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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


06 November 2007 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho tem por objeto as crianças sobreviventes da guerra de Canudos, que foram distribuídas e levadas por soldados a título de lembrança viva. O objetivo primordial é a tentativa de ouvir o eco desta memória apagada. O próprio Euclides da Cunha trouxe para São Paulo um jaguncinho de Canudos. Movida pelo questionamento do professor Calasans: Qual teria sido depois de 1908, o destino do jaguncinho ( de Euclides) que se fez professor primário em São Paulo? Empreendi uma pesquisa seguindo as pegadas deste menino até a vida adulta. É no eixo em que se cruzam o desenraizamento de crianças, vistas como filhas do atraso do sertão, com a utopia republicana do progresso e da civilização que estruturo esta análise. É ainda, a partir do entendimento da memória, enquanto instrumento de dominação, que proponho uma reflexão sobre a relação entre história, memória e esquecimento na guerra de Canudos e especificamente no caso dos órfãos. / [fr] Cette dissertation a pour sujet les enfants survivants de la guerre de Canudos qui ont été distribués et emmenés par les soldats en tant que souvenir vivant. Le but primordial est la tentative d`entendre l`écho de cette mémoire effacée. Euclides da Cunha lui-même a emmené à São Paulo um petit enfant de Canudos. Encouragée par le questionnement du Professeur José Calasans: Quelle aurait été, depuis 1908, la destinée du petit enfant (d` Euclides), qui est devenu instituteur à São Paulo? J`ai fait une recherche en suivant les pistes de ce garçon jusqu`a à la vie adulte.C`est justement dans les axes où se croisent le déracinement des enfants vus comme résultats du retard du sertão et l´utopie républicaine du progrès et de la civilisation où je construis cette analyse. C`est encore à partir de la compréhension de la mémoire en tant qu´outil de domination que je propose une réflexion sur la relation entre l` histoire, la mémoire et l`oubli pendant la guerre de Canudos en me penchant sur le cas des orphelins.


REBECA LEITE FUKS 06 May 2021 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa de doutorado apresentada a seguir pretende construir uma reflexão, em perspectiva comparada, sobre a metaficção em experimentos artísticos em curso no Brasil e em Portugal. Consideramos como obras metaficcionais aquelas que destacam e enfatizam a artificialidade de suas construções, desnudamse diante do leitor, provocando a ilusão da suposta espontaneidade da criação artística. Desejamos, por meio do corpus bibliográfico da pesquisa, auscultar a respiração contemporânea do recurso metaficcional que, consagrado durante o modernismo, frequenta ainda com assiduidade obras literárias e artísticas contemporâneas de diferentes nacionalidades. Em meio a abundância de discursos autorreferentes, selecionamos três vozes que apresentam de maneira singular e original a questão metaficcional. O corpus selecionado contempla o romance O inventário das coisas ausentes (2014), da escritora brasileira Carola Saavedra, a exposição pictórica In Situ: Carta de Intenções (2014), do artista plástico português Rui Macedo e uma seleção de crônicas do escritor português António Lobo Antunes (Livro de crónicas, 1998, Segundo livro de crónicas, 2002, Terceiro livro de crónicas, 2006, Quarto livro de crónicas, 2011, e Quinto livro de crónicas, 2013). A primeira seção, introdutória, aponta os objetivos e hipóteses de trabalho que frequentam e norteiam a produção da tese de doutorado e endereça brevemente a discussão teórica em torno da metaficção. Em termos de formato, a tese investigará três grandes eixos em cada produção artística selecionada: o primeiro aspecto será perceber de que modo os investimentos metaficcionais produzem a impressão de uma espontaneidade forjada; o segundo aspecto será uma reflexão sobre o pacto de leitura (de que forma as obras selecionadas abalam a relação estabelecida entre artista, obra e público); e o terceiro aspecto será analisar como o corpus escolhido propõe um movimento de retorno a(s) origem(ns). Tendo como fio condutor da escrita da tese os três eixos acima listados pretendemos investigar de que maneira as obras artísticas reagem a essas indagações. Exploramos a hipótese de que o exame comparado dos dispositivos metaficcionais singulares mobilizados nessas obras fornece elementos valiosos para pensar o estatuto contemporâneo da metaficção, de um modo geral e nos contextos particulares enfocados, o português e o brasileiro. / [en] The present doctoral research aims to contemplate, in compared perspective, metafiction on current artistic experiments in Brazil and Portugal. It is considered a metafictional work those which highlight and emphasize the artificiality of its own constructions, unmasking themselves to the reader and inciting the illusion of the supposed spontaneity of the artistic creation. By way of the bibliographic corpus of the present research, it is aimed to auscultate the contemporary breath of the metafictional resource which, hallowed during modernism, is frequently present on recent literary and artistic works from different nationalities. Among a number of self-referential expressions, three voices were selected which present the metafictional issue in an unique and authentic manner. The selected corpus considers the novel O inventário das coisas ausentes (2014) by the Brazilian writer Carola Saavedra, the pictorial exhibition In Situ: Carta de Intenções (2014) by the Portuguese plastic artist Rui Macedo and a collection of chronicles by the Portuguese writer António Lobo Antunes (Livro de crónicas, 1998, Segundo livro de crónicas, 2002, Terceiro livro de crónicas, 2006, Quarto livro de crónicas, 2011 and Quinto livro de crónicas, 2013). The introductory first section indicates the work s objectives and assumptions that are exposed and which guide the doctoral thesis construction and briefly refers to the theoretical discussion regarding metafiction. In terms of the structure, the thesis examines three major aspects in each artistic production selected: the first one relates to the observation of the ways in which the metafictional approach produces an impression of a forged spontaneity; the second aspect is a contemplation regarding the reader s pact (in which ways the selected works affect the relation established between artist, work and public); and the third one is an analysis on how the chosen corpus proposes a return to the origin(s). Considering the three aspects outlined above as guidelines to the writing, it is intended to investigate how the artistic works react to this interrogations. An assumption is proposed concerning the fact that the compared examination of the singular metafictional features employed on these works provide valuable elements to think about the contemporary metafictional statute in general and also in the particular Portuguese and Brazilian contexts focused herein.


CAIRO DE SOUZA BARBOSA 29 January 2024 (has links)
[pt] Essa tese investiga as noções de colonialismo e dependência e as alegorias do Brasil na historiografia literária de Antonio Candido na década de 1960 e início dos anos 1970. Nesse contexto, o crítico circulou por diversos países e teve contato com novos repertórios intelectuais, conceituais e políticos que o possibilitaram promover, com base numa hermenêutica da distância, uma transformação das ideias com as quais sua obra operava nos decênios anteriores, especialmente no que diz respeito à interpretação da própria realidade sociocultural latino-americana. A partir daí, e já imbuído de uma descrença em relação à panaceia desenvolvimentista, Candido buscou averiguar os efeitos deletérios do colonialismo na formação da América Latina, vinculando-os ainda à estruturação de uma situação de dependência que, no século XX, legou ao continente a persistência dos caracteres do subdesenvolvimento no processo de ordenação das sociedades. Além disso, o crítico buscou apresentar, por uma perspectiva dialética, algumas alegorias da historicidade brasileira presentes na ficção realista-naturalista, de modo a tensionar a própria condição política do país à época, sob a égide da ditadura militar. Por fim, procurou identificar os motivos de, mesmo mergulhado nessa condição histórica de “atraso”, ter emergido no continente uma forma poética de grande vigor estético, o Superregionalismo que, em tons esteticamente inventivos, tratou de questões consideradas universais, rompendo com as tópicas estritamente nacionais. / [en] This thesis investigates the notions of colonialism and dependency and the allegories of Brazil in Antonio Candido s literary historiography in the 1960s and early 1970s. In this context, the critic traveled to different countries and came into contact with new intellectual, conceptual and political repertoires that enabled him to promote, based on a hermeneutics of distance, a transformation of the ideas with which his work had operated in the previous decades, especially with regard to the interpretation of Latin America s own socio-cultural reality. From then on, and already imbued with a disbelief in the developmentalist panacea, Candido sought to investigate the deleterious effects of colonialism on the formation of Latin America, also linking them to the structuring of a situation of dependence which, in the 20th century, left the continent with the persistence of the characteristics of underdevelopment in the process of ordering societies. In addition, the critic sought to present, from a dialectical perspective, some allegories of Brazilian historicity present in realist-naturalist fiction, to tension the very political condition of the country at the time, under the aegis of the military dictatorship. Finally, it sought to identify the reasons why, despite being immersed in this historical condition of backwardness, a poetic form of great aesthetic vigor emerged on the continent, Superregionalism, which, in aesthetically inventive tones, dealt with issues considered universal, breaking with strictly national topics.


ALAN CRISTIAN DE OLIVEIRA PEIXOTO 16 September 2019 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho busca analisar o conceito de multidão e a possibilidade de pensá-la como um sujeito político na pós-modernidade, tendo como referência a concepção espinosana do termo e as interpretações contemporâneas daí decorrentes. O ponto de partida é o pensamento de Antonio Negri, que, ao observar as formas de poder e de organização política após a década de 1990, propõe o conceito de Império para explicar a política na contemporaneidade e o conceito de Multidão como um sujeito político capaz de agir no interior do Império e construir uma democracia em escala global. Em seguida serão analisadas as referências ao termo multidão na obra do próprio Spinoza, dando especial atenção à expressão quae una veluti mente, contida no Tratado Político. A partir desta expressão será apresentada a discussão existente entre pensadores como Alexandre Matheron que a tomam como referência para sustentar que a multidão seria um sujeito natural, possuindo uma existência singular; e pensadores como Lee Rice e Den Uyl que a criticam e apontam que a existência do termo quae na expressão foi utilizada exatamente para diferenciar a multidão de um sujeito natural. Por fim, tomando como referência os escritos de Gilbert Simondon, Etienne Balibar e Paolo Virno, serão articulados os conceitos de multidão, transindividualidade e individuação coletiva para responder criticamente à proposta de Antonio Negri e apontar as dificuldades em considerar a multidão um sujeito político. / [en] The present work intends to analyze the concept of multitude and the possibility of thinking it as a political subject in postmodernity, having as reference Spinoza s conception of the term and the contemporaneous interpretations that follows it. The starting point is Antonio Negri s arguments, who observing the forms of power and political organization after 1990s proposes the concept of Empire to explain the politics in contemporaneity and the concept of Multitude as a political subject capable to act in Empire s interior and to construct a democracy in global scale. Next, will be analyzed the references to the term multitudo in Spinoza s own work, paying special attention to the expression quae una veluti mente, contained in Political Treaty. From this expression will be presented the discussion that exists between thinkers like Alexandre Matheron that takes it as reference to sustain that the multitude would be a natural subject, possessing a singular existence; and thinkers like Lee Rice and Den Uyl that criticizes it and defend that the existence of the term quae in the expression was used exactly to differentiate the multitude of a natural subject. Finally, taking as reference the writings of Gilbert Simondon, Etienne Balibar and Paolo Virno, will be articulated the concepts of multitude, trans-individuality and collective individuation to respond critically Antonio Negri proposal and to point out the difficulties in considering the multitude a policital subject.

Arquitectura escolar en Elche: 1939-1979

Irles Parreño, Ricardo 05 April 2016 (has links)
[EN] The whole school plans made by the Francoism for 40 years, left a large number of schools where come together many aspects that make it a prime architectural heritage in the city of Elche. Firstly, we have to underline that the school architecture that was held in the city during the Franco regimen reached to be a reflection and witness of much of the evolution and transformation of the Spanish architecture of those years. Until the end of the sixties almost all the school architecture of the city was performed by Serrano Peral and Perez Aracil, the first as a school architect and the second as municipal architect. Their works becomes a witness to the vicissitudes of Spanish architecture after the civil war and till the start of the Spanish development. After them, Serrano Brú, son of Serrano Peral, held all public schools architecture of the city, there we are able to follow the same transformation and hesitations that are typical of the Spanish architecture of the seventies, once that the principles International Style sacred finished. With the work of the main protagonists of the investigation period cited above, other buildings and other architects allow us to complete the panorama of Spanish architecture of the time. The school building in the city during francoism had the strong and continued support from the Mayor Vicente Quiles. His presence from the middle of the sixties, the largest school construction period, allows us to have a common thread to organize the story. The set is a sufficiently large and homogeneous number of works to study, from it, influence the political, socio-economic, educational and legislative framework had on the school building. In the whole school work of the city we will see the evolution of the pedagogical model that goes from the first model of the authoritarian Franco regime which is expressed in the unit and graduate schools to the brief illusion of flexible and personalized School Education Act. Also the placement of the school in the city is subject of our interest as far as the architecture, and especially the school building, is a powerful tool for building the city. Its location in palm groves, in consolidated peripheral environments has important implications for the use, processing and image of the city, Primary sources of the professionals and municipal school construction files with interviews, visits to buildings, and photographic reports have allowed us to look through a set of works, whose main interest, apart from the architectural consideration of each of them, is building a homogeneous whole period of architecture in the city (both in school and in general specificity) and all at the same time, in the context of the Spanish architecture of its time. / [ES] El conjunto de planes escolares realizados por el franquismo durante 40 años, dejaron en la ciudad de Elche un elevado número de centros escolares en el que concurren numerosos aspectos que lo convierten en un patrimonio arquitectónico de primer orden. En primer lugar destacar que el conjunto de la arquitectura escolar llevada a cabo en la ciudad durante el régimen de Franco alcanza a ser reflejo y testimonio de buena parte de la evolución y transformación de la arquitectura española de esos años. Hasta el final de la década de los sesenta la práctica totalidad de la arquitectura escolar de la ciudad la llevaron a cabo Serrano Peral y Pérez Aracil, el primero en su condición de arquitecto escolar y el segundo como arquitecto municipal. Su obra se convierte en testimonio de las vicisitudes de la arquitectura española tras la guerra civil, hasta el inicio del desarrollismo español. Tras ellos, Serrano Brú, hijo de Serrano Peral, llevó a cabo a continuación toda la arquitectura escolar pública de la ciudad, pudiéndose seguir en la misma la transformación y devaneos de la arquitectura española de la década de los setenta, una vez que los principios sagrados del Estilo Internacional dejaron de serlos. Junto a la obra de los principales protagonistas del periodo de investigación ya citados, otros edificios y otros arquitectos nos permiten completar el panorama de la arquitectura española de la época. La construcción escolar en la ciudad en el franquismo contó con el impulso decidido y continuado del alcalde Vicente Quiles. Su presencia a partir de mitad de la década de los sesenta, el periodo de mayor construcción escolar, permite contar con un hilo conductor sobre el que ordenar la historia. El conjunto constituye un número lo suficientemente numeroso y homogéneo de obras para estudiar, a partir de él, la influencia que el marco político, socioeconómico, pedagógico y legislativo tuvo sobre el edificio escolar. En el conjunto de la obra escolar de la ciudad veremos la evolución del modelo pedagógico que va del modelo autoritario del primer franquismo que se materializa en las escuelas unitarias y graduadas, a la breve ilusión de la escuela flexible y personalizada de la Ley General de Educación. También el emplazamiento de la escuela en la ciudad es objeto de nuestro interés en la medida que la arquitectura, y muy especialmente el edificio escolar, es una potente herramienta de construcción de la ciudad. Su emplazamiento en huertos de palmeras, en entornos consolidados y sobre todo en entornos periféricos tiene importantes consecuencias en el uso, transformación e imagen de la ciudad, Las fuentes documentales primarias de los archivos profesionales y municipales de las obras escolares junto con entrevistas, visitas a los edificios, y reportajes fotográficos nos han permitido asomarnos a un conjunto de obras, cuyo principal interés, al margen de la consideración arquitectónica de cada una de ellas, es el de constituir un periodo homogéneo y completo de la arquitectura de la ciudad ( tanto en su especificidad escolar como en sentido general) y todo ello a su vez, en el contexto de la arquitectura española de su época. / [CA] El conjunt de plans escolars realitzats pel franquisme durant 40 anys, deixaren en la ciutat d'Elx un elevat nombre de centres docents on concorren nombrosos aspectes que el converteixen en un patrimoni arquitectònic de primer ordre. En primer lloc, destacar que el conjunt de l'arquitectura escolar portada a terme en la ciutat durant el règim de Franco arriba a ser reflex i testimoni de bona part de l'evolució i transformació de l'arquitectura espanyola d'eixos anys. Fins a la fi de la dècada dels seixanta la pràctica totalitat de l'arquitectura escolar de la ciutat la portaren a terme Serrano Peral i Pérez Aracil, el primer en la seua condició d'arquitecte escolar i el segon com arquitecte municipal. La seua obra es converteix en testimoni de les vicissituds de l'arquitectura espanyola després de la guerra civil, fins a l'inici del desenrotllament espanyol. Darrere d'ells, Serrano Bru, fill de Serrano Peral, portà a terme a continuació tota l'arquitectura escolar pública de la ciutat, on es pot seguir la transformació i passatemps de l'arquitectura espanyola de la dècada dels setanta, una vegada que els principis sagrats de l'Estil Internacional deixaren d'existir. Junt a l'obra dels principals protagonistes del període d'investigació ja citats, altres edificis i altres arquitectes ens permeten contemplar el panorama de l'arquitectura espanyola de l'època. La construcció escolar en la ciutat durant el franquisme contà amb l'impuls decidit i continuat de l'alcalde Vicente Quiles. La seua presència a partir de la meitat de la dècada dels seixanta, el període de major construcció escolar, permet comptar amb un fil conductor sobre el qual ordenar la història. El conjunt constitueix un nombre suficientment nombrós i homogeni d'obres per a estudiar, a partir d'ell, la influència que el marc polític, socioeconòmic, pedagògic i legislatiu tingueren sobre l'edifici escolar. En el conjunt de l'obra escolar de la ciutat veurem l'evolució del model pedagògic que va del model autoritari del primer franquisme, que es materialitza en les escoles unitàries i graduades, a la breu il¿lusió de l'escola flexible i personalitzada de la Ley General de Educación. També l'emplaçament de l'escola en la ciutat és objecte del nostre interés en la mida que l'arquitectura, i molt especialment l'edifici escolar, és una potent ferramenta de construcció de la ciutat. El seu emplaçament en horts de palmeres, en entorns consolidats i sobretot en entorns perifèrics té importants conseqüències en l'ús, transformació i imatge de la ciutat. Les fonts documentals primàries dels arxius professionals i municipals de les obres escolars juntament amb entrevistes, visites als edificis i reportatges fotogràfics ens han permés abocar-nos a un conjunt d'obres, l'interés principal de les quals, al marge de la consideració arquitectònica de cadascuna d'elles, és el de constituir un període homogeni i complet de l'arquitectura de la ciutat (tant en la seua especificitat escolar com en sentit general) i tot això a la seua vegada, en el context de l'arquitectura espanyola de la seua època. / Irles Parreño, R. (2016). Arquitectura escolar en Elche: 1939-1979 [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62155

The Music and Flute of Joaquim Antonio Callado A Study of Selected Compositions

Almeida dos Santos, Denis 01 January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to provide a survey of eight selected compositions for flute by the nineteenth-century Brazilian composer and flutist, Joaquim Antonio Callado (1848-1880). The aim of the survey is to identify early structural, melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic elements of the popular Brazilian instrumental genre, called choro, in Callado’s compositions. In addition, this study will investigate the hypothesis of Callado’s use of two different flute models to compose and perform: a nineteenth-century, simple-system, five-keyed wooden flute and the, then, newly invented silver, multi-keyed, Boehm flute. The study will also look for evidence of Callado’s use of both instruments in different stages of his short life. Joaquim Antonio Callado is considered to be the father of choro. Born in 1848 in Rio de Janeiro, this flutist, teacher, and composer was part of the first generation of choro composers and performers. He was crucial to the formation of this authentic instrumental genre (choro). In fact, Callado is credited as the first person to use the term choro. In the 1870s, he formed the group “choro Carioca” or “choro do Callado.” The pieces performed by the group included European dances, such as polkas and waltzes, as well as Afro- Brazilian music, such as modinhas and lundus. The blending of music from different cultural backgrounds resulted in a well-structured, yet dynamic, unique, and improvisatory style that is the choro. The period in which the choro emerged coincided with an important time in flute history. In 1847, after intense research, the German flute maker Theobald Boehm (1794-1881) unveiled his revolutionary flute. The instrument had a new mechanism and scale and it was made of different material: metal, which is more stable and durable than the standard wood. Its superior intonation, projection, and fingering mechanism provided a better playing experience. The flute acquired great popularity in Europe and beyond, eventually replacing the pre-Boehm, simple-system flutes in orchestras and conservatories. Years later, the Boehm flute arrived in Brazil through the hands of Mathieu Andre Reichert (1830-1880), a Belgian flutist who traveled to the country in 1859 and adopted it as his own, becoming one of the pillars of the Brazilian flute school, along with Joaquim Callado. There is no proven evidence, however, that Callado actually played a Boehm flute. From a few historical accounts, it is known that he performed on a pre-Bohm wooden instrument. But through the analysis of his music, one can speculate that Callado did indeed compose some of his pieces with the Boehm flute in mind. This study presents significant and relevant information for performers of Brazilian music, as well as flute teachers who seek to understand the history of the evolution of the style and the role of the flute in the choro. This document will include a brief history of the choro, a short biography of Joaquim Antonio Callado, a survey of eight selected compositions, and a conclusion. It will also include two appendices: Appendix I will briefly describe the history of the flute from ancient times until the Boehm flute. Appendix II will provide a complete list of Callado’s compositions in alphabetical order; the list will contain the titles and the style in which the pieces were composed.

An anthropologist’s guide to the 21st century : a look at online and offline car culture in Central Texas

Lopez, Joseph Todd 06 October 2010 (has links)
This dissertation looks at online and offline car culture in Central Texas. The online car culture observed is on Internet car forums and other Internet sources for car enthusiasts. Offline car culture deals with various types of car events around the central Texas area. These events include, but are not limited to, car shows, street races, and street meets. Cultural practices were observed in both types of environments and are analyzed by using hybridity theory, gender analysis and race analysis. / text

Transition of the Sonoran presidios from Spanish to Mexican control, 1790-1835

LaValley, Gary Alfred, 1951- January 1988 (has links)
The presidial system was the focus for Spanish and Mexican military operations in northern New Spain. The Spanish established these garrisons to provide their settlers and missionaries protection from hostile indigenous tribes opposing expansion into their territories. Between 1692 and 1776, presidios were established on the Sonoran frontier at Fronteras, Terrenate, Horcasitas, Santa Cruz, Altar, Tubac, Bavispe, Bacoachi, and Tucson. The Spanish and Mexican governments never completely solved the problem of adequately supplying the Sonoran presidios with men and materials to achieve dominance over the native populations. These conditions left the presidios and civilian population exposed to attack and harrassment by hostile Indians. Examination of the major events concerning the presidios from 1790 to 1835, including the Apache pacification policies, establishment of "Indian" presidios, the Mexican war for independence, transfer from Spanish to Mexican control, and the study of presidial personnel, reveals how the presidio functioned as a major frontier institution.

El Yali : centro de investigación El Yali

Jara Belmar, Carlos Patricio January 2013 (has links)
Arquitecto / La Reserva Nacional “El Yali”, ubicada en la provincia de San Antonio, es uno de los lugares de la costa Chilena que sufrió los mayores impactos físicos por la onda de tsunami: 200 hectáreas inundadas, el mar entro casi dos kilómetros tierra adentro en algunos puntos, las dunas fueron arrasadas, la vegetación murió y la laguna costera se comunicó con el mar. El emplazamiento dentro del contexto general está dado por una fuerte limitante en relación a lo frágil del ecosistema y los usos del edificio por parte de los investigadores y birdwatcher.

Entre la espada y la pared. La administración del Gral. Juan Antonio Pezet frente a la crisis diplomática con España (1863-1865)

Chang Huayanca, Antonio José January 2013 (has links)
Identifica los elementos de tensión que están presentes tanto en la génesis como en el desarrollo del conflicto peruano-español de los años 1863-1865 durante el gobierno de Juan Antonio Pezet. Tales elementos de tensión imposibilitan que se lograra una solución pacífica de las diferencias de las partes involucradas, llevándolas al rompimiento de las hostilidades. Los elementos de tensión identificados se pueden clasificar en tres categorías: una primera que agrupa las tensiones al interior de las negociaciones diplomáticas, una segunda que agrupa las tensiones presentes durante la búsqueda por conseguir la superioridad militar en caso de ruptura de las hostilidades, y una tercera que agrupa las tensiones al nivel de la opinión pública como fiscalizadora de las negociaciones diplomáticas.

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