Spelling suggestions: "subject:"beyond"" "subject:"deyond""
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Search for dark matter produced in association with a Z boson in the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron ColliderMcLean, Kayla Dawn 01 March 2021 (has links)
This dissertation presents a search for dark matter particles produced in association with a Z boson in proton-proton collisions. The dataset consists of 139 fb^{-1} of collision events with centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, and was collected by the ATLAS detector from 2015-2018 at the Large Hadron Collider. Signal region events are required to contain a Z boson that decays leptonically to either e^+e^- or μ^+μ^-, and a significant amount of missing transverse momentum, which indicates the presence of undetected particles. Two types of dark matter models are studied: (1) simplified models with an s-channel axial-vector or vector mediator that couples to dark matter Dirac fermions, and (2) two-Higgs-doublet models with an additional pseudo-scalar that couples to dark matter Dirac fermions. The main Standard Model background sources are ZZ, WZ, non-resonant l^+l^-, and Z+jets processes, which are estimated using a combination of data and/or simulation. A new reweighting technique is developed for estimating the Z+jets background using γ+jets events in data; the resulting estimate significantly improves on the statistical and systematic errors compared to the estimate obtained from simulation. The observed data in the signal region are compared to Standard Model prediction using a transverse mass discriminant distribution. No significant excess in data is observed for the simplified models and two-Higgs-doublet models studied. A statistical analysis is performed and several exclusion limits are set on the parameters of the dark matter models. Results are compared to direct detection experiments, the CMS experiment, and other ATLAS searches. Prospects and improvements for future iterations of the search are also presented. / Graduate
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To BI or Not to BI: Business Intelligence Role in BudgetingNåvik, Jonathan, Lydia, Rostedt January 2020 (has links)
Budgeting has a long tradition within management control but has faced criticism for being too expensive, time-consuming and irrelevant due to the inflexible nature of traditional fixed budgeting. In an increasingly volatile business environment, organizations need to move beyond the historical view inaugurated by the traditional budget and towards a more dynamically conducted budget that adapts to the environment. The proposed solution to the budget issue has been alternative budgeting methods such as beyond budgeting, rolling forecasts and zero-based budgeting, which are argued to excel with the utilities offered through emerging technology such as business intelligence, which has been on top of organizations agenda in over a decade. The purpose of this thesis is to increase the awareness of how business intelligence can improve the budgetary process to become more adaptive to the environment. This thesis takes a qualitative approach where six respondents were interviewed to form three groups; BI Experts, BI Prospects and BI Users, to elicit different perspectives of BI utility on the budgetary process. These perspectives were analyzed against the proposed purpose of budgeting to provide good targets, efficient resource allocation and reliable forecasts. The result of this thesis show that business intelligence can improve the budgeting process by providing more reliable forecasts through increased data accessibility and more reliant data, as well as ease of reporting. The budget process becomes less costly and time consuming in terms of data errors and reporting activities. An additional finding for this thesis is that there is a visionary discrepancy between the three defined groups.
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Steget (inte) bortom : Maurice Blanchot och avverkandets estetik / The Step (Not) Beyond : Maurice Blanchot and the Aesthetics of WorklessnessSedell, Néa January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate an aesthetic position in the late writings of Maurice Blanchot (1907–2003), hence exploring the aesthetic dimensions of the authorship that seem to have remained unnoticed. By focusing on the fragmentary work Le Pas au-delà (1973) I attempt to trace an aesthetics of worklessness (désœuvrement) through the figurations of movement, space, and relation within the book. This attempt is realized through a hermeneutic reading that emphasizes the affective, rhetorical, and aesthetic expressions which appear in the literary practice of Blanchot as well as further illustrating the definition of worklessness as the absence of work. Although there is a tendency to treat the late writing of Blanchot as corresponding to his notion of the neutral rather than worklessness, I argue that the literary language of Le Pas au-delà still can be comprehended as a linguistics of worklessness which cannot be conformed into positive knowledge. Thus, the commonly deployed ontological interpretations of Blanchots’ writing are deemed to be problematic, as the notion of worklessness indicates an absence of work that cannot be conceptualized. My study shows that the absolute alterity which Le Pas au-delà appears to thematize – through its’ uncategorisable fragments, that moves between the non-places of fiction and theory, gaze and hearing, the self and the other – can be maintained through the thought of an aesthetics of worklessness. According to my reading, such a notion implies the understanding of aesthetics as a subversive practice where the sensuous is presented in its’ unpresentability.
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Search for Higgs boson pair production in the bbtautau decay channel with the CMS detector at the LHC / Recherche de la production de paires de bosons de Higgs dans le canal de désintégration bbtautau avec le détecteur CMS auprès du LHCCadamuro, Luca 05 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une recherche de la production de paires de bosons de Higgs en utilisant les données des collision proton-proton à sqrt(s) = 13 TeV enregistrées avec les détecteur CMS auprès du LHC du CERN. Les évènements avec les deux boson de Higgs se désintégrant en une paire de quark b et de leptons tau (HH -> bb tau+tau-) sont utilisés pour l’exploration des mécanismes de production résonante et non-résonante.La mesure de la production de HH est expérimentalement difficile à cause de la petite section efficace prévue par le modèle standard de la physique des particules. Sa recherche est néanmoins motivée par les informations qu’elle peut révéler sur la nature de la brisure de la symétrie électrofaible. La production de HH donne accès à l’auto-couplage trilineaire du boson de Higgs et, par conséquent, à la forme du potentiel scalaire. En plus, elle est sensible à la présence de physique au-délà du modèle standard. La présence de nouvelles résonances se désintégrant en HH et de couplages anormales du boson de Higgs sont étudiées dans ce travail.Les leptons tau ont un rôle de premier plan dans cette recherche et un effort important a été consacré à l’amélioration de leur efficacité de sélection par le système de déclenchement de l’expérience CMS. En particulier, le déclenchement de premier niveau (L1) a été amélioré pour faire face aux nouvelles conditions des collisions du Run II du LHC, marqué par une augmentation de l’énergie dans le centre de masse et de la luminosité instantanée. Ce nouveau système de déclenchement permet de développer un algorithme spécifique pour la reconstruction des leptons tau se désintégrant en hadrons (tauh) et un neutrino.Cet algorithme se fonde une technique avancée de regroupement dynamique de l’énergie et utilise des critères dédiés pour la réjection du bruit de fond. Le développement, l’implementation, et la vérification de son fonctionnement pour le redémarrage du LHC sont présentés ici. La performance de l’algorithme est initialement évaluée grâce à une simulation et puis mesurée avec les données de l’expérience CMS. Son excellente performance est un element essentiel dans la recherche de la production de HH.L’investigation du processus HH -> bb tau+tau- utilise les trois canaux de désintégration du système tau+tau- avec au moins un tauh dans l’état final. La sélections et categorisation des évènements sont conçues pour optimiser la sensibilité de la recherche, et des techniques d’analyse multivariés sont mises en place pour distinguer le signal du bruit de fond.Les résultats sont présentés en utilisant une luminosité intégrée de 35.9 fb-1. Ils sont compatibles, dans les incertitudes expérimentales, avec les prédictions du modèle standard pour les bruits de fond. Des limites supérieures à la production résonante de HH sont évaluées et interprétées dans le contexte du modèle standard supersymmétrique minimal. Les limites supérieures à la production non-résonante permettent de contraindre l’espace des paramètres des couplages anormales du boson de Higgs. Les limites supérieures observées et attendues correspondent respectivement à environ 30 et 25 fois la prédiction du modèle standard. Ils représentent l’un des résultats les plus sensibles à la production de HH atteint jusqu'à présent au LHC.Les perspectives pour l‘observation de la production de HH au LHC sont enfin discutées. Les résultats précédemment obtenus sont extrapolés à une luminosité intégrée de 3000 fb-1 sous des différentes assomptions pour la performance du détecteur et de l’analyse. / This thesis describes a search for Higgs boson pair (HH) production using proton-proton collision data collected at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV with the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC. Events with one Higgs boson decaying into two bottom quarks and the other decaying into two tau leptons (HH -> bb tau+tau-) are explored to investigate both resonant and nonresonant production mechanisms. The measurement of HH production is experimentally challenging because of the tiny cross section predicted by the standard model of particle physics (SM). However, this process can reveal invaluable information on the nature of electroweak symmetry breaking by giving access to the Higgs boson trilinear self-coupling and, consequently, to the shape of the scalar potential itself. Moreover, HH production is sensitive to the presence of physics beyond the SM. Both the presence of new states decaying to HH and of anomalous Higgs boson couplings are investigated in this work.Tau leptons have a key role in this search and considerable effort has been devoted to ensure a high efficiency in their selection by the trigger system of the CMS experiment. In particular, the CMS Level-1 (L1) trigger was upgraded to face the increase in the centre-of-mass energy and instantaneous luminosity conditions expected for the LHC Run II operations. The upgrade opened up the possibility to develop an efficient and dedicated algorithm to reconstruct tau leptons decaying to hadrons (tauh) and a neutrino.The tau algorithm implements a sophisticated dynamic energy clustering technique and dedicated background rejection criteria. Its development, optimisation, implementation, and commissioning for the LHC restart are presented. The algorithm performance is initially demonstrated using a simulation and subsequently measured with the data collected with the CMS experiment. The excellent performance achieved is an essential element of the search for HH production.The investigation of the HH -> bb tau+tau- process explores the three decay modes of the tau+tau- system with at least one tauh object in the final state. A dedicated event selection and categorisation is developed and optimised to enhance the sensitivity, and multivariate techniques are applied for the first time to these final states to separate the signal from the background.Results are derived using an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb-1. They are found to be consistent, within uncertainties, with the SM background predictions. Upper limits on resonant production are set and interpreted in the context of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. Upper limits on nonresonant production constrain the parameter space for anomalous Higgs boson couplings. The observed and expected upper limit are about 30 and 25 times the SM prediction, respectively, corresponding to one of the most stringent limits set so far at the LHC.Finally, prospects for future measurements of HH production at the LHC are evaluated by extrapolating the current results to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb-1 under different detector and analysis performance scenarios.
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Stadsdelsutveckling bortom tillväxt : En granskande studie av hållbarhetsförebilderna Sege Park och Augustenborg / Neighbourhood development beyond growth : A critical study of the sustainable models Sege Park and AugustenborgMorén James, Natalie, Pastorino Nyman, Victor January 2021 (has links)
Genom att kritiskt granska de två Malmöstadsdelarna Augustenborg och Sege Park, som har utgett sig för och planeras att bli förebilder för hållbar stadsutveckling, studeras inslag av en nerväxt-inspirerad utveckling bort från ekonomisk tillväxt. Detta görs genom en fallstudie där områdenas strategiska hållbarhetsarbete studeras genom att observera inslag av två utvalda begrepp, kollaborativekonomi (KE) och lokal självförsörjning (LSF). Dessa begrepp kommer från framtidsscenarier i rapporten Framtider bortom BNP-tillväxt av Hagbert et al.( 2018) i forskningsprogrammet Bortom BNP-tillväxt: Scenarier för hållbart samhällsbyggande som är formulerade att uppnå ett hållbart tillstånd inom Donut-ekonomin (Raworth 2012) i Sverige 2050. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av fem semistrukturerade kvalitativa informantintervjuer, offentligt tillgängliga dokument från Malmö Stad som hållbarhetsstrategi och planprogram för Sege Park samt en antologi över Augustenborgs utveckling. Den analytiska metoden består av en systematiserande kvalitativ textanalys som utformats med utgångspunkt i uppsatsens teoretiska diskussion och ramverk. Tidigare forskning tar upp olika förhållningssätt till operationaliseringen av nerväxtlogiker på stadsdelsnivå. Den teoretiska diskussionen går igenom olika perspektiv kring nerväxtlogiker, relationen mellan tillväxt och stadsutveckling samt det rådande stadsplaneringsparadigmets relation till hållbar stadsutveckling. Det teoretiska ramverket presenterar de två begreppen kollaborativ ekonomi och lokal självförsörjning som används för att utröna inslag av en utveckling bort från ekonomisk tillväxt. Studiens empiriska framställning visar att många inslag av kollaborativ ekonomi och lokal självförsörjning är närvarande, men överlappar med rådande tillväxtbaserade stadsplaneringsparadigm och det är tveksamt i vilken utsträckning dessa inslag faktiskt bidrar till minskade resursflöden och en utveckling bort från ekonomisk tillväxt. Studiens diskussion tar upp svårigheterna med att tillämpa en stadsplanering inspirerad av nerväxtlogiker inom rådande lagstiftning, som hindrar en utveckling bort från tillväxt. Ansatsen att använda framtidsscenarier för studier av en samtida verklighet kan ifrågasättas och har genererat en viss svårighet bland annat i relation till skillnaden som uppstår mellan framtidsscenariernas radikalitet och dagens socio-ekonomiska komplexa situation. / Through a critical examination of two neighbourhoods of Malmö, Augustenborg and Sege Park degrowth-inspired elements of a development away from economic growth are being studied. These specific neighbourhoods are selected since they have served and are being planned to serve as models of sustainable urban neighbourhoods. The neighbourhoods are being studied through a case study of strategic sustainable measures through the observation of two selected concepts, Collaborative Economy (KE) and Local Self-sufficiency (LSF). These concepts originate from the future scenarios in the report Futures Beyond GDP Growth (Hagbert et al., 2018) in the research program Beyond GDP Growth: Scenarios for sustainable building and planning formulated to reach a sustainable condition within the Doughnut-economy (Raworth, 2012) in Sweden 2050. The empirical material are five semi-structured qualitative informant interviews, publicly accessible documents from Malmö municipality as sustainability strategy, district planning program as well as an anthology of the neighbourhood Augustengorg’s development history. The analytical method is a systemising qualitative text analysis designed from the study’s theoretical discussion and framework. Earlier research addresses different approaches to operationalisation of degrowth on a neighbourhood level.The theoretical discussion examines different perspectives concerning degrowth, the relation between economic growth and urban development as well as the relation of the prevailing growth based urban planning paradigm to sustainable urban development. The theoretical framework discusses the two concepts Collaborative Economy and Local Self-sufficiency which are being used to examine the presence of a development away from economic growth. The empirical representation shows that several elements of Collaborative Economy and Local Self-sufficiency are present, but coexists with the contemporary prevailing growth based urban planning paradigm, and it is uncertain to which extent these elements actually contribute to diminish the flows of resources and contribute to a development away from economic growth. The discussion examines the difficulties applying urban planning inspired by the logic of degrowth within prevailing legislation preventing a development away from economic growth. The attempt to use scenarios of an alternative future for studies of a contemporary reality can be questioned. It has generated a certain amount of difficulty in relation to the apparent difference between the radicality in the scenarios and the complexity of the socio-economical situation of today.
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Modeling and Assessment of Emergency Mitigation Preparedness & Vulnerability for External Events in Nuclear Power Plants / Assi _ Ahmad _ Final Submission 2014 _ M.A.Sc.Assi, Ahmad 11 1900 (has links)
Thesis Abstract Current Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) design does not account for Beyond Design Basis Events (BDBEs) and thus lack the provisions to effectively mitigates complete loss of AC power and total loss of heat sink. Furthermore, parametric models used in PRA studies to assess Nuclear Power Plant’s safety risk for BDBE and External Events (EE) have significant limitations and proved ineffective to provide solutions on how to mitigate in BDBE or EEs situations. The Fukushima accident is a good example where PRA assessments did not provide the necessary means to cool or contain the reactors effectively. In this thesis, Emergency Mitigation Preparedness (EMP) model and assessment is proposed. The EMP model is objective and practical in evaluating NPP’s mitigation readiness in BDBE and EEs situations and provide a practical NPP Vulnerability indicator gauge which can potentially be used in risk-informed decisions. This will aid further in the NPP to improve in areas of emergency planning, enhance site and reactor design and improve workers safety and readiness to execute effective mitigation procedures and emergency plans. / Thesis / Master of Engineering (ME)
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Beyond budgeting under coronapandemin : En fallstudie på Ahlsell Sverige ABPetersson, Axel, Torstensson, Jacob, Lundegårdh, Theo January 2023 (has links)
Det finns forskning som säger att under en kris gynnas organisationer av att använda det mer traditionella budgetsystemet och forskning som menar att den budgetlösa metoden är att föredra. Det här undersöks genom att se hur sex stycken principer av beyond budgeting används inom företaget Ahlsell Sverige AB. Syftet med arbetet är således att öka förståelsen för hur Ahlsell styr sin verksamhet, hur de använder principerna och se hur det påverkades under coronapandemin. Har krisen medfört att företaget agerade på ett sätt som är mindre i linje med beyond budgeting? Med det ovan nämnda har en fallstudie varit grunden i forskningsdesignen och metoden. Där en kvalitativ forskning med en induktiv ansats har följts för att sedan utföra semistrukturerade intervjuer hos ett antal respondenter inom företaget. I och med intervjuerna har målbilden varit att få ut nyanserad och djupgående information. Baserat på den insamlade empiriska datan samt analysen tillsammans med teorin, har slutsatserna varit att Ahlsell använder sex styrprinciper inom beyond budgeting i olika former. Vissa ligger helt i linje med beyond budgeting men andra ligger mindre i linje med styrprocesserna. Det framkommer i slutsatserna att coronapandemin inte påverkat företaget och styrprocesserna särskilt mycket alls. Ahlsell visade fina siffror och fortsatte att styra budgetlöst i samma riktning utan stora ändringar. / There is research that says that during a crisis, organizations benefit by using the more traditional budgeting system and research that means that the beyond budgeting method is to be preferred. The basis of our research is to see how a beyond budgeting company used the six management control principles during the corona pandemic. This is examined by seeing how the six principles of beyond budgeting are used within the company Ahlsell Sverige AB. The purpose of the work is thus to increase understanding of how Ahlsell manages its operations, how they use the principles and see how it was affected during the corona pandemic. Did the crisis result in the company operating in a way that is less in line with beyond budgeting? With the aforementioned, a case study has been the basis of the research design and method. Where qualitative research with an inductive approach has been followed to then carry out semi-structured interviews with a number of respondents within the company. With the interviews, the goal has been to obtain nuanced and in-depth information. Based on the collected empirical data, as well as the analysis together with the theory, the conclusions have been that they use the six principles within beyond budgeting in different forms. Some are completely in line with beyond budgeting principles but others are less in line with beyond budgeting. It appears in the conclusions that the corona pandemic did not affect the company and the management processes very much at all. Ahlsell showed good numbers and continued to use control without a budget in the same direction without major changes.
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Wittenova smyčka v jednoduchých rozšířeních Standardního modelu částicových interakcí / Witten's loop in simple extensions of the Standard Model of particle interactionsMiřátský, Václav January 2020 (has links)
The goal of this Master thesis is to demonstrate Witteńs mechanism in selected extensions of the Standard model based on the Pati-Salam gauge group. The purpose of this mechanism is to obtain an extremely large Majorana mass term for right-handed neutrinos at the two-loop level and consequently light physical masses of neutrinos using the type I see-saw mechanism. The existence of corresponding Feynman diagrams without any interactions of vector bosons is presented. While it is impossible to construct this type of corrections in minimal SO(10) or SU(5)xU(1) model in Pati-Salam model they may be even dominant. Subsequently, implications of possible partial gauge coupling unification or even embedding of the Pati-Salam group into a gauge group of "Great Unified Theory" are considered. At the end the possibility of unacceptably fast proton decay is inspected. The discussed models are concluded to be potentially realistic but only at the cost of predictivity, since completely unknown Yukawa couplings appear in numerous key relations. 1
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A Fair Distribution of Global Biocapacity : The Potential in Swedish Environmental Policy / En rättvis fördelning av global biocapacitet : förutsättningarna i svensk miljöpolicyParekh, Vishal January 2017 (has links)
Humanity’s detrimental impacts on the Earth’s ecosystems have been studied extensively, and these impacts’ negative consequences across societal groups, nations, and generations, have garnered much attention, from the scientific community as well as from civil society, where the attention often has been directed at how unfair the distribution of these environmental burdens is. The fairness of the distribution of global environmental benefits, however, has seen much less study, especially when it comes to the implementation of such concerns for fairness in environmental policy. In support of the research project Beyond GDP-growth, this thesis has centered on a Swedish context, and has focused on the term “biocapacity”, which is a quantifiable measure of many environmental benefits, and in the thesis is defined as the ability of terrestrial ecosystems to regenerate the biological materials extracted by humans. The thesis has then aimed to determine the current potential for the implementation of a fair distribution of global biocapacity in Swedish environmental policy, mainly by way of a series of interviews with individuals engaged in different forms of Swedish environmental work – from different levels of government, to civil society and centers of scientific research. It is concluded that the current potential for the implementation of a fair distribution of global biocapacity in Swedish environmental policy is primarily hindered by the seeming lack of a relevant discourse on the matter. Without such a discourse, a lack of public understanding of the subject is deemed to cause poor public support for any potential policies promoting a fair distribution of global biocapacity. It is suggested that a relevant and effective discourse is best achieved through transparent trade practices, and by the active participation of scientific experts and other actors outside of the political system. Furthermore, the thesis discusses the usefulness of the term “biocapacity” in this context, concluding that more research is needed, while identifying the main point of contention as what the term is intuitively understood to mean, as well as whether or not it can be used as a means to achieve a focused public discourse on the fair distribution of environmental goods. / Mänsklighetens skadliga inverkan på jordens ekosystem har studerats i stor utsträckning, och den här inverkans negativa konsekvenser för olika samhällsgrupper, länder och generationer har fått mycket uppmärksamhet från både forskningsvärlden och civilsamhället, där det främst har fokuserats på den orättvisa fördelningen av dessa ”miljöbördor”. Men, rättvisa när det kommer till fördelningen av ”miljönyttor” har studerats betydligt mindre, särskilt i samband med hur sådana rättviseaspekter kan implementeras i miljöpolicy. Den här uppsatsen har – i en svensk kontext och som stöd till forskningsprojektet Bortom BNP-tillväxt – fokuserat på en kvantifierbar term kallad ”biokapacitet”, som innefattar många miljönyttor, och i uppsatsen definieras som landbaserade ekosystems kapacitet att regenerera de biologiska material som människor extraherar. Uppsatsen har sedan ämnat att undersöka de nuvarande förutsättningarna för implementeringen av en rättvis fördelning av global biokapacitet i svensk miljöpolicy, främst genom en serie intervjuer med individer som i olika sammanhang är engagerade i svenskt miljöarbete – från kommunal till statlig nivå, samt i civilsamhället och i forskningssammanhang. Uppsatsen utmynnar i slutsatsen att de nuvarande förutsättningarna för implementeringen av en rättvis fördelning av global biokapacitet i svensk miljöpolicy främst begränsas av att den offentliga debatten till synes inte behandlar ämnet nämnvärt. Utan en offentlig debatt om ämnet förmodas den resulterande kunskapsbristen hos allmänheten leda till ett bristande offentligt stöd för policyförslag som förespråkar en rättvis fördelning av global biokapacitet. En relevant och effektiv offentlig debatt tros bäst kunna uppstå genom transparent handel och ett aktivt deltagande av experter från forskningsvärlden, samt andra utompolitiska aktörer. Dessutom diskuterar uppsatsen nyttan av begreppet ”biokapacitet” i en sådan debatt, och kommer fram till att vidare studier krävs för att nå en tillfredsställande slutsats. Uppsatsen identifierar dock den intuitiva uppfattningen av termens betydelse, samt frågan om termen kan användas för att uppnå en fokuserad debatt på ämnet, som de främsta problemområdena som behöver behandlas. / Beyond GDP-growth (sv. Bortom BNP-tillväxt)
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The Revenge Of The Second Banana A Female Sidekick's Survival GuideMason, Melissa 01 January 2011 (has links)
I returned to school to receive an MFA in Musical Theater for many reasons, but paramount was the need to further explore and develop my range as an actress. Throughout my career, I have played a variety of roles, but none as challenging or possibly as rewarding as the man-hungry secretary UCharlieV in James Valcq5s Zombies from the Beyond, produced by the Jester Theatre in Winter Garden, FL. Performing this role allowed me to achieve one of my objectives when entering the grad program at UCF: to transition from a classical ingénue or soubrette into a leading lady or character actress; making Zombies from the Beyond the perfect capstone to my graduate experience. During the 1950s, American cinema was filled with sci-fi movies such as Forbidden Planet, The Thing from Another World, and Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Each movie depicted an otherworldly creature as the villain (a metaphor for the relationship between the United States and the USSR) who had only one purpose: total domination. Zombies from the Beyond aptly reveals the absurdity of the hysteria and paranoia surrounding the Ucold warV and the Uspace raceV that dominated America in the 1950s. The play makes comic use of the Udouble-red agentV and presents the belief that the space race and cold war inevitably were tied together, while examining Russia5s dirty tactics in the struggle for power. In addition to the historical ramifications of Zombies from the Beyond, post WWII America saw an explosive growth in female empowerment. Through each female iv character5s thoughts and actions on stage, Valcq5s musical tackles the struggle many women faced between the new feminist ideals and old-fashioned morals. My character, Charlene UCharlieV Osmanski, is the iconic man-hungry, working girl with a big heart (aka UThe SidekickV). She is a woman very much caught between the traditional values of the 1950s and the progressive, more feminist attitudes starting to take hold in the country. After accepting the role in Zombies from the Beyond, I realized my responsibility was to breathe new life into the role of the comedic sidekick while remaining true to the original vision and traditions that had been set forth by such brave comic pioneers as Rose-Marie, Thelma Ritter, and Vivian Vance. Faced with this daunting task and the enormity of creating a role with such a prominent historical and societal lineage, I asked myself, UWhat does an actor need to know in order to become the perfect sidekick?V To answer this compelling question and to ensure I did not fail in my task, I researched actresses who play a similar archetype; studied the evolution of the female comedienne; examined the audience5s relationship to the sidekick; and discussed the character5s future as an integral force in contemporary theatre, all in a convenient survival guide. Ultimately, the evolution of the mainstream audience and their shifting requirements for entertainment impact the sidekick5s portrayal on stage; however, since post-modernistic audiences no longer need one definitive stereotype or archetypal character, the ideas I set forth are not finite or absolute in nature. Instead, they create a v basic foundation that serves as a guide for the actor when creating a similar character while ensuring the sidekick5s place as a relevant and sustainable character for generations to come.
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