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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energy Usage of Personal Rapid Transit Systems : Simulation of the SkyCab Concept

Vogel, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
Den globala situationen för person- och godstransporter visar att energianvändningen inom transportsektorn stadigt ökar och prognoser tyder på att den kommer att fördubblas till 2050. Den största ökningen förväntas ske i Asien där, Kina kommer att stå för över 12 % av den globala energianvändningen år 2050. Inom EU, Europeiska Unionen, stod personbilarna 2012 för över 81 % av passagerartransporterna räknat i antal passagerarkilometrar. Nya energieffektiva och miljövänliga transportlösningar behöver utvecklas. En lösning med spårtaxi kombinerar fördelarna med konventionella vägtransportsystem (flexibilitet, tillgänglighet och attraktivitet) och spårtransportsystem (säkerhet, kapacitet och miljövänlighet). I detta examensarbete undersöks energianvändningen för spårtaxi. Detta sker i form av en fallstudie. Spårtaxi är en automatiserad transporttjänst för direktresor utan väntetider (likt taxiservice) i ett nätverk med banor som kompletterar masstransportsystem. Fokus i studien ligger på att utvärdera fordonens energianvändning i drift. Målet är att identifiera relevanta parametrar som avgör energianvändningen samt deras bidrag till denna. Frågan om effektiv energianvändning besvaras med hjälp av en simuleringsmodell. Denna baseras på konceptet SkyCab och en bedömning av fordonets parametrar. En beräkning är utförd som utgör en referens för att sedan jämföras med 16 variationer av nyckelparametrar. Relationen till växhusgaser undersöks och utsläppen beräknas för olika elektricitetsblandningar. Ett andragradspolynom är framtaget för att beskriva fordonets gångmotstånd som inkluderar uppskattningar av vagnens rullmotstånd för små, pneumatiska däck på en raksträcka samt i doserade kurvor. Hjälpkraftens energianvändning uppskattas säsom motsvarande en liten elektrisk bil och är starkt beroende av passagerarnas komfortbehov och yttre (väder)förhållanden. Ett resultat är att rullmotståndet står för cirka 44 % av energianvändningen och hjälpkraften för 33 %. Båda är potentiella mål för effektivitetsförbättringar. Ändringar av accelerationsnivåer har liten betydelse för energianvändningen då det är en mindre del av energin som regenereras. En ökning av topphastigheten är ett effektivt sätt att minska restiden med förhållanderis liten ökning av energianvändningen. Förslag lämnas i studien hur man kan minska energianvändningen genom att förbättra fordonets och banans nyckelegenskaper. / he global situation of personal and freight transport shows that the energy demand for transportation steadily increases, and prognoses indicate that the energy usage will double until 2050. The largest growth rates are expected in Asia, and China in particular will account for over 12 % of global transport energy usage in 2050. Over 81 % of passenger transport in passenger kilometre was produced by passenger cars in 2012 in the European Union, and new energy eÿcient and environmental friendly solutions have to be developed.PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) systems combine the benefits of traditional road systems (flexibility, accessibility, attractiveness) and rail systems (safety, capacity, environmental friendliness). This MSc thesis investigates a concept by SkyCab AB as a case study, which o˙ers an automated, non-stop and on-demand transportation service in a dedicated network and is supposed to fill a gap between personal cars and public transport. The focus is put on the energy usage of the vehicles in the operational phase.The objective is to identify the relevant parameters that determine the energy usage and their contributions. This request is addressed by setting up a simulation model, based on the SkyCab concept and estimations of vehicle parameters. A reference calculation and 16 variations of key parameters are conducted. The relation to greenhouse gas emissions is investigated and emissions are calculated for di˙erent electricity mixes.A second-order polynomial of running resistance for the vehicle is determined, includ-ing estimations of rolling resistance of small pneumatic tyres on straight track and in superelevated curves. The auxiliary power is estimated for the SkyCab vehicle on basis of a small electric passenger car.For the reference case the energy for rolling resistance is approx. 44 % of the energy usage, and auxiliary energy contributes by 33 %. Both o˙er potential for eÿciency im-provement. The auxiliary power is strongly dependent on the passengers’ comfort needs and the ambient conditions. Changes of acceleration rates have low impact on the energy usage, since a smaller proportion of energy is regenerated. An increase in top speed is a suÿcient measure to reduce trip time with comparably low increase in energy usage. Finally, suggestions are proposed to reduce the energy usage by improving key properties of the vehicle and guideway. / Der weltweite Energiebedarf des Personen- und Gütertransports zeigt einen kontinuier-lichen Anstieg, und der Ausblick bis 2050 zeigt eine Verdopplung des gesamten Ener-giebedarfs. Die größten Zuwachsraten werden in Asien erwartet, und insbesondere China allein wird in 2050 über 12 % des weltweiten Energiebedarfs verzeichnen. Über 81 % aller Personenkilometer in der Europäischen Union in 2012 wurden mit dem persönlichen Auto-mobil durchgeführt, und ein Bedarf für energieeÿziente und umweltfreundliche Transport-möglichkeiten wird deutlich.PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) Systeme vereinen die Vorzüge von traditionellen straßenge-bundenen Transportsystemen (Flexibilität, Zugänglichkeit, Attraktivität) und Schien-ensystemen (Sicherheit, Kapazität, Umweltfreundlichkeit). Diese MSc Thesis untersucht das Transportkonzept von SkyCab AB als Fallstudie. Es bietet einen automatisierten, un-unterbrochenen und bedarfsgesteuerten Transportdienst auf einem exklusiven Netzwerk und soll so die Lücke zwischen dem persönlichen Automobil und ö˙entlichen Transport-mitteln schließen. Der Fokus wird dabei auf den Energieverbrauch des Fahrzeugs in der operativen Phase gelegt.Die Zielsetzung besteht in der Identifizierung und Quantifizierung der relevanten Para-meter, die den Energieverbrauch bestimmen. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein Simulationsmodell konfiguriert welches auf dem Konzept von SkyCab basiert und zusätzlich Abschätzungen von Fahrzeugparametern enthält. Eine Referenzberechnung und 16 Parametervariationen werden durchgeführt. Der Bezug zur Emission von Treibhausgasen wird für verschiedene Energiemixe hergestellt.Das Polynom zweiter Ordnung für den Fahrwiderstand wird aufgestellt, wobei Abschätzun-gen bezüglich des Rollwiderstands kleiner pneumatischer Reifen auf gerader Strecke und in überhöhten Kurven berücksichtigt werden. Die Zusatzleistung für das Konzeptfahrzeug wird auf Basis eines kleinen rein elektrischen Fahrzeugs abgeschätzt.Der Energieverbrauch in der Referenzsimulation für den Rollwiderstand beträgt ca. 44 % des Gesamtenergieverbrauchs, und die Zusatzenergie beläuft sich auf ca. 33 %. Beide Anteile bieten Potential zur Optimierung, und die Zusatzenergie ist stark abhängig von den Komfortbedürfnissen der Passagiere und den Umgebungsbedingungen. Variationen der Beschleunigungs- und Bremsraten haben einen geringen Einfluss auf den Energiever-brauch, da gleichzeitig ein kleinerer Anteil regeneriert wird. Eine Zunahme der Höchst-geschwindigkeit wirkt sich durch mehr regenerierte Energie vergleichsweise gering auf den bezogenen Energieverbrauch aus, reduziert jedoch die Fahrzeit merklich. Abschließend werden Potentiale von Schlüsselparametern zur Reduktion des Energieverbrauchs des Fahrzeugs und der Fahrbahn aufgedeckt.

"Stress som försvinner" : En kvalitativ studie om karriärväxling med omställningsstudiestöd / ”Stress that disappears” : A qualitative study on career change with transition study support

Halkjaer, Jenny January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra med en fördjupad förståelse för orsaker till karriärväxling hos individer som sökt omställningsstudiestödet. Frågeställningarna som använts för att undersöka studiens syfte är följande: vilka faktorer har initierat önskan att vilja karriärväxla och hur ser respondenterna på sina möjligheter att karriärväxla med omställningsstudiestödet. En kvalitativ studie med ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv har genomförts, där en abduktiv ansats har använts för att dra slutsatser om studiens resultat. Ett kriterieurval har skett och sex respondenter valdes ut till studien. Empirin har samlats in med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer och därefter har en innehållsanalys genomförts. Teorier och begrepp som använts vid analys av resultat är karriärvalsteorin Careership med begreppen handlingshorisont, habitus och brytpunkter. Som ett komplement används även metakarriärteorin System Theory of Framework med begreppen influenser, processinfluenser och system. Studiens resultat visar att omställningsstudiestödet inte påverkar respondenternas val i någon större utsträckning när det kommer till att karriärväxla. Faktorer som initierat en önskan att karriärväxla hos respondenterna i studien berodde på flera olika orsaker. Det som framkom i resultatet var: arbetsmiljö, hälsoproblematik, utvecklingsbehov och viljan att testa nytt. Avslutningsvis, omställningsstudiestödet är en möjlighet till karriärväxling men det är inte en enskild faktor till beslutet att karriärväxla utifrån studiens resultat.

Parameter Estimation and Simulation of Driving Datasets / Parameteruppskattning och simulering av kördatauppsättningar

Qu, Bojian January 2023 (has links)
The development of autonomous driving in recent years has been in full swing and one of the aspects that Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) should always focus on is safety. Although the corresponding technology has gradually matured, and AVs have performed well in a large number of tests, people are still uncertain whether AVs can cope with all possible situations. This world is complex and ever-changing, experiencing countless disturbances every moment, and according to The Butterfly Effect, even the most insignificant small disturbance may set off a huge storm in the near future. If AVs really enter people’s daily lives, they will inevitably encounter many unexpected situations that have never been experienced before. Thus how to ensure that AVs can handle these well has become the most important issue at the moment. It is necessary to give the Automated Driving System (ADS) sufficient challenges during training and testing for acceptable safety and stability. However, dangerous and extreme driving scenarios in the real world are very rare, and it is also very expensive for such a test to be carried out in reality. Therefore, artificially creating a series of critical driving scenarios then training and testing the ADS in a simulation environment has become the current mainstream solution. This thesis project builds a complete framework for the automatic generation, simulation, and analysis of safety-critical driving scenarios. First, the specified scenarios and features are sequentially extracted from the naturalistic driving dataset through pre-defined rules; then a Density Estimation Model is adopted to learn the features, trying to find the distribution of the specified scenarios; after the distribution is obtained, synthetic driving scenarios can be obtained by sampling. Finally, visualize these synthetic scenarios via simulation for safety assessment and data analysis. / Utvecklingen av självkörande fordon har varit i full gång de senaste åre och en av aspekterna som självkörande alltid bör fokusera på är säkerheten. Även om motsvarande teknik gradvis har mognat, och självkörande har presterat bra i ett stort antal tester, är människor fortfarande osäkra på om självkörande klarar av alla möjliga situationer. Den här världen är komplex och ständigt föränderlig, upplever otaliga störningar varje ögonblick, och enligt The Butterfly Effect kan även den mest obetydliga lilla störningen sätta igång en enorm storm inom en snar framtid. Om självkörande verkligen kommer in i människors dagliga liv kommer de oundvikligen att möta många oväntade situationer som aldrig har upplevts tidigare. Så hur man säkerställer att självkörande kan hantera dessa väl har blivit den viktigaste frågan för tillfället. Det är nödvändigt att ge självkörande tillräckliga utmaningar underträning och testning för acceptabel säkerhet och stabilitet. Men farliga och extrema körscenarier i den verkliga världen är mycket sällsynta, och det är också mycket dyrt att genomföra ett sådant test i verkligheten. Att på konstgjord väg skapa en serie kritiska körscenarier och sedan träna och testa det automatiserade körsystemet i en simuleringsmiljö har därför blivit den nuvarande vanliga lösningen. Detta examensarbete bygger ett komplett ramverk för automatisk generering, simulering och analys av säkerhetskritiska körscenarier. Först extraheras de specificerade scenarierna och funktionerna sekventiellt från den naturalistiska kördatauppsättningen genom fördefinierade regler; sedan antas en densitetsuppskattningsmodell för att lära sig funktionerna och försöka hitta fördelningen av de specificerade scenarierna; efter att fördelningen erhållits kan syntetiska körscenarier erhållas genom provtagning. Slutligen, visualisera dessa syntetiska scenarier via simulering för säkerhetsbedömning och dataanalys.

GTO to GEO Optimal Trajectory Profiles and Electric Propulsion System Configuration / Optimala banprofiler från GTO till GEO och konfiguration av elektriska framdrivningssystem

Alliri, Maria Pilar January 2024 (has links)
Quick and reliable computational methods for optimized orbital transfers are crucial for projects at preliminary stages. They enable an initial, realistic sizing of the propulsion subsystem, one of the major components of satellite design. This thesis work, conducted at ReOrbit Oy, presents a minimum-time optimal trajectory for the orbit raising of a micro-satellite from GTO to GEO, assuming continuous firing by electric propulsion. The Delta-v requirements resulting from this simulation lead to the selection of an appropriate electric propulsion system, elaborating on the design of its configuration in terms of fuel and thrust requirements. This is done by taking into account, other than the major contribution given by the orbit raising, additions due to in-orbit maneuvers performed twice a day over a 10-year lifetime, like station-keeping corrections and reaction wheels desaturation. The optimization method is a direct-indirect hybrid for low-thrust orbital maneuvers, employing Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle for the transcription into a nonlinear programming problem. The initial guess required to start the optimizer is obtained with Lyapunov control theory. An orbital averaging technique is implemented, enabling fast computation of multiple trajectories during the optimization. Disturbances from the J2 zonal harmonic, solar radiation pressure, third-body effects of the Sun and Moon, and atmospheric drag up to 1500 km of altitude are included in the dynamic model. Eclipse conditions are assessed with a cylindrical shadow model, as the solar electric propulsion experiences a zero thrust period when in Earth’s shadow. The electric propulsion system configuration is determined with trade-off studies and comparisons between different suppliers. The chosen outline includes 4 Xenon thrusters, with complementary power processing units and propellant management systems, resulting in a total transfer time of less than 4 months. The same propulsion system is employed both for the transfer trajectory and the in-orbit maneuvers, by changing the thruster’s configuration once in GEO. / Snabba och pålitliga beräkningsmetoder för optimerade växlingar mellan omloppsbanor är avgörande för projekt i preliminära skeden. De möjliggör en initial, realistisk dimensionering av framdrivningssystemet, ett av huvudkomponenterna i satellitdesign. Detta examensarbete, utfört vid ReOrbit Oy, presenterar en tidsoptimerad bana för en mikrosatellits banhöjning från GTO till GEO, förutsatt kontinuerlig avfyring med elektrisk framdrivning. Simuleringens resulterande Delta-v-krav leder till valet av ett lämpligt elektriskt framdrivningssystem, med utarbetande av dess konfiguration vad gäller bränsle- och drivkraftskrav. Detta uppnås genom att ta hänsyn till (förutom bidraget från växlingen av omloppsbanan) tillägg från manövrar i omloppsbana som utförs två gånger om dagen under en 10-årig livstid, som t.ex. korrigeringar för stationshållning och avmättning av svänghjul. Optimeringsmetoden är en direkt-indirekt hybrid för manövrar i omloppsbanor med låg drivkraft, som använder Pontryagins minimiprincip för omskrivning till ett icke-linjärt programmeringsproblem. Den första gissningen som krävs för att starta optimeraren erhålls med Lyapunovs reglerteori. En teknik for omloppsutjämning implementeras, vilket möjliggör snabb beräkning av flera banor under optimeringen. Störningar från zonövertonen J2, solstrålningstryck, tredjekroppseffekter från solen och månen och luftmotstånd upp till 1500 km höjd ingår i den dynamiska modellen. Förmörkelseförhållanden uppskattas med en cylindrisk skuggmodell, då den elektriska solframdrivningen undergår ett skede utan drivkraft inom jordens skugga. Det elektriska framdrivningssystemets konfiguration bestäms med avvägningsundersökningar och jämförelser mellan olika leverantörer. Förslaget på utformning inkluderar 4 Xenon raketmotorer, med kompletterande kraftbearbetningsenheter och drivmedelshanteringssystem, vilket resulterar i en total överföringstid på mindre än 4 månader. Samma framdrivningssystem används både för överföringsbanan och manövrarna inom omloppsbanorna, genom att ändra motorns konfiguration när satelliten är i GEO.

A transdisciplinary approach to dealing with child offenders with psychiatric disorders

Geoffrey, Leandre Christina 12 1900 (has links)
This study aimed to develop a framework for improved legislation, methods of practice and services used to meet the best interest of child offenders with psychiatric disorders within the South African child justice system. This aim was achieved via a qualitative study, which evaluated child justice and mental health legislation, methods of practice, role-players, and services in South Africa, and compared same to those in Namibia, Botswana, and Nigeria; to establish if the best interest of child offenders with psychiatric disorders are currently met from a South African perspective. Data collection occurred in two phases: a document analysis of legislation, policies, and procedures in the selected comparative jurisdictions; followed by semi-structured interviews with child justice and mental health experts. During phase one the researcher analysed child justice and mental health legislation, human rights protections, and policy related to child justice in Nigeria, Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa. In addition, she interrogated literature relating to child justice and mental health, in comparative jurisdictions. This phase formed the foundation for the semi-structured interview schedule. Purposive and theoretical sampling was used to conduct 24 semi-structured interviews. Data was analysed and interpreted using pure qualitative document and thematic analysis. The overarching findings indicate that the best interest of child offenders with psychiatric disorders, in the South African child justice system, are unprotected. This vulnerable group is not dealt with from an individualised, case-specific, multi-disciplinary perspective; informed by legislation, practice-policy, and a service-orientated approach. Further, certain domestic legislation and methods of practice are inadequate in holistically assessing a child who comes into conflict with the law in the jurisdictions of comparison. Further findings identified that biological, psychological, environmental, cultural, and social factors influence the development of psychiatric disorders in children, which may bring them into conflict with the law. This study further confirmed that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Intellectual Development Disorder, Learning Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Conduct Disorder are prevalent in children who iv come into conflict with the law. Further, substance abuse disorder, depression and attachment disorder were identified as predominant factors affecting children who come into conflict with the law. The influence of these factors, in conjunction with biological, psychological, environmental, cultural, and social factors, were found to predispose children to psychiatric disorders linked to criminal behaviour. Thus, to meet the best interest standard; children in conflict with the law must be dealt with using a multi-factorial approach which considers biological, environmental, social, cultural, and psychological factors. In this way, the behaviour of child offenders with psychiatric disorders will be addressed holistically in a manner that considers all factors influencing behaviour. The empirical data supported the recommendations used to develop a trans-disciplinary framework for child offenders with psychiatric disorders. / Olu phononongo lwesi sifundo lujolise ekuphuhliseni isakhelo somthetho ophuculiweyo, iindlela zokusebenza kunye neenkonzo ukwenzela ukunikezela ezona zilungileyo iimfuno zabantwana abangabaphuli-mthetho benengulo yesifo sengqondo kwinkqubo yobulungisa yabantwana eMzantsi Afrika. Le njongo yaphunyezwa ngokwenziwa kwezifundo ezisemgangathweni ezahlola umthetho wobulungisa kubantwana kunye nomthetho olawula ezempilo ngokwengqondo, iindlela zokusebenza, abathathi-nxaxheba kunye neenkonzo eMzantsi Afrika. Ezi zathi ngoko zathelekiswa nomthetho, umsebenzi abathathi-nxaxheba kunye neenkonzo eNamibia, eBotswana, kunye naseNigeria ukufumanisa ukuba iimfanelo ezizizo zabantwana abangabaphuli-mthetho abaneengxaki zengqondo bayanakekelwa ngoku eMzantsi Afrika. Ukuqokelelwa kweenkcukacha kwenzeka kumanqanaba amabini: uhlalutyo lwemiqulu yomthetho, umgaqo-nkqubo kunye nenkqubo; Ukucazululwa kwamaxwebhu/kwemiqulu omthetho, umgaqo-nkqubo kunye neenkqubo ezikhethiweyo zothelekiso kulawulo lwezobulungisa, lilandelwe ludliwano-ndlebe olungahlelwanga ngokupheleleyo neengcaphephe/neengcali zezobulungisa lwabantwana kunye nemilo yezengqondo. Kwinqanaba lokuqala umphandi ucazulule umthetho wobulungisa kubantwana kunye nempilo yezengqondo, ukhuseleko lwamalungelo oluntu.kunye nemigaqo-nkqubo ehambelana/ enxulumene nobulungisa kubantwana eNigeria, eBotswana, eNamibia naseMzantsi Afrika. Ukongezelela walugocagoca uncwadi olubhekisele kubulungisa babantwana nezempilo yezengqondo kulawulo lwezobulungisa Eli nqanaba libe sisiseko soludwe lwenkqubo yodliwano-ndlebe olungamiselwanga ngokupheleleyo. Isampulu enenjongo neyingcingane yasetyenziswa ukuze kuqhutywe udliwano-ndlebe olungama-24 olungahlelwanga ngokupheleleyo. Ulwazi (idata) lwacalulwa lwacaciswa kusetyenziswa uxwebhu olusemgangathweni kunye nocalulo (analysis) olusemxholweni. Iziphumo ezicacileyo/eziqaqambileyo eziluphahla zibonisa ukuba okukokona kulungele abantwana abangabaphuli-mthetho abaneengxaki zezengqondo, abakhuselekanga kwinkqubo yezobulungisa babantwana eMzantsi Afrika. Eli qela lingakhuselekanga alivelelwa ngokomntu neengxaki zakhe yedwa, ngokwengxaki yakhe ngokuthe ngqo kusetyenziswe indlela ezahlukileyo ezilawulwa ngumthetho, ngumgaqo-nkqubo osebenzayo nokuvelela ngendlela yokuziqhelanisa nemeko. Ukuya phambili, eminye yemithetho yasekhaya neendlela zokusebenza azonelanga ekuhloleni ngokupheleleyo kumntwana ohlangabezana nokuphikisana nomthetho kummandla wothelekiso. Kuphinde kwafunyaniswa ukuba iimeko zozalo, zengqondo, zendawo, zenkcubeko nezentlalo ziyaziphembelela iingxaki zezengqondo ezivelayo ebantwaneni, ezinokwenza baphikisane nomthetho. Olu phononongo luqhubeka lungqina ukuba ukunganiki ngqalelo kwingxaki yokuphaphazela, ingxaki yokukhula kwengqiqo, ingxaki yokufunda, ingxaki yenkcaso yokulungileyo/ ukudelela kunye nengxaki yokuziphatha zixhaphakile kubantwana (abonayo) abaphikisana nomthetho. Ingxaki yokusebenzisa iziyobisi, ingcinezelo kunye nokuxhomekeka ziye zaphawulwa njengeemeko ezixhaphakileyo ezikhathaza abantwana abalwa nomthetho (abonayo). Iimpembelelo zezi meko, zidibene neemeko zozalo, zezengqondo, zendawo, zenkcubeko nezentlalo, zifunyenwe zilungiselela kwangaphambili abantwana kwezi ngxaki zezengqondo zithungelene ekuziphatheni ngokolwaphulo-mthetho. Ngoko ke ukuhlangabezana nomgangatho ofanelekileyo nobalulekileyo, ebhekelela abantwana abaphikisana nomthetho (abonayo) makusetyenzwe ngabo kusetyenziswe indlela ejongene neemeko ezininzi ezibandakanya iimeko zozalo, zendawo, zentlalo, zenkcubeko kunye nezengqondo. Ngale ndlela abantwana abaphula umthetho abanengxaki yezengqondo baya kuncedwa ngokupheleleyo ngendlela ebandakanya zonke iimeko eziphembelela ukuziphatha. Idatha ekholose ngamava avela kumava nokuboniweyo ixhasa izindululo ezenziweyo zokumisa isakhelo esisebenza kulo lonke uqeqesho lomntwana ophikisana nomthetho (owonayo) onengxaki yezengqondo. / Patlisiso ena e reretswe ho hlahisa moralo wa molao o ntlafetseng, mekgwa ya tshebetso le ditshebeletso bakeng sa molemo wa batlodi ba molao bao e leng bana ba nang le mathata a kelello tshebeletsong ya toka ya bana Afrika Borwa. Morero ona o fihletswe ka boithuto ba boleng, bo lekantseng melao ya toka ya bana le ya bophelo bo botle ba kelello, mekgwa ya tshebetso, baamehi le ditshebeletso Afrika Borwa. Tsona di ile tsa bapiswa le melao, tshebetso, baamehi le ditshebeletso dinaheng tsa Namibia, Botswana le Nigeria ho fumana hore na melemo e loketseng ya batlodi ba molao bao e leng bana ba nang le mathata a kelello e ya fumaneha hajwale Afrika Borwa. Pokeletso ya dintlha e etsahetse ka mekgahlelo e mmedi: manollo ya ditokomane tsa molao, melawana le mekgwatshebetso dibakeng tse kgethilweng tsa papiso tsa semolao; ho latetswe ke di-inthavu tse sa hlophiswang le ditsebi tsa toka ya bana le tsa molao wa bophelo bo botle ba kelello. Mokgahlelong wa pele mofuputsi o ile a manolla molao wa toka ya bana le wa bophelo bo botle ba kelello, ditshireletso tsa ditokelo tsa botho le melawana e amanang le toka ya bana dinaheng tsa Nigeria, Botswana, Namibia le South Africa. Ho feta moo, o ile a batlisisa dingolwa tse mabapi le toka ya bana le bophelo bo botle ba kelello dibakeng tse ka bapiswang tsa semolao. Mokgahlelo ona o bile motheo wa lenane la di-inthavu tse sa hlophiswang. Ho sebedisitswe mokgwa wa disampole wa kgetho le wa theho ya thiori ho etsa di-inthavu tse 24 tse sa hlophiswang. Dintlha di manollotswe le ho tolokwa ka manollo e sa tswakwang ya boleng ba ditokomane le ditema. Diphetho tse akaretsang di supa hore melemo e nepahetseng ya batlodi ba molao bao e leng bana ba nang le mathata a kelello ha e ya sireletswa moralong wa toka ya bana wa Afrika Borwa. Sehlopha sena se kotsing ha se sebetswe ka tjhebo ya bo-motho ka mong, ya kgetsi e kgethehileng, ya mafapha a mangata e tshehedistsweng ke molao, molawana wa tshebetso le tjhebo ya tshebetso. Ho feta moo, melao e meng ya lehae le mekgwa ya tshebetso e ne e fokola bakeng sa ho lekola ngwana ka tsela e felletseng, ya iphumanang a le kgahlano le molao dibakeng tsa semolao tse neng di bapiswa. ix Ho boetse ha fumanwa hore dintlha tsa tlhaho, kelello, tikoloho, setso le botjhaba di susumetso tlhaho ya bokudi ba kelello baneng, e leng ho etsang hore ba iphumane ba le kgahlano le molao. Boithuto bona hape bo tiisitse hore bokudi ba tlholeho ya tsepamiso le ketso e fetang tekano, bokudi ba kgolo ya bohlale, bokudi ba ho ithuta, bokudi ba ho ba kgahlano le ba bang le bokudi ba boitshwaro bo bongata bakeng ba iphumanang ba le kgahlano le molao. Bokudi ba tshebediso e mpe ya tahi kapa dithethefatsi, tshithabelo ya maikutlo le bokudi ba kgokahano di fumanwe e le mabaka a mantlha a amang bana ba qwaketsanang le molao. Tshusumetso ya dintlha tsena, hammoho le dintlha tsa tlhaho, kelello, tikoloho, setso le botjhaba, di fumanwe e le hore di pepesa bana ho bokudi ba mafu a kelello a amanngwang le botlokotsebe. Kahoo, e le ho ka fihlella maemo a melemo e nepahetseng, bana ba kgahlano le molao ba lokela ho sebetswa ka mokgwa wa ditsela tse fapaneng tse ngata, o kenyeletsang dintlha tsa tlhaho, tikoloho, setso, botjhaba le kelello. Ka mokgwa ona, batlodi ba molao bao e leng bana ba nang le bokudi ba kelello ba tla shejwa le ho sebetswa ka mokgwa o phethahetseng o kenyelletsang dintlha tsohle tse susumetsang boitshwaro. Dintlha tse bokelleditsweng di tsheheditse ditlhahiso tse sebedisitsweng ho hlahisa moralo wa makala a fapaneng bakeng sa batlodi ba molao bao e leng bana ba nang le bokudi ba kelello. / Criminology and Security Science / D. Phil. (Criminal Justice)

Exploring aftercare support for child trafficking victims

Ramokolo, Kholofelo Portia 15 August 2019 (has links)
Child trafficking is a crime committed against humanity; it is punishable by the law and can be prevented by the law. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations International Emergency Fund (UNIICEF) and the United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT) (2009:01), 1,2 million children are trafficked, domestically and across borders worldwide, for labour and sexual exploitation, drug trade, organ removal and illegal child adoption. The trauma of this can be so inordinate, leaving victims broken and hopeless (Frederick 2005:8-12). Although numerous studies have been conducted on the subject of human/child trafficking, it was found that little research has been conducted on the aftercare of victims. As a result, this research focused mainly on exploring and assessing aftercare support provided to victims of human trafficking, specifically children. This qualitative research found that child trafficking has serious negative effects on the victims who suffer, among others, violation of children’s rights, physical pain and psychological and emotional trauma. A society cannot function optimally when such atrocities are committed against its most innocent members who are supposed to be its future. Accordingly, adequate aftercare support, which aims at enabling and empowering victims of child trafficking to regain control over every aspect of their lives, is crucial. The 30 participants who were interviewed for this study revealed that victim identification is the initial and the most vital step towards offering victims aftercare. The next step in the offering of aftercare of victims is the rescuing of victims followed by the immediate placing of victims in transitory places of safety where their basic needs are taken care of and they are provided with instant physical and specialised psychological support. Even though participants provided details of the type of programmes currently offered in South Africa, it was found that aftercare centres, in their current state, are not sufficiently resourced to offer the appropriate support to victims of child trafficking. It is for this reason that transitional housing with long term housing assistance and programmes tailor-made for victims of child trafficking be considered. It is evident from the literature and theory that the triple challenge of poverty, inequality and unemployment perpetuates the crime of child trafficking. Therefore, as a form of long-term preventative measure, it is suggested that stakeholders, such as the Department of Basic Education (DoE), Department of Social Development (DSD) and Department of Health (DoH), focus attention on ensuring that victims of child trafficking are not denied the right to go to school and that societal norms, which propagate inequality, are discouraged. The latter can be done by teaching boy children from a young age positive masculinity, such as respecting girl children and their bodies, helping with house chores or crying when in pain. Moreover, the DoE should consider revising its curriculum and focus on teaching learners to strive to become employers and not job seekers as they are currently taught. This may have a positive impact on the current high unemployment rate in South Africa and, in turn, inequality and poverty, which are all push factors for human and child trafficking. / Go gweba ka bana ke bosenyi bjo bo dirwago kgahlanong le batho; ke bosenyi bjo bo otlwago ke molao gomme bo ka thibelwa ke molao. Go ya ka ILO, UNICEF le UNGIFT (2009:01), go gwebjwa ka bana ba e ka bago dimilione tše 1,2, ka mo nageng le go ralala le mellwane lefaseng, go ba šomiša mabakeng a mešomo le a thobalano, go dikgwebišano tša diokobatši, go ba ntšha ditho tša mmele le go thwalwa ga bona mo go sego molaong. Bohloko bja se e ka ba bjo bogolo kudu, bo tlogela batšwasehlabelo ba robegile dipelo gape ba se na le kholofelo (Frederick 2005:8-12). Le ge go dirilwe dithuto tše ntši ka hlogotaba ya go gweba ka batho/bana go hweditšwe gore go dirilwe dinyakišišo tše nnyane ka tlhokomelo ya ka morago ya batšwasehlabelo. Ka lebaka la seo, nyakišišo ye e tsepeletše kudu go hlohlomišeng le go lekoleng thekgo ya tlhokomelo ya ka morago ye e fiwago batšwasehlabelo ba kgwebo ka batho, kudukudu bana. Nyakišišo ye ya qualitative e hweditše gore go gweba ka bana go na le ditlamorago tše šoro tše fošagetšego go batšwasehlabelo bao ba itemogelago, gareng ga tše dingwe, kgatako ya ditokelo tša bana, bohloko bja mmele le tlaišego ya monagano le maikutlo. Setšhaba se ka se phele gabotse ge ditlaišo tše bjalo di dirwa kgahlonong le maloko a sona ao a lokilego ao e swanetšego go ba bokamoso bja sona. Ka lebaka leo, thekgo ya maleba ya tlhokomelo ya ka morago, yeo maikemišetšo a yona e lego go dumelela le go matlafatša batšwasehlabelo ba kgwebo ka bana go ka tšea taolo gape ya karolo ye nngwe le ye nngwe ya maphelo a bona, e bohlokwa kudu. Bakgathatema ba ba 30 bao ba ilego ba botšišwa dipotšišo mabapi le thuto ye ba tšweleditše gore tšhupetšo ya batšwasehlabelo ke kgato ya pele gape ye bohlokwa kudu go abeng batšwasehlabelo tlhokomelo ya ka morago. Kgato ya go latela kabong ya tlhokomelo ya ka morago go batšwasehlabelo ke go hlakodiša batšwasehlabelo gomme gwa latela ke go bea semeetseng ga batšwasehlabelo mafelong a nakwana a tšhireletšo moo dinyakwa tša bona tša motheo di kago šetšwa le go abelwa thekgo ya semeetseng ya go ikgetha ya mmele le ya monagano. Le ge bakgatha tema ba abile dintlha tša mehuta ya mananeo ao a abjwago ka Afrika Borwa , go hweditšwe gore disenthara tša tlhokomelo ya ka morago, maemong a tšona a bjale, ga di na le didirišwa tše di lekanego go ka aba thekgo ya maleba go batšwasehlabelo ba kgwebo ka bana. Ke lona lebaka le le dirago gore tulo ya nakwana ka thušo ya tulo ya nako ye telele le mananeo ao a diretšwego batšwasehlabelo ba kgwebo ka bana a elwe hloko. Go molaleng go tšwa go lithereitšha le teori gore ditlhohlo tše tharo tša bohloki, go se lekalekane le go se šome go gakatša bosenyi bja go gweba ka bana. Gomme, bjalo ka sebopego sa tekanyo ya thibelo ya nako ye telele, go šišinywa gore bakgathatema, bjalo ka DoE, DSD le DOH, ba lebiše tsepelelo ya bona go netefatšeng gore batšwasehlabelo ba kgwebo ka bana ga ba tingwe tokelo ya go ya sekolong le gore ditlwaedi tša setšhaba, tšeo di phatlalatšago go se lekalekane, di a fedišwa. Sa mafelelo se ka dirwa ka go ruta bana ba bašemane ge e sa le ba bannyane bonna bjo bobotse, bjalo ka go hlompha bana ba basetsana le mebele ya bona, go thuša ka mešomo ya ka gae goba go lla ge ba le bohlokong. Go feta moo, DoE e swanetše go naganišiša go ka lekola leswa lenaneothuto le go tsepelela go ruteng barutwana go ka leka go ba bengmešomo e sego banyaki ba mešomo bjale ka ge ba rutwa ga bjale. Se se ka ba le seabe se se kaone go kelo ya godimo ya bjale ya tlhokego ya mešomo ka Afrika Borwa gomme, ka lebaka leo, go se lekalekane le botlhoki, tšeo ka moka e lego mabaka a tšhušometšo go gwebeng ka batho le bana. / Ukushushumbisa abantwana kungubugebengu obubhekiswe ebantwini; kujeziswa ngumthetho futhi kungavinjelwa ngumthetho. Ngokwe-ILO, i-UNICEF ne-UNGIFT (2009:01) kushushumbiswa abantwana abayizigidi ezingu-1,2 ngaphakathi ezweni nasemazweni angaphandle, bese beyagqilazwa noma baxhashazwe ngokocansi, basetshenziselwa izidakamizwa noma ukukhuliswa ngabazali abangasibo ababo ngokungekho emthethweni. Ubuhlungu obukhulu obudalwa yilokhu kungaba ngobunzima kakhulu, kungashiya izisulu zilimele futhi zingenathemba (Frederick 2055:8-12). Yize sekwenziwe ucwaningo oluningi esihlokweni sokushushumbiswa kwabantu noma kwabantwana, kwatholakala ukuthi luncane ucwaningo olwenziwe maqondana nokulandelelwa kwezisulu ngemva kwesigameko. Ngenxa yalokho, lolu cwaningo luqondene kakhulu nokuhlola ukulandelelwa okuhlinzekwayo ukusingatha izisulu zokushushumbiswa kwabantu, ikakhulukazi abantwana. Lolu cwaningo oluqoqa imininingwane lwathola ukuthi ukushushumbiswa kwabantwana kunomthelela omubi ezisulwini ezihlukumezeka ngenxa yalokhu, phezu kokunye, ukungahlonishwa kwamalungelo abantwana, ubuhlungu obudaleka emzimbeni kanye nobuhlungu obukhulu obudaleka emqondweni nasemphefumulweni. Umphakathi awukwazi ukusebenza kahle uma izigameko ezibuhlungu njengalezi zenzeka emalungwini awo angenacala nafanele ukuba yikusasa lawo. Ngakho-ke, ukwesekwa ngokunakekelwa nangokwanele ngemva kwesigameko, okuyinto ehlose ukusiza izisulu zokuthunjwa kwabantwana ukuba baphinde bakwazi ukulawula konke okuqondene nezimpilo zabo, kubalulekile. Ababambiqhaza abangu-30 okwaxoxwa nabo kulolu cwaningo baveza ukuthi ukuhlonza isisulu kuyisinyathelo sokuqala nesibaluleke kakhulu ekuhlinzekeni izisulu usingatho lokunakekelwa ngemva kwesigameko. Isinyathelo esilandelayo ekunikezweni konakekelo ngemva kwesigameko ngukusiza izisulu, okulandelwa ukubekwa kwazo masisha ezindaweni zokuphepha zesikhashana nalapho kuzobhekwana nezidingongqangi zazo bese kuthi khona lapho zihlinzekwe ngosingatho oludingekayo ngokomzimba nangokomqondo. Yize ababambiqhaza banikeza imininingwane yezinhlobo zezinhlelo ezikhona eNingizimu afrika, kwatholakala ukuthi izikhungo zonakekelo lwangemva kwesigameko,zime ngenye indlela njengamanje, azihlinzekiwe ngezinsizakusebenza ezanele ukuze zikwazi ukunikeza usingatho olufanele ekushushumbisweni kwabantwana. Yingakho kufanele kucatshangwe ngokuhlinzekwa ngosizo lwezindlu zesikhashana nezesikhathi eside kanye nezinhlelo ezakhelwe izisulu zokushushumbiswa kwabantwana. Kuvela ngokwemibhalo nangokwemibono yezinjululwazi ukuthi izinkinga ezihlangene ezintathu zobuphofu, ukungalingani kanye nokungabi khona kwemisebenzi kubhebhethekisa ubugebengu bokushushumbiswa kwabantwana. Ngakho-ke, njengendlela yokuvimba lokhu ezoqhubeka isikhathi eside, kuhlongozwa ukuthi abayingxenye yalokhu, iMinyango kahulumeni yezemfundo (DoE), ezokuthuthukiswa komphakathi (DSD) nowezempilo (DoH), igxile ekuqinisekiseni ukuthi izisulu zokushushumbiswa kwabantwana azincishwa ilungelo lokuya esikoleni nokuthi izinkambiso zomphakathi, ezidala ukungalingani azigqugquzelwa. Lokhu okuqeda kushiwo ngenhla kungenziwa ngokufundisa abafana ngenkathi besabancane ukuba ngamadoda enza kahle, njengokuhlonipha abantwana bamantombazane kanye nemizimba yabo, ukusiza ngemisebenzi yasendlini noma ukukhala uma bezwa ubuhlungu. Ngaphezu kwalokho, uMnyango Wezemfundo kufanele ubuyekeze ikharikhulamu yawo futhi ugxile ekufundiseni abafundi ukuba balwele ukuba ngabaqashi kunokuba ngabafuna imisebenzi, okuyinto abafundiswa yona njengamanje. Lokhu kungaba nomthelela omuhle ezingeni eliphezulu elikhona njengamanje eNingizimu Afrika lokungabikhona kwemisebenzi, lokungalingani nelobuphofu. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminology)

Mmino wa Bana: An African musicological study of Moletjie community musical practices

Mokgetle, Morokolo 21 September 2018 (has links)
PhD (African Studies) / Department of African Studies / Mmino wa bana (Children’s songs) are subjected to many changes today; so much so that in time it could cease to exist in its original form or be replaced by genres promoted on televisions. This study focuses on the genre as practised in the Moletjie community. The study explores mmino wa bana by examining its musicological elements, educational validity, and the general social functions within the context of the Moletjie community. By providing insight into these aspects, we could be able to ascertain the transportability of musical elements and philosophies across many contexts. Twenty-one children’s songs were collected for the study. In addition, interviews were conducted with elders and members of the Moletjie royal family to capture the narrative views of the genre. Additional information was also captured in the form of diary notes. The study used an Afrocentric approach as its theoretical framework. The design was qualitative with semi structured interviews functioning as the mode of data collection. For analysis, music programs were used. The body of knowledge emanating from the study is packaged in such a way that it could be used by scholars in African musicology, policy planners, and others interested in the culture of the people of Moletjie community. The school will also find the study to be a useful resource in crafting textbooks for classroom purposes. / NRF

Widows and the abuse of husbands’ property: an analysis in the novels Ifa lenkululeko and Ifa ngukufa / Abafelokazi nokuhlukunyezwa kwempahla yababayeni babo: ukuhlaziywa kwamanoveli Ifa lenkululeko kanye ne-Ifa ngukufa / Bahlolohadi le tshebediso e mpe ya thepa ya banna: manollo dibukeng tsa dipale Ifa lenkululeko le Ifa ngukufa

Mcira, Malefu Renia 11 1900 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves105-117 / Summaries followed the Bibliography / The study investigates the abuse of husbands’ property by widows in the two selected isiZulu novels Ifa ngukufa and Ifa lenkululeko, which is found to have a huge impact on children and family members. The study presents the causes of the abuse of husbands’ property, the course of action of abusing husbands’ property and the consequences thereof. The content analytical approach has been used to analyse the two novels. The analysis reveals that some of the causes of the abuse of husbands’ property by widows are the widows’ carelessness, weakness, lack of respect, stress and laziness. In both literary texts, widows abuse their husbands’ property with their new lovers. As persons living in modern times, they do not respect the African cultural practices. They refuse to wear mourning clothes for their late husbands, as required by the African culture. Instead, they find new lovers within a few days of their husbands’ death, and invite them to stay in their husbands’ houses. The study highlights how easily some people, including widows, can be influenced by other peoples’ cultures. They do not respect their parents, children and the in-laws; and do not pay attention to the wellbeing of their children. When the money is depleted, the new lovers go back to their families. The study further reveals that, after the departure of the new lovers, the widows realise that they (new lovers) were not in love with them, but were after their properties. The presence of the new lovers in the widows’ lives has a negative effect on family members. Consequently, the relationship between the widows and the in-laws, parents and children suffers. The investigation is concluded by presenting recommendations that will help widows to avoid tricksters from robbing them of their property. The study is of great value to children who become the victims of circumstance. / Ucwaningo luphenya ngokuhlukunyezwa kwempahla yabayeni ngabafelokazi kumanoveli amabili akhethiwe esiZulu ethi Ifa ngukufa nethi Ifa lenkululeko, okutholakala ukuthi kunomthelela omkhulu ezinganeni nakumalungu omndeni. Ucwaningo luveza izimbangela zokuhlukunyezwa kwempahla yabayeni, isenzo sokwenza kabi impahla yabayeni nemiphumela yakhona. Indlela yokuhlaziya okuqukethwe isetshenziselwe ukuhlaziya lamanoveli amabili. Ukuhlaziywa kuveza ukuthi ezinye zezimbangela zokuhlukunyezwa kwempahla yabayeni ngabafelokazi ukunganaki kwabafelokazi, ubuthakathaka, ukungabi nenhlonipho, ingcindezi nobuvila. Kuyo yomibili imibhalo ebhaliwe, abafelokazi bahlukumeza impahla yabayeni babo namashende abo amasha. Njengabantu abaphila ezikhathini zanamuhla, abayihloniphi imikhuba yamasiko ase-Afrika. Bayenqaba ukugqoka izingubo zokuzila zabayeni babo abangasekho, njengoba kudingeka ngokwesiko lase-Afrika. Esikhundleni salokho, bathola amashende amasha ezinsukwini ezimbalwa ngemuva nje kokushona kwabayeni babo, futhi bagcine behlala nabo ezindlini zabayeni babo. Ucwaningo luqhakambisa ukuthi kulula kanjani ukuthi abanye abantu, kufaka phakathi nabafelokazi, bathonywe ngamasiko abanye abantu. Abahloniphi abazali babo, izingane kanye nabasemzini lapho bendele khona; futhi abanaki ngisho nenhlalakahle yezingane zabo. Lapho imali isiphelile, amashende abo amasha abuyela emindenini yabo. Ucwaningo luqhubeka ngokuveza ukuthi, ngemuva kokuhamba kwamashende abo amasha, abafelokazi bayabona ukuthi wona (amashende amasha) abengabathandi, kepha babelandela impahla yabo. Ukuba khona kwamashende amasha ezimpilweni zabafelokazi kunomthelela omubi kumalungu omndeni. Ngenxa yalokho, ubudlelwano phakathi kwabafelokazi nabasemzini, abazali nezingane buyaphazamiseka. Uphenyo luphethwa ngokwethula izincomo ezizosiza abafelokazi ukuthi bagweme abakhohlisi ekubaphuceni impahla yabo. Ucwaningo lubaluleke kakhulu ezinganeni eziba yizisulu zalezi zezimo. / Phuputso e batlisisa tshebediso e mpe ya thepa ya banna ke bahlolohadi dibukeng tse pedi tsa dipale tse kgethilweng tsa Sezulu Ifa ngukufa le Ifa lenkululeko, e eleng taba e fumanwang e na le tshusumetso e kgolo ho bana le ditho tsa malapa. Phuputso e hlahisa disosa tsa tshebediso e mpe ya thepa ya banna, mokgwa wa ho sebedisa ka tsela e mpe thepa ya banna le ditlamorao tsa teng. Mokgwa wa katamelo ya manollo ya dikateng o sebedisitswe ho manolla dipale tse pedi. Manollo e senola hore tse ding tsa disosa tsa tshebediso e mpe ya thepa ya banna ke bahlolohadi ke ho se tsotelle, bofokodi, ho hloka tlhompho, kgatello ya maikutlo le botswa. Ditemaneng tsa bongodi ka bobedi, bahlolohadi ba hlekefetsa thepa ya banna ba bona le baratuwa ba bona ba batjha. Jwalo ka batho ba phelang mehleng ya kajeno, ha ba hlomphe ditlwaelo tsa setso sa Maafrika. Ba hana ho apara diaparo tsa bofifi bakeng sa banna ba bona ba seng ba hlokahetse, jwalo ka ha moetlo wa Maafrika o hloka hore ho be jwalo. Ho ena le moo, ba fumana baratuwa ba batjha matsatsi a mmalwa kamora lefu la banna ba bona, ebe ba ba memela ho dula ka matlung a banna ba bona. Phuputso e bontsha hore na batho ba bang, ho kenyeletswa le bahlolohadi, ba ka susumetswa habonolo jwang ke ditso tsa batho ba bang. Ha ba hlomphe batswadi ba bona, bana le ba bohading; mme ha ba tsotelle boiketlo ba bana ba bona. Ha tjhelete e fedile, baratuwa ba batjha ba kgutlela malapeng a bona. Phuputso e tswela pele ho senola hore, kamora hore baratuwa ba batjha ba tsamaye, bahlolohadi ba hlokomela hore (baratuwa ba batjha) ba ne ba sa ba rate, empa ba ne ba le kamora thepa ya bona. Boteng ba baratuwa ba batjha bophelong ba bahlolohadi bo na le phello e mpe ho ditho tsa lelapa. Ka hona, kamano dipakeng tsa bahlolohadi le ba bohading, batswadi le bana e ya senyeha. Phuputso e phethelwa ka ho hlahisa dikgothaletso tse tla thusa bahlolohadi ho qoba hore baqhekelli ba ba utswetse thepa ya bona. Phuputso ena e bohlokwa haholo ho bana ba fetohang diphofu tsa maemo a tjena. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)

Conceptual Design of an Air-Launched Three-Staged Orbital Launch Vehicle / Konceptuell Design av en Luftlanserad Trestegsraket

Rasmussen, Måns January 2021 (has links)
The objective of this study was to design a launch vehicle capable of deploying a nanosatellite into a Sun-synchronous orbit at 500 km orbital altitude from the JAS 39E/F Gripen fighter aircraft. This was achieved by first performing theoretical calculations for the required nozzles and solid propellant grain configurations for the first two solid stages, followed by the necessary liquid propellant configuration for the third stage. Lastly, two methods were investigated in solving the trajectory ascent problem for the launch vehicle design. First, by stating the trajectory problem as an initial value problem while guessing a Sigmoidal steering law. Secondly, by stating the trajectory problem as a boundary value problem. The latter was solved by transcribing the trajectory problem into a nonlinear program where a parametric steering law was derived using a Sequential quadratic programming algorithm.Ultimately, resulting in a launch vehicle design with a gross lift-off mass of 1,289 kg, capable of launching an 8.4 kg payload into the targeted orbit, with suggested modifications to increase the possible payload mass to 12.9 kg. / Målet med den här studien var att designa en luftlanserad trestegsraket kapabel till att transportera en nanosatellit upp till en solsynkron omloppsbana på 500 km altitud från ett JAS 39E/F Gripen jaktflygplan. Det gjordes genom att först beräkna de nödvändiga dysorna och krutladdningsformerna för de två första stegen tillsammans med en flytande bränsledesign för det tredje steget. Två metoder undersöktes för bananalysen. Först genom att anta en Sigmoidal styrningsfunktion för pitchen, sedan genom att transkribera problemet till ett icke-linjärt program där en parametrisk styrlag togs fram genom att använda en Sequential quadratic programming algoritm. Slutligen presenterades en raketdesign med en total vikt på 1 289 kg, kapabel till att skjuta upp en nyttolast på 8,4 kg till den önskade omloppsbanan tillsammans med förslag som kan öka den möjliga nyttolasten till 12,9 kg.

Perceptions of parents/guardians about the effectiveness of future families programme in Olievenhoutbosch

Eale Essosola, Kris 11 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Sepedi and Zulu / The people with the greatest stake in Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) interventions are the children and their parents/guardians. Unfortunately, most OVC programmes are predesigned and implemented without considering beneficiaries’ perceptions when developing solutions (ALI 2007:15). The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the perceptions of orphans and vulnerable children’s parents/guardians about the effectiveness of Future Families’ children programme in Olievenhoutbosch. This study used a qualitative, explorative and descriptive design. Thirteen parents/guardians of children registered with the Future Families were interviewed on the effectiveness of the Future Families programme using a semi-structure interview guide. The study results suggested that parents/guardians were happy with Future Families’ services and believed the programme is effective in responding to their families’ needs / Abantu abathinteka kakhulu ekungeneleni kokuphathelene nezintandane kanye nabantwana abasengcupheni (ama-OVC) ngabantwana kanye nabazali noma abaqaphi. Ngeshwa, izinhlelo eziningi zama-OVC zenziwe futhi ziqala ukusetshenziswa ngaphandle kokucabangela imibono yalabo okumele bahlomule kwizisombululo zokuthuthukisa (ALI 2007: 15). Inhloso yalolu cwaningo kwakuwukuhlola nokuchaza imibono yabazali nabaqaphi bama-OVC mayelana nokusebenza kohlelo lwabantwana olunikezwa yiFuture Families e-Olievenhoutbosch. Kwasetshenziswa uhlelo oluhlolayo noluchazayo kulolu cwaningo. Abazali abayishumi nesishiyagalolunye noma abaqaphi babantwana ababhalisiwe kwaFuture Families, okuyinhlangano engenzi nzuzo ehlinzeka izinsizakalo kuma-OVC nakubantu abaneHIV/AIDS noma abahlukumezekayo ngenxa yalokho, babuzwa imibuzo kusetshenziwa umhlahlandela wemibuzo ehlelekile kwezinye izindawo ukuze baveze imibono yabo maqondana nokusebenza ngempumelelo kohlelo lweFuture Families. Imiphumela yalolu cwaningo iphakamise ukuthi abazali nabaqaphi bagculisekile ngemisebenzi ehlinzekwa yiFuture Families, futhi bakholwa ukuthi lolu hlelo lusebenza ngempumelelo ukubhekana nezidingo zemindeni yabo. / Batho ba ba nago le setseka se segolo go ditseno ka bogare tša Bana ba Ditšhiwana le bao ba lego Kotsing (OVC) ke bana le batswadi/bahlokomedi ba bona. Ka bomadimabe, mananeo a mantši a OVC a akanyetšwa pele le go phethagatšwa ntle le go tšeela šedi maikutlo a batho ba ba tlago holega ge go naganišišwa ditharollo (ALI 2007:15). Morero wa thuto ye e be e le go hlohlomiša le go hlaloša maikutlo a ditšhiwana le batswadi/bahlokomedi ba bana ba ba lego kotsing mabapi le go šoma gabotse ga lenaneo la bana la Malapa a ka Moso (FF) kua Olievenhoutbosch. Thuto ye e šomišitše moakanyetšo wa khwalitheithifi, wa go hlohlomiša le wa go hlaloša. Batswadi/bahlokomedi ba 13 ba bana ba ba ingwadišitšego le Malapa a ka Moso ba ile ba botšišwa dipotšišo mabapi le go šoma gabotse ga lenaneo la Malapa a ka Moso ka go šomiša mokgwa wa dinyakišišo wa go botšiša dipotšišo. Dipoelo tša thuto di šišintše gore batswadi/bahlokomedi ba be ba thabile ka ditirelo tša FF le go dumela gore lenaneo le šoma gabotse ka go iphetolela go dinyakwa tša malapa a bona. / Health Studies / M.P.H.

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