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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O centro de Santos: intervenções, legislação e projetos / The Santos city center: interventions, law and projects

André da Rocha Santos 05 May 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação aborda o processo de revitalização do Centro de Santos em curso desde fins da década de 1980 até o presente. Ela está dividida em cinco capítulos. O primeiro busca enfocar aspectos relevantes do referencial teórico sobre intervenções do Poder Público em áreas centrais nos períodos Moderno e Contemporâneo e as aproximações possíveis com o Centro de Santos. No capítulo seguinte pretende-se investigar o crescimento e o apogeu dessa área, com a expansão do porto e as riquezas advindas com o comércio do café. O terceiro capítulo trata da decadência do Centro com a evasão das camadas de alta renda e a precariedade habitacional. O quarto capítulo analisa o processo de revitalização, considerando a questão da legislação, das intervenções e dos projetos para a área, sobretudo no período compreendido pelas duas administrações do PT (1989-1992; 1993-1996). O quinto capítulo continua essa analise para as administrações seguintes, de orientação política antagônica, do antigo PPB (1997-2000; 2001-2004). Por fim, a conclusão avalia o processo de ascensão e declínio do Centro de Santos e as mudanças havidas em relação à política de planejamento urbano para essa área no contexto contemporâneo. / This dissertation evaluates the process of urban revitalization of Santos City Center in course since the late 1980s. It is divided in five chapters. The first analyses the changes in the theory of central area public intervention from Modern to Contemporary periods and defines Santos Historical Center as the case study. The following chapter investigates the growth and the apogee of this area with the port expansion and the resulting wealth with coffee commerce. The third chapter deals with the City Center decay with the evasion of high-income strata and the resulting housing precariousness. The fourth chapter analyzes the law, the interventions and the projects referring to the area, over the period of two PT offices (1989-1992; 1993-1996). The fifth chapter continues these analyses during the old PPB offices (1997-2000; 2001-2004) with an opposite political view. Finally, the conclusion evaluates the process of growth and decline of Santos City Center and the changes in relation to urban planning policies for this area in the present context.

A popularização do centro de São Paulo: um estudo de transformações ocorridas nos últimos 20 anos / Popularization of São Paulo city center: a case study of transformations occurred in the last 20 years

Beatriz Kara José 19 November 2010 (has links)
O trabalho procura identificar transformações ocorridas no Centro de São Paulo a partir do início dos anos 90 até a atualidade. O território do Centro chega à década de 90 carregado de complexidades sociais, divulgadas, ideologicamente, como degradação. Ao mesmo tempo em que se situa entre os principais polos de empregos do Município, concentra um grande número de imóveis vazios e espaços públicos em mal estado de conservação. Neste contexto, foi criado o discurso de revitalização da região, que passou a permear a esfera pública e fundamentar uma série de ações pulverizadas do poder público. Visto sob o ângulo dos pressupostos deste discurso, poucas mudanças ocorreram nos últimos vinte anos. Visto por outro ângulo, entretanto, muito mudou e vem mudando. Para identificar o que está acontecendo no Centro de São Paulo entre os anos 1990 e 2000, a pesquisa investigou o perfil da população atualmente residente e dos usos do solo; os postos de empregos concentrados na Região Central; as principais políticas públicas implantadas a partir da década de 90 e as principais mudanças ocorridas no ambiente construído durante o período estudado. Como caminhos para investigação de tais mudanças, a pesquisa adotou duas frentes: a análise da dinâmica de ocupação dos edifícios de escritórios, tendo em vista tratar-se da tipologia com maiores percentagens de vacância; e a análise de empreendimentos privados de reforma de edifícios verticais residenciais. / This work seeks to identify transformations occurred in São Paulo city center from the early 90s until today. In the 90s, the city center territory is fraught with social complexities, ideologically publicized as degradation. While on the one hand it is located between São Paulos main employment hubs, it concentrates a large number of vacant properties and public spaces in poor maintenance conditions. In this context, the speech on revitalization of the area was created, began to permeate the public sphere and support a series of random actions by the government. From the perspective of the assumptions of this speech, few changes occurred in the last twenty years. However, seen from another angle, much has changed and has been changing. In order to identify what happened in São Paulo city center between 1990 and 2000, this research investigated the profile of the current resident population and land use; employment positions concentrated in the central area; main public policies implemented from the 90s and major changes that occurred in the built environment during the period studied. As avenues for investigation of such changes, the research adopted two fronts: the analysis of office buildings occupation dynamics, considering that this is the typology with the highest vacancy rates; and the analysis of private development projects of renovation of vertical residential buildings.

Increasing Walkability Capacity Of Historic City Centers: The Case Of Mersin

Belge, Zuleyha Sara 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Sustainability, livability and quality of life have become widely and in-depth discussed issues in the literature of urban zlanning and design. This study primarily aims to investigate the concept of walkability as a part of the literature on livability. To draw a wider theoretical framework for this study, it first seeks to answer the questions of what the terms of &lsquo / livability&rsquo / and &lsquo / quality of life&rsquo / mean, and what components they constitute. Then, it focuses on the concept of &lsquo / walkability&rsquo / as one of the major components of these terms and as a measurable notion in urban design. Thus, this research seeks to define the notion of &lsquo / walkability&rsquo / and to identify a set of measures of walkability in public spaces to be used for the assessment of the &lsquo / walkability capacity&rsquo / of urban space. It should be noted that this research particularly tries to use the indicators of walkability which can directly impact on the design quality of urban space. Third, this research focuses on Mersin historic city center which has been in the process of deterioration for a while due to various current urban policies and strategies. As the case studies, it examines Uray and Atat&uuml / rk Streets which constitute the major thoroughfares of the historic city center by using the set of walkability measures. It investigates the walkability quality of four different character zones of Uray and Atat&uuml / rk Streets, and identifies their walkability capacities, problems and potentials. Finally, it suggests the policy and practical solutions on the design of these public spaces that will not only improve the walkability capacity of these streets, but also be helpful for the revitalization of the historic city center.

Köpcentrum - Ett framtida multikoncept : Varumärkesbyggande med hjälp av sinnen och upplevelser

Bramford, Sofie, Sundström, Jessica January 2014 (has links)
Forskningsfråga:  Vad kan komma att karaktärisera köpcentrum i framtiden? Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att med avseende på såväl nutid som framtid analysera på vilket sätt arbetet inom köpcentrum är inriktat för att stärka varumärket, klargöra sinnenas betydelse för köpcentrum och tydliggöra hur köpcentrum förhåller sig till konkurrensen från olika typer av handelsplatser. Metod: I denna uppsats har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod antagits. Uppsatsen har en abduktiv ansats. Vi har intervjuat sex personer med anknytning till ämnet. Urvalet var ett såkallat bekvämlighetsurval och intervjuerna semistrukturerade. Resultat, slutsatser: Det första syftet besvarades med hjälp av att presentera hur varumärkesbyggandet ser ut för köpcentrum och andra viktiga aspekter till detta. Tydligt är att butiksmixen är av stor betydelse och att köpcentrets identitet stärks genom denna. I övrigt stärks varumärket med hjälp av så väl upplevelser som sinnesmarknadsföring. Sinnenas betydelse för köpcentrum är stor, framförallt i form av synen och färger. Även hörsel spelar stor roll. Vi fann även att det var viktigt med en varsamhet när det kommer till sinnen, att inte stimulera sinnen alltför extremt. I framtiden finns det stor potential för användandet av sinnemarknadsföring, framförallt för att sticka ut på marknaden. Vem som är konkurrenten till köpcentrum beror mycket på vad som finns i närområdet och vad kunden efterfrågar. Det är viktigt att ta vara på de konkurrensfördelar som finns men även att ta till sig av andras konkurrensfördelar då dessa kan vara viktiga även för köpcentrum. Vår forskningsfråga besvarades främst genom multikoncept, att köpcentrum i framtiden kommer att karaktäriseras av att erbjuda allt från läkare till bilmekaniker, det ska vara effektivt. / Shopping centers are not a new phenomenon; even ancient Rome had their shopping centers. Today, the market for shopping centers is larger than ever before and it is constantly growing. In the last couple of years a new competitor emerged on the market, e-commerce. It has been called a threat to shopping centers but could it also be a possibility? During our studies at Linnaeus University we have learned about sensory marketing, customer experiences and branding as a way of distinguishing oneself at the market. Therefore these subjects have become a focus of the thesis. Furthermore, since the establishing process for shopping centers are between six and seven years we have adopted a futuristic perspective. The purpose of the study is to examine and analyze the branding process, the importance of the senses and the competition of shopping centers. The research has a qualitative approach in order to create greater understanding of the subject. Six interviews were conducted with people with knowledge of the subject. The result of the study is mainly focused upon shopping centers becoming multi-concepts in the future, where everything from doctors to grocery stores and auto mechanics can be found.

Tecendo a rede: uma etnografia de moradores(as) e comerciantes no centro de São Paulo entre práticas e discursos de requalificação / Network weaving: an ethnography of residents and merchants in downtown Sao Paulo between speeches and requalification practices

Bianca Barbosa Chizzolini 06 December 2013 (has links)
Este estudo antropológico analisa grupos de estratos médios que participam de algumas Ações Locais e do CONSEG-Centro, e estão envolvidos em discursos e práticas de \"requalificação urbana\" da região central de São Paulo. As Ações Locais são compostas por moradores(as) e comerciantes que representam uma rua ou microrregião do Centro, e visam envolver a comunidade no levantamento dos problemas existentes na região e encaminhá-los aos órgãos responsáveis. O Conselho Comunitário de Segurança é uma entidade estadual composta pela sociedade civil, policiais e demais representantes do poder público e tem por finalidade aproximar esses setores para a discussão de temas relativos à segurança pública. Outra frente analisada foi a Caminhada Noturna, uma atividade gratuita de passeios durante a noite pela região central desenvolvida por uma Ação Local com o intuito de apresentar o Centro sob óticas diversas. O estudo simultâneo dessas três frentes de pesquisa objetivou entender as maneiras como essas pessoas articulam redes de agentes envolvidos(as) no debate de recuperação da região central da cidade, e como agenciam seus contatos entre si e com o poder público para concretizar suas demandas. A abordagem de redes desenvolvida mapeou os valores veiculados pelos(as) agentes, os incômodos associados ao espaço, as controvérsias internas e, em que medida, por meio de suas ações, eles(as) apontam certo tipo de uso do espaço que esperam encontrar na região. / This anthropological study analyzes middle class groups that participate of Ações Locais [Local Actions] and CONSEG-Centro [Downtown Community Safety Council], which are involved in speeches and urban requalification practices downtown Sao Paulo. These Local Actions, consisting of residents and merchants who represent a city center street or micro region, aim at involving the community in surveying and referring that regions problems to government agencies. The Community Safety Council is a state organ including civil society, police officers and other public authorities, focused in making a connection between these sectors to discuss public security issues. This study also analyzed Caminhada Noturna [Night Walk], a free activity that promotes a tour through city center at night, created by a Local Action to present the place in different points of view. The simultaneous study of these three initiatives wants to understand in which ways these people articulate agents networks involved in the debate of recovering the city center, and how they build dialogues between themselves and public power to reach their goals. The studys network approach mapped values conveyed by agents, disturbs associated to public space, internal controversies, and to what extent, through their actions, they point to a kind of public space usage they hope to see in that place.

Vývoj nové výstavby kancelářských prostor v Praze po roce 1989 / The office spaces development in Prague after 1989

Císař, Milan January 2006 (has links)
In the nineties of the twentieth century the Prague office space market looked totally different from its current situation. The demand significantly exceeded the supply on the market and there was an entire lack of high-quality office places, which were built mostly in the city centre. There were predominating small projects of office and residential reconstructions which were limited by historical monument regulation and lack of space in the city centre. As of now the supply is prevailing on the Prague office space market and the situation for developers and tenants has totally changed. The competition of developers has rapidly increased and further increase is expectable. The development of new office buildings has moved from the city centre to the inner and outer city and the developers have focused on the multifunctional complexes, conversion of brownfields and construction of large city districts instead of separate office buildings. Prague office development is comparable with the development in Budapest and Warsaw. Commercialization of the city centre and suburbanization is even typical for all four capital cities in Central and Eastern Europe.

Förändrade konsumtionsmönster i Karlstadscentrum under covid-19 : En studie om e-handelns påverkan på handeln i Karlstads stadskärna samt hur covid-19 påverkat människors konsumtionsmönster i Karlstad / Changed consumption patterns in the center of Karlstad during covid-19 : A study of the impact of e-commerce on the retail industry in Karlstad's city center and how people's consumption patterns has been affected during the pandemic in Karlstad

Erwin Krystian, Jagiello, Rebecca, Gidlöf January 2021 (has links)
This essay aimed to investigate whether increased e-commerce during the current pandemic (covid19), could constitute a threat towards the retail industry in the city center of Karlstad. The study's main question reads as follows: Has the retail in the city center of Karlstad lost visitors to e-commerce since the outbreak of the pandemic? The study is based on research regarding changes in consumption patterns in relation to increased e-commerce, as well as time-geographical action theory that explains how the individual's actions are affected as a result of prevailing social and societal norms. This has explained why the individual's consumption patterns can change under extreme conditions such as the Corona pandemic, when social norms also change. The study is also based on research that concerns urban ideals and the Central place theory. The method used in the study is a quantitative questionnaire study, which was used to answer the study's purpose and main question. The result presents bar charts to clearly illustrate to the reader the answers that emerged in the study.Finally, the study concluded that the majority of respondents have both used e-commerce and avoided shopping in the city center of Karlstad to a greater extent since the pandemic broke out. This could be interpreted as the center trade in Karlstad has lost visitors to e-commerce since the outbreak of the pandemic.

Centro de Interpretación de la Cultura Cusqueña / Cusco's Culture Interpretation Centre

Loza Villavicencio, Lourdes Emperatriz 29 June 2020 (has links)
Un Centro de Interpretación de Cultura es aquel equipamiento arquitectónico que promueve la investigación, conservación, divulgación y puesta en valor del objeto que lo constituye mediante la revelación del significado del legado cultural o histórico a través de la interacción del público con la información expuesta en cada ambiente que lo conforme. Mediante el presente proyecto de tesis se presenta la propuesta del Primer Centro de Interpretación de la Cultura Cusqueña, proyecto que nace de un previo análisis de la problemática y la fijación de objetivos, y del estudio del lugar donde este se emplazará, para lo que se buscaron referentes existentes a nivel mundial y nacional. Posteriormente, se procederá con el análisis técnico del lote, y con la programación arquitectónica del proyecto. / A Cultural Interpretation Center is an architectural equipment that promotes the research, conservation, diffusion and valuing of the object that composes it by the revelation of the cultural or historical legacy meaning from the interaction between the public and the information that each room provides. This thesis project presents the proposal of the First Cusco’s Cultural Interpretation Center, the project was born of the problem analysis and the goal setting and the study of the possible project location which was achieved by the study of the global and national references, to continue with the technical analysis of the area and the architectural program of the Project. / Tesis

Urbanistické řešení nábřeží řeky Jihlavy v Třebíči / Urban design of waterfront in Třebíč

Jindra, Viktor January 2014 (has links)
Master’s thesis focuses on urban design of Jihlava river waterfront in Třebíč, its connection to the city center and urban renewal of Stařečka, former historic settlement, partially demolished in the 80s. The goal is to integrate given area into the city center and revive the waterfront as a functional public space.

De osynliga parkeringsautomaterna : En studie om orienterbarhet i en innerstadsmiljö

Lundén, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet handlar om hur man med hjälp av ett skyltsystem på tre nivåskillnader, i ögonhöjd, på marknivå och på en förhöjd nivå kan underlätta navigeringen till parkeringsautomater i Stockholms innerstad. Denna studie är skriven inom ämnet Informationsdesign med inriktning mot Rumslig gestaltning. Förstagångsbesökares svårighet med att hitta till parkeringsautomater är det praktiska problem som legat till grund för detta arbete. De metoder som använts i denna studie är rumslig analys, innefattande observation samt platsanalys. Även benchmarking, kundresa, intervju, surveyundersökning samt användartest har använts för empirisk datainsamling. Studien har resulterat i ett designförslag som har i syfte att underlätta besökarnas navigering från det att de har parkerat sitt fordon till att de nått parkeringsautomaten. Detta ska medföra att färre kommer bli försenade eller missa sådant som de planerat och på så sätt kommer det även minska stressnivån för samtliga. Stressen som uppstår när en känner sig vilse ska alltså minimeras med hjälp av mitt skyltsystem. / This thesis is about how a three-level sign system; at eye level, at ground level and at an elevated level, can facilitate navigation to parking meters in Stockholm's inner city. This study is written in the field of Information Design with specialization in Spatial Design. The first-time visitor’s difficulty in finding parking meters is the practical problem that underlies this work. The methods used are spatial analysis, including observation as well as site analysis. Benchmarking, customer experience audit, interview, survey and user tests have also been used for empirical data collection. The study has resulted in a design proposal aimed at facilitating visitor’s navigation from the time they have parked their car until they have reached the parking meter. Stress that occurs when one feels lost in a city environment should be minimized with the help of my design proposal. This will result in fewer missed plans for the visitors and an overall better experience of paying for your parking in Stockholm’s inner city.

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