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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Boys will be boys" : En diskursanalytisk studie om hur förvaltningsrätten konstruerar kön i 3§ LVU / "Boys will be boys" : A discourse analytic study of how the administrative court constructs gender in the care of young persons act

Björk, Lisa, Kjörrefjord, Elin January 2016 (has links)
This study examines how gender is discursively constructed in decisions by the administrative court in Stockholm regarding the care of young persons act. Previous studies have shown a great division in how girls and boys in child welfare have been treated in Sweden. The aim of this study is to investigate whether gender is still a factor in judgments from the administrative court, examine how gender is constructed and to what consequences this can lead. The empirical material consists of six judgments from the administrative court. To analyze how gender is constructed a discourse analytic tool is used. One result is, contrary to previous studies, that boys’ sexual behaviour can also be considered a problem. The focus for boys’ sexual behaviour is, however, their actions towards others, while girls’ sexual behaviour is considered a danger towards themselves. The girls are also described in more detail and their anti-social behaviour is constructed as more severe, even though the boys are described to have more far-reaching problems. Boys do not seem to be cared for in time, which is contradictory to the care of young persons act.

Konstruktionen av kön : En studie om socialtjänstens yttranden i 3 § LVU (lagen om vård av unga) / The construction of gender :  A study based on social service statements in 3 § LVU (Swedish care of young persons act)

Asteryd, Martina, Höög, Maria January 2010 (has links)
<p>The aim with this study was to examine how social service statement in 3 § social-judgements LVU (Swedish care of young persons act) produce ideas about gender. We have taken an interest in the production of both boys and girls and their mothers and fathers because there are clear differences in the description of these. From a historical perspective, the differences between gender in social assessments occurred despite the fact that discrimination is prohibited by law and despite the fact that social service shall work on the basis of an gender equality perspective. In the analysis and interpretation of the rulings we have been inspired by a critical discourse analysis. 30 social-judgements have been analyzed where of 15 concerns girls and 15 involve boys.  In our study obvious differences between the sexes appear. Gender stereotypical patterns emerged in several cases, for example social service only mentioned sexuality and adolescent self-harm of girls but in non of the boys cases. As regards the mothers are often criticised and clearly described in the judgments while fathers rarely occur.  </p> / <p>Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka om socialtjänstens yttranden i 3 § LVU-domar (Lagen om vård av unga) producerar föreställningar om kön. Vi har intresserat oss för framställningen av både pojkar, flickor, deras mödrar samt fäder eftersom det förekommer tydliga skillnader i beskrivningen av dessa. Ur ett historiskt perspektiv har skillnader mellan könen i sociala bedömningar alltid förekommit trots att diskriminering är förbjuden enligt lag och trots att socialtjänsten skall arbeta utifrån ett jämställdhetsperspektiv. I tolkningsarbetet av domarna har vi i hög grad inspirerats av kritisk diskursanalys. Domarna var 30 till antalet och berörde 15 flickor och 15 pojkar. I vår undersökning kan tydliga skillnader ses mellan könen. Könsstereotypiska mönster framkommer i flera fall, exempelvis nämner socialtjänsten enbart sexualitet och självskadebeteende hos flickor men inte i något fall hos pojkarna. Vad gäller mödrarna är de ofta kritiserade och tydligt beskrivna i domarna medan fäderna sällan förekommer.</p>

Konstruktionen av kön : En studie om socialtjänstens yttranden i 3 § LVU (lagen om vård av unga) / The construction of gender :  A study based on social service statements in 3 § LVU (Swedish care of young persons act)

Asteryd, Martina, Höög, Maria January 2010 (has links)
The aim with this study was to examine how social service statement in 3 § social-judgements LVU (Swedish care of young persons act) produce ideas about gender. We have taken an interest in the production of both boys and girls and their mothers and fathers because there are clear differences in the description of these. From a historical perspective, the differences between gender in social assessments occurred despite the fact that discrimination is prohibited by law and despite the fact that social service shall work on the basis of an gender equality perspective. In the analysis and interpretation of the rulings we have been inspired by a critical discourse analysis. 30 social-judgements have been analyzed where of 15 concerns girls and 15 involve boys.  In our study obvious differences between the sexes appear. Gender stereotypical patterns emerged in several cases, for example social service only mentioned sexuality and adolescent self-harm of girls but in non of the boys cases. As regards the mothers are often criticised and clearly described in the judgments while fathers rarely occur. / Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka om socialtjänstens yttranden i 3 § LVU-domar (Lagen om vård av unga) producerar föreställningar om kön. Vi har intresserat oss för framställningen av både pojkar, flickor, deras mödrar samt fäder eftersom det förekommer tydliga skillnader i beskrivningen av dessa. Ur ett historiskt perspektiv har skillnader mellan könen i sociala bedömningar alltid förekommit trots att diskriminering är förbjuden enligt lag och trots att socialtjänsten skall arbeta utifrån ett jämställdhetsperspektiv. I tolkningsarbetet av domarna har vi i hög grad inspirerats av kritisk diskursanalys. Domarna var 30 till antalet och berörde 15 flickor och 15 pojkar. I vår undersökning kan tydliga skillnader ses mellan könen. Könsstereotypiska mönster framkommer i flera fall, exempelvis nämner socialtjänsten enbart sexualitet och självskadebeteende hos flickor men inte i något fall hos pojkarna. Vad gäller mödrarna är de ofta kritiserade och tydligt beskrivna i domarna medan fäderna sällan förekommer.

Pojkar och flickor i LVU-domar : Genuskonstruktioner i 3§ LVU / Boys and girls in judgements regarding the care of young persons act : Gender constructions found in article 3 in the care of young persons act

Almqvist, Ida, Sekelius, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
The legislation should be gender neutral, and should not have a gender bias, but it does happen that the court takes decisions based on gender stereotypes and norms. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if there are any gender constructions in the Care of Young Persons Ac, to highlight these possible differences between how boys and girls get judged according to article 3 in the law and also on what grounds the girls and boys are taken into custody. The thesis is based on 28 judgements from the Administrative court of appeal in Sweden. The first question that is answered in the thesis is how girls and boys are represented or written about in the judgements regarding article 3 in the Care of Young Persons Act. The second question that is answered is on what grounds these children are taken into compulsory care and if these grounds differ on the basis of gender. Gender theory is the theoretical framework in this thesis and is applied on the judgements. The results in this thesis show that there are certain differences between how boys and girls are judged according to article 3 in the Care of Young Persons Act. The analysis of the 28 judgements show that the differences can be that girls are taken into compulsory care based on descriptions of their sexuality. Their mental illnesses and emotions are more highlighted in the judgements. The results found that there are more boys taken into compulsory care and they are more involved in criminality and have violent behaviour and a heavier drug addiction compared to the girls. The gender differences could mostly be seen in statements made by the social welfare board in the judgements and in some statements made by the Administrative court of appeal when they described the “vagabonding” lifestyle of the girls.

“Överlag kanske man ska ta ett barns uppgifter med en nypa salt” : -En kvalitativ studie om upphörandet av vård av unga enligt LVU 2 §i ljuset av lex lilla hjärtat / “Perhaps you should take a child's information with a pinch of salt”

Andersson, Carolina, Pålbrant, Ella January 2023 (has links)
Esmeralda, som även kom att kallas ”lilla hjärtat”, påträffades avliden hos sina biologiskaföräldrar kort efter att vården av henne enligt LVU upphörde. Som ett resultat av Esmeraldastragiska öde presenterades reformen lex lilla hjärtat, vilken resulterade i flertal lagändringarsom trädde i kraft den 1 juli 2022. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka om och i sådant fall ivilken utsträckning lex lilla hjärtat har fått betydelse för rättstillämpningen. Studien hargenomförts med hjälp av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod och med dokument i form av domarsom behandlar upphörandet av vård av unga enligt LVU 2 § som datainsamlingsmetod.Domarna valdes ut genom ett målstyrt urval och bearbetades genom en tematisk analys. Deteoretiska utgångspunkter som använts i studien är rättssociologi, socialkonstruktivism ochbarndomssociologi. Resultatet från studien visar att lex lilla hjärtat har fått betydelse förrättstillämpningen, dock inte i tillräcklig utsträckning med hänsyn till förväntade effekter.Inledningsvis har det konstaterats att lex lilla hjärtat har medfört aktualiserade krav vidupphörande av vård enligt LVU 2 §. Fortsättningsvis har barnrätten fått en förstärkningmedan beaktandet av föräldrarnas intresse snarare har försvagats. Däremot visar studien attdet fortsatt föreligger brister i hänsynstagandet som görs till principen om barnets bästa samtbarnets perspektiv. / Esmeralda, also called “lilla hjärtat” was found dead at her biological parents house shortlyafter the care of her under the Care of Young Persons Act, ended. As a result of Esmeralda'stragic fate the reform “lex lilla hjärtat” was presented. This led to several changes in the lawthat came into effect on July 1 2022. The purpose of this study is to examine whether and towhat extent “lex lilla hjärtat” has had an impact on the application of law. This study hasbeen based on a qualitative method with documents consisting of verdicts that process thetermination of the care of young persons act, as the data collection method. The verdicts wereselected through a purposive selection and processed with a thematic analysis. The theoreticalperspective that has been used in this study is sociology of laws, social constructivism andchildhood sociology. The result of the study show that “lex lilla hjärtat” has had an impact onthe application of law, although not the expected level of impact. First of all, “lex lillahjärtat” has resulted in higher requirements regarding the termination of the care of youngpersons act. Furthermore the children's rights have been strengthened while the parents'interests have gotten a weakened position. However, this study shows that there is still a lackof consideration to the principle of the best interest of the child and the child's perspective.

Brister socialnämnden i sin handläggning? : En studie om hur nämnden bedömer umgänge när barn blivit omhändertagna med LVU 2 § som grund / Does the social welfare committee fail in its procedure?

Kvist, Rebecka January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Lagstiftarens intentioner kontra praktikens tolkning och tillämpning : En rättsvetenskaplig undersökning av rekvisitet <em>annat förhållande i hemmet </em>i 2 § lagen (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga

Hermansson, Emma, Malmquist, Madeleine January 2009 (has links)
<p><p><p>This thesis has focused on specific aspects of the law concerning the 2nd paragraph of The Care of Young Persons Act (1990:52), LVU. The purpose of this study was to examine the provision <em>other circumstance in the home </em>from a legal perspective; how is the provision defined in the law? A second purpose was to reveal any discrepancy between the intention of the legislation of the already mentioned provision and how this provision was interpreted and applied in practice. This study was jurisprudential and based on both traditional juristic method and sociological methods with qualitative interviews with social workers and text analysis of a case from The County Administrative Court. The gathered information was analysed using a method of discourse analysis. The theoretical framework for this thesis was social constructionism based upon the work of Berger and Luckmann. The conclusion of this study was that the provision <em>other circumstance in the home </em>is connected to the role of the mother though this is not noticed through the legislation. Another conclusion was that the practice considers the legal demand to anticipate as unattainable. The interpretation and application of the provision made by the practice, compared with the intention of the legislation, was representing both an expand and restriction of the provision.</p></p></p>

Den unges åsikter, inställning och delaktighet : En studie om hur ungas röst beaktas i den rättsliga processen gällande 2§ LVU / Young people's opinions, attitudes and participation : A study concerning the voice of young people in court processes regarding compulsory care

Hörnquist, Miranda, Stula, Nicole January 2017 (has links)
In light of Sweden ratifying the United Nations Convention on the rights of the child, Swedish law supports the right for children to express their opinions and have their voice heard in situations concerning them. The aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of young people’s participation, by investigating how young people’s opinions and attitudes are taken into account in decision making concerning the lack of care shown in 2§ The Compulsory Care of Young Persons Act (1990:52). To explore this subject, this study was based on the textual analysis of 16 court cases from the administrative court from the year 2016, concerning young people aged between 15-18 years old. We found that young people’s opinions and attitudes are generally taken into account in the process of compulsory care. Our results indicate that young people’s opinions and attitudes are taken into account to a higher extent in the whole legal process when the decision of the administrative court corresponds with the young person’s opinion and attitude. In cases where the court’s decision did not correspond with the young person’s opinion and attitude, the opinions and attitudes of children were taken into account to a lesser degree. Our analysis has shown, according to the Ladder of Participation, that all young people can be seen as participators in the process of compulsory care. However, children’s participation is a complex phenomenon and additional research is needed to unpack this subject further.

Tvångsvård på grund av problematiskt datorspelande : En rättsvetenskaplig studie av <em>annat socialt nedbrytande beteend</em>e i 3 § LVU

Gustavsson, Cecilia, Lundqvist, Petra January 2010 (has links)
<p>This paper has focused on specific aspects of the law concerning the 3rd paragraph of The Care of Young Persons Act (1990:52), LVU. The purpose of this study was to examine the prerequisite <em>other social destructive behaviour</em> in four cases where youths has been under compulsory institutional care because of their computer gaming. The study was composed on a legal dogmatic method and a legal sociologist perspective. The legal dogmatic method implies to examine the law and its elaboration, the legal sociologist perspective focus on the consequences and causes of the court of law. The study shows that problematic computer gaming is an increasing problem in society and that <em>other social destructive behaviour</em> is a wide prerequisite that need new amendment in order to ensure citizens certainty.</p>

Tvångsvård på grund av problematiskt datorspelande : En rättsvetenskaplig studie av annat socialt nedbrytande beteende i 3 § LVU

Gustavsson, Cecilia, Lundqvist, Petra January 2010 (has links)
This paper has focused on specific aspects of the law concerning the 3rd paragraph of The Care of Young Persons Act (1990:52), LVU. The purpose of this study was to examine the prerequisite other social destructive behaviour in four cases where youths has been under compulsory institutional care because of their computer gaming. The study was composed on a legal dogmatic method and a legal sociologist perspective. The legal dogmatic method implies to examine the law and its elaboration, the legal sociologist perspective focus on the consequences and causes of the court of law. The study shows that problematic computer gaming is an increasing problem in society and that other social destructive behaviour is a wide prerequisite that need new amendment in order to ensure citizens certainty.

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