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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cannibalisme des récits populaires dans l'art : histoires et portraits de famille / Cannibalism through popular tales in art : Stories and family portraits

Navarro, Murielle 12 January 2018 (has links)
Certains récits populaires nous renvoient à des angoisses extrêmes et à un imaginaire peuplé de mythes fondateurs, de récits bibliques et contes monstrueux. « Serions-nous « tous cannibales » comme l’écrivit Lévi-Strauss, « Après tout, le moyen le plus simple d’identifier autrui à soi-même c’est encore de le manger». En privilégiant le cadre familial, cette étude pluridisciplinaire propose d’extraire quelques personnages cannibaliques par l’adaptation artistique de ces figures emblématiques. Ainsi Cronos, Le Léviathan, Le loup et la petite fille qui dévorent mère-grand….ont nourri notre imaginaire.… Cette peur immémoriale d’être dévoré et cette envie récurrente de dévorer l’autre, se répondent mutuellement. Les lois complexes de la parenté soulignent des relations intergénérationnelles parfois voraces, que sauront transposer les artistes dans leurs œuvres avec notamment des couples fusionnels aux baisers mordants, des Vierges allaitantes, ou d’individus pourvus de ventres aux fonctions contraires. Ce cannibalisme imaginaire et symbolique replacé dans le domaine des arts, suscite plusieurs interrogations ; Pourquoi certains plasticiens questionnent-ils toujours notre appréhension du monde, à travers ces récits populaires ? Comment ces histoires anciennes sont-elles resituées dans l’art contemporain, au sein d’une société avide d’appropriation ? Sous quelles formes artistiques, ce thème de l’oralité, avec cette envie de cannibaliser ou de vampiriser autrui, est-il imaginé aujourd’hui ? Ces récits ont évolué mais l’Homme face à ses contradictions récurrentes, à sa troublante dualité, a-t-il changé ? Par le cordon (ombilical) en fil rouge, les artistes, vont tenter de (dé)nouer tous nos rapports ambivalents avec les autres. Et par la force de ces réincarnations contemporaines au prisme de l’anthropologie et de la psychanalyse, nous vivrons ainsi toutes les étapes artistiques et esthétiques de ce processus cannibalique, en empruntant tous les chemins sinueux de la dévoration, la digestion et enfin la déjection. / Some popular stories lead to extreme repressed anxiety and to an imaginary world made of founding myths, biblical stories and monstrous folk tales. “Could we all be cannibals “asked Lévi-Strauss, “After all, the best way to identify to someone else would be to eat them”. By privileging the family setting, this multidisciplinary study offers to highlight a few cannibal characters by the artistic adaptation of these iconc figures. Cronos, Leviathan, the wolf of the little Red Riding Hood, ave nourished our fantasy world. This eternal fear of being eaten and this recurring desire to eat others are closely intertwined. The complex laws of parenting stress the sometimes voracious intergenerational relationships, the artists transposing them in their works, as in the biting kisses of fusional couples, breastfeeding Virgins, and creatures with reversed stomachs. This imaginary and symbolic cannibalism in the arts asks a few questions. Why do certain visual artists question our vision of the world, through those popular stories ? How are there ancient narratives shown in art in a society eager to own ? Under which art forms is this oral theme, devouring and cannibalizing or vampirizing others, imagined today ? These stories have indeed evolved, but Man faced to its eternal contradictions, to its disturbing duality, has he really changed ? With the (ombilical) cord as a common thread, artists will try to unravel all our ambivalent relationships with others. And with the force of these contemporary reincarnations through the prism of anthropology and psychoanalysis, we will go through all the artistic and aesthetic steps of this cannibalistic process, from devouring, through digestion, and to end with dejection.

L'imaginaire littéraire de la Polynésie au XIXe siècle : histoire d'une métamorphose (France, Royaume-Uni, USA) / The literary imaginary of Polynesia in the nineteenth century : a history of metamorphosis (France, United Kingdom, USA)

Alnatsheh, Abdel Rahman 21 June 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de l’évolution des modes de représentations et de l’image du Polynésien dans les littératures française, anglaise et américaine depuis 1842, la date du Protectorat de Tahiti, jusqu’en 1911, la période qui précède la Première Guerre mondiale. Il s’agit d’une lecture postcoloniale analysant l’influence des facteurs temporels et culturels des voyageurs occidentaux sur l’image de l’Autre et sur sa transformation du bon sauvage ou du cannibale païen en métis tiraillé entre les traditions et la modernité. Cette analyse a pour ambition de tracer la métamorphose qui marque le discours occidental sur la Polynésie et qui atteint son paroxysme à partir de la fin du XIXe. Il est question de tracer les origines de cette métamorphose, son impact sur la littérature et de déterminer si cette évolution dans le discours colonial représente une prise de conscience de l’Autre ou bien s’il s’agit des symptômes avant-coureurs d’un état de décadence qui frapperait la littérature coloniale. / This thesis deals with the evolution of the modes of representation and the image of the Polynesian in the French, English, and American literatures since 1842, the date of the French Protectorate over Tahiti, until 1911, the period which precedes the First World War. It is about a postcolonial reading of the influence of temporal and cultural factors of Western travelers on the image of the Other, on its transformation from a Noble Savage or a Cannibal into a person who lives in a cultural hybridity, and who is in a conflict between tradition and modernity. This analysis aims to outline the metamorphosis that affects the Western discourse on Polynesia and which reaches its peak starting from the late nineteenth century. It endeavors to study the origins of this metamorphosis, its impact on the literature and to determine if the evolution of the colonial discourse represents a growing awareness of the Other or if it is only a kind of warning symptoms of a literary decadence.

The role of wild deer in the epidemiology and management of bovine tuberculosis in New Zealand.

Nugent, Graham January 2005 (has links)
The eco-epidemiology of bovine tuberculosis (Tb) in wild deer (mainly red deer Cervus elaphus) in New Zealand was investigated. Bovine Tb is caused by Mycobacterium bovis. Specific aims were to clarify the likely routes of infection in deer, and to determine the status of deer as hosts of Tb, the likely rates and routes of inter- and intra-species transmission between deer and other wildlife hosts, the role of deer in spreading Tb, and the likely utility of deer as sentinels of Tb presence in wildlife. As the possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is the main wildlife host of Tb, the research also included some investigation of transmission routes in possums. Patterns of infection were measured in 994 deer killed between 1993 and 2003. Tb prevalence varied between areas (range 8–36%). Few deer had generalised infection, with 21–68% of infected deer having no visible lesions, depending on the area. The retropharyngeal lymph nodes and oropharyngeal tonsils were commonly infected. No dependent fawns less than 0.75 years old were infected, indicating intra-species transmission is rare in wild deer. Where possums were not controlled, the net (cumulative) force of infection in young (1–4 y) deer was 0.10–0.24 per year in males and 0.09–0.12 per year in females, but much lower in older deer (less than 0.05 per year). Possum control reduced the net force of infection quickly, and eventually to zero. However, Tb persisted in possum-controlled areas through immigration of infected deer and, for almost a decade, through the survival of resident deer infected before possum control. Tb was lost from infected deer at an exponential rate of 0.13 per year, mostly as a result of deer recovering from infection rather than dying from it. Wild deer do die of Tb, but there was no discernible effect on age structure. The occurrence of infection in deer was not linked to the local deer or possum density at their kill sites (i.e. in their home range), but the area-wide prevalence of Tb in deer was closely correlated with Tb levels in possums, which were in turn correlated with area-wide measures of possum density. For wild deer in New Zealand, Tb is a persistent but usually inconsequential disease of the lymphatic system. It is acquired mainly by young independent deer, usually orally via the tonsils, and probably as a result of licking infected possums. Many species fed on deer carrion, including possums. Most possums encountering carrion did not feed on it, but a few fed for long periods. Other scavengers such ferrets (Mustela furo), hawks (Circus approximans), and weka (a hen-sized flightless native bird; Gallirallus australis) fed in a way that probably increased the infectivity of carrion to possums. Commercial deer hunting may have facilitated the historical establishment of Tb in possums. Scavenging (including cannibalism) and interactions with dead and dying possums are identified for the first time as potentially important routes for transmission of Tb to possums, and I develop new hypotheses involving peri- and post-mortem transmission in possums that explain many of the epidemiological patterns that are characteristic of the disease in possum. In continuous native forest, deer home range size averaged 250 hectares for six young females, and over twice that for two males. Over 90% of infected deer are likely to die within 2 km (females) or 6 km (males) of where they acquired Tb, but deer could occasionally carry Tb up to 30 km. Deer will be useful as sentinels, but only where other sentinels are rare, because the force of infection for a deer with a single infected possum in its home range is only 0.004 per year, compared to greater than 0.2 per year for deliberately released pigs. Deer are occasionally capable of initiating new cycles of infection in wildlife, but deer control is not essential to eradicate Tb from wildlife.

L'affamé, le marginal et le sauvage. Pratiques et représentations de l'anthropophagie en Occident entre Antiquité et Moyen Age/The Hungry, the Marginal and the Savage. Practices and Representations of Anthropophagy in the West during the Antiquity and the Middle Ages

Vandenberg, Vincent 13 March 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat est consacrée à l’étude de l’un des tabous majeurs des sociétés humaines : la consommation par un individu de la chair ou de toute autre substance issue de ses semblables, autrement dit l’anthropophagie (ou cannibalisme). Selon une approche inédite, la problématique a été abordée dans toute la diversité de ses manifestations, au travers d’une documentation très variée, tant textuelle qu’iconographique, dans le cadre de l’Antiquité grecque et latine et au sein du Moyen Age occidental (latin surtout). L’objectif de la recherche était de mettre en évidence les pratiques, les discours et l’imaginaire d’un comportement alimentaire radicalement étranger aux normes culturelles des périodes et des lieux envisagés. Le plan de la thèse est conçu comme un parcours débutant et s’achevant aux confins du monde (le cannibalisme de « l’Autre »), tandis que le cœur du travail est consacré au cannibalisme de « l’intérieur », celui des affamés et des marginaux surtout. Tout naturellement, l’attention se focalise d’abord sur Homère et la confrontation d’Ulysse avec le Cyclope, qui installe dans la tradition l’imaginaire du pasteur des confins du monde, grand amateur de chair humaine. Hérodote, quant à lui, construit l’image d’un monde connu dont les frontières sont occupées par des peuples qui apprécient bien souvent la chair humaine. Là encore, le pasteur nomade est synonyme de sauvagerie. Une telle tradition perdure chez les auteurs latins antiques et médiévaux, qui reprennent à leur compte les anciens anthropophages en les déplaçant parfois, en les multipliant éventuellement. Mappae mundi médiévales, récits de voyage et descriptions du monde maintiennent dans les siècles qui suivent les mangeurs de chair humaine aux marges du monde, là où Colomb s’attendra plus tard à les trouver. Le rôle du cannibalisme en tant que marqueur d’altérité trouve un écho très fort dans la marginalisation de certains groupes ou individus au sein même des sociétés antiques ou médiévales. A notamment été développé le cas des accusations de cet ordre portées contre les premiers Chrétiens. Le danger représenté par le franchissement de la norme fait naître par inversion des pratiques ou des croyances qui visent à exploiter les potentialités curatives ou « magiques » de la consommation de substances humaines : en témoignent le controversé cannibalisme médical ainsi que le matériel offert par les pénitentiels médiévaux. Un bref chapitre s’attache à un autre genre de comportements en marge : des scènes de cannibalisme censées avoir constitué le point culminant d’épisodes de violence collective. Une grande attention a été accordée au cannibalisme de survie, le recours à la chair humaine comme nourriture de substitution en période de famine. Le passage de l’incompréhension antique face à un comportement indigne de l’homme à l’assimilation par la pensée chrétienne de ce type de cannibalisme à un fléau divin a été largement traité. La longue tradition médiévale des récits, issus de Flavius Josèphe, relatant la consommation d’un enfant par sa mère au cours du siège de Jérusalem a permis de démontrer la force de la présence du thème du cannibalisme dans l’imaginaire médiéval en tant que sanction divine. Une ample documentation a pu être réévaluée à la lumière de ce constat, ce qui a notamment permis de montrer de quelle façon l’évocation du cannibalisme pouvait être instrumentalisée afin de signifier la présence d’une sanction divine.

Variation in age and size at maturation in two benthic crustaceans in the Gulf of Bothnia

Leonardsson, Kjell January 1990 (has links)
The thesis deals with variation in age and size at maturation in Saduria entomon and Pontoporeia affinis along a depth gradient in the Gulf of Bothnia, Sweden. I have analysed at what sizes and ages animals should mature in relation to growth and mortality conditions. The thesis also deals with predator-prey interactions within and between the two species. The isopod Saduria entomon matured during winter at an age of three years at 5 m depth in the Norrby archipelago (63° 30'N, 19° 50'E). Males matured eariier and at larger sizes (27-48 mm) than females (23-36 mm). The offspring were released in early summer. The adult size increased with increasing depth. Outside the archipelago, at 125 m depth, the sexes reached a size of 84 and 54 mm respectively. No evidence for temporal restriction in the release of the young was found at the deep area. The species was shown to have a high capacity for cannibalism on small conspecifics, although the small ones have the potential to avoid aggregations of large conspecifics. The number of small conspecifics eaten was related both to the absolute and relative densities of the alternative prey Pontoporeia affinis. The cannibalistic behaviour have the potential to act as a stabilizing mechanism in the Saduria-Pontoporeia system. Fourhom sculpin (Myoxocephalus quadricornis) was the fish species of utmost importance as a predator on S.entomon, and it mainly preferred large specimens. The amphipod Pontoporeia affinis matured at an age of two years in the littoral zone and at a very deep (210 m) locality. Between these depths it mainly reached maturation at an age of three years. In some years in densely populated areas, they delayed reproduction another year and reproduced as four year old. The variation in age at maturation in P.affinis in relation to depth could be quantitatively predicted by maximizing fitness in the Euler-Lotka equation. The size variation at maturation in S.entomon could be qualitatively predicted by maximizing fitness in the Euler-Lotka equation. The general condition for a smaller size at maturity to be adaptive at high temperatures (i.e. shallow areas) is that mortality rate should increase faster than growth rate with increasing temperature. When mortality is higher in young stages than in older and larger ones the pattern is also predicted when growth increases faster than mortality. Small animals may prefer warmer habitats than large ones, because of the presence of a size dependent trade-off between temperature induced growth and mortality. More exactly, the optimum solution of the trade-off between growth and mortality in hazardous environments was suggested to approach maximization of the expression s(W+g)/W, where s is survival rate, W is body weight, and g is growth rate. / <p>Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 1990, härtill 6 uppsatser</p> / digitalisering@umu

Antropofagia no sítio : insólito ficcional e identidade cultural em Peter Pan, de Monteiro Lobato

Zobaran, Felipe Teixeira 01 August 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho busca analisar como Monteiro Lobato concretiza seu projeto de construção de uma literatura infantil brasileira, em obras constituintes da coleção do Sítio do Picapau Amarelo, especialmente através do livro Peter Pan, de 1930. A personagem homônima original do escocês James Matthew Barrie apareceu pela primeira vez em uma peça de teatro em 1910, em Londres, e tornou-se um clássico contemporâneo, largamente adaptado e traduzido, inclusive pelos estúdios de animação de Walt Disney. Lobato, que era tradutor, escolheu não apenas traduzir a obra de Barrie, mas apropriar-se dela no universo do Sítio; nos livros do brasileiro, a história do menino que não quer crescer é contada pela personagem Dona Benta a seus netos; a partir daí, diversas propriedades ficcionais do original britânico se manifestam em muitos momentos na obra infantil do paulista. Esse recurso é consoante com uma prática defendida pela geração de escritores do modernismo brasileiro de 1922: a antropofagia. Embora Lobato fosse dissidente do grupo, e apesar de sua prosa para adultos ter sido pouco modernista, sua literatura infantil se mostra extremamente similar àquilo que o grupo de Oswald de Andrade e Mário de Andrade defendia. Com base em Lajolo e Ceccantini (2008), Zilberman (1982), Vieira (2008) e White (2011), este trabalho busca mostrar como se dá o entrecruzamento antropofágico da obra de Barrie com a de Lobato, e como o paulista construiu sua literatura nacionalista para crianças. Em Peter Pan de Lobato, há dois universos mágicos e sobrenaturais que se sobrepõem: o Sítio e a Terra do Nunca; o escopo analítico deste trabalho passa, então, por teóricos do modo literário insólito / fantástico, como Todorov (2007), Roas (2014), García et al. (2007), e outros. Além disso, busca-se analisar a visão do Brasil que o escritor paulista conseguia vincular à sua literatura infantil, pensando em identidade regional, nacional e no contexto de globalização, com base em Hall (2005), Said (2011), e em considerações sobre região e nação. A conclusão é que Lobato era um tradutor cultural que conseguia trazer aos leitores do país, pioneiramente, histórias antigas e novas que eram produzidas no exterior, vestindo-as à brasileira, digerindo-as de maneira antropofágica, e que sua influência ficcional é visível até os dias de hoje, no que diz respeito à formação de uma identidade brasileira moderna. / Submitted by Ana Guimarães Pereira (agpereir@ucs.br) on 2016-11-30T15:13:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Felipe Teixeira Zobaran.pdf: 2350229 bytes, checksum: e21ade58b573958d1a70ac720aabfacf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-30T15:13:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Felipe Teixeira Zobaran.pdf: 2350229 bytes, checksum: e21ade58b573958d1a70ac720aabfacf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-11-30 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPq / This thesis aims at examining to what extend Brazilian writer Monteiro Lobato brings out his children's literature project in the books of the Sítio do Picapau Amarelo series, focusing especially on the novel Peter Pan, released in 1930. The original story by Scottish playwright James Matthew Barrie first appeared in a play in London in 1910, and became a contemporary classic, widely adapted and translated, including film versions by Walt Disney studios. Lobato, who was a famous translator, chose not only to translate the work of Barrie, but to absorb it into his own fiction; in the Brazilian books, the story of the boy who does not grow up is told by the character Dona Benta to her grandchildren; from there on, several fictional properties of the original British story manifest in many instances to the children of São Paulo. This feature is in line with Brazilian modernism writers of 1922, who defended Antropofagia (literary cannibalism), that is, a sharp reinforcement of the Brazilian identity in literature, by absorbing foreign aesthetics and transforming them into something original. Although Lobato was a dissident of that group, and even though his prose for adults was not very modernistic, his books for children are similar, in some ways, to what Oswald de Andrade and Mario de Andrade were producing in the early 1920’s. Based on Lajolo and Ceccantini (2008), Zilberman (1982), Vieira (2008) and White (2011), this paper shows the intertwining fiction of Barrie and Lobato, and how the Brazilian books get to defend a sort of nationalism. In Lobato’s Peter Pan, two supernatural worlds converge: Sítio do Picapau Amarelo and Neverland; thus, this paper analyses both fictional worlds based on fantasy literature theories, such as the works of Todorov (2007), Roas (2014) and García et al. (2007). Moreover, this analysis seeks to define Lobato’s view of Brazilian identity, based on Hall (2005), Said (2011) and theories of nationalism. The conclusion is that Lobato was a cultural translator, who could bring to the country's readers old and new stories that were produced abroad, making them very Brazilian, by digesting them in a cannibalistic way. His fictional influence is, actually, visible until today, as it helped in the formation of a modern Brazilian identity.

Antropofagia no sítio : insólito ficcional e identidade cultural em Peter Pan, de Monteiro Lobato

Zobaran, Felipe Teixeira 01 August 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho busca analisar como Monteiro Lobato concretiza seu projeto de construção de uma literatura infantil brasileira, em obras constituintes da coleção do Sítio do Picapau Amarelo, especialmente através do livro Peter Pan, de 1930. A personagem homônima original do escocês James Matthew Barrie apareceu pela primeira vez em uma peça de teatro em 1910, em Londres, e tornou-se um clássico contemporâneo, largamente adaptado e traduzido, inclusive pelos estúdios de animação de Walt Disney. Lobato, que era tradutor, escolheu não apenas traduzir a obra de Barrie, mas apropriar-se dela no universo do Sítio; nos livros do brasileiro, a história do menino que não quer crescer é contada pela personagem Dona Benta a seus netos; a partir daí, diversas propriedades ficcionais do original britânico se manifestam em muitos momentos na obra infantil do paulista. Esse recurso é consoante com uma prática defendida pela geração de escritores do modernismo brasileiro de 1922: a antropofagia. Embora Lobato fosse dissidente do grupo, e apesar de sua prosa para adultos ter sido pouco modernista, sua literatura infantil se mostra extremamente similar àquilo que o grupo de Oswald de Andrade e Mário de Andrade defendia. Com base em Lajolo e Ceccantini (2008), Zilberman (1982), Vieira (2008) e White (2011), este trabalho busca mostrar como se dá o entrecruzamento antropofágico da obra de Barrie com a de Lobato, e como o paulista construiu sua literatura nacionalista para crianças. Em Peter Pan de Lobato, há dois universos mágicos e sobrenaturais que se sobrepõem: o Sítio e a Terra do Nunca; o escopo analítico deste trabalho passa, então, por teóricos do modo literário insólito / fantástico, como Todorov (2007), Roas (2014), García et al. (2007), e outros. Além disso, busca-se analisar a visão do Brasil que o escritor paulista conseguia vincular à sua literatura infantil, pensando em identidade regional, nacional e no contexto de globalização, com base em Hall (2005), Said (2011), e em considerações sobre região e nação. A conclusão é que Lobato era um tradutor cultural que conseguia trazer aos leitores do país, pioneiramente, histórias antigas e novas que eram produzidas no exterior, vestindo-as à brasileira, digerindo-as de maneira antropofágica, e que sua influência ficcional é visível até os dias de hoje, no que diz respeito à formação de uma identidade brasileira moderna. / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPq / This thesis aims at examining to what extend Brazilian writer Monteiro Lobato brings out his children's literature project in the books of the Sítio do Picapau Amarelo series, focusing especially on the novel Peter Pan, released in 1930. The original story by Scottish playwright James Matthew Barrie first appeared in a play in London in 1910, and became a contemporary classic, widely adapted and translated, including film versions by Walt Disney studios. Lobato, who was a famous translator, chose not only to translate the work of Barrie, but to absorb it into his own fiction; in the Brazilian books, the story of the boy who does not grow up is told by the character Dona Benta to her grandchildren; from there on, several fictional properties of the original British story manifest in many instances to the children of São Paulo. This feature is in line with Brazilian modernism writers of 1922, who defended Antropofagia (literary cannibalism), that is, a sharp reinforcement of the Brazilian identity in literature, by absorbing foreign aesthetics and transforming them into something original. Although Lobato was a dissident of that group, and even though his prose for adults was not very modernistic, his books for children are similar, in some ways, to what Oswald de Andrade and Mario de Andrade were producing in the early 1920’s. Based on Lajolo and Ceccantini (2008), Zilberman (1982), Vieira (2008) and White (2011), this paper shows the intertwining fiction of Barrie and Lobato, and how the Brazilian books get to defend a sort of nationalism. In Lobato’s Peter Pan, two supernatural worlds converge: Sítio do Picapau Amarelo and Neverland; thus, this paper analyses both fictional worlds based on fantasy literature theories, such as the works of Todorov (2007), Roas (2014) and García et al. (2007). Moreover, this analysis seeks to define Lobato’s view of Brazilian identity, based on Hall (2005), Said (2011) and theories of nationalism. The conclusion is that Lobato was a cultural translator, who could bring to the country's readers old and new stories that were produced abroad, making them very Brazilian, by digesting them in a cannibalistic way. His fictional influence is, actually, visible until today, as it helped in the formation of a modern Brazilian identity.

“I Laid my Hands on a Gorgeous Cannibal Woman”: Anthropophagy in the Imperial Imagination, 1492 – 1763

Watson, Kelly Lea 17 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Expansion av e-handelsverksamhet i detaljhandeln : En studie om utmaningar och framgångsfaktorer / Growing e-commerce operations within the retail industry : A study of challenges and success factors

Steen Lagerstam, Nathalie January 2016 (has links)
I vårt allt mer digitaliserade samhälle har internet fått en central roll, och har förändrat många aspekter i vårt vardagsliv. Ett av de områden som påverkats starkt av denna utveckling, är den svenska detaljhandelns e-handelsmarknad. De senaste 10 åren har dess omsättning sexdubblats, och prognoser tyder på att denna expansiva trend kommer att hålla i sig. Detta innebär helt nya förutsättningar för de svenska detaljhandelsföretag som tidigare bara bedrivit försäljning i fysiska butiker, eller bedrivit e-handelsverksamhet i liten skala. Ämnet för denna studie föreslogs av den svenska detaljhandelskedjan Företag X[1], som har beslutat att lansera en e-handel i början av år 2016. Företag X föreslog att författaren skulle kartlägga vad som krävs för att gå från en liten nyetablerad e-handel, till en stor och framgångsrik e-handel som bidrar till företagets lönsamhet och fortsatta välmående. Studiens syfte är således att kartlägga praxis och metoder som möjliggör framgångsrik expansion av e-handeln för medelstora, svenska detaljhandelsföretag. För att uppnå syftet valdes en kvalitativ multifallstudie-design. Information till den teoretiska referensramen samlades in från vetenskapliga artiklar och böcker, och kompletterades med sekundärempiri i form av rapporter från företag. Kvalitativ primärdata samlades sedan in från intervjuer med tre fallföretag, som hittades genom en mindre tvärsnittsstudie av 20 konkurrenter till Företag X där företagens EBITDA-marginal de senaste fem åren studerades.   Studiens resultat visade att den svenska detaljhandelns e-handelsmarknad har sett en mycket expansiv trend de senaste åren, och att denna ser ut att hålla i sig under det kommande decenniet. Detta innebär att marknadsklimatet håller på att förändras och går mot att bli allt mer digitalt, vilket kräver att företagen ser över sina försäljningsorganisationer. Den största trenden på marknaden kallas ”omnikanalhandel”, och innebär i korthet att företaget integrerar sin butiks- och e-handelsförsäljning för att möjliggöra en sömlös köpupplevelse för kunden. Denna trend har framträtt som ett svar på ett nytt köpmönster som noterats bland kunderna, där dessa rör sig mellan företagens digitala och fysiska försäljningskanaler under köpresan. Studien pekar på att de e-handelsrelaterade frågor som är viktigast att adressera och arbeta med finns inom följande områden: KundfokusIT Kundrelationer Lyhördhet mot kund KostnadseffektivitetSupply chain och logistik Strategi och styrning MotståndshanteringUtbildning Samspel med butiker Studien utgör författarens examensarbete i utbildningen Industriell Ekonomi vid Linköpings Tekniska Högskola.   [1] Företag X heter egentligen något annat, men har bett att få vara anonyma i denna studie. / The Internet has become a central part of the modern society and has change our everyday life in many ways. An area that’s been strongly affected by this development is the Swedish retail e-commerce market. E-commerce sales have increased six-fold over the course of the past decade and forecasts indicate that this expansive trend will continue. This trend places significant challenges on Swedish retail companies who have a legacy of exclusively carrying out their sales in the traditional brick and mortar format. The subject of this study was originally proposed by the Swedish retail company Företag X[1], who have decided to embark on their e-commerce initiative in early 2016. Företag X asked the author of this report to help with finding out what it takes to develop a small e-commerce store, in such a way that it becomes a successful part of the company, contributing to the company’s overall profitability. The purpose of this study is therefore to identify practices and methods that enable successful expansion of e-commerce for medium-sized, Swedish retail companies. In order to achieve the purpose, a qualitative multi-case study design was chosen for the study. Information for the theoretical framework was collected from articles in scientific journals and books, and supplemented with secondary empirical data in the form of reports from companies. Qualitative primary data were then collected from interviews with three chosen companies, which were found with through a small cross-sectional study of 20 competitors to Företag X where their EBITDA margins over the past five years were studied. The study results showed an expansive trend on the Swedish retail e-commerce market, and it seems that this trend is set to continue over the next decade. As a consequence, market climate is changing and shifting towards becoming more digitalized, which requires companies to review their sales organizations. The main trend in the market is called “omni-channel retailing" and means that a company is integrating its brick and mortar and e-commerce sales to enable a seamless shopping experience for the customer. This trend has emerged as a response to a new buying patterns observed among customers, who move between their digital and physical sales channels during the purchase. The study indicates that the e-commerce-related issues that are most important to address and work with are in the following areas: Customer FocusIT Customer relations Responsiveness to customers Cost effectiveness Supply chain and logistics Strategy and governance Resistance ManagementEducation Synchronization between brick and mortar stores and e-commerce store This study represents the author’s master’s thesis in the Industrial Engineering and Management program at Linköping University, Sweden. [1] Företag X are known by a different name, but have asked to remain anonymous in this study

The role of wild deer in the epidemiology and management of bovine tuberculosis in New Zealand

Nugent, Graham January 2005 (has links)
The eco-epidemiology of bovine tuberculosis (Tb) in wild deer (mainly red deer Cervus elaphus) in New Zealand was investigated. Bovine Tb is caused by Mycobacterium bovis. Specific aims were to clarify the likely routes of infection in deer, and to determine the status of deer as hosts of Tb, the likely rates and routes of inter- and intra-species transmission between deer and other wildlife hosts, the role of deer in spreading Tb, and the likely utility of deer as sentinels of Tb presence in wildlife. As the possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is the main wildlife host of Tb, the research also included some investigation of transmission routes in possums. Patterns of infection were measured in 994 deer killed between 1993 and 2003. Tb prevalence varied between areas (range 8–36%). Few deer had generalised infection, with 21–68% of infected deer having no visible lesions, depending on the area. The retropharyngeal lymph nodes and oropharyngeal tonsils were commonly infected. No dependent fawns less than 0.75 years old were infected, indicating intra-species transmission is rare in wild deer. Where possums were not controlled, the net (cumulative) force of infection in young (1–4 y) deer was 0.10–0.24 per year in males and 0.09–0.12 per year in females, but much lower in older deer (less than 0.05 per year). Possum control reduced the net force of infection quickly, and eventually to zero. However, Tb persisted in possum-controlled areas through immigration of infected deer and, for almost a decade, through the survival of resident deer infected before possum control. Tb was lost from infected deer at an exponential rate of 0.13 per year, mostly as a result of deer recovering from infection rather than dying from it. Wild deer do die of Tb, but there was no discernible effect on age structure. The occurrence of infection in deer was not linked to the local deer or possum density at their kill sites (i.e. in their home range), but the area-wide prevalence of Tb in deer was closely correlated with Tb levels in possums, which were in turn correlated with area-wide measures of possum density. For wild deer in New Zealand, Tb is a persistent but usually inconsequential disease of the lymphatic system. It is acquired mainly by young independent deer, usually orally via the tonsils, and probably as a result of licking infected possums. Many species fed on deer carrion, including possums. Most possums encountering carrion did not feed on it, but a few fed for long periods. Other scavengers such ferrets (Mustela furo), hawks (Circus approximans), and weka (a hen-sized flightless native bird; Gallirallus australis) fed in a way that probably increased the infectivity of carrion to possums. Commercial deer hunting may have facilitated the historical establishment of Tb in possums. Scavenging (including cannibalism) and interactions with dead and dying possums are identified for the first time as potentially important routes for transmission of Tb to possums, and I develop new hypotheses involving peri- and post-mortem transmission in possums that explain many of the epidemiological patterns that are characteristic of the disease in possum. In continuous native forest, deer home range size averaged 250 hectares for six young females, and over twice that for two males. Over 90% of infected deer are likely to die within 2 km (females) or 6 km (males) of where they acquired Tb, but deer could occasionally carry Tb up to 30 km. Deer will be useful as sentinels, but only where other sentinels are rare, because the force of infection for a deer with a single infected possum in its home range is only 0.004 per year, compared to greater than 0.2 per year for deliberately released pigs. Deer are occasionally capable of initiating new cycles of infection in wildlife, but deer control is not essential to eradicate Tb from wildlife.

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