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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zivilgesellschaftliche Perspektiven vernetzten Arbeitens bei der Entwicklung einer digitalen Erinnerungskultur

Kühne, Jonas, Gerstner-Nitschke, Sven, Struwe, Jens, Gaitzsch, Dieter, Kley, Tobias 16 September 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Citizen Science und Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) – Gemeinsam zu offenen Daten und Infrastrukturen

Moeller, Katrin 16 September 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Verbrannte Orte: Idee, Ziele und Entwicklungen des Citizen-Science-Projekts zu den Bücherverbrennungen 1933

Schenck, Jan 16 September 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Can Street View technology enhance the reliability of distribution data for monitoring invasive species? / Kan Street View-teknologi förbättra tillförligheten av distributionsdata för övervakning av invasiva arter?

Jutström, Joxer January 2024 (has links)
Many municipalities around Sweden use public access spatial data from Artportalen to track and fight invasive species, but anyone can upload data to Artportalen and not all of it becomes verified. They could potentially enhance their efforts by incorporating street view technology for more reliable data. One municipality that uses Artportalen data is Jönköping, which suffers from Reynoutria japonica. I randomly selected 50 areas around Jönköping with reports of R. japonica and went through them using Street View. The purpose of this study is to test if Street View can be used to improve the reliability of Artportalen data and if it can fully replace other methods to do so. I counted each individual of R. japonica I could identify and compared it to the number of reports in each area. Among the 50 areas only 26 were reachable in Google Street View and some plants were impossible to identify if they were R. japonica or not. When looking at the areas that could be reached it showed no difference between Reports in Artportalen and what was found in Street View if you included the unidentifiable plants. When excluding unidentified plants or when including areas that could not be reached it showed a significant difference. Using Google Street View to complement Artportalen data for R. japonica comes with benefits and limitations. Many areas were impossible to reach, but where accessible, it proved effective in identifying misreports and finding unreported plants without the need to visit the location. Street View data can enhance the reliability of distribution data used for monitoring invasive species without ever needing to travel, however it cannot fully replace other methods of enhancement and for the best reliability, a combination of Street View and on-site visits is necessary. / Många kommuner runt om i Sverige använder offentligt tillgängliga geodata från Artportalen för att spåra och bekämpa invasiva arter, men vem som helst kan ladda upp data till Artportalen och inte all data blir verifierad. Kommunerna skulle potentiellt kunna förbättra sina insatser genom att använda Street View teknologi för att få mer tillförlitliga data. En kommun som använder sig av data från Artportalen är Jönköping, som lider av den invasiva växten Reynoutria japonica. Syftet med den här rapporten är att testa om Street View kan användas för att komplimentera data från Artportalen och om det kan helt byta ut andra metoder att göra samma sak. Jag valde slumpmässigt ut 50 områden runt Jönköping med rapporter om R. japonica och gick igenom dem med Street View. Jag räknade varje individ av R. japonica jag kunde identifiera och jämförde det med antalet rapporter i varje område. Bland de 50 områdena var det bara 26 som kunde nås med Google Street View och vissa växter var omöjliga att identifiera om de var R. japonica eller inte. När man tittade på de områden som kunde nås visade det ingen skillnad i antal växter mellan rapporterna i Artportalen och vad som hittades i Street View om man inkluderade de oidentifierbara växterna. När man exkluderade oidentifierade växter eller när man inkluderade områden som inte kunde nås visade det en signifikant skillnad. Att använda Google Street View för att komplettera Artportalen-data för R. japonica har både fördelar och begränsningar. Många områden var omöjliga att nå, men där de var 2 tillgängliga visade det sig effektivt för att identifiera felrapporter och hitta orapporterade växter utan att behöva besöka platsen. Street View-data kan förbättra tillförlitligheten av distributionsdata som används för att övervaka invasiva arter utan att man någonsin behöver resa, men det kan inte fullt byta ut andra metoder att öka tillförlighet och för bästa resultat är en kombination av Street View och platsbesök nödvändig.

Libraries as Enablers of Citizen Science : A Proposed Framework for Collaboration between Libraries and Professional Scientists

Rabe, Anna-Karin January 2024 (has links)
Objective: The purpose of this study is to identify how libraries and professional scientists can collaborate to enable citizen science, and what value libraries generate by taking part. The study also sets out to develop a framework that can be applied when designing and analyzing such collaboration.  Method: A qualitative and interpretative case study where significant design features, success factors, challenges, and outcomes are captured through interviews with representatives from research libraries, public libraries, and science teams in four citizen science projects. The empiric data is explored through reflexive thematic analysis and further investigated in a comparative analysis. The combined findings are then mapped with a framework for cross-sector collaboration (CFCR). Results: The study indicates that this type of collaboration is need-based and characterized by flexibility, shared goals, mutual benefits, manageable tasks, and shared resources. Additionally, it benefits from internal and external partnerships. Common identified challenges are lack of resources, different agendas, coordination issues, and change management. The findings demonstrate the impact of organizational context and indicate that libraries already largely have the required competence to enable citizen science. Libraries generate value by offering increased outreach/communication, space/training/tools, project design and by acting as gate-ways/intermediators. Libraries gain value in the form of access to scientists, visitor attraction, and future rele-vance. The study results in a proposed framework for citizen science collaboration between libraries and pro-fessional scientists. Conclusion: Research/academic libraries and public libraries are well-positioned to enable citizen science through collaboration with professional scientists, external actors, and with each other. This requires common strategies, clear goals, shared resources, and an ability to adapt to changing needs and circumstances. Libraries can generate and gain value from taking part, especially in the form of greater outreach and future relevance. / Syfte: Att undersöka hur bibliotek och forskare kan samarbeta för att möjliggöra medborgarforskning, och vilken typ av värde bibliotek kan skapa genom att delta i denna typa va projekt. En ytterligare ambition är att utveckla ett ramverk som kan användas vid utformning och analys av denna typ av samarbete. Metod: En kvalitativ, interpretativ fallstudie som identifierar signifikanta designelement, framgångsfaktorer, utmaningar och värden. Empirisk data samlas in genom intervjuer med representanter från forskningsbibliotek, folkbibliotek och forskningsteam i fyra medborgarforskningsprojekt. Källmaterialet undersöks genom tematisk analys och utforskas vidare i en jämförande analys. Det samlade analysresultatet jämförs därefter med ett ramverk för tvärsektoriellt samarbete (CFCR). Resultat: Studien visar att denna typ av samarbete är behovsbaserat och präglas av flexibilitet, gemensamma mål, ömsesidig nytta, hanterbara arbetsuppgifter och gemensamma resurser. Det gynnas också av interna och externa samarbeten. Vanliga utmaningar är resursbrist, olika prioriteringar, samordningsproblem och förändringsledning. Resultaten visar också att samarbetet påverkas av organisatorisk kontext, och att bibliotek till stor del redan har den kompetens som krävs för att möjliggöra medborgarforskning. Bibliotek kan skapa värde genom att erbjuda utökad räckvidd/kommunikation, fysisk plats/utbildning/verktyg, projektdesign, samt genom att fungera som brygga/förmedlare. Biblioteken kan vinna värde i form av forskartillgång, attraktionskraft och möjligheten att bibehålla sin relevans. Analysen resulterar i ett föreslaget ramverk för samarbeten mellan bibliotek och forskare inom området medborgarforskning. Slutsatser: Forskningsbibliotek och folkbibliotek har goda förutsättningar att möjliggöra medborgarforskning genom att samarbeta med forskare, externa aktörer, och med varandra. Det kräver tydliga strategier och mål, delade resurser och förmåga att anpassa sig till nya behov och omständigheter. Genom att delta i denna typ av samarbete kan bibliotek både skapa och vinna värde, i synnerhet i form av utökad räckvidd och framtida relevans.

Medborgarforskning inom biologisk mångfald på kommunal nivå : En fallstudie i Tierps kommun / Citizen science within biodiversity at a municipal level : A case study in Tierps kommun

Ekroth, Tobias, Sanne, Tom, Wennergren, Oliver January 2024 (has links)
Hastigheten för globalt utdöende är betydligt högre nu jämfört med den förmänskliga tiden, och utan åtgärder kommer utdöendet att accelerera. Detta medför ett stort ansvar på beslutsfattare som måste agera i förhållande till detta. Därför är det viktigt att kunna följa upp den biologiska mångfalden för att ta strategiska beslut, något som endast sker i begränsad skala på kommunal nivå i Sverige. Vidare finns det mycket medborgardata kring artrikedom, där frivilliga medborgare rapporterar fynd de gjort i databasen Artportalen. Möjligheten att utnyttja denna typ av data undersöks i denna fallstudie av Tierps kommun, där trenden för den biologiska mångfalden undersöktes. Därefter användes hypotesprövning för att kvantifiera osäkerheten i de resultat som framtogs. Däremot hävdar flera forskare att det finns utmaningar med att använda sådan data, därför ämnade denna studie även att undersöka dessa problem med den använda datan. Därmed togs det fram kompletterande information om plats, tid och arter för att analysera detta. Studien visade en övergripande negativ trend för den biologiska mångfalden i Tierps kommun, vilket validerades av hypotesprövningen. Gällande problemen som undersöktes kunde det konstateras att många fynd var centrerade runt särskilda platser, månader och arter, vilket begränsar möjligheten att dra säkra slutsatser gällande hela den biologiska mångfalden i kommunen. Sammanfattningsvis kunde det konstateras att de resultat som framtogs skulle behöva kompletteras av annan data alternativt av andra tillvägagångssätt. / The rate of global extinction is significantly higher today compared to the prehuman times, and without action, the extinction will accelerate. This means that there is great pressure on decision-makers to take action. It is therefore important to monitor biodiversity to make strategic decisions, something that municipalities in Sweden only do at a limited scale. At the same time, there are loads of citizen science data on species richness, where unsolicited citizens report their findings in the database Artportalen. The opportunity to utilize this type of data is explored in this case study of Tierps kommun, where the trend of biodiversity is examined. Additionally, hypothesis testing was used to quantify the uncertainty in the results. However, several scientists claim that there are challenges using such data, therefore this study also aimed to explore these. To do this, complementary information regarding time, space and species were gathered and analyzed. The results indicated that a general negative trend could be identified in biodiversity for the municipality of Tierp, which was validated with the hypothesis testing. Regarding the problems that were examined, it could be ascertained that most of the discoveries were limited to specific places, months and species, which limits the possibility to draw certain conclusions regarding the entire biodiversity in the municipality. In conclusion, it could be stated that the results that were produced need to be complemented by other data, alternatively by other methods.

Les rapports entre les amateurs et les professionnels dans les sciences participatives basées sur Internet : une exploration de Foldit

Vidal, Ricardo 08 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche explore les rapports entre les amateurs et les professionnels scientifiques dans Foldit, une expérience de science participative sur Internet. Foldit est un jeu vidéo en ligne qui permet aux participants de trouver la façon dont les protéines se plient. Amateurs et professionnels de la science ont traversé une longue route colorée de partenariats et de démarcations. À l'heure actuelle, cette démarche se voit complexifiée par un environnement numérique qui relève le phénomène de la participation et la montée de la figure de l'amateur, notamment dans la production de connaissance. Si cette participation sur la Toile est considérée, par certains courants de pensée, comme le germe d'une nouvelle économie voire d'une nouvelle société (Benkler, 2006 ; Bauwens, 2012b), elle est aussi dénoncée par l'approche critique du capitalisme informationnel, comme une sorte de travail immatériel non rémunéré soumis à des relations d'exploitation (Moulier Boutang, 2007 ; Pasquinelli, 2010). Dans ce contexte, ce mémoire propose une exploration des sciences participatives, afin d'examiner les rapports qui s'établissent entre les acteurs de ces expériences productrices de connaissance et de données immatérielles. Ces rapports s'expriment à travers les échanges qui se déroulent sur le site web Foldit. La méthodologie qualitative mise en oeuvre a été complétée par l'observation de terrain et les entretiens semi-structurés avec des participants-joueurs et des membres de l'équipe scientifique du jeu. Les rapports trouvés dans Foldit se révèlent contextualisés, performatifs et sont façonnés par les compétences mises en jeu par les acteurs. Des rapports d'asymétrie, de coopération et de négociation sont repérés dans Foldit. Cette recherche veut contribuer ainsi à une meilleure compréhension des collectifs présents sur Internet ainsi que des rapports établis entre eux. / This project explores the relationships between amateur and professional scientists within Foldit, a participatory science project on the Internet. Foldit is an online game in which participants fold proteins in novel ways. The long history of cooperation and differentiation between amateurs and professionals in science is becoming increasingly complex in digital environments as « amateur » participation gains in importance and is channelled by Web-based platforms, notably in the production of knowledge. While participation on the Web is considered by some as providing the seeds of a new economy or even a new society (Benkler, 2006; Bauwens, 2012b), others associated with a critical approach to informational capitalism, decry this type of participation as unpaid immaterial labour, carried out in a relation of exploitation (Moulier Boutang, 2007; Pasquinelli, 2010). In this context, my thesis proposes an exploration of participatory science, with a view to examining the relationships that develop between the different actors involved in these knowledge - and data - production exercises. We identify these relationships between the members through analysis of the exchanges that they produce on the site. This qualitative research also draws on observation, and semi-structured interviews with both amateur players and members of the Foldit team. We conclude by proposing a performative view of the development of relationships in Foldit, which prove to be highly dependent upon contextual factors and shaped to a large extent by the skills of the various actors. In the particular context of the New Chapter, negotiations are marked by both asymmetry and cooperation. This research helps develop a better understanding of the development and maintenance of relationships in online collectives.

L’infrastructure de la science citoyenne : le cas eBird

Paniagua, Alejandra 04 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche explore comment l’infrastructure et les utilisations d’eBird, l’un des plus grands projets de science citoyenne dans le monde, se développent et évoluent dans le temps et l’espace. Nous nous concentrerons sur le travail d’eBird avec deux de ses partenaires latino-américains, le Mexique et le Pérou, chacun avec un portail Web géré par des organisations locales. eBird, qui est maintenant un grand réseau mondial de partenariats, donne occasion aux citoyens du monde entier la possibilité de contribuer à la science et à la conservation d’oiseaux à partir de ses observations téléchargées en ligne. Ces observations sont gérées et gardées dans une base de données qui est unifiée, globale et accessible pour tous ceux qui s’intéressent au sujet des oiseaux et sa conservation. De même, les utilisateurs profitent des fonctionnalités de la plateforme pour organiser et visualiser leurs données et celles d’autres. L’étude est basée sur une méthodologie qualitative à partir de l’observation des plateformes Web et des entrevues semi-structurées avec les membres du Laboratoire d’ornithologie de Cornell, l’équipe eBird et les membres des organisations partenaires locales responsables d’eBird Pérou et eBird Mexique. Nous analysons eBird comme une infrastructure qui prend en considération les aspects sociaux et techniques dans son ensemble, comme un tout. Nous explorons aussi à la variété de différents types d’utilisation de la plateforme et de ses données par ses divers utilisateurs. Trois grandes thématiques ressortent : l’importance de la collaboration comme une philosophie qui sous-tend le développement d’eBird, l’élargissement des relations et connexions d’eBird à travers ses partenariats, ainsi que l’augmentation de la participation et le volume des données. Finalement, au fil du temps on a vu une évolution des données et de ses différentes utilisations, et ce qu’eBird représente comme infrastructure. / This research explores the evolution of the infrastructure and uses of eBird, one of the world’s largest citizen science projects. It concentrates on the work of eBird with two of its local partners in Latin America who manage regional portals in Mexico and Peru. eBird allows users throughout the world to contribute their observations of birds online and so to advance the case of science and conservation. These observations are stored and managed in a unified, global database that is freely accessible to all who are interested in birds and their conservation. Participants can use the platform’s various functionalities to organize and visualize their data as well as that of others. The research follows a qualitative methodology based on observation of the eBird platform and on interviews with members of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, the eBird team and members of local organizations responsible for eBird in Peru and Mexico. We analyze eBird as an infrastructure whose technical and social sides are interrelated and need to be examined simultaneously. We also explore how the eBird team conceives the uses of the eBird platform and the data it contains. Three major themes emerge: the philosophy of collaboration underlying the development of eBird, the extension and diversification of eBird through its network of partnerships and a corresponding increase in both participation and volume of data. Finally, we also observe an evolution in the type and variety of uses for eBird observations and the eBird infrastructure itself.

Biofonia : A citizen science service to monitor biodiversity

Toriseva, Jenni January 2016 (has links)
An increasing amount of both physical and mental layers keep distancing urban dwellers from the biophysical envi- ronment that we often call nature. Environmental psycholo- gists have coined the term ‘extinction of experience’ to de- scribe the decreasing amount of encounters urban dwellers have with the natural environment. With the depletion of these experiences we have less relation to the natural world. And what we cannot relate to, we find hard to value. The intent has been to explore new ways urban dwelling adults could interact with the natural environment in order to help them relate to the abstract notion of biodiversity. The final concept is inspired by expert and user insights gathered through ethnographic research methods. The resulting design concept is a service and product eco- system that is based in the field of soundscape ecology.

Ciência cidadã para o monitoramento participativo de biótopos de substrato consolidado em unidades de conservação marinhas

Kawabe, Larissa de Araújo January 2018 (has links)
Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Natalia Pirani Ghilardi-Lopes / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Evolução e Diversidade, São Bernardo do Campo, 2018. / Apesar da importância do monitoramento das unidades de conservação (UCs) marinhas, problemas logísticos e orçamentários dificultam sua realização e, consequentemente, a gestão efetiva dessas áreas. Por isso, é necessária a busca por alternativas de baixo custo que possam auxiliar nessas questões. A abordagem por biótopos associada à ciência cidadã mostra-se adequada para o monitoramento de comunidades marinhas bentônicas por possibilitar extensa amostragem em curto período de tempo e com baixo custo, além de integrar cidadãos ativamente em produções de conhecimento. Essa pode ser uma ferramenta interessante para o monitoramento de UCs marinhas; porém, é importante que a elaboração do protocolo de monitoramento e sua validação sejam realizadas considerando-se as recomendações da literatura. Nesse sentido, este trabalho se propôs a (1) avaliar o status dos protocolos de ciência cidadã para bentos marinho e costeiro no mundo e (2) a propor, aplicar e validar o uso da ciência cidadã associada à abordagem por biótopos como uma ferramenta para o monitoramento de comunidades bentônicas em UCs marinhas. Para isso, realizamos o levantamento e comparação da estrutura de protocolos de ciência cidadã para bentos costeiro e marinho, incluindo o protocolo proposto no presente estudo. Apesar da maioria dos projetos encontrados apresentarem várias das características recomendadas pela literatura, seus principais interesses são a coleta de dados e os resultados oriundos destes, ficando a educação dos CCs, sua inclusão no processo de desenvolvimento do protocolo e sua avaliação em segundo plano. Sugerimos que os protocolos considerem a educação científica e ambiental dos CCs como um objetivo a ser atingido, e nosso protocolo leva tais ideias em consideração. Para embasar a elaboração do nosso protocolo, realizamos um levantamento prévio dos biótopos de um trecho do infralitoral consolidado da Ilha das Palmas (Estação Ecológica Tupinambás, Ubatuba/SP). Nesse levantamento, foram identificados 20 biótopos e três animais vágeis associados em apenas um mergulho. Também foram detectados organismos invasores e a dominância de tapetes na área de estudo. Isso é um demonstrativo de que a caracterização de comunidades marinhas bentônicas utilizando o método visual por biótopos pode agilizar a identificação de possíveis impactos negativos e a realização de planos de prevenção ou mitigação dos mesmos. Cientistas cidadãos (CCs) voluntários foram capacitados no uso do protocolo, que foi dividido em duas etapas: (1) a coleta de dados, que consistiu de registros fotográficos padronizados do costão rochoso; e (2) o processamento das fotografias, que consistiu da identificação (ID) dos biótopos nas fotos em um curso presencial. As fotos obtidas durante a Etapa 1 estão disponíveis na plataforma Zooniverse, através do projeto Monitore Tupinambás (https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/larissakawabe/monitore-tupinambas), no qual qualquer voluntário pode contribuir com as análises, seguindo o tutorial disponível. A avaliação educacional da pesquisa, realizada através de questionários pré e pós-atividade, mostrou principalmente que houve mudanças de percepção dos CCs em relação ao ambiente estudado. Para a validação dos dados da Etapa 2, comparamos as IDs dos biótopos realizadas pelas pesquisadoras (grupo controle) e CCs (grupo experimental), analisando a precisão e acurácia das respostas. Apesar das limitações inerentes do método utilizado (ID por foto) e das necessidades de modificação do protocolo identificadas por CCs e pesquisadoras; os resultados de acurácia e precisão foram comparáveis aos de outros trabalhos similares, demonstrando que esse protocolo, o primeiro a ser desenvolvido com foco em bentos marinho no Brasil, é uma ferramenta promissora para o monitoramento participativo e de longo prazo das UCs marinhas do país, auxiliando na gestão dessas áreas e na educação ambiental e científica dos cidadãos participantes. / Despite the importance of monitoring the marine protected areas (MPAs), logistical and budgetary problems make it difficult to carry out and, consequently, affect the effective management of these areas. Therefore, it is necessary to search for low-cost alternatives that could help with these issues. The biotope approach associated with citizen science could be interesting for the monitoring of marine benthic communities because it allows extensive sampling in a relatively short period of time and at low cost. At the same time, citizens are integrated as active contributors in the knowledge production. This can be an interesting tool for the MPA monitoring; however, it is important that the elaboration of the monitoring protocol and its validation consider the literature recommendations. In this sense, this work aimed to (1) evaluate the status of citizen science protocols for marine and coastal benthos in the world and (2) to propose, apply and validate the use of citizen science associated with the biotope approach as a tool for monitoring benthic communities in MPAs. For this, we conducted a survey and comparison of the structure of citizen science protocols for coastal and marine benthos, including the protocol proposed in the present study. Although most of the projects found present several of the characteristics recommended by the literature, their main interests are the data collection and their results, being the education of citizen scientists, their inclusion in the protocol development process and their evaluation in the background. We suggest that the protocols consider the scientific and environmental education of citizen scientists as a goal to be achieved, and our protocol takes such ideas into account. To support the elaboration of our protocol, we carried out a preliminary biotopes survey of a consolidated subtidal section of the Ilha das Palmas (Tupinambás Ecological Station, Ubatuba/SP). In this survey, 20 biotopes and three associated animals were identified in only one dive. Invasive organisms and carpet dominance were also detected in the study area. This is a demonstration that the benthic marine communities characterization using the biotope visual method can speed up the identification of possible negative impacts and the implementation of prevention or mitigation plans. Volunteer citizen scientists were trained in the use of the protocol, which was divided into two steps: (1) data collection, which consisted of standardized photographic records of the rocky reef; and (2) the processing of the photographs, which consisted of identification (ID) of the biotopes in the photos in a classroom course. The photos obtained during Stage 1 are available on the Zooniverse platform through the Monitore Tupinambás project (https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/larissakawabe/monitore-tupinambas), in which any volunteer can contribute to the analyzes, following the tutorial available. The educational evaluation of the research, performed through pre and post-activity questionnaires, showed mainly that there were changes in perception of citizen scientists in relation to the studied environment. For the data validation of Stage 2, we compared the biotope IDs performed by the researchers (control group) and citizen scientists (experimental group), analyzing their accuracy and precision. Despite the inherent limitations of the method used (ID per photo) and the identification by citizen scientists and researchers of protocol modification needs; the results of accuracy and precision were comparable to those of other similar studies, demonstrating that this protocol, the first developed with a focus on marine benthos in Brazil, is a promising tool for the participatory and long-term monitoring of the country's MPA, assisting in the management of these areas and in the environmental and scientific education of the citizens scientists.

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