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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Empirical studies in money, credit and banking : the Swedish credit market in transition under the silver and gold standards 1834-1913

Ögren, Anders January 2003 (has links)
The empirical results reached in this thesis contradict the traditional theoretical view of money as being exogenously introduced into an economy as a medium of exchange intended to reduce the transactions costs associated with barter. Instead money was endogenously created in the form of credit. Thus, the long run neutrality of money also is called into question. The varying quality of different kinds of money reflects the demand for them. If legal tender was of higher quality than private promissary notes, it was because the former were in greater demand. Concisely put, the market determines the value, and therefore the quality, of various kinds of money. The principal problem addressed in this thesis is how, during the expansive nineteenth century, it was possible to satisfy the ever growing need for credit and means of payment without sacrificing the fixed exchange rate. Particular attention is paid to the private note issuing banks, the so called Enskilda banks, that dominated the Swedish banking system throughout the nineteenth century. In addition to their note issuing, the Enskilda banks were characterized by unlimited owner liability. An examination of the ongoing political process from a rational choice perspective, indicates that initially the concept of note issuing Enskilda banks enjoyed wide spread support. They were considered to be a reasonable response to the problem of establishing a commercial banking system in an illiquid economy. The distribution of political and economic power in favor of the Crown and the Nobility included their control over the issuance of bank charters. The monopolistic policy they followed in this regard, however, resulted in growing hostility towards these. As a result, starting in the middle 1860's, a more liberal attitude towards the establishment of banks began to prevail. By the end of the nineteenth century, various political interest were able to engineer the revocation of the Enskilda banks’ note issuing rights. The special characteristics of the Enskilda banks, the right to issue bank notes and the unlimited liability of their owners, have caused them to be perceived as outdated, at least once Joint Stock banks were introduced. In contrast to the Enskilda banks, these were unable to issue notes but instead provided their owners with limited liability. The thesis demonstrates that, given the initial illiquidity of the Swedish economy, the Enskilda banks actually were the more efficient alternative. Indeed, the note issuing privileges of the Enskilda banks became one of the principal factors behind the development of liquid domestic capital markets. An empirical study that includes the most basic constraints faced by the nineteenth century Swedish economy, the demands of the specie standard and the general shortages of reliable means of payment and of credit, reveals that the Enskilda bank system can not, strictly speaking, be considered an example of free banking. Instead of holding specie reserves, the Enskilda banks backed their notes with central bank (Riksbank) notes. This was not because the public preferred Enskilda bank to Riksbank notes.  Rather it was the result of a monetary adverse selection process; Gresham’s Law.  Previously utilized, lower quality, means of payment were replaced by Enskilda bank notes. By accepting some of the discount costs, the Enskilda banks made their notes circulate at par with Riksbank notes. Thus a domestic specie exchange system was created. The note issuance of the Enskilda banks paved the way for the deposit based commercial banking system that followed, and it was essential for the monetization of the economy that occurred during the late 1860's. The long run expansion of the money supply was unrelated to growth in Riksbank reserves, specie holdings or the monetary base. Other countries operating under the specie standard also experienced monetary growth, indicating that the specie standard actually was a system of credit. Money supply, as measured in terms of Riksbank and Enskilda bank notes held by the public, eventually reflected the level of output (GDP).  VAR-tests indicated that annual changes in the level of Riksbank reserves preceded changes in the money supply which, in turn, preceded changes in the level of prices, thus supporting the price quantity theory. These results are summarized in a regression model that estimates domestic price movements as a function of current changes in international prices and GDP and of lagged changes in domestic prices and the money supply. The final chapter is an empirical analysis of the support provided to the Swedish banking system during the most severe financial crises of the nineteenth century.  Maintaining the specie standard was over riding goal of the Riksbank. In times of crises, this concern prevented the Bank from supporting the banking system in accord with the classical lender of last resort recipe; to inject liquidity and briefly suspend convertibility. The thesis argues that in a transitional economy, such as that of nineteenth century Sweden, the fixed exchange rate makes it impossible in times of crisis to support the banks at all costs. Doing so might well convert a banking crisis into a currency crisis. Indeed, this is exactly what has happened in various countries on several occasions during the late twentieth century. Instead the appropriate procedure for acting as lender of last resort in a transitional economy is to initially support the banks, but only as long as central bank reserves are not exhausted. Should the seriousness of the crisis make this insufficient, the authorities should then proceed to import high powered money as a way of supplementing their reserves. The possibility that such action will be needed makes it particularly important that the country’s public finances be kept in good order. / <p>Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2003. Sammanfattning på engelska</p>

Aktuelle Themen in der Unternehmensbewertung

Arnold, Sven 23 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende kumulative Dissertationsschrift beschäftigt sich mit finanzwissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen im Bereich der Unternehmensbewertung. Dabei wurden aktuelle Themen diskutiert, die in Theorie oder Praxis ungelöste Probleme darstellen. Hervorzuheben ist an dieser Stelle, dass sich die ersten drei Artikel mit dem Werteinfluss der Zinsschanke auf den Wert von fremdfinanzierungsbedingten Steuerersparnissen (Tax Shield) beschäftigen. Die drei darauf folgenden Artikel beschäftigen sich schwerpunktmäßig mit der konsistenten Modellierung von Finanzierungspolitiken und dem Werteinfluss der Insolvenzmöglichkeit von Unternehmen. Der siebte und achte Artikel haben die Kapitalstruktur und weitere wichtige Parameter für die Unternehmensbewertung zum Thema.

Managermyopie in deutschen Unternehmen

Berger, Michael 30 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Unterlassen die Vorstände deutscher Unternehmen wirtschaftlich sinnvolle Investitionen, um einer auf Quartalszahlen fokussierten Financial Community befriedigende Ergebnisse präsentieren zu können? In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Frage nach der Existenz von solch kurzfristigem Verhalten, bezeichnet als Managermyopie bzw. Managerial Myopia, sowie den Einflussfaktoren auf dieses Verhalten gestellt. Zur Beantwortung wurden eine postalische, anonymisierte Fragebogenumfrage unter den Finanzvorständen der CDAX-Unternehmen mit einer Rücklaufquote von 21% sowie teilstrukturierte Interviews durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse liefern deutliche Hinweise auf die Existenz von kurzfristigem Verhalten. Die Faktoren Kapitalmarktdruck, Unternehmensgröße und Fremdkapitalquote besitzen einen statistisch messbaren Einfluss auf kurzfristiges Verhalten. Die Untersuchung liefert direkte Erkenntnisse über Kapitalmarktdruck, das tatsächlich ausgeübte Maß von kurzfristigem Verhalten und die aktuelle Debatte über die verpflichtende Einführung von Quartalsberichterstattung.

兩岸三地臺商籌資評估之研究 / IPO and SPO for Taiwan enterprises in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan

許坤源, Sheu,Jack K. Y. Unknown Date (has links)
隨著兩岸三地臺商卓越的競爭能力與大中華經濟的迅速發展,海內外臺商發展為配合其長期追求成長之資金需求與其個別特定目的,尋求於最適地點上市籌資或再次籌資已是海內外臺商經營環境中極為重要之ㄧ環。有競爭力的臺商是亞洲各國極力爭取投資及招攬上市掛牌籌資的貴客,因其卓越的經營績效,敢於追求成長的努力,與勇於冒險創新發展的精神,是亞洲各國學習的對象,尤其是來自中國大陸的吸引力。 為臺商提供了一個有效率而低成本的籌資平臺,同時提供投資人一個安全而有成長率的投資平臺,不但有利企業的後續發展,亦關乎產業發展之未來競爭力。 臺商雖然可以在全球證券市場上市掛牌,但在大中華經濟圈中大陸與香港素來是臺商企業投資之重要地域,隨著CEPA簽訂生效,更加連結香港與中國內地之經貿關係,在大批中國大陸具國際規模的國有企業往香港上市,香港證券市場更呈自1997回歸後,出現欣欣向榮的景象,加之中國大陸於股權分置改革執行初具成效後,於2006年初宣佈恢復新股上市,重啟上市申請機制。受此籌資環境變化影響,吸引了大批臺商擬選擇此兩地上市。 臺灣證券市場雖仍是多數海外臺商上市之「最佳解」,在人親土親的原則下可能會對臺商企業有諸多吸引力,但因招商政策之擬定與執行受到政治因素之影響而有所偏頗,限制對中國大陸投資上限及再籌資之資金不得投資中國大陸等障礙,臺商回臺上市面臨諸多壓力,回臺之路猶似近在眼前,卻遠如天邊,其路漫漫。故尋求在中國大陸或香港上市便成為臺商上市籌資之「較適解」選項。 如何突破目前法規架構下發展對臺灣經濟與產業發展競爭力之最為有利的方式是目前政府部門努力的方向之一。惟,反向思考,是否解開對大陸投資上限40%之障礙,臺商回臺上市必可迎刃而解呢?臺商赴港上市或赴大陸掛牌就一定是致命吸引力嗎? 藉由探討兩岸三地證券市場之發展現狀與特色﹔以及將臺商企業已在大陸上市、香港上市與回臺上市之營運面與證券交易面之表現,由該已上市臺資企業期後財務效益,檢視兩岸三地證券市場籌資之關聯性問題與上市決策之選擇關鍵,及群聚現象對產業發展之影響。 藉由深入分析兩岸三地資本市場之特徵與股市表現,試圖找尋可行途徑,以對臺商企業籌資及臺灣證券市場有所建言。 當全球交易所的合併收購蔚成風氣,紐約證交所(NYSE)於2006年6月以將近100億美元併購協議,以現金加計股票收購歐洲證交所(Euronext),首次建立橫跨大西洋兩岸的證券交易市場。惟,上市籌資具本土化特性,現今大量中資企業以H股或紅籌股到香港掛牌,而臺資企業亦經過集團分拆或組織重組到香港掛牌,均存在跨境監理之問題,而兩岸三地證券管理制度存在一定差異,若能彼此合作組成「大中華區域證券市場」─雙邊掛牌機制甚或多邊掛牌,則臺灣企業集團在兩岸三地間上市籌資、資金運籌就不會受制於相關兩岸三地間的利益衝突問題;具國際競爭能力之中資企業亦能吸納更多國際資金;香港投資銀行及金融之優勢可以更加發揮,達到三贏之局面。 政治是短暫的,產業經濟競爭能力才是長久的。從曾傲人經濟表現的亞洲四小龍,到金磚四國的崛起,產業經濟競爭不斷在演進,臺商及兩岸三地證券主管機關如何利用兩岸三地證券市場之特性與互補而整合成「大中華區域證券市場」,或許可為此區域經濟創造三贏之利益。 關鍵詞:臺商; 籌資; 投資; 初次上市;再籌資; 掛牌; 資本市場; 股票市場; / With rapid development of Greater China's economy of three places (China, Hong Kong and Taiwan) of two sides, listing in the most suitable exchange to fund-raising by IPO and SPO are quite important for the Taiwan enterprises. An efficient fund-raising platform of the low cost and safe, not only benefit Taiwan enterprises in future competitiveness, but also offer investors safe and efficient invest environment. As CEPA signs coming into force, the trading tied closely between Hong Kong and China. Furthermore, China’s reform of “equity right” is effective and reopens the IPO mechanism at the beginning of 2006. Taiwan enterprise, however, listed on Taiwan stock market has a regulation of 40% limited of equity value invest in China. Those incentives from Hong Kong and China, the limit of Taiwan stock market, have made Taiwan enterprises consider to choose these two places to be listed. In this research, we compare and contrast the characteristics among China, Hong Kong and Taiwan stock markets. Surveying the performance of business operation and dealing of the Taiwan enterprises which have listed in China or Hong Kong or come back to list on Taiwan market. Analyze and find the influence factors of the fund-raising among these three markets. Find the key points of listing decision and how the “cluster effect” influences the industry development. Although the security market of Taiwan was listed by most overseas Taiwan traders ' solve bestly ', may have a great deal of appeal to Taiwan trader's enterprises under the circumstances that people kiss the principle kissed in land , but because promote trade and investment the policy draft that biased to some extent with the influence of receiving the political factor of execution, limit the obstacle of can't invest in China's Mainland to investment upper limit and fund raising funds again of China's Mainlanding etc., the Taiwan trader goes back to the platform to list and face a great deal of pressures, the way to platform is still like near before eyes, but far like the remotest places, its way is endless. Is it is it become Taiwan trader list raise funds ' relatively right to solve ' to select to list on China's Mainland or Hong Kong to seek. How break through regulation between development and Taiwan economy and industry development competitiveness favorable way government department diligent direction at present most under the structure at present. Only, think backward whether untie 40% of the obstacles of upper limit of continent investment, is it be very easily solved that the Taiwan trader go back to the platform to list? The Taiwan trader be the deadly appeal when going to Hongkong and is listed or go to the mainland to list? By probing into the current situations of the development and characteristics of three place security markets of two sides; And has been listed on mainland Taiwan trader's enterprises , Hong Kong is listed and gone back the behavior the listing operation surface of the platform and securities trading , from should already listing Taiwan-owned enterprise financial benefit under issue, inspect two sides three place getting related question and listing choice key of decision that security market raise funds, and the influence on industry development of clustering phenomenon. Behave with the characteristic and stock market of analysing in depth three place capital markets of two sides, attempt to look for the feasible way, suggest to the fund-raising of Taiwan trader's enterprise and security market of Taiwan to some extent. Purchase and become atmosphere luxuriantly in amalgamation in the global exchange, the stock exchange of New York (NYSE ) has already decided an agreement, will add stocks and purchase the European stock exchange (Euronext ) with cash of nearly 10 billion dollars, set up and stretch over the securities trade market of the Atlantic Ocean firstly. Only, listing and raising funds has localization characteristics, a large amount of China-invested enterprises are gone to Hong Kong to list with the H-share or the red chips now, and the Taiwan-owned enterprise also passes the group and breaks or organizes and recombinates to Hong Kong and is listed , the question managed in border exists and steps but there are certain differences in three place securities management systems of two sides, if can cooperate and form ' Greater China regional security market ' each other - Listed the mechanism bilaterally even listed, then the enterprise group of Taiwan is listed on three places of two sides the fund-raising , fund and drawn up plans and would not be situated in the interests conflict question among three places of relevant two sides; The China-invested enterprise with international competitiveness can also receive more Chinese fund ; Hong Kong investment bank and advantage of the finance can give play to the situation up to three wins further . ' politics is transient, industry's economic competitive power is permanent ', Chinese helps Chinese, earns the global money with Chinese's strength of assembling, accords with Chinese's common interests of three places of two sides, regard this as the suggestions of three place securities competent authorities of two sides correctly. Key Word : Taiwan enterprises; Fund-raising; IPO; SPO; Investment: Listing; Capital market; Stock market.

第二上市外國公司之監理與投資人保護 / The Supervision of Secondary Listed Companies and Investor Protection in Taiwan

陳韋伶 Unknown Date (has links)
為提升台灣資本市場之競爭力與國際化,我國行政院院會於民國97年3月通過「推動海外企業來台掛牌一二三計畫」,正式宣告開放外國企業來台上市。海外企業於我國第二上市發行台灣存託憑證(Taiwan Depositary Receipt,TDR),甫開放之初,市場反應熱烈,引發股市一陣TDR追價效應,有TDR蜜月期之戲稱。然而,資訊不透明、資訊揭露不對等之問題漸漸浮現,以及隨後發生香港僑威原股停止交易兩天,但僑威TDR仍在台繼續摸黑交易、日本爾必達聲請破產保護,爾必達TDR股價連續跌停板並下市等,種種情形影響市場信心、造成投資人卻步,今年更有萬宇科技TDR及超級咖啡TDR在外流通單位數過少,因流動性不足而下市之情形,顯示TDR之制度監理仍有需要改善的空間。 本文首先介紹臺灣存託憑證之發行組織架構與近期發行現況,並就紐約證券交易所、香港交易所以及新加坡交易所對於其境內存託憑證之事前審核、上市條件、事中監理至事後投資人保護措施之制度與我國制度分析比較,並提出我國制度可參考改善之建議。 目前雖然TDR市場進入冰封期,然而臺灣資本市場仍具TDR發展之利基,為提升臺灣之全球金融證券市場地位,主管機關應全面檢討TDR市場與制度,以利外資企業來臺發展TDR市場。同時,主管機關於推動臺灣證券市場國際化之時,亦應同時兼顧我國投資人之權益保障面向,尋求二者間之平衡點,使臺灣資本市場適應國際化之商品及交易,與國際資本市場接軌。 / To advance the competitiveness and internationalization of Taiwan’s capital market, in march 2008, the Executive Yuan passed the plan for promoting foreign companies to list in Taiwan, and announced officially that welcome the foreign companies to issue TDR. At first, TDR was highly thought of by the investors, however, the TDR’s problem comes up, such as the intransparency of information and information asymmetry. The situation led investors hang back. Obviously the regulation of TDR needs to be improved. This thesis introduced the structure of issuing TDR and recent developments, and analyzed the regulation of NYSE, HKEx and SGX to provide suggestions for Taiwan’s capital market. At the present time, the market for TDR is not lively, but there are still advantages of our capital market, the authorities should modify the regulation of TDR to attract foreign companies, meanwhile, to take both internationalization of capital market and investor protection into consideration, so that allow Taiwan’s capital market in connection with international capital market.

Essays in empirical finance : volatility, interdependencies, and risk in emerging markets /

Johansson, Anders C. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Göteborg, 2007. / Enth. 4 Beitr.

Obchodování s dluhopisy na kapitálovém trhu v ČR / Bonds Trading on the Capital Market in the Czech Republic

SVOBODOVÁ, Hana January 2008 (has links)
Themes my diploma is ,,Bonds trading on the capital market in the Czech Republic``. In introductory part of my thesis I deal with theoretic summary and functioning of capital market, regulation and supervision of capital market and individual subjects acting in this market. In more detail I deal with describeing the Prague Stock Exchange and company RM-System. I further define conception the bond and I describe long bonds, theirs basic kinds and conceptions used in the bonds. I also allude to series of different kinds of the bonds, that the offer on the international markets. Next part of my thesis is aimed to describe the development of the Czech market of bonds. I analyze the development of bonds trading in the last of several years on the regulated markets and the OTC-markets in the Czech Republic. In the close of my thesis I analyze the development of bonds trading on the Czech market of bonds in comparasion with Slovakian, Polish and Hungarian markets. This analysis was take in on comparision of the Stock Exchange of chosen countries.

Testando a hipótese de passeio aleatório no mercado de ações brasileiro

Sales, Ludmilla Oliveira Ambrosi 27 January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Ludmilla Oliveira Ambrosi Sales (ludy.sales@gmail.com) on 2017-02-19T02:58:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação de Ludmila_FGV.pdf: 1634569 bytes, checksum: f69fd3c3e31851a5d2a8496dbd9c50a8 (MD5) / Rejected by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br), reason: Trabalho submetido duas vezes. on 2017-02-20T16:33:52Z (GMT) / Submitted by Ludmilla Oliveira Ambrosi Sales (ludy.sales@gmail.com) on 2017-02-20T21:43:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação de Ludmila_FGV_.pdf: 2700997 bytes, checksum: 502da2dea23764b52c65a0ab70a00a9f (MD5) / Rejected by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br), reason: Ludmilla, Está correto, porém, o código da ficha catalográfica (CDU 336.76) deve estar ao lado direito da ficha. Aguardo on 2017-02-20T21:48:45Z (GMT) / Submitted by Ludmilla Oliveira Ambrosi Sales (ludy.sales@gmail.com) on 2017-02-20T23:06:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação de Ludmila_FGV_.pdf: 2701182 bytes, checksum: c86ac2ab833162046024483778a8b39a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br) on 2017-02-20T23:28:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação de Ludmila_FGV_.pdf: 2701182 bytes, checksum: c86ac2ab833162046024483778a8b39a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-21T18:12:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação de Ludmila_FGV_.pdf: 2701182 bytes, checksum: c86ac2ab833162046024483778a8b39a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-01-27 / This paper revisits the theory of market efficiency and analyzes the Brazilian capital market for a more recent period in order to verify if the improvement pointed out in the study by Bonomo (2002) persists, that is, if the reduction of inefficiency in the course of the Time is robust. The existence of autocorrelation may be an indication of abnormal returns if the strategies adopted exploit this correlation and generate an abnormal return. The autocorrelation tests adopted in the random walk literature, for the most part, do not take into account the Heteroscedasticity characteristic of financial assets and, therefore, this work seeks to apply Bartlett’s formula for non-linear processes in order to verify if existence Of autocorrelation between the Brazilian papers analyzed and if this is enough to generate an extraordinary return. Traditional statistical and correlation tests were applied together with random walk tests to verify if the Brazilian capital market is efficient in its weak form. / Este trabalho revisita a teoria de eficiência de mercado e analisa o mercado de capitais brasileiros para um período mais recente a fim de verificar se a melhora apontada no estudo feito por Bonomo (2002) persiste, ou seja, se a redução da ineficiência no decorrer do tempo é robusta. Foram selecionadas 15 ações brasileiras que compunham o IBOVESPA de Maio 2016 e o período de análise compreende Janeiro de 2000 a Maio 2016. A existência de autocorrelação pode ser um indício de retornos anormais caso as estratégias adotadas explorem essa correlação e consigam gerar um retorno anormal. Os testes de autocorrelação adotados na literatura de passeio aleatório, em sua maioria, não levam em conta a característica de Heterocedasticidade dos ativos financeiros e, por isso, este trabalho busca aplicar a fórmula de Bartlett para processos não lineares a fim de verificar se a existência de autocorrelação entre os papéis brasileiros analisados e se esta é suficiente para gerar um retorno extraordinário. Testes estatísticos tradicionais e de correlação foram aplicados juntamente a testes de random walk para verificar se o mercado de capitais brasileiro é eficiente na sua forma fraca.

Restrições financeiras e os investimentos corporativos no Brasil

Hamburger, Ruth Renata 11 June 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:48:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 86627.PDF.jpg: 24656 bytes, checksum: 64d2275af3770d23e7062f9fedb68c40 (MD5) 86627.PDF: 1108037 bytes, checksum: 6d0b49ce06a0e7455cd5e14e98f365ab (MD5) 86627.PDF.txt: 395821 bytes, checksum: 5f7a71a525c45e2f184d856fe24db86d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-06-11T00:00:00Z / The fixed investments decisions of firms operating in capital markets facing imperfections are sensitive to the availability of internal funds (investment-cashflow sensitivity), rather than just depending on the availability of projects with positive net present values. This occurs since, in these environments, the cost of external capital exceeds that of internal funds (this cost difference is called financial constraints). This study describes the main concepts, the intuition of some models and shows the current debate regarding the topic – the studies diverge regarding the influence of financial constraints in the investment-cashflow sensitivity. The relationship of financial constraints and investment-cashflow sensitivity is examined empirically with Brazilian firm-level data for the period 1992 to 2001 using CLEARY’s methodology. A new measure of total investments is proposed. The main result obtained with this sample, and considering the total investment model, is that investment decisions of firms with less financial constraints are sensitive to the availability of internal funds, but firms with higher financial constraints are not. This may be explained by the fact that these firms face financial distress problems and are in a situation where only the absolutely essential investments are taken. / Em ambientes de mercados de capitais imperfeitos, as decisões de investimento das empresas em ativo fixo são sensíveis à disponibilidade de recursos internos (a chamada sensibilidade investimento fluxo de caixa), em vez de somente depender da disponibilidade de projetos com valor presente líquido positivo. Isso ocorre porque os recursos internos apresentam menor custo em relação aos recursos externos (chama-se esse diferencial de custo de restrições financeiras). Este estudo expõe os principais conceitos, a base intuitiva de alguns modelos e o debate que atualmente ocorre na literatura com relação ao tema: os resultados empíricos apresentam divergências quanto à influência das restrições financeiras na sensibilidade do investimento a variações da disponibilidade de recursos internos (fluxo de caixa). Utilizando a metodologia de CLEARY (1999), ainda não testada no Brasil, este trabalho investiga empiricamente a relação entre restrições financeiras e a sensibilidade investimento fluxo de caixa das empresas no Brasil no período de 1992 a 2001, introduzindo uma nova medida para o investimento total. A principal conclusão com a amostra deste estudo, considerando os modelos de investimento total, é a de que as empresas com menores restrições financeiras apresentam sensibilidade investimento fluxo de caixa, mas nas empresas com maiores restrições o mesmo não ocorre. Uma possível explicação para isso é que tais empresas apresentam fortes problemas financeiros e possivelmente estejam em uma situação em que apenas os investimentos absolutamente essenciais continuem sendo feitos.

Regional financial integration and its impact on financial sector development : the case of Southern Africa

Tembo, Jonathan 07 1900 (has links)
The study investigated the impact of regional financial integration on financial development with specific focus on the SADC protocols on trade and finance and investment. A total of 14 countries made up the study sample and the panel cointegration fully modified ordinary least squares model alongside the GMM were used to estimate the nature of impact. Study findings showed regional integration through the protocol on trade had a positive and significant impact on size and efficiency of the banking sector using the FMOLS estimator. GMM estimations for the same variables were largely insignificant. The results also showed a positive impact of the trade protocol on stock market capitalization but a negative and insignificant impact on stock turnover. The finance and investment protocol had a negative and insignificant relationship with broad money and a positive and significant impact on private sector credit for both estimators. The protocol was found to have had no significant effect on stock market development. The impact of the finance protocol was not significant enough to be detected in global integration measures, implying their implementation may not have significantly improved global integration for SADC countries. The study also uncovered the complimentary relationship between institutional quality and social capital in the financial development process and recommended the development of outward looking integration policies which focus on regional integration with the outside world. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)

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