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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skapa fruktläder med DIY approach : En studie som undersöker hur användare upplever genomförandet av en MDD process i syfte att uppnå ett cirkulärt beteende / Create fruit leather with DIY approach : A study that examines how user experience the implementation of a MDD process with the purpose of achieving a circular behavior

Pavlovic, Teodora January 2023 (has links)
Sverige är ett land som generellt är bra på att hantera avfall. Däremot har avfallen ökat till den grad att det blivit svårt att hantera och matsvinnet har blivit ett stort globalt problem. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur användare upplever genomförandet av en Materialdriven Designprocess där en DIY (Do-It-Yourself) approach används som verktyg. Genomförandet av den materiadrivna designmetoden skulle i sin tur leda till ett mer hållbart beteende hos konsumenter. Huvudkomponenterna som har använts för att skapa ett biologiskt nedbrytbart läder var kasserad frukt från en livsmedelsbutik. Resultaten i undersökningen visar att det finns ett intresse hos många användare att tillverka egna material och produkter där de bidrar till att skapa hållbara material som ingår i en cirkulär ekonomi.

The plastic bag ban in Kenya : A study on consumer perceptions and attitudes following the plastic bag ban in Nairobi, Kenya

Luzze, Sauda January 2023 (has links)
In 2017, Kenya's government banned plastic bags, to reduce plastic waste and protect the environment. Today Kenya has one of the strictest plastic bag bans in the world.  This study examines the perception of the plastic bag ban by different income classes in Nairobi, as well as what factors influence people's support for the plastic bag ban in Nairobi.  The result indicates that the majority of respondents expressed strong support for the plastic bag ban, citing environmental concerns and the need for sustainable practices. However, a small segment of the population remained skeptical about the effectiveness and feasibility of the ban. The opinions of respondents that the ban was not strict enough is an indicator that the government still needs to do more and work towards a better environment. Factors such as age and education level emerged as influential factors in shaping individuals' perceptions. However, the relationship was not enough to influence opinion on supporting the ban.  Consumer behaviors and awareness about environmental factors were mainly significant in influencing the opinions of residents in supporting the ban. This suggests that people that have reduced their plastic bag usage and are environmentally conscious, are more likely to support the plastic bag ban.  In conclusion, the findings from this study contribute to the public’s opinion on this strict plastic bag ban, in Kenya. The results emphasize the importance of promoting awareness and education to ensure the successful implementation and acceptance of the plastic bag ban. These findings can inform policymakers, environmental organizations, and other stakeholders in designing effective strategies to address plastic waste and promote sustainable practices.

Transforming air travel behavior in the face of climate change : Incentives and barriers in a Swedish setting

Jacobson, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
Air travel accounts for a major share of individual greenhouse gas emissions in high-income countries. Technical development alone will not be sufficient to meet international climate goals if air travel continues to increase as predicted. Behavioral change is thus essential. Earlier research has shown that the gap between environmental attitudes and behavior is large when it comes to air travel; few reduce flying because of climate concerns. However, some people do, and there is a rising debate about individual responsibility and travel habits. This study, based on semi-structured interviews with Swedish residents who quit, reduce or continue flying, describes how such behavioral change comes about. Important incentives and barriers for this process are highlighted. A framework of societal transformation is applied to show where these incentives and barriers are located – in personal and political spheres. This thesis suggests that internalized knowledge about the impacts of global warming is crucial to spark the process of reducing air travel. This awareness evokes negative emotions, often anxiety, guilt or frustration, which may lead to a personal tipping point where a decision to reduce flying is made. For many, such behavioral change is counteracted by both personal values and societal structures promoting air travel. Also individuals with a strong personal drive to reduce flying may feel trapped in social and professional practices, and even counteracted and ridiculed by society. The study shows a lack of incentives from societal levels, pointing to the need for political action aiming to create economic incentives and more attractive alternatives to air travel, as well as deepened climate knowledge and change of social norms. The findings are valuable for policy makers who want to contribute to a transformation towards a more sustainable travel system.

Att stimulera autonomin hos elever kring fysisk aktivitet ur ett livslångt perspektiv : lärares erfarenhet, i ämnet Idrott och Hälsa, om goda förutsättningar / Stimulating pupils’ autonomy as regards to lifelong physical activity : PE teachers’ experience concerning supportive environments

Shemweta, Alfred January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Detta är en kvalitativ intervjuundersökning i form av fokusgruppsdiskussioner som innehåller åtta respondenter. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka förutsättningar lärare i ämnet Idrott och Hälsa i dagsläget anser vara goda för att stimulera autonomin så att fysisk aktivitet, ur ett livslångt perspektiv, ska kunna ske. Studien sker i en tanzanisk kontext och kopplas till Sverige utifrån ämnet - detta för att möjliggöra ett ömsesidigt lärande. I Tanzania heter detta ämne Physical Education, förkortat PE. Insamlade data kategoriserade med fokus på mening (dvs. meningskoncentrering) och resultaten sammankopplades därefter med det kognitiva perspektivet till utveckling, motsvarande på engelska cognitive orientation to development. Det kognitiva perspektivet till utveckling bildas av två ståndpunkter som är kognitivt utvecklingsperspektiv och Lev Vygotskijs kultur-historiskt utvecklingsperspektiv; dvs. cognitive development perspective respektive cultural-historical development perspective på engelska. Resultat visade att idrottslärare anser att personliga element, resurselement och ämnesplan för Idrott och Hälsa är essentiella förutsättningar för att stimulera autonomin kring fysisk aktivitet i det livslånga perspektivet. Det visade sig även att omgivningselement och lärarnas roll är grundläggande förutsättningar. Studien visade också att såväl elevernas motivation och personliga karaktärsdrag som deras fysiska, sociala, kulturella och historiska omgivning påverkar deras beteendeförändring. / Abstract This is a qualitative research by means of focus group discussions which brought together eight participants. The purpose of this study is to examine about Physical Education teachers’ experience concerning supportive environments that are considered necessary for stimulating autonomy so that physical activity, from a lifelong perspective, can take place. The research takes place in a Tanzanian context and is linked to Sweden based on the subject so as to enable a mutual learning. While termed as Idrott och Hälsa in Sweden, this school subject is called Physical Education in Tanzania, abbreviated to PE. The collected data were categorized with the emphasis upon their implication (i.e. their core meaning) and the results were then linked with the cognitive orientation to development. The cognitive orientation to development is made of two standpoints which are cognitive development perspective and Lev Vygotsky’s cultural-historical development perspective. The results showed that, PE teachers believe that personal elements, resources element and PE curriculum are essential prerequisites for stimulating the autonomy as regards to lifelong physical activity. It also turned out that the environment elements and the role of teachers are fundamental. The study also showed that both the students' motivation and personal characteristics, as well as their physical, social, cultural and historical environments, affect their behavioral change.

Sustainable Water Saving Intervention : A digital user experience solution of more sustainable choice in daily water-use with behavioral change

Zhang, Zihan January 2020 (has links)
In recent years, sustainable thinking has been gradually recognized and accepted by more and more users, enterprises, and stakeholders. However, in daily life, there is often a gap between the value of users’ pursuit of sustainable lifestyles and their behavior habits. Also, the connection between different stakeholders is often ignored. The project started by the observation of unsustainable water usage habits of some tenants in the Växjö local housing company Växjöbostäder, and investigated the gaps in the water supply/toll system of Växjö municipality for some apartment tenants and the limitations of current solutions. Therefore, it is necessary to find a more effective solution. The author attempts to guide and change the user’s behavior through design interventions led by digital user experience design, connect the gap between the user and the system, and provide a more sustainable choice. At the same time, as a precedent, this project’s attempt to apply sustainable behavioral interventions to the field of digital user experience products at the system level can also provide some reference for similar projects or designs that may appear in the future. The aim of this project is trying to find solutions to bridge the existing gap between the water management system and the apartment users’ water consumption behavior. The project studies the relevant theories of behavior, analyzes the causes of motivations that lead to behavioral and habits changing, the methods of digital user experience design, and the theory of building sustainable systems. Action research has been used as a methodological guide to design processes, analysis, and reflection. The final design outcome “Drops” is an application based on mobile platforms that develop sustainable water-using habits. The application associates gamification motivation mechanisms, behavioral habit interventions, community social sharing, and the process of using the application with the user’s actual behavior, promotes the formation of user sustainable behavior and inspires users to a sustainable society thinking. From a hierarchical analysis of the system, “Drops” connects different stakeholders in the municipal water supply system, facilitating communications between tenants and communities to achieve positive interactions that promote sustainable behavior.  At the end of this article, the author analyzed the project outcome from the perspective of Växjöbostäder, one of the stakeholders and a possible product distributor, elaborated on the possible advantages of the design for the company’s ecological sustainability and the possibility of the company deploying this application in the market. Also, the author also analyzed and evaluated this project from the perspective of the product itself and different stakeholders, and explained the current limitations and the possibility of future development.

Counteracting Availability: Giving Control Back to Players Within Online Gambling

Simon, Nordsvan January 2020 (has links)
Gambling has become ever more available and begun to employ more techniques, such as gamification, in order to engage their players. Today, Gambling with the use of your computer or smartphone is not deemed very different from playing any other kind of game. This shortens the availability cascade, or chain of events, that in the context of Gambling can ultimately lead to severe economical or social consequences for the players. This thesis seeks to find out how the increased availability can be counteracted by giving control back to the players through the use of personal informatics as well as if, and if so how, the social aspect of Gambling affects responsibility and the perceived experience. By conducting in-depth interviews with 20 participants I gained insights into what would assist them in maintaining control as well as their perception of Gambling. In order to evaluate these findings they were, in conjunction with related research, translated into a design concept. The results of the evaluations of this design suggest that many of the same techniques used to increase engagement with Gambling can also be utilized to counteract the increased availability. The prospects for future research are outlined.

TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED BEHAVIORAL CHANGE PROCESSES : Changing an organizational change process with ICT / Teknikförstärkta Processer för Beteendeförändring : Att utveckla en organisationsutvecklingsprocess med IKT

Johansson, Anna January 2015 (has links)
In our rapidly developing society, companies and education have to continuously reflect upon their ways of working in order learn and improve. Learning within organizations can be measured by studying behavioral change, and research has shown that behavioral change can be achieved with technology enhanced interventions and coaching. The purpose of this study is to explore how the participants perceive a behavioral change process when it is matched with technology, what aspects of the process that effect the participants’ learning and behavior, and to find a technological solution which enables coaching for behavioral change. This has been done by a user-centered designed process where the participants used surveys to assess their behavior and attitudes. The data collected was then used as basis for coaching, reflection and feedback. In conclusion, this study showed a perceived change in behavior due to reflection and increased transparency into the change process, both facilitated by the technology added to the process. / I vårt snabba utvecklingssamhälle måste företag och utbildning ständigt reflektera över sitt arbetssätt för att lära sig och utvecklas. Lärande inom organisationer kan mätas genom att studera förändringar i beteende, och forskning har visat att beteendeförändring kan åstadkommas med teknikförstärkta interventioner och coaching. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur deltagarna uppfattar en process för beteendeförändring när den matchas med teknik, vilka aspekter av processen som påverkar deltagarnas lärande och beteende, samt att hitta en teknisk lösning som möjliggör coaching för beteendeförändring. Detta har gjorts genom en användarcentrerad designprocess där deltagarna använde enkäter för att skatta sina beteende och attityder. Den data som samlades in användes sedan för coaching, reflektion och återkoppling. Sammanfattningsvis visade studien en upplevd beteendeförändring på grund av reflektion och ökad transparens i förändringsarbetet, vilka underlättades av teknikförstärkningen.

Fysioterapeuters beskrivning av sitt arbete med graviditetsrelaterad ländrygg- och/eller bäckensmärta : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Jarl, Matilda, Schönning, Fanny January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Orsaken bakom graviditetsrelaterad bäcken- och ländryggssmärta är multifaktoriell och många kvinnor drabbas någon gång under sin graviditet. Besvären kan påverka många aspekter av det dagliga livet. I arbetet som fysioterapeut ingår det att främja hälsa, minska lidande och behålla/återvinna optimal rörelseförmåga, speciellt om människans aktivitet och delaktighet begränsas. Behandlingsalternativen till graviditetsrelaterad bäcken- och ländryggssmärta är många, vilket ställer krav på fysioterapeutens kompetens. Många gravida kvinnor upplever sig mötas av oförståelse inom vården, däribland av fysioterapeuter.  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur fysioterapeuter inom primärvården beskriver sitt arbete med graviditetsrelaterad ländrygg- och/eller bäckensmärta avseende återgång till viktiga vardagliga beteenden. Metod: Genom ett ändamålsenligt bekvämlighetsurval rekryterades 6 fysioterapeuter som arbetar inom primärvården. Intervjuer skedde därefter enligt en semistrukturerad intervjuguide. Materialet från intervjuerna analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys.   Resultat: Resultatet delades upp i fem stycken huvudkategorier och totalt sju stycken underkategorier. Fysioterapeuterna beskrev hur de specifikt arbetade med smärta, arbete med fysisk aktivitet och träning, arbete med psykologiska faktorer, arbete med omgivningsfaktorer och sin upplevda kompetens.  Slutsats: Fysioterapeuterna beskrev hur de på olika sätt arbetade med fysiska och psykologiska faktorer hos patienten samt hur de tog hänsyn till omgivningen. Deltagande fysioterapeuter upplevdes kunna bemöta dessa patienter i dagsläget.

Impact of Tailored Messages to Change Towards a Plant-Based Diet: Media Effects, Behavioral Change and Practical Implications

Wiemer, Lena 01 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Behavioral demand response : A technology to support the smart grids of the future / Beteendebaserad efterfrågeflexibilitet : Ett sätt att stödja framtidens smarta elnät

Siddiqui, Usama Shahid January 2020 (has links)
Residential buildings are one of the main stakeholders to electricity consumption. As there is fast-paced technological advancement in electricity conservation, the residential buildings infrastructure has become very electricity-efficient in Sweden. However, there is still room for improvement with regards to electricity conservation via behavioral change. Meaning, residents have the potential to reduce household electricity consumption by developing a conservative behavior. The road to such a behavioral development is not straightforward. According to literature, behavioral change is influenced by different beliefs and norms. There also exists a global trend that fewer and fewer people are able to name a single neighbor, and it is aptly called “Globally Connected yet Locally Isolated”. In this master thesis the strategy to achieve electricity conservation is based upon local social cohesion, and the awareness of electricity, at Malvinas – a student residence at the campus of KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The study is carried out at LocalLife – a local social networking service for sustainable communities – implementing a mixed methodology of surveys and interviews. 8 LocalLife users are studied in detail. The result incorporates the most suitable features from the relevant topics that could enable long term change and retainment of users. The results showed that the participants: 1) indicated an increased energy awareness; 2) reported an improvement in local community-life; 3) felt motivated to change behavior to facilitate saving electricity. / I detta examensarbete görs en omfattande analys med hjälp av kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder för att undersöka ifall användandet av LocalLife – en lokal social nätverkstjänst som pilot-testas vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan – har förbättrat användarnas beteende och attityder kring hushållselsförbrukning samt hjälpt till att förbättra det lokala samhällslivet. Bostadshus ger upphov till en betydande del av världens energiförbrukning. På grund av den snabba tekniska utvecklingen har byggnaderna blivit mycket mer energieffektiva i Sverige på senare tid. Det finns dock fortfarande förbättringspotential när det gäller att spara el genom att ändra de boendes konsumtionsbeteende. Att få till en sådan beteendeförändring är dock inte enkelt. Enligt litteraturen påverkas beteendet av uppfattningar och normer. Det finns dessutom en global trend där allt färre människor lär känna sina grannar, kallad “globalt uppkopplad men lokalt isolerad”. Denna uppsats studerar därför en strategi att spara el som går ut på lokal sammanhållning och ökad kunskap om elanvändning hos de boende i studentlägenheterna på Malvinas väg på KTH campus. Studien utförs bland användare av LocalLife, ett lokalt socialt nätverk för hållbara stadsdelar – genom att blanda metoder såsom enkäter och intervjuer. Åtta LocalLife- användare studeras i detalj. Resultatet presenterar de mest lämpliga delarna från de relevanta ämnena som kan möjliggöra en bestående beteendeförändring öka chansen för att behålla användarna. Resultaten visar att deltagarna: 1) visade på en ökad energimedvetenhet; 2) upplevde en förbättring av det lokala samhällslivet; 3) kände sig motiverade att ändra sitt beteende för att spara el.

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