Spelling suggestions: "subject:"change management"" "subject:"dhange management""
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A survey-feedback approach to the management of resistance to changeGoodwin, Shelagh 12 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore the role of feedback in managing resistance to
organisational change. A general systems theoretical model of individual resistance to
change was developed. It describes the origin, function and outcomes of individual
resistance to planned organisational change. The role of feedback within this process
was identified as a central one and feedback was therefore identified as an important
point of leverage in managing resistance to change. The survey feedback approach was
adopted in a retail organisation undergoing significant change. Staff were asked to
respond to a survey on their experience of the change. Results were analysed and then
fed back to them during group discussions. The process was repeated. It was concluded
that the survey feedback approach significantly contributed to a reduction in resistance
to change and that both survey feedback approach and the model of individual resistance
to change merit further investigation. / Industrial Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)
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The design of an undergraduate chiropractic curriculumKleynhans, Andries Mentz 11 1900 (has links)
Evidence is provided to support Kierkegaard's phenomenology that only what is learned
through experience is truly known. It is demonstrated that the chiropractic curriculum
represents a unique area of investigation and that it is possible to define curriculum; to create
a functional and integrative model which subsumes elements from the traditional, cyclical
and process models; and to design an integrative, problem-based, evidence-based,
experiential chiropractic curriculum. A taxonomy is proposed for curriculum design in four
domains which deal respectively with a) curriculum processes which include the selection,
motivation and interaction of curriculum developers, curriculum definitions and models, and
an algorithm for curriculum design; b) curriculum organisation which addresses
philosophical, sociological, cultural and psychological foundations, curriculum paradigms
and a chiropractic conceptual framework; c) curriculum development which concerns design
strategies, situational analysis, intent, content, design and organisation of learning
experiences and assessment of student performance; and d) curriculum application, which
includes the learning climate, quality management, management of change, self-evaluation
and external accreditation / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Didactics)
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An organisation development approach to the improvement of road traffic safety in ZimbabweChikono, Nathan Nomore 04 1900 (has links)
In the study, I explored how to achieve sustained road-traffic accidents reduction in Zimbabwe. Road traffic accidents are indiscriminant and each year hundreds of people lose their lives in road traffic accidents in Zimbabwe. A mixed methods research approach was used to conduct the study. The study was therefore done in two phases. Phase 1 was a quantitative survey using questionnaires, and phase 2 was a qualitative case study using semi-structured interviews. A sample of 500 road-users drawn at random from internet databases formed the respondents for the quantitative phase of the inquiry. A further 20 snowball selected participants, formed the qualitative inquiry group. The key findings from the study were that effective intervention planning, timely measurement, adequate resourcing, and inclusive organization development interventions were the key drivers of successful road safety programmes. Additionally, critical interventions for sustainable road traffic safety in Zimbabwe included; community consultation and involvement in road traffic safety strategy formulation and implementation, mainstreaming road traffic safety education in the schools’ curricula, behavioral changes, financial, and engineering interventions. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)
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A Christian perspective on enabling spiritual formation in relation to workHoward, Susan January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is an action research investigation into the influence of my Christian habitus on my consultancy practice. My research question: How does my Christian faith inform the work I do? is located within the academic field of Spirit at Work. The complexity and difficulties of my professional practice are explored using the literature on Christian spirituality. My investigation uses the research method of practical theology to explore: my own Christian perspective; my role as a spiritual mentor; the nature of spiritual formation; and, faith in relation to work. The analytical methods of theological reflection, narrative inquiry, and autoethnography support the critical reflection. Five themes emerge: the evangelical basis of my Christian perspective; an understanding of the grace of God; the consideration of resistance as sin; strategies to enable spiritual formation; and complex combinations of faith in relation to work. This study has enabled me to interrogate my approach to spiritual formation in relation to work. My inquiry in a variety of contexts – with colleagues, one individual, and with a client –has developed my ability as a reflexive practitioner, and has strengthened my vocation as a spiritual mentor. I have used the Holistic Development Model (HDM) to underpin my approach to spiritual mentoring, and created a Christian interpretation of it. Spiritual formation is explored through the topics of: church, faith, purpose and mission using scripture, adventure and leadership, and difficulty and struggle. The research provides insights into my work as a professional consultant in the area of leadership development. My reflexive learning, combined with participative inquiry, provides an insider perspective on living within an evangelical Christian worldview. Difficulties over how to interpret Christian faith in work contexts are explored, particularly with regard to inclusivity. The research links spiritual formation with leadership, concluding that, in my practice, faith takes precedence.
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… except death, taxes and the GDPR : En kvalitativ studie av huruvida hänsyn har tagits till informationskultur under arbetet inför GDPR på två svenska universitetPaulsrud, Ludvig January 2018 (has links)
Målet med denna studie är att undersöka om informationskultur är ett teoretiskt verktyg som kan bidra till en proaktiv informationsförvaltning, samt om informationskulturperspektivet kan vara till stöd för en organisation som genomgår ett förändringsarbete som påverkar informationsförvaltningen. I studien används Gillian Oliver and Fiorella Foscarinis definition av informationskultur, vilket de definierar som ”values accorded to information, and attitudes towards it, specifically within organisational contexts.” Förberedelsearbetet på två svenska universitet inför dataskyddsförordningen GDPR (EU) 2016/67, vilken trädde i kraft 25 maj 2018, är det fall som författaren prövar informationskultursteorin mot. Genom en kvalitativ metod, där fem respondenter har intervjuats, har författaren undersökt respondenternas värderingar gentemot information samt hur de hade organiserat sitt arbete inför GDPR. Studien visar på ett stort behov av samarbete mellan arkivarier och andra yrkesgrupper såsom it-ansvariga och jurister när komplexa informationsförvaltningsfrågor som GDPR ska hanteras. Men att detta samarbete involverar arkivet är inte självklart, vilket visas i skillnaden mellan hur de båda universiteten har arbetat. Studien visar även att det finns en skillnad mellan att anlägga ett informationskulturperspektiv under ett förändringsarbete och att använda informationskultur i Oliver och Foscarinis mening, vilket innebär att analysera redan etablerade strukturer och organisationer; de problemområden som Oliver och Foscarini anser att arkivarien bör undvika att lägga mycket arbete på, då de är svårföränderliga, visar sig enligt studieresultatet tvärt om vara viktiga att jobba med under ett förändringsarbete. Att en viss nivå av det informationskulturramverk som Oliver och Foscarini har tagit fram är svår att påverka i en organisation betyder inte att den är svår att inkorporera i ett förändringsarbete. Till skillnad från andra, allmänna förändringteorier så lyfter informationskulturperspektivet fram aspekter som är direkt kopplade till arkivariens roll. I stället för generella råd som ”samarbete” föreslås mer specifikt ”samarbete med it”. Informationskultur är dessutom en väldigt innehållsrik teori då den inbegriper många etablerade teoribildningar. I en informationsförvaltningskontext blir därför informationskulturansatsen paradoxalt nog både bredare och mer specifik på samma gång. / The aim of this thesis is to examine if information culture is a theoretical construct that can assist in creating a proactive recordkeeping environment. It also aims to investigate if information culture can be of help to an organization that goes through changes that affect its recordkeeping practices. The study uses Gillian Oliver and Fiorella Foscarini’s definition of information culture, which they define as ”values accorded to information, and attitudes towards it, specifically within organisational contexts.” The preparations for the GDPR (EU) 2016/67 at two Swedish universities functions as the case that the author uses to explore these questions. Using a qualitative method, interviewing five people, the author examined the interviewees’ values towards information and how the organizations had prepared for the GDPR. The study suggests that there is need for cooperation between archivists and people from other professions, such as IT and law, when preparing for complex recordkeeping issues such as the GDPR. However, the study shows that an archivist is not always involved in an organization’s change management effort. The study shows that there is a difference between adopting an information culture perspective when managing change and using information culture as Oliver and Foscarini intend it be used. Their approach addresses organizations and structures that are already established. The problem areas that Oliver and Foscarini think an archivist should avoid focusing its change management efforts on, because they are hard to change, are shown to be as important to work with as other problem areas when managing change in an organization. Just because a level of the information culture framework that Oliver and Foscarini have developed is difficult to affect in an organization does not mean that it is hard to incorporate into a change management effort. In contrast to other change management theories, an information culture perspective highlights aspects that are directly connected to the role of the archivist. Instead of generic advice, such as “cooperation”, information culture specifically advices the archivist to “cooperate with the IT department”. Information culture is a theoretical construct that embraces other established theories. From a recordkeeping perspective, an information culture approach is therefore paradoxically both broad and exact at the same time.
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Redução de custos e aumento de qualidade em serviços com aplicação de ferramentas de melhoria contínua em operações logísticas: um estudo de caso sobre a Avon Cosméticos entre os anos de 2015 e 2017Medeiros, Fabio Antonio 04 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Medeiros (medeirosfb@hotmail.com) on 2018-08-29T19:18:50Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-07-04 / As grandes corporações têm intensificado a otimização de suas redes logísticas, entendendo a importância estratégica que a área de operações possui, não somente em relação a liberação de recursos através de redução de custos, mas também na geração de valor através dos serviços prestados a seus clientes. Este movimento trouxe consigo um amplo desenvolvimento tecnológico para as operações de distribuição e logística. No que diz respeito a automação, existe uma evolução significativa, principalmente nos processos internos dos centros de distribuição, tais como: sistemas inteligentes de guarda e retirada de produtos, operações de empilhadeiras sem tripulação humana, carregamento e descarregamento mecanizado de caminhões, sistemas automatizados de separação de pedidos e máquinas para montagem e fechamento de caixas, entre outros exemplos. No entanto, não há uma grande variedade de estudos de casos sobre operações, já automatizadas, que elevaram seus níveis de produtividade e qualidade significativamente, sem investimentos de capital, mas através de redesenho de processos e atuação das lideranças operacionais. Este trabalho, portanto, tem como objetivo capturar e demonstrar o que foi realizado para se obter ganhos significativos em produtividade e qualidade nas operações logísticas através desta união: ferramentas de melhoria contínua e atuação das lideranças, sem o uso de investimentos de capital. O problema de pesquisa está focado, então, em capturar e demonstrar as iniciativas implementadas durante a transformação pela qual o processo de distribuição da empresa passou em relação as suas atividades logísticas, bem como as ferramentas de melhoria contínua utilizadas. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa do tipo estudo de caso da operação logística da Avon Cosméticos no Brasil, entre os anos de 2015 a 2017, que passou por este processo de transformação. Como resultado, espera-se detalhar estes projetos e iniciativas implementados bem como as metodologias ou ferramentas aplicadas, as melhorias obtidas e a conexão entre teoria e prática. Como aporte deste trabalho, espera-se reforçar a teoria existente sobre melhoria contínua de processos, contribuindo assim com os mundos acadêmico e empresarial no que diz respeito a otimização de operações. / Large corporations have intensified the optimization of their logistics networks, understanding the strategic importance that the operations area has not only related to the resources release through cost reduction, but also in value generation through the services provided to its customers. This movement brought with it a broad technological development for distribution and logistics operations. As far as automation is concerned, there is a significant evolution, especially in the internal processes of distribution centers, such as: intelligent systems for guarding and withdrawing products, forklift operations without human crew, mechanized loading and unloading of trucks, automated separation of orders and machines for assembly and boxes closing, among other examples. However, there is not a wide range of case studies on operations, which are already automated, that have raised their levels of productivity and quality significantly, without capital investments, but through processes redesign and the performance of operational leadership. This work, therefore, aims to capture and demonstrate what has been done to achieve significant gains in productivity and quality in logistics operations through this union: tools for continuous improvement and leadership performance, without significant use of capital capex. The research problem is then focused on capturing and demonstrating implemented initiatives during the transformation by which this company's distribution process passed related to its logistic activities, as well as the continuous improvement tools used. To do so, a case-study of the logistics operations of Avon Cosmetics in Brazil, between the years of 2015 and 2017, was carried out. As a result, it is expected to detail these projects and initiatives implemented as well as the methodologies or tools applied, the improvements obtained and the connection between theory and practice. As a contribution of this work, it is hoped to reinforce the existing theory on continuous process improvement, thus contributing to the academic and business worlds regarding to operations optimization.
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Lean i offentlig förvaltning : En studie av leanimplementeringen inom TrafikverketEkström, Belinda January 2014 (has links)
Problem, Lean är en arbetsmetod som blir allt vanligare inom offentliga förvaltning eftersom det förväntas effektivisera verksamheten. Ett krav som allt fler organisationer behöver ta ställning till.Inom akademiska kretsar diskuteras leans effektivitet samt vad som egentligen ingår i begreppet. Trafikverket har implementerat lean som arbetsmetod inom en specifik del av organisationen, vilken berör Trafikingenjörer från sex olika regioner. Syftet är att effektivisera fyra olika arbetsgruppers ärendehantering. En tidigare kvantitativ undersökning har visat att upplevelsen av lean och av dess implementering varierar i de olika regionerna. Den här studien fokuserar på att ta reda på varför. Syfte, Syftet med studien är att utvärdera Trafikverkets leanimplementeringsarbete och söka svar på varför de olika regionerna har tagit till sig arbetssättet i olika hög grad samt varför attityderna till lean skiljer sig åt mellan de olika regionerna. Metod, Studiens mål är att undersöka de bakomliggande orsakerna till att attityderna kring lean skiljer sig åt mellan de olika regionerna. Därför utgick studien från en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Dessa intervjuer utfördes i gruppform med Trafikingenjörerna för att få en mer regionsspecifik bild av problematiken. Sedan utfördes även informantintervjuer med leanimplementeringsansvariga i varje region. Som grund för de slutsatser som presenteras i studien ligger dessa intervjuer samt en tvärvetenskaplig genomgång av tidigare forskning inom områdena; innovation, lean, förändringsteori samt organisationskultur. Slutsats, Organisationsförändring är ett ämne som ofta behandlas mekaniskt, men vid en verklig förändring måste det finnas förståelse för de komplexa system som verkar inom organisationen. En förändring kommer att gripa in i och ändra förutsättningarna för fler medarbetare än de direkt berörda, vilket påverkar hela organisationen. Lean som arbetsmetod är mer än ett antal verktyg, det är en övergripande filosofi som Trafikverket behöver förstå och göra till sin om de ska lyckas med sitt leanarbete. Attityderna kring lean beror på ett antal olika faktorer. De regioner som upplever att de tidigare hart haft problem och som med lean har upplevt en förbättring är mer positiva till lean som arbetsmetod. De upplever också att de har fått större inflytande över sitt arbete och att de har möjlighet att påtala sådant de anser behöver förändras. Dessa regioner ger uttryck för att kommunikationen i implementeringsfasen har varit tydlig och korrekt. De regioner som ställt sig negativa till lean som arbetsmetod upplever istället att de tidigare inte haft några problem med sitt tidigare arbetssätt. De upplever även att lean inneburit en låsning av arbetet där de tidigare kunnat komma med egna initiativ och att de nu måste anpassa sig till arbetsmetoder som inte är framtagna för den specifika regionens behov. Kommunikationen har upplevts otydlig, eller obefintlig. I vissa fall har attityderna gentemot lean direkt påverkats av ryktesspridning som uppstått i avsaknad av tydlig information. / Problem, Lean is a working method that has become more common in the public sector as it is expected to streamline everyday operations. A demand that more organizations need to consider. Within academic circles the efficiency of Lean is discussed, but also what is actually included in the concept of lean. The Swedish Transport Administration has implement lean as working method within a specific part of the organization, consisting of Traffic Engineers from six different regions. The aim is to streamline four different case management teams in their work. A previous quantitative survey has shown that the experience of lean and lean implementation varies in the different regions. This study focuses on finding out why. Purpose, The purpose of the study is to evaluate the Swedish Transport Administrations lean implementation and seek answers for why the regions have embraced the approach to different degrees, and why attitudes to lean differ between the regions. Method, The study's objective was to examine the underlying causes of why the attitudes towards lean differ among the different regions. Therefore, the study was based on a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews. These interviews were conducted in groups with traffic engineers to get a more region-specific overview of the problem. Interviews were also also conducted with the lean implementation managers in each region. The basis for the conclusions presented in this study are these interviews and an interdisciplinary review of previous research in the areas of: Innovation, Lean, Theory of Change and Organizational Culture. Conclusion, Organizational Change is a subject that is often treated mechanically, but with an organizational change, there must be an understanding of the complex systems that function within the organization. A change will engage and change the conditions for more employees than those directly involved, which affects the entire organization.Lean as a work method is more than a number of tools. There is an overarching philosophy that the Transport Administration needs to understand and make their own if they are to succeed in their lean work. Attitudes about lean depends on several factors. The regions experiencing that they previously had problems and that with lean have experienced an improvement is more in favor of lean as a working method. They also feel they have more influence on their work and that they are able to point out what they think needs to change. These regions give expression that communication in the implementation phase has been clear and correct. The regions who has taken a negative view to lean expresses that they have not had any problems with its previous approach. They also feel that lean mean a locking of the work where they used to be able to come up with their own initiatives and that they must now adapt to working methods that are not designed for the their specific needs. Communication has been experienced vague or nonexistent. In some cases, the attitudes towards lean have been directly affected by the spread of rumors that have arisen in the absence of clear information.
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Contribution à l’ingénierie du changement dans les projets de développement de produits : modèle de référence et simulation par système multi-agents / Contribution to engineering change management in product development projects : reference models and multi-agent-based simulationZhang, Xin 19 November 2013 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de fournir des modèles de référence, les méthodes de soutien et des outils qui simulent les change propagations dans un projet de développement de produit (PD) pour aider les prises de décision. Nous établissons d’abord un cadre d’analyse des changes de modéliser le contexte du change apparition et la propagation en prenant en compte les multiples domaines du projet PD simultané- ment. Dans le cadre, nous proposons les modèles conceptuels de change apparition et la propagation qui fournissent une méthode pour identifier les change et propagation et impliquent certaines caractéristiques du change propagations. S’appuyant sur cela, nous vous proposons les procédures de mise en place des réseaux de propagation. Au sein du réseau, nous proposons la méthodologie de simulation de l’évolution propaga- tions, puis de présenter le processus de mise en uvre des méthodologies et des modèles comme un prototype en utilisant la technologie à base multi-agents. / The overall goal of this Ph.D. research is to provide reference models, support me- thods and tools that simulate change propagations in a Product Development (PD) project to assist decision-makings. We firstly establish a change analysis framework of modeling the context of change occurrence and propagation by taking into account the multiple knowledge areas of PD project simultaneously. Under the framework, we propose the conceptual models of change occurrence and change propagation that pro- vide a qualitative method to identify change and change propagation and imply some characteristics of change propagations. Relying on that, we suggest the procedures of building up the change propagation networks. Within the network, we propose the methodology of simulating change propagations and then present the process of im- plementing the methodologies and the models as a software prototype by using multi- agent based technology.
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KANBAN Implementation from a Change Management Perspective : A Case Study of Volvo ITAmin, Mahgol, Kubo, Tomomi January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and analyze the implementation process of KANBAN, a lean technique, into a section of Volvo IT (i.e. BEAT). The KANBAN implementation into BEAT when ‘resistance for change’ and ‘forces for change’ arise is also analyzed. This implementation of KANBAN is equivalent to change taking place in the Volvo IT’s operational process. The thesis follows theories and literature on change management and lean principles in order to support the research investigation. How has KANBAN, with respect to change management, been implemented into an IT organization for its service production? How has KANBAN changed the operational process of the organization? The research conducted in the thesis is based on qualitative case study. Focused and in-depth interviews, combined with observations, are carried out to obtain the primary data for the case study. The collected primary and secondary data stems from the literature reviewed, which covers the lean principles, KANBAN, and change management. Moreover, the thesis adopts an abductive approach that goes back-and-forth between the theory and the empirical findings in order to develop a model. Due to various factors already existing in the BEAT, minimal resistance to change implementation was found to be present in Volvo IT. This finding indicates that change initiatives found a way to implementation because the predominance of the ‘forces for change’, as compared to, the ‘resistance to change’ is higher in BEAT. The KANBAN implementation into the IT service production is identified to be aligned with Volvo IT’s change implementation objectives. The visualization of the ‘intangible service’ workflow on the Kanban board contributes to identify the source of bottlenecks, which has been removed through effective communication in the BEAT team and better linkages between tasks. The KANBAN effectively deals with change implementation by modifying the way team members work.
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Learning enablers, learning outcomes, learning paths, and their relationships in organizational learning and changeHaho, P. (Päivi) 28 January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the role of learning and the constituents of learning in creating process innovations and realizing organizational change. Organizational learning was studied and the data was collected in process development projects, in which process simulations were used as a development method for process innovations and change.
The empirical research was carried out mainly in 1988–2001. In this thesis, the results of those studies are reflected on, together with the recent literature related to organizational learning theories in the context of process innovations and management of change. Specifically, the concepts of learning enablers, learning outcomes (intangible/tangible), learning paths, and their relationships are studied.
Qualitative longitudinal action research with case studies and abductive reasoning are used as the research methods throughout this thesis. The data consists of 34 cases and 99 process simulations in 12 different industries and varies from large core processes to support processes. The case organizations were mainly Finnish companies with Finns as the majority of participants. One case organization was from Switzerland, and in five cases, multicultural groups participated in the process simulations. In each project, process simulations were used at least once during a change project, in some cases even five to eight times. The data analysis proceeded in an abductive manner throughout the included five articles, and the findings are summarized based on the research questions.
The theoretical contribution of this thesis is fourfold. The findings give new understanding 1) about learning enablers, their relationships to each other and influence on learning and process innovations, 2) about the role of intangible and tangible learning outcomes in individual and organizational learning processes and 3) about learning paths in process innovations and related change processes. The thesis also defines 4) a model for effective learning processes in change projects concerning process innovations.
The contribution in the practical and managerial context should be applicable field of North and West European commercial organizations. This thesis highlights individual and organizational learning in the creation of process innovations, and it also defines the features of an effective development method for creating and implementing process innovations. / Tiivistelmä
Tämän väitöskirjan tarkoituksena on tutkia organisaation oppimisen ja sen eri osatekijöiden roolia prosessi-innovaatioiden luomisessa ja muutoksen aikaansaamisessa organisaatiossa. Organisaation oppimista tutkittiin ja aineisto kerättiin prosessien kehittämisprojekteissa, joissa prosessisimulaatioita käytettiin prosessi-innovaatioiden menetelmänä.
Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin pääsiassa vuosien 1988–2001 aikana. Tässä väitöskirjassa näitä tuloksia analysoidaan vallitsevien organisaatio-oppimisen teorioiden valossa prosessi-innovaatioiden ja muutoksen johtamisen asiayhteydessä. Erityisesti tutkitaan oppimisen mahdollistajia, oppimisen tuloksia (aineettomia/aineellisia), oppimisen polkuja ja kaikkien näiden keskinäisiä suhteita.
Tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty laadullista pitkittäistä toimintatutkimusta tapaustutkimuksineen ja abduktiivisine päättelyineen. Aineisto koostuu 34 tapaustutkimuksesta ja 99 prosessisimulaatiosta, jotka toteutettiin 12 eri toimialalla, ja vaihtelevat ydinprosesseista tukiprosesseihin. Suurimmaksi osaksi tapausorganisaatiot olivat suomalaisia yrityksiä, ja yksi tapausorganisaatio oli sveitsiläinen. Projektiryhmät olivat pääasiassa suomalaisia, mutta monikulttuurinen ryhmä osallistui prosessisimulointiin viidessä tapaustutkimuksessa. Jokaisessa projektissa prosessisimulointia käytettiin ainakin kerran muutosprojektin aikana, joissakin tapauksissa jopa viidestä kahdeksaan kertaan. Väitöskirjan viiden artikkelin aineiston analysointi suoritettiin abduktiivisen päättelyn periaattein, ja tutkimuksen tulokset esitetään tutkimuskysymysten mukaisesti.
Tutkimuksen teoreettinen tulos kohdistuu neljään osa-alueeseen. Tulokset lisäävät ymmärrystä 1) oppimisen mahdollistajista, niiden suhteesta toisiinsa ja vaikutuksesta oppimiseen ja prosessi-innovaatioihin, 2) aineettomien ja aineellisten oppimistulosten roolista yksilön ja organisaation oppimisprosesseissa, ja 3) prosessi-innovaatioiden ja niihin liittyvien muutosprosessien oppimisen poluista. Tutkimus myös määrittelee 4) prosessi-innovaatioita koskevien muutosprojektien oppimista korostavan mallin.
Tutkimuksen tuloksia voitaneen soveltaa Pohjois- ja Länsi-Euroopan yritysmaailmassa. Tutkimus korostaa yksilön ja organisaation oppimisen merkitystä prosessi-innovaatioiden luomisessa ja lisäksi se määrittelee vaikuttavan prosessi-innovaatioiden kehittämisen ja käyttöönoton menetelmän piirteet.
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