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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Only Persons Grow Moral: Student Personhood, Moral Growth, and the Purpose of School

Casas Pardo, Juan Antonio January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to better understand the formative import of the relationships between adults and the young in their corresponding roles as teachers and students between the first year of kindergarten and the last grade of high school (K-12 education). My approach to this issue is twofold: First, I argue that it is imperative that educators effectively recognize the personhood of students within K-12 schools. Second, I define schools as formative communities organized for the purpose of furthering the moral growth of students. These arguments will be supported by a theoretical framework articulated around the concepts of the personhood of students, the interpersonal stance in education, moral growth, and schools as formative communities. I propose a characterization of these four interrelated concepts based on an analysis of Stephen Darwall’s philosophical work on respect, dignity, and the second-person standpoint; Aristotelian virtue ethics and character education; and John Dewey’s philosophy of education, especially in his conceptions of growth, community, participation, and the moral nature and aims of education. I conclude by theorizing schools as communities organized towards the fundamental purpose of fostering the moral growth of students, and argue that this purpose requires engaging students to fully participate of school life as persons. In studying some of the most basic questions about K-12 schooling from the perspective of philosophy of education, it is my intent to produce a framework that is conceptually well-grounded and clear enough to provide practical guidance for school teachers and leaders.

Dooyeweerd's Theory of Individuality Structure as an Alternative to a Substance Position, Especially That of Aristotle

Zigterman, Kent 07 1900 (has links)
Permission from the author to digitize this work is pending. Please contact the ICS library if you would like to view this work.

La recherche de l’autosuffisance chez Aristote : la rencontre entre l’éthique et la politique

Audet, Jean-Nicholas 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire vise à mieux comprendre l'utilisation du concept d'autarcie à l'oeuvre dans les écrits d'Aristote et, ce faisant, à nous amener à une meilleure compréhension du lien entre l'éthique et la politique dans la pensée aristotélicienne. Pour ce faire, nous commençons tout d'abord par distinguer deux types d'autarcie, à savoir ce que nous appellerons dans la suite l'autarcie divine et l'autarcie humaine. L'autarcie divine doit être comprise comme le fait de se suffire pleinement à soi-même de la manière la plus rigoureuse qui soit et cette autarcie n'est, à proprement parler, attribuable qu'au divin. L'autarcie humaine, quant à elle, est celle qui est à l'oeuvre dans la définition que donne Aristote de la cité, à savoir qu'elle est un regroupement autarcique de personnes visant à vivre et à bien vivre. Par la suite, nous montrons que la pratique de la philosophie, qui est décrite comme une pratique autarcique en EN, X, est difficilement conciliable avec les activités de la cité et la constitution d'une communauté politique. En effet, comme c'est le besoin qui doit jouer le rôle de ciment de la cité, il est difficile de voir comment la philosophie peut s'insérer dans le cadre étatique de la cité, étant donné qu'elle n'est d'aucune utilité et qu'elle est recherchée pour elle-même. Toutefois, puisqu'Aristote ne présente jamais la cohabitation de la philosophie avec les autres activités de la cité comme problématique, nous tentons de voir comment il est possible de concilier la pratique de la philosophie avec la nécessité pour l'individu de vivre en cité. C'est en examinant la notion de loisir que nous en venons à conclure que la philosophie doit y être reléguée afin de pouvoir être pratiquée. C'est aussi en associant la philosophie au loisir et en étudiant le rôle que celui-ci doit jouer au sein de la cité que nous sommes en mesure de voir se dessiner le lien entre l'éthique et la politique. / This dissertation tries to gain a better understanding of the concept of autarkeia which is present in the writings of Aristotle. Doing this, we are also able to get a clearer idea of the link between ethics and politics in the aristotelian thought. In order to achieve this, we start by distinguishing two types of self-sufficiency : the divine self-sufficiency and the human self-sufficiency. The divine self-sufficiency is to be understood as the fact of being fully self-sufficient in the most rigorous way. Strictly speaking, it is only the divine that can be granted of such a self-sufficiency. On the other hand, the human self-sufficiency is the one effective in the aristotelian definition of the polis, which is the self-sufficient grouping of persons aiming at living and good living. After that, we show that the practice of philosophy, which is described as a self-sufficient activity in NE, X, is hardly possible as an activity of the polis and cannot participate in bringing a polis to life. This is founded in the fact that for Aristotle, it is the needs that keep people together, united in a polis, and considering that, it is difficult to see how philosophy could be part of this, because it is totally useless and searched for itself. However, we try to see how it would be possible to conciliate the practice of philosophy with the necessity for a human to live in a polis, because Aristotle never speaks of it as being problematic. The answer of this so-called problem is to be found in the notion of leisure, by relegating philosophy to this part of a human life in order for it to be practiced. It is also by associating philosophy and leisure that we can draw the link between ethics and politics.

Aristote et la question du temps : avec la traduction française de l'ouvrage de Gernot Böhme, "Zeit und Zahl" introduction, première et deuxième parties relatives à Platon et Aristote

Moor, Mieke de 14 December 2012 (has links)
La thèse propose une analyse de la théorie aristotélicienne du temps à partir d'une lecture de Physique IV, 10–14, dans une perspective nouvelle étayée par l'examen du contexte historique et intellectuel dans lequel s'inscrit l'étude du temps chez Aristote, qui permet de présenter une histoire pratique et théorique de la notion χρόνος dans la Grèce antique. Cette analyse s'attache également à comprendre la façon dont Aristote lui-même utilise cette notion dans ses oeuvres dites descriptives. L'Histoire des Animaux occupe donc une place particulière dans cette recherche, dans la mesure où l'examen détaillé de toutes les occurrences de χρόνος qui se trouvent dans cet écrit permet de trouver des éléments corroborant l'interprétation de Physique IV, 10–14, ainsi que la tentative d'Aristote de fournir les bases d'un temps non pas mathématique mais physique. Le but de cette analyse est de montrer que poser la question du temps comme le fait Aristote se présente comme une tentative adéquate pour penser l'unité du temps et du maintenant à partir de la multiplicité à la fois du temps et du maintenant. Cette thèse s'accompagne en outre d'une traduction partielle de l'ouvrage allemand de Gernot Böhme : Zeit und Zahl, Studien zur Zeittheorie Bei Platon, Aristoteles, Leibniz und Kant, 1974, qui est la version publiée de l'Habilitationsschrift de l'auteur. Les parties traduites concernent, outre l'introduction, les chapitres consacrés à Platon et à Aristote. / The dissertation provides an analysis of the Aristotelian theory of time based on Physics IV, 10–14, and does so from a new perspective examining the historical and intellectual context of the study of time in Aristotle's work, which leads to the presentation of a theoretical and practical history of the notion χρόνος in ancient Greece. This analysis is subsequently related to the question as to how Aristotle himself uses this concept in his so-called descriptive works. In this respect, Aristotle's History of Animals occupies a special place in this analysis, to the extent that a detailed examination of all the occurrences of χρόνος in this work provides elements corroborating the interpretation of Physics IV, 10-14 as well as of Aristotle's attempt to provide foundations for a theory of time based on physics and not on mathematics. The objective of this analysis is to show that the question of time as presented by Aristotle amounts to a proper attempt to think of time and present as single concepts based on their respective multiplicities. Furthermore, this dissertation is accompanied by a partial translation of the German work of Gernot Böhme : Zeit und Zahl, Studien zur Zeittheorie Bei Platon, Aristoteles, Leibniz und Kant, 1974, which is the published version of the Habilitationsschrift of the author. The translation concerns, in addition to the introduction, the chapters on Plato and Aristotle.

Katharsis v řecké tragédii / Katharsis in Greek tragedy

Duchek, Libor January 2011 (has links)
This paper is focused on the concept of catharsis in classic Greek tragedy. In the first part, it traces historical context of this term particularly trough the work of Plato; and later, the main effort is devoted to Aristotle. It looks closely in Aristotle's Poetics and Politics, which are the only works where he mentions catharsis. After research of the Aristotle's texts, the study presents variety of interpretations that have arisen over centuries, examines them and derives an elementary understanding of catharsis. The second part of this work tries to trace catharsis in a sample of preserved tragedies of main Greek dramatists. It investigates tragic characters, plot and tragic emotions (i.e. pity and fear). The scope is to compare the Aristotle's theory and practice of dramatists, who lived one century before the theory had rised. Last but not least the study concludes by bringing forward an evaluation of this approach to the theory of Aristotelian catharsis.

Logos v Aristotelově eitce / Logos in Aristotle's ethics

Adamec, Jaromír January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the diploma theses "Logos in Aristotle Ethics" is to interpret meaning of the term "logos" in Aristotle's work "Nicomachean Ethics". The basic methodical guideline is the structuralist assumption, that a meaning of a term is determined by its relations to other terms contained within the text, and the related assumption of unity of the meaning of the term "logos". The interpretation itself first analyzes structure of several crucial terms, most importantly the relation of a human individual to the society, the concepts of the good, the reality and the possibility, the true and the illusory, and the concept of the natural. The structure of use of the term "logos" is then analyzed in relation to these concepts. These investigations are completed by analysis of the terms of virtue and action. By the means of the structural analysis of these terms, the existence of a distinctive level of reality is established, which is captured by the term "humanity". The existence of humanity is the central point of interest in Aristotle's ethics. In the horizontal regard, there are two poles of humanity - the individual human and the society. In the vertical regard, the humanity is situated between divinity, to which it is related, and bestiality, to which it threatens to fall. Logos is then a kind of...

Saber o amar: os Diálogos de Amor, de Leão Hebreu / To know love: the Diálogos de Amor, by Leão Hebreu

Tavares, Paula Domingues 13 April 2012 (has links)
Os diálogos escritos por Leão Hebreu no século XVI evidenciam como o tema amor foi objeto de contemplação filosófica no período e trazem diversas reflexões, citações, referências e amplificações de autores da Antiguidade Clássica, tanto Ocidentais como Orientais. Sobressaem Platão e Aristóteles, pois Leão Hebreu frequentemente os insere nas discussões promovidas pelas personagens Fílon e Sofia, utilizando-os como base para a construção de suas argumentações a respeito de diversos temas adjacentes ao principal. Serão discutidos os papéis dos dois filósofos gregos nos Diálogos de Amor, e para tanto, deverá ser adicionado à leitura do texto de Hebreu um outro filósofo do mesmo período: Marsílio Ficino, que possivelmente influenciou os trabalhos do primeiro, mediante as traduções que fez de alguns diálogos platônicos, a partir do testemunho latino de tais obras, no século XV. Interessa também que sejam debatidas questões referentes às especificidades que o tema amor toma ao longo da obra, mostrando de que maneira os interlocutores acreditam ser o amor a motivação, a manutenção e o fim de todas as coisas. / The dialogues written by Leone Ebreo in the 16º century evidence how the theme love was an object of philosophical contemplation at the period, and take many from Classical Antiquity authors reflections, citations, references and amplifications, as well from Occident, as much from Orient. Protrude Plato and Aristotle, for Leone Ebreo often inserts them on the discussions promoted by the characters Filo and Sophia, and use their writes as a base for the argumentations about lots of themes adjoin to the main theme. The discussions on this work will be about this two Greek philosophers on the Dialogues of Love and for this much will be add to the reading of the Leo, The Hebrews works another philosopher from the same period: Marsilio Ficino, who possibly influenced Leos works, through translations he made of some platonic dialogues, from the Latin testimony of this works at the 15º century. It is interesting to this work to discuss questions about the specifications that the theme love takes during the Dialogues, and shows how the interlocutors believe that the love is the motivation, maintenance and the end of everything.

Análise retórica do discurso político-educacional de Cecília Meireles / Rethorical analysis of Cecília Meireles political-educational discourse.

Souza, Aline Vieira de 11 July 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa uma série de crônicas de autoria de Cecília Meireles publicadas entre 1930 e 1933 no jornal Diário de Notícias da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Além de contribuir para a compreensão do movimento escolanovista brasileiro desenvolvido entre os anos de 1920 e o início da década de 1930, o trabalho tem por objetivo investigar nos textos da autora a presença das paixões, segundo a caracterização feita por Aristóteles na Retórica, como componentes emocionais que determinam o caráter persuasivo de um discurso. Seguindo os parâmetros metodológicos adotados pelo Grupo de Pesquisa Retórica e Argumentação na Pedagogia, o trabalho apresenta Cecília Meireles como oradora habilitada a discorrer sobre questões escolares. As paixões são organizadas em duas categorias: a positiva, formada por confiança, emulação, tranquilidade, benevolência, amor, compaixão e pudor; e a negativa, constituída por temor, desprezo, cólera, inveja, ódio, indignação e despudor. O trabalho evidencia que Cecília Meireles utilizava as paixões positivas para se referir ao que estivesse em concordância com a Escola Nova e as paixões negativas para tratar de ideias e realizações contrárias ao escolanovismo. / This dissertation examines a series of chronicles by Cecília Meireles published between 1930 and 1933 in Diário de Notícias Daily News , a newspaper from Rio de Janeiro city. In addition to contributing to the comprehension of Brazilian New School movement developed between the 1920s and early 1930s, the work investigates the presence of passions in Meireless texts; according Aristotles Rhetoric, passions are emotional components that determine the persuasiveness of a speech. Following the methodological parameters adopted by Rhetoric and Argumentation in Pedagogy Research Group, the work presents Cecilia Meireles as a \"speaker\" able to approach school issues. The passions are organized into two categories: the \"positive\" are formed by confidence, emulation, tranquility, grace, love, compassion and decency; and the \"negative\" consist of fear, contempt, anger, jealousy, hatred, indignation and shamelessness. The paper concludes that Cecilia Meireles used the \"positives\" passions to refer those who were in agreement with the New School and the \"negatives\" to discuss ideas and accomplishments contrary to New School.

Saber o amar: os Diálogos de Amor, de Leão Hebreu / To know love: the Diálogos de Amor, by Leão Hebreu

Paula Domingues Tavares 13 April 2012 (has links)
Os diálogos escritos por Leão Hebreu no século XVI evidenciam como o tema amor foi objeto de contemplação filosófica no período e trazem diversas reflexões, citações, referências e amplificações de autores da Antiguidade Clássica, tanto Ocidentais como Orientais. Sobressaem Platão e Aristóteles, pois Leão Hebreu frequentemente os insere nas discussões promovidas pelas personagens Fílon e Sofia, utilizando-os como base para a construção de suas argumentações a respeito de diversos temas adjacentes ao principal. Serão discutidos os papéis dos dois filósofos gregos nos Diálogos de Amor, e para tanto, deverá ser adicionado à leitura do texto de Hebreu um outro filósofo do mesmo período: Marsílio Ficino, que possivelmente influenciou os trabalhos do primeiro, mediante as traduções que fez de alguns diálogos platônicos, a partir do testemunho latino de tais obras, no século XV. Interessa também que sejam debatidas questões referentes às especificidades que o tema amor toma ao longo da obra, mostrando de que maneira os interlocutores acreditam ser o amor a motivação, a manutenção e o fim de todas as coisas. / The dialogues written by Leone Ebreo in the 16º century evidence how the theme love was an object of philosophical contemplation at the period, and take many from Classical Antiquity authors reflections, citations, references and amplifications, as well from Occident, as much from Orient. Protrude Plato and Aristotle, for Leone Ebreo often inserts them on the discussions promoted by the characters Filo and Sophia, and use their writes as a base for the argumentations about lots of themes adjoin to the main theme. The discussions on this work will be about this two Greek philosophers on the Dialogues of Love and for this much will be add to the reading of the Leo, The Hebrews works another philosopher from the same period: Marsilio Ficino, who possibly influenced Leos works, through translations he made of some platonic dialogues, from the Latin testimony of this works at the 15º century. It is interesting to this work to discuss questions about the specifications that the theme love takes during the Dialogues, and shows how the interlocutors believe that the love is the motivation, maintenance and the end of everything.

Fé, razão e o discurso comunicativo: é possível a filosofia auxiliar o agir religioso?

Alves, Bernardo Veiga de Oliveira 20 December 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Mariana Dornelles Vargas (marianadv) on 2015-05-19T15:21:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 fe_razao.pdf: 608760 bytes, checksum: 1d986a346585d2023d5a07faac9f7ba6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-19T15:21:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 fe_razao.pdf: 608760 bytes, checksum: 1d986a346585d2023d5a07faac9f7ba6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-20 / Nenhuma / Analisa-se a relação entre a razão e a fé, e como a filosofia poderia auxiliar algumas disposições religiosas. Buscam-se os limites da ação do religioso e as condições mínimas para a sua atuação como civil, isto é, a defesa da fé como certa razoabilidade nas relações éticas. Inicialmente, investiga-se a abertura da filosofia a um conhecimento comum, que atinge uma elevada sistematização em Aristóteles, o que permite um diálogo, como um discurso comunicativo, sob aspectos estritamente humanos, na consideração de mundos possíveis. Nesta parte, se estabelece a máxima potência do intelecto, o que possibilita a abertura do mito e da religião como objetos. Em seguida, estuda-se o primeiro pensador que estabeleceu uma conexão entre o pensamento grego e o religioso: Filo de Alexandria; e a experiência cultural desta visão: o helenismo cristão. Sem Filo, não seria possível a concepção teórica de união entre as visões de razão e fé; e, no helenismo cristão, encontramos a vivência, a experiência da concepção filoniano aplicada no início do cristianismo. Depois, procura-se destacar o elemento da fé, sob o ponto de vista racional, enquanto proposições não contraditórias, destacando certo aspecto da visão de Tomás de Aquino. Aqui, utiliza-se Tomás como pensador de síntese entra a razão e a fé, que estabelece as bases racionais para uma adesão razoável à religião. Por fim, analisam-se dois estudos de caso: o apelo racional de Justino ao imperador Tito; e uma comparação entre Abraão e Ájax da peça de Sófocles. Ambos são exemplos de casos em que a filosofia pode auxiliar a relação do religioso com a política. No primeiro, em função do discurso platônico de Justino, em defesa dos cristãos. E no segundo, para que haja certo ceticismo em algumas disposições religiosas. Conclui-se que as ações do religioso devem ser justificadas na lógica do discurso, para que não se estenda a uma posição além do bem e do mal, mas antes, considere os princípios éticos, sem negar a sua religião, antes, como um complemento de auxílio e reciprocidade. / The first matter of analysis is the relation between reason and faith, and how can philosophy serve to some religious dispositions. The limits of the religious person?s doings and the minimal conditions for his/her civil role are outlined, that is, the defense of faith as an element of reasonability within ethical relations. First, an investigation is made regarding the openness of philosophy to a common knowledge which reaches an elevated systematization in Aristotle, which allows a dialogue as a communicative discourse under strictly human aspects, considering possible worlds. In this part, the maximum potence of the intellect is established, enabling the interpretation of myth and religion as objects. Next, a study is developed on the matter of the first thinker to establish the link between the Greek and the religious lines of thought: Philo of Alexandria; and the cultural experience of such view: Christian helenism. But for Philo, it would not be possible to theoretically conceive the union between the views of reason and faith; and, within Christian helenism, the experience of the Philonian conception applied at the start of Christianism can be found. Then, an attempt is made to highlight the element of faith under a rational point of view, considering non-contradictory propositions, stressing a particular aspect of Thomas Aquinas view. Here, Thomas is taken up as a thinker of synthesis between reason and faith, which sets up the rational basis for a reasonable adhesion to religion. Lastly, two case studies are presented: the rational appeal of Justin to Emperor Titus; and a comparison between Abraham and Ajax, from Sophocles play. Both are examples of cases in which philosophy can be of help to the relation of the religious person to politics. In the first one, due to Justins platonic discourse, in defense of the Christians. And in the second, in order to a certain skepticism in some religious dispositions to exist. The conclusion is reached by infering that the actions of the religions individual must be justified in the logic of discourse, so that the matter does not extends itself to stances beyond good and evil. Instead, it must take into account the ethical principles without denying its religion; as a complement of assistance and reciprocity.

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