Spelling suggestions: "subject:"autoantibodies"" "subject:"αutoantibodies""
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Method development for enrichment of autoantibodies from human plasmaSkoglund, Lovisa January 2020 (has links)
Antibodies are naturally occurring in humans, with the function to protect the body from pathogens. Occasionally, antibodies towards the body’s own proteins are produced. These so called autoantibodies are present in healthy individuals but are also highly associated with diseases with autoimmune involvement. Research on autoantibodies in healthy individuals as well as in patients is important to gain knowledge and facilitate prognostics, diagnostics and treatment. However, a method for purification of these antibodies has not previously been described. In the present project, an enrichment procedure of circulating autoantibodies found in human plasma is described. Twenty protein fragments previously known to be highly reactive were attached to magnetic microbeads, enabling autoantibodies from eight human plasma sample pools to be captured. The six antigens with highest shown reactivity were chosen for elution procedure. Using pH alterations and heat treatments, a successful elution and enrichment procedure was developed. With analysis of the eluted autoantibodies, it can be established that the enrichment was successful on multiple sample pools. In the scaled-up procedure, autoantibodies could be enriched in all positive antigen-sample combinations. Concentration measurements indicated amounts of up to 0.23 mg antibodies per ml eluate. This implies sufficient concentrations for further applications of the enriched autoantibodies. / Antikroppar förekommer naturligt i människor, med syftet att skydda kroppen från patogen. I vissa fall skapas av misstag antikroppar som angriper kroppens egna proteiner. Dessa autoantikroppar förekommer hos alla människor, såväl friska som sjuka, men de är också starkt förknippade med autoimmuna sjukdomar. Kunskapen om autoantikroppar hos friska personer och hos patienter är idag begränsad, men fortsatt forskning inom området förväntas i framtiden underlätta prognostik, diagnostik och behandling. Hittills har ingen metod för anrikning av autoantikroppar ur blodplasma beskrivits. I detta projekt beskrivs en anrikningsmetod för autoantikroppar ur blodplasma från människa. Tjugo tidigare kända högreaktiva proteinfragment fästes på magnetiska mikrokulor. Dessa antigen-täckta mikrokulor användes för att fånga in autoantikroppar från åtta plasmaprover. De sex proteinfragment som hade högst reaktivitet i dessa prover valdes ut för elueringsförsök. Eluering genomfördes under basiska följt av sura förhållanden, tillsammans med värmebehandling. Denna elueringsmetod fungerade för anrikning av några autoantikroppar från flera av plasmaproverna. I ett utökat experiment kunde autoantikroppar anrikas ur alla kombinationer av antigen och plasmaprov som förväntades ge signal. Koncentrationen av autoantikroppar i eluaten uppskattades till högst 0.23 mg/ml. Denna koncentration är tillräcklig för flera vanliga metoder där antikroppar används.
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Zur Bedeutung des Prolaktins für Pathogenese und Krankheitsverlauf bei systemischen Lupus erythematodes (SLE)Jacobi, Annett Marita 22 May 2000 (has links)
Der Aufgabenschwerpunkt dieser Arbeit bestand in der Untersuchung der Serum-Prolaktin- Werte von Patienten mit systemischem Lupus erythematodes (SLE) (n=60) und anderen Kollagenosen bzw. Vaskulitiden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß ein Teil der SLE-Patienten erhöhte PRL-Werte hat (33,3%). Bei den Patienten mit sonstigen Kollagenosen und Vaskulitiden lag dieser Anteil bei 11,1%. Es handelt sich dabei um eine (idiopathische) Hyperprolaktinämie mit meist nur geringfügigen Erhöhungen des Prolaktins. Von besonderem Interesse war die Frage nach der Existenz eines Zusammenhanges zwischen dem Serum-Prolaktin-Wert und der klinischen bzw. serologischen Krankheitsaktivität bei SLE- Patienten. Diesbezüglich gab es bisher zahlreiche Untersuchungen mit widersprüchlichen Ergebnissen. Als Ergebnis dieser Studie ließ sich ein statistisch signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen dem Serumprolaktin und sowohl dem ECLAM-Score als auch der Anti-dsDNA- und Anti-Cardiolipin (IgG)-Antikörperkonzentration der SLE-Patienten nachweisen. Diese Ergebnisse bestätigten sich bei Verlaufsuntersuchungen, bei denen die klinische Krankheitsaktivität, die Anti-dsDNA-Antikörper- und die Prolaktinkonzentration der SLE- Patienten korrelierten. Um der Frage der Bedeutung des Prolaktins für den Krankheitsverlauf des SLE auf den Grund zu gehen, wurden periphere mononukleäre Zellen (PBMC) der Patienten (n=11) mit PRL in vitro inkubiert und ihre Aktivität hinsichtlich der Produktion von Gesamt-IgG und Zytokinen untersucht. Eine Einflußnahme des Prolaktins auf die Zytokinproduktion konnte nicht beobachtet werden. Anders verhielt es sich mit der IgG-Produktion der SLE-PBMC. Diese ließ sich, im Gegensatz zu der normaler PBMC, durch Prolaktin in erhöhter (100ng/ml) und sogar in physiologischer (20ng/ml) Konzentration steigern. Dabei konnte eine Abhängigkeit von der Krankheitsaktivität der SLE-Patienten festgestellt werden. Das Ergebnis verdeutlicht, daß Prolaktin möglicherweise schon in einer physiologischen Konzentration aktivitätssteigernd auf SLE-PBMC wirkt. Bei Annahme der Übertragbarkeit dieser in vitro- Ergebnisse auf in vivo-Verhältnisse, läßt sich die Bedeutung der Höhe der Serum-Prolaktin- Konzentration für die Krankheitsaktivität der SLE-Patienten abschätzen. Gleichzeitig stellt sich die Frage nach dem therapeutischen Nutzen der medikamentösen Kontrolle des Serumprolaktins, insbesondere bei SLE-Patienten mit hoher Krankheitsaktivität. Neben der Frage, ob PRL Autoimmunprozesse unterhält, sollte aber auch interessieren, ob es sie möglicherweise sogar initiiert. Diesbezüglich gibt es unterschiedliche Vermutungen. Als Modell für die Untersuchung dieser Frage dient der Prolaktinompatient, dessen Immunsystem lange Zeit erhöhten PRL-Konzentrationen ausgesetzt ist. In dieser Studie wurden 39 Prolaktinompatienten auf das Vorhandensein von Autoantikörpern (ANA, Anti-dsDNA) im Serum und von klinischen Befunden im Sinne einer Autoimmunerkrankung untersucht. Dabei wurde ein erhöhtes Vorkommen von Antinukleären-Antikörpern (ANA) bei Prolaktinompatienten im Vergleich zu Gesunden festgestellt (59 vs. 18%). Allerdings hatte sich nur bei einer Patientin eine Autoimmun-Erkrankung (Sjögren-Syndrom und Hashimoto- Thyreoiditis) manifestiert. Es kann also festgestellt werden, daß Prolaktin allein anscheinend nicht in der Lage ist, die klinische Manifestation von Autoimmunerkrankungen herbeizuführen, obwohl es die Produktion von Autoantikörpern begünstigt. / Prolactin (PRL) is a peptide hormone with immunomodulatory properties. The current work addressed whether PRL is involved in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). PRL serum levels were determined in patients with SLE (52 female, 8 male) and healthy controls. 33.3% of the patients showed a mild hyperprolactinemia, whereas healthy controls had exclusively normal levels of PRL in their sera. There was a positive correlation of the SLE disease activity assessed by the ECLAM-score as well as the levels of anti-dsDNA- and anti-cardiolipin antibodies with the respective PRL serum levels. Furthermore, the influence of PRL on peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMC) was examined in vitro by incubation of these cells with PRL for 7 days. PRL (at concentrations of 20 and 100ng/ml) was shown to significantly enhance the IgG production in PBMC from patients with SLE (n=11, mean: 579.3?476.4ng/ml vs mean: 1084?601.3ng/ml, p
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Deciphering the genetic basis of immune thrombocytopenia: current evidence for genetic predisposition in adult ITPGeorgi, Julia-Annabell, Middeke, Jan Moritz, Bornhäuser, Martin, Matzdorff, Axel, Trautmann-Grill, Karolin 16 January 2025 (has links)
Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is the consequence of a complex, still incompletely understood immunological dysregulation. Proposed mechanisms include autoantibody-induced platelet destruction, impaired platelet production as well as abnormalities in T-cell immunity, such as T helper cells (Th1) polarization, a high proportion of Th17 cells, and a reduced number of regulatory T cells. Although the etiology of ITP is incompletely understood and considered multifactorial in most cases, genetic variants are thought to play a key role in susceptibility to ITP, especially in persistent or chronic ITP. Efforts are currently underway to uncover possible predisposing genetic factors for the development of ITP. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms and copy number variations have been identified in several immune-related genes, such as cytokine genes, Fcγ receptor genes or T-cell costimulation genes, and have been associated with patients’ susceptibility to ITP. However, because of the clinical heterogeneity and low incidence of ITP it remains challenging to perform genetic analyses with sufficiently large sample size within informative patient populations, highlighting the need for collection of well-annotated biomaterials in clinical trials or registry projects. Another significant challenge is to go beyond performing association studies alone and to establish genotype-phenotype associations, thus proving causality between a genetic alteration and ITP pathogenesis. This review summarizes our current knowledge on genetic alterations identified as potential predisposing factors for the development of ITP in adults, thereby addressing signaling pathways considered critical for ITP pathogenesis.
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Dissection moléculaire de l’interaction de la DNA topoisomérase I avec la matrice extracellulaire et les fibroblastesBeauchemin, Karine 06 1900 (has links)
La sclérose systémique est une maladie autoimmune dont l’une des complications majeures est la fibrose. La DNA topoisomérase I (topo) est l’un des principaux autoantigènes associés à cette maladie. Toutefois, aucun lien n’a encore pu être établi entre la présence des anti-topo et le développement de la fibrose.
Les travaux antérieurs du laboratoire d’accueil ont montré une interaction directe de la topo avec la surface des fibroblastes et la matrice extracellulaire. Nous avons voulu caractériser ces interactions du point de vue moléculaire. La topo a donc été exprimée sous forme de 5 fragments, déterminés à partir de ses principaux domaines structuraux et de ses épitopes majeurs, chez E. coli. Les fragments purifiés ont été analysés pour leur interaction avec l’héparine, représentant les héparane sulfates de la surface des fibroblastes, et avec des protéines purifiées de la matrice extracellulaire.
Nous avons montré que le fragment topo-N est le principal responsable de l’interaction avec l’héparine, ce qui suggère donc l’implication potentielle de ce domaine dans l’interaction de la topo avec la surface des fibroblastes. Le fragment topo-DIDII est responsable de l’interaction avec la plupart des protéines de la matrice extracellulaire étudiées, alors que le fragment topo-H15 n’interagit qu’avec la vitronectine. Aucune interaction des fragments topo-DIII et topo-C n’a été décelée.
Ces résultats pourront maintenant servir à mieux comprendre le rôle potentiel de la topo et des autoanticorps circulants anti-topo dans la fibrose présente chez les personnes atteintes de sclérose systémique en contribuant à l’identification de la cible de la topo sur les fibroblastes. / Systemic sclerosis is an autoimmune disease in which one of the major complications is fibrosis. DNA topoisomerase I (topo) is a major autoantigen associated with this disease. However, no link has yet been established between the presence of anti-topo and the development of fibrosis.
Previous work of the host laboratory showed a direct interaction of the topo with the surface of fibroblasts and extracellular matrix. We wanted to characterize these interactions at the molecular level. Topo was expressed in 5 fragments, determined from its main structural domains and its major epitopes, in E. coli. The purified fragments were analyzed for their interaction with heparin, representing heparan sulfates on the surface of fibroblasts, and with purified proteins of the extracellular matrix.
We have shown that the topo-N fragment is responsible for interaction with heparin, suggesting hence, potential involvement of this domain in the interaction of topo with the surface of fibroblasts. The topo-DIDII fragment is responsible for the interaction with most proteins of the extracellular matrix studied, whereas the topo-H15 fragment only binds to vitronectin. No interaction of fragments topo-DIII and topo-C was found.
These results can now be used to better understand the potential role of topo and circulating anti-topo autoantibodies in the fibrosis present in patients with systemic sclerosis in helping to identify the target of topo on fibroblasts.
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Assessing the Activity of Agonistic Autoantibodies in Systemic Sclerosis and their Effects on Cultured Vascular Smooth Muscle CellsChokr, Nidaa 05 1900 (has links)
La sclérose systémique (ScS) est une maladie auto-immune dévastatrice d'étiologie inconnue. Le dysfonctionnement immunitaire, la fibrose et la vasculopathie sont les trois principales caractéristiques de cette maladie. Une récente étude a révélé un nouveau lien entre l'auto-immunité et la fibrose, par la présence d'auto-anticorps stimulant le récepteur du facteur de croissance dérivé des plaquettes (PDGFR) des fibroblastes. Ces auto-anticorps sont capables de stimuler les espèces réactives de l'oxygène et d’activer la kinase régulée par un signal extracellulaire (ERK1/2). L’hypothèse que nous formulons est que les cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires (VSMCs) exprimant conjointement les PDGFR, répondront elles aussi aux autoanticorps anti-PDGF-R. Le travail présenté ici vise à valider la présence d'auto-anticorps PDGFR dans les sérums de patients ScS, et à caractériser ensuite la réponse de VSMCs exposées à de l'immunoglobuline G (IgG) de ces sérums, en mesurant l’activation des cascades de signalisation spécifiques, ainsi que l'induction des gènes impliqués dans la réponse fibrotique.
Nos résultats démontrent la présence d'une fraction IgG stimulant une réponse phénotypique dans les cultures de VSMCs. Notamment, d’importantes régulations positive et négative des gènes pro-fibrotiques tgfb1 et tgfb2 respectivement, ont été observées dans les VSMCs exposées à des fractions de ScS-IgG. Les fractions de IgG positives pour l'activation de ERK étaient présentes dans la plupart, mais pas dans tous les échantillons de SSc (68%, 19/28), et moins présentes dans les contrôles 27% (11/3). Bien que, les fractions de SSc-IgG ont pu considérablement immunoprécipiter le PDGFR, l'utilisation d'un inhibiteur spécifique des récepteurs au PDGF (AG1296), n'a pas inhibé l'activation de ERK médiée par les fractions de SSc-IgG. Globalement, nos résultats indiquent la présence d'autoanticorps stimulants avec activité pro-fibrotique dans les sérums des patients ScS. Des travaux sont en cours pour identifier l'entité moléculaire responsable de la réponse d’IgG observée dans les cultures de VSMCs. / Systemic Sclerosis (SSc) is a devastating autoimmune disease of unknown etiology. Immune dysfunction, fibrosis and vasculopathy are the three major features of the disease; however, the interactions between these components are poorly understood. A novel link between autoimmunity and fibrosis has been proposed by the presence of stimulatory autoantibodies to the platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) on fibroblasts. These autoantibodies were capable of stimulating reactive oxygen species and subsequent activation of ERK1/2. If the anti-PDGFR autoantibodies are present in the systemic circulation of SSc patients, they will most certainly encounter vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). The latter are known to express the PDGFR and response to PDGF, which is a known phenotypic modulator of VSMCs. The work presented here seeks to readdress the presence of stimulatory anti-PDGFR autoantibodies in serum derived from SSc-patients and to characterize the effects of SSc-IgG on VSMCs by measuring the activation of specific signaling cascades and the induction of genes involved in fibrotic responses.
Our results demonstrate the presence of an IgG fraction stimulating a phenotypic response in cultured VSMCs. Notably, a significant up-regulation of the pro-fibrotic gene tgfb1 and a significant down-regulation of the anti-fibrotic gene tgfb2 were observed in VSMC exposed to SSc-IgG fractions. Positive IgG fractions for ERK activation were present in most, but not all, SSc samples (68%, 19/28), and they were less present in controls (27%) (3/11). Although, the SSc-IgG fractions were able to significantly immunoprecipitate the PDGFR, the use of a selective PDGFR inhibitor, AG1296, did not inhibit the activation of ERK mediated by SSc-IgG fractions. Altogether, our findings suggest the presence of stimulatory autoantibodies with profibrotic activity in serum derived form SSc patients. Work is in progress to identify the molecular entity responsible for the IgG response observed in cultured VSMCs.
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Efeito aterogênico da poluição atmosférica: associação aos anticorpos anti LDLox e anti peptídeo D da apoB e aos aspectos morfométricos e inflamatórios / Atherogenic effect of air pollution: association to anti-oxLDL and anti peptide D- ApoB and imorphometric and inflamatory aspectsSoares, Sandra Regina Castro 13 September 2006 (has links)
A poluição atmosférica de grandes centros urbanos é relacionada com o aumento dos índices de mortalidade e morbidade, principalmente em indivíduos com predisposição às doenças cardiovasculares e progressão da aterosclerose. Com o objetivo de verificar o potencial aterogênico da poluição atmosférica da cidade de São Paulo avaliamos o comportamento do estresse oxidativo e produção de auto-anticorpos em modelo murino experimental \"in vivo\". Foram analisados os seguintes parâmetros: quantidade de lipídeo e espessura da placa aterosclerótica por analisador de imagens, oxidação da LDL sérica (TBARS) e tecidual e imunohistoquímica (8-isoprostano), ativação macrofágica (imunohistoquímicaMAC2) e produção de anticorpos anti-LDL oxidada (LDLox) e anti-peptídeo D da apoB-100 (ELISA). Os dados foram estudados na emergência, arco e porção descendente da aorta em 40 camundongos LDLR - / - knockout, machos, 30 dias de idade expostos às câmaras de intoxicação seletiva não filtrada e filtrada para material particulado e gases tóxicos, no período de Maio/Setembro de 2004. Nesse período não houve ultrapassagem dos níveis aceitáveis de poluição. Os animais foram divididos em 4 grupos: Filtrada-Padrão (FP), Filtrada-E.Col.(FEcol), Poluída-Padrão (PP) e Poluída-E.Col.(PEcol). Obtivemos os seguintes resultados: maior aumento dos níveis de colesterol total nos grupos FEcol e PEcol (p<0,05); triglicérides séricos menores no grupo PEcol (p<0,05); aceleração de oxidação LDL sanguínea apenas no grupo PEcol; índices aumentados de anticorpos anti-LDLox e anticorpos anti-peptídeo D nos grupos PP e PEcol em relação aos demais (p<0,05); maior quantidade de gordura na raiz da aorta nos grupos com dieta Ecol (p<0,05) porém com espessura da placa superior apenas no grupo PEcol (p<0,05). A região descendente e o arco (núcleo necrótico e placa aterosclerótica) não apresentaram diferenças na análise de estresse oxidativo. A quantificação de macrófagos na aorta descendente foi maior no grupo FEcol em relação aos animais com dieta padrão (p<0,05). O núcleo necrótico e placa aterosclerótica do arco aórtico apresentaram o mesmo comportamento: FEcol maior que PP e FP (p<0,05). Concluímos que a poluição atmosférica urbana, mesmo em níveis considerados aceitáveis, potencializa a progressão da aterosclerose. / Epidemiologic studies have shown important relationship between atherogenic cardiovascular morbid-mortality and acute or chronic exposure to air pollution. We aim to study the atherogenic potential of São Paulo urban air pollution analyzing the plaque formation and its physiopathology through oxidative stress and auto-antibody production in a murine experimental model in vivo. We quantified the lipid deposit in the atherosclerotic plaque and its thickness by Image Analyzer, LDL oxidation in blood by TBARS and tissue by 8-isoprosthane, production of anti oxLDL and anti peptide D of apoB-100 antibodies by ELISA and macrophage activation through MAC2 staining. We analyzed three regions of the aorta: emergency, arch and descendent in 40 LDLR - / - knockout mice, male, 30 days old exposed to selective intoxication chambers with filters or not for particulate matter and toxic gases, during May to September 2004, when pollution did not overpass standard limits of air quality. Mice were divided in four groups: Filtered-Normal diet (FN), Filtered-enriched cholesterol diet (FEchol), Polluted-Normal diet (PN) and Polluted-enriched cholesterol diet (FEchol). Our results were: the highest amount of total cholesterol levels in FEchol and PEchol groups (p<0,05); the lowest triglycerides in PEchol mice (p<0,05); increment of oxLDL in blood only in PEchol animals; higher anti oxLDL and anti-peptide D antibodies in PN and PEchol than other groups (p<0,05); similar amounts of lipids in atherosclerotic plaque in Echol diet groups, but higher than mice submitted to Normal diet (p<0,05); PEchol mice presented the highest aorta thickness (p<0.05); oxidative stress showed similar results in both aortic regions in all groups; macrophage activation in descent region of the aorta showed that FEchol mice presented higher values than animals submitted to normal diet (p<0,05) and PEchol group reached higher values than PN animals (p<0,05); macrophage activation in the atherosclerotic necrotic core and plaque of the aortic arch showed similar pattern: FEchol higher than normal diet mice (p<0,05). We concluded that urban air pollution, even within standard limits of air quality, is able to potentate atherosclerosis progression.
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Manifestações músculoesqueléticas e auto-anticorpos em crianças e adolescentes com hanseníase / Musculoskeletal manifestations and autoantibodies in children and adolescents with leprosyNeder, Luciana 11 February 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A hanseníase é uma doença infecciosa crônica causada pelo Mycobacterium leprae. É considerada um dos maiores problemas de saúde pública nos países em desenvolvimento. Os principais sinais clínicos são manchas de pele com perda de sensibilidade e envolvimento de nervos periféricos. Manifestações musculoesqueléticas são descritas em adultos, mas este envolvimento é raramente descrito na população pediátrica. Objetivo: Avaliar envolvimento musculoesquelético e auto-anticorpos em pacientes pediátricos com hanseníase. Métodos: Foram avaliados 50 pacientes com hanseníase e 47 crianças e adolescentes saudáveis de acordo com manifestações musculoesqueléticas (artralgia, artrite e mialgia), síndromes dolorosas musculoesqueléticas (fibromialgia juvenil, síndrome de hipermobilidade articular benigna, síndrome miofascial e tendinite) e painel de auto-anticorpos e crioglobulinas. Escores de avaliação de saúde e tratamento foram realizados nos pacientes com hanseníase. Resultados: A frequência de manifestações musculoesqueléticas foi maior em pacientes com hanseníase comparada aos controles (14% vs. 0%, p=0,0012). Cinco pacientes com hanseníase tinham poliartrite assimétrica das pequenas articulações das mãos (10% vs. 0%, p=0,057). Comprometimentos da função do nervo, reação tipo I hansênica, e neuropatia silenciosa foram observados nos pacientes com hanseníase (p=0,0006; p=0,003; p=0,0059; respectivamente). Nenhum dos pacientes e controles apresentou síndromes de dor musculoesquelética e as frequências dos anticorpos e crioglobulinas foram semelhantes nos dois grupos (p > 0,05). Comprometimentos da função nervosa, reação hansênica tipo I e neuropatia silenciosa foram observados em pacientes com versus sem manifestações musculoesqueléticas (p=0,0036; p=0,0001; p=0,309; respectivamente), bem como subtipos de hanseníase multibacilar (86% vs. 42%, p=0,045). A escala visual analógica do médico (VAS), dos pacientes (VAS), de dor (VAS) e CHAQ foram maiores em pacientes com manifestações musculoesqueléticas (p=0,0001; p=0,002; p=0002; p=0,001, respectivamente). Conclusão: Este foi o primeiro estudo a identificar manifestações musculoesqueléticas associadas com disfunção de nervos periféricos em pacientes pediátricos. A hanseníase deve ser incluída no diagnóstico diferencial de artrite assimétrica, principalmente em regiões endêmicas / Introduction: Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. It is considered one of major public health issue in developing countries. The important clinical signs of leprosy are hypopigmented or reddish localized skin lesions with loss of sensation and peripheral nerves involvement. Musculoskeletal manifestations were described in leprosy adult patients and these involvements were rarely described in pediatric leprosy population. Objective: To evaluate musculoskeletal involvement and autoantibodies in pediatric leprosy patients. Methods: 50 leprosy patients and 47 healthy children and adolescents were assessed according to musculoskeletal manifestations (arthralgia, arthritis and myalgia), musculoskeletal pain syndromes (juvenile fibromyalgia, benign joint hypermobility syndrome, myofascial syndrome and tendinitis) and a panel of autoantibodies and cryoglobulins. Health assessment scores and treatment were performed in leprosy patients. Results: The frequency of at least one musculoskeletal manifestation was significantly higher in leprosy patients compared to controls (14% vs. 0%, p=0.0012) and five leprosy patients had asymmetric polyarthritis of small hands joints (10% vs. 0%, p=0.057), Nerve function impairment, type I leprosy reaction and silent neuropathy were significantly observed in leprosy patients (p=0.0006; p=0.003; p=0.0059; respectively). None of the patients and controls presented musculoskeletal pain syndromes and the frequencies of all antibodies and cyoglobulins were similar in both groups (p>0.05). Further analysis of leprosy patients showed that the frequencies of nerve function impairment, type I leprosy reaction and silent neuropathy were significantly observed in patients with versus without musculoskeletal manifestations (p=0.0036; p=0.0001; p=0.309; respectively), as well as multibacillary subtypes in leprosy (86% vs. 42%, p=0.045). The median of physician visual analogue scale (VAS), patients VAS, pain VAS and CHAQ were significantly higher in leprosy patients with musculoskeletal manifestations (p=0.0001; p=0.002; p=0002; p=0.001; respectively). Conclusions: This was the first study to identify musculoskeletal manifestations associated with nerve dysfunction in pediatric leprosy patients. Hansen´s disease should be included in the differential diagnosis of asymmetric arthritis, especially in endemic regions
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Impacto da IL-17A na predisposição ao diabetes mellitus tipo 1A / Impact of IL-17A in the predisposition to type 1 autimmune diabetes mellitusFores, Jéssica Pereira 07 February 2011 (has links)
Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1A (DM1A), doença autoimune clássica, decorrente da quebra de tolerância imune por fatores ambientais em indivíduos geneticamente predispostos, é caracterizada pela infiltração pancreática de linfócitos T e B, macrófagos e células dendríticas. As células T auxiliadoras 17 (Th17) são células potentes, altamente inflamatórias, que produzem a interleucina 17A (IL-17A), citocina mediadora de várias desordens imunológicas como, artrite reumatóide, esclerose múltipla, encefalite experimental autoimune, psoríase e asma, e em animais, o diabetes autoimune. No entanto, seu papel na patogênese do DM1A em humanos não está definido O objetivo de nosso estudo foi avaliar a influência da IL-17A na predisposição ao DM1A através da identificação de variantes alélicas no gene da IL-17A (por sequenciamento automático) e da determinação dos níveis séricos de IL-17A (por ELISA) e da expressão do seu receptor em linfócitos T periféricos (por citometria de fluxo). Foram analisados 103 pacientes com DM1A (idade 15,15 ± 10,38) e 102 controles normais (idade 18,29 ± 10,83). O estudo da expressão do receptor da IL-17A em linfócitos T periféricos bem como o da proteína sérica foram conduzidos em 24 pacientes com DM1A recente (duração inferior a 6 meses) e 23 controles normais. Resultados: Nos 3 exons da IL-17 A analisados, a freqüência das 14 variantes alélicas já descritas em bancos de dados e de três novas variantes alélicas na região não codificadora do exon 3 (3UTR) não diferiu entre diabéticos e controles. Detectamos, pela primeira vez, diminuição estatisticamente significativa da expressão proporcional do receptor de IL-17A em células TCD3+ (p = 0,041) e TCD4+ (p = 0,0019) periféricas de pacientes com DM1A de início recente quando comparados com controles normais. As concentrações séricas de IL-17A foram menores nos diabéticos. Não observamos correlação entre a expressão dos receptores com a resposta humoral (níveis de autoanticorpos pancreáticos anti-GAD65 e anti-IA2) ou com variáveis metabólicas (glicemia e HbA1c). Nossos resultados sugerem que mutações ou polimorfismos no gene da IL-17A não estão implicadas na predisposição ao DM1A em humanos. A reduzida expressão dos receptores de IL-17A em linfócitos T CD3+ e CD4+ periféricos e das concentrações séricas de IL-17A nos pacientes diabéticos não indicam a participação ativa da via Th17 na periferia na patogênese do DM1A em humanos. No entanto, não descartamos a possibilidade de que, ao estudarmos variáveis na periferia e não do local de agressão imune (as ilhotas pancreáticas), tenhamos obtido valores que não expressem o processo adequadamente. Um eventual mecanismo de regulação negativa da via Th17, na tentativa de proteção do organismo contra o processo inflamatório autoimune, poderia explicar a diminuição de expressão de IL-17RA nos linfócitos periféricos / Type 1A diabetes mellitus (T1AD), a classical autoimmune disease related to the loss of immune tolerance is determined by environmental factors in genetically predisposed individuals. Pancreatic infiltration of T and B lymphocytes, macrophages and dentric cells characterize the process. T helper 17 (Th17) cells are potent, highly inflammatory cells, which initiate tissue inflammation and induce infiltration of other inflammatory cells in target organs. They produce the Interleukin 17A (IL-17A), considered a mediator of various immune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, experimental autoimmune encephalitis, psoriasis and asthma, and in animals, autoimmune diabetes. However, its role in T1AD pathogenesis in humans is not defined. The aim of our study was to evaluate the influence of IL-17A in T1AD predisposition in humans. The allelic variants of IL-17A gene (by automatic sequencing), the expression of IL-17A receptors in peripheral lymphocytes (by flow cytometry assay) and the serum levels of IL-17A (by ELISA) were analyzed. Our casuistic was composed of 103 patients with T1D (15,15 ± 10,38 years) and 102 normal controls (18,29 ± 10,83 years). The expression of IL-17A receptor in peripheral lymphocytes and the serum concentration of IL-17A were determined in a subgroup of 24 recent-onset T1D (less than 6 months) and 23 normal controls. Results: The frequency of the 14 allelic variants on the 3 exons of IL- 17A gene already described on data bases did not differ between patients with diabetes and controls. We detected three new allelic variants at the final non-coding region of exon 3. Their frequency was also similar between patients and controls. We detected for the first time a statistically significant decrease in the proportional expression of the receptor of IL-17 on CD3+ (p=0,041) and CD4+ (p=0,0019) T lymphocytes in patients with recent-onset type 1A diabetes. IL- 17A serum concentrations were also lower in patients. There was no correlation between the expression of IL-17A receptor and titles of pancreatic autoantibodies (anti-GAD65 or anti-IA2) or metabolic variables (glucose and HbA1c levels). Our results suggest that mutations or polymorphisms of IL-17A gene are not implicated in the pathogenesis of T1AD in humans. The reduced expression of IL-17A receptors in peripheral T lymphocytes and of IL-17A serum concentrations in patients with diabetes did not indicate a role of Th17 via at the periphery in the autoimmune process. There is however the possibility that by studying the peripheral and not the local immune aggression (pancreatic islets) we have obtained values that do not adequately express the process. A possible mechanism of negative regulation of receptors in an attempt to protect the organism against autoimmune inflammatory process could explain the decrease of IL-17A levels and of IL-17RA expression in peripheral lymphocytes
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Expressão de microRNAs circulantes relacionados ao diabetes tipo 1 autoimune / Expression of circulating microRNAs related to autoimmune type 1 diabetes (T1D)Santos, Aritania Sousa 03 May 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O diabetes tipo 1 autoimune (DM1A) está associado a alterações na imunidade inata e adaptativa. A agressão autoimune, órgão específica, determina a destruição das células beta do pâncreas e a deficiência da produção de insulina. O infiltrado inflamatório do tipo linfomononuclear, configurando a insulite, e a escassez ou a ausência das células ?, definem o quadro histológico do DM1A. Os autoanticorpos contra antígenos das células beta, que geralmente se desenvolvem na fase pré-clínica, conferem predisposição para DM1A. No entanto, é difícil definir quando e quais indivíduos progredirão para o diabetes manifesto, justificando a busca de outros biomarcadores que auxiliem nas indicações de tratamentos preventivos. Nesse contexto, sabe-se que os microRNAs (miRNAs), pequenos RNAs que atuam pós transcrição, desempenham papel crucial na regulação de genes, integrando fatores genéticos e ambientais e influenciando o funcionamento de órgãos e tecidos de maneira pontual ou sistêmica. OBJETIVOS: avaliar o envolvimento biológico e a relevância da expressão de miRNAs na resposta imunológica e na função das células ? na patogênese do DM1A. MÉTODOS: analisamos o perfil dos miRNAs séricos em 4 grupos, a saber: pacientes portadores de DM1A, até 6 meses do diagnóstico (DM1A recente), (n=30); pacientes portadores de DM1A com duração de 2-5 anos (DM1A 2-5)(n=26) e indivíduos com autoanticorpos pancreáticos positivos sem diabetes (AcP) (n=25), os quais foram comparados aos indivíduos controles saudáveis(n= 29). A expressão dos microRNAs foi obtida com ensaios individuais TaqMan® MicroRNA Assays 5x primers e TaqMan MicroRNA Human Array Card A, (Applied Biosystems- Forster City CA, USA) constituído por 377 alvos e 4 endógenos. Os dados de expressão foram analisados no Software Cloud, (Thermo Fisher Scientific) e no programa Limma (Linear Models for Microarray and RNA-Seq Data). RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença nas características demográficas, como idade, cor auto referida e sexo entre os grupos (p > 0,05). Pacientes portadores de DM1A (recente e com duração de 2-5 anos), diferiram do grupo controle pelos valores elevados de glicose, hemoglobina glicada, títulos de autoanticorpos pancreáticos, e menores de peptídeo C (p < 0,05) e foram semelhantes entre si. Os portadores de autoanticorpos (AcP) tinham características intermediárias entre os grupos: menores valores de HbA1c e de anticorpo anti-tirosina-fosfatase (anti-IA2) e maiores de peptídeo C em relação aos dois grupos com diabetes. Diferiram dos controles apenas pelos maiores títulos de anticorpo anti-insulina (IAA) e anti-descarboxilase do ácido glutâmico 65 (anti-GAD65). A frequência dos alelos HLA de risco para diabetes (-DR3 ou -DR4 e -DQ2 ou DQ-8) decresceu dos grupos DM1A recente e DM 2-5 para AcP e controles. Foram avaliados 135 miRNAs que estavam expressos em 20% ou mais das amostras dos quatro grupos analisados. Maior expressão foi observada em 13, 4 e 33 miRNAs dos grupos AcP, DM1A recente e DM1A 2-5 respectivamente e menor em 11, 7 e 31 miRNAs destes grupos. Destes, 4 miRNAs foram diferencialmente expressos nos grupos AcP, DM1A recente e DM1A 2-5 em relação ao grupo controle. Os miRNAs: miR -16, miR-195 e miR-454, relacionados com regeneração endócrina do pâncreas, efeito anti-inflamatório e resposta à injúria da célula ? estavam diminuídos nestes 3 grupos. O miR-200a, implicado em apoptose das células beta, estava aumentado nos grupos AcP e DM1A recente e diminuído nos pacientes com maior duração do diabetes (DM1A 2-5), possivelmente devido à escassez destas células. Outros 8 miRNAs apresentaram expressão diferente da do grupo controle em dois dos grupos avaliados, e tendência semelhante no terceiro grupo, sendo 4 deles elevados (miR-193a-5p, miR- 323-3p, miR-423-5p, e miR-92a) e 4, diminuídos (miR-191, miR-19a, miR- 376a, miR-590-5p) ou neutralidade no 3º grupo (miR-15b, miR-100, miR-181a e miR-483-5p) Resposta antagônica foi observada para o miR-25 e miR-485- 3p, diminuídos no grupo AcP e aumentados no DM1A 2- 5. Tais miRNAs estão relacionados com resposta imunológica, secreção de insulina, lesão de células ? e glicotoxicidade, à semelhança do observado para o miR-101-3p, validado por ensaios individuais numa casuística maior. CONCLUSÃO: nossos dados sugerem que miRNAs circulantes podem estar envolvidos na patogênese do DM1A / INTRODUCTION: Autoimmune type 1 diabetes (T1D) is associated with changes in innate and adaptive immunity. The organ-specific autoimmune aggression determines the destruction of beta-cells in the pancreas and the deficient insulin production. The inflammatory infiltration of the lymphomononuclear type, configuring the insulite, and the scarcity or the absence of the beta cells, define the histological picture of T1D. Autoantibodies against beta-cell antigens, which usually develop in the preclinical phase, confer predisposition to T1D. However, it is difficult to define when and which individuals will progress to overt diabetes, justifying the search for other biomarkers that could be indicative of preventive treatments. In this context, it is known that the microRNAs (miRNAs) - small RNAs that act post transcription - play a crucial role in regulating genes and in integrating genetic and environmental factors, influencing the function of organs and tissues in a punctual or systemic way. OBJECTIVES: to evaluate the biological involvement and relevance of miRNA expression in the immune response and ?-cell function in the pathogenesis of T1D. METHODS: we analyzed the profile of serum miRNAs of 4 groups, namely: patients with T1D up to 6 months after diagnosis (recent T1D), (n = 30); patients with T1D lasting 2-5 years (T1D 2- 5) (n = 26) and individuals expressing pancreatic autoantibodies without diabetes (AbP) (n = 25), which were compared to healthy controls (n = 29). Expression of the microRNAs was obtained with individual assays TaqMan® MicroRNA Assays 5x primers and TaqMan MicroRNA Human Array Card A (Applied Biosystems-Forster City CA, USA), consisting of 377 targets and 4 endogenous. The expression data was analyzed in the Cloud Software (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and Limma (Linear Models for Microarray and RNASeq Data) program. RESULTS: There was no difference in demographic characteristics, such as age, self-reported color, and sex among groups (p > 0.05). Patients with T1D (both recent and 2-5 years), similar to each other, differed from the control group by high glucose, glycated hemoglobin levels, pancreatic autoantibody titers, and lower C peptide values (p < 0.05) . Pancreatic autoantibodies (AbP) carriers had intermediate characteristics among the groups: lower HbA1c and anti-tyrosine phosphatase antibody (anti- IA2) values and higher C-peptide levels than the two groups with diabetes. They differed from controls only by the higher titers of anti-insulin (IAA) and anti-decarboxylase of glutamic acid 65 (anti-GAD65) autoantibodies. The frequency of high risk HLA alleles for diabetes (-DR3 or -DR4 and -DQ2 or DQ- 8) decreased from the recent T1D and T1D 2-5 groups to the AbP and controls. We evaluated 135 miRNAs that were expressed in 20% or more of the samples from the four groups analyzed. Higher expression was observed in 13, 4 and 33 miRNAs of the Abp, recent T1D and T1D 2-5 groups respectively and lower in 11, 7 and 31 miRNAs of these groups. Of these, 4 miRNAs were differentially expressed in the AbP, recent T1D and T1D 2-5 groups in relation to the control group.The miRNAs: miR -16, miR-195 and miR-454, related to endocrine regeneration of the pancreas, anti-inflammatory effect and response to beta-cell injury were decreased in these 3 groups. miR-200a, implicated in beta-cell apoptosis, was increased in the recent and decreased AbP and T1D groups in patients with longer duration of diabetes (T1D 2-5y), possibly due to the shortage of these cells. Another eight miRNAs showed different expression of the control group in two of the evaluated groups, and a similar trend in the third group, four of them high (miR-193a-5p, miR-323-3p, miR-423-5p, and miR- 92a ) and four, decreased (miR-191, miR-19a, miR-376a, miR-590-5p) or neutrality in the 3rd group (miR-15b, miR-100, miR-181a and miR-483-5p) was observed for miR-25 and miR-485-3p, decreased in the AbP group and increased in T1D 2-5y. Such miRNAs are related to immune response, insulin secretion, ?-cell damage and glycotoxicity, similar to that observed for the miR- 101-3p, validated by individual trials in a larger cohort. CONCLUSION Our data suggests that circulating miRNAs may be involved in the pathogenesis of T1D
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Neuropatias periféricas e alterações neuropsiquiátricas em pacientes portadores do vírus da Hepatite C: estudo observacional, caso-controle, retrospectivo e prospectivo / Peripheral neuropathies and neuropsychiatric disorders in patients with hepatitis C virus: an observational, case-control, retrospective and prospective studyFortini, Ida 24 April 2019 (has links)
Introdução: A infecção crônica pelo vírus da hepatite C (HCV) é considerada uma doença sistêmica com numerosas manifestações extra-hepáticas. Comprometimento do sistema nervoso periférico e alterações neuropsiquiátricas são relatadas em algumas séries, com certa heterogeneidade entre elas. Embora alterações cognitivas tenham sido descritas, alguns estudos não comprovaram esta associação. Poucos estudos sobre o tema foram realizados no Brasil. Objetivo: estudar alterações do sistema nervoso periférico e alterações neuropsiquiátricas nos pacientes com infecção pelo HCV e verificar se têm relação com genótipo viral, grau de fibrose hepática e presença de autoanticorpos. Método: 76 pacientes adultos (40 mulheres) com 18 anos ou mais de idade portadores de infecção crônica por HCV, virgens de tratamento, sem sinais de encefalopatia hepática franca, não portadores do vírus da Hepatite B (HBV), vírus da imunodeficiência adquirida (HIV) ou sífilis foram avaliados no período de agosto de 2009 a fevereiro de 2016 e comparados com grupo controle composto por 76 indivíduos não portadores de HCV, HBV, HIV ou sífilis (43 mulheres) com distribuição semelhante quanto ao gênero, faixas etárias e graus de escolaridade. Pacientes e controles foram submetidos a avaliação clínica, avaliação cognitiva breve [Miniexame do Estado Mental (MEEM), teste do desenho do relógio (TDR), teste de fluência verbal (FV) semântica, teste dos dígitos em ordem direta e indireta (WAIS-III)] e avaliação do humor, ansiedade e desesperança (Inventário de Beck). Os pacientes com hepatite C foram submetidos a extensa bateria de exames laboratoriais, determinação do genótipo, dosagem de insulina, gamaglobulinas, crioglobulinas (CGs), fator reumatoide (FR), frações do complemento e pesquisa de autoanticorpos. Resultados de biópsias hepáticas realizadas em menos de 18 meses da avaliação inicial no estudo foram considerados para análise. Além de exames para inclusão no estudo, os controles foram submetidos a avaliação laboratorial. O programa SPSS 20 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) foi utilizado para análise estatística. Resultados: Neuropatias periféricas (NP) foram encontradas em 29 pacientes (38,1%) e 14 controles (18,3%) [p=0,007]. Dos pacientes portadores de HCV com NP, 12 (41,4%) apresentavam mononeuropatias (MN) ou mononeuropatias múltiplas (MNM), 7 (24,1%) polineuropatias (PNP) sensitivas ou sensitivomotoras, 5 (17,2%) PNP com MN ou MNM sobrepostas, 4 (13,8%) radiculopatias e 1 (3,4%) neuropatia motora pura (1/29). Dos 14 portadores de NP no grupo controle, 8 (57,1%) apresentavam neuropatia uni ou bilateral do nervo mediano, 4 (28,6%) radiculopatias e 3 (21,4%) PNP. Parestesias/dores neuropáticas nos membros sem sinais objetivos de NP foram relatadas por 26,3% dos pacientes e por 7,9% dos controles (p < 0,0001). Não houve diferença significativa na prevalência de diabetes melito (DM) entre pacientes e controles (6,6% vs 9,2%). Dezessete pacientes (22,4%) tinham intolerância à glicose. CGs foram detectadas no soro de 9,2% (6/65) dos pacientes e foram positivas no soro de 13,8% dos pacientes portadores de HCV com NP. Teor aumentado de gamaglobulinas séricas foi encontrado em 46,2% (30/64) dos pacientes, positividade do FR em 26,7% (16/60), níveis baixos de C4 em 19,3% (16/60), anticorpos (AC) antimúsculo liso em 26,2% (18/65), AC antitireoperoxidade em 22,9% (8/35) e AC anticardiolipinas IgM em 20,7% (12/58). Houve diferença estatística significativa entre pacientes com hepatite C com e sem NP em relação à presença de AC anti-SSA/RO e antitirosina fosfatase (p=0,028 e p=0,038, respectivamente). Nos pacientes com hepatite C, NP se correlacionou com idade (p < 0,05), grau de fibrose à biópsia hepática (p < 0,05) e alteração do metabolismo da glicose (p < 0,05) e no grupo controle com o diagnóstico de DM (p < 0,01). Não foram verificadas diferenças estatísticas significativas entre pacientes e controles em relação aos escores totais no MEEM, FV semântica, TDR e testes dos dígitos em ordem direta e indireta. A memória de evocação mostrou diferença significativa entre os grupos (p=0,009). Mais pacientes que controles tinham escores <= 23 no MEEM (p=0,025). Resultados semelhantes foram obtidos na comparação entre sujeitos com escolaridade > 4 anos. Não foi verificada diferença estatística entre pacientes e controles em relação ao grau de depressão, ansiedade e desesperança. Os genótipos do HCV não se correlacionaram com nenhuma variável estudada. Conclusão: 38,1% dos pacientes e 18,3% dos controles apresentavam NP. MN ou MNM representaram 41,3%, as PNP 24,1% e as PNP com MN ou MNM sobrepostas 17,2%. Nos pacientes com hepatite C as NP mostraram correlação com AC anti-SSA/RO e antitirosina fosfatase. Foi verificada diferença significativa entre os grupos na memória de evocação e no número de sujeitos que obtiveram escores <= 23 no MEEM, mas não quanto aos sintomas de depressão, ansiedade e desesperança / Background: Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is increasingly considered a systemic disease with numerous extrahepatic manifestations. Peripheral neuropathies (PN) and neuropsychiatric disorders are reported in some series of patients, with a certain heterogeneity between them. Although cognitive dysfunction has been described, some studies failed to prove this association. Few studies on the subject were conducted in Brazil. Objectives: identify disorders in peripheral nerve function and neuropsychiatric dysfunction in treatment-naïve patients with chronic HCV infection without overt hepatic encephalopathy and verify whether there is a relationship with viral genotype, liver fibrosis grade and presence of autoantibodies. Methods: a cohort of 76 adult patients with chronic HCV infection aged 18 years and older (40 women), treatment naïve, not coinfected with hepatitis B virus (HBV), acquired immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or syphilis was evaluated from August 2009 to February 2016 and compared with a control group of 76 individuals (43 women) with a negative screening for HCV, HBV, HIV or syphilis, with similar gender, age and educational level distribution. Patients and controls were clinically evaluated and submitted to a brief cognitive screening (Minimental State Examination (MMSE), clock drawing test (CDT), semantic verbal fluency test (VF) and digit span test (WAIS-III) in direct and inverse order and assessment of mood, anxiety and hopelessness through the Beck Inventory. Hepatitis C patients underwent extensive battery of laboratory tests, genotype determination, insulin dosage, and gammaglobulins, cryoglobulins (CGs), rheumatoid factor (RF), complement fractions, and autoantibody screening. Anatomopathological studies of the liver performed within less than 18 months of the initial study interview were considered for analysis. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences was used to carry out appropriate tests. Results: PN was found in 29 patients with HCV infection (38.1%) and 14 controls (18.3%) [p = 0.007]. Of the HCV patients with PN, 12 (41.4%) presented MN or MNM, 7 (24.1%) sensory or sensoriomotor PNP, 5 (17.2%) PNP with MN or MNM overlap, 4 (13.8%) radiculopathies and 1 (3.4%) pure motor neuropathy. Of the 14 control subjects with PN, 8 (57,1%) had uni or bilateral medial nerve neuropathy, 4 (28.6%) radiculopathy and 3 (21.4%) PNP. Paresthesias / neuropathic limb pain without objective signs of PN were reported by 26.3% of patients and 7.9% of controls (p < 0.0001). There was no significant difference in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) between patients and controls (6,6% vs 9,2%). Glucose intolerance was found in 17 (22.4%) HCV patients. Serum CGs were detected in 9.2% (6/65) of the HCV patients and were positive in 13.8% of HCV patients with PN. High serum gamma globulins levels were found in 46.2% (30/64) of the patients, FR in 26.7% (16/60), low C4 levels in 19.3% (16/60), smooth muscle antibodies in 26.2% (18/65), anti-thyroperoxidase antibodies in 22.9% (8/35) and IgM anticardiolipin antibodies in 20.7% (12/58). Anti-SSA / RO and anti-tyrosine phosphatase antibodies were significantly different between HCV patients with and without PN (p = 0.028 and p = 0.038, respectively). PN in HCV patients was correlated with age (p < 0.05), grade of liver fibrosis (p < 0.05) and altered glucose metabolism (p < 0.05) and in the control group with DM (p < 0.01). No statistically significant differences between patients and controls were found in the total scores of MMSE, semantic VF, TDR and digit tests in direct and indirect order. Recall memory showed a significant difference between the groups (p = 0.009). More patients than controls had scores <= 23 in the MMSE (p = 0.025). Similar results were obtained in the comparison between subjects with > 4 years of schooling. No statistical difference was found between patients and controls regarding the degree of depression, anxiety and hopelessness. HCV genotypes did not correlate with any of the studied variables. Conclusion: 38.1% of the patients and 18.3% of the controls had NP. In HCV patients with PN, MN or MMN represented 41.3%, PNP 24.1% and PNP with MN or MMN superimposed 17.2%. Anti-SSA/RO and antityrosine phosphatase antibodies showed a significant difference between HCV patients with and without PN. There was a significant difference between the groups in recall memory and in the number of subjects who obtained scores <= 23 in the MMSE, but not in the symptoms of depression, anxiety and hopelessness
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