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Explicit Feedback Within Game-based Training: Examining The Influence Of Source Modality Effects On InteractionGoldberg, Benjamin 01 January 2013 (has links)
This research aims to enhance Simulation-Based Training (SBT) applications to support training events in the absence of live instruction. The overarching purpose is to explore available tools for integrating intelligent tutoring communications in game-based learning platforms and to examine theory-based techniques for delivering explicit feedback in such environments. The primary tool influencing the design of this research was the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT), a modular domain-independent architecture that provides the tools and methods to author, deliver, and evaluate intelligent tutoring technologies within any training platform. Influenced by research surrounding Social Cognitive Theory and Cognitive Load Theory, the resulting experiment tested varying approaches for utilizing an Embodied Pedagogical Agent (EPA) to function as a tutor during interaction in a game-based environment. Conditions were authored to assess the tradeoffs between embedding an EPA directly in a game, embedding an EPA in GIFT’s browser-based Tutor-User Interface (TUI), or using audio prompts alone with no social grounding. The resulting data supports the application of using an EPA embedded in GIFT’s TUI to provide explicit feedback during a game-based learning event. Analyses revealed conditions with an EPA situated in the TUI to be as effective as embedding the agent directly in the game environment. This inference is based on evidence showing reliable differences across conditions on the metrics of performance and self-reported mental demand and feedback usefulness items. This research provides source modality tradeoffs linked to tactics for relaying training relevant explicit information to a user based on real-time performance in a game.
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Multi-modal Reading For Low Level ReadersO'Neal, Jamie 01 January 2010 (has links)
The value of this research hinges on the idea that exchanging illustrations for descriptive text can provide appropriate schemas for students with reading difficulties and thereby improve their comprehension and vocabulary acquisition. The research in this dissertation is based on theories and earlier research in the fields of psychology, education, reading, and narratology. A review of these fields offers a variety of perspectives on the processes involved in reading and comprehension. These processes range from the physical systems involved in reading (e.g., early childhood development, eye movement) to the psychological systems, which include cognitive load theory as well as image and text processing models. This study compares two reading methods by analyzing students' vocabulary and comprehension gains. Both groups read the same text and completed the same pre- and post-tests. The control group read the text from the book which was text only. The experimental group read from a modified text on the computer screen. The text was modified by replacing some sentences with images designed to transmit the same information (e.g., descriptions of the setting, vocabulary items) in a graphic format. The images were in-line with the text, and designed to be read as part of the story, not as additional illustrations. Final analysis shows that the experimental format performed as well as the control format for most students. However, students who have learning disabilities, particularly language learners who have learning disabilities, did not make gains in the text only control format. These same students did show statistically significant gains with the experimental format, particularly the section of reading where the vocabulary words were explicitly presented in the images. Disparate, non-homogenous groupings of students reflect the actual teaching and learning circumstances in the school, as required by the school system. This situation thus represents the actual status quo situation faced by teachers in our school. We leave it to future researchers to work with more homogenous groups of students in order to attain clearer, stronger and more plaintively useful results.
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Étude de l'importance de répondre aux besoins visuels en conduite automobile lorsque la demande visuelle et cognitive est fortement sollicitéePatoine, Amigale 08 1900 (has links)
La sécurité routière est un enjeu de santé publique et de développement à travers le monde. En 2010, déjà plus d'un milliard de véhicules à travers le monde étaient en circulation (1). En 2016, près de 1,35 million de personnes ont été rapportées comme décédées suite à des accidents de la route (2). Avec des intérieurs de véhicules et des environnements routiers en constante évolution au cours du dernier siècle, les capacités visuelles sont de plus en plus sollicitées entraînant également une contribution accrue des capacités cognitives. Du point de vue scientifique et clinique, l'interaction entre les mécanismes visuels, tels que l'acuité visuelle et les mécanismes cognitifs impliqués pendant la conduite sont encore peu étudiés et à peine promus comme éléments clés du comportement de conduite sécuritaire. L'étude de cette problématique, dont l'impact est sous-estimé au niveau sociétal, est au coeur de ce travail de maîtrise. Si l'acuité visuelle est difficile à relier aux taux d'accidentologie (3, 4), il est cependant reconnu que les capacités visuo cognitives prédisent le taux d'accidentologie sur route à cinq ans (3) et en simulateur de conduite (5). C’est pourquoi dans cette étude, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que, dans un contexte de forte charge cognitive en conduite, une diminution de l'acuité visuelle aurait un impact négatif sur le comportement de conduite. Nous avons examiné si un seuil d'acuité visuelle artificiellement réduit au seuil légal d'obtention du permis de conduire au Canada, et une réduction plus importante induirait un effet sur les performances de conduite. Le comportement de 21 conducteurs âgés de 21 à 34 ans a été mesuré à l'aide du simulateur VS500M dans divers contextes de conduite et de charge cognitive. Un scénario rural de conduite à faible charge cognitive en comparaison à un scénario autoroute de conduite impliquant des tâches de navigation sur GPS ont été utilisés. Deux scénarios de chaque ont été réalisés avec une vision optimale -acuité visuelle de 6/6- et une qualité de vision réduite -acuité visuelle réduite artificiellement à un niveau plus faible pour 11 des conducteurs et une réduction plus importante pour 10 des conducteurs. Les résultats, faisant l'objet d'une publication scientifique à comité de lecture en préparation, démontrent une diminution des capacités à manoeuvrer le véhicule efficacement, notamment une augmentation de la variabilité de la vitesse et de la position latérale du véhicule (SDLP) en contexte de charge mentale élevée, une augmentation de la variabilité de la vitesse en condition de qualité de vision réduite lors de présence de charge mentale élevée ainsi qu'une diminution de la vitesse moyenne et une augmentation de sa variabilité selon les groupes de réduction de qualité visuelle, toujours dans un contexte de charge mentale élevée. Même si le taux de succès reste stable malgré la manipulation expérimentale, les résultats confirment l'importance d'évaluer les enjeux visuels dans des contextes certes quotidiens, mais pour
lesquels les interactions avec la cognition sont encore peu considérées. La sollicitation de la vision à des distances intermédiaires par la tâche de GPS, en plus des distances de loin telles que considérées par les aspects normatifs de la législation du permis de conduire, l'augmentation de la charge cognitive associée à cette double tâche de mobilité et de navigation, mais aussi à la réduction de la qualité de vision nous amènent à proposer de nouvelles pistes de recherche dans la discussion de ce mémoire pour mieux comprendre les enjeux des amétropies visuelles, de la presbytie ou bien encore du vieillissement / Road safety is a public health and development issue across the world. In 2010, more than a billion vehicles were already in circulation worldwide (1). In 2016, nearly 1.35 million people were reported as dead after road crashes (2). With ever-changing vehicle interiors and road environments over the past century, visual abilities are increasingly strained resulting in an increased contribution of cognitive abilities as well. From a scientific and clinical point of view, the interaction between visual mechanisms, such as visual acuity and the cognitive mechanisms involved during driving are still little studied and hardly promoted as key elements of safe driving behavior. The study of this problem, the impact of which is underestimated at the societal level, is at the heart of my master's work. While visual acuity is difficult to relate to accident rates (3, 4), it is however recognized that visuo-cognitive abilities predict the road accident rate at five years (3) and in a driving simulator (5). This is why in this study, we hypothesized that, in a context of high cognitive load while driving, a decrease in visual acuity would have a negative impact on driving behavior. We examined whether a visual acuity threshold artificially reduced to the legal threshold for obtaining a driver's license in Canada, and a greater reduction, would have an effect on driving performance. The behaviors of 21 drivers aged between 21 and 34 were measured using the VS500M simulator in various driving and cognitive load contexts. A rural driving scenario with low cognitive load compared to a highway driving scenario involving GPS navigation tasks were used. Two scenarios were carried out by all the participants with optimal vision - visual acuity of 6/6 - and reduced quality of vision -a lower artificially reduced visual acuity 11 of the drivers and a higher one for 10 of the drivers. The results, which are the subject of a peer-reviewed scientific publication in preparation, demonstrate a decrease in the ability to maneuver the vehicle effectively, in particular an increase in the variability of speed and of the standard deviation of lateral position of the vehicle (SDLP) in a context of high mental load, an increase in the variability of speed under reduced vision quality conditions in the presence of a high mental load as well as a decrease in the average speed and an increase in its variability according to the visual quality reduction groups, also in a context of high mental load. Even if the success rate remains stable despite the experimental manipulation, the results confirm the importance of evaluating visual issues in contexts that are admittedly everyday but for which interactions with cognition are still little considered. The solicitation of vision at intermediate distances by the GPS task, in addition to far distances as considered by the normative aspects of driving license legislation, the increased cognitive load associated with this dual mobility task and navigation, but also to the reduction of the quality of vision lead us to propose new avenues of research in discussion of this thesis to better understand the stakes of visual ametropia, presbyopia or even aging.
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Effet de l’environnement de simulation sur le travail d’équipe et la charge cognitive de professionnels débutants lors d’une réanimation traumatologique : une étude de faisabilitéLapierre, Alexandra 03 1900 (has links)
Les simulations interprofessionnelles sont très populaires pour former les professionnels de la santé débutant en traumatologie à travailler en équipe dans les salles d’urgence. Ces simulations peuvent être effectuées en laboratoire (environnement contrôlé) ou in situ (environnement réel de soins), ce qui peut potentiellement influencer la charge cognitive des débutants, c’est-à-dire l’effort mental requis pour apprendre. Jusqu’à présent, aucune étude n’a comparé l’influence de l’environnement de simulation sur l’apprentissage du travail d’équipe et la charge cognitive des professionnels débutant en traumatologie. Malgré les défis associés à la réalisation d’un essai contrôlé randomisé en contexte de formation, une telle étude apparait nécessaire pour approfondir notre compréhension de l’effet de l’environnement de simulation sur l’apprentissage.
Cette thèse par article présente une étude qui avait pour but de tester la faisabilité d’un essai contrôlé randomisé pour examiner comment l’environnement de simulation (laboratoire versus in situ) influence le développement des habiletés de travail d’équipe et la charge cognitive des professionnels débutant en traumatologie à la salle d’urgence. Cette étude s’est appuyée sur le modèle de la charge cognitive de Choi et al. (2014).
Vingt-quatre professionnels de la santé (infirmier[ère]s, résident[e]s en médecine, inhalothérapeutes) ayant moins de 18 mois d’expérience à la salle de réanimation d’un centre de traumatologie ont été affectés à quatre équipes de six professionnels. Chaque équipe a participé à deux simulations interprofessionnelles de 15minutes séparées par un débriefing de 45minutes axé sur les principes de la formation Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS). Les simulations ont été effectuées en laboratoire (groupe A — deux équipes) ou in situ (groupe B — deux équipes). Après chaque simulation, les professionnels débutants ont rempli des questionnaires validés sur le travail d’équipe et la charge cognitive perçus. Les simulations ont été filmées afin d’évaluer la performance du travail d’équipe par des observateurs formés. Des indicateurs de faisabilité liés au recrutement, à l’attrition, à la procédure de randomisation, à la mise en œuvre des activités de simulation et à la collecte de données ont été compilés. Des analyses de variance mixtes ont été utilisées pour calculer les tailles d’effet préliminaires.
En ce qui concerne la faisabilité, plusieurs difficultés ont été rencontrées, telles qu’un faible taux de recrutement et l’impossibilité de réaliser la randomisation. Pour les tailles d’effet, les résultats préliminaires suggèrent que l’environnement de simulation n’influence pas la performance perçue du travail d’équipe et la charge cognitive des professionnels débutant en traumatologie. Les résultats suggèrent toutefois l’efficacité des simulations interprofessionnelles pour rehausser le travail d’équipe, et ce, peu importe l’environnement.
Cette étude met en lumière plusieurs obstacles à la réalisation d’un essai contrôlé randomisé en contexte de simulation interprofessionnelle à la salle d’urgence. Elle permet aussi de jeter un regard nouveau sur la conception de la charge cognitive dans l’apprentissage du travail d’équipe, en proposant d’autres pistes de recherche. Enfin, cette étude renforce la nécessité de poursuivre les activités de simulation interprofessionnelle dans les milieux cliniques pour rehausser le travail d’équipe, un pilier des soins en traumatologie à la salle d’urgence. / Interprofessional simulations are very popular for training novice trauma health professionals to work as a team in emergency departments. These simulations can be conducted in a laboratory (controlled environment) or in situ (real healthcare environment), which can potentially influence the novices’ cognitive load, or the mental effort required to learn. However, to date, no study has compared the influence of the simulation environment on teamwork learning and cognitive load in novice trauma professionals. Despite the challenges associated with conducting a randomized controlled trial in the context of continuing education, such a study is needed to advance our knowledge of the effect of the simulation environment on learning.
This article-based thesis presents a study designed to test the feasibility of a randomized controlled trial to examine how the simulation environment (laboratory versus in situ) influences the development of teamwork skills and cognitive load of novice trauma professionals in the emergency department. This study used Choi et al.’s (2014) cognitive load model.
Twenty-four novice trauma professionals (nurses, medical residents, respiratory therapists) with less than 18 months of experience in the resuscitation room of a trauma center were assigned to four teams of six professionals. Each team participated in two 15-minute interprofessional simulations, separated by a 45-minute debriefing, which focused on the principles of the Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS) training. The simulations were conducted in the laboratory (group A—2 teams) or in situ (group B—2 teams). After each simulation, novice professionals completed validated questionnaires on perceived teamwork performance and cognitive load. The simulations were videotaped to assess teamwork performance by trained observers. Feasibility indicators related to recruitment, attrition, randomization procedures, implementation of simulation activities, and data collection were compiled. Mixed analyses of variance were used to calculate preliminary effect sizes.
Regarding feasibility, several difficulties were encountered, such as a low recruitment rate and the inability to perform randomization. Regarding effect sizes, preliminary results suggest that the simulation environment does not affect novice trauma professionals’ perceived teamwork
performance and cognitive load. However, the results suggest the effectiveness of interprofessional simulation activities in improving teamwork, regardless of the environment.
This study highlights several barriers to conducting a randomized controlled trial in the context of interprofessional trauma simulation in the emergency department. It also provides a new perspective on the concept of cognitive load in teamwork learning and suggests other avenues of research. Finally, this study reinforces the need to continue interprofessional simulations in clinical settings to improve teamwork, a pillar of trauma care in the emergency department.
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Measuring difficulty in English-Chinese translation: Towards a general model of translation difficultySun, Sanjun 03 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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The Complicated Relationship Between Music and Foreign Language Learning: Nuanced Conditions Required for Cognitive Benefits Due to MusicGreenberg, Talia 29 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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AR-HUD Design Guidelines : A Cross-Cultural Usability Study on Cognitive Workload and Preferences in HUD interfacesSvensson, Jonatan, Hammar, Jesper January 2024 (has links)
This master’s thesis project has been made in collaboration with Luleå University of Technology and client company ZEEKR to advance the knowledge about Augmented-Reality Head-Up Displays (AR-HUDs). The technological advancements being made in the automotive industry are rapidly moving forward, and the implementation of Head-Up Displays has been a hot topic and focal point of user safety and driving assistance discussions for the past couple of years.The earliest HUDs would only show static information (speedometer, speed limits, and other status information), but lately the implementation of Augmented Reality technology in HUDs can be seen in many flagship car brands. The projection technology has been improving drastically since the early versions, but despite this, many still believe the system to be only a gimmick that does not add real value to the user. In fact, many believe it has the opposite effect of its actual purpose: to aid the user in driving. We have engaged in this project with ZEEKR to establish a guideline on what to have in mind when designing the interface for a system like this. Given ZEEKR’s market presence in China and Europe, we also explore cultural expectations and user interactions to balance satisfaction across markets. To summarize this into something concise, the following research questions have been shaped: 1. How can the design of an AR-HUD be tailored to meet the divergent cultural expectations of users in ZEEKR’s primary markets, China and Europe, while maintaining a cohesive user experience? 2. How can information be optimally presented on an AR-HUD to achieve a balanced cognitive workload for the driver? As we progressed in the thesis, we gravitated towards a third research question which proved to also be of interest to ZEEKR. The research question emerged as: 3. How can AR-HUD systems be assessed resource efficiently while maximizing user feedback? The thesis follows an iterative, 4-phase process based on an Industrial Design Engineer’s workflow. Initially context was explored through user and stakeholder interactions, collecting qualitative and quantitative data. Then multiple HUD concepts were generated and tested. Three comprehensive user tests were conducted: a low-fidelity prototyping workshop, a medium-fidelity VR user test with digitally added HUD elements, and a high-fidelity VR user test with a Logitech G29 rig in a Unity game engine for interactive driving simulations. Our findings, combined with academic research and expertise in interface design and user experience, are concrete design suggestions for the designing of AR HUD systems. The findings also show that the cultural differences between the two user groups were not a as big as anticipated, altough further testing is required to fully determine this. The resutls also include a standardized test-protocol built in Unity that ZEEKR can use for future testings. / Detta examensarbete har utförts i samarbete med Luleå tekniska universitet och ZEEKR för att öka kunskapen om Augmented Reality Head-Up Displays (AR- HUDs). De teknologiska framstegen inom fordonsindustrin rör sig snabbt framåt, och implementeringen av HUD:ar har varit en central punkt i diskussioner om användarsäkerhet och körassistans. De tidigaste HUD:arna visade endast statisk information, men på senare tid har augmented reality-teknologi implementerats i många ledande bilmärken. Projektionsteknologin har förbättrats drastiskt, men många anser att systemet bara är en gimmick som inte tillför något verkligt värde. Många anser faktiskt att det har motsatt effekt av sitt egentliga syfte: att hjälpa användaren vid körning. Vi har engagerat oss i detta projekt med ZEEKR för att etablera en riktlinje för vad man ska ha i åtanke när man designar gränssnittet för ett system som detta. Med tanke på ZEEKR:s marknadsnärvaro i Kina och Europa utforskar vi också kulturella förväntningar och användarinteraktioner för att balansera tillfredsställelse över marknader. För att sammanfatta detta i något koncist har följande forskningsfrågor formulerats: 1. Hur kan designen av en AR-HUD skräddarsys för att möta de olika kulturella förväntningarna hos användare på ZEEKR:s primära marknader, Kina och Europa, samtidigt som man bibehåller en sammanhängande användarupplevelse? 2. Hur kan information presenteras optimalt på en AR-HUD för att uppnå en balanserad kognitiv arbetsbelastning för föraren? När vi gick vidare med avhandlingen, drogs vi mot en tredje forskningsfråga som också visade sig vara av intresse för ZEEKR. Forskningsfrågan formulerades som: 3. Hur kan AR-HUD-system utvärderas resurseffektivt samtidigt som användarinsikterna maximeras? Examensarbetet följer en iterativ process med fyra phasear baserad på en industridesigningenjörs arbetsflöde. Inledningsvis undersöktes kontexten genom interaktioner med användare och intressenter, och kvalitativ och kvantitativ data samlades in. Därefter genererades och testades flera HUD-koncept. Tre omfattande användartester genomfördes: en lågfidelitets-prototyp workshop, ett medelfidelitets- VR-test med digitalt tillagda HUD-element, och ett högfidelitets-VR-test med en Logitech G29-rigg i Unity-spelmotor för interaktiva körsimuleringar. Våra resultat,i kombination med akademisk forskning och expertis inom gränssnittsdesign och användarupplevelse, utgör konkreta designförslag för utformningen av AR HUD-system. Resultaten visar också att de kulturella skillnaderna mellan de två användargrupperna inte var så stora som förväntat, även om ytterligare tester krävs för att fullt ut fastställa detta. Resultaten inkluderar också ett standardiserat testprotokoll byggt i Unity som ZEEKR kan använda för framtida tester.
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Измерение когнитивной нагрузки с помощью оценки показателей фотоплетизмограммы : магистерская диссертация / Measuring cognitive load by evaluating photoplethysmogram indicatorsГашкова, А. С., Gashkova, A. S. January 2024 (has links)
Когнитивная нагрузка является решающим фактором в умственно напряженной деятельности, т.к. на прямую связана с продуктивностью деятельности, обучаемостью и имеет решающее значение в педагогике, профессиональной среде. Также актуальным остается вопрос о нахождении наиболее простого и точного метода для обнаружения когнитивной перегрузки. Цель исследования: изучить эффективность показателей фотоплетизмограммы для отслеживания когнитивной нагрузки, обнаружения состояния когнитивной перегрузки. В работе рассмотрены общие теоретические положения, связанные с теорией когнитивной нагрузки, рабочей памяти. Проведен обзор маркеров когнитивной нагрузки на показателях сердечной деятельности. Анализ результатов фотоплетизмографии 119 человек показал, что амплитуда пульсовой волны (АПВ), частота сердечных сокращений (ЧСС) оказалась чувствительна к когнитивной перегрузке (p <0.001). А также состояние перегрузки значительно влияет на АПВ. Полученные результаты способствуют пониманию психофизиологических показателей когнитивной нагрузки и дают представление об использовании АПВ в качестве неинвазивного метода. / Cognitive load is a decisive factor in mentally stressful activities, because it is directly related to productivity, learning ability and is crucial in pedagogy and the professional environment. The question of finding the simplest and most accurate method for detecting cognitive overload also remains relevant. The purpose of the study: to study the effectiveness of photoplethysmogram indicators for tracking cognitive load, detecting the state of cognitive overload. The paper considers general theoretical positions related to the theory of cognitive load and working memory. The review of markers of cognitive load on cardiac activity indicators was carried out. Analysis of the results of photoplethysmography of 119 people showed that the pulse wave amplitude (PWA) and heart rate (HR) were sensitive to cognitive overload (p <0.001). Also, the overload condition significantly affects the PWA. The results obtained contribute to the understanding of psychophysiological indicators of cognitive load and give an idea of the use of PWA as a non-invasive method.
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Essays in experimental and neuroeconomicsGerhardt, Holger 22 April 2013 (has links)
Ausgangspunkt dieser Dissertation ist, dass mit stabilen Präferenzen unvereinbares Verhalten für die Standardökonomik eine Herausforderung darstellt. Eines der sich stellenden Probleme ist, dass sich wandelnde Präferenzen der normativen Analyse abträglich sind: Wenn nicht vorhersagbar ist, ob und wie Präferenzen abhängig von der Situation und von institutionellen Arrangements variieren, lässt sich keine optimale Wirtschaftspolitik bestimmen. Es wird argumentiert, dass die Ökonomik daher auch in Betracht ziehen muss, wie Präferenzen evolvieren und wie ökonomische Akteure Informationen - z. B. Wahrscheinlichkeiten und Auszahlungen -verarbeiten. In den folgenden Kapiteln werden zwei Studien vorgestellt, die dieses Ziel verfolgen, indem sie den Prozess der Entscheidungsfindung experimentell untersuchen. Die erste Studie, "Kognitive Last erhöht Risikoaversion", zeigt, dass eine spezifische Änderung des Entscheidungsumfelds - nämlich eine Erhöhung der kognitiven Last - einen messbaren Einfluss auf die Risikoeinstellungen der Versuchspersonen hatte. Zudem werden die beobachteten Verhaltensänderungen in Verbindung zu existierenden Mehr-System-Modellen der Entscheidungsfindung gesetzt. Die ebenfalls gemessenen Reaktionszeiten bestätigt die Interpretation, dass die Entscheidungsfindung unter Risiko das Produkt interagierender Systeme im menschlichen Hirn ist. Die zweite Studie, "Soziales Lernen auf Finanzmärkten", verfolgt das Ziel, die normalerweise verborgenen Komponenten Präferenzen und Überzeugungen beobachtbar zu machen. Zu diesem Zweck absolvierten Versuchspersonen ein Experiment, während ihre Hirnaktivierung per funktioneller Magnetresonanztomografie gemessen wurde. Dies erweitert den analysierbaren Datensatz über die getroffenen Entscheidungen hinaus um Maße der Hirnaktivierung. Dadurch trägt diese Studie zur Identifizierung der Faktoren bei, die bestimmen, in welchem Umfang wir aus der Beobachtung der Entscheidungen anderer lernen. / The point of departure of this dissertation is that behavior which is inconsistent with stable preferences poses a challenge for mainstream economics. One of the issues that arise is that changing preferences are detrimental to the objective of normative economics: If one cannot predict whether and how people’s preferences vary across situations or institutions, one cannot determine which economic policy would be optimal. Based on this, it is argued that economics has to take into account how preferences evolve and how information - e.g., probabilities and payoffs - is processed by economic agents. In the following two chapters, two experimental studies are presented that pursue this goal by investigating the process by which people make decisions. The first study, "Cognitive load increases risk aversion," shows that a specific change in the environment - in this case, an increase in cognitive load - had a measurable impact on subjects’ risk attitudes. Importantly, it also relates the observed changes to existing dual-system models of decision making. The response times which were recorded in addition to subjects’ choices contribute to the interpretation of the study’s findings, since they support the view that decision making under risk is the product of interacting systems in the human brain. The second study, "Social learning in asset markets," has the objective of making the latent components preferences and beliefs observable. To this end, subjects participated in a social-learning experiment while their brain activation was recorded via functional magnetic-resonance imaging. This enlarges the analyzable dataset through measures of subjects’ brain activation in addition to subjects’ choices. In doing so, the study contributes to identifying the factors that shape to what extent we learn from observing the choices of other human beings.
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Investigating the effect of implementing a context-based problem solving instruction on learners' performanceDhlamini, Joseph Jabulane 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of context-based problem solving instruction (CBPSI) on the problem solving performance of Grade 10 learners, who performed poorly in mathematics. A cognitive load theory (CLT) was used to frame the study. In addition, CLT was used to: 1) facilitate the interpretation and explanation of participants‟ problem solving performance; and, 2) influence the design of CBPSI to hone participants‟ problem solving skills. The study was conducted in the Gauteng province of South Africa and involved a two-week intervention program in each of the nine participating high schools. Participants consisted of 783 learners and four Grade 10 mathematics teachers.
A non-equivalent control group design was employed, consisting of a pre- and post- measure. In addition, classroom observations and semi-structured interviews were conducted with teachers and learners. Teachers employed conventional problem solving instructions in four control schools while the researcher implemented CBPSI in five experimental schools. Instruction in experimental schools entailed several worked-out context-based problem solving examples given to participants in worksheets. The main aspects of CBPSI embraced elements of the effects of self-explanation and split-attention, as advocated by CLT. Due to the design of CBPSI participants in experimental schools became familiar with the basic context-based problem solving tasks that were presented to them through the worked-out example samples. In turn, the associated cognitive load of problem solving tasks was gradually reduced. The principal instrument for data collection was a standardized Functional Mathematics Achievement Test. The pre-test determined participants‟ initial problem solving status before intervention. A post-test was given at the end of intervention to benchmark change in the functionality of CBPSI over a two-week period. Using one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and other statistical techniques the study found that participants in experimental schools performed significantly better than participants in control schools on certain aspects of problem solving performance. In addition, semi-structured interviews and classroom observations revealed that participants rated CBPSI highly. On the whole, the study showed that CBPSI is an effective instructional tool to enhance the problem solving performance of Grade 10 mathematics learners. / Mathematics Education / D. Phil. (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education)
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