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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Comparative Study to Examine the Feasibility and Climate Benefits of Transporting Mycronic´s Products Using More Sustainable Transport Solutions

Shah, Amey January 2022 (has links)
As per the Paris agreement in 2015, 190 nations have joined the cause to cut the Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To limit global warming, the aim is to reduce the global emissions to half by 2030 compared to 2012 and reach net zero by 2050. The transportation industry can play a big role to achieve this target. The freight transportation sector need to reduce the emissions by 20% (5.7 Gt) by 2030 compared to 2020 (7.2Gt) in order to reach the Net Zero Emissions goal by 2050[1]. At Mycronic group, freight transportation operations generate the third largest GHG and CO2 emissions after customer use of products and Material use. Most of the in-bound and out-bound deliveries are carried out by air freight. Air freight creates the highest emissions out of all the freight transport systems. To reduce the use of air freight and meet the requirements of global agreement, Mycronic group aims to deliver products in more sustainable and effective ways. Hence, this study aims to find less carbon-intensive shipping solutions for outbound deliveries of Mycronic products. A comparative study of current freight logistics system and a more sustainable system has been carried for one of the Mycronic AB divisions’ products and specific to outbound deliveries from Sweden to USA. Study of future trends of freight transport system in terms of sustainability with respect to upcoming technology, policies and initiatives have been carried out. For the calculation of emissions, a third-party proprietary software was used to analyse and compare the sustainable solutions. Product forecasting and the making of a tCO2e calculation sheet for salespeople were also carried out as support for the company to implement the suggested solution.Shipping of products through waterways is much more sustainable compared to other transport modes and that it should therefore be adopted more often to deliver products. A multi-modal transport system, including shipping by sea freight and further combined by road or rail freight found to be the most efficient solution to reduce the emissions. To adopt this solution, the main challenges appeared are the client acceptance for longer lead times and organizational behaviour change within Mycronic group. The technical requirements of the product analysed in this study did not prove to be an issue for transporting the product by waterways. / I enlighet med Parisavtalet 2015 har 190 länder anslutit sig till målet att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser (GHG). För att begränsa den globala uppvärmningen är målet att halvera de globala utsläppen till 2030 jämfört med 2012 och att nå nettonoll till 2050. Transportbranschen kan spela en stor roll för att uppnå detta mål. Godstransportsektorn behöver minska utsläppen med 20 % (5,7 Gt) till 2030 jämfört med 2020 (7,2 Gt) för att nå målet om nettonollutsläpp till 2050[1].På Mycronic group genererar godstransportverksamheten de tredje största utsläppen av växthusgaser och koldioxid efter kundernas användning av produkter och materialanvändning. De flesta inkommande och utgående leveranser sker med flygfrakt. Flygfrakt skapar de högsta utsläppen av alla frakttransportsystem. För att minska användningen av flygfrakt och uppfylla kraven i det globala avtalet strävar Mycronic Group efter att leverera produkter på ett mer hållbart och effektivt sätt. Syftet med den här studien är därför att hitta mindre koldioxidintensiva fraktlösningar för utgående leveranser av Mycronics produkter. En jämförande studie av nuvarande fraktlogistiksystem och ett mer hållbart system har genomförts för en av Mycronic AB:s divisioners produkter och specifikt för utgående leveranser från Sverige till USA. En studie av framtida trender för godstransportsystem i fråga om hållbarhet med hänsyn till kommande teknik, politik och initiativ har genomförts. För beräkning av utsläpp har en tredjeparts programvara använts för att analysera och jämföra de hållbara lösningarna. Produktprognoser och utarbetande av ett kalkylblad för tCO2e-beräkningar för säljare genomfördes också som stöd för företaget att genomföra den föreslagna lösningen.Transport av produkter via vattenvägar är mycket mer hållbart jämfört med andra transportsätt och bör därför användas oftare för att leverera produkter. Ett multimodalt transportsystem, med sjötransport och kombinerad transport på väg eller järnväg, visade sig vara den mest effektiva lösningen för att minska utsläppen. De största utmaningarna för att införa denna lösning är kundernas acceptans för längre ledtider och en förändring av det organisatoriska beteendet inom Mycronic-koncernen. De tekniska kraven på den produkt som analyserades i denna studie visade sig inte vara något problem för transport av produkten på vattenvägar.

Dimensionering av solceller med lagringsalternativ

Ahlström, Jonatan, Berntsson, Emil January 2024 (has links)
Detta arbete undersöker alternativ för solcellsanläggningar för fyra flerbostadshus som ägs av Eksta Bostads AB och ligger i Åsa i-, Kungsbacka kommun. Målet med rapporten är att hitta en anläggning som är lämplig för bostäderna och för området. Det som ska undersökas är den ekonomiska aspekten, hur anläggningen påverkar miljön samt hitta lösningar för lagringsalternativ för den överskottsel som produceras. För att komma fram till detta undersöks olika delar av en solcellsanläggning för att kunna välja olika storlekar samt lagringsmöjligheter. Detta dimensioneras genom programmet Polysun för att få en realistisk produktion och egenanvändningsgrad. Sedan görs ekonomiska beräkningar på de olika möjligheterna för att se lönsamheten. Resultatet ger en mängd olika kombinationer som både visar produktionen och egenanvändning, samt investeringskostnaden och vinsten för anläggningarna. Samtidigt undersöks   utsläppen, estetiken och förbättringar för anläggningen. Efter alla aspekter har undersökts och beräknats väljs en anläggning som är mest lämplig för bostäderna. Den anläggning som beräknats vara mest lämplig är en anläggning med 45 solpaneler (19,8 kWp) med ett litium-jonbatteri som har en kapacitet på 20 kWh. Anläggningen har en investeringskostnad på 313 784 SEK och en elproduktion mellan 18 000 – 19 000 kWh per år beroende på hus. Egenanvändningsgraden för anläggningen är mellan 70,9–73,2% beroende på hus. Denna anläggning kan gå ge en vinst på 155 420 kr efter 25 år vid den lägsta beräknade kalkylräntan men kan också ge en förlust på 42 541 kr efter 25 år när den högsta använda kalkylräntan beräknas. / This study analyzes different options for solar panel installations for four apartment buildings owned by Eksta Bostads AB and are located in Åsa, Kungsbacka. The objective of this thesis is to find an installation suitable for the properties and the area, The aspects to be examined is the economic aspect, the environmental impact, and solutions for storage options for surplus excess electricity produced. To achieve this, various components of a solar panel are examined to decide different sizes and storage possibilities. This is dimensioned using a programme called Polysun to obtain realistic production and self-consumption rates. Economic calculations are then made for the different options to assess the profits. The result of this gives a variety of combinations that show both production and self-consumption, as well as the investment cost and profit for the installations. Simultaneously,   emissions, aesthetics and improvements for the installation are investigated. After all aspects have been explored and calculated, an installation is chosen that is most suitable for the properties. The installation deemed most suitable is one with 45 solar panels (19,8 kWp) and a lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 20 kWh. The investment cost for the facility is 313 784 SEK, and it produces between 18 000 – 19 000 kWh per year depending on the house. The self-consumption rate for the installation ranges between 70,9% and 73,2% depending in the house. This installation can return a profit of 155 420 SEK after 25 years at the lowest estimated discount rate but can also result in a loss of 42 451 SEK after 25 years at the highest discount rate used.

Control of the smoldering front temperature in a carbon- and carbonate-containing porous medium in order to limit CO2 emissions / Contrôle de la température d'un front de combustion propagé dans un milieu poreux contenant du carbone et des carbonates afin de limiter les émissions de CO2

Sennoune, Mohamed 08 November 2011 (has links)
La thèse s’intéresse au contrôle de la température d’un front de combustion propagé dans un milieu poreux contenant du carbone fixe et des carbonates (CaCO3). L’objectif principal est de réduire la température, in situ (récupération d’huile ou production de gaz à partir d’un schiste bitumineux) ou dans un procédé (combustion de semicoke), afin de limiter la décarbonatation du milieu et les émissions induites de CO2. Le milieu réactif retenu pour réaliser les expériences en laboratoire est un schiste bitumineux préalablement broyé (0.5 à 2 mm) et pré-pyrolysé, appelé semicoke. Le front est propagé en co-courant. La première technique testée expérimentalement est l’ajout au semicoke d’un matériaux inerte (sable) et/ou d’un matériaux réactif (CaCO3) afin de faire varier le taux de carbone fixe et le taux de CaCO3 et ceci indépendamment. Nous montrons que l’augmentation de CaCO3 permet de baisser la température à 800 °C, mais pas en dessous, ce qui ne permet pas d’éviter la décarbonatation. Faire chuter le contenu en carbone fixe permet de baisser la température du front, voire d’atteindre l’extinction. Aux températures de propagation les plus basses, la décarbonatation est fortement limitée. En revanche le front ralentit car il n’utilise plus tout l’oxygène alimenté. La deuxième technique originale consiste à ajouter du CO2 (20 %molaire) dans l’air de combustion. Nous montrons que dans le cas d’un front chaud, ceci permet de réduire le taux de décarbonatation de 100% à 70%, et d’augmenter en parallèle la production de CO résultant de l’oxydation du carbone fixe, ce qui augmente le PCI du gaz produit. Sur un front plus froid, la décarbonatation qui était de 20% est totalement évitée par l’ajout de CO2. Enfin, des expériences sont proposées dans le mode de combustion “reaction trailing”, très peu connu et mis en oeuvre. Ce mode a l’intérêt majeur d’éviter les réactions de “Lower Temperature Oxidation” préjudiciables au rendement en huile ou en gaz d’un process in situ. Des expériences stables et répétables sont réalisées avec différents pourcentages d’oxygène dans le gaz alimenté. La température du front est directement liée à ce paramètre ; la décarbonatation est clairement limitée dans ce mode de propagation. Deux types de modélisation sont proposés. Un bilan de matière et d’énergie basé sur des expressions analytiques simples permet d’évaluer la température du front et sa vitesse de propagation. Un modèle numérique développé par l’IMFT se base sur des équations de transfert convectif/diffusif de chaleur et de matière, couplées aux réactions d’oxydation du carbone (en CO et en CO2) et de décarbonatation de CaCO3. Il décrit de façon très satisfaisante les expériences en mode “reaction leading” avec variation de la composition du milieu (première technique). / This PhD thesis focuses on the control of the smoldering front propagating in a porous medium containing fixed carbon and carbonates (CaCO3). The main objective is to reduce the front temperature, in situ (oil recovery or gas production from oil shale) or in process (combustion of semicoke), in order to limit the medium decarbonation and the resulting CO2 emissions. The reactive porous medium retained to realize the laboratory experiments is a crushed (0.5 to 2 mm) and pre-pyrolyed oil shale, called semicoke. The front propagates in co-current. The first technique experimentally tested is the addition to the semicoke of an inert material (sand) and/or a reactive material (CaCO3) to vary the contents of fixed carbon and of CaCO3, independently. We show that the increase of the CaCO3 content enables to reduce the temperature to 800 °C, but not below; this does not allow to avoid decarbonation. Bringing down the fixed carbon content enables to reduce the front temperature, see even to reach extinction. In the lowest temperatures of propagation, the decarbonation is strongly limited. On the other hand, the front slows down because it does not use all of the fed oxygen. The second original technique consists in adding CO2 (20 mol.%) to the oxidizer air. We show that for a hot front, the decarbonated fraction is reduced from 100% down to 70%, and the CO production at fixed carbon oxidation is increased; this leads to increase the LCV of the produced gas. For a cold front, the decarbonation which was 20%, is totally avoided by adding CO2. Finely, experiments are proposed in the “reaction trailing” combustion mode, little known and implemented. This mode has the major interest to avoid the reactions of “Lower Temperature Oxidation” prejudicial for oil or gas yields in in situ process. Stable and repeatable experiments are realized with different oxygen fractions in feeding gas. The front temperature is directly linked to this parameter; the decarbonation is clearly limited in this mode of propagation. Two types of modeling are proposed. A mass and thermal balance based on simple analytical expressions enables to evaluate the front temperature and velocity. A numerical model developed by IMFT is based on convective/diffusive heat and mass transfer equations coupled with the oxidation reactions (into CO and CO2) and CaCO3 decarbonation is proposed. It describes in a very satisfactory way the experiments in the “reaction leading” mode with variation of the medium composition (first technique).

Formes urbaines et durabilité du système de transports. : Une application par les coûts de la mobilité urbaine des ménages sur l’agglomération Lyonnaise / Urban forms and sustainability of transport system. : An application to household urban mobility costs within Lyon city

Vanco, Florian 14 April 2011 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de faire ressortir et d'analyser les facteurs liés à l'organisation spatiale de la population et des activités susceptibles de produire une mobilité plus durable. Sur la base du constat que le système de transports n'est pas durable, nous effectuons une approche par les coûts de la mobilité à partir de trois indicateurs représentatifs de la durabilité de la mobilité des ménages : les coûts annuels de la mobilité urbaine des ménages, le taux d'effort annuel consacré par les ménages pour leurs dépenses de transports et leurs émissions annuelles de CO2. Le lien entre forme urbaine et mobilité n'est pas simple. Il s'agit d'un lien de réciprocité complexe à définir. Les travaux montrent que trois dimensions de l'environnement local jouent au final sur la mobilité des ménages : la densité, la diversité et l'accessibilité. La démarche consiste à confronter les facteurs supposés explicatifs des indicateurs de durabilité de la mobilité des ménages et de déterminer quelle est la part expliquée par la forme urbaine. Sur le périmètre élargi de l'enquête ménages de Lyon (2006), notre approche par les coûts de la mobilité des ménages permet une approche des inégalités sur le plan financier. Par ailleurs, une simulation sur l'évolution des prix du carburant montre que les classes moyennes seront de plus en plus concernées par l'augmentation continue des prix du pétrole à l'avenir. Afin de déterminer la part des coûts de la mobilité expliquée par la forme urbaine, nous bâtissons des modèles explicatifs au niveau du ménage en y intégrant des variables de forme urbaine et variables socio-économique du ménage. L'analyse met aussi en évidence l'influence des pôles secondaires sur la vulnérabilité des ménages et les coûts de la mobilité. Les modèles par type de ménages montrent enfin que les effets de la forme urbaine sont différenciés suivant les types de ménage. Il est également intéressant de mesurer les économies générées par des changements marginaux de forme urbaine. Nous bâtissons pour cela des modèles économétriques à un niveau plus agrégé permettant le calcul de coefficients d'élasticité. En outre nous pouvons estimer en termes économiques les gains espérés suite à des changements de forme urbaine. / The aim of this thesis is to highlight and analyze the factors related to the spatial organization of the population and the economic activities which may produce a more sustainable mobility. By considering that the transport system is not sustainable, we measure mobility costs thanks to three indicators which represent the sustainability of household mobility: the annual costs of household urban mobility, the annual effort rate devoted by households to their transportation expenditures and the annual CO2 emissions. The link between urban form and mobility is not straightforward. Actually, it is a complex reciprocal link to be defined. The literature shows that three dimensions of local environment finally influence household mobility: density, diversity and accessibility. The method consists on confronting the factors alleged to explain the indicators of the sustainability of household mobility and on determining which part is explained by urban form. On the enlarged perimeter of the household travel survey of Lyon (2006), our approach based on household mobility costs enables, moreover, an approach to financial inequalities and introducing the notion of household vulnerability facing their transportation costs. In order to determine the share of mobility costs explained by urban form, we build some explanatory models, at the household level, by integrating urban form and socio-economic household variables. Especially the analysis focuses on the influence of secondary urban poles on the household vulnerability and mobility costs. Some explanatory models by household types show also that the effects of urban form are differentiated according to household categories. It is also interesting to measure the savings generated by marginal changes of urban form. To do that, we build some econometric models in a more aggregated level which allows computing elasticity coefficients. Thus, we can estimate, in economic terms, the expected savings that are triggered by urban form changes.

Analýza schém podpory obnovitelných zdrojů energií v EU: Může být EKOlogické i EKOnomické? / Analysis of the renewable energy support schemes in the EU: Can be an ECOlogical also an ECOnomical?

Andoková, Senta January 2015 (has links)
The study compares FIT (Feed-in tariff) and RPS (Renewable Portfolio Standard) as the two most commonly used support schemes for renewable energy sources (RES) in the EU. It examines a relationship of an Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) and by a practical experiment for public lighting in Prague the study proposes an ecological functioning of electricity grids in the EU with CO2 emissions reduction effect. The main contribution lies in the recency and originality of the econometric analysis and practical experiment. FIT and RPS analysis demonstrates that both schemes affect demand for electricity and increase its price. The econometric model was tested for 28 EU countries for 1990-2013. The results say that the EU is currently located on the downslope of the inverted U-shaped EKC with a turning point, after which the dependence begins to grow. Nevertheless, for the most of observations the turning point is too far to be a source of concern. Practical experiment has shown that installation of energy saving devices for electricity grids in the EU can bring satisfactory results in reducing CO2 emissions independently of state aid. More efficient use of existing energy sources, however, should rather serve as a complement to conventional support, phasing out with the development of RES technologies....

Design of Ultra High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete Bridges : A Comparative Study to Conventional Concrete Bridges

Eriksson, Viktor January 2019 (has links)
The use of Ultra High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) in the construction industry started in the 1990s and has since then been used for bridges all over the world. The mechanical properties and the dense matrix result in lower material usage and superior durability compared to conventional concrete, but the implementation of UHPFRC in the Swedish industry has been delayed. The most evident explanation, based on interview with industry representatives, as to why UHPFRC is not commonly used in Sweden are due to the lack of standards and knowledge. UHPFRC also has a high cement content and the cement industry contributes with high carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to the total CO2 emissions in the world. This MSc Thesis looks into if a UHPFRC bridge is a feasible alternative to a conventional reinforced concrete structure bridge from design and material usage perspectives, regarding reduction of CO2 emissions. The project’s overall goal is to increase the knowledge in Sweden about the material, regarding the production, mechanical properties and behaviour of UHPFRC, and the design, regarding the difference in design between UHPFRC and conventional concrete bridges. To examine the material, a UHPFRC mixture with short straight steel fibres was developed. Specimens were tested to see how the different fibre contents affect the mechanical properties and which fibre content that is most favourable. Three different fibre contents were tested: 1.5%, 2.0% and 2.5% of the total volume of the mixture. The tested and evaluated mechanical properties were workability, flexural strength, tensile strength, fracture energy, compressive strength and modulus of elasticity. This study does not contain tests of durability of UHPFRC, however trough the literature review it was investigated to what extent the fibres affect the durability. It was concluded that an increase in fibre content results in improved mechanical properties, except for workability and in some cases when using a fibre content of 2.5%. The increase in the mechanical properties is due to the increased cracking resistance and the bond strength between the fibres and the matrix. The decrease in the mechanical properties, e.g. characteristic tensile strength and compressive strength of cylinders, for 2.5% in fibre content can be due to uneven fibre distribution and higher amount of air in the specimens which result in less strength. It was concluded that 2.0% in fibre content is most favourable. It was possible to conclude that the degradation of the fibres takes a long time, however not to what extent the fibres will affect the durability. To evaluate if UHPFRC is a viable economical and environmental alternative to regular concrete bridges, three cases of bridge design are considered. Two cases with UHPFRC (different thickness) and one case with conventional concrete. Up to 2017 only technical guidelines and recommendations for design with UHPFRC existed, but in 2017 the first approved standards in the world were published. The French national standards cover material (NF P18-470, 2016) and design (NF P18-710, 2016) and were used for the design process. The material usage regarding the amount of reinforced UHPFRC/concrete and steel reinforcement as well as the amount of CO2 emissions from the production of cement and steel (fibre and steel reinforcement) used for the bridges in the mid-span and at the support were investigated. The design process was also evaluated. It was concluded that the UHPFRC bridge with an optimized thickness was 47% lighter than the conventional concrete bridge, but the amount of CO2 emissions was still higher (e.g. 23% from the support). To be able to determine if a UHPFRC bridge is a feasible alternative to a conventional concrete bridge, with regards to the reduction of CO2 emissions, the CO2 emissions have to be observed in a wider perspective than only from the production of cement and steel, e.g. fewer transports and longer lifetime. / Användningen av ultrahögpresterande fiberbetong (UHPFRC) i anläggningsindustrin började på 1990-talet och har sedan dess använts till broar i hela världen. De mekaniska egenskaperna och den täta UHPFRC matrisen resulterar i lägre materialanvändning och bättre beständighet i jämförelse med konventionell betong, men användningen av UHPFRC har inte slagit igenom i den svenska industrin. De största förklaringarna till varför UHPFRC sällan används i Sverige är för att det inte har funnits kunskap och standarder. UHPFRC har också en hög cementhalt och cementindustrin bidrar med höga koldioxid (CO2) utsläpp till de totala CO2 utsläppen i världen. Den här masteruppsatsen skrevs för att undersöka om en UHPFRC bro är ett möjligt alternativ till en konventionell betongbro ur dimensionering- och materialanvändningssynpunkt med avseende på reduktion av CO2 utsläpp. Projektets övergripande mål är att öka kunskapen om materialet, med avseende på tillverkningen, de mekaniska egenskaperna och beteendet av UHPFRC, och dimensionering, med avseende på skillnaden i dimensionering mellan UHPFRC broar och konventionella betongbroar. I materialdelen utvecklades ett UHPFRC recept med korta raka stålfibrer. Provkroppar testades för att se hur olika fiberinnehåll påverkade de mekaniska egenskaperna och vilket fiberinnehåll som var mest gynnsamt. Tre olika fiberinnehåll testades: 1.5%, 2.0% och 2.5% av total volym av blandningen. De mekaniska egenskaperna som testades och utvärderades var bearbetbarheten, böjhållfasthet, draghållfasthet, fraktur energi, tryckhållfasthet och elasticitetsmodul. Beständigheten av UHPFRC testades aldrig men i vilken omfattning fibrerna påverkar beständigheten undersöktes i den litteraturstudie som skrevs inför testerna och tillverkningen av UHPFRC. Det konstaterades att en ökning i fiberinnehåll resulterade i en ökning av de mekaniska egenskaperna, förutom för bearbetbarheten och i vissa fall när ett fiberinnehåll av 2.5% användes. Ökningen av de mekaniska egenskaperna berodde på det ökande sprickmotståndet och bindningsstyrka mellan fibrerna och matrisen. Minskningen av de mekaniska egenskaperna, till exempel den karakteristiska drag- och tryckhållfastheten, när ett fiberinnehåll på 2.5% i cylindrar användes kan bero på ojämn fiberfördelning och större mängd luft i provkropparna vilket resulterar i lägre hållfasthet. Det konstaterades att ett fiberinnehåll på 2.0% var det mest gynnsamma. Det kunde inte konstateras i vilken omfattning fibrerna påverkar beständigheten men det kunde konstateras att nedbrytningen av fibrerna tar lång tid. I dimensioneringsdelen utformades tre slakarmerade balkbroöverbyggnader, i två fall var överbyggnaden med UHPFRC (olika tjocklekar) och i ett fall var den med konventionell betong. Fram till 2017 fanns det bara tekniska riktlinjer och rekommendationer för UHPFRC men 2017 publicerades de första godkända standarderna i världen. De franska nationella standarderna täcker material (NF P18-470, 2016) och dimensionering (NF P18-710, 2016) och användes vid dimensioneringen. Materialanvändningen med avseende på mängd armerad UHPFRC/betong och slakarmering och mängd CO2 utsläpp från produktionen av cement och stål (fibrer och slakarmering) som användes till broarna i mittenspannet och vid stöden undersöktes. Även dimensioneringsprocessen utvärderades. Det konstaterades att UHPFRC bron med optimerad tjocklek var 47% lättare än betongbron men mängden CO2 utsläpp var fortfarande högre (till exempel 23% högre från stödet). Det konstaterades att om det ska vara möjligt att fastställa att en UHPFRC bro är ett möjligt alternativ till en konventionell betongbro, med avseende på reduktion av CO2 utsläpp, måste CO2 utsläppen ses från ett bredare perspektiv än från bara produktion av cement och stål, till exempel mindre transporter och längre livslängd.

Desenvolvimento e aplicação de um modelo para o Pollution Routing Problem. / Developing and implementing a model for a Pollution Routing Problem.

Paschoal, Anderson Oliveira de Ornelas 27 April 2015 (has links)
O transporte rodoviário é uma das atividades econômicas do homem que mais contribuem para a emissão de Gases de Efeito Estufa (GEE) na atmosfera. Sabe-se que a emissão de CO2 está diretamente vinculada ao consumo de combustível. Por isso, é possível encontrar uma série de trabalhos que objetivam diminuir as emissões por meio da redução do consumo de combustível dos veículos. A otimização de rotas é uma importante ferramenta para essa redução e, consequentemente, possibilita minimizar as emissões dos veículos. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo aplicar em uma empresa líder na distribuição de revistas no país o PRP, que é um modelo de minimização do consumo de combustível/emissão de GEE por meio de ajustes das variáveis como velocidade média, quantidade de carga transportada, distância percorrida e inclinações das vias. Como a maioria das metodologias de estimativa de combustível existentes na literatura não considera a inclinação das vias nos seus cálculos, neste trabalho foi necessário desenvolver uma metodologia para incluí-la no modelo. Testes foram efetuados com variações nas janelas de tempo, e o modelo mostrou-se sensível a cada uma das variáveis analisadas, gerando economias em 100% das rotas estudadas. / Road transport is one of the biggest contributors of Greenhouse Gases emissions of all humans economic activities. It is known that CO2 emissions are directly related to fuel consumption, so that is why it is possible to find a series of studies that aims to reduce emissions by reducing vehicles fuel consumption. Route optimization is an important tool for reducing fuel consumption and hence emissions. This research aims to implement the PRP model in a leading company in the country, which is a model that minimizes fuel consumption/GHG emissions through adjustments of variables such as average speed, pay load, distance traveled and slopes of the road. Most existing fuel estimation methodologies found in the literature does not consider the slope of the roads in their calculations. So in this research it was necessary to develop a methodology to include it in the model. Tests were performed with variations in the time windows and the model was sensitive to each of the variables analyzed, generating savings on 100% of the studied routes.

Incentivos e tributos: promovendo veículos menos poluentes e a economia de combustível / Incentives and taxes: promoting cleaner vehicles and fuel economy

Kurokawa, Régis Toshimitsu 08 August 2018 (has links)
O setor de transporte automotivo é um dos principais responsáveis pelas emissões de gases nocivos à saúde ou causadores do efeito estufa. Existem inúmeras propostas econômicas para a redução destas emissões, que se dividem basicamente entre regulamentação de emissões e impostos sobre combustível ou veículos. Apresentaremos neste trabalho um esquema de feebate, uma alternativa baseada num mercado de carbono em que um carro que tem emissões de poluentes abaixo de certo nível ganha um subsídio para sua compra, enquanto que outro que apresenta emissões acima paga um imposto. Este esquema é projetado para que no fim, contabilizados o imposto pago e o subsídio oferecido, faça com que o governo não tenha receita, nem despesas com este. Para mostrar sua eficácia, faremos simulações com base em estimações do mercado de automóveis brasileiro do período de 2008 a 2012 usando um modelo de escolhas discretas através de um logit multinomial aninhado, e faremos análises de bem estar. / The automotive transport sector is one of the main responsible for emissions of harmful gases and greenhouse gases. There are numerous economics proposals for reducing these emissions, which are basically divided between emission regulations and taxes on fuel or vehicles. We will present in this work a feebate scheme, an alternative based on a carbon market in which a car that has emissions of pollutants below a certain level gains a subsidy for its purchase, while another that presents emissions above a level pays a tax. This scheme is designed so that at the end, counting the tax paid and the subsidy offered, make the government have no revenue, nor expenses with it. To show its effectiveness, we will make simulations of this scheme based on estimates of the Brazilian auto market from 2008 to 2012 using a discrete choice model with a nested multinomial logit, and we will analise social welfare changes.

Comparação termodinâmica e ambiental (emissões de CO2) das rotas de produção e utilização de combustíveis veiculares derivados de petróleo e gás natural, biocombustíveis, hidrogênio e eletricidade (veículos elétricos). / Thermodynamics and environmental comparison (CO2 emissions) of production and end use routes of vehicle fuels, derived from petroleum, natural gas, biofuels, hydrogen and electricity (electric vehicles).

Flórez-Orrego, Daniel Alexander 21 February 2014 (has links)
O setor de transporte é um exemplo de atividade econômica que depende fundamentalmente das cadeias produtivas do petróleo, gás natural e biocombustíveis para sua operação, além de ser um dos principais consumidores da energia primária do país. Portanto, qualquer melhoria nos processos de produção e uso final dos combustíveis veiculares, repercute favoravelmente tanto na utilização dos recursos energéticos e o desempenho do setor, quanto no impacto ambiental e na economia nacional. Nesse sentido, faz-se necessário o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia que permita avaliar as diferentes rotas de produção e uso final, para determinar as principais fontes de degradação da energia e quantificar o impacto ambiental por meio de uma ferramenta apropriada. Uma valiosa ferramenta é a análise exergética ampliada, a qual provê uma oportunidade de quantificar os requerimentos exergéticos totais e não renováveis e as eficiências globais e, desse modo, perseguir e priorizar o uso daquelas fontes de energia mais favoráveis e amigáveis com o meio ambiente. A exergoeconomia, que visa à distribuição racional dos custos exergéticos entre os diversos produtos de uma mesma planta, usa a quantidade de exergia de cada produto como base para a distribuição da exergia despendida no respectivo processo. Desta forma, neste trabalho se apresenta uma análise comparativa sobre as rotas de produção e uso final dos combustíveis derivados do petróleo e o gás natural (inclusive o hidrogênio produzido da reforma a vapor), etanol, biodiesel, além da análise da geração e distribuição da eletricidade na matriz elétrica brasileira. Propõe-se o uso dos custos exergéticos unitários renováveis e não renováveis e as emissões de CO2 como indicadores para avaliar a intensidade exergética renovável e não renovável, o impacto ambiental e o desempenho termodinâmico no uso final. Este procedimento permite hierarquizar os diferentes processos de conversão de energia na produção e uso final de combustíveis veiculares, a fim de determinar as melhores opções para o setor de transporte. / Transportation sector is an example of economic activity that fundamentally depends on the supply chains of oil, natural gas and biofuels for its operation, as well as being a major consumer of primary energy in the country. Therefore, any improvement that could be achieved in the vehicle fuels production and end use processes, favorably affects both the use of energy resources and industry performance, as well as the environmental impact and the national economy. Accordingly, it is necessary to develop a methodology based on a suitable tool to evaluate the different routes of fuel production and end use, so that the main sources of energy degradation and the environmental impact can be determined and quantified. A valuable tool that serves that purpose is the extended exergy analysis, which provides an opportunity to quantify the total and non-renewable exergy requirements and overall efficiencies, and thereby pursue and prioritize the use of the most environmentally friendly sources of energy. Exergoeconomy, which attempts to rationally distribute the exergy cost among the several products of a single plant, uses the amount of exergy of each product as the basis for the distribution of exergy expended in the respective process. Thus, this work presents a comparative analysis of the production routes and end use of vehicles fuels derived from petroleum and natural gas (including hydrogen produced from methane steam reforming), ethanol, biodiesel, besides of the analysis of generation and distribution of electricity in the Brazilian electricity mix. Moreover, the renewable and non-renewable unit exergy costs and CO2 emissions are proposed as indicators, able to assess the renewable and non-renewable specific exergy consumption, the environmental impact and the thermodynamic performance of transportation sector. This procedure allows to hierarchize the exergy conversion processes in the production and end use of transportation fuels, in order to determine the best options for the transportation sector.

Vulnerabilidade da matéria orgânica do solo ao aumento de temperatura / Vulnerability of soil organic matter to temperature increase

Lisboa, Carolina Cardoso 29 August 2008 (has links)
Durante o processo de decomposição da matéria orgânica do solo (MOS) ocorre a formação de gases do efeito estufa (GEE) que são liberados para a atmosfera contribuindo para o aquecimento global. Acredita-se que este aquecimento global possa retroagir na taxa de decomposição da MOS potencializando a liberação de carbono (C) do solo. A MOS está distribuída em frações com sensibilidades diferentes à temperatura. Pesquisas anteriores sugerem que a fração de C mais velha e mais recalcitrante é menos sensível à temperatura (C-recalcitrante). Além disso, alguns mecanismos de proteção física, química e bioquímica podem agir para reduzir a sensibilidade da MOS ao aumento de temperatura. Possíveis modificações na estrutura da comunidade microbiológica, provocadas pelo aumento de temperatura, podem interferir no processo de decomposição da MOS através de alterações nos seus mecanismos de proteção. A mudança do uso da terra é um dos principais responsáveis pela emissão dos GEE no Brasil. A substituição da vegetação original (floresta) por pastagem promove uma modificação no sinal 13C do C do solo, dando um indício sobre a origem do C liberado na forma de CO2. Com o objetivo de avaliar a vulnerabilidade da MOS ao aumento de temperatura foram realizadas incubações de solos, oriundos de floresta e pastagens, em duas temperaturas 25 e 35 ºC. Avaliou-se a sensibilidade dos compartimentos C-lábil e C-recalcitrante da MOS à temperatura e, como as possíveis alterações nos mecanismos de proteção da MOS podem contribuir com a liberação de CO2 à atmosfera. / Soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition emits greenhouse gases to the atmosphere and this may contribute to global warming. Global warming can promote a positive feedback on SOM decomposition rate and it can increase soil C losses. The SOM has different pools with inherent temperature sensitivity. Some researches suggest that resistant soil C is less sensitive to temperature increase. Moreover, there are some physical, chemical and biochemical mechanisms that protect SOM against decomposition. The global warming may change the soil microbial structure and it can modify SOM decomposition. In Brazil, the greenhouse gas emissions are basically driven by the land use change. The substitution of native vegetation (forest) to pasture changes soil C signature - 13C and this fact enable us to study the source of soil C emissions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the SOM vulnerability to temperature increased. Forest and pastures soil samples were incubated under 25 and 35 ºC. The labile-C versus resistant-C temperature sensitivity was evaluated and the SOM protection mechanisms were studied to understand how they can protect SOM against decomposition.

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