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A psicologia analítica de Carl Gustav Jung no estudo de instituição : uma proposta teórico-metodológica / The analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung in the study of the institution : a theoretical and methodological proposalVechi, Luís Gustavo 11 April 2008 (has links)
Nesta tese, faço uma proposta teórico-metodológica para o estudo de instituição segundo a Psicologia Analítica de C. G. Jung, além de demonstrar a sua aplicação, investigando um serviço de reabilitação psicossocial pelo trabalho para usuários de serviço de saúde mental. Defendo a hipótese de que a visão holográfica do mundo, delimitada mediante a articulação entre os conceitos de psique e de unus mundus, permite definir instituição e um modo para estudá-la que é capaz de valorizar possibilidades de desenvolvimento para essa formação sociocultural e para o indivíduo que nela se insere. Como resultados principais da proposta estabelecida com este trabalho, destaco cinco eixos relacionados à sistematização conceitual e quatro ao aspecto metodológico: Quanto à organização conceitual, o primeiro eixo expõe a visão holográfica do mundo, o segundo deles se refere à individuação como auto-regulação psíquica contextualizada pela experiência subjetiva na instituição, o terceiro corresponde ao conceito de instituição enriquecido pelo de psique institucional, o quarto à auto-organização desse tipo de formação sociocultural e o quinto articula autoregulação psíquica com auto-organização institucional, com vistas a ressaltar a propriedade autopoiética apontada por essas definições. Quanto ao aspecto metodológico, o primeiro eixo corresponde ao princípio esse in anima que introduz a visão holográfica no campo prático do estudo institucional, o segundo define o registro perceptivo contido no símbolo dos sujeitos como meio para realizar esta modalidade de pesquisa, o terceiro se refere aos três níveis de leitura da hermenêutica sintéticoconstrutiva, por meio dos quais os símbolos dos indivíduos são abordados sob três ângulos diferentes. O primeiro nível valoriza no símbolo o âmbito da vivência que estaria associado ao complexo individual, o segundo aquele que estaria relacionado ao complexo institucional, enquanto o terceiro se dedica a refletir a respeito das bases arquetípicas da produção simbólica contingenciada pela vivência na instituição. O quarto, e último eixo metodológico, deriva dessa leitura sugestões para o funcionamento institucional. Com esses eixos, este trabalho abre para a pesquisa institucional a possibilidade de cogitar, em relação de complementaridade, e não isolada e unilateralmente, os aspectos \"natureza\" e \"cultura\", \"indivíduo\" e \"sociedade\", \"arquetípico\" e \"adquirido\", \"invisível\" e \"visível\", \"transcendente\" e \"empírico\", entre outros que, indissociavelmente se conjugam, na integralidade da vivência psicológica e do funcionamento da instituição. / This thesis proposes a theoretical and methodological approach to the study of institutions from the standpoint of the Analytical Psychology of Carl Gustav Jung, demonstrating its applicability in the investigation of a psychosocial work-oriented rehabilitation program for users of mental health services. It substantiates the hypothesis that the holographic vision of the world, delimited by the articulation between the concepts of psyche and unus mundus, allows a definition for institution and means of studying it which enable the valuing of developmental possibilities for this type of sociocultural organization. As a result of this academic research, five core conceptual and four methodological axes can be delineated: Regarding the conceptual framework, the first axis reveals the holographic vision of the world, the second refers to individuation as psychic self-regulation within the institution, the third corresponds to the concept of institution enriched by that of institutional psyche, the fourth to the selforganization of this type of sociocultural organization and the fifth articulates psychic self-regulation with institutional self- organization, aiming to emphasize the autopoietic properties indicated by these definitions. As to the methodological aspect, the first axis corresponds to the principle esse in anima which brings the holographic vision to the practical field of institutional study, the second defines the perception registered in the symbol of subjects as a means of carrying out this manner of research, the third refers to the three levels of synthetic and constructive hermeneutical readings, by which the symbols of individuals are studied from three different angles. The first level values in the symbol the scope of experience associated with the individual complex, the second that related to the institutional complex, while the third is dedicated to reflection on the archetypal bases of the symbolic production contingent on the institutional experience. The fourth and final methodological axis derives, from these readings, contributions for the functioning of the institution. With these core axes, this work opens for institutional research the possibility to cogitate, in a relation of complementarity, rather than isolated and unilaterally, the aspects \"nature\" and \"culture\", \"individual\" and \"society\", \"archetype\" and \"learned\", \"invisible\" and \"visible\", \"transcendent\" and \"empirical\", among others which are inextricably linked in the whole of the psychological experience and the functioning of the institution.
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Um muro para a alma: a cidade de São Paulo e suas pixações à luz da psicologia arquetípica / A wall to the soul: the city of Sao Paulo and its graffiti in the light of Archetypal PsychologyScandiucci, Guilherme 23 May 2014 (has links)
Esta tese realiza uma aproximação entre os campos individual, tradicionalmente pensado pela psicologia clínica, e coletivo, normalmente objeto da psicologia social. Partindo da psicologia analítica inaugurada por Carl Jung (1875-1961), e principalmente da psicologia arquetípica, vertente pós-junguiana cujo principal autor é James Hillman (1926-2011), chega-se a um ponto em que esta separação não se faz necessária ou produtiva para analisar o material coletado. A ideia de anima mundi (alma do mundo), de inspiração neoplatônica, e os conceitos hillmanianos de patologizar e psicologizar (ou ver através) formam a base de sustentação da presente construção. Ademais, contribuições da sociologia e da antropologia contemporâneas compuseram a estrutura necessária para sua feitura final. O objetivo da tese é analisar problemáticas da vida na cidade contemporânea, especificamente refletidas em certas intervenções urbanas de caráter transgressivo e ilegais, feitas com tinta sobre edificações variadas, conhecidas como grafite (ou graffiti) e pichação (ou pixação), muito comuns na Grande São Paulo. Foram examinadas, sobretudo, as pixações tipicamente paulistas, notórias pelo formato conhecido como tag reto. Concluiu-se que a prática da pixação, além de expressar simbolicamente a violência da vida urbana, agencia laços de amizade e convivência fundamentais para muitos jovens e adolescentes. Tais criações estão ao mesmo tempo intimamente ligadas aos polos de uma intensidade vital, de um lado, e de destruição e morte, de outro; denunciam uma faceta sombria da metrópole, sendo representações do patologizar, movimento in extremis e próprio da alma (psique). Ao marcarem o espaço, sobretudo central e mais nobre da cidade, os grupos de pixadores, quase sempre oriundos dos bairros periféricos e pobres, promovem a possibilidade de um fazer-alma desta psique coletiva. Além disso, movimentos mais recentes dentro do universo da pixação levantaram a hipótese: ao se engajarem em protestos políticos, sem deixar de lado a agressividade e a transgressão próprias da pixação, promovem a passagem do patologizar ao ver através. Deixando mensagens legíveis em locais simbólicos, os pixadores abrem uma possibilidade de diálogo entre a consciência coletiva e a psique inconsciente, trabalhando complexos culturais relevantes de São Paulo, ligados à opressão / This thesis makes a rapprochement between the individual and collective fields the former traditionally developed by Clinical Psychology, and the latter by Social Psychology. Leaning on Carl Jungs (1875-1961) Analytical Psychology and on Archetypal Psychology, post- Jungian school whose main author is James Hillman (1926-2011), the material was analyzed without such separation, considered unnecessary and unproductive for the reflections achieved here. The idea of the anima mundi, inspired by the neo-platonic tradition, and Hillmans formulations of pathologizing and psychologizing (or seeing-through) form the basis of this construction. Moreover, contributions from contemporary Sociology and Anthropology compose the necessary bricks to its final workmanship. The object of study of the thesis is life in the contemporary city, specifically reflected on some transgressive and illegal urban interventions made with inks on varied edifications, known as graffiti and pixação, very common in the Great Sao Paulo. Above all, the paulista (from Sao Paulo) pixação, was examined: notorious by its specific calligraphy, called straight tag. It was concluded that the pixação, besides expressing symbolically the violence of urban life, promotes friendship and sociability fundamental for many adolescents and young people. Such creations are at the same time intimately connected to the poles of a vital intensity, on one hand, and destruction and death, on the other hand; they denounce a shadowy side of the metropolis, being representations of the pathologizing, a in extremis movement and particular from the soul (psyche). When the pixação activists (usually poor people from the outskirts) mark the space, mainly the center of the city and its noble areas, promote the possibility of a soul-making of such collective psyche. A hypothesis was also raised: as part of the pixação writers from Sao Paulo were recently involved in political manifests, they opened themselves up to a communication with a broader collectivity (including the metropolis inhabitants that are distant from this universe), without leaving aside aggression and transgression, both proper of the pixação. This would be a passage of the psyche from pathologizing to psychologizing in the present days. When they leave legible messages in symbolical sites of the city, the activists open a possibility of a dialogue between the collective consciousness and the unconscious psyche, working on relevant cultural complexes from Sao Paulo, connected to the oppression
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A educação e o professor polivalente: considerações a partir de Carl G. Jung e Hannah Arendt / The education and the elementary school teacher: considerations based on Carl G. Jung and Hannah ArendtTargino, Renata Fernandez 06 June 2014 (has links)
A educação de crianças e jovens é um pré-requisito para a continuação do mundo humano. Sem ela, nenhuma sociedade sobreviveria a mais de uma geração. Nesse contexto, o professor ocupa um papel central, sendo um representante do mundo dos adultos frente a seus alunos. Esta pesquisa teceu um diálogo entre a Psicologia Analítica de Carl G. Jung, sobretudo em suas concepções sobre a educação e o arquétipo do Mestre-Aprendiz, e as reflexões de Hannah Arendt sobre o compromisso da escola com o mundo público. A partir da aproximação entre estes dois autores, buscou-se ampliar a compreensão de como os professores polivalentes significam a própria experiência docente atualmente e como a relacionam com seu papel dentro do contexto educacional. Para tal, foram realizadas seis entrevistas semi-dirigidas com professoras do Ensino Fundamental I, sendo que cinco atuavam em escolas particulares e uma na rede pública. Além disso, no final de cada entrevista foi solicitada a elaboração de um desenho relativo à profissão. O material coletado foi agrupado e analisado sob inspiração do método de processamento simbólico. Verificamos que a educação, como toda situação típica humana, é regida por um campo simbólico: o do Mestre-Aprendiz. Nesse campo, encontramos a influência de quatro polaridades arquetípicas significativas: Curador-Ferido, Puer-Senex, Narciso-Eco e Sísifo-Criança Divina. Um dos resultados obtidos foi que algumas polaridades, embora estivessem presentes, não se mostraram tão expressivas, como por exemplo, o simbolismo de Sísifo. Os dados sugeriram que, atualmente, alguns professores polivalentes têm dificuldade em desenvolver uma persona profissional adequada, o que parece estar atrelado a uma deficiente responsabilização pelo mundo e por sua função frente às novas gerações, tal como coloca Arendt. Tal fato pode influenciar negativamente os impasses escolares atuais. Por último, inferiu-se que as professoras que conseguem transitar pelas polaridades arquetípicas presentes no campo simbólico que permeia a relação professor-aluno, tendo clara sua função de professora e seu papel dentro do contexto educacional, têm na profissão docente um elemento significativo para o próprio processo de individuação e, possivelmente contribuem de forma efetiva na criação de um espaço compartilhado propício ao aprendizado de seus alunos / Education of children and juveniles is a requirement to the human world perpetuation as it is. Without it, societies would find a hard time getting to the next generation. In that scenario, the role of the teacher is central, being a representative of all adult inhabitants. This research draws a dialog between Carl G. Jung´s Analytical Psychology, especially his understanding of education and the Master-Apprentice archetype, and Hannah Arendt´s reflections over the school´s compromise due to the world. By dragging theses authors together, seeks to understand how elementary school teachers give meaning to their very own experience nowadays and how they relate to the educational sphere. A total of six semi-structured interviews were made to Elementary School female teachers, being one of them from the public system. At the end of these interviews they were asked to draw something related to their profession. All data was analyzed using symbolic interaction approach. We noticed that education, as with other typical human situations, is conducted by a symbolic field: the Master-Apprentice. Moreover, we found four distinct archetypal polarities: Wounded-Healer, Puer-Senex, Narcissus-Echo and Sisyphus-Divine child. However, the importance of these polarities differs significantly; for example, Sisyphus symbolism is not so decisive. Data suggests that elementary school teachers are having difficulties to develop the right persona on work, which might be related their lacking of responsibility with the world and with the future generation, as Arendt pointed out. That alone might have negative impact on modern schools challenges. In addition, our research also observed that some teachers are able to move along the different polarities of the symbolic field of teacher-students relations, clearly understanding of their role in educational system, they find in their career impactful points on their own individuation, and they might create a proper learning-environment to their students
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Hannah Arend, les jusristes et le concept de totalitarisme / Hannah Arendt, the lawers and the totalitarianism conceptSchulze, Sophie 22 December 2017 (has links)
Le concept de totalitarisme élaboré par Hannah Arendt à partir de 1951 est aujourd'hui une référence incontournable. Son examen critique, ici proposé, commence par resituer cette théorie arendtienne dans l'histoire des idées juridiques. Ce faisant, il apparaît que non seulement la terminologie, mais également une partie des arguments et des conclusions de la philosophe ont été élaborés dès les années 1920 par la doctrine juridique, aussi bien anti- que pro-totalitaire.Dans un second temps, la théorie du droit, qui a nourri les réflexions de Hannah Arendt, est utilisé comme un instrument pour la critique. En particulier, la thèse la plus polémique défendue par la philosophe - à savoir qu'il n'y eut que deux régimes totalitaires, l'Allemagne nazie et l'Union soviétique – ne résiste guère à l'examen juridique et théorique.À travers ce dialogue historique et critique entre le droit et la philosophie, cette thèse interroge l'idée d'un droit totalitaire, qu'il s'agisse de sa nature, de ses conditions de possibilité ou de sa distinction avec l'Etat de droit. / The concept of totalitarianism developed by Hannah Arendt from 1951 is a major reference today. Its critical review, proposed here, begins by re-placing this arendtian theory in the history of legal ideas. In doing so, it appears that not only the terminology, but also some of the arguments and conclusions of the philosopher were developed from the 1920's by the theory of law, anti- and pro-totalitarian as well.In a second step, the theory of law, which nourished Hannah Arendt's reflections, is used as an instrument for criticism. In particular, the most controversial thesis defended by the philosopher - namely, that there were only two totalitarian regimes, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union - can hardly withstand a legal and theoretical scrutiny.Through this historical and critical dialogue between law and philosophy, this thesis questions the idea of a totalitarian law, its nature, its conditions of possibility and its distinction with the rule of law.
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[pt] Esta dissertação tem como escopo a interpretação da obra
jurídico-política de Jürgen Habermas à luz dos problemas e
desafios formulados por Carl Schmitt. A hipótese inicial,
confirmada ao longo da exposição, versa sobre o caráter de
modelo negativo que a obra weimariana de Schmitt adquiriu
para Habermas. Trata-se de um trabalho que se propõe a
ocupar a intercessão entre a teoria política e a filosofia
do direito. O pensamento do político e das condições
normativas da democracia articula-se com um determinado
conceito de filosofia do direito - enquanto pensamento que
não admite o esquecimento da questão da legitimidade do
direito. Atua, ainda, num registro marcadamente
contemporâneo. São as exigências, os problemas, as crises do
mundo de hoje que norteiam as leituras de Schmitt, a
compreensão da experiência de Weimar e dos elementos
fundamentais da obra de Habermas nos anos 90. / [en] This research aims to interpret the legal-political work of
Jürgen Habermas in light of the problems and challenges
indicated by Carl Schmitt. Initial hypothesis, confirmed
later, affirms that Schmitt s Weimar work has a negative
model function in the Habermasian theoretical perspective.
The present work places itself in the interdisciplinary
field of philosophy of law and political theory. The
thought of the political and the normative conditions of
democracy interweave into a certain concept of philosophy
of law - as a thought that does not allow itself to forget
the issue of legal legitimacy. It works yet in the
contemporary register. Requirements, problems and crises of
the current world are those which guide the readings of
Schmitt, the comprehension of the Weimar experience, and of
the fundamental elements of the work of Habermas in the
90 s.
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Äventyrets tid : den sociala äventyrsromanen i Sverige 1841-1859Öhman, Anders January 1990 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the social-adventure novel which was popular in the 1840s and early 1850s in Sweden. In contrast to literary critics who have tended to regard the thrilling plot of the genre as merely a way of creating effects, I try to analyze the plot as a bearer of both meaning and ideology. Inspired by the Russian scholar Mikhail Bakhtin, I define the plot in the genre as an adventure-plot, with links back to the novel of Antiquity. In an introductory chapter I discuss theories of genres which resembles the social- adventure novel. I conclude the chapter with a brief discussion of the differences between the adventure novel and the biographical novel. In chapter 2 I look into the reception of the social-adventure novel by contemporary critics. In the first case-study, I examine Samvetet eller Stockholms mysterier, 1850, (The Conscience or the Mysteries of Stockholm), by C. F. Ridderstad. By means of the adventure-plot we are introduced to everyday life in Stockholm in the middle of the century. But the adventure-plot also had other possibilities. It could be used to examine the various competitive moral and ideological views that were current at the time. In the second case-study, I analyze a variant of the social-adventure novel which deals with the development of the individual. The need to examine ideology and its values is essential in the historical-adventure novel. This case-study contains readings of novels by Ridderstad, J. A. Kiellman- Göranson and C. J. L. Almqvist. The function of the plot in the historical-adventure novel is to test the "natural" qualities of the heroes; to examine the ideology of the villain; and finally to claim that history in the end depends upon the (im) moral actions of the individual. This is created through the mixture in the novels of historical time and adventure-time. The thesis ends with an analysis of a novel by Viktor Rydberg, Den siste athenaren, 1859, (The Last Athenian). In this novel there is also an adventure plot, but no ad- venture-time. The reason for this is that Rydberg only uses the adventure plot for his own monologic view of history and the destiny of mankind. Rydberg's novel marks an ending. It stands as the final expression of that period which began in the 1830s, in which the novel emerged as a leading genre in Swedish literature. / <p>Diss. Umeå : Umeå universitet, 1990</p> / digitalisering@umu
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Mediebildt : En kritisk diskursanalys av Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladets rapportering om Carl Bildt kring fallet etiopiensvenskarnaStamenkovic, Aleksandar, Dahlin, Alfred January 2012 (has links)
Det som studeras i denna undersökning är hur morgontidningarna Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet beskrev utrikesminister Carl Bildt kopplat till de fängslade journalisterna Martin Schibbye och Johan Persson. Syftet med undersökningen är att identifiera morgontidningarnas diskurs om Carl Bildt i de olika faserna av rapporteringen kring de fängslade svenskarna journalisterna Martin Schibbye och Johan Persson. Detta kommer att undersökas via en kritisk diskursanalys där vi kronologiskt går igenom morgontidningarnas rapportering av Bildt kopplat till Schibbye och Persson från att de fängslades till tiden efter då de var fria. Som delsyfte vill vi granska och diskutera de resultat vi kommer fram till i diskursanalysen. Detta görs för att kunna presentera och kartlägga hur de eventuellt olika diskurserna skiljer sig. Utifrån syftet och delsyftet kommer vi undersöka följande frågeställningar: Hur såg den dominerande bilden och rapporteringen om Bildt ut före respektive efter journalisternas frigivning? Samt: Skiljde sig morgontidningarnas rapportering om Bildt före respektive journalisternas frigivning, i så fall hur?Det vi kom fram till i undersökningen var att diskursen om Bildt vände i samma stund som förutsättningarna för Schibbye och Persson vände då de frigavs. Diskursen gick från negativ till positiv när fakta om Bildt och hans insats kunde utvärderas i retrospekt. Vår huvudsakliga slutsats är att Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet i detta fall fokuserade mer på det sensationella och skandalösa nyheterna om Bildt, snarare än att vara en neutral och objektiv informationskälla. / This study is covering the reports on the Swedish minister of foreign affairs Carl Bildt in the Swedish morning newspaper Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet regarding the imprisoned journalists Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson. The purpose with this thesis is to identify the discourse in these two morning newspapers about Carl Bildt in the different phases of the reports regarding the journalists Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson. This will be studied throughout a critical discourse analysis. We will cover the reports in chronological order from the date the journalists were caught to when they were free. An extension of the purpose in this study is to inspect and discuss our results. This will be done in order to see and clarify how the discourse found in the results is different from each other. This purpose is leading us to the questions: What was the dominant picture in the reporting about Carl Bildt in the different phases of the case with the imprisoned journalists? And: Did the reporting on Bildt differ from the phase before the journalists release to the phase after the release, in that case how?The main result of this study is that the discourse regarding Bildt changed the same time the conditions of Schibbye and Persson changed. The discourse went from negative to positive when facts about Bildt and his mission came to light. Our main conclusion is that these two morning newspapers in this case was focusing on the sensational and scandalous news about Bildt rather than being a neutral and objective source of information.
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Konzeptgeschichte des Morbus Wilson im deutschen SprachraumBoide, Philipp 12 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit geht der offenbar bisher kaum bearbeiteten Ideengeschichte von Kinnier Wilsons hepatolentikulärer Degeneration und Carl Westphals Pseudosklerose in der deutschsprachigen Literatur von der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis in die Gegenwart nach. Als Beispiel zeigt sie eindrücklich, wie neurologische Krankheitslehren entstanden sind. Außerdem wird deutlich, wie klinische Beschreibungen von zum Teil nur wenigen Fällen sukzessive in nosologische Diagnosen mit anerkannten Therapiemaßnahmen mündeten und schließlich die für die Krankheit verantwortlichen Genloki identifiziert werden konnten. Im deutschen Sprachraum herrschte Uneinigkeit darüber, ob eine von Westphal 1883 beschriebene Krankheit deckungsgleich mit der von Wilson beschriebenen und später nach ihm benannten Entität sei. Dieser Artikel führt u. a. anhand von Arbeiten von Adolf Strümpell, Alois Alzheimer, August Bostroem oder Walther Spielmeyer die wesentlichen Beiträge auf dem Weg des Erkenntnisgewinns vor Augen und wendet sich der Frage nach der Einheit beider Krankheiten zu. Für die Entwicklung der Therapie und deren Einsatz in der klinischen Praxis gewann ab 1970 in Ostdeutschland die Leipziger „Zentralstelle für Morbus Wilson“ für das Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR Bedeutung, deren Arbeit und Erfahrungen schließlich auch in die aktuellen „Leitlinien der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie“ (2008) über die Behandlung des M. Wilson eingeflossen sind
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"Geliebter Leser!" - Anmerkungen zur Carl Cünther LudoviciSchneider, Ulrich Johannes 19 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Es muß eine Begegnung des Leipziger Philosophieprofessors Ludovici ( 1707-1778) mit dem fast gleichaltrigen Verleger Johann Heinrich Zedler (1706-1751) gegeben haben, vermutlich im Jahre 1737. Für Zedler war diese Begegnung ein Moment in der Beilegung einer Krise, in welche ihn das Mammutuntemehmen seines Großen vollständigen Universal-Lexicon gebracht hatte. Zedler konnte Ludovici als Redakteur seines Lexikons gewinnen. Ludovicis Herausgeberscbaft war für Zedler ein Gewinn und sicherte das geordnete Erscheinen der restlichen fast 50 Bände bis zum Ende des Alphabets 1750 und darüberhinaus bis zum Ende der Supplementbände 1754. Was aber bedeutete die Herausgebertätigkeit für Ludovici? Was konnte einen philosophischen Freund von Leibniz und Wolff an der Tätigkeit eines Lexikographen reizen?
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"Strunt alt hvad du orerar" : Carl Michael Bellman, ordensretoriken och Bacchi OrdenLind, Peter January 2014 (has links)
The 1760's and 1770's saw the emergence of numerous clubs, orders and societies in Stockholm. One of the most extraordinary expressions of this phenomenon was Carl Michael Bellman's Bacchi Orden, a series of semi-public dramatic entertainments chronicling the exploits of the members of Bacchi Orden, a fictional society enrolling several of Stockholm's most notorious drunkards and dedicated to the celebration of Bacchus. Bellman's parodic perspective stands in marked contrast to the self-professed virtuous undertakings of Stockholm's contemporary clubs and orders, whose members were recruited from the social and economic elites and professional and artisanal classes. The main purpose of the dissertation was to study the ceremonial rhetorical practices of Bacchi Orden - speeches, processions and other features designed to enhance the members' loyalty to the society's chosen ideal - and compare them to similar rhetorical traits in several orders and societies of the era in Stockholm to understand what made Bellman's parody work as an entertainment. The dissertation consists of three chapters. The first chapter introduces Bacchi Orden as a parodic and dramatic work and the eighteenth-century associations as cultural and social institutions. The second chapter outlines the use of ceremonial rhetoric in a number of orders and societies in Stockholm contemporary with Bacchi Orden. Through a combined chronological and thematic approach, the third chapter examines recurring rhetorical patterns in Bellman's parody and the rhetorical implications these patterns might have signaled to his audicence. The ceremonial rhetorical practices of Bacchi Orden may be interpreted as parodying rhetorical commonplaces occuring in all the examined orders' pledges to uphold certain virtues for the benefit of the Swedish nation. This system of virtues - with moderation, patriotism and diligence as cornerstones - is put to parodic use in Bacchi Orden through the different breaches of decorum Bellman allows his characters to act out in their doomed endeavors to combine ceremonial protocol and severe intoxication. As a contrast, friendly and frank companionship among the selected few is the one positive virtue that Bellman's audience can infer from his mock-society. This particular tenet became central to subsequent social clubs, which used Bellman's fiction as a template for their ceremonies.
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