tankard föreslår undersökts i de valda artiklarna. Utifrån detta framkom ett antal övergripande teman, eller gestaltningar, som sedan jämfördes mellan de båda fallen. Bland annat visade resultaten att det i nyhetsrapporteringen återfinns en stark koppling mellan terrorism och islam, där religionen framställs som ett motiv till våld. Gärningsmännen i båda fallen beskrivs ha hamnat utanför i såväl lokalsamhället som landet Sverige i stort, och framför allt självmordsbombaren i Stockholm kopplas ständigt till nätverk och organisationer vilket gör att han skildras som en religiös terrorist. Samtidigt ses gärningsmannen i Trollhättan som en ensamt agerande individ som gestaltas som psykiskt sjuk. / This study focuses on the media's representation of the phenomenon terrorism in the news coverage in the press. More specifically the news coverage of Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet from the three following days after the suicide bombing in Stockholm 2010, which is classified as a terrorist crime, and the school attack in Trollhättan 2015, which is classified as a hate crime, is researched. Both crimes are however based on the definition found in Swedish law terrorism. The aim of the study is to see what is emphasised and what is understated when it comes to terrorism in order to gain a wider knowledge and understanding for how the phenomenon terrorism is represented in the media. Framing is used both as theory and method to access this. The theoretical framework also includes representation since this explains how the media's depictions shape people's views of different issues. Ten of the eleven focus points proposed by J. W. Tankard is used to research the chosen articles. In the analysis a number of overarching themes, or frames, were revealed and these frames were compared between the two cases. Among other things the results showed that there was a strong connection between terrorism and islam in the news coverage, where the religion was depicted as the motive for violence. The perpetrators were in both cases represented as outsiders of both their local communities and the country of Sweden, and especially the suicide bomber in Stockholm was connected with networks and organisations which means that he is portrayed as a religious terrorist. Meanwhile the perpetrator in Trollhättan is seen as an independently acting individual who is framed as mentally ill.

Varning för clown : En kvalitativ textanalys av tidningsmediers framställning av clownattackerna i Sverige 2016 / Beware of clowns : A qualitative textual analysis of newspapermedia's representation of the clown attacks in Sweden in 2016

Ekryd, Lovisa, Einebrant, Evelyn January 2017 (has links)
Hösten 2016 uppkom ett fenomen som blev omtalat i svenska morgontidningar, den så kallade “clownhysterin”. Fenomen sattes snabbt på agendan och handlade om clowner som hade attackerat människor. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka som får synas i artiklarna och hur de representeras. Artiklarna kommer att inhämtas från de två största kvälls- och morgontidningar i Sverige, Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter. Studien använder sig av teorin om medielogiken där begreppen tillspetsning, förenkling, polarisering, intensifiering, personifiering, konkretion och stereotypisering använts. En kvalitativ textanalys kommer att vara studiens metod. Resultaten som tagits fram visar på att vittnen, clowner och utsatta är underrepresenterade i artiklarna. Poliser och högre uppsatta syns till en större grad. Clownerna representeras som de onda och skräckinjagande medan poliser framställs som tillförlitliga och sakliga. / In the fall of 2016 the words “creepy clown hysteria” or “clown attacks” became regular to the Swedish daily press. The phenomenon of clowns attacking people and scaring people became media's head priority during approximately two weeks. The focus of this thesis is to establish who gets to talk in the articles and how these people are represented. The articles are found in the biggest night and morning newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The theory for this thesis is called media logics and includes seven directions, these are; sharpening, simplification, polarization, intensification, personification, concreteness and stereotyping. A qualitative text analysis is used as method for this thesis regarding text. The results of the thesis are that there is an underrepresentation of witnesses, clowns and victims in the texts and an overrepresentation of people with authority like polices. The clowns are represented as evil and horrifying while the polices are shown as trustworthy and honest people.

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