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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mobilisation attentionnelle des piétons aveugles : effets de l’âge, de l’antériorité de la cécité et de l’aide à la mobilité utilisée / Attentional mobilization in blind pedestrians : effects of age, age of blindness onset, and the type of mobility aid used

Pigeon, Caroline 06 December 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail de thèse était d’appréhender certains des mécanismes cognitifs peu étudiés dans la population des personnes aveugles, et leur rôle dans la réalisation sécurisée et efficiente de leurs déplacements, en prenant en compte certains facteurs individuels (dont l’âge, l’antériorité de la cécité et l’aide à la mobilité utilisée). Une première expérimentation comprenait une évaluation neuropsychologique réalisée auprès de 63 participants aveugles et 42 participants voyants. Les résultats ont montré que les participants aveugles obtenaient des performances d’attention et de mémoire de travail supérieures à celles des participants voyants. Parmi les participants aveugles, les personnes de plus de 60 ans avaient des performances inférieures à celles des participants aveugles de moins de 60 ans. Néanmoins, les performances des personnes aveugles de plus de 60 ans étaient tout de même supérieures à celles des participants voyants du même âge. Une deuxième expérimentation visait à explorer la charge cognitive induite par la marche des personnes aveugles. Dans un environnement contrôlé, 25 participants aveugles se déplaçant à l’aide d’une canne blanche ont réalisé des essais de marche en effectuant simultanément une tâche secondaire. L’observation de l’activité de la marche ainsi que l’analyse des paramètres de marche ont révélé que cette activité n’était pas modifiée par la réalisation de la tâche secondaire. Ces résultats suggèrent que les participants ont eu de bonnes capacités à partager leur attention entre les deux tâches. L’analyse de la performance à la tâche secondaire et des réponses à une évaluation de la charge mentale subjective a indiqué que le déplacement des personnes aveugles induisait une charge cognitive, d’autant plus importante lorsque l’environnement est rendu complexe (avec la présence d’obstacles). De plus, alors que les capacités attentionnelles des participants (mesurées dans la première étude) se sont révélées avoir un effet significatif sur leurs performances à cette seconde expérimentation, aucun effet de l’âge n’a été mis en évidence. Dans une troisième expérimentation, la seconde étude a été répliquée auprès de 13 participants aveugles accompagnés d’un chien-guide. Les résultats suggèrent que l’animal facilite le déplacement de la personne qu’il accompagne et diminue la charge cognitive du déplacement. L’ensemble de ces résultats met en évidence le rôle primordial de l’attention dans la réalisation des déplacements piétons chez les personnes aveugles et permet de proposer des pistes pour améliorer leur mobilité, notamment en termes de remédiation, de réadaptation et d’applications technologiques. / The main objective of this PhD work was (1) to investigate some cognitive processes in the population of blind individuals and (2) to determine the involvement of these processes in their pedestrian mobility. Demographic factors, such as the age, the age of blindness onset, and the type of mobility aid were studied. Three studies were conducted. The first experiment consisted of assessing 63 blind participants and 42 age-matched sighted participants with a battery of neuropsychological tests. The results showed that blind participants had better performances than sighted participants in tests assessing attentional and working memory functions. Among blind participants, blind participants aged 60 years or older had poorer performances than those of younger blind participants. Findings revealed a detrimental effect of age on neuropsychological performances in blind participants. However, performances of blind participants aged 60 years or older were better than those of sighted participants. The second experiment aimed to study the cognitive load involved in the walking activity of blind individuals. In a controlled environment, 25 blind participants, using a white cane, performed walking trials while executing a secondary task. Findings revealed that the walking activity of blind participants was not impaired by the secondary task. This result suggests that the participants had good abilities to share their attention between two tasks. Participants performed significantly worse the secondary task when increasing the complexity of the walking activity. Participants also reported greater cognitive load while walking and simultaneously performing the secondary task. In addition, the attentional capacities of blind people (measured in the first experiment) had a significant effect on their performances at this second experiment. Similar to the second study, a third experiment was conducted with 13 blind participants using a guide dog. The results suggest that the guide dogs facilitated the walking of participants and reduced the cognitive load involved in the walking in comparison with the participants of the second experiment. Taken together, these results highlight the major role of attention in the mobility of blind individuals. This research offers interesting possibilities of improvement in the mobility of blind people, in terms of rehabilitation and technological applications

Desseins polymorphes, une approche poétique de la lumière : dessiner la lumière / Polymorphic ambitions/designs, a poetic approach to light : drawing light

Dudragne, Julie 10 November 2015 (has links)
La narration d'une pratique s'ébauche parfois par la présence d'une simple lettre, comme un humble point dévoile l'existence d'une ligne. Le "e" réapparaît au sein du dessin, le pare d'une multiplicité de significations, lui donne le poids perdu ou jamais acquis d'une esquisse autonome.La tradition du dessein se questionne par le biais d'un phénomène, dessiner la lumière, à l'heure d'une reproductibilité technique exacerbée.Le chemin sinueux emprunté par le dessin le mène au franchissement de frontière pléthorique, annonçant sa transversalité. Le mouvement immanent à la matière utilisée et l'hybridation comme notion intrinsèque à la création actuelle, toujours au service de l'élément graphique, vont faire opérer au dessin de nombreux déplacements intra et interdisciplinaires - conviant origines, idées, concepts et procédés techniques - mais aussi physiques. La réalisation de la lumière produite par l'expérience graphique, ses passages entre visible et non visible, se retrouve dans le signe et dans l'indice photographique et interroge la perception. La recherche de luminosité et de contraste, souvent traduites par la présence de noirs et de blancs, offre à l'espace plastique une palette infinie de possibles variations.Cette potentialité exhaustive requiert l'ultième acte du processus créatif, le choix, façonnant la mise en espace de la lumière en de multiples compositions graphiques.Le jeu, la phantasia et la poétique du phénomène lumineux, malgré l'évolution des procédés techniques employés, préservent la confidence qui confère au dessin se caractère intime dans lequel se silhouette un onirisme, une manière de résister. Travailler la lumière aujourd'hui dans le secret d'un acte aveugle, aveuglé, aveuglant, problématise la notion d'authenticité induisant un rapport à l'aura toujours en valse-hésitation entre apparition et disparition face à sa perte auparavant annoncée. / The narrative outline of a practice is sometimes sketched by the presence of a simple letter, like a humble dot can reveal the existence of a line.The "e" appears again in the drawing, adorns it with a multiplicity of meanings, giving it the weight never acquired of an autonomous sketch. (There is distinction in French language between the words "dessein" and "dessin" which one I play). At a time of heightened technical reproducibility and through a phenomenon - drawing the Light - the ambition and its tradition question themselves.The Drawing, on a sinuous path, crosses some excessive borders/frontiers, announcing his "transversality". The movement immanent to the material used and the hybridization as an intrinsic concept of the actual creative process, always at the service of the graphic element, will push the Drawing in many directions within and across disciplines - inviting origins, ideas, technical concepts and processes - but also physical. The light produced by the graphic experience, movements between visible and invisible, can be found not only in the sign but also in the photographic index and questions our perception.The research forn brightness and contrast in shades, often with black and white tons, gives an infinite range of potential variations to the creative/esthetic space/arena. This exhaustive potential is threatened by the ultimate act of creativity : the choice, shaping the spatial dispositions of light into multiple graphic compositions.Despite certain technical processes and their evolution, play, phantasy and light phenomenon' poetics protecting the Drawing' secret : an intimate characteristic in which onirism, as a wayto resist, appears. Working with light today - in a secret of a blind act, blinded, blinding - questions the Authenticity as a concept, creating an uneasy relationship to the aura, always between appearance and disappearance facing its previously announced loss.

Prevalência de retinopatia da prematuridade em recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso / Prevalence of retinopathy of prematurity in very low birth weight newborn infants

Lermann, Viviane Levy January 2006 (has links)
Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalência de retinopatia da prematuridade (ROP) e os fatores de risco em recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso internados em uma Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo Neonatal. Métodos: Estudo transversal incluindo todos os recém-nascidos com peso ao nascimento ≤ 1500g e/ou idade gestacional ≤ 32 semanas, admitidos na UTI Neonatal do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, entre outubro de 2002 e março de 2004. Os pacientes foram submetidos a exame de fundo de olho sob oftalmoscopia binocular indireta na 6ª semana de vida. Foi realizado tratamento a laser nos que atingiram a doença limiar. Resultados: Foram estudados 114 recém-nascidos. Em oitenta e três pacientes não se diagnosticou retinopatia da prematuridade, dezoito apresentaram retinopatia da premauridade 1, sete retinopatia da prematuridade 2, seis ROP em doença limiar. A prevalência de ROP foi de 27,2% (IC 95%: 19,28 – 36,32) afetando 31 recém-nascidos, e a prevalência de retinopatia da prematuridade que atingiu doença limiar foi de 5,26% (IC 95%: 1,96 – 11,10) afetando 6 pacientes. Verificou-se retinopatia da prematuridade em 50% dos pacientes com peso inferior a 1000g e em 71,5% dos recém-nascidos com idade gestacional inferior a 28 semanas. A idade gestacional e o peso de nascimento foram significativamente menores nos pacientes com ROP em comparação aos normais. Conclusões: Embora os resultados deste estudo mostrem que a prevalência encontrada foi semelhante a encontrada na literatura, a ocorrência de retinopatia da prematuridade ainda é alta nos recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso. O desenvolvimento da retinopatia da prematuridade foi inversamente proporcional ao peso e a idade gestacional ao nascimento. / Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and risk factors in very low birth weight infants admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Methods: A cross sectional study investigating all newborn infants with birth weights ≤ 1,500g and/or gestational ages ≤ 32 weeks, admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, from October 2002 to March 2004. Patients underwent indirect binocular ophthalmoscopy of the fundus at six weeks postpartum. Infants who progressed to threshold disease were given laser therapy. Results: One hundred and fourteen patients were studied. Eighty-three patients were not diagnosed with retinopathy of prematurity, 18 had stage I retinopathy of prematurity, 7 stage II retinopathy of prematurity and 6 patients had threshold retinopathy of prematurity. The prevalence of retinopathy of prematurity was 27.2% (CI 95%:19.28-36.32) affecting 31 newborn infants, and the prevalence of retinopathy of prematurity progressing to threshold disease was 5.26% (CI 95%: 1.96-11.10) affecting six patients. Retinopathy of prematurity was confirmed in 50% of the patients with weights below 1.000g and 71,5% of newborn infants born of gestational ages less than 28 weeks. Gestational age and birth weight were significantly lower among patients with retinopathy of prematurity than among those without. Conclusions: Although the results of this study demonstrate that the observed prevalence was similar to described in literature, this ROP frequency remains elevated among very low birth weight infants. The development of retinopathy of prematurity was inversely proportional to birth weight and gestational age at birth.


MARIA DA GLORIA DE SOUZA ALMEIDA 01 June 2017 (has links)
[pt] A proposição da temática desta tese constitui-se no levantamento da discussão que trouxe à tona a possibilidade real de uma pessoa cega construir imagens mentais. Discutiu-se, pois, a viabilidade da construção dessas imagens a partir das próprias condições de que o indivíduo cego é dotado. Procurou-se demostrar como o corpo com seus sentidos e suas ilimitadas valências, converte-se em instrumental capaz de acionar recursos sensoriais que dão informações, passam dados, concretizam sensações e percepções, formulam conceitos. Sobre o tripé – conhecimento, cultura e artes –, fez-se uma pesquisa que, pela complexidade e abrangência do assunto, exigiu o cruzamento de diferentes disciplinas, de diversas linhas de pensamento, ainda que guardando diferenças pudessem estabelecer um diálogo que levasse a compreensão mais clara ao cerne da proposta feita. Recorreu-se a Zubiri, Bachelard e Durand para compor a base da leitura de três poetas cegas e da escritora Marina Colasanti, apontando a força expressiva das imagens em ambos os casos. / [en] The proposition of the theme of this thesis is the discussion collection that highlights the real possibility of a blind person to construct mental images. The possibility of constructing these images was therefore discussed from the very conditions of which the blind individual is endowed. We sought to demonstrate how the body, with its senses and its unlimited valences, becomes an instrument capable of assessing sensory resources which give information, pass data, materialize sensations and perceptions, formulate concepts. On the tripod - knowledge, culture and the arts - a research was made that due to the complexity and comprehensiveness of the subject, required the crossing of different disciplines, of different lines of thought, even if keeping their differences it could establish a dialogue that would lead to understanding clearly the heart of the proposal. Zubiri, Bachelard and Durand were used to compose the basis of the reading of three blind poets and the writer Marina Colasanti, pointing out the expressive force of the images in both cases.

Prevalência de retinopatia da prematuridade em recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso / Prevalence of retinopathy of prematurity in very low birth weight newborn infants

Lermann, Viviane Levy January 2006 (has links)
Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalência de retinopatia da prematuridade (ROP) e os fatores de risco em recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso internados em uma Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo Neonatal. Métodos: Estudo transversal incluindo todos os recém-nascidos com peso ao nascimento ≤ 1500g e/ou idade gestacional ≤ 32 semanas, admitidos na UTI Neonatal do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, entre outubro de 2002 e março de 2004. Os pacientes foram submetidos a exame de fundo de olho sob oftalmoscopia binocular indireta na 6ª semana de vida. Foi realizado tratamento a laser nos que atingiram a doença limiar. Resultados: Foram estudados 114 recém-nascidos. Em oitenta e três pacientes não se diagnosticou retinopatia da prematuridade, dezoito apresentaram retinopatia da premauridade 1, sete retinopatia da prematuridade 2, seis ROP em doença limiar. A prevalência de ROP foi de 27,2% (IC 95%: 19,28 – 36,32) afetando 31 recém-nascidos, e a prevalência de retinopatia da prematuridade que atingiu doença limiar foi de 5,26% (IC 95%: 1,96 – 11,10) afetando 6 pacientes. Verificou-se retinopatia da prematuridade em 50% dos pacientes com peso inferior a 1000g e em 71,5% dos recém-nascidos com idade gestacional inferior a 28 semanas. A idade gestacional e o peso de nascimento foram significativamente menores nos pacientes com ROP em comparação aos normais. Conclusões: Embora os resultados deste estudo mostrem que a prevalência encontrada foi semelhante a encontrada na literatura, a ocorrência de retinopatia da prematuridade ainda é alta nos recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso. O desenvolvimento da retinopatia da prematuridade foi inversamente proporcional ao peso e a idade gestacional ao nascimento. / Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and risk factors in very low birth weight infants admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Methods: A cross sectional study investigating all newborn infants with birth weights ≤ 1,500g and/or gestational ages ≤ 32 weeks, admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, from October 2002 to March 2004. Patients underwent indirect binocular ophthalmoscopy of the fundus at six weeks postpartum. Infants who progressed to threshold disease were given laser therapy. Results: One hundred and fourteen patients were studied. Eighty-three patients were not diagnosed with retinopathy of prematurity, 18 had stage I retinopathy of prematurity, 7 stage II retinopathy of prematurity and 6 patients had threshold retinopathy of prematurity. The prevalence of retinopathy of prematurity was 27.2% (CI 95%:19.28-36.32) affecting 31 newborn infants, and the prevalence of retinopathy of prematurity progressing to threshold disease was 5.26% (CI 95%: 1.96-11.10) affecting six patients. Retinopathy of prematurity was confirmed in 50% of the patients with weights below 1.000g and 71,5% of newborn infants born of gestational ages less than 28 weeks. Gestational age and birth weight were significantly lower among patients with retinopathy of prematurity than among those without. Conclusions: Although the results of this study demonstrate that the observed prevalence was similar to described in literature, this ROP frequency remains elevated among very low birth weight infants. The development of retinopathy of prematurity was inversely proportional to birth weight and gestational age at birth.

L'ambiguïté salvatrice et destructrice dans l'œuvre romanesque d'André Gide / The redeeming and destructive ambiguity in André Gide's fiction

Tsonis, Fotios 19 October 2018 (has links)
La présente étude vise à démontrer que l’ambiguïté qui tourmente l’existence de l’écrivain est, à la fois, salvatrice et destructrice, tout en explorant l’impact de celle-ci sur l’œuvre gidienne et les mœurs contemporaines. En étudiant les écrits de Gide, on a l’impression d’assister à un dialogue où s’affrontent des opinions opposées. L’ambiguïté qui émane du caractère ambivalent de Gide et qui laisse entrevoir ses expérimentations stylistiques à la quête du renouvellement de l’écriture classique, y est examinée. Dans L’Immoraliste, Gide pose la question de la liberté individuelle face à la contrainte sociale. Ensuite, La Porte étroite constitue la critique du protestantisme d’une part, et la critique de l’impuissance virile de l’autre. Quant aux Caves du Vatican, le catholicisme s’y trouve attaqué. Gide y assimile la puissance religieuse à l’argent et théorise l’acte gratuit. La Symphonie pastorale oppose la cécité physique à la cécité morale ; christianisme et paganisme s’y trouvent liés et confrontés à travers un amour impie et aberrant. Suivent les quatre dialogues socratiques de Corydon, un vrai plaidoyer en faveur de la pédérastie. Les Faux-Monnayeurs sont en quelque sorte la conclusion de l’œuvre romanesque et la somme de ses inquiétudes, donc le comble de son ambivalence. Un ensemble de thèmes qui touche à l’intégralité de la vie sociale y est abordé, mettant en relief la fausseté de ses contemporains. Enfin, Gide se livre à travers Si le grain ne meurt et revendique l’inscription de sa perversion dans la normale, tout en avouant que les autobiographies ne peuvent être qu’à demi-sincères. / The present study aims to demonstrate that the ambiguity which torments the writer's life is both redeeming and destructive, while exploring the impact of the latter on Gide's work and contemporary mores. By studying Gide's writings, we have the impression of attending a dialogue in which opposing opinions confront one another. The ambiguity that emanates from Gide's ambivalent character and enables to reveal his stylistic experiments in the quest for the renewal of classical writing, is also examined herein. In The Immoralist, Gide raises the question of the individual freedom towards the social constraint. Furthermore, Strait Is the Gate is the critique of Protestantism on the one hand, and the critique of virile powerlessness on the other. As for The Vatican Cellars, Catholicism is attacked. Gide likens the religious power to money and theorizes the gratuitous action. In The Pastoral Symphony physical blindness opposes to moral blindness; Christianity and paganism are bound therein and confronted through an impious and aberrant love. The four Socratic dialogues of Corydon follow, a real plea in favor of pederasty. The Counterfeiters are in a way the conclusion of the novel and the sum of his worries, therefore the summit of his ambivalence. An ensemble of themes touching the entirety of social life is also approached, highlighting the falsity of his contemporaries. Finally, Gide opens himself up through If the seed doesn’t die and claims the inscription of his perversion in the normal, while admitting that the autobiographies can only be half-sincere.

Framtagning av designkoncept för Monitor: : Ett hjälpmedel för dövblinda / Design concept development for Monitor: : An aid for indivuals with deafblindness

Lundfeldt, Moa January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med projektet var att utveckla ett designkoncept för Monitor. Monitor är ett hjälpmedel för personer med nedsatt hörsel eller dövblindhet som utvecklats av Pariception AB. Projektets problemställning omfattade att ta fram en design som var användarvänlig, ergonomisk, användarcentrerad och anpassad till Pariception som varumärke. Projektet omfattade utvecklingen av ett designkoncept. Projektet omfattade inte tillverkningen av en fungerande prototyp. För att ta fram ett designkoncept för Monitor genomfördes de första stegen i en generell designprocess. Designprocessens olika steg var: planering av projekt, förstudie, konceptutveckling och utvärdering. I förstudien visades att semantik, sensoriska funktioner och taktil interaktion var väsentliga faktorer för att ta fram en användarvänlig design för personer med kombinerad syn- och hörselnedsättning. Utifrån den fakta och information som samlats i förstudien formulerades produktens krav och behov i en designspecifikation. Designspecifikationen var ett styrande dokument genom projektet och användes som underlag vid konceptutvärderingen. Konceptutvecklingen resulterade i fyra designkoncept för Monitor. Koncepten visualiserades med tredimensionella skissmodeller och renderingar. Samtliga koncept uppfyllde majoriteten av de krav och behov som ställts upp i designspecifikationen, däremot var det ett av designkoncepten som i utvärderingen uppnådde kraven och behoven för Monitor till en högre grad. / The aim of the project was to develop a design concept for Monitor. Monitor is an aid developed by Pariception AB for people with impairment of hearing or deaf-blindness. The problem was that the design concept had to be user friendly, ergonomic, human centered and adapted to Pariception as a trademark. The project involved the development of a design concept. It did not involve the production of a working prototype. To create a design concept for Monitor, the first stages in the general design process was performed. The stages in the design process were: planning, pilot study, concept development and evaluations. The pilot study showed that semantics, sensory functions and tactile interaction were the most essential factors in the development of a user-friendly design for people with a combined impairment of hearing and sight. Based on the facts and information that was discovered in the pilot study, a design specification containing requirements and needs for Monitor were created. The design specification was a governing document during the project and was the foundation of the evolution of the design concepts. The stage for concept development resulted in four design concepts for Monitor. The concepts were visualized by three-dimensional sketches and renderings. All concepts met the majority of the requirements and needs for Monitor. However, one of the design concepts was proved in the evaluations to be the most suitable for Monitor.

EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL COMO DIREITO FUNDAMENTAL DA CRIANÇA CEGA CONGÊNITA / Early childhood education as fundamental right of congenital blind child

Rocha, Railda Lopes da 08 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T16:15:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RaildaLopesRocha.pdf: 720616 bytes, checksum: 337531fe7de38cb270eb2ee060bab13b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-10-08 / This dissertation refers to an exploratory research aimed at Early Childhood Education as a fundamental right of congenitally blind children from birth to five years, or children who have gone blind in the first year of life. It intends to comprehend the benefits of integration in childrens educational public spaces, the federal public policies, and the ones from the city of São Paulo, as well as the relation of the right to education in Special Education. To do so, it explores the nature of blindness, linking historical aspects of education of visually impaired people and public policies related to the right to education. Although Education has aroused interest in many society corporations and UN agencies, involving legal documents as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the Brazilian Federal Constitution (1988), the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (1990), the UNESCO Salamanca Statement (1994) which is a watershed in the Special Education , the National Education Guidelines and Framework Law (1996) which guarantees education as a right for all, according to the constitutional statement and even though the Early Childhood Education is essential as a foundation of basic education, it is not seen as a fundamental right yet. This research shows that both congenitally blind children and their parents face obstacles when seeking schools: lack of availability in the childcare and EMEIs (kindergartens), teachers with insufficient education to work with the inclusion of students with special educational needs, stigma, and absence of physical structure for students accessibility and autonomy. Lack of classrooms to support inclusion and equipment of childhood education, as well as specialized staff, are some of the examples of the situation at hand, which needs an intervention in the city of São Paulo, with the accountability of responsible authorities, for violating a right that is fundamental according to national and international laws. / Esta dissertação se refere a uma pesquisa exploratória que tem como objetivo a Educação Infantil como direito fundamental da criança cega congênita de zero a cinco anos, ou que tenha ficado cega até os 12 meses de vida. Buscou-se compreender os benefícios da integração nos espaços educativos infantis públicos, as políticas públicas federais e as do município de São Paulo, bem como a relação do direito à educação na Modalidade Educação Especial. Para tanto, aborda o que é a cegueira, relacionando aspectos históricos da educação das pessoas com deficiência visual e de políticas públicas com o direito à educação. Embora a educação tenha despertado o interesse de muitos órgãos da sociedade e de agências da ONU, envolvendo documentos jurídicos como a Declaração Universal de Direitos Humanos (1948), a Constituição Federal do Brasil (1988), o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (1990), a Declaração de Salamanca (1994), que se constitui em um marco da Educação Especial, a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (1996) lei esta que garante a educação como direito de todos, conforme o enunciado constitucional e, ainda que a Educação Infantil seja essencial como alicerce da educação básica, ela ainda não é vista como direito fundamental. Esta pesquisa mostra que tanto crianças cegas congênitas quanto seus pais enfrentam obstáculos quando procuram as escolas: falta de vagas nas Creches e EMEIs, formação insuficiente dos pedagogos para trabalhar com a inclusão do aluno com necessidades educacionais especiais, estigmas e falta de estrutura física para a acessibilidade e autonomia do discente. A falta de salas de apoio à inclusão e de equipamentos de educação infantil, bem como de pessoal especializado, são alguns dos exemplos da situação evidenciada, que necessita de um olhar de caráter interventivo no município de São Paulo, sob pena de responsabilização das autoridades responsáveis por sua oferta, por ferir um direito que é fundamental pelas leis nacionais e internacionais.

Cegueira e cegueiras na multirreferencialidade: construção de conhecimentos, música e aprendizagem.

Freitas Neto, Albérico Salgueiro de 25 November 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Albérico Freitas Neto (albericosalgueiro@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-04-15T19:51:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Alberico_final.pdf: 1958842 bytes, checksum: bf38887ad005d34cd342339f84915c88 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora da Silva Lopes (silopes@ufba.br) on 2016-04-19T15:58:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Alberico_final.pdf: 1958842 bytes, checksum: bf38887ad005d34cd342339f84915c88 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-19T15:58:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Alberico_final.pdf: 1958842 bytes, checksum: bf38887ad005d34cd342339f84915c88 (MD5) / O caráter subjetivo desta pesquisa emprega etnopesquisa multirreferencial crítica, em uma compreensão dos campos de sentido que emergem e submergem no mundo relacionado à cegueira. Os sujeitos cegos estão presentes em dois campos de interação com o pesquisador: i) em trabalhos da literatura universal, religião, mitos, ciências e imagens (sejam pintadas, desenhadas, fotografadas ou filmadas). Particularmente em referências de músicos cegos e canções que abordam esta questão; ii) em pessoas presentes na vida do pesquisador em situações cotidianas na rua, ou como professor de música em uma instituição, no último caso, como servidor municipal e professor de música na cidade de Salvador, Bahia, lotado de janeiro de 2007 a março de 2014 no Instituto de Cegos da Bahia. Um mapa conceitual foi delineado sobre como o conceito cegueira percola na difusão do conhecimento. Isto se realizou no intuito de desenvolver uma leitura multirreferencial da cegueira, com contribuição oriunda das experiências pedagógicas e leituras sobre cegueira e autores cegos, bem como enquanto profissional e na vida pessoal com intelectuais cegos. Revisaram-se os lugares social e institucional da cegueira na história da assistência. Estudou-se também a história da relação entre cegueira e música, resultando em uma análise conceitual de imagens contendo esta relação. O trabalho também constrói leituras e análises da cegueira em uma política de sentido, revelando seu aspecto multirreferencial como complexo, diverso, polifônico e heterogêneo. Começando em uma visão compreensiva da cegueira, o pesquisador foca em sua prática de sala de aula como espaço multirreferencial de aprendizagem. É construída uma base teórica de educação musical como parte essencial da prática, e suas reflexões foram sistematicamente documentadas em diário de campo. Para compor os procedimentos do estudo de caso e sua relação com a música, descrições e análises da evolução musical de três estudantes foram tomadas como unidades de pesquisa. O trabalho finaliza com uma proposta de uma modelagem compreensiva da relação entre o mundo individual e social da cegueira. Especificamente, esta modelagem se relaciona com o mapa conceitual e política social de educação musical. Esta tese intenciona um processo de destigmatização dos atributos associados ao cego, uma elucidação da alienação sobre a cegueira, destituição de sua identidade deteriorada. Precisa-se de uma refacção da ideia de cegueira em uma nova base conceitual. O argumento aqui é que a canção na força de atividades musicais pedagogicamente intencionadas é parte essencial desta estrutura. / ABSTRACT The subjective nature of this research employs multi-referential critical etnoresearch, in an understanding of the fields of meaning that emerge and submerge in the world related to blindness. The blind subjects are presented in two fields of interaction with the researcher: i) in works of world literature, religion, myths, science and images (whether painted, drawn, photographed or filmed); particularly in references from blind musicians and songs that address this issue; ii) in persons present in the life of the researcher in everyday situations on the street, or as a music teacher in an institution, in the latter case, as a municipal employee and music teacher in the city of Salvador, Bahia, assigned from january 2007 to march 2014 in the Instituto de Cegos da Bahia. He designed a conceptual map of how the concept of blindness pervades the dissemination of knowledge. This was done in order to perform a multi-referential reading of blindness, with contributions arising from the pedagogical experience of reading about blindness and blind authors, as well as the professional and personal life of blind intellectuals. He reviewed the social and institutional places of blindness in the history of care. He also studied the history of the relationship between blindness and music, resulting in a conceptual analysis of images portraying this relationship. The work builds up reading and analysis of blindness in its political sense, revealing its multi-referential aspect as complex, diverse, polyphonic and heterogeneous. Starting from a comprehensive view of blindness, the researcher focused on his actual classroom practice as multi-referential learning space. He builts a theoretical basis of music education as an essential part of the practice, and its reflections were systematically documented in a field diary. To compose the procedures of the case study and its relationship with music, descriptions and analyzes of the musical evaluation of three students were taken as research units. The work ended with a proposal for a comprehensive model of the relationship between the individual and social world of blindness. Specifically, this model relates to the conceptual map and social policy of music education. This thesis intends a process of distigmatizing attributes associated with the blind, an elucidation of alienation about blindness, dismiss of its damaged identity. We need a reworking of the idea of blindness in a new conceptual groundwork. The argument here is that the song in the strength of pedagogically – aimed musical activities is an essential part of this framework.

Prevalência da deficiência visual e fatores associados no município de Pratânia - SP

Narikawa, Silvia [UNESP] 10 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:35:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2012-12-10Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:44:53Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 narikawa_s_dr_botfm.pdf: 800677 bytes, checksum: 3e94c5a65b9664f4409c9bb8f9d65505 (MD5) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / Segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde existem no mundo 285 milhões de pessoas com deficiência visual. As prevalências de cegueira e baixa visão são diferentes em cada país e suas causas principais podem variar. Além disso, alguns fatores podem estar associados a deficiência visual. Uma vez que no Brasil os estudos envolvendo grupos populacionais ainda são escassos, e que os mesmos podem auxiliar no desenvolvimento de políticas de saúde, o presente estudo foi realizado. Avaliar a prevalência de cegueira e baixa visão, assim como suas principais causas e associações com fatores sócio demográficos, hábitos e doenças sistêmicas no Município de Pratânia – SP. Foi realizado um estudo transversal de base populacional no Município de Pratânia – SP. Os dados foram coletados através do atendimento da população utilizando uma unidade móvel para exame oftalmológico e as instalações da unidade básica de saúde do Município. Foram considerados elegíveis todos os habitantes com idade maior ou igual a 40 anos. Foram avaliadas a acuidade visual apresentada e com a melhor correção, utilizando a tabela de Snellen e segundo a classificação da Organização Mundial da Saúde. Além do atendimento oftalmológico, foi realizado um amplo questionário sobre hábitos e doenças sistêmicas assim como um exame clínico de cada indivíduo. O teste T de Student foi utilizado para comparar variáveis contínuas e o qui-quadrado ou teste exato de Fischer para variáveis contínuas. Para múltiplas comparações, foi utilizada a análise de variância (ANOVA) e o método de Bonferroni para correção de múltiplas comparações. O modelo de regressão logística foi utilizado para análises univariadas e multivariadas de possíveis fatores associados a cegueira ou baixa visão. Foram avaliadas 681 pessoas (taxa de aderência de 64,4%). Segundo a acuidade visual apresentada, eram portadores de... / According to the World Health Organization, there are in the World 285 million people with visual impairments. The prevalence of blindness and low vision are different in each country and their main causes can vary. In addition, some factors may be associated with visual impairment. Considering that in Brazil studies involving population groups are still scarce, and that they can assist in the development of health policies, this study was conducted. To evaluate the prevalence of blindness and low vision, as well as its main causes and associations with socio-demographic factors, habits and systemic diseases in the City of Pratânia - SP. We performed a cross-sectional population-based study in the city of Pratânia - SP. Data were collected through the examination of the population using a mobile unit for eye examination and the facilities of the basic health unit in the city. We considered eligible all inhabitants aged greater than or equal to 40 years. We evaluated presenting visual acuity and the visual acuity with best correction using the Snellen chart and according to the classification of the World Health Organization. Besides eye examination, it was conducted an extensive interview on habits and systemic diseases as well as a clinical examination of each individual. The Student’s t- test was used to compare continuous variables and chi-square or Fisher exact test for continuous variables. For multiple comparisons, it was used the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Bonferroni method to correct for multiple comparisons. The logistic regression model was used for univariate and multivariate analysis of possible factors associated with blindness or low vision. A total of 681 people participated in the study (adherence rate of 64.4%). Considering presenting visual acuity, the prevalence of low vision was 4.1% and 2.1% was blind. Considering the visual acuity with best correction, the ...

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