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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of the C2C-certification and its potential on a car sun visor : A conceptual study / Undersökning av C2C-certifieringen och dess potential på ett solskydd i en bil : En konceptstudie

Falk, Andreas, Sandin, Erik January 2022 (has links)
This report describes how a car sun visor can be designed in order to meet a sustainability certification called Cradle to Cradle Certified® (C2C). The thesis is a final project for the university program Mechanical Engineering: Product Development and Design at School of engineering, Jönköping University. The thesis is in a collaboration with Polestar, a performance electric car brand with the goal to build sustainable electric cars and help create a sustainable society. One way to take this sustainability work forward is to apply C2C certifications to their products. The aim of the project was therefore to present how a sun visor from a Polestar model would meet the C2C requirements, and to develop a concept and prototype that can potentially receive a C2C certification. The project also aimed to present important conclusions about how C2C affects the product development process. The project was divided into two main sections, one deeper study of C2C and one conceptual design study. The work began with examining the structure and requirements of C2C. These were then compared to Polestar’s sun visor. Several product development phases were carried out with Bootcamp bootleg and the C2C process to develop concepts that could meet C2C´s and Polestar´s requirements. The concepts were then presented to a focus group in order to select a concept for further development. The result is a conceptual sun visor that is well adapted for C2C. The concept has a big focus on sustainable and safe materials, functions for circularity, with an extra focus on a simple disassembly process. According to the project group, the concept is assessed to possess the potential for the third highest ranking in the C2C certification. The project also resulted in a prototype to present the concept, functions and materials. / I denna rapport redovisas hur solskyddet i en bil kan designas i syfte att uppfylla en hållbarhetscertifiering kallad Cradle to Cradle Certified® (C2C). Examensarbetet är ett slutprojekt för högskoleprogrammet Maskinteknik: Produktutveckling och design vid Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping. Examensarbetet genomförs i samarbete med Polestar, ett prestanda elbilsmärke som arbetar med att skapa hållbara elbilar för att bidra till ett hållbart samhälle. Ett sätt att föra detta hållbarhetsarbete framåt, är att tillämpa C2C-certifieringar på sina produkter. Målet med projektet blev därför att presentera hur ett solskydd från en Polestar modell uppfyller C2C-kraven, samt att ta fram ett koncept och prototyp som potentiellt kan få en C2C-certifiering. Projektet syftade även till att presentera viktiga slutsatser om hur C2C påverkar produktutvecklingsprocessen. Projektet delades in i två huvuddelar, en djupare studie av C2C och en konceptuell designstudie. Arbetet började med att undersöka uppbyggnaden samt kraven för C2C. Dessa jämfördes sedan mot Polestars solskydd. Flera produktutvecklingsfaser genomfördes med Bootcamp bootleg- och C2C processen för att ta fram koncept som kunde möta kraven från C2C och Polestar. Dessa presenterades sedan för en fokusgrupp i syfte att välja ut ett koncept att utveckla vidare. Resultatet är ett konceptuellt solskydd som är väl anpassat för C2C. Konceptet har stort fokus på hållbara och säkra material, gedigna funktioner för cirkuläritet, med ett extra fokus på en enkel demonteringsprocess. Konceptet bedöms enligt projektgruppen besitta potentialen för den tredje högsta rankingen i C2C certifieringen. Projektet resulterade även i en fysisk prototyp för att presentera konceptet, funktioner och material.

Digital Certificates for the Internet of Things

Forsby, Filip January 2017 (has links)
This thesis will investigate the possibility of developing a lightweight digitalcertificate solution for resource constrained embedded systems in 6LoWPANnetworks. Such systems are battery powered or energy harvesting devices whereit is crucial that energy consumption and memory footprints are as minimalas possible. Current solutions for digital certificates are found to be moredemanding than what is desirable and therefore an issue that needs to besolved.The solution that is proposed in this thesis is a profile for the X.509 cer-tificate standard for use with constrained devices and the Internet of Things(IoT). Furthermore, a compression mechanism is designed and implementedfor certificates following this X.509 profile.Results show that compressing certificates is a highly viable solution, de-spite the added complexity it brings.This new lightweight digital certificate solution will allow resource con-strained systems to be able to run for longer without being interrupted orneeding maintenance. / Denna avhandling undersöker möjligheten att utveckla lättviktslösning förinbyggda system med begränsade resurser i 6LoWPAN-nätverk. Eneheter isådanna system drivs på batteri och återvunnen energi från omgivningen därminimal energi- och minnesanvänding är avgörande. Nuvarande lösningar fördigitala certifikat anses vara mer krävande än önskvärt och det är därför ettproblem som behöver lösas.Lösningen som presenteras i denna avhandling är en profil för certifikatstan-darden X.509 för användning med begränsade enheter inom Internet of Things(IoT). Utöver det är en komprimeringsmekanism designad och implementeradför certifikat som följer denna X.509-profil.Resultat visar att det är högst genomförbart att komprimera certifikat,trots den ökade komoplexiteten det medför.Denna nya lösning för digitala certifikat tillåter resursbegränsade enheteratt köras längre utan att behöva avbrytas eller underhållas.

Evaluation of Certificate Enrollment over Application Layer Security / Utvärdering av certifikatsskrivning över applikationslagersäkerhet

Krontiris, Alexandros January 2018 (has links)
This thesis analyzes Application Layer security protocols for certificate enrollment and management. EDHOC, Ephemeral Diffie-HellmanOver COSE, is a recently developed key exchange protocol whichis designed to provide authentication and key-exchange functionality with compact message sizes and minimum round-trip-time. The workof this thesis extends the EDHOC protocol with a certificate enrollment functionality, targeting IoT constrained devices and it has been implemented for analysis and evaluation purposes. The main scope of this document is to study the security, performance and scalability (in descendingorder of importance) of enrollment over EDHOC compared to other certificate enrollment protocols. / Detta examensarbete analyserar säkerhetsprotokoll av typen ApplicationLayer för certifikatregistrering och hantering. EDHOC, Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE, har implementerats, analyserats och utvärderats. EDHOC är ett nyligen utvecklat Application Layer-protokoll som är utformat för att tillhandahålla autentiserings- och nyckelfunktionsfunktioner med kompakta meddelandestorlekar och minimala rundturstider, inriktat på IoT-begränsade enheter. Huvudområdet för examensarbetet är att studera säkerhet, prestanda och skalbarhet (i fallande ordning av betydelse) hos EDHOC jämfört med andra föreslagna Application Layer-säkerhetsprotokoll som utför certifikatsskrivning.

Efficient, Scalable and Secure Vehicular Communication System : An Experimental Study

Singh, Shubhanker January 2020 (has links)
Awareness of vehicles’ surrounding conditions is important in today’s intelligent transportation system. A wide range of effort has been put in to deploy Vehicular Communication (VC) systems to make driving conditions safer and more efficient. Vehicles are aware of their surroundings with the help of authenticated safety beacons in VC systems. Since vehicles act according to the information conveyed by such beacons, verification of beacons plays an important role in becoming aware of and predicting the status of the sender vehicle. The idea of implementing secure mechanisms to deal with a high rate of incoming beacons and processing them with high efficiency becomes a very important part of the whole VC network. The goal of this work was to implement a scheme that deals with a high rate of the incoming beacon, preserve non-repudiation of the accepted messages which contains information about the current and near-future status of the sender vehicle, and at the same time keep the computation overhead as low as possible. Along with this, maintaining user privacy from a legal point of view as well as from a technical perspective by implementing privacy-enhancing technologies. These objectives were achieved by the introduction of Timed Efficient Stream Loss-Tolerant Authentication (TESLA), periodic signature verification, and cooperative verification respectively. Four different scenarios were implemented and evaluated, starting and building upon the baseline approach. Each approach addressed the problems that were aimed at this work and results show improved scalability and efficiency with the introduction of TESLA, periodic signature verification, and cooperative verification. / Medvetenheten om fordons omgivande förhållanden är viktig i dagens intelligenta transportsystem. Ett stort antal ansträngningar har lagts ned för att distribuera VC system för att göra körförhållandena säkrare och effektivare. Fordon är medvetna om sin omgivning med hjälp av autentiserade säkerhetsfyrar i VC system. Eftersom fordon agerar enligt den information som förmedlas av sådana fyrar, spelar verifiering av fyrar en viktig roll för att bli medveten om och förutsäga avsändarfordonets status. Idén att implementera säkra mekanismer för att hantera en hög frekvens av inkommande fyrar och bearbeta dem med hög effektivitet blir en mycket viktig del av hela VC nätverket. Målet med detta arbete var att implementera ett schema som behandlar en hög hastighet för det inkommande fyren, bevara icke-förkastelse av de accepterade meddelandena som innehåller information om den aktuella och närmaste framtida statusen för avsändarfordonet och samtidigt håll beräkningen så låg som möjligt. Tillsammans med detta upprätthåller användarnas integritet ur juridisk synvinkel såväl som ur ett tekniskt perspektiv genom att implementera integritetsförbättrande teknik. Dessa mål uppnåddes genom införandet av TESLA, periodisk signatur verifiering respektive samarbets verifiering. Fyra olika scenarier implementerades och utvärderades med utgångspunkt från baslinjemetoden. Varje tillvägagångssätt tog upp de problem som riktades mot detta arbete och resultaten visar förbättrad skalbarhet och effektivitet med införandet av TESLA, periodisk signatur verifiering och samarbets verifiering.

Reducing Swedish Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Basic Industry and Energy Utilities : An Actor and Policy Analysis

Stigson, Peter January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of the thesis is to analyze the design of the present climate and energy policies. The main focus is on how the policy instruments affect the Swedish stakeholders who are included in the European Union’s Emission Trading Scheme (EU-ETS). In-depth interviews have been carried out with representatives from the basic industry, energy utilities as well as industrial and green organizations. The purpose is to illustrate have how these stakeholders view the current policy framework and what amendments that they view as necessary.</p><p>Suggestions to the Government are given regarding the design of national policies and policy instruments to provide for an improved policy framework. The information and synthesis have furthermore been collected through extensive literature studies as well as participating at conferences and seminars.</p><p>The thesis is written as a monograph in order to address a larger group of readers interested in the transition of energy systems towards sustainability as well as policy makers and Swedish stakeholders. The common understanding that the global energy systems have to undergo a transition to renewables and higher energy efficiency due to the earth’s finite sources of fossil fuels and uranium presents large challenges for policy makers and business sectors as well as the society in general.</p><p>Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have to be drastically reduced and the work to achieve this has started through international negotiations such as the Kyoto Protocol. As the present commitment levels are low, an important issue in a short-term perspective is to develop a more comprehensive and efficient system with a much wider participation and more stringent emission targets.</p><p>In order to achieve current national policy goals and international GHG emission commitments the Swedish Government utilizes a number of policy instruments that are either nationally self-assumed or called for by international agreements or the European Union. The Swedish stakeholders that are included in the EU-ETS face a broad policy framework that has a large impact on their daily operations and future investment strategies. It is imperative for the policymakers, i.e. the Government, to act in accordance with the long-term perspective that the climate change issue and the transition of the energy system require. It is likewise important that any actions are in accordance with the operational and investment climate that the business sector faces. It is argued that these aspects are not fully considered as the success of the next national budget or term of public office seems to overshadow these issues. A long-term perspective is required to provide the business sector with stable and reliable incentives. This is needed to provide the economic conditions under which the businesses can realize investments that will result in emission reductions. Short-term policies reinforce the view of environmental investments as a form of risk investments. This negatively affects the possibility of the policy instruments to effectively achieve established policy goals.</p><p>Paying attention to these requirements is however not a simple task for policy makers as it will require agreements between the political parties. This demonstrates the main political difficulty with climate change – the requirement of a long-term and full commitment by all state authorities. It should be noted that the thesis does not attempt to describe the Swedish policy makers as neglecting the urgency of acting to mitigate climate change. The national agenda is far to advanced from an international perspective for such statements. The thesis however pinpoints some important issues highlighted by stakeholders, within the business sector and other organizations, who are concerned with the present climate and energy policy framework.</p><p>Some of the findings are as follows:</p><p>• Reducing GHG emissions in order to combat climate change must include a long-term perspective</p><p>• The design of policy instruments should consequently be long-term to increase the support for investments in GHG emission reducing technologies</p><p>• The design of policies that promote low GHG production alternatives within the energy utilities should be improved</p><p>• The large potential for reduced GHG emission available through fuel switching and energy efficiency improvements in the Swedish basic industry should be promoted by amended policies</p><p>• Reformulate or abandon the national GHG emissions target goal with the current formulation</p><p>• Strive for an emission rights allocation system that is as transparent, fair and predictable as possible</p><p>• The policy framework should aim for a high level of stability through interaction with the affected stakeholders</p><p>• These factors are inherently important for the overall efficiency of the policy framework</p>

Det rättsliga utrymmet för implementering av elektroniska underskrifter vid uppfyllandet av formkrav : En studie av formkraven / The legal capacity for implementation of electronic signatures when fulfilling forms prescribed by law : A study of the forms prescribed by law

Christerson, Johan, Kihlstrand, Jakob January 2018 (has links)
Elektroniska underskrifter är en relativt ny metod för att ingå bindande avtal. Tanken med tekniken är att den ska effektivisera, förenkla och öka säkerheten för användarna vid ingående av avtal. Det kan dock uppstå problem när lagstiftning anpassas till att reglera ny teknik, eftersom det är viktigt att lagstiftaren fortsätter att ta hänsyn till de skyddsintressen som ligger bakom gällande rätt. Denna uppsats belyser och diskuterar rättsliga hinder som föreligger vid användandet av elektroniska underskrifter, vid upprättande av de tre, privaträttsligt mest vanliga, rättshandlingarna som kräver en viss form för giltighet: överlåtelse av fast egendom, upprättande av testamente eller äktenskapsförord. Uppsatsen utreder hur den nya EU-förordningen eIDAS ((EU) nr 910/2014) har påverkat svenska myndigheters förhållningssätt till elektroniska underskrifter och elektroniska handlingar. Från presumtionen att det var fysiska handlingar som krävdes, om inte särskilda regler godkände elektroniska rutiner, till att elektroniska rutiner gäller om inte särskilda formkrav förbjuder det. Vidare förklaras förenklat tekniken bakom avancerade- och kvalificerade signaturer samt elektroniska dokument. Formkraven för skriftlighet, underskrift, bevittning och registrering och de skyddsintressen som ligger bakom dessa analyseras. Formkraven till ovan nämnda rättshandlingar kan till viss del tillgodoses med elektroniska signaturer och dokument, men i dagsläget krävs det en fysisk underskrift för att göra ovan nämnda rättshandlingar giltiga, på grund av den tolkning av begreppet underskrift som har gjorts i Ds 2003:29. Vidare analyseras hur sakrätten, rent teoretiskt, skulle kunna förändras genom en potentiell lagändring eller om en ny tolkning av begreppet underskrift medför att elektroniska signaturer kan användas vid överlåtelse av fast egendom. I uppsatsen diskuteras även de förtjänster och risker som en lagändring skulle kunna innebära, och hur dessa bör vägas mot varandra, för att sedan konstatera om en ökad implementering av elektroniska rutiner är önskvärd eller inte.

Reducing Swedish Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Basic Industry and Energy Utilities : An Actor and Policy Analysis

Stigson, Peter January 2007 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to analyze the design of the present climate and energy policies. The main focus is on how the policy instruments affect the Swedish stakeholders who are included in the European Union’s Emission Trading Scheme (EU-ETS). In-depth interviews have been carried out with representatives from the basic industry, energy utilities as well as industrial and green organizations. The purpose is to illustrate have how these stakeholders view the current policy framework and what amendments that they view as necessary. Suggestions to the Government are given regarding the design of national policies and policy instruments to provide for an improved policy framework. The information and synthesis have furthermore been collected through extensive literature studies as well as participating at conferences and seminars. The thesis is written as a monograph in order to address a larger group of readers interested in the transition of energy systems towards sustainability as well as policy makers and Swedish stakeholders. The common understanding that the global energy systems have to undergo a transition to renewables and higher energy efficiency due to the earth’s finite sources of fossil fuels and uranium presents large challenges for policy makers and business sectors as well as the society in general. Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have to be drastically reduced and the work to achieve this has started through international negotiations such as the Kyoto Protocol. As the present commitment levels are low, an important issue in a short-term perspective is to develop a more comprehensive and efficient system with a much wider participation and more stringent emission targets. In order to achieve current national policy goals and international GHG emission commitments the Swedish Government utilizes a number of policy instruments that are either nationally self-assumed or called for by international agreements or the European Union. The Swedish stakeholders that are included in the EU-ETS face a broad policy framework that has a large impact on their daily operations and future investment strategies. It is imperative for the policymakers, i.e. the Government, to act in accordance with the long-term perspective that the climate change issue and the transition of the energy system require. It is likewise important that any actions are in accordance with the operational and investment climate that the business sector faces. It is argued that these aspects are not fully considered as the success of the next national budget or term of public office seems to overshadow these issues. A long-term perspective is required to provide the business sector with stable and reliable incentives. This is needed to provide the economic conditions under which the businesses can realize investments that will result in emission reductions. Short-term policies reinforce the view of environmental investments as a form of risk investments. This negatively affects the possibility of the policy instruments to effectively achieve established policy goals. Paying attention to these requirements is however not a simple task for policy makers as it will require agreements between the political parties. This demonstrates the main political difficulty with climate change – the requirement of a long-term and full commitment by all state authorities. It should be noted that the thesis does not attempt to describe the Swedish policy makers as neglecting the urgency of acting to mitigate climate change. The national agenda is far to advanced from an international perspective for such statements. The thesis however pinpoints some important issues highlighted by stakeholders, within the business sector and other organizations, who are concerned with the present climate and energy policy framework. Some of the findings are as follows: • Reducing GHG emissions in order to combat climate change must include a long-term perspective • The design of policy instruments should consequently be long-term to increase the support for investments in GHG emission reducing technologies • The design of policies that promote low GHG production alternatives within the energy utilities should be improved • The large potential for reduced GHG emission available through fuel switching and energy efficiency improvements in the Swedish basic industry should be promoted by amended policies • Reformulate or abandon the national GHG emissions target goal with the current formulation • Strive for an emission rights allocation system that is as transparent, fair and predictable as possible • The policy framework should aim for a high level of stability through interaction with the affected stakeholders • These factors are inherently important for the overall efficiency of the policy framework

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