Spelling suggestions: "subject:"antisocial"" "subject:"antissocial""
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Objektrelationer hos livsstilskriminella män : En litteraturstudie / Object relations in men with a criminal lifestyle : A literature studyLindblom, Sophia January 2018 (has links)
Inledning: I föreliggande litteraturstudie analyseras tre kvantitativa studier somundersökt sambanden mellan objektrelationer och antisocial personlighetsstörningoch psykopati hos kriminella män. Målgruppen överensstämmer väl med personermed kriminell livsstil. Föreliggande uppsats syftar till att utifrån den samladekunskapen öka förståelsen för de omedvetna emotionella processerna hospersoner med kriminell livsstil. En ökad förståelse antas kunna bidra till bättreanpassad behandling för målgruppen. Frågeställningar: Vilka objektrelationer finns hos livsstilskriminella män? Hurkan en större förståelse inom området bidra till bättre anpassade interventionerför målgruppen? Metod: Studierna har inkluderats genom databassökning och analyserats genomtematisering där generella och specifika aspekter av objektrelationer hosmålgruppen identifierats. Resultat: Resultatet visar att målgruppen generellt har enpersonlighetsorganisation på borderlinenivå. Specifikt är egocentrism denintrapsykiska aspekt som är mest karaktäristisk. Interventioner som visat sigframgångsrika med andra former av personlighetsstörningar inom kluster B antasvara användbara för målgruppen. Diskussion: Vidare forskning behövs om hur målgruppens egocentrism skahanteras i den terapeutiska situationen. Psykoedukativa inslag om egocentrismantas kunna bidra till att klienten idealiserar denna kunskap, vilket kan vändas tillett intresse för det egna inre. / Introduction: In this literature study, the relationships between objectrelationships and antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy among criminalswas analysed. The aim is to increase the understanding of the unconsciousemotional processes of people with a criminal lifestyle. An increasedunderstanding is believed to contribute to better tailored interventions for thetarget group. Issues: What object relations are found in men with a criminal lifestyle? How cana greater understanding in the area contribute to better tailored interventions forthe target group? Methods: The studies have been included through database search and examinedthrough thematization. General and specific aspects of object relations wereidentified. Results: The result shows that the target group generally has a personalityorganization at borderline level. Specifically, egocentrism is the characteristicaspect. Interventions that have proved to be successful with other personalitydisorders within cluster B are believed to be useful to the target group. Discussion: Further research is needed to examine how egocentrism should behandled in the therapeutic situation. Psycho-educative elements aboutegocentrism are believed to help the client idealize this knowledge and turn it intoan interest in his own mental states.
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Ju mer man jobbar inifrån, desto bättre blir det där ute : En kvalitativ studie om återfallsprevention hos dömda unga mänThylin, Elisabeth January 2018 (has links)
The Swedish prison and probation service is an authority whose task is to care for individuals sentenced to imprisonment or probation (Kriminalvården, 2018). I also chose to include social services, SIS and outpatient care for a broader ground for my study. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the Swedish prison and probation service and agency in Norrbotten County work with relapse prevention in young criminal men. I chose to use a qualitative method to gain a broad understanding of this subject. The result has been collected through six semi-structured interviews and semi structured telephone interviews with persons working in the Swedish prison and probation service, SiS, outpatient care and social services in Norrbotten County. The results show that these activities work against the relapse risk through motivational conversations, treatment plans, and the creation of relationships between them and the client. All of these factors is used to counteract the labelling that the young men received from society when they deviated from the norms and laws of society. This can make the young men to easily return in relapse after the execution. Other factors such as anti-social networks, homelessness, lack of economy and unemployment are also negative contributing causes that affect the return risk. / Kriminalvården är en myndighet vars uppgift är att vårda individer som dömts till fängelse eller frivård (Kriminalvården, 2018). Till Kriminalvården räknas även frivården med. Jag valde även att inkludera Socialtjänsten, SiS och Öppenvården för att få en bredare underlag för min studie. Syftet för studien är att undersöka hur Kriminalvården och samverkande verksamheter i Norrbottens län arbetar med återfallsprevention hos unga kriminella män. Jag valde att använda mig av en kvalitativ metod för att få en bred förståelse kring detta ämne. Resultatet har samlats in via sex semistukturerade intervjuer samt semistukturerade telefonintervjuer med personer som jobbar inom Kriminalvården, Frivården, SiS, Öppenvården och Socialtjänsten inom Norrbottens län. Resultatet visar att dessa verksamheter jobbar mot återfallsrisken genom motiverande samtal, behandlingsplaner och skapande av relationer mellan dem och klienten. Alla dessa faktorer används för att motverka den stämpling som de unga männen fått av samhället när de avvikit från normerna och lagarna i samhället. Detta gör att de unga männen lätt kan hamna tillbaka i återfall efter avslutad tid. Andra faktorer såsom antisociala nätverk, bostadslöshet, brist på ekonomi och arbetslöshet är också negativt bidragande orsaker som påverkar återfallsrisken.
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Den sociala utvecklingsmodellen : En kvalitativ studie om mötesplatsers arbete för att stärka barn och ungas prosociala utvecklingHallberg, Linda, Westby, Lovisa January 2023 (has links)
Det brottsförebyggande arbetet har stött på stora utmaningar i att förebygga att barn och unga rekryteras till kriminella gäng. Genom att arbeta förebyggande i tidiga åldrar och stärka barns prosociala utveckling minskar risken att unga individer utvecklar antisocialt beteende. I en mindre kommun i Sverige arbetar personal på mötesplatser, tidigare benämnt ungdomsgård, med att stärka barn och ungas prosociala utveckling. Detta arbete utformas utifrån den sociala utvecklingsmodellen [SDM]. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur personal på mötesplatser upplever sitt arbete med att stärka barn och ungas prosociala utveckling, och hur detta kan minska nyrekrytering till kriminella gäng. Analysen baseras på fyra intervjuer. Resultaten visar att det går att arbeta med modellen för att stärka barn och ungas prosociala utveckling. Respondenterna lyfter att barn och unga behöver känna att de hör hemma någonstans och ser att mötesplatserna kan utgöra ett positivt sammanhang för dem att utvecklas i. SDM strukturerar arbetet och ger möjligheter till att minska unga individers sårbarhet för gängrekrytering, men det förebyggande arbetet måste börjas tidigt. / It is challenging to prevent youths' from getting recruited to criminal gangs. Strengthening youths' prosocial development will in parallel reduce the risk of developing antisocial behavior. In a small municipality in Sweden, youth centers are working to strengthen youths' prosocial development. Their work is based on The Social Development Model [SDM]. The purpose of the present study was to investigate how staff at these youth centers work to strengthen prosocial development in youth, and how this can reduce recruitment to criminal gangs. Four interviews with staff from the youth centers were carried out. Results showed that by employing the SDM enhances youths’ prosocial development. Youths explicitly have a need to feel that they belong somewhere. Respondents also expressed that their work with SDM at the youth centers creates a positive context where youth can develop. SDM provides structure and reduces vulnerability in youth which in turn hinders gang recruitment. Nonetheless, in order for the prevention to be successful, it has to start early.
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The use of antisocial behaviour orders (ASBOs) in Britain : unpacking the primacy of legal procedure(s) and judicial discretionDonoghue, Jane Catriona January 2007 (has links)
The primary thesis that the chapters which follow are concerned to elaborate and to substantiate is to what extent legal procedure(s) and judicial discretion influence the administration, management and outcomes of Antisocial Behaviour Order (ASBO) use in Britain. A great deal of the existing academic literature on the use of ASBOs in Britain locates the strategic importance of the ‘relevant authorities’ (local authorities, housing associations, registered social landlords (RSLs), the police) involved in ASBO applications. While acknowledging the importance of existing scholarship which highlights the significance of the contribution of these applicant agencies in shaping ASBO outcomes, this thesis contends that the position of both legal procedure(s) and the court system in ASBO applications is also one of fundamental primacy, which necessitates further examination and analysis. Moreover, there are also no comparative studies in existence that analyse the substantive differences and/or similarities between ASBO administrative procedure(s) in Scotland, and in England and Wales. Hence this thesis will also provide a comparative account of relevant aspects of legal and administrative procedure(s) across these jurisdictions. The data production approach applied in this thesis is both quantitative and qualitative in its composition. An online survey questionnaire was used to obtain data on solicitors’ experiences of ASBO application and court procedure(s) (in Scotland, and in England and Wales), and semi-structured interviews were conducted with Sheriffs in the lower courts in Scotland in order to obtain information on judicial discretion and decision-making in ASBO cases. The study found that legal procedure(s) and judicial discretion fundamentally impacted on the operation of antisocial behaviour legislation and the use of ASBOs in both Scotland, and in England and Wales. Specifically, legal procedure(s) and judicial discretion influenced the form of ASBO prohibitions and the type of behaviour made the subject of an order; the extent of the impact of mitigating factors; the evidentiary requirements necessary for an interim/ASBO application; the sentencing tariffs for breach; the frequency with which orders on conviction are issued; the frequency with which orders are granted to children and young people; and the ability of alleged antisocial behaviour perpetrators to defend or to appeal action against them. Building on existing theoretical frameworks on procedural justice (Galligan, 1996a; 1996b; Halliday, 1998; 2004), and, moreover, on conceptual paradigms of ‘fairness’ and consistency in judicial decision-making developed in other empirical studies of procedure and judicial discretion in the lower courts (Anleu and Mack, 2005; 2007; Cowan et al., 2006 Hunter et al., 2005; Lawrence, 1995), the thesis develops an account of the network of (procedural and juridical) factors that influence the use of ASBOs in Britain. The thesis concludes that, in order to ensure greater consistency, stringency and accuracy in approach to ASBO cases – in essence, in order for there to be more ‘fairness’ in ASBO processes - there must be a greater socio-legal focus upon the influence of both substantive practices and formal procedural rules.
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Examining the incremental validity of psychopathy versus antisocial personality disorder in understanding patterns of criminal behaviorBraithwaite, Erika 08 1900 (has links)
La psychopathie et le trouble de personnalité antisociale sont deux syndromes reliés qui ont été identifiés comme prédicteurs importants de comportements violents et de criminalité. Cependant, la recherche indique que les facteurs de la psychopathie centrés sur la personnalité ne sont pas des prédicteurs fiables de récidive violente chez les personnes atteintes de maladies mentales. Toutefois, peu d’études se sont centrées sur l’identification des facteurs associés au patron des antécédents criminels. Les 96 hommes de l’étude ont été déclarés non criminellement responsables en raison de troubles mentaux. Ils ont été évalués quant au trouble de la personnalité antisociale ainsi qu’à la psychopathie. Les dossiers criminels de la Gendarmerie Royale du Canada ont également été consultés afin de reconstituer l’histoire criminelle. Les résultats suggèrent que ni les traits de personnalité antisociaux, ni les facteurs de la psychopathie ne démontrent une validité prédictive incrémentielle les uns sur les autres quant au nombre ou à la sévérité des délits. La présence d’un grand nombre de traits antisociaux est associée à un plus grand nombre et à une plus importante sévérité d’actes criminels non-violents. Les résultats sont discutés en termes de l’utilité d’une classification du trouble de personnalité antisociale, et de la pertinence du construit de la psychopathie pour les personnes atteintes de maladies mentales graves. / Psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder are two related yet clinically distinct syndromes both coined as important predictors of violence and criminality. Among the mentally ill, there is increasing evidence that only the behavioral aspects of psychopathy are related to criminality. Studies have shown that the personality-oriented facets of psychopathy add little to the prediction of future violence among the mentally ill. However, few studies have sought to examine whether a lifetime of crime shows the same pattern. A total of 96 men who had been declared not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder participated in this study. Trained interviewers assessed antisocial personality and psychopathy among participants. Official RCMP criminal records were consulted in order to ascertain criminal history. Results suggest that neither antisocial personality disorder traits nor psychopathy facets evidenced incremental validity one over the other regarding a lifetime pattern of offending. A higher number of antisocial traits were related to a greater number and higher severity of non-violent offenses. Results are discussed with regards to the usefulness of the antisocial personality disorder classification, and the applicability of conceptual models of psychopathy to individuals with a severe mental illness.
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Explicando comportamentos socialmente desviantes: uma análise do compromisso convencional e afiliação socialSANTOS, Walberto Silva dos January 2008 (has links)
SANTOS, Walberto Silva dos; GOUVEIA, Valdiney Veloso. Explicando comportamentos socialmente desviantes: uma análise do compromisso convencional e afiliação social. 2008. 288f. - Tese (Doutorado) - Universidade Federal da Paraíba / Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Programa de Doutorado Integrado em Psicologia Social. João Pessoa (PB), 2008. / Submitted by yan bruno (yanrich01@hotmail.com) on 2016-07-28T17:27:30Z
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Previous issue date: 2008 / The present thesis examines to what extent normative social values, religious commitment, authoritative styles of parental socialization, and identification with conventional groups of reference inhibits (i.e., work as protective factors) socially deviant behaviors (antisocial and delictive). Specifically, the main objective was to test the contribution of these protective factors to explain deviant behaviors, proposing an integrative model denominated of conventional commitment and social affiliation. Four empirical studies were carried out. Study 1 tested the psychometric properties of four measures used. Participants were 317 young students with mean age of 16.6 years. They answered a survey questionnaire comprising seven parts, including the Questionnaire of Antisocial and Delictive Behaviors (QADB), the Religious Beliefs Scale, the Religious Practices Scale, the Identification with Groups of Reference Scale, and demographic questions. Results suggested the adequacy of (1) reducing the QADB, (2) the factorial structure of the scales of religious beliefs and practices, and (3) the enlargement of the Identification with Groups of Reference Scale. Study 2 developed an index of religious commitment, comprising multiple indicators to achieve validity, reliability, and parsimony. In this study, participated 194 subjects identified as students or belongs to two religious groups (Catholic or Protestant), with mean age of 18.4 years. Results supported the validity and reliability of the religious commitment index. Study 3 tested the main hypotheses of this thesis, providing the first attempt for proposing the theoretical model regarding conventional commitment and social affiliation. Participated in this study 528 primary school, high school and undergraduate students, with ages ranging from 10 to 22 years (M = 15.5), most of them female (63.1%). All the hypotheses were confirmed, supporting the proposition of an explanatory model of socially deviant behaviors. In this model, normative values, authoritative style of maternal socialization, religious commitment, and identification with conventional groups of reference formed a general factor (conventional commitment and social affiliation), which correlated negatively with antisocial behaviors. These behaviors were then positively correlated with delictive ones. Finally, Study 4 replicated the conventional commitment and social affiliation model in an independent sample, considering male and female participants separately. The questionnaire was administered to 378 participants, with mean age of 15.4 years (ranging from 10 to 22 years), most of them female (59%). The analyses demonstrated the adequacy of this model: χ² (9) = 14.48, p = 0.106, χ² / df = 1.61, GFI = 0.99, AGFI = 0.99, CFI = 0.98, and RMSEA = 0.040 (CI90% = 0.000-0.077). In conclusion, the objectives of the thesis were reached, supporting the theoretical framework of the conventional commitment and social affiliation model, which allows the identification of protective factors of socially deviant behaviors. Future studies are also proposed that seek to contribute for this area of interest. / A presente tese buscou conhecer em que medida os valores sociais normativos, o compromisso religioso, o estilo de socialização parental autoritativo e a identificação com grupos convencionais de referência atuam como inibidores (fatores de proteção) de comportamentos socialmente desviantes (anti-sociais e delitivos). Procurouse, especificamente, verificar a contribuição destes construtos para explicar tais comportamentos, identificando um modelo integrador denominado de compromisso convencional e afiliação social. Neste sentido, realizaram-se quatro estudos empíricos. O Estudo 1 teve como objetivo conhecer evidências de validade fatorial e consistência interna de quatro das medidas utilizadas. Participaram 317 pessoas com idade média de 16,6 anos. Estes responderam um caderno composto por sete partes, dentre as quais o Questionário de Comportamentos Anti-sociais e Delitivos (CAD), a Escala de Crenças Religiosas, a Escala de Práticas Religiosas e a Escala de Identificação com Grupos de Referência, além de perguntas demográficas. Os resultados sugeriram a pertinência de reduzir o CAD, indicaram a adequação da estrutura fatorial das escalas de crenças e práticas religiosas e permitiram ampliar a Escala de Identificação com Grupos de Referência. O Estudo 2 pretendeu desenvolver um índice de compromisso religioso, agrupando múltiplos indicadores que atendessem aos critérios de validade, precisão e parcimônia. Neste sentido, participaram 194 estudantes e dois grupos de religiosos (Católicos e Protestantes), cuja idade média foi de 18,4 anos. Os resultados evidenciaram a confiabilidade do índice e a pertinência de utilizá-lo como medida do compromisso religioso. O Estudo 3 testou as hipóteses principais desta tese, proporcionando as primeiras aproximações para a construção do modelo teórico referente à hipótese de compromisso convencional e afiliação social. Participaram 528 estudantes dos ensinos fundamental, médio e superior, com idades variando entre 10 e 22 anos (M = 15,5), a maioria do sexo feminino (63,1%). Todas as hipóteses foram corroboradas, permitindo propor um modelo explicativo dos comportamentos socialmente desviantes. Neste, os valores normativos, o estilo parental materno denominado como autoritativo, o compromisso religioso e a identificação com grupos convencionais de referência compuseram um fator geral (compromisso convencional e afiliação social), que se correlacionou negativamente com os comportamentos anti-sociais; estes, por sua vez, correlacionaram-se diretamente com os comportamentos delitivos. Finalmente, o Estudo 4 replicou este modelo de compromisso convencional e afiliação social, considerando uma amostra independente e tratando homens e mulheres separadamente. Participaram 378 pessoas com idade média de 15,4 anos (amplitude 10 a 22 anos), a maioria do sexo feminino (59%). As análises demonstraram a adequação deste modelo: χ² (9) = 14,48, p = 0,106, χ² / gl = 1,61, GFI = 0,99, AGFI = 0,99, CFI = 0,98 e RMSEA = 0,040 (IC90% = 0,000-0,077). Concluindo, os objetivos da presente tese foram alcançados, referendando o marco teórico do compromisso convencional e afiliação social que permite identificar fatores que inibem os comportamentos socialmente desviantes. Não obstante, propuseram-se estudos futuros que visem contribuir para esta área de interesse. / La presente tesis buscó conocer en qué medida los valores sociales normativos, el compromiso religioso, el estilo parental autoritativo y la identificación con grupos convencionales de referencia actúan como inhibidores (factores de protección) de las conductas socialmente desviantes (antisociales y delictivas). Se buscó, específicamente, comprobar la contribución de éstos constructos para explicar tales conductas, identificando un modelo integrador denominado compromiso convencional y afiliación social. En este sentido, se realizaron cuatro estudios empíricos. El Estudio 1 tuvo como objetivo conocer las propiedades psicométricas de cuatro de las medidas utilizadas. Participaron 317 personas con edad promedia de 16.6 años. Estos completaron un cuaderno compuesto por siete partes, entre las cuales estaban: el Cuestionario de Conductas Antisociales y Delictivas (CAD), la Escala de Creencias Religiosas, la Escala de Prácticas Religiosas y la Escala de Identificación con Grupos de Referencia, además de ítems para la caracterización de la muestra. Los resultados indicaron que es adecuado reducir el CAD, revelaron la adecuación de la estructura factorial de las escalas de creencias y prácticas religiosas, y permitieron ampliar la Escala de Identificación con Grupos de Referencia. El Estudio 2 pretendió desarrollar un índice de compromiso religioso, agregando múltiples indicadores que atendiesen a los criterios de validez, fiabilidad y parsimonia. En este sentido, participaron 194 estudiantes y personals de dos grupos religiosos (católicos y protestantes); éstos tenían una edad promedia de 18.4 años. Los resultados evidenciaron la confiabilidad del índice y la pertinencia de utilizarlo como medida de compromiso religioso. El Estudio 3 testeó las hipótesis principales de esta tesis, proporcionando las primeras aproximaciones para la construcción del modelo teórico referente a la hipótesis del compromiso convencional y afiliación social. Participaron 528 estudiantes, con edad promedia de 15.5 años, la mayoría mujeres (63.1%). Se comprobaron todas las hipótesis, permitiendo indicar un modelo explicativo de las conductas socialmente desviantes. En este estudio, los valores normativos, el estilo parental autoritativo de la madre y la identificación con grupos convencionales de referencia compusieron un factor general (compromiso convencional y afiliación social) que se correlacionó negativamente con las conductas antisociales; éstas, por su parte, se correlacionaron directamente con las delictivas. Finalmente, el Estudio 4 replicó el test del modelo de compromiso convencional y afiliación social con una muestra distinta de hombres y mujeres separadamente. Participaron de este estudio 378 personas con edad promedia de 15.4 años (rango de 10 a 22 años), la mayoría mujeres (59%). Los análisis comprobaron su adecuación: χ² (9) = 14.48, p = 0.106, χ² / gl = 1.61, GFI = 0.99, AGFI = 0.99, CFI = 0.98 y RMSEA = 0.040 (IC90% = 0.000-0.077). Concluyendo, los objetivos de la presente tesis fueron alcanzados, dando soporte al marco teórico del compromiso convencional y afiliación social que permite identificar factores que inhiben las conductas socialmente desviantes. No obstante, se han propuestas investigaciones futuras que contribuirán para este área de interés.
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Examining the incremental validity of psychopathy versus antisocial personality disorder in understanding patterns of criminal behaviorBraithwaite, Erika 08 1900 (has links)
La psychopathie et le trouble de personnalité antisociale sont deux syndromes reliés qui ont été identifiés comme prédicteurs importants de comportements violents et de criminalité. Cependant, la recherche indique que les facteurs de la psychopathie centrés sur la personnalité ne sont pas des prédicteurs fiables de récidive violente chez les personnes atteintes de maladies mentales. Toutefois, peu d’études se sont centrées sur l’identification des facteurs associés au patron des antécédents criminels. Les 96 hommes de l’étude ont été déclarés non criminellement responsables en raison de troubles mentaux. Ils ont été évalués quant au trouble de la personnalité antisociale ainsi qu’à la psychopathie. Les dossiers criminels de la Gendarmerie Royale du Canada ont également été consultés afin de reconstituer l’histoire criminelle. Les résultats suggèrent que ni les traits de personnalité antisociaux, ni les facteurs de la psychopathie ne démontrent une validité prédictive incrémentielle les uns sur les autres quant au nombre ou à la sévérité des délits. La présence d’un grand nombre de traits antisociaux est associée à un plus grand nombre et à une plus importante sévérité d’actes criminels non-violents. Les résultats sont discutés en termes de l’utilité d’une classification du trouble de personnalité antisociale, et de la pertinence du construit de la psychopathie pour les personnes atteintes de maladies mentales graves. / Psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder are two related yet clinically distinct syndromes both coined as important predictors of violence and criminality. Among the mentally ill, there is increasing evidence that only the behavioral aspects of psychopathy are related to criminality. Studies have shown that the personality-oriented facets of psychopathy add little to the prediction of future violence among the mentally ill. However, few studies have sought to examine whether a lifetime of crime shows the same pattern. A total of 96 men who had been declared not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder participated in this study. Trained interviewers assessed antisocial personality and psychopathy among participants. Official RCMP criminal records were consulted in order to ascertain criminal history. Results suggest that neither antisocial personality disorder traits nor psychopathy facets evidenced incremental validity one over the other regarding a lifetime pattern of offending. A higher number of antisocial traits were related to a greater number and higher severity of non-violent offenses. Results are discussed with regards to the usefulness of the antisocial personality disorder classification, and the applicability of conceptual models of psychopathy to individuals with a severe mental illness.
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Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Conducta Antisocial y Delictiva en escolares de Huánuco / Psychometric properties of the Antisocial and Criminal Behavior Scale in Huanuco schoolchildrenBarranca Sosa, Daniela Romelia, Lino Cruz, Cristopher Junior 18 February 2022 (has links)
El objetivo de la investigación es determinar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Conducta Antisocial y Delictiva en Adolescentes (ECADA; Andreu & Peña, 2013) escolares de un distrito de Huánuco. La muestra estuvo conformada por 347 estudiantes (47.3 % varones y 52.7 % mujeres), con edades entre 12 a 17 años, de instituciones educativas públicas y privadas. Se comprobó la validez basada en relación con otra variable a través de la adaptación del Cuestionario de Agresión de Buss y Perry (AQ) realizada por Matalinares et al. (2012). Los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio revelan que la estructura de segundo orden (M3) presenta adecuados índices de bondad de ajuste: χ2(116) = 144.93; CFI = .90; RMSEA = .03. Además, se reporta una fiabilidad adecuada (> .80). En conclusión, la ECADA posee aceptables evidencias de validez y de fiabilidad, por tanto, se recomienda continuar investigando las propiedades psicométricas de este instrumento. / The objective of the research is to determine the psychometric properties of the Scale of Antisocial and Criminal Behavior in Adolescents (ECADA; Andreu and Peña, 2013) in schoolchildren in a district of Huánuco. The sample consisted of 347 students (47.3% men and 52.7% women), aged between 12 and 17 years, from public and private educational institutions. Validity based on another variable was verified through the adaptation of the Buss and Perry Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) carried out by Matalinares et al. (2012). The results of the confirmatory factorial analysis reveal that the second-order structure (M3) presents adequate goodness-of-fit indices: χ2(116) = 144.93; CFI = .90; RMSEA = .03. In addition, adequate reliability (> .80) is reported. In conclusion, the ECADA has acceptable evidence of validity and reliability, therefore, it is recommended to continue investigating the psychometric properties of this instrument. / Tesis
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The vast majority of social exclusion research has taken place outside of the workplace (i.e., in social settings). In addition, researchers often use a myriad of terms (i.e., ostracism, exclusion, rejection) when describing and investigating exclusion-related phenomena thus contributing to widespread conceptual confusion with respect to this construct. Moreover, past studies have failed to consider the role of social exchange in determining how individuals may react to being excluded by others particularly in a work setting. I sought to address these issues by conducting three multi-wave studies which develop and test a social-exchange based model of interpersonal workplace exclusion (IWE). Specifically, I created and validated two measures (i.e., coworker and supervisor) of IWE. In addition, I examined the discriminant, convergent and predictive validity of these scales. The results of these studies produced two distinct, unidimensional measures of IWE an 8-item coworker IWE scale and an 8-item supervisor IWE scale. Additional analyses revealed that IWE is negatively related to, albeit distinct from, workplace inclusion and is part of the broader conceptual domain of antisocial workplace behavior which includes theoretically similar constructs namely, workplace incivility, counterproductive workplace behavior and workplace bullying. In addition, IWE was found to be negatively related to perceived interpersonal fair treatment, job satisfaction and leader-member exchange (LMX) as well as positively related to job induced tension. Lastly, results of the third study provided support for an exchange-based model of IWE such that both coworker and supervisor IWE measures were associated with employee social undermining behavior, reduced effort and lower levels of organizational citizenship behaviors.
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Föreningsidrott som socialisationsmiljö : En studie av idrottens betydelse för barns och ungdomars psykosociala utveckling / Socialization through organized youth sports : A study of young people’s psychosocial developmentWagnsson, Stefan January 2009 (has links)
The overall purpose of this study was to examine organized youth sports in Sweden and the possible influences over time (2 years) on some of the intended socialisation effects in terms of children’s and adolescent’s self-esteem, perceived physical and social competence, self reported pro- and antisocial behaviours, self reported psychosomatic health, and use of alcohol and tobacco. In an attempt to capture some of the complex social interactions in sports, which undoubtedly leads to different socialisation experiences, an additional purpose of this study was to examine possible relations between children and adolescent athletes’ dispositional goal orientations (task and ego), perceived motivational climate in sports, perceived sport-specific competence, perceived prosocial coaching and presumptive psychosocial effect variables. This study’s theoretical framework was primarily based on previous works by Bronfenbrenner (1979, 1992, 1995, 2001), Bronfenbrenner and Morris (1998), Nicholls (1984, 1989) and Patriksson (1995). The design of the study was a three-occasion longitudinal multiple cohort design including elements of retrospective questions. Data was collected from pupils residing in schools situated in Western and Middle parts of Sweden. The sample was based on a randomly stratified sampling procedure and comprised of 1378 pupils in total (10-18 years) distributed in primary school, lower secondary school and upper secondary school. The answering rate was high (T1=85%; T2=80%; T3=80%), but wave non-response made it necessary to impute missing data values. In total 1212 respondents were included in the final analyses. The main results showed that sport socialisation effects on youth’s prosocial development in general were rather small, with some minor exception for perceived physical competence and smoking tobacco. Consequently the results challenge the public notion that participating in organized sport “builds character.” Results related to the specific sport environment, though showed that organized sports have the potential to act as a more positive socialisation arena. It is proposed that creating a mainly task-oriented motivational climate, and helping the individual to foster a balance between task- and ego-oriented goal orientations, will increase the probability that young athletes will perceive higher levels of competence. This will, in turn, enhance the chance that participation in organized sports will have a positive effect on youths’ psychosocial development.
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