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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Klimatneutrala byggnader : En utredning av begreppet och jämförelse mellan olika definitioner / Climate-Neutral Buildings : An investigation of the definition and comparison between different interpretations

Hedberg, Agnes Holm January 2021 (has links)
Klimatförändringarna är idag ett av mänsklighetens största hot och om inte världens växthusgasutsläpp minskar drastiskt under de kommande åren kan detta medföra svåra konsekvenser både lokalt och globalt. I linje med detta har globala och nationella mål satts för att främja klimatneutrala samhällen och branscher. Byggsektorn står för en stor del av klimatpåverkan, varför det är viktigt att se över utsläpp från denna sektor. Under de senaste åren har flertalet definitioner för klimatneutralitet i byggsektorn presenterats där samtliga är överens om att detta är en viktig strategi för att minska påverkan från vår byggda miljö. Dock tycks en stor osäkerhet råda kring vad som ska inkluderas i en sådan definition. Detta projekt ämnade därför till att undersöka olika definitioner av klimatneutralitet inom byggsektorn med fokus på ‘klimatneutrala byggnader’. Sju olika verktyg inkluderas i denna analys, vilka utgör en blandning av regionala, nationella och internationella initiativ men med den gemensamma nämnaren att alla utvecklat en egen definition av en ‘klimatneutral byggnad’. En litteraturgenomgång ämnade att sätta projektet i en tydlig kontext vilket sedan följdes av en dokumentanalys av verktygen och en intervjustudie med verktygsutvecklare vilka har insyn i de olika definitionernas utformning.  Resultatet visade att det råder delade meningar gällande val av systemgränser och tillvägagångssätt för att uppnå klimatneutralitet. Samtliga var överens om att förnyelsebar energiproduktion och elektrifiering kommer vara avgörande för att uppnå detta men däremot uppmärksammades olika klimatåtgärder för att balansera klimatpåverkan. Dessa inkluderade framförallt följande: produktion (och export) av förnyelsebar energi, köpt klimatkompensation och lagringsvärde av biogent kol i trämaterial. Dessutom presenterades energieffektivisering i befintligt bestånd, tekniska lösningar för att långsiktigt lagra koldioxid såsom bio-CCS, karbonatisering av betong, tillgodoräkning av en återvinningsdeklaration, återvunnet material och energi samt effektreduktion inom befintlig byggnad. Även systemgränserna skiljde sig åt där detta varierade från att framförallt inkludera det viktigaste och mest tillförlitliga till att inkludera samtliga steg inom byggnadens livscykel. Vidare visade studien på utmaningar kopplat till detta område som framförallt inkluderar brist på data, både vad gäller kvantitet och kvalitet, behovet att inludera antaganden och fiktiva beräkningar och osäkerhet kring framtiden så som elnätets mix och hantering av elektrifiering i byggsektorn. Detta indikerade att det i nuläget saknas konsensus kring vad en ‘klimatneutral byggnad’ är och att det finns utmaningar kopplat till en sådan definition, vilket tyder på att begreppet skulle behöva utvärderas ytterligare. Av den anledningen kan det vara rimligt att fundera på om klimatneutrala byggnader är ett begrepp som i nuläget är redo att användas, eller om det ska undvikas för att förhindra missförstånd. / Climate change is one of today’s biggest threats for humanity and if the global greenhouse gas emissions do not drastically decrease during the near future, this could have severe consequences for the world. In line with these challenges, global and national goals have been developed which aim to foster climate-neutral societies and industries. Since the climate effect from the building industry has shown to be major, it is important to consider emissions from this sector. During the recent years, several definitions of climate-neutrality in the built environment have been presented, which is a strategy considered to be important in order to reduce the climate impact from this field. Therefore, this project aimed to investigate different definitions of climate-neutrality in the building industry with the focus ‘climate-neutral buildings’. Seven tools were included, with a mix of regional, national and international focus, which all have presented a unique definition of a climate-neutral building. To settle the project in a clear context, a literature review became the first step. Thereafter, a document analysis was conducted as well as an interview study with tool developers with good insight into the framing of the different tools that were investigated.  The result showed that the definitions differ in terms of defined system boundaries and actions chosen to achieve climate-neutrality. All of the investigated tools promoted that renewable energy and electrification lay the foundation for the climate-neutral building definition. However, the climate actions presented for compensating and balancing the emissions differed. The presented actions included, above all: production (and export) of renewable energy, carbon offsets, and storage capacity of biocarbon in wood material. Additionally, the tools presented other actions which included energy-efficiency in existing buildings, technical solutions for long-term storage of carbon, carbonization of concrete, value connected to reuse of material and energy, as well as reduced energy-peak demand. The system boundaries differed in terms of inclusion of life cycle modules, from focusing on the most important and accurate stages, to include the full lifecycle of a building. Furthermore, the study identified challenges connected to the definition of climate-neutral buildings. These included, above all, lack of (high-quality) data, the need to use fictitious numbers and assumptions, as well as insecurities connected to the future, including the composition of the electricity mix and how the electricity grid will handle the electrification of the built environment. All these aspects indicate that the term climate-neutral building as for now lacks consensus and that there are challenges connected to this field. Therefore, 2 more evaluation seems to be needed and it might be reasonable to consider if climate neutral buildings as a concept is mature enough to be used, or if this should be avoided to prevent confusion and misunderstandings.

BID-modellen och brottsförebyggande åtgärder i den offentliga miljön. / The BID Model and Crime Prevention Measures in Public Spaces.

Hrovat, Filip, Polteg, Filiph January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker brottsförebyggande åtgärder i den byggda miljön med fokus på samverkansmodellen BID (business improvement district) och dess inverkan på förebyggande av brott i offentliga utrymmen. Genom en kombination av kvalitativa metoder, inklusive intervjuer, platsbesök och dokumentstudier, undersöker studien vilken roll samverkan mellan samhällsaktörer spelar för att skapa omhändertagande och trygga stadsmiljöer. Studien analyserar även hur brottsförebyggande åtgärder, såsom insatser och strategier som syftar till att främja tryggheten och säkerheten i samhället. Dessa åtgärder innefattar teorier och metoder som förbättrar den fysiska och sociala miljön i samhället. Studien undersöker även brottsförebyggande åtgärder såsom kameraövervakning och säkerhetszoner, samt hur dessa påverkar platser och deras invånare. Uppsatsen undersöker effektiviteten av dessa åtgärder för att bekämpa brottslighet men också deras sociala effekter. Vi vill med denna uppsats bidra till förståelsen av säkerhetszoner ur ett stadsplaneringsperspektiv och ge insikter om deras potentiella kortsiktiga samt långsiktiga lösningar för brottsförebyggande. / This thesis examines crime prevention measures in the built environment, focusing on the collaborative model BID (business improvement district) model and its impact on crime prevention in public spaces. Through a combination of qualitative methods, including interviews, site visits and document studies, the study investigates the role of cooperation between societal actors in creating caring and safe urban environments. The study also analyzes how crime prevention measures, such as interventions and strategies, aim to promote safety and security in the society. These measures include theories and methods that improve the physical and social environment of society. The study also examines crime prevention measures such as camera surveillance and “safety zones”, and how these affect places and their residents. The paper examines the effectiveness of these measures in fighting crime but also their social consequences. With this essay, we want to contribute to the understanding of safety zones from an urban planning perspective and provide insights into their potential short-term and long-term solutions for crime prevention.


[pt] A participação das pessoas com deficiência visual no mercado de trabalho ainda é limitada ao número de exigência legal de funcionários, onde muitos são destinados a funções com pouca valorização. Essa situação se agravou no momento de isolamento social, causado pela pandemia do Coronavírus (Covid-19), onde o desemprego se intensificou. A partir do entendimento desse cenário, esta pesquisa buscou compreender a interação do trabalhador com o ambiente físico no momento de isolamento social, através do levantamento bibliográfico, entrevista exploratória, análise da entrevista exploratória, história de vida, análise da entrevista da história de vida, elaboração e execução da dinâmica tátil e a análise dos resultados. A técnica de entrevista foi escolhida com o objetivo de compreender o impacto do home office no isolamento social e para a sua realização tivemos como recorte os trabalhadores que não exerciam essa modalidade de trabalho em casa e se viram na necessidade de modificar o seu espaço. A análise dos resultados foi realizada com a técnica de Análise de Conteúdo, proposta por Laurence Bardin, e após esse momento buscamos entender através das peças impressas os ambientes dos entrevistados. Como resultado essa dissertação destaca que a maioria dos entrevistados realizaram modificações no espaço devido ao ambiente não estar preparado para receber as atividades de trabalho ou porque precisou dividir esse local com um familiar. A técnica inovadora da dinâmica tátil favoreceu a comunicação dos entrevistados sobre os seus ambientes de trabalho, pois detalhes do local só foram mencionados com a dinâmica tátil. Esse grupo de pessoas também mostrou interesse em ter um ambiente equipado para o seu dia a dia, tendo o arquiteto/designer de interiores um papel fundamental nesse processo se souber realizar projetos que explorem outros sentidos que não a visão. A dinâmica tátil ―Meu Ambiente‖ pode ser um facilitador desse desenvolvimento, principalmente no estudo preliminar. / [en] The participation of visually impaired people in the labor market is still limited to the number of legal requirements for employees, where many are assigned to functions with little appreciation. This situation worsened at the time of social isolation, caused by the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, where unemployment intensified. From the understanding of this scenario, this research sought to understand the interaction of the worker with the physical environment at the time of social isolation, through the bibliographical survey, exploratory interview, analysis of the exploratory interview, life history, analysis of the life history interview, elaboration and execution of the tactile dynamics and the analysis of the results. The interview technique was chosen with the objective of understanding the impact of the home office on social isolation and for its realization we registered the worker who did not exercise this modality of work at home and found himself in the need to modify his space. The analysis of the results was carried out using the Content Analysis technique, proposed by Laurence Bardin, and after that moment we tried to understand the visitors of the visitors through the printed pieces. As a result of this dissertation, he highlights that most of the requests were modified in space due to the environment not being prepared to receive work activities or because he had to share this place with a family member. The innovative technique of tactile dynamics favored the communication of care about their work environments, as details of the place were only mentioned with the dynamics of the blocks. This group of people also showed interest in having an environment equipped for their daily lives, with the architect/interior designer having a key role in this process if they know how to carry out projects that explore senses other than sight. The tactile dynamic My Environment” can facilitate this development, especially in the preliminary study.

Stadsbyggande ur ett cirkulärt perspektiv : Undersökning av cirkulär ekonomi och cirkulärt byggande / City building from a circular perspective : Research of circular economy and circular construction

Nesokotyte, Evelina, Persson, Airen January 2024 (has links)
Detta examensarbete utforskar konceptet cirkulär ekonomi i relation till samhällsbyggnadssektorn i form av cirkulärt byggande. Motivationen bakom uppsatsen grundar sig på övertygelsen om att cirkulärt byggande kan vara ett viktigt verktyg för att driva framtidens stadsplanering mot ökad ekologisk hållbarhet. Arbetet ämnar att undersöka rådande ramverk och definitioner, samt vilka förutsättningar som finns för cirkulärt byggande nationellt och i Malmö. Likaså ges förslag på hur cirkulärt byggande kan appliceras på en stad som Malmö, som strävar efter att bli “en ledande miljöstad” och uppnå klimatneutralitet 2030 genom cirkulär ekonomi och cirkulärt byggande. Genom en kvalitativ studie belyser arbetet ambitioner och utmaningar kring cirkulärt byggande. Uppsatsen granskar bland annat rådande lagstiftning, riktlinjer, styrdokument, policys och kunskap från ett nationellt och kommunalt perspektiv. Likaså används även internationella exempel på cirkulärt byggande för att exemplifiera olika cirkulära principer som potentiellt kan tillämpas i Malmö. Trots varierande definitioner av cirkulär ekonomi och cirkulärt byggande slår uppsatsen fast i att det finns ett gemensamt mål: minskat avfall och en övergång från linjärt till cirkulärt ekonomiskt system. På både nationell och kommunal nivå finns en strävan mot cirkulärt byggande. Dock måste politiska hinder och bristande enhetliga definitioner övervinnas, varav flera olika strategier har föreslagits för att främja cirkularitet. Genom olika åtgärdsförslag och inspiration av befintliga cirkulära projekt, samtidigt som den lokala kontexten beaktas, kan Malmö utveckla effektiva strategier för att uppnå cirkulärt byggande. Det finns en gemensam strävan att skapa en mer hållbar stadsutveckling, vilket genom samarbete och innovativa lösningar kan göra Sverige och Malmö till föregångare inom cirkulärt byggande för en mer hållbar framtid. / This thesis explores the concepts of circular economy in relation to the construction sector through circular construction. The motivation behind the thesis is based on the conviction that circular construction can be an important tool for instigating future urban planning toward increased ecological sustainability. The thesis intends to examine the current framework and definitions, as well as which conditions that exist for circular construction nationally and in Malmö. Likewise, the thesis gives suggestions on how circular construction can be applied in a city like Malmö, which aims to become "a leading environmental city“ and achieve climate neutrality by 2030 through circular economy and circular construction. Through a qualitative study, the thesis highlights the ambitions and challenges of circular construction. The thesis reviews current legislation, guidelines, policy documents, and knowledge from a national and municipal perspective. It also uses international examples of circular construction to exemplify various circular principles that can potentially be applied in Malmö. Despite varying definitions of circular economy and circular construction, the essay concludes that there is a common goal: reduced waste and a transition from a linear to circular economic system. At both national and municipal levels, there is a striving towards circular construction. However, political obstacles and lack of uniform definitions must be overcome, of which several different strategies have been suggested for promoting circularity. With different measure proposals and inspiration from existing circular projects, while considering the local context, Malmö can develop effective strategies to achieve circular construction. There is a common desire to create a more sustainable urban development, which through collaboration and innovative solutions can make Sweden and Malmö pioneers in circular construction for a more sustainable future.

Invånarinvolvering som demokratiskt uttryck vid gestaltning av offentlig livsmiljö : En fallstudie av Helsingborgs stads projekt “Nytt stadsbibliotek” / Citizen involvement as a democratic expression in the design of public environments : A case study of Helsingborgs stad project “Nytt stadsbibliotek”

Hejdström, Fanny, Hansson, Gemila January 2024 (has links)
Dagens befolkning ställs inför många utmaningar där vikten av social hållbarhet har blivit framträdande som en av många nycklar för fungerande samhällen. Ekologisk och ekonomisk hållbarhet tillåter i många avseenden mer mätbarhet. Trots detta är social hållbarhet minst lika viktigt. Vikten av att involvera invånare och demokrati är väsentliga delar för att kunna arbeta för social hållbarhet. Följaktligen fokuserar följande diskurs på arbete och metoder kring invånarinvolvering i gestaltning av offentlig livsmiljö. Med anledning av bristen på tydliga riktlinjer samt för att förstå fördelarna med inkludering av invånare har denna uppsats formulerats. Vidare tar diskursen upp metoder och exempel från verkligheten för att vidareutveckla kompetensen och diskutera vikten av väl implementerade invånarinvolveringsprocesser vid stadsplanering och fysisk planering. Uppsatsen tar avstamp i Helsingborgs stads projekt Nytt stadsbibliotek för att undersöka involveringsmetoderna i samband med utvecklingen av stadens nya bibliotek. Vid gestaltning av arkitektur som ämnar vara en plats för befolkningen - vilka mandat får då invånarna att påverka? Denna abduktiva forskningsansats har skapats med kvalitativa metoder som tillvägagångssätt i egenskap att förstå för- och nackdelar vid involvering. Centralt för uppsatsen har intervjuer med representanter från Helsingborgs stad varit med syfte att fördjupa fallstudien samt diskutera invånarinvolvering som demokratiskt uttryck. Praktiska metoder i kombination med teori och uttalade riktlinjer lyfts upp för att analyseras samt öka kunskapen på ämnet. Trots att olika metoder av involvering inkluderar invånare i olika grader, konkluderar uppsatsen att den högsta graden av inkludering inte nödvändigtvis är den mest optimala. / The current population is faced with many challenges where the importance of social sustainability has become prominent as one of many keys to reach functioning societies. Ecological and economic sustainability are in some regard allowing for more measurability. Despite this, social sustainability is at least as important. The importance of involving citizen and democracy are essential parts of being able to work for social sustainability. Consequently, the following discourse focuses on work and methods around citizens involvement in the design of the public environment. Due to the lack of clear guidelines and in order to understand the benefits of inclusion of citizens this essay has been constructed. Furthermore, the discourse addresses methods and real-life examples to further develop the competence and discuss the importance of well-implemented citizen involvement processes in urban-and physical planning. This essay is based on Helsingborg’s project Nytt stadsbibliotek to investigate the involvement methods in connection with the development of the city’s new library. When designing architecture that aims to be a place for the citizens - what mandates do the residents get to influence? This abductive research approach has been designed with qualitative methods as a way to understand the pros and cons of involvement. Interviews with representatives from the city of Helsingborg have been crucial in the essay with the aim of deepening the case study and discussing citizen involvement as a democratic expression. Practical methods in combination with theory and declared guidelines are highlighted to be analyzed and to increase knowledge on the subject. Although different methods of involvement include citizens to different degrees, this paper concludes that the highest degree of inclusion is not necessarily the most optimal solution.


LAURA VIEIRA DE GOUVEA 20 August 2024 (has links)
[pt] MultipliCidades Cariocas: termo que sintetiza e evidencia a vasta e diversificada paisagem urbana, cultural e social da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O espírito carioca promove a ideia de integração e convivência, onde a mistura é vista como uma fonte de vitalidade e riqueza para a cidade. Essa essência, que abraça e celebra suas Múltiplas Cidades, torna o Rio uma Lugar verdadeiramente único e cativante. O trabalho teve como tema central o impacto dos Espaços Públicos Urbanos de Convívio – EPUCs do Rio no bem-estar e na qualidade de vida dos cidadãos com a proposta de incentivar o entendimento sobre sua importância. Foi abordada a necessidade de considerarmos o Espaço Urbano também como um território de intervenção do Design, bem como a relevância de revisitarmos projetos periodicamente. O embasamento teórico se aprofundou na forma como os agentes envolvidos em projetos urbanos concebem a cidade para além do ato de projetar, identificando lacunas entre teoria e prática. A contribuição do Design Participativo nesse processo foi apresentada, enfatizando a importância da transdisciplinaridade para compreendermos sistemas complexos como cidades e sociedades. O trabalho abordou a dificuldade na concepção e implementação desses espaços, destacando a importância do envolvimento da comunidade desde as fases iniciais do processo de projetos. O desenvolvimento e a avaliação de estratégias eficazes para a implementação de metodologias participativas nas fases iniciais de projetos, visando a criação de soluções que reflitam de maneira autêntica as demandas das comunidades locais, foi o ponto principal de investigação. Mas como viabilizar a participação popular efetiva nas decisões relacionadas aos EPUCs? As metodologias de pesquisa participativas referentes à Ergonomia no Ambiente Construído – EAC são ferramentas com grande potencial para orientar positivamente as fases iniciais de diagnóstico de projetos, com foco no cidadão e sustentáveis, ou seja, que se sustentem a longo prazo. A partir de uma metodologia mista, foram realizadas Oficinas de Cocriação com dois grupos distintos. As oficinas com usuários tiveram como ferramenta de análise principal o Diagrama do Lugar, enquanto as oficinas com especialistas os Cartões de Previsão. Estas ferramentas foram selecionadas, adaptadas e aplicadas com a intenção de promover a colaboração e inovação na busca por soluções eficazes. Essa abordagem colaborativa visou promover a troca de ideias entre diferentes perspectivas, enriquecendo a qualidade dos dados coletados e proporcionando uma compreensão mais holística das questões urbanas em estudo. A pesquisa conseguiu atingir seu objetivo demonstrando que através de dinâmicas cocriativas e de metodologias participativas em contextos de pequena escala, podemos engajar a comunidade e obter dados que contribuam na compreensão dos desafios existentes e que orientem antigos e novos projetos locais. Os dados coletados foram comparados e analisados para identificar padrões e novas ideias que pudessem validar a hipótese da pesquisa de que se aplicarmos metodologias participativas em comunidades locais, poderemos articular saberes que contribuam para as fases de diagnóstico urbano e orientar ações de projeto mais eficazes. Os resultados também ratificaram o problema de pesquisa quanto ao desafio em implementar metodologias participativas nas fases preliminares de projetos de EPUCs que viabilizem soluções pautadas nos desejos e demandas de suas comunidades locais. O trabalho ofereceu uma contribuição metodológica importante, destacando as vantagens da combinação de métodos quantitativos e qualitativos para compreender ambientes complexos. Além disso, sugeriu formas de aprimorar a metodologia, como a integração de especialistas e usuários em atividades colaborativas. Reconhece-se que as cidades são compostas por uma variedade de perfis socioeconômicos, culturais e geográficos, e que é necessário adotar uma abordagem flexível e adaptável para atender às necessidades de todos os cidadãos. Acredito que espaços públicos devem ser inclusivos, acessíveis e capazes de refletir e atender às necessidades variadas de uma população diversificada. Percebo a Cidade do Rio de Janeiro como um organismo vivo em constante evolução, composto por Múltiplas Cidades que se conectam e formam essa Cidade Múltipla, vibrante e inspiradora. / [en] Cariocas MultipliCities: a term that synthesizes and highlights the vast and diversified urban, cultural, and social landscape of the city of Rio de Janeiro. The Carioca spirit promotes the idea of integration and coexistence, where mixing is seen as a source of vitality and richness for the city. This essence, which embraces and celebrates its Multiple Cities, makes Rio a truly unique and captivating place. The central theme of the work was the impact of Rio s Urban Public Spaces of Coexistence – UPSCs on citizens well-being and quality of life, with the proposal to encourage understanding of their importance. The need to consider Urban Space as a territory for Design intervention was addressed, as well as the relevance of periodically revisiting projects. The theoretical framework delved into how the agents involved in urban projects conceive the city beyond the act of designing, identifying gaps between theory and practice. The contribution of Participatory Design in this process was presented, emphasizing the importance of transdisciplinarity in understanding complex systems such as cities and societies. The work addressed the difficulty in conceiving and implementing these spaces, highlighting the importance of community involvement from the initial stages of the design process. The development and evaluation of effective strategies for the implementation of participatory methodologies in the initial stages of projects, aiming at creating solutions that authentically reflect the demands of local communities, was the main point of investigation. But how to enable effective popular participation in decisions related to UPSCs? Participatory research methodologies related to Ergonomics in the Built Environment – EAC are tools with great potential to positively guide the initial diagnosis phases of projects, focusing on citizen and sustainable perspectives, that is, solutions that are sustainable in the long term. Through a mixed methodology, Co-creation Workshops were conducted with two distinct groups. The workshops with users used the Place Diagram as the main analysis tool, while the workshops with specialists used Envisioning Cards. These tools were selected, adapted, and applied with the intention of promoting collaboration and innovation in the search for effective solutions. This collaborative approach aimed to promote the exchange of ideas among different perspectives, enriching the quality of the collected data and providing a more holistic understanding of the urban issues under study. The research achieved its objective by demonstrating that through co-creative dynamics and participatory methodologies in small-scale contexts, we can engage the community and obtain data that contribute to understanding existing challenges and guiding old and new local projects. The collected data were compared and analyzed to identify patterns and new ideas that could validate the research hypothesis that if we apply participatory methodologies in local communities, we can articulate knowledge that contributes to urban diagnosis phases and guide more effective project actions. The results also confirmed the research problem regarding the challenge of implementing participatory methodologies in the preliminary stages of UPSC projects that enable solutions based on the desires and demands of their local communities. The work offered an important methodological contribution, highlighting the advantages of combining quantitative and qualitative methods to understand complex environments. Additionally, it suggested ways to improve the methodology, such as integrating specialists and users into collaborative activities. It is recognized that cities are composed of a variety of socioeconomic, cultural, and geographical profiles, and that a flexible and adaptable approach is necessary to meet the needs of all citizens. I believe that public spaces should be inclusive, accessible, and able to reflect and meet the varied needs of a diversified population. I perceive the City of Rio de Janeiro as a living organism in constant evolution, composed of Multiple Cities that connect and form this vibrant and inspiring a City that is Multiple.

Faculty Senate Minutes December 5, 2011

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 05 December 2011 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

Features of neighbourhood environments associated with obesity and related health behaviours in children: using multiple statistical approaches to identify obesogenic environments

Van Hulst, Andraea 05 1900 (has links)
Contexte: L'obésité chez les jeunes représente aujourd’hui un problème de santé publique à l’échelle mondiale. Afin d’identifier des cibles potentielles pour des stratégies populationnelles de prévention, les liens entre les caractéristiques du voisinage, l’obésité chez les jeunes et les habitudes de vie font de plus en plus l’objet d’études. Cependant, la recherche à ce jour comporte plusieurs incohérences. But: L’objectif général de cette thèse est d’étudier la contribution de différentes caractéristiques du voisinage relativement à l’obésité chez les jeunes et les habitudes de vie qui y sont associées. Les objectifs spécifiques consistent à: 1) Examiner les associations entre la présence de différents commerces d’alimentation dans les voisinages résidentiels et scolaires des enfants et leurs habitudes alimentaires; 2) Examiner comment l’exposition à certaines caractéristiques du voisinage résidentiel détermine l’obésité au niveau familial (chez le jeune, la mère et le père), ainsi que l’obésité individuelle pour chaque membre de la famille; 3) Identifier des combinaisons de facteurs de risque individuels, familiaux et du voisinage résidentiel qui prédisent le mieux l’obésité chez les jeunes, et déterminer si ces profils de facteurs de risque prédisent aussi un changement dans l’obésité après un suivi de deux ans. Méthodes: Les données proviennent de l’étude QUALITY, une cohorte québécoise de 630 jeunes, âgés de 8-10 ans au temps 1, avec une histoire d’obésité parentale. Les voisinages de 512 participants habitant la Région métropolitaine de Montréal ont été caractérisés à l’aide de : 1) données spatiales provenant du recensement et de bases de données administratives, calculées pour des zones tampons à partir du réseau routier et centrées sur le lieu de la résidence et de l’école; et 2) des observations menées par des évaluateurs dans le voisinage résidentiel. Les mesures du voisinage étudiées se rapportent aux caractéristiques de l’environnement bâti, social et alimentaire. L’obésité a été estimée aux temps 1 et 2 à l’aide de l’indice de masse corporelle (IMC) calculé à partir du poids et de la taille mesurés. Les habitudes alimentaires ont été mesurées au temps 1 à l'aide de trois rappels alimentaires. Les analyses effectuées comprennent, entres autres, des équations d'estimation généralisées, des régressions multiniveaux et des analyses prédictives basées sur des arbres de décision. Résultats: Les résultats démontrent la présence d’associations avec l’obésité chez les jeunes et les habitudes alimentaires pour certaines caractéristiques du voisinage. En particulier, la présence de dépanneurs et de restaurants-minutes dans le voisinage résidentiel et scolaire est associée avec de moins bonnes habitudes alimentaires. La présence accrue de trafic routier, ainsi qu’un faible niveau de prestige et d’urbanisation dans le voisinage résidentiel sont associés à l’obésité familiale. Enfin, les résultats montrent qu’habiter un voisinage obésogène, caractérisé par une défavorisation socioéconomique, la présence de moins de parcs et de plus de dépanneurs, prédit l'obésité chez les jeunes lorsque combiné à la présence de facteurs de risque individuels et familiaux. Conclusion: Cette thèse contribue aux écrits sur les voisinages et l’obésité chez les jeunes en considérant à la fois l'influence potentielle du voisinage résidentiel et scolaire ainsi que l’influence de l’environnement familial, en utilisant des méthodes objectives pour caractériser le voisinage et en utilisant des méthodes statistiques novatrices. Les résultats appuient en outre la notion que les efforts de prévention de l'obésité doivent cibler les multiples facteurs de risque de l'obésité chez les jeunes dans les environnements bâtis, sociaux et familiaux de ces jeunes. / Background: Childhood obesity currently poses a major public health challenge worldwide. In an attempt to identify potential targets for population-based prevention strategies, neighbourhood environments are increasingly being investigated in relation to childhood obesity and its behavioural precursors. However, research to date is largely beset by inconsistencies in findings. Purpose: The overarching goal of this thesis is to investigate the contribution of different features of neighbourhood environments in relation to obesity and antecedent behaviours in children. Specific objectives are: 1) To examine associations between children’s residential and school neighbourhood food environments and their dietary intake and behaviours; 2) To examine shared exposure to features of residential neighbourhoods in relation to obesity among family triads (child, mother, and father) and among individual family members; 3) To identify specific combinations of individual, familial, and neighbourhood risk factors that best predict obesity in children, and determine whether these risk factor profiles also predict 2-year changes in obesity. Methods: Data were drawn from the QUALITY Cohort, a Quebec-based study of 630 children aged 8-10 years at baseline with a parental history of obesity. Baseline residential neighbourhood environments of 512 participants living in the Montreal Metropolitan Area were characterised using: 1) geographically linked census and administrative data computed for road network buffers centered on the residential and school locations; and 2) in-person neighbourhood observations conducted within the participants’ residential neighbourhoods. Neighbourhood measures included characteristics of the built, social, and food services environments. Obesity was determined using the body mass index (BMI) computed from measured weight and height at baseline and at follow up. Diet was measured using three 24-hour diet recalls at baseline. Different types of analyses were used including generalised estimating equations, multilevel regressions, and recursive partitioning. Results: Findings point to specific neighbourhood features that are associated with childhood obesity and diet. Most notably, increased availability of convenience stores and fast food restaurants within residential and school neighbourhoods is associated with poorer diets among children. High street-level traffic and low neighbourhood prestige and urban development in residential neighbourhoods are associated with obesity among family triads. Lastly, findings suggest that obesogenic neighbourhood environments characterised by socioeconomic disadvantage, fewer parks, and more convenience stores jointly predict childhood obesity within unique combinations of individual and familial risk factors. Conclusion: This thesis contributes to the literature on neighbourhood environments and childhood obesity by considering the influences of both residential and school neighbourhoods as well as familial environments, by objectively characterising neighbourhoods, and by using innovative statistical approaches. Findings furthermore support the notion that obesity prevention efforts should target multiple risk factors of childhood obesity within the built, social, and family environments of children.

Le projet organisant : vers une ontologie du projet d'aménagement

De Blois, Michel 05 1900 (has links)
Codirection: Dr. Gonzalo Lizarralde / Les projets d’aménagement souffrent de problèmes de performance et de décalages significatifs entre ce qui est planifié et est effectivement réalisé. L’objectif principal de la thèse est d’examiner le phénomène permettant au projet d’aménagement de s’organiser et de se réaliser. L’hypothèse générale avance que :  Les projets influencent, transforment et créent les organisations qui les réalisent, selon un processus dynamique et récursif de structuration et d’organisation. Ce processus d’« organisation active » génère des transformations – organisationnelles et processuelles – liées à la nature même du projet. Pour vérifier cette hypothèse générale, une grille des ontologies a été élaborée, sur la base de quatre champs de connaissances, soit : (a) l’organisation et ses structures ; (b) le projet et ses processus ; (c) l’artefact et sa conception et ; (d) la dynamique des acteurs. La mise en relation de ces champs de connaissances fait appel à l’approche systémique à l’intérieur du cadre paradigmatique de la complexité. La méthodologie se déploie en trois volets, répartis sur les cinq articles de la thèse : l’article no1 présente une exploration théorique de la problématique ; les articles no2, 3 et 4 déploient des études de cas et des case survey ; l’article no5 propose une étude de cas longitudinale, s’échelonnant sur trois ans, visant l’élaboration de la cartographie des processus décisionnels. Les cinq articles de la thèse explorent les enjeux suivant : (no1) l’approche par le design et la dynamique des acteurs ; (no2) l’informalité des communications et de la coordination ; (no3) les facteurs de contingences qui influencent la « structuration » de la multiorganisation temporaire – MOT;  (no4) les typologies de la MOT, et ; (no5) l’itérativité des processus décisionnels et leurs influences sur les structures organisationnelles. Sept résultats permettent de valider les sous-hypothèses : qu’un processus d’« organisation active » génère des transformations – organisationnelles et processuelles – liées à la nature même du projet. Aussi, le projet d’aménagement : (1) est réalisé autant par des approches de gestion traditionnellement formelles et linéaires que par des processus de conception – qui sont, eux, non linéaires et auto-organisants, articulés à partir d’approches systémiques ; (2) amène à repenser ses propres processus de réalisation, et ; (3) constitue un facteur de contingence et influence la structure de la MOT créée pour développer le projet lui-même. La thèse révèle la diversité et la complexité des processus et des configurations organisationnelles, contribuant à produire une représentation multidimensionnelle de la conduite effective du projet. Trois contributions importantes, ouvrant la voie à de nouvelles recherches, découlent de ces conclusions, soit : (1) la construction du cadre des ontologies du projet et son articulation par les outils de la systémique ; (2) l’existence des constellations interorganisationnelles et des typologies de la MOT, et ; (3) l’énoncé du concept du « projet organisant » voulant que le projet « s’organise et organise » les processus et les organisations, par le jeu multiple des acteurs. / Construction projects are often affected by lower levels of performance and significant gaps between what is planned and what is actually realized. This thesis aims to examine the phenomenon that allows the built environment project to organize itself and carry out its objectives. The hypothesis states that: projects influence, transform and create the organizations that conduct them, following a dynamic and iterative process, referred to as «self- organizing » and «  structuring ». This « active organizing » process generates transformations – organizational and structural – conditioned by the very nature of the project itself. To validate this hypothesis, an ontological frame, based on four categories of analysis has been devised, including: (a) organization and structures; (b) the project and its processes; (c) the artefact and its design, and; (d) actors’ dynamic. These fields are put in relations using systemic principles and tools within the paradigmatic frame of complexity. The methodology includes three steps, deployed along five articles : article no1 presents the research problem and theoretical framework; articles no2, 3 and 4 use case studies and case surveys for the study of various aspects of the organizational structures; article no5 presents a longitudinal case study, spanning three years, which examined decision processes. The five articles explore the following topics: (no1) the design thinking approach to projects and actors’ dynamic behavior ; (no2) the informality of communications and coordination ; (no3) contingency factors that influence the « structuring » of the temporary multiorganization – TMO;  (no4) the typologies of the TMO, and ; (no5) the study of iterative processes and their influence on organizational structures. Seven results validate sub-hypotheses that state that: a process of «self-organization » generates transformations – organizational and processual – linked to the specific nature of the project. Therefore, the project : (1) is conducted by both formalized and often linear management approaches as well as  iterative design process, the former being non-linear and self-organizing and responding to systemic principles ; (2) contributes to create its own processes of development, and ; (3) constitutes a contingency factor that influences the structuring of the TMO that is created to conduct the project itself. This analysis reveals the diversity and complexity of organizational processes and structures, producing a multidimensional representation of project behaviour. Three important contributions are drawn from these conclusions : (1) the frame of ontologies of the project and its underlying systemic functioning ; (2) the existence of inter-organizational work constellations and a typology of six TMO configurations, and ; (3) the statement of the « organizing  project » that, through the « self-organization » approach, « organizes » itself and the processes and organization that are created to conduct it, through actors’ multiple roles.

Institutionalising the picturesque: the discourse of the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects

Bowring, Jacky January 1997 (has links)
Despite its origins in England two hundred years ago, the picturesque continues to influence landscape architectural practice in late twentieth-century New Zealand. The evidence for this is derived from a close reading of the published discourse of the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects, particularly the now defunct professional journal, The Landscape. Through conceptualising the picturesque as a language, a model is developed which provides a framework for recording the survey results. The way in which the picturesque persists as naturalised conventions in the discourse is expressed as four landscape myths. Through extending the metaphor of language, pidgins and creoles provide an analogy for the introduction and development of the picturesque in New Zealand. Some implications for theory, practice and education follow.

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