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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sobre a possibilidade de uma filosofia do cinema: di?logos entre Gilles Deleuze e Jacques Ranci?re / About the Possibility of a Cinema?s Philosophy: Dialogues between Gilles Deleuze and Jacques Ranci?re

Reis , G?ssica Pimentel 09 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-07-26T13:11:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - G?ssica Pimentel Reis.pdf: 1144585 bytes, checksum: 2423f8e98e171379e342c33d29c07929 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-26T13:11:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - G?ssica Pimentel Reis.pdf: 1144585 bytes, checksum: 2423f8e98e171379e342c33d29c07929 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-09 / Funda??o Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado do RJ - FAPERJ / This research has as subject to justify the possibility of a cinema?s philosophy. Before we get the central problematization, which is given by the dialogue between the philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Jacques Ranci?re. We begin, therefore, from an analysis about the constitution of a Deleuze?s philosophy, so that we can better understand and argue his proposal of cinema?s philosophy that begins from the influence of the Bergson?s ontology. In order to understand the positions adopted by Ranci?re and, above all, his criticism of Deleuze, we search at his studies of the image and how he understands the cinema from that context. We privilege some concepts and ideas that influenced each of the two authors, so that we could become possible a new way to read the philosophy of cinema, in which it was possible to provoke the thought through the confrontation of concepts by means of the analysis of films and, hence, to raise new hypotheses for possible solutions of the problems posed by both philosophers. / La pr?sent recherche a comme sujet justifier la possibilit? de la philosophie de cin?ma. D?abord d?arriver ? la problematique centrale, dont elle est donn? ? trav?rs du dialogue entre les philosophes Gilles Deleuze et Jacques Ranci?re. Nous commen?ons donc d?une analyse de la constituition d?une philosophie selon Deleuze, afin de mieux comprendre et d?fendre sa proposition sur l?existance d?une philophie du cin?ma qui d?coule, ? son tour, de l?influence de l?ontologie propos?e par Bergson. Ensuite, pour comprendre les positions prises par Ranci?re, et surtout sa critique ? Deleuze, nous avons parcouru, alors, pour sa compr?heension de l?image et pour la fa?on dont il comprend le cin?ma, d?s ce contexte. Nous avons privil?gi? des concepts et des influences sur chaque auteur en vue de permettre une nouvelle lecture de la philosophie du cin?ma qui pourrait susciter la r?flexion ? travers de la confrontations des concepts de l?analyse des films et donc mettre de nouvelles hypoth?ses pour chercher des possibles solutions aux probl?mes propos?s chez tous les deux philosophes / A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo justificar a possibilidade da filosofia do cinema. Antes de chegarmos ? problematiza??o central, que ? dada em fun??o do di?logo entre os fil?sofos Gilles Deleuze e Jacques Ranci?re. Partimos, portanto, de uma an?lise da constitui??o de uma filosofia para Deleuze para podermos melhor entender e argumentar a sua proposta de filosofia do cinema que se origina da influ?ncia da ontologia bergsoniana. Para compreendermos as posi??es adotadas por Ranci?re e, sobretudo, sua cr?tica a Deleuze, n?s perscrutamos pelo seu entendimento acerca da imagem e de que forma ele compreende o cinema a partir desse contexto. Privilegiamos conceitos e influ?ncias em cada autor para que pud?ssemos viabilizar uma nova leitura da filosofia do cinema em que fosse poss?vel provocar o pensamento atrav?s do confronto de conceitos por meio da an?lise de filmes e, por conseguinte, levantar novas hip?teses para poss?veis solu??es dos problemas colocados por ambos os fil?sofos.

O que ? o rural na cidade da Universidade Rural? Um estudo sobre ruralidades em Serop?dica / What is rural in the city of Rural University? A study about the ruralities in Serop?dica.

Fagundes, Gustavo Trindade 12 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-07-30T14:24:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Gustavo Trindade Fagundes.pdf: 8734826 bytes, checksum: 4dcbdb44666b0c55318cc60b238746b0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-30T14:24:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Gustavo Trindade Fagundes.pdf: 8734826 bytes, checksum: 4dcbdb44666b0c55318cc60b238746b0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-12 / It can be said that the process of Brazilian industrialization / urbanization had its origins in the last century, unlike agriculture / rural that already existed much before the Portuguese arrived here. This process of industrialization brought with it a great technological progress guided by the science of the academic environment, the capital of the banks and political decisions, with the aim of perfecting the own industries and technifying the agriculture in search of greater return with less cost, disregarding all knowledge of those who already had their stories represented by the culture of the earth passing through all their ancestors. The academic world and its dynamism, given the collection of researches and the ever growing range of study areas, open doors to the area of rural sociology and the theoretical deepening in this field. Thus, there is a great deal of research on the various rural areas and their "ruralities", that in order to have meaning for their study and existence, there must be their opposite, the urban / industrialized, placing an idea of duality between these two. Theories? Compositions? Landscape? Products that generate?). This work seeks to observe what would be the rural areas of Serop?dica, a territory that was boosted by the installation of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, but not only with the scientific academic approach, but also with a participatory look and also under the look of those who make up the countryside of Serop?dica. Territory that has undergone transformations in its territorial planning due to the creation of a Metropolitan Arc that connects a productive zone to a zone of production drainage and that cuts the municipality of Serop?dica. This municipality, with its flat lands and being mostly free spaces of building, shows a great attraction to receive new industries and logistic condominiums. Its rural history, which was no longer the main history of the municipality, like most municipalities in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro, seems to be increasingly invisible in the eyes of the public power because of its little economic expressiveness. However, its social and environmental aspects and the guarantee of healthy food for the region continue to exist and deserve attention not only from the public power but also from the research institutions that are in it. / Pode-se dizer que o processo de industrializa??o/urbaniza??o brasileira teve suas origens no s?culo passado, diferentemente da agricultura/rural que j? existia muito mesmo antes dos portugueses aqui chegarem. Esse processo de industrializa??o trouxe consigo um grande progresso tecnol?gico orientado pela ci?ncia do meio acad?mico, pelo capital dos bancos e de decis?es pol?ticas, com o objetivo de aperfei?oar as pr?prias ind?strias e tecnificar a agricultura em busca de maior retorno com menor custo, desconsiderando todo conhecimento daqueles que j? tinham suas hist?rias representadas pela cultura da terra passando por todos seus antepassados. O mundo acad?mico e seu dinamismo, dada a cobran?a de pesquisas e o leque sempre crescente de ?reas de estudo, abrem portas para a ?rea da sociologia rural e o aprofundamento te?rico neste campo. Surgem ent?o diversas pesquisas sobre os diversos meios rurais e suas ?ruralidades?, que para haver sentido para seu estudo e exist?ncia, ? necess?rio que haja seu oposto, o urbano/industrializado, colocando uma ideia de dualidade entre esses dois (Conceitos? Territ?rios? Teorias? Adensamentos? Paisagem? Produtos que geram?). Este trabalho busca ent?o observar o que seria ?os rurais? de Serop?dica, territ?rio que se impulsionou com a instala??o da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, mas n?o apenas com o olhar acad?mico cient?fico, mas tamb?m com um olhar participativo e tamb?m sob o olhar daqueles que comp?em o rural de Serop?dica. Territ?rio esse que vem passando por transforma??es no seu ordenamento territorial por conta da cria??o de um Arco Metropolitano que liga uma zona produtiva ? uma zona de escoamento da produ??o e que corta o munic?pio de Serop?dica. Este munic?pio, com suas terras planas e sendo majoritariamente espa?os livres de edifica??o, se mostra um grande atrativo para receber novas ind?strias e condom?nios log?sticos. Sua hist?ria rural que j? vinha deixando de ser a principal hist?ria do munic?pio, como a maioria dos munic?pios da Regi?o Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, parece ficar cada vez mais invisibilizada aos olhos do poder p?blico por conta de sua pouca expressividade econ?mica. Por?m, seus aspectos sociais, ambientais e a garantia de alimentos saud?veis para a regi?o continuam existindo e merece aten??o n?o s? do poder p?blico como tamb?m das institui??es de pesquisa que nela se situam

Influ?ncias da religiosidade diante da morte / Influences of Religiosity Before Death

Ayres, Amanda 31 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-08-15T17:49:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Amanda Ayres.pdf: 950686 bytes, checksum: 1254386698215a2837a7189f872171e6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T17:49:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Amanda Ayres.pdf: 950686 bytes, checksum: 1254386698215a2837a7189f872171e6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-31 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This research aims at the influences of religion before death, interviewing practitioners of Catholicism, Candombl? and indigenous Guarani-Mby? ethnic group, to build a sense of the subject using the theoretical framework of Analytical Psychology by Carl Gustav Jung, with other areas of human knowledge, such as: tanatology, history, sociology, anthropology, biology, theology, and also the knowledge of the respective practitioner. To compose a research, five practitioners / supporters of Candombl? (Il? Omiojuar? - Nova Igua?u, RJ), Catholicism (S?o Sebasti?o, Barra Mansa, RJ) and Guarani-Mby? religion (Sapukai Village, Angra dos Reis, RJ), making a total of fifteen participants. From the knowledge collected in the research field, through the application of a semi-structured interview and using the resources of symbolic-archetypal processing, it was noticed that the influence of religiosity before death is manifested in many ways according to each religious group. So, the notion of the continuity of life, the value of ancestry, the hope of going to a better place, the maintenance of health and identity, among other aspects, were influences understood in the project. As a research that prioritized the context and the understanding of symbols in the collective, the project presents narratives about the beliefs related to death in the interaction and individual-group influence, resulting in the perception of the experience of death within the myths and rites of each religion researched. Thus, the influences of religiosity before death in each researched collective context were highlighted, highlighting their particularities as a religious practice, and the archetypal potential of death, as transmutation, transformation and renewal through the continuity of life, beyond the physical dimension / Este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender influ?ncias da religiosidade diante da morte, entrevistando praticantes do Catolicismo, do Candombl? e da etnia ind?gena Guarani-Mby?, para montar uma compreens?o da tem?tica, utilizando o referencial te?rico da Psicologia Anal?tica de Carl Gustav Jung, em conjunto com outras ?reas do conhecimento humano, como: tanatologia, hist?ria, sociologia, antropologia, biologia, teologia, bem como o conhecimento do respectivo praticante. Para compor a pesquisa, foram entrevistados cinco praticantes/adeptos do Candombl? (Il? Omiojuar? ? Nova Igua?u, RJ), do Catolicismo (Matriz de S?o Sebasti?o, Barra Mansa, RJ) e da religi?o Guarani-Mby? (Aldeia Sapukai, Angra dos Reis, RJ), perfazendo o total de quinze participantes. A partir do saber colhido na pesquisa de campo, com a aplica??o de uma entrevista semiestruturada e utilizando os recursos do processamento simb?lico-arquet?pico, observou-se que a influ?ncia da religiosidade diante da morte se manifesta de muitas formas, de acordo com cada grupo religioso. Assim, a no??o da continuidade da vida, o valor da ancestralidade, a esperan?a de ir para um lugar melhor, a manuten??o da sa?de e da identidade, entre outros aspectos, foram influ?ncias compreendidas no trabalho. Por ser uma pesquisa que priorizou o contexto e a compreens?o de s?mbolos na coletividade, o trabalho apresenta narrativas sobre as cren?as relacionadas ? morte na intera??o e influ?ncia indiv?duo-grupo, resultando na percep??o da viv?ncia da morte dentro dos mitos e ritos de cada religi?o pesquisada. Desse modo, foram destacadas as influ?ncias da religiosidade diante da morte em cada contexto coletivo pesquisado, evidenciando suas particularidades, enquanto pr?tica religiosa, e o potencial arquet?pico da morte, enquanto transmuta??o, transforma??o e renova??o atrav?s da continuidade da vida, para al?m da dimens?o f?sica

Futebol e Ditadura Militar: a elabora??o dos projetos pol?ticos para o futebol brasileiro 1966-1971 / Soccer and Military Dictatorship: the development of political projects for brazillian soccer 1966-1971

MOREIRA, Jorge Fernando Albuquerque D'Amaral 31 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-08-21T12:03:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Jorge Fernando Albuquerque D'Amaral Moreira.pdf: 1514230 bytes, checksum: 3d10258112203df0c31851a178ed8957 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T12:03:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Jorge Fernando Albuquerque D'Amaral Moreira.pdf: 1514230 bytes, checksum: 3d10258112203df0c31851a178ed8957 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-31 / The current thesis aims to demonstrate that the soccer projects implemented in the sporting field between 1966 and 1971 were products of the soccer directors themselves. Then, this study privileges a perspective that these directors would have politically aligned themselves with the military governments to the detriment of the passive idea that the military dictatorship would have appropriated soccer. Keeping in mind that the present theme represents a counterpoint about what has been produced so far, about the binomial soccer and dictatorship, the current study begins its analysis in the political projects of the military dictatorship for the Brazilian sport. Diagnoses, planning and reforms were observed in the Sistema Desportivo Nacional, achieving the main focus of the dictatorial government performance in the sporting field. The analysis still objects the main government department of sports management, the Conselho Nacional de Desportos (CND), to understand the practical attributes of this institution. By establishing this department as a target, it is possible to observe the large scope of this institution?s powers, the profile of its members and the praxis assumed by the referred body. Finally, this study presents a strong link between the CND and the Confedera??o Brasileira de Desportos (CBD), allowing the CBD?s president, Jo?o Havelange, to be able to implement his project of power due to this narrowing. Therefore, in this thesis, the Campeonato Brasileiro de Futebol is understood as the product of the project of power traced by Jo?o Havelange as the leader of the CBD and not as a project of the military dictatorship / A presente disserta??o tem o objetivo de demonstrar que projetos futebol?sticos implantados no campo esportivo entre 1966 e 1971 foram produtos dos pr?prios dirigentes futebol?sticos. Este trabalho, ent?o, privilegia uma perspectiva de que esses dirigentes teriam alinhado seus interesses pol?ticos aos dos governos militares em detrimento da ideia passiva de que a ditadura militar teria se apropriado do futebol. Tendo consci?ncia de que o presente tema representa um contraponto sobre o que se tem sido produzido at? ent?o, acerca do bin?mio futebol e ditadura, o presente trabalho inicia sua an?lise nos projetos pol?ticos da ditadura militar para o esporte brasileiro. Foram observados os diagn?sticos, planejamentos e reformas no Sistema Desportivo Nacional, al?ando os principais focos de atua??o do governo ditatorial no campo esportivo. A an?lise ainda objeta o principal ?rg?o p?blico de ger?ncia esportiva, o Conselho Nacional de Desportos (CND), para se compreender os atributos pr?ticos dessa institui??o. Ao estabelecer esse ?rg?o como alvo, ? poss?vel observar a grande envergadura de poderes dessa institui??o, o perfil dos seus integrantes e a pr?xis assumida pelo referido ?rg?o. Por fim, este trabalho apresenta uma forte liga??o entre o CND e a Confedera??o Brasileira de Desportos (CBD), permitindo que o presidente da CBD, Jo?o Havelange, conseguisse implantar seu projeto de poder em virtude desse estreitamento. Portanto, nesta disserta??o, o Campeonato Brasileiro de Futebol ? entendido como produto do projeto de poder tra?ado por Jo?o Havelange ? frente da CBD e n?o como um projeto da ditadura militar.

Percep??o de estresse em alunos ingressantes alojados da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Campus Serop?dica / Perception of stress in incoming students housed at Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, Campus Serop?dica

Araujo, Maria do Socorro Souza de 31 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-08-21T12:40:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Maria do Socorro Souza de Ara?jo.pdf: 1309508 bytes, checksum: 7b46fb6c27bca449493b6671726df9bc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T12:40:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Maria do Socorro Souza de Ara?jo.pdf: 1309508 bytes, checksum: 7b46fb6c27bca449493b6671726df9bc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-31 / The beginning of university life is a personal growth and professional choice. At this time, young people are more susceptible to the impact of changes and daily break with the family. The family and social detachment can contribute to emotional imbalance, since it is a very peculiar moment in the individual life, usually synchronized with the changes and adaptations proper to the transition from adolescence to adulthood life, which can lead to stress, as well as the quality of the student assistance. This study aimed to investigate the stress perception in incoming students. This research was based on a qualitative and exploratory approach with the participation of 54 incoming students housed at Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, ranging from 18 to 25 years old. The questionnaires were analyzed and categorized according to content analysis. The results were 46.21% (f=61) for happiness/positive emotions and 43.94% (f=58) for satisfaction/ achievement in relation to university admission. Negative emotions were 9.85% (f=13) of responses during the first period, and negative emotions were 36.54% (f=38), with anxiety being the largest response. As for the changes in feelings during the first period of the University, 24.14% (f=35) answered they have changed, while 12.41% (f=18) answered no changes. 51.64% (f=110) of the responses were attributed to good interpersonal relationships in student house, but coexistence was difficult for 45.83% (f=66). 62.96% (f=68) pointed out the convenience of student house. In contrast, 46.49% (f=53) highlighted the lack of infrastructure. In conclusion, student assistance influences the academic performance, as well as infrastructural conditions, the later of great importance. Institutional measures are needed to ensure adequate student housing in order to prevent stress. It is suggested further study on stress perception of housed student in other academic periods / O in?cio da vida universit?ria representa uma oportunidade de crescimento pessoal, principalmente pela escolha da profiss?o do estudante. ? a ?poca em que os jovens s?o mais suscet?veis ao impacto das mudan?as e do afastamento di?rio da fam?lia. O distanciamento do contato familiar e social pode contribuir para um desequil?brio emocional, j? que se trata de um momento bastante peculiar na vida do indiv?duo, geralmente sincronizado com as mudan?as e adapta??es pr?prias da transi??o da adolesc?ncia para a vida adulta, podendo acarretar estresse, bem como a qualidade da assist?ncia estudantil. Este estudo teve como objetivo geral investigar a percep??o do estresse em alunos ingressantes alojados na Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, o qual foi baseado em uma abordagem qualitativa e explorat?ria com a participa??o de 54 estudantes, com faixa et?ria de 18 a 25 anos. Os question?rios foram analisados e categorizados de acordo com a an?lise de conte?do. Os resultados encontrados foram 46,21% (f=61) para felicidade/emo??es positivas e 43,94% (f=58) para satisfa??o/realiza??o com rela??o ao ingresso na universidade. As emo??es negativas foram 9,85% (f=13) das respostas, durante o primeiro per?odo, sendo a ansiedade a resposta mais frequente, com 36,54% (f= 38). Quanto ?s mudan?as de sentimentos durante o primeiro per?odo da Universidade, 24,14% (f=35) responderam que mudaram, enquanto 12,41% (f=18) responderam que n?o houve mudan?as. Foram encontradas 51,64% (f=110) das respostas atribu?das ?s boas rela??es interpessoais no alojamento, mas a conviv?ncia foi dif?cil para 45,83% (f=66). Em 62,96 % (f=68) foram assinaladas a comodidade de morar no alojamento, em contraste, 46,49% (f=53) ressaltaram a falta de infraestrutura. Conclui-se que a assist?ncia estudantil influencia no desempenho acad?mico do estudante, assim como as condi??es estruturais, estas de grande import?ncia. Tornam-se necess?rias medidas institucionais que garantam condi??es adequadas dessas moradias, a fim de prevenir o estresse. Sugerem-se estudos sobre a percep??o de estresse dos estudantes alojados em outros per?odos

A Problem?tica Hidrol?gica em Nova Igua?u/RJ vista a partir da Escola P?blica por meio dos Projetos de Trabalho no Ensino de Geografia / The Hydrological Problem in Nova Igua?u / RJ seen from the Public School through the Projects of Work in the Teaching of Geography

Mello, Yasmin Ribeiro Molinari 20 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-08-21T19:43:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Yasmin Ribeiro Molinari Mello.pdf: 14483967 bytes, checksum: 3061987fd140843fb1dc320e879ba047 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T19:43:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Yasmin Ribeiro Molinari Mello.pdf: 14483967 bytes, checksum: 3061987fd140843fb1dc320e879ba047 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-20 / Coordena??o de Aperfiei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The present research deals with hydrological problems in the urban environment, more precisely in the municipality of Nova Igua?u, in the Engenho Pequeno neighborhood, analyzing socio - environmental modifications historically constructed in this area, showing how they influence the hydrological dynamics. The discipline of Geography is worked by the bias of the concept of Place, focusing on the reality of students' daily life, in order to understand the hydrological problems more easily, giving meaning to the teaching-learning process. These questions are contextualized in the CIEP 317 - Aur?lio Buarque de Holanda school, with classes of the 6th grade of elementary school through the methodology of the pedagogy of projects, which aims at a greater interaction between teacher / student, encouraging student research and autonomy. In order to put this methodology into practice, a project was carried out at this school, addressing the hydrological problem from the Engenho Pequeno neighborhood. The aim was to use dynamic activities that went beyond traditional teaching methods. The use of the pedagogy of projects allowed a greater involvement of students in school activities, encouraging teamwork and cooperation, adding to this methodology the use of the concept of Place, facilitated the understanding of the socioenvironmental issues present in the spatial clipping, encouraging the search for possible solutions to such problems. / A presente pesquisa aborda as problem?ticas hidrol?gicas no meio urbano, mais precisamente no munic?pio de Nova Igua?u, no bairro Engenho Pequeno, analisando as modifica??es socioambientais constru?das historicamente neste local, mostrando como as mesmas influenciam na din?mica hidrol?gica. A disciplina de Geografia ? trabalhada pelo vi?s do conceito de Lugar, focando na realidade do cotidiano dos estudantes para, desta forma, compreenderem com mais facilidade os problemas hidrol?gicos, dotando de significado o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Estas quest?es s?o contextualizadas na escola CIEP 317 ? Aur?lio Buarque de Holanda, com turmas do 6? ano do ensino fundamental atrav?s da metodologia da pedagogia de projetos, que visa uma maior intera??o entre professor / estudante, incentivando a pesquisa e a autonomia do estudante. Para colocar em pr?tica tal metodologia, foi realizado um projeto nesta escola, abordando a problem?tica hidrol?gica a partir do bairro Engenho Pequeno, buscou-se utilizar atividades din?micas que sa?ssem das metodologias tradicionais de ensino. O uso da pedagogia de projetos possibilitou um maior envolvimento dos estudantes nas atividades escolares, incentivando os trabalhos em equipes e a coopera??o, somando-se a esta metodologia o uso do conceito de Lugar, facilitou a compreens?o das quest?es socioambientais presentes no recorte espacial, incentivando a busca por poss?veis solu??es para tais problemas

Configura??o da educa??o f?sica no CTUR ? entrela?amentos cotidianos e possibilidades pedag?gicas / Configuration of Physical Education at CTUR - Everyday twists Pedagogical and Possibilities.

Costa, Regiane de Souza 10 December 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2018-08-24T14:22:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2010 - Regiane de Souza Costa.pdf: 976546 bytes, checksum: 76af99d4f7ecb28633203926dc58048a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T14:22:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2010 - Regiane de Souza Costa.pdf: 976546 bytes, checksum: 76af99d4f7ecb28633203926dc58048a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-10 / Funda??o Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado do RJ, FAPERJ, Brasil. / This dissertation is based on research conducted at the Technical College of Rural University (CTUR / UFRRJ), with the participation of students in 3rd year of the Technical Course in Agricultural Structure, one of the teachers of Physical Education School and also an observer of pedagogical processes. Brings with it the main concern a critical and emancipatory Physical Education and its elements for the human / professional formation. Its objective is to investigate the manifestation of physical education as a curricular component of the Vocation Agricultural Education from CTUR. For this, it?s focused on a theoretical and methodological framework that allowed capture changes in everyday reality. Approach based on Qualitative Research in Education, and the Methodology of Action Research as its main key element. Under this reasoning was possible to know at first, such as physical education was manifested in the school years, based on the relation-goals-assessment methods. Secondly, the descriptions were used as the setting of Physical Education in previous years that were built by the group involved in research, workshops, aiming to foster a process of awareness / reflection on the plurality of interpretations that this area is able to present. The guiding themes of the workshops were based on the Matrix Reference to the New ENEM 2009, rephrasing the National Examination of Secondary Education proposed by the Ministry of Education. Combining the data obtained from the questionnaires, interviews, reports from students and the observations indicated that the ?spacetimes? teaching physical education, when treated in its many possible interpretations, relying on the criticality, presents itself as an important component for the formation of man, in a holistic manner. / Esta disserta??o est? fundamentada na pesquisa realizada no Col?gio T?cnico da Universidade Rural (CTUR/UFRRJ), contando com a participa??o de estudantes do 3? ano do Curso T?cnico em Agropecu?ria Org?nica, um dos professores de Educa??o F?sica da escola e, ainda, uma observadora dos processos pedag?gicos. Traz consigo a preocupa??o central com uma Educa??o F?sica cr?tica e emancipat?ria e seus elementos constitutivos para a forma??o humana/profissional. Apresentou como objetivo geral investigar a manifesta??o da Educa??o F?sica Escolar como componente curricular da Educa??o Profissional Agr?cola do CTUR. Para tanto, debru?ou-se sobre um aporte te?rico-metodol?gico que permitiu captar as varia??es cotidianas dispostas na realidade. Contou com a Abordagem Qualitativa de Pesquisa em Educa??o, tendo a Metodologia da Pesquisa-A??o o seu principal eixo orientador. Sob esta fundamenta??o foi poss?vel conhecer, num primeiro momento, como a Educa??o F?sica se manifestou nos anos escolares, com base na rela??o objetivos-m?todos-avalia??o. Num segundo momento, foram utilizadas as descri??es quanto ? configura??o da Educa??o F?sica nos anos anteriores para que fossem constru?das, pelo coletivo envolvido na pesquisa, oficinas tem?ticas, visando possibilitar um processo de sensibiliza??o/reflex?o diante da pluralidade de interpreta??es que esta ?rea ? capaz de apresentar. Os temas orientadores das oficinas foram baseados na Matriz de Refer?ncia para o Novo ENEM 2009, reformula??o do Exame Nacional do Ensino M?dio proposta pelo Minist?rio da Educa??o. A conjuga??o dos dados obtidos com a aplica??o dos question?rios, das entrevistas, dos relatos dos estudantes e das observa??es dos espa?ostempos pedag?gicos sinalizou que a Educa??o F?sica, quando tratada nas suas m?ltiplas possibilidades interpretativas, apoiando-se na criticidade, se apresenta como um importante componente para a forma??o do homem, numa perspectiva hol?stica.

DZI CROQUETTES: inven??es, experi?ncias e pr?ticas de si - masculinidades e feminilidades vigiadas / DZI CROQUETTES: inventions, experiences and practices of self - masculinities and feminities monitored

Silva, Natanael de Freitas 19 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-08-28T13:41:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Natanael de Freitas Silva.pdf: 3959556 bytes, checksum: 8943fd092c9031d528a367a7046b05f7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-28T13:41:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Natanael de Freitas Silva.pdf: 3959556 bytes, checksum: 8943fd092c9031d528a367a7046b05f7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-05-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / As a constellation of speaking and desiring bodies, producing displacements, dispersion of gender and individuality. This way I can tell that Dzi Croquettewas important in a period of great effervescence and creativity in the field of the arts (theater, literature, music), Customs and habits such as sexual liberalization, but also of control, censorship, repression and violence, between beards, purples and sequins, the Dzi Croquettes, in the years 70, with their artistic performances marked by the ambiguity of genre, in a fusion of theater and humor, with strong steps, dances and rolls and combining in an unusual way football socks with high heels, bras with hairy breasts, false eyelashes with beards, erased the historical borders of gender. Not by chance, they said: ?We are not men, nor are we women. We are people, people computed just like you!? In view of this, my goal is to historicize the meanings attributed to the experiences of masculinities and femininities in Dzi Croquettes. From a post-structuralist theoretical contribution, I appropriate some of the propositions of authors such as Michel Foucault, Joan Scott and Judith Butler, to think how generalized experiences and positions of identity are forged historically and to what extent Dzi Croquettes Helped to destabilize heteronormativity and a project/desire of social homogenization engendered by the "rotten powers" during the dictatorship / Como uma constela??o de corpos falantes e desejantes, produzindo deslocamentos, dispers?o do g?nero e do indiv?duo, assim posso caracterizar os Dzi Croquettes. Em um per?odo de grande efervesc?ncia e criatividade no campo das artes (teatro, literatura, m?sica), dos costumes e dos h?bitos como a liberaliza??o sexual, mas tamb?m de controle, censura, repress?o e viol?ncias, entre pelos, barbas, purpurinas e paet?s, os Dzi Croquettes, nos anos 70, com suas performances art?sticas marcadas pela ambiguidade de g?nero, numa fus?o de teatro e humor, com passos fortes, dan?as e rebolados e combinando, de maneira inusitada, meias de futebol com salto alto, suti?s com peitos cabeludos, c?lios posti?os com barbas, borravam as hist?ricas fronteiras de g?nero. N?o por acaso, eles diziam: ?N?s n?o somos homens, nem somos mulheres. N?s somos gente, gente computada igual voc?s!? Em vista disso, o meu objetivo ? historicizar os sentidos atribu?dos ?s experi?ncias de masculinidades e feminilidades em Dzi Croquettes. A partir de uma aporte te?rico p?s-estruturalista, me aproprio de algumas das proposi??es de autores como Michel Foucault, Joan Scott e Judith Butler, para pensar como as experi?ncias e posi??es de identidade generificadas s?o forjadas historicamente e, em que medida os Dzi Croquettes ajudaram a desestabilizar a heteronormatividade e um projeto/desejo de homogeneiza??o social engendrado pelos ?podres poderes? durante a ditadura

Parque Estadual da Pedra Branca: o vis?vel e o invis?vel na paisagem de um territ?rio em disputa / Pedra Branca State Park: the visible and the invisible in the landscape of a disputed territory.

Dias, M?rcia Cristina de Oliveira 25 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-09-05T13:41:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - M?rcia Cristina de Oliveira Dias.pdf: 3212634 bytes, checksum: c136d25609806bb7b9aeb109c480228c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-05T13:41:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - M?rcia Cristina de Oliveira Dias.pdf: 3212634 bytes, checksum: c136d25609806bb7b9aeb109c480228c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-25 / This research aims to address social and environmental conflicts, in the State Park of Pedra Branca ? a Conservation Unit created in 1974 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. In this area live about five thousand residents, including, family farmers and inhabitants of three quilombola communities. Faced with the threat of removal, this population created strategies of resistance and permanence in that territory - adoption of collective identities, identification of places of memory, political participation in the spaces of debate of environmental policies. In this same scenario, certain brands of the backwoods of Rio de Janeiro were appropriated, resignified and officialized as tourist attractions of the park. In parallel, new elements were added to this landscape ? institutional plaques, gates, venues, poles of visitation. In the middle of the dispute for legitimacy and right to territory, a third actor appears, the Transcarioca Trail ? a long path that traverses six conservation units, including PEPB ? expanding the debate about public use in parks. The study of the landscape, interpreted by the different local actors, makes possible the perception of the socio-historical context of the formation of the landscape of this territory, as well as the links and meanings attributed to it. Beyond of the theoretical discussion about the concepts of landscape and territory, the record of the polarity of looks and the denaturalization of interference in parks, this qualitative research is complemented by interviews with local actors, participation in events, meetings and festivals, documental and bibliographical research. The book O Sert?o Carioca, published in 1936, is triggered as an important ethnographic source of the ways of life of this laboring population whose customs and customs refer to the sert?o. As environmental values associate natural beauties with the idea of landscape, the dweller is identified as an invader and a threat to the conservation of this nature / landscape. In this case, rescue the social history of the massif and understand that landscape is not nature, but a social construction, is essential for the understanding of the various senses and representations attributed to this territory transformed into an Integral Protection Conservation Unit / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo abordar os conflitos socioambientais, no Parque Estadual da Pedra Branca ? uma Unidade de Conserva??o criada em 1974 no munic?pio do Rio de Janeiro. Nessa ?rea vivem cerca de cinco mil moradores, entre os quais, agricultores familiares e habitantes de tr?s comunidades quilombolas. Diante da amea?a de remo??o, essa popula??o criou estrat?gias de resist?ncia e de perman?ncia nesse territ?rio ? ado??o de identidades coletivas, identifica??o de lugares de mem?ria, participa??o pol?tica nos espa?os de debate de pol?ticas ambientais. Neste mesmo cen?rio, determinadas marcas do sert?o carioca foram sendo apropriadas, ressignificadas e oficializadas como atrativos tur?sticos do parque. Paralelamente, novos elementos foram agregados a essa paisagem ? placas institucionais, cancelas, sedes, polo de visita??o. Em meio ? disputa por legitima??o e direito ao territ?rio, surge um terceiro ator, a Trilha Transcarioca ? uma trilha de longo percurso que atravessa seis unidades de conserva??o, incluindo o PEPB ? ampliando o debate sobre uso p?blico nos parques. O estudo da paisagem, interpretada pelos diferentes atores locais, torna poss?vel a percep??o do contexto s?cio-hist?rico de forma??o da paisagem deste territ?rio, assim como os v?nculos e sentidos atribu?dos ao mesmo. Al?m da discuss?o te?rica acerca dos conceitos de paisagem e territ?rio, do registro da polaridade de olhares e da desnaturaliza??o das interfer?ncias realizadas nos parques, a presente pesquisa qualitativa ? complementada por entrevistas com os atores locais, participa??o em eventos, reuni?es e festividades, pesquisas documental e bibliogr?fica. A obra O Sert?o Carioca, publicada em 1936, ? acionada como importante fonte etnogr?fica dos modos de vida dessa popula??o laboriosa cujos usos e costumes remetem ao sert?o. ? medida que os valores ambientalistas associam as belezas naturais ? ideia de paisagem, o morador ? identificado como um invasor e uma amea?a ? conserva??o desta natureza/paisagem. Nesse cen?rio, resgatar a hist?ria social do maci?o e entender que paisagem n?o ? natureza, mas uma constru??o social, ? essencial para a compreens?o dos v?rios sentidos e representa??es atribu?dos a este territ?rio transformado em Unidade de Conserva??o de Prote??o Integral.

Uso de M?scaras: Aspectos Psicossociais das Manifesta??es no Rio de Janeiro p?s-junho de 2013 / Use of Masks: Psychosocial Aspects of Manifestations in Rio de Janeiro post-June 2013

?vila, Raphael Ferreira de 19 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-09-11T12:02:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Raphael Ferreira de ?vila.pdf: 1140292 bytes, checksum: e90cf347275360e5e8c43f5f2e2c808d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-11T12:02:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Raphael Ferreira de ?vila.pdf: 1140292 bytes, checksum: e90cf347275360e5e8c43f5f2e2c808d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The present work investigates the psychosocial aspects of the use of mask in demonstrations and protests in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, implying such actions in the context of the struggles of ?Jornadas de Junho de 2013?. We analyze here these events, as organized in the form of the the multitude, and guided by the emergence of the right to the city as a way of constructing a conception of these events. It sought to think about the methodological possibilities of a research in social psychology from the triangulation of datas, on its potential of depth extension: the structural approach of Social Representations, and the methodological proposal of Content Analysis, associated through its possible perspectives in research. The results point out as probable central nucleus of social representations the elements "anonymity", "black bloc", "hide", "protection" and "vandalism". Content analysis indicates responses under the categories of "experience", "justification" and "collective identity construction" for those who claim to have used masks in protests, and the categories "anonymity", "protection", "judgment" ?collective identity construction" and "fantasy" for those who declare that they have never made such a use. The triangulation of datas allows to highlight the representation of "anonymity" in chorus with the narratives of search of a construction of collective identity as powerful collective agency, taking the use of masks as detachment of the individual in favor of the identity of the group. We conclude in debate with the theory that the current protests and manifestations in Brazil present multiple affections around the common, placing in the brazilian scene this new autonomous way to make politics: from the spaces they create to the instruments and languages they use, until the relations between those who are acting, so that hiding the face may be less a protection of individuality and more an act of building belonging, sharing another signe, more social / O presente trabalho investiga os aspectos psicossociais do uso de m?scara em manifesta??es e protestos no Brasil contempor?neo, mais especificamente na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, implicando tais a??es no contexto das lutas das chamadas Jornadas de Junho de 2013, analisando aqui tais acontecimentos entendo-os como organizados na forma da multid?o, e pautados pela emerg?ncia do direito ? cidade como forma de construir uma concep??o destes acontecimentos. Buscamos pensar as possibilidades metodol?gicas de uma pesquisa em psicologia social a partir da triangula??o de dados, em virtude de seu potencial de amplia??o de profundidade: a Teoria das Representa??es Sociais atrav?s da abordagem estrutural e a proposta metodol?gica da An?lise de Conte?do, associadas atrav?s de suas perspectivas poss?veis em pesquisa. Os resultados apontam o prov?vel n?cleo central das representa??es sociais com os elementos como ?anonimato?, ?black-bloc?, ?esconder?, ?prote??o? e ?vandalismo?. A an?lise de conte?do indica respostas nos termos das categorias ?experi?ncia?, ?justificativa? e ?constru??o de identidade coletiva? para aqueles que declaram j? haver usado m?scara em protestos, e as categorias ?anonimato? ?prote??o?, ?julgamento?, ?constru??o de identidade coletiva? e ?fantasia? para aqueles que declaram nunca ter feito tal uso. A triangula??o dos dados nos permite destacar a representa??o do ?anonimato? em coro com as narrativas de busca por uma constru??o de identidade coletiva como potente agenciamento coletivo, tomando o uso de m?scaras como distanciamento do indiv?duo em favor da identidade de grupo. Conclu?mos em debate com a teoria, que os atuais protestos e manifesta??es no Brasil apresentam multiplicidades de afetos em torno do comum, colocando na cena brasileira esta nova forma aut?noma de fazer pol?tica: dos espa?os que criam aos instrumentos e ?s linguagens que utilizam, at? as rela??es entre quem est? atuando, de forma que ocultar o rosto pode ser menos uma prote??o da individualidade e mais um ato de constru??o do pertencimento, da partilha de outro signo, mais social

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